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The ARRL Letter Vol. 26, No. 37 September 14, 2007 *************** IN THIS EDITION: * + Candidate for ARRL Southwestern Division Director Disqualified; Norton Declared Re-Elected * + Hurricane Humberto Causes Havoc on Gulf Coast * + Look for the October Issue of QST in Your Mailbox * + Nominating Petitions for ARRL Section Manager Candidates Sought * + ARRL/TAPR Conference Lists Speaker Schedule * + 1296 MHz WAS #1 Awarded to Texas Ham * Solar Update * IN BRIEF: This Weekend on the Radio ARRL Continuing Education Course Registration + Radio Appreciation Day is September 15 + Representative Ross (D-AR), WD5DVR, Attends ARRL Arkansas State Convention ARRL Helps MFJ Celebrate 35 Year Anniversary ARISS Update FCC Job Announcement Let Us Know +Available on ARRL Audio News http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/audio/ ================================================== ========= ==Delivery problems: First see FAQ http://www.arrl.org/members-only/faq.html#nodelivery, then e-mail ==Editorial questions or comments only: S. Khrystyne Keane, ================================================== ========= == CANDIDATE FOR ARRL SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION DIRECTOR DISQUALIFIED; NORTON DECLARED RE-ELECTED Carl Gardenias, WU6D, the challenger seeking the position of ARRL Southwestern Division Director, was declared disqualified Thursday by the ARRL Ethics and Elections Committee. Gardenias was running against incumbent Richard "Dick" Norton, N6AA. Due to the disqualification, the Committee has declared Norton re-elected. According to ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ, writing on behalf of the Committee, an e-mail signed by "Cathy K6VC, Newsletter editor" was sent on behalf of Orange Section Manager Carl Gardenias to ARRL Orange Section newsletter editors and Web masters, among others, on September 1 regarding the Southwestern Division election for Director and Vice Director. The e-mail encouraged "ARRL Full members to vote and vote wisely" in the upcoming election. Recipients were also asked to encourage clubs to "post to their websites and into their newsletter information regarding each candidate," and went on to list information, including e-mail addresses and campaign Web sites, for the two Director candidates and four candidates for Vice Director. Cathy Gardenias, K6VC, is Assistant Section Manager for the ARRL Orange Section and the wife of Carl Gardenias. The information given in Cathy Gardenias' e-mail was incorrect, in that the e-mail address for Norton was wrong. The e-mail also stated that Norton and Vice Director candidate Marty Woll, N6VI, did not have campaign Web sites, when in fact they did. Cathy Gardenias' e-mail went on to say that "Since all candidates are listed with e-mails and websites if they have one, there is no show of favoritism or bias. Please vote. Approved by the ARRL k1zz." The ARRL Ethics and Elections Committee received a complaint regarding the misinformation and concluded that the email violated the standard of "truthful and not misleading" that applies to candidates' mailings. It instructed Sumner to notify Carl Gardenias that "a correction must be circulated to everyone who received the incorrect information, i.e. everyone on the above distribution list and anyone else to whom it may have been sent." Carl Gardenias was also told that should he "become aware of any postings of the original, uncorrected item, you should immediately endeavor to have them corrected or removed." Specific language for the correction was supplied by the committee. It was to list correct e-mail addresses for each candidate, including Norton, and to supply the Web site addresses for Norton and Woll that had been missing from the original message. It was to further state, "Finally, the item was NOT approved by the ARRL or K1ZZ, as incorrectly stated," and that "The Orange Section regrets the errors and apologizes to those affected." Carl Gardenias acknowledged receipt of Sumner's September 5 e-mail. On September 7, having seen no evidence of compliance with the Committee's directive, Sumner sent him another e-mail, asking for a copy of the correction that Gardenias was supposed to have sent out. Gardenias replied via e-mail, "OK on Monday we are at the convention," meaning the ARRL Southwestern Division Convention. Since that response, Gardenias has not communicated with Sumner, "nor has any evidence of your compliance with the committee's orders been received," according to an e-mail Sumner sent Gardenias September 13. In that e-mail, Sumner reminded Gardenias that he was previously advised that "candidates' statements 'must be truthful and not misleading, which matters will be conclusively determined by the Election Committee.' The standard of truth applies to all mailings by a candidate. The email that was sent on your behalf on September 1 violated this standard, as documented in my September 5 message. You failed to follow the instructions of the Ethics and Elections Committee to make a timely correction, although you had ample opportunity to do so." Sumner advised Gardenias that he has "been disqualified as a candidate for the office of Director of the Southwestern Division. Your name will not appear on the ballot." Since Dick Norton is the only eligible candidate, Sumner said, the Committee has declared him re-elected. == HURRICANE HUMBERTO CAUSES HAVOC ON GULF COAST Hurricane Humberto, a Category 1 hurricane and the first hurricane to make landfall in the US in two years, came ashore in Texas on Thursday, September 13 not even 50 miles from where Hurricane Rita hit in 2005. Stronger than initially expected, Humberto continued eastward toward Louisiana and Mississippi, where flood warnings were in effect. In response to Humberto, several ARES groups were activated. According to Brazoria County Emergency Coordinator Terry Bowersmith, W5SRG, Brazoria County (Texas) ARES activated a complex Net at 6 PM Wednesday, involving repeaters in Freeport and Alvin. One member was dispatched to the Brazoria County Emergency Operations Center, and another to the Pearland EOC, while others remained in "standby ready condition. By 9 PM, Humberto had cleared Brazoria County with little rain and no damage, so we secured the operation," according to Bowersmith. ARRL Louisiana Section Emergency Coordinator Gary Stratton, K5GLS, said Alan Levine, WA5LQZ, District Emergency Coordinator for Southwest Louisiana, reported minimal flood damage in his area, and little wind damage. "About three spans of power lines down in this area but should be repaired within a few hours. The weather has cleared that area and will continue along a projected path across central Louisiana and Northwest Mississippi today," Stratton said. "We were lucky that the system spawned offshore and moved inland quickly as a minimal hurricane." Orange County (Texas) Emergency Coordinator Rocky Wilson, N5MTX, reported that as of Thursday, Orange County had a "massive power outage"; all schools are closed, as are most retail stores and businesses, until power can be restored, expected sometime on Saturday, September 15. "Most petrochemical facilities are shut down due to no power," Wilson said. Many oil refineries are located on the Texas Gulf Coast. Humberto didn't even exist until Wednesday, only becoming a tropical storm that afternoon, strengthening from a tropical depression with 35 MPH winds, to a hurricane with 85 MPH winds in just 18 hours. Only three other storms have pulled off a similar feat, growing from depression to hurricane in 18 hours -- Blanche in 1969, Harvey in 1981 and Alberto in 1982 -- but all of them were out at sea at the time, not about to crash ashore like Humberto. A Bridge City, Texas man died when the carport at his home collapsed on him; Bridge City is between Port Arthur and Orange. == LOOK FOR THE OCTOBER ISSUE OF QST IN YOUR MAILBOX The October issue of QST is jam-packed with all sorts of things today's Amateur Radio operator needs. From product reviews to experiments to contesting, the upcoming issue of QST has something for just about everyone. This issue features the results of the 2007 QST Photo Contest. The ARRL Editorial and Production staff judged the nearly 50 entries and chose the best ones to be published in the magazine and in other ARRL products. Norm Fusaro, W3IZ, Assistant Manager for ARRL's Membership and Volunteer Programs Department, reviewed the Yaesu FT-2000D HF and 6 meter transceiver. According to the ARRL Lab test results, "The FT-2000D offers 200 W of transmitter power or a cleaner 75 W in Class A mode. It's similar to the base model FT-2000 in other respects, with a lot of flexibility that rewards the operator who takes the time to learn about and test its many features and settings." There is also a report from the Lab describing the changes to the way ARRL conducts receiver testing. Robert Conway, KA0VAN, tells of ways to put retired public service radios to use on 2 meters. Alan Applegate, K0BG, warns that using the wrong size fuse can damage your rig, and offers ways to make sure you have the correct fuse for the job. Kai Siwiak, KE4PT, finds a way to get around antenna restrictions by putting up an all-band attic antenna. For all you contesters out there, the results of the 2007 ARRL International DX Phone Contest are in. Did you top your score from last year? How did your closest rival do? Find out all this and more in the recap by H. Ward Silver, N0AX. Also, find out about the upcoming School Club Roundup and 2007 ARRL November Sweepstakes Contest. Look for your October issue of QST in your mailbox. QST is the official journal of ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio. QST is just one of the many benefits of ARRL membership. To join or renew your ARRL membership, please see the ARRL Web page http://www.arrl.org/join. == NOMINATING PETITIONS FOR ARRL SECTION MANAGER CANDIDATES SOUGHT The ARRL Membership and Volunteer Services Department has announced that nominating petitions for Section Managers are currently being accepted until December 7 for the following Sections: Eastern New York, Eastern Pennsylvania, Louisiana, North Carolina, Pacific, San Diego, South Dakota and Virginia. To be considered a valid nominating petition, it must be signed by no fewer than five full ARRL members who live in the Section concerned; photocopied signatures are not acceptable. Any candidate for the office of Section Manager must be a resident of the Section, an Amateur Radio licensee of Technician class or higher and a full member of the League for a continuous term of at least two years immediately preceding receipt of a nominating petition. If more than one member is nominated in a single Section, ballots will be mailed from Headquarters on or before January 2, 2008, to full members of record as of December 7, 2007, which is the closing date for nominations. Returns will be counted February 19, 2008. Section Managers elected as a result of the above procedure will take office April 1, 2008. If only one petition is received from a Section, that nominee shall be declared elected without opposition for a two-year term beginning April 1, 2008. For more information on this election, please see page 76 in the October issue of QST. == ARRL/TAPR CONFERENCE LISTS SPEAKER SCHEDULE The ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference, scheduled for September 28-30 in Hartford, Connecticut, has released its slate of speakers. The three-day conference is an international forum for radio amateurs to meet, publish their work and present new ideas and techniques. Presenters and attendees will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and learn about recent hardware and software advances, theories, experimental results and practical applications. Registration for the DCC is still open and will be available at the door. Friday's speakers include Bob Bruniga, WB4APR, speaking about "The APRS Local Voice Repeater Initiative"; Ev Tupin, W2EV, speaking about "Growing APRS' Value within the Emergency First Responder Community"; Paul D. Wiedemeier, PhD, KE5LKY, will talk about "Performance Modeling of TCP and UDP over Packet Radio Networks Using the ns-2 Network Simulator"; ARRL Chief Technology Officer Paul Rinaldo, W4RI, will speak about "Results of HF Digital Protocol Survey"; Mel Whitten, K0PFX, will speak about "DRMDV for HF"; Bob McGwire, N4HY, is talking about "NUE-PSK31: A Digital Modem for PSK31 Field Operation Without Using a PC," and Bill Tracy, KD5TFD, will give an HPSDR update. Saturday's line-up starts off with Steven Bible, N7HPR, and Robert McGwier, N4HY, giving an update on SuitSat-2; McGwier will also speak on AMSAT's Phase IV and "On a Method for Automatic Image Balancing in IQ Mixer Based Software Defined Receivers," as well as sharing presenting duties with Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR, with "The Flex 5000 and SDR Software." Roderick D. Mitchell, KL1Y, will speak about "The Integration of Amateur Radio and 802.11"; Martin Ewing, AA6E, will present "SurgeForge, Hamlib and Rigserve: Free Beer, Free Speech and Rig Control"; Frank Brickle, PhD, AB2KT, will talk on "The FSM Virtual Radio Kernel: Why, What and How (in that order)"; John A. Hansen, W2FS, will speak about "The Nordic nRF2401 Single Chip Data Transceiver," and Hank Javin and Jerry Newman will present "Transmission Lines, Parameters and Application in Communications Systems." Two introductory forums are also scheduled on Saturday: Intro to Eagle CAD, given by Dan Welch, W6DFW, and Intro to HF Digital, given by Steve Ford, WB8IMY. The TAPR annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday afternoon. Sunday's Seminar, a four-hour presentation led by McGwier on the topic of "A Stroll through Software Radio, Information Theory and Some Applications" will cover the basic building blocks of a simple software radio system, as well as a discussion of information theory and its practical use in communication systems. As time permits, McGwier plans to demonstrate several software radio systems ranging from the Softrock40 to the GnuRadio/USRP and the Flex5000. Attendees will receive packages containing tutorials and software. For more information on the ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference, please see the conference Web site http://www.tapr.org/dcc. == 1296 MHZ WAS #1 AWARDED TO TEXAS HAM Al Ward, W5LUA, of Allen, Texas, is the first person to achieve the ARRL's Worked All States (WAS) on 1296 MHz, making him 1296 MHz WAS #1. Ward first started on his pursuit January 25, 1977, with his first 1296 MHz contact with Leroy May, W5HN (SK). His 30 year quest ended last week, with confirmed contacts with Wyoming, Utah and Idaho, giving Ward his last three needed states, thanks to Paul Perryman's, WA5WCP, EME DXpedition. "I couldn't have done this without Paul," Ward said. "Also, thanks to Ron Roche, K0ALL, and Barry Malowanchuk, VE4MA, in North Dakota for number 47 in August. Without them, it just wouldn't have been possible." After collecting his 50th QSL card, Ward drove from his home in Texas to Little Rock, Arkansas so ARRL President Joel Harrison, W5ZN, could verify his cards and complete his WAS paperwork. "Verifying QSL cards from 30 years of activity brought back a lot of memories of several stations active on 1296, many who are Silent Keys now," Harrison said. ==SOLAR UPDATE Tad "Sunspots Cast a Glare in My Eyes" Cook, K7RA, this week reports: The sun has been blank, no visible sunspots, for the past seven days, September 7-13. We may not see another spot until September 22, just before the autumnal equinox. Thursday evening, September 13, Spaceweather.com mentioned a coronal wind hitting earth this evening, September 14. The Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) points south, making the Earth vulnerable to solar wind, but other sources don't call for an increase in geomagnetic activity today. We might assume that a solar wind from 27 to 28 days ago could return at this time, based on the rotation of the Sun relative to Earth. But looking back four weeks does not reveal any heightened activity. Of course, it could be that the IMF pointed north, protecting earth from the coronal wind. Sunspot numbers for September 6 through 12 were 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0 with a mean of 1.7. The 10.7 cm flux was 66.7, 67.1, 66.6, 66.7, 66.9, 66.1 and 65.9 with a mean of 66.6. Estimated planetary A indices were 13, 12, 6, 2, 2, 2 and 2 with a mean of 5.6. Estimated mid-latitude A indices were 8, 10, 3, 2, 2, 2 and 2 with a mean of 4.1. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the ARRL Technical Information Service Propagation page http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/propagation.html. __________________________________ ==IN BRIEF: * This weekend on the radio: This weekend, the ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest is September 15-16. The NCCC Sprint (CW) is September 14 and 15. The SARL VHF/UHF Contest is September 14-16. QRP Afield is September 15. Look for these contests the weekend of September 15-16: Scandinavian Activity Contest (CW), South Carolina QSO Party, Washington State Salmon Run and the QCWA Fall QSO Party. The North American Sprint (SSB) is September 16. The Run for the Bacon QRP Contest and the 144 MHz Fall Sprint are September 17. The NAQCC Straight Key/Bug Sprint is September 20. Next week, the NCCC Sprint (CW) is September 21, while the AGCW VHF/UHF Contest is September 22. The Scandinavian Activity Contest (SSB) and CIS DX Contest are September 22-23. The SKCC Weekend Sprint is September 23 and the 222 MHz Fall Sprint is September 25. See the ARRL Contest Branch page http://www.arrl.org/contests/, the ARRL Contester's Rate Sheet http://www.arrl.org/contests/rate-sheet/ and the WA7BNM Contest Calendar http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/index.html for more info. * ARRL Continuing Education course registration: Registration remains open through Sunday, September 23 for these online courses beginning on Friday, October 5: Technician License Course (EC-010); Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Level 1 (EC-001); Radio Frequency Interference (EC-006); Antenna Design and Construction (EC-009); Analog Electronics (EC-012), and Digital Electronics (EC-013). To learn more, visit the CCE Course Listing page http://www.arrl.org/cce/courses.html or contact the Continuing Education Program Coordinator . * Radio Appreciation Day Is September 15: Amateur Radio operators around the country really don't need a special day to promote Amateur Radio, but Saturday, September 15 has been declared Amateur Radio Public Awareness Day. As part of the Department of Homeland Security's National Preparedness Month, ARRL Public Information Officers (PIOs) are using the day as a way to make the media more aware of our Service and especially its role in emergency communications. The purpose of Amateur Radio Public Awareness Day, held the third Saturday in September, is to make the public more aware of the existence, purposes and benefits of Amateur Radio. ARRL Media and Public Relations Manager Allen Pitts, W1AGP, said, "Through events such as Amateur Radio Public Awareness Day, hams can take the opportunity to tell not only their friends and neighbors about the benefits of the Amateur Radio Service, they can take the opportunity to let the general public know, too. People willing to make face to face contacts are always the best ambassadors we have for Amateur Radio." * Representative Ross (D-AR), WD5DVR, Attends ARRL Arkansas State Convention: Arkansas congressman Mike Ross, WD5DVR, was a featured speaker at the ARRL Arkansas State Convention on Saturday, September 8. Ross, who represents Arkansas' 4th District, spoke about the ham radio legislation he introduced in Congress, the "Emergency Amateur Radio Interference Protection Act of 2007" (HR 462). ARRL Lab Manager Ed Hare, W1RFI, was also at the convention, speaking about BPL. Held at Queen Wilhelmina State Park in Mena, the convention drew hams from several nearby states including Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Mississippi. Ross is one of two licensed amateurs in congress; Greg Walden, W7EQI, of Oregon's 2nd District, is the other. * ARRL Helps MFJ Celebrate 35 Year Anniversary: MFJ Enterprises observed their 35th anniversary with "A Day in the Park" open house September 7-8 at their Starkville, Mississippi headquarters. ARRL Chief Development Officer Mary Hobart, K1MMH, was on hand to help MFJ celebrate, as were Mississippi Section Manager Malcolm Keown, W5XX; ARRL Delta Division Director Henry Leggette, WD4Q, and Starkville Mayor R. Dan Camp. This two-day celebration was filled with tours of MFJ's facilities, a Friday evening bar-b-que and a Saturday fried chicken picnic. MFJ makes Amateur Radio equipment such as tuners, SWR wattmeters, antenna analyzers and power supplies. Martin Jue, K5FLU, founded the company in 1972 while he was still attending graduate school at Mississippi State University. A ham since high school, Jue decided to build products for hams -- his first products were active filters for CW and phone, selling for $9.95 and $12.95, respectively. Thirty-five years later, MFJ features more than 1000 products. * ARISS Update: According to ARRL ARISS Program Manager Rosalie White, K1STO, Clay Anderson, KD5PLA, has started to make general QSOs with hams after signing off after making school QSOs, even turning on packet radio for a while. Anderson will continue making school QSOs until he returns to Earth, currently scheduled for late next month. Due to the schedule on the International Space Station, the crew will be "terribly busy" for the next six months; White said that ARISS QSO totals might be low during this time. The next contacts are scheduled for Monday, September 17 with Mitchell Elementary School in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and Friday, September 21 with Pueblo Magnet High School in Tucson, Arizona. To date, the ARISS program has had 315 Earth-to ISS QSOs. For more information on the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station program, please see the ARISS Web page http://www.rac.ca/ariss/oindex.htm#ARISS%20Status. * FCC Job Announcement: The Federal Communications Commission has announced three job openings for Telecommunications Specialists in their Columbia, Maryland office. Starting salaries range from $55,706-$103,220; relocation assistance is not available. Knowledge of high frequency propagation is a must. To be considered for these full-time, permanent positions, successful applicants must pass a background investigation, be eligible for a security clearance, have US citizenship, pass a drug test and be available for shift work. For more information, please send an e-mail to Diane Graham at the FCC and reference job number DEU-PSHS-2007-0006. The application deadline for these positions is Thursday, September 27. More about this opening can be found on the USAJOBS Web site http://jobsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/get...7&jbf574=FC00& brd=3876&AVSDM=2007%2D09%2D05+00%3A00%3A06&sort=rv &vw=d&Logo=0&FedPub=Y& caller=%2Fagency%5Fsearch%2Easp&FedEmp=N&SUBMIT1.x =51&SUBMIT1.y=2&ss=0&T abNum=1&rc=7. * Let Us Know: What's your favorite part of The ARRL Letter? What kind of stories would you like to see in the Letter? Would you prefer the Letter in an HTML format? This is your Letter and your chance to let your voice be heard. Please send your suggestions to ARRL News Editor S. Khrystyne Keane, K1SFA, at , with the subject line "ARRL Letter Suggestions." All messages will be read and discussed, and we look forward to implementing positive suggestions into the ARRL Letter. ================================================== ========= The ARRL Letter is published Fridays, 50 times each year, by the American Radio Relay League: ARRL--the National Association for Amateur Radio, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111; tel 860-594-0200; fax 860-594-0259; http://www.arrl.org. Joel Harrison, W5ZN, President. The ARRL Letter offers a weekly e-mail digest of essential and general news of interest to active radio amateurs. Visit the ARRL Web site http://www.arrl.org for the latest Amateur Radio news and news updates. The ARRL Web site http://www.arrl.org/ also offers informative features and columns. ARRL Audio News http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/audio/ is a weekly "ham radio newscast" compiled and edited from The ARRL Letter. It's also available as a podcast from our Web site. Material from The ARRL Letter may be republished or reproduced in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit must be given to The ARRL Letter/American Radio Relay League. ==Delivery problems (ARRL member direct delivery only!): ==Editorial questions or comments: S. Khrystyne Keane, K1SFA, ==ARRL News on the Web: http://www.arrl.org ==ARRL Audio News: http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/audio/ or call 860-594-0384 ==How to Get The ARRL Letter The ARRL Letter is available to ARRL members free of charge directly from ARRL HQ. To subscribe, unsubscribe or change your address for e-mail delivery: ARRL members first must register on the Members Only Web Site http://www.arrl.org/members/. You'll have an opportunity during registration to sign up for e-mail delivery of The ARRL Letter, W1AW bulletins, and other material. To change these selections--including delivery of The ARRL Letter--registered members should click on the "Member Data Page" link (in the Members Only box). Click on "Modify membership data," check or uncheck the appropriate boxes and/or change your e-mail address if necessary. (Check "Temporarily disable all automatically sent email" to temporarily stop all e-mail deliveries.) Then, click on "Submit modification" to make selections effective. (NOTE: HQ staff members cannot change your e-mail delivery address. You must do this yourself via the Members Only Web Site.) The ARRL Letter also is available to all, free of charge, from these sources: * ARRLWeb http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/. (NOTE: The ARRL Letter will be posted each Friday when it is distributed via e-mail.) * The QTH.net listserver, thanks to volunteers from the Boston Amateur Radio Club: Visit Mailing http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/letter-list. (NOTE: The ARRL cannot assist subscribers who receive The ARRL Letter via this listserver.) |
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