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This is WIANEWS for week commencing SEPTEMBER 16 2007
LET US REWIND 7 DAYS, back to the broadcast of September 9. ".......'portantly, when you send NATIONAL NEWS an item a couple of "must do's", and these have not changed over the years, just they seem to be forgotten or not passed on to club officers after elections etc. 1/ When you file audio always email us the script. 2/ When supplying script for someone else to read, PLEASE write as you'd expect to hear it! as an example always write in the 3rd person!! (Remember our readers are not you or your club so don't say things like "we are having a working bee... say 'club members' are having a working bee etc etc".) 3/ Don't send us links or photo's of stories , always write out the story in a manner in which it can be read and pasted to our text and audio services. 4/ If you want an item run 3 or more times, write different slants on the item, running the exact same item over and over would be dull/boring and lets face it, if you can't think of anything extra to say, that is probably a good sign that it will end up being a dull event!! 5/ WIA related material, eg BPL if Australian material will only be broadcast after clearance from the WIA unless said item is already in the public domain. 6/ Silent Keys are best sent to AR Magazine and your local state or club news rather than this WIA National News Service. VK4 QSL Manager Here is Ewan McLeod VK4ERM, Vice President of the WIA. The WIA Board has approved the appointment of Ray Crawford VK4HDX as VK4 QSL Bureau manager. The Board acted on the recommendation of the Queensland Advisory Committee, the National QSL Coordinator Neil Penfold VK6NE and the immediate past VK4 QSL Manager Eddie de Young VK4AN. QSL Bureau services are available free to WIA members. Ray Crawford VK4HDX is a member of the WIA, resides at 53 Moore Street Kingaroy QLD 4610 phone (07) 4163 6940. Email: . Ray is an active Dxer and was active in NZART before coming to Australia. His home address is the address which will be circulated as the point for delivery of VK4 Inwards QSL Cards from overseas. Neil Penfold, WIA QSL National Coordinator, has recommended that Ray's home address be the address in future for VK4 QSL Inwards deliveries and hence eventually the present Brisbane Post Office Box will be closed. For outward Bureau Cards, that is cards being sent from WIA members to overseas contacts, Members should send their cards sorted in DX CC country order to the WIA Outwards QSL Bureau at: WIA Outwards QSL Bureau P.O. Box 3073 Teralba NSW 2284 The present VK4 QSL manager Eddie de Young VK4AN has resigned due to other commitments. Eddie brought a good business outlook to the task of managing the VK4 QSL Bureau following the successful years of operation under the management of Shirley and Dave Gulley. Eddie brought a strong interest to the concepts of managing a QSL Bureau and was always ready to suggest ways by which the system could be improved. Eddie and his family are a feature of many hamfests with his QSL cards and displays of his other interests. HAMS ACROSS AUSTRALIA. (vk1wx) VK1 vk1 local news email and ask for subscription. The Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club has a busy schedule over the next four months. WICEN will assisting with communications for the Fitz's Challenge bike ride, The course of a million pines 2 day car rally both in September. Other car rallies are scheduled for October, November and December. The club will be supporting JOTA primarily from the site of the old NASA tracking station site Honeysuckle Creek and setting up a contest station for the VHF/UHF field day contest in November. Also we have our regular monthly meetings with guest speakers, This month Dik Elliot VK2KDE on Fibre Optic Networks, October Phil Grimshaw VK4KVK on HF antennas and small back yards, November our traditional Christmas party and trash 'N' treasure night. Details of these activities can be found on the Canberra region Amateur Radio Club website. VK2 web service:- http://www.arnsw.org.au/html/news_vk2wi.htm VK3 web service:- http://www.amateurradio.com.au/news/ Annual Inter-club BBQ in VK3 The Central Goldfields Amateur Radio Club of Maryborough, Midland Amateur Club from Bendigo, the Ballarat Amateur Radio Group and Amateur Radio Victoria are getting ready for the "all welcome" BBQ on Sunday the 14th of October at Laanacoorie. Organiser Peter Rafferty VK3CC says it's a BYO meat and drinks affair, with bread, butter, tea, coffee provided. The venue is the Laanacoorie Hall and begins at 10am. Laanacoorie is on the Loddon River on the Eddington side of Bendigo about one third of the way between Maryborough and Bendigo. (VK3PC) VK4 web service local news:- www.wiaq.com/qnews/upload/qnewsbcast.htm local news email subscribe in subject field. Peter, VK4TGV has reported about the recent floods on the Sunshine Coast and how their Emergency Caravan was deployed and Club members sent to State Emergency Services sites to assist with the relay messages. The SES was so impressed with their efforts that the club will be assisting the SES in the design of their new Radio set-up. Well Done Sunshine Coast VK5 RADAR - Roxby and District Amateur Radio Group Would like to publicly thank the following people, VK2DQ Ron, VK3DAC Fred, VK5ZFW Peter, VK5ATQ Trevor and finally VK5PW Paul. These operators went to tremendous effort to travel to Roxby Downs on the weekend of the first and second of September to assist with the first training and assessment for the foundation class licence. The weekend went flawlessly and resulted in a tremendous growth of amateurs for the town. In numerical terms it works out to be 900% growth with 12 people sitting assessments and 9 of them deemed to be competent. Further more, one of participants also sat the Standard Regulations and Theory with a successful result. A top effort all round! But it does not end there! The RADAR Group was also formed with Michael Wright VK5ARD and Mike Worby finalising their Assessor and Learning Facilitator credentials respectively. This leaves the newly formed group independent and able to conduct assessments and training without the need to travel up to 6 hours each way. RADAR has already made solid moves toward the future with a 2 meter repeater (VK5ROX) licensed and under construction and a further repeater also planned on the 70 centimetre band. Both of these repeaters will have IRLP and EchoLink on board enabling the new licence holders to experience as much as possible without excessive financial outlay. JOTA is also just around the corner and the hope is that most of the local scouts and recent course participants might get a real taste of the amateur radio spirit. (Michael VK5ARD Roxby And Districts Amateur Radio Group). VK6 web service http://www.vk6.net/newswest-index.html VK7 local area news :- http://reast.asn.au/news.php your copy of vk7 local news, email VK8 http://www.vkham.com/vk8da/ note an audio version available on this page. EDUCATION YOUTH AND ADVANCEMENT OF AMATEUR RADIO Roxby Downs visit 1 Sep 2007. It is springtime and the Sturt Desert Pea is not all that is blooming in the arid North of South Australia. Amateur Radio is blossoming at Roxby Downs. Over 500 Km North of Adelaide and part of the Olympic Dam mine, Mike VK5ARD a resident of Roxby Downs motivated a dozen young potential amateurs. A visit by Fred Swainston for overall guidance, and Ron Bertrand for training how could you go wrong. Assessors from Adelaide were Peter VK5ZFW, Paul VK5PH, and Trevor VK5ATQ. Much hard work of training and assessing was balanced by celebrations as it was a very successful weekend. To top it off a new radio Club was formed. The Roxby and Districts Amateur Radio Club. Listen for calls from Roxby Downs and welcome new amateurs, and a new club, to the world of Radio Experimenters. Another success for the WIA training program. This is Trevor Quick VK5ATQ for 1 WIA news INTERNATIONAL NEWS The Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society (SARTS) is pleased to announce their forthcoming Field Day on 6 and 7 October 2007 will see radio activity using the special call S 61 FD from Changi, Singapore. Operation will be on the HF bands 80-10m running 500Watts to vertical antennas. (Peter Cook, 9V1PC, President SARTS). ================================================== ===================== RSGB NEWS G4NJH Historic callsign to return to the air GB2SM, the permanent callsign of the former Science Museum amateur radio station in London, will shortly be back on the air. It will be based at the Science Museum's Swindon site. A unique arrangement has been made between the Science Museum and the Swindon and District Amateur Radio Club. The Notice of Variation for the callsign will be held by the club on behalf of the Science Museum. GB2SM will be used in partnership with the Science Museum at events and activities that specifically promote the Science Museum and communications inspired projects. For this purpose the callsign will be treated as a Special Event Callsign rather than a permanent call. Should a permanent amateur radio station be re-established at the London site the callsign would automatically revert to the permanent station. Guilty verdict in ham murder case Courts in Gambia recently sentenced two men to life imprisonment for the murder of Ron Ford, G3NKO. Tourist Mr Ford was killed in by two Gambian nationals in September 2002 while on holiday in the region. Passing sentence on Dawda Bojang and Kawsu Jarju in the Kanifing Magistrates' court, magistrate Buba Jawo said the evidence before the court had clearly shown that the prosecution has proven their case. WEIRD N WONDERFUL The toothbrush with 'satnav' As you clean your teeth, Oral-B's Triumph SmartGuide toothbrush transmits its exact location to a base unit. The unit then shows you on an LCD screen which area of your mouth has been cleaned and a clock tells you how long you have left to brush. The system uses technology similar to the Bluetooth system used with hands-free earpieces for mobile phones. The LCD display can be mounted on the bathroom mirror or held in your free hand, picking up information as you brush. The remote display also doubles up as a bathroom clock Oral-B is hoping that the brush will be a stocking filler this Christmas and has planned its launch in Britain within weeks. So for a whiter wider smile... at least for ORAL-B's shareholders, you know where to look! OPERATIONAL NEWS - VK4FUQ AND VK5MM MARKET REEF, OJ 0 B (ohjay zero bee) CHALLENGING THE ROUGH SEAS ONCE AGAIN The August 2007 outing to Market Reef, OJ0B was designed to decorate the lighthouse with powerful antennas that can only be hoisted in good weather conditions. The group was successful, and in addition to making more than 13.000 QSOs a SteppIR beam plus an assortment of wire antennas were mounted at the light. The newly composed group of OH0RJ, OH2BH, OH2MM, OH2PM, OH7EA and OH8NC plan to be operational from September 15 until, including both Scandinavian Activity Contests, with three stations. Now they have more flexibility since they have a resident helicopter at their disposal. Outside of the contest their frequencies are as follows: CW: 3523, 7023, 10113, 14033, 18083, 21033, 24903 and 28033 KHz SSB: 3775, 7075, 14175, 18135, 21275, 24960 and 28475 KHz Once again, if you are a stamp collector or wish to receive your QSL card with unique Market Reef stamps, you may send an SASE with 7 Euros (10 USD) as your postage/donation to the Finnish Lighthouse Society via QSL manager OH2BH. If you wish to tour the Reef in the spirit of adventure, you may follow in the footsteps of the August 2007 and November 2005 OJ0B activities: http://sm0w.com and www.kolumbus.fi/oh2bn/pagemarket.htm The Finnish Lighthouse Society has been active repairing the lighthouse this summer, and you may wish to follow their activities which include daily reporting and interesting general details. http://www.lighthousesociety.fi/eng/ 7th World HST Championship will be held in Belgrade Serbia September 19-23rd. www.hst2007.org SEPTEMBER 22 The Second running of the Westlakes Cup is coming up on Saturday 22nd September commencing at 8.30 Eastern Australian Standard Time (10.30 Z). October 6th to 7th 2007 Oceania DX Contest The EMDRC will be operating a portable station at Kurth's Kiln, located near Gembrook. The Oceania DX contest has been around for many years in early October and was known previously as the VK/ZL Contest. Activity has increased over the last three years due to a huge promotional effort by a joint Australian and New Zealand Committee. PHONE: 0800 UTC Saturday 6 October to 0800 UTC Sunday 7 October 2007 The Parks web page for Kurth Kiln is http://svc015.wic028p.server-web.com...y.cfm?park=238 the friends group is http://home.vicnet.net.au/~fofkk/ Boat Anchor Sprints: October (13). Local ZL time: 2000 to 2100 hrs Section 1: Old radios - all valves - i.e. ZC1, 19 set, Heathkits, any home brew set, but must have all valves. Section 2: Any Hybrid transceiver (must have valve finals i.e. FT200, FTDX400/401, Drake, FT 101s, etc.. Amplitude Modulated signals only. The overall winner shall be the entrant having the highest points score which will be published in the following New Zealand "Break-in". (Jamie Pye ZL2NN, Editor NZART's InfoLine) NOVEMBER 17/18 VK Spring VHF-UHF Field Day The full details are on www.wia.org.au Duration in all call areas other than VK6: 0100 UTC Saturday to 0100 UTC Sunday. Duration in VK6 only: 0400 UTC Saturday to 0400 UTC Sunday. The full contest details can be viewed he http://www.wia.org.au/contests/vu_fieldday/index.php Sourced from the WIA Website. CONTEST STORIES Good morning listeners, this is Peter Harding VK4OD this years RD manager. This week after the official closing times, some of the late comers tried to sneak in their late mail and Electronic logs for this years RD. In accordance with the Rules I have rejected and returned these late logs. In the next couple of weeks it is anticipated that I will have all the logs listed on a website for you to peruse, and if your callsign along with what type of log you submitted IS NOT THERE, I will have a link to send me a message before we close the books off and declare the winners. PLEASE NOTE there will NOT be any scores listed, it is purely to make sure your logs are there. Listen to future broadcasts for the RD Logs location, and URL. Until next week, this is Peter Harding VK4OD. 73s.. MEDIA WATCH Greg VK5ZBD reporting on the Callbacks for the Adelaide 147Mhz Repeater for Sunday 9th of September says they " have finally cracked the Ton in S.A. on the one Repeater with the one news broadcast. VK5RAD with 102 Calls! Congrats all round!! LAB TESTING CHANGES DETAILED IN OCTOBER QST In the upcoming October issue of QST, the ARRL Lab introduces a series of significant new receiver tests. These are the result of development work and discussions with professionals in the radio industry over a period of several years. One new test concerns receiver blocking gain compression and reciprocal mixing. The ARRL Lab describes Blocking Dynamic Range (BDR) as "a condition in which the weak [desired] signal is 'blocked' or suppressed" by a strong interfering signal. This is also known as desense or overload. In some cases, the cause is a reduction in receiver gain. In other cases ("noise limited" measurements), the cause is an increase in the receiver's internal noise due to the noise sidebands of the local oscillator mixing together with the strong interferer (also known as "reciprocal mixing"). The level of the noise masks the gain reduction effect on the desired signal. Instead of reporting the BDR as a noise limited measurement, the Lab will now be using narrow-band measurement techniques to "dig out" the desired signal on noise-limited measurements and determine the point of gain reduction. To distinguish from earlier measurements, the name will be changed to "Blocking Gain Compression." A separate reciprocal mixing test indicates the level of noise increase within the receiver caused by the interfering signal. Together, these two measurements provide more information about how the receiver behaves with a single strong interfering signal. From 1983 onward, ARRL Product Review published IP3 (third order intercept) figures for receivers based on a noise floor intermodulation distortion (IMD) response level. In 1993, the level was changed to a response that produced an S5 reading on the receiver's own S-meter. The decision was based largely on this being a more typical average of signals that would be found on the bands. The drawbacks to this approach are that there is a great variation in S-meters from receiver to receiver (see Product Review, April 2005) and it overlooks the significant change that can often be observed in receivers at higher signal levels. With this in mind, the ARRL Lab has decided to measure and report IP3 at three levels. The lowest level measurement is made at the noise floor, as has been done in the past. The middle level is done at a standard level of -97 dBm, defined as S5 in the IARU Region 1 standard for S-meters. For the highest level, instead of selecting a particular receiver response, the maximum level of expected interferer will be set to 0 dBm (S9 + 73 dB by the IARU standard, a loud signal indeed!). These three levels taken together should present the best overall view of a receiver's total performance, with each level being most useful in a particular context. For example, someone doing SSB or CW work on VHF would care most about the receiver performance at the noise floor, while on HF, an S5 level would be more useful. According to ARRL Lab Test Manager Mike Tracy, KC1SX, members frequently ask why manufacturers' sensitivity specifications are given in microvolts but Product Review measurements are reported in dBm (decibels relative to a milliwatt). He said, "The chief reason is that manufacturers typically do not include a bandwidth in their specification, and measurements in different bandwidths are not directly comparable. All other things being equal, there is more noise power in a 3 kHz bandwidth than a 2.4 kHz bandwidth. To overcome that limitation, the sensitivity testing is done with a 500 Hz bandwidth filter, or as close to that as is available. This permits reasonable comparisons of different receivers." Although the filters that a receiver has cannot be changed, the variation in actual bandwidth can be determined by calculating the Equivalent Rectangular Bandwidth (ERBW). This is the width that the filter would have if it passed the same noise power and possessed the "ideal" shape of vertical sides and a flat passband response. For more on the changes coming in future Product Reviews, be sure to check out the October issue of QST. (arrl audio news) BB's DIARY ROOM - THE FUTURE, IN AMATEUR RADIO 2008 Sept 13 Alarameet 2008 will be held in Ulverstone Tasmania on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th September 2008. Susan VK7LUV for details. 2009 International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009. 14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 - 16 October, 2009. SOCIAL SCENE SEPTEMBER 21-23 North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention Happening in twin cities of Thuringowa and Townsville. SEPTEMBER 22-23 Brett Dawson VK2CBD down in the Orana Region ARC says the CSIRO Parkes Radio Telescope will be holding open days Saturday 22 and Sunday 23rd of September. The Orana Region Amateur Radio Club, the Orange & Districts Amateur Radio Club and the WIA will be on site with interesting demonstrations and they'll be talking to anyone who wants to know about how to get involved in amateur radio. There will be other attractions as well including helicopter rides, a jumping castle and face painting for the kids, as well as an outdoors screening of the movie "The Dish" on Saturday evening. OCTOBER 6 Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society Annual Hamfest at Albert Waterways Hall. NOVEMBER 4 The Ballarat Hamvention at the Great Southern Woolshed located on the Western Highway on the Melbourne Side of Ballarat. General entry for $6:00 is from 10am. details at the BARG website www.barg.org.au DECEMBER 2 Westlakes Amateur Radio Clubs Christmas Party will be held at the Eastern Tiger Restaurant, which is located in the Cardiff RSL building, interested? get in touch with VK2FDNE Diane. JANUARY 20 2008 The Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group invite all amateurs to attend the 2008 Mid North Coast Radio Expo to be held in Coffs Harbour on Sunday 20th January. The Expo is held at the St Johns Church Hall, Mc Lean Street, Coffs Harbour. Gary VK2ZKT is the Radio Expo Coordinator on 02 66 55 2 990 or visit the Groups comprehensive web site at www.mncarg.org FEBRUARY 10 Announcing Centre Victoria RadioFest No. 2. Second-hand traders, club corner, short-talk lectures, displays and the popular dipole factory will all return, plus some new exciting activities to be announced later. All major commercial traders have already made commitments to be there again in 2008. For second hand table bookings that cost only $12.50 please contact Nick Angelo VK3UCK 0488 653 201, or check out the website radiofest.amateurradio.com.au THE FINAL FINAL (Audio Grab from TWIAR - Story of "JoeBubbles") TONY VK7AX CONTINUES WITH STORY. There is further irony to this story. Tony VK7AX was possibly one of the last persons to speak with JoyBubbles... WHY!!! "JoyBubbles was speaking to yours truly (via the phone of course) arranging to have his 5 year Licence for VK4WBO renewed with the ACMA. JoyBubbles had given his credit card details to me on Saturday 4th. August. He agreed to check back 1 hour later to verify whether I was able to complete the payment. THAT CALL NEVER CAME!!!! JoyBubbles did complain about feeling very dizzy during our phone conversation. During our conversation I asked him about the Minneapolis Bridge Collapse which had recently occurred. He told me he was located approximately 4Km from the bridge. I must say this was a unique experience for me and certainly an honour to have been associated with this Blind Operator... all brought about by Amateur Radio. I'm Tony VK7AX for the WIA National News from VK1WIA. ================================================== ======================= ================================================== ======================= WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA. ______________________________ ================================================== ============================= ____________________________ ================================================== ============================= WIANews THANKS OUR REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS , OUR RELAY OPERATORS ACROSS THE WORLD FOR FORWARDING INFORMATION AND COMMENTS THEIR LISTENERS HAVE PASSED ON TO MAKE WIANews VK'S LEADING WEEKLY AMATEUR RADIO PROGRAM. _______________________________ Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of QNEWS for the National WIA. Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA. Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray... ================================================== ============================= ================================================== ============================= |
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