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![]() DXNL 1561 - Mar 5, 2008 DX Newsletter a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" (http://www.darcdxhf.de) editor: Helmut Schlaffer, DL7MAE (e-mail: ) translation by: Bob, DL7VOA (e-mail: ) FO/C - CLIPPERTON, NA-011 Definitely TX5C will be the most sought after callsign from Mar 7-17. The experienced operators Bob,N6OX, John,N7CQQ, Dave,K4SV, Bill,N2WB, Arnie,N6HC, Paul,W8AEF, YL Ann,WA1S, Steve,K6SGH, Al,K3VN, Gerard,F2JD, Jean-Pierre,F5AHO, Joel,F5PAC, Neil,VA7DX, Alan,F6BFH (with his YL Danielle), Jim,F5JY, YL Maryse,F8FDN, Michel,FM5CD, Laurent,F6FVY, Wayne,K8LEE, and Jay,K4ZLE, promised to make many QSOs and band points. The demand is expected to be huge because Clipperton Island (NA-011) is ranking 24th on the "Most Wanted" list. This is the reason for the enormous efforts undertaken inlcuding almost 30 antennas like yagis for 40-6m, verticals for 80m/160m and a balloon antenna for 160m. On the DXpedititons website http://www.clipperton2008.org you will find not only an online log but also a webcam with live pictures. The sails were hoisted on Feb 28 around 0300 UTC and they are already active on the bands signing FO5A/mm during their journey there. Pilot stations will be K4SV, F6AJA and DL5NAM. The targets of the DXpedition are high: They want to log more than 100.000 QSOs! This is the frequency plan of TX5C (in MHz): CW SSB RTTY 160m 1.827 1.847 --- 80m 3.507 3.797 3.577 40m 7.007 7.057 7.037 30m 10.107 --- 10.127 20m 14.027 14.197 14.077 17m 18.078 18.147 18.107 15m 21.027 21.297 21.077 12m 24.897 24.947 24.927 10m 28.027 28.497 28.077 6m 50.107 50.127 --- The QSL manager is N7CQQ. His address: John P Kennon, PO Box 31553, Laughlin, NV 89028, USA. John is known to confirm via bureau very reliably and also via LoTW. KH9 - WAKE ISLAND, OC-053 In its last issue the "QRZ DX" writes that Colin,WA2YUN, is momentarily staying on Wake Island (OC-053) and plans to stay there for a while. He has already been spotted on the bands (14240 kHz around 0030 UTC, especially on sundays) but not working Europe. QSL cards for WA2YUN/KH9 are managed by K2PF (also via bureau). SU - EGYPT Mustapha,DL1BDF, plans to become active from SU0ARA (EARA ARC) on all bands from Mar 11-19. He also hopes to get a special permission for 80m because this band is usually not permitted for amateur radio. QSLs via SU1KM. TF - ICELAND, EU-021 Alex,TF/RA3MR, Artem,TF/RD3MA, Dmitry,TF/RA3MF, YL Helen,TF/RV3ACA, Valery,TF/RZ6AU, and Serge,TF/UA1ANA, will be QRV from Mar 11-18. They will also use the club callsign TF/RK3MWL from Mar 11-13 and the special call TF4Y from Mar 13-18 (including the Russian DX Contest). Activities take place on all bands with emphasis on WARC and lowbands. All QSLs via RV3ACA. V2 - ANTIGUA, NA-100 V26CC is the callsign of Chris,M0AJT, working mostly in CW and only little SSB from Mar 1-14. He plans to take part in the BERU Contest. Chris is using a FT-900AT with 100 watts and a Butternut multiband vertical. QSLs via his homecall. VP6 - DUCIE ISLAND, OC-182 Due to bad weather VP6DX had to shut down earlier than scheduled on Feb 27 at 1359 UTC after logging more than 183.000 QSOs. This is not only the largest number of QSOs made during a DXpedition but several other records were broken as well. This is the fabulous band/mode-breakdown of VP6DX: Band CW SSB RTTY Total --------------------------------------- 160m 5.097 1.574 0 6.671 80m 9.756 8.592 0 18.348 40m 14.487 14.935 1 29.423 30m 10.576 0 3.699 14.275 20m 12.852 17.205 3.479 33.536 17m 11.813 16.603 3.073 31.489 15m 12.366 15.526 0 27.892 12m 6.046 7.215 0 13.261 10m 4.301 4.490 0 8.791 6m 0 0 0 0 --------------------------------------- Mode 87.294 86.140 10.252 183.686 ZD9 - TRISTAN DA CUNHA ISLAND, AF-029 Tom,KC0W, momentarily still active as ZD7X from St. Helena received permission for entry to Tristan da Cunha (AF-029). When he leaves St. Helena by the end of April he plans to stay on Tristan for about four to six months. However this will not be the end of his trip because he plans to spend two weeks each on the South Sandwich, South Orkney and South Georgia Islands as well. LINKS: Current SOTA activities (mountain summits) are announced at: http://sotawatch.sota.org.uk/activations.php or http://sotawatch.sota.org.uk/spots.php --- Detailed information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: http://www.MMMonVHF.de UPCOMING CONTESTS ----------------- Mar 4: YL CW Party IOTA collected by Fredy,DE0MST (e-mail: ) ---- Island activities: EU-127, DL, Schleswig-Holstein State S.W. Group: A group of about 30 OMs is activating Helgoland Island (DID N14/special SDOK "HEL2008") signing DA0HEL and DL0IH in SSB/CW/RTTY/PSK31 on 160-20m from Mar 6-12. They also plan to activate Helgoland Dune (DID N15). QSLs for DA0HEL and DL0IH via bureau preferred. For further details check their website at: http://www.df6qc.de NA-066, W6, CA State South Group: Members of the Palos Verdes ARC will sign K6PV from Santa Catalina Island (USI CA-016S) from Mar 6-10. QSL direct via K6PV (see QRZ.com). NA-080, C6, Bahamas: Randy,W6SJ, will show up as C6AWS from Grand Bahama from Mar 6-11. Randy announces a "holiday style" operation especially on the WARC bands. QSL via homecall. NA-107, FM, Martinique: Rene,FM/F5LGE, is working in CW on 80m/160m until Mar 30. QSL via homecall (bureau/direct). Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS) ----------------------------------- CU1CB LH 2978 AZO-009 resident CE0Z/DL2AH LH 0153 Mar 18-Apr 7 CU3EQ LH 0524 AZO-022 resident CO4LS CUB-019 resident Bandspots of the last 7 days ---------------------------- 160m BA8AG 1.823 2022Z FM/F5LGE 1.828 0640Z via F5LGE (B) TM1R 1.850 0643Z via F6KVP VP6DX 1.826 0630Z Ducie (OC-182), via DL6LAU (d), (B*) 80m C21DL 3.505 1712Z via DJ2EH (B) H7/IV3IYH 3.795 0515Z via IK2ILH (B) LY90X 3.711 1837Z via LY3X (B) OD5LN 3.800 1824Z see QRZ.com TI8II 3.793 0657Z (B) YU8KN 3.793 1902Z via YU1KN YU8VV 3.789 1917Z (B) 3A/EA1DVY 3.793 2249Z via EA1DVY 8R1PW 3.502 0520Z via G3SWH (B) 40m J79XBI 7.064 2232Z via SM0XBI (B) VP6DX 7.097 0712Z Ducie (OC-182), via DL6LAU (d), (B*) 8R1PW 7.002 0707Z via G3SWH (B) 30m A45XR 10.147 1628Z RTTY, via A4 bureau DL2RVL/HI8 10.120 1919Z R1AND 10.103 1948Z via RU1ZC UK8UWG 10.105 0639Z (B) VP6DX 10.106 0717Z Ducie (OC-182), via DL6LAU (d), (B*) 8R1PW 10.105 2238Z via G3SWH (B) 20m C56JC 14.084 1636Z RTTY, via ON4LAC (B) CO4LS 14.260 1836Z NA-056 DL2RNS/HI8 14.040 1427Z J6/W0SA 14.007 1313Z via W0SA (B) PJ4/DJ9HX 14.260 1307Z via DJ9HX (B) PJ4/K2NG 14.001 1655Z via WA2NHA (B) SV9/DJ7RJ 14.185 1546Z EU-015, via DJ7RJ (B) VP6DX 14.190 1630Z Ducie (OC-182), via DL6LAU (d), (B*) VP6DX 14.002 1656Z Ducie (OC-182), via DL6LAU (d), (B*) VP6DX 14.089 0813Z Ducie (OC-182), RTTY, via DL6LAU (d), (B*) 8R1PW 14.024 1611Z via G3SWH (B) 17m DU5/ZL4BO 18.070 1013Z OC-129, via ZL4BO (B) ET3JA 18.127 1436Z via OK3AA H7/IV3IYH 18.070 1640Z NA-107, via IK2ILH (B) J37K 18.160 1931Z via AC8G (B) J6/W0SA 18.147 1924Z via W0SA (B) J6/W0SA 18.075 1719Z via W0SA (B) PJ4/DJ9HX 18.114 1926Z via DJ9HX (B) VP6DX 18.100 1634Z RTTY, Ducie (OC-182), via DL6LAU (d), (B*) ZF2AH 18.097 1600Z via W6VNR (d) 15m VP6DX 21.295 1403Z Ducie (OC-182), via DL6LAU (d), (B*) VP6DX 21.002 1530Z Ducie (OC-182), via DL6LAU (d), (B*) * Bureau QSLs for VP6DX can be requested only via the online-request-system: http://ducie2008.dl1mgb.com/oqrs/index.php (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager (L) = LotW Preview ------- DATE CALL DXNL 05Feb-14Mar 3B8/G4FKH 1556 01Mar-06Mar 5J0E (HK0/SA) 1560 23Feb-22Mar 5X1NH 1559 27Feb-11Mar 5Z4HW 1560 -Apr 6W/EA4ATI 1515 -Sep/09 6W1SJ 1541 15Jan-15Apr 6W2SC 1553 Mar 2008 9M6/SM5GMZ 1551 -31Dec AY0DX 1558 01Mar-20Mar BU2AI/9 1560 12Feb-05Mar C56JC 1557 11Feb-06Mar C56YK 1557 06Mar-11Mar C6AWS 1561 * -Aug C91R 1538 06Mar-20Mar CT3/DL3KWR.. 1559 06Mar-12Mar DA0HEL 1561 * -Mar DP0GVN 1455 -31Dec EI100S(I) 1501 -30Mar FM/F5LGE 1561 * Mar FJ/AH8DX 1560 10Mar-12Mar FJ/F6FYD 1560 22Feb-21Mar FR5EZ 1559 03Mar-31Mar FR/F5HIJ 1560 05Mar-27Apr H44MS 1557 28Feb-11Mar H7/IV3IYH 1560 -Nov HF0POL 1552 -31Dec HG1848I 1556 -31Dec HG550REX 1556 01Jan-Mar J20MB 1552 2006 -2008 J28JA 1484/1485 -Aug J28OO 1534 15Jan-15Apr J5UAP 1553 01Mar-08Mar J88DR 1560 06Mar-10Mar K6PV 1561 * 16Feb-16Mar LY90 1559 -31Mar LZ130LO 1552 -Mar OJ1ABOA (ANT) 1549 01Mar-31Mar OL30SPACE 1560 -31Dec ON40BAF 1553 -31Dec ON1000NOTGER 1555 04Feb-01Apr PJ2DX 1557 24Feb-23Mar PJ7/W8EB 1559 -Apr S21XF 1559 24Jan-06Mar S21YV 1555 -31Dec SF700BF 1558 11Mar-19Mar SU0ARA 1561 * 25Feb-15Mar SV9/DJ7RJ 1559 NOW T61AA 1539 11Mar-18Mar TF (UAs) 1561 * NOW -2008 TL8QC 1459 29Mar-12Apr TM2I 1553 24May-07Jun TM7S 1553 NOW TT8PK 1556 07Mar-17Mar TX5C (Clipp.) 1561 * 01Mar-14Mar V26CC 1561 * 23Feb-09Mar V31MN 1559 03Mar-10Mar V44/AA1M.. 1560 -Sep V55SRT 1554 -May V73RY 1552 26Feb-13Mar VP8DLG (DL2AH) 1559 -Apr VQ9JC 1549 NOW WA2YUN/KH9 1561 * Feb XU7ADI 1551 -Aug YA/IZ1BWB 1553 -15May YI9MI 1547 -April ZD7X 1561 * * = new or updated ... = and other calls QSL information --------------- AM5A via EA5RKB C56JC via ON4LAC (B) CT/EA9CP via EA9CP (B) DL2JRM/BY4RR via DL2JRM (B) EA6/LU5FF via EA5KB (B) EA8/DL2VFK via DL2VFK (B) EA8/SP2JMB via SP2ESH ED3DXU via EA3BB ED6URB via EA6ZX EG7DCA via EA7URS (B) EH5J via EA5DM (B) ES90A via ES1CW ES90B via ES4BG (B) ES90C via ES5RY (B) ES90D via ES3HZ ES90E via ES5MG ES90F via ES3BM ES90G via ES5AM ES90H via ES3AT (B) ES90I via ES4RZ ES90K via ES6QC ES90L via ES6CO ES90M via ES0CB ES90N via ES4RD (B) ES90O via ES1NI ES90P via ES8AY ES90Q via ES5RY (B) ES90R via ES4RC ES90S via ES5JR (B) ES90T via ES5LY ES90U via ES2DJ H7/IV3IYH via IK2ILH (B) HA801CW via HA1CW HA802ERO via HA2ERO (B), eQSL HA800MO via HA0MO HB0/DJ4MZ via DJ4MZ HB0/DL4IAL via DL4IAL (B) HG1848I via HA3HK (d) HG80HQ via HA7PL HL3IUA via JA5AQC (B) HP1DCP/9 via EA5KB (B) HT2N via IK2ILH (B) IR8PS via I8ACB IS0RXI (d) IZ2GRG via LZ1PM (B) J37LR via VE3EBN (B) J40WPX via SV2BFN J6/W0SA via W0SA (B) J8/DL7AFS via DL7AFS (B) LY90A via LY2ZZ (B) LY90CM via LY1CM (B) LY90FW via LY1FW (B) LY90M via LY3M (B) LY90Q via LY4Q (B) LY90Y via LY2CY V26G via N2ED V26X via K1XX (ARRL Contest 2008, SSB) V31MN via DF8AN (B) V31UZ via VE3DZ (B) V5/DL2SL via DL2SL (B) V63ZM via K5ZM VP5/K4ISV via N2AU (d) VP5DF via WJ2O (B, ARRL Contest 2008, CW) VP6DX via DL6LAU VU2BMS via DL2GAC (B) W3C via N3ZNI XE2S via WD9EWK (B), (L) YB1MBA (d) YB3KM via IZ8CCW (B) YC2WEX (d) YF5YY (d) YT3M via 4N1SM YT5C via YT7AW (d) YU8BH via VK1AA YU8HI via YU7HI YU8KN via YU1KN YU8MM via YU1BVD 3A/EA1DVY via EA1DVY 4L8A via DJ1CW (d) 4O7AMD via EA7FTR (B) 5J0E via W5PF (B) 5R8FU via SM5DJZ (B) 5Z4HW via DL7DF (B) 7X5JF via DJ8QP (B) 8J3GOSE via JA3ZNJ 8P9JG via NN1N (B) 8R1PW via G3SWH (B) SV8CS: Spiros Chimarios, Kapodistriou 7, 29100 Zante Island, Greece (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager (L) = Logbook of the World (LotW) QSLs arrived direct: FJ/G3TXF QSLs arrived bureau: P29KPH (via N5FTR), P29SS (N5FTR), P40W (N2MM), P40L (K5WW), S01R (EA5TM), S9SS (N4JR), S92RI (CT1APE), TO2FG (F6HMJ), TO5BG (F5XX),TX5NK (DJ8NK),TZ2T (ON4LN), TZ6DX (K4DX),TZ6NG (NE9Z),V55O/p (DJ4LK),VP2MZM (K2DM), VP5MM via YU1FW DXCC: Bill Moore,NC1L, the ARRL DXCC manager writes that all QSL cards of 3C7Y (Equatorial Guinea, 2007) are accepted for DXCC credit now. Clarification of the German DX Foundation Rwanda DXpedition (Feb 13-20,2008) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antonio Gonzalez, EA5RM released an announcement to the press on 16 Feb 2008 with the title "Disappointment with the operation of DJ6SI, DK2WV and DJ9ZB from Rwanda", in which he heavily criticized the operation from 13-20 Feb 2008 of the President of the GDXF, Franz Langner,DJ9ZB/9X0Z, GDXF member Baldur Drobnica,DJ6SI/9X0X, and Karl Ilg,DK2WV/9X0W. EA5RM, the team leader of the planned March 2008 DXpedition 9X0R, accused the German DXpeditioners of pulling their DXpedition forward into February, due to their knowledge of the timing of the planned multinational DXpedition In addition, he accused them of only being able to acquire their licenses due to the preparation he had done in advance with the responsible autho- rities in Rwanda. Finally, the press announcement then called for a boycott of the German DXpedition. EA5RM points out that he was involved for 6 months in acquiring a license. Indeed, DJ6SI had already placed his first applications for a 9X license on 24 September 2002 and 28 November 2002, then an additional application on 10 December 2002, due to a change in responsibilities at a new government authority. In a letter dated 23 January 2003, more specific details were requested on the planned location and equipment. In March 2003, DJ6SI contacted the German Ambassador to Rwanda. A reply was received on 23 May 2003 that a license will be issued in the near future when the expected legal basis has been set. DJ9ZB received notice on 31 March 2006 that the RURA (Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency) postponed the matter on issuance of amateur radio licenses. After a lot of further correspondence in the years 2004 and 2005, a new license application, this time including DJ9ZB, was submitted to the authorities in Kigali. DJ9ZB discussed the situation on 1 October 2007 with Rwanda's Ambassador to Germany in Berlin. On 23 October 2007, the final answer was received: "Once on ground (Rwanda) you will get the license as requested". This communication came from Col. Diogene Mudenge,9X1AA, Vice-Chairman of Regulatory Board and Acting Director General of the RURA. At this point, DK2WV was included as the RTTY operator. Due to timing conflicts of the three participants, the only window of opportunity was possible in February. These details clearly prove the priority of the German DXpedition, without any advance preparation by a third party. The GXDF maintains that the allegations are absolutely unfounded that its President did not act as a gentleman and broke the rules of the ham spirit. Over many years and a number of joint DXpeditions, DJ9ZB and DJ6SI have won high recognition by DXers across the world. It is now up to EA5RM to rethink his untenable statements. March 1, 2008 Franz Langner, DJ9ZB, President Dr. Lutz D. Schmadel, DK8UH, Secretary Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to: Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX Bulletin, DF6EX (WIN-QSL), DF7FC, DJ5AV, DK8JB, DL1SBF, DL3IE, DL7VOA, F5NQL, SWL Norbert Maybaum u.a. __________________________________________________ __________________________ The German PDF version can be found on the DARC homepage at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls...7/dxmb1561.pdf __________________________________________________ ____________ Subscribe or unsubscribe to the DXNL mailing list yourself at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/fedxms.htm |
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[DXNL] DXNL 1535 (Sep5, 2007) | Dx | |||
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