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![]() DXNL 1562 - Mar 12, 2008 DX Newsletter a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" (http://www.darcdxhf.de) editor: Helmut Schlaffer, DL7MAE (e-mail: ) translation by: Bob, DL7VOA (e-mail: ) BY - CHINA Red,W6ALC, will stay in China for three weeks starting on Mar 17. Red has the permission to operate from the contest station B7P. He also plans to visit the new clubstation BY7OK in Foshan. CE0Z - JUAN FERNANDEZ ISLANDS, SA-005 Primarily Ulli,DL2AH, is going to spend his holidays on Juan Fernandez but he cannot do that without amateur radio. So he plans to activate Robinson Crusoe (SA-005) mostly in RTTY and SSB on 40-10m signing CE0Z/DL2AH between Mar 18 and Apr 7. He will take a FT-897 and a windom antenna with him. QSL via bureau to DL2AH. FJ - ST BARTHELEMY, NA-146 Naturally the youngest DXCC entity is very attractive not only to the belles and the rich but also to the DXpeditioners community. Patrick,FJ/F6CMH, will be QRV mainly in SSB on 20m/40m from Mar 13-22. QSL via F6CMH. FR/G - GLORIOSO ISLANDS, AF-011 The French group which tries to activate Glorioso Island (AF-011) for several months has finally received the necessary landing permission. They hope to hit the airwaves already in the beginning of May. The OPs Pascal,F5PTM, Freddy,F5IRO, Stephane,F6KIN, Yves-Michel,F5PRU, and David,F8CRS, will probably be joined by three more OPs so chances are good that they might be active with three or four stations on the air. Don't forget to bookmark their site: http://glorieuses2005.free.fr J8 - ST VINCENT, NA-109 Babs,J8/DL7AFS, and Lot,J8/DJ7ZG, are working in RTTY/PSK/SSB on 80-6m from St. Vincent (NA-109) until Mar 20. As usual QSLs are confirmed very reliably direct or via bureau by Babs,DL7AFS. Check their website with logs and more at: http://www.qsl.net/dl7afs TA - TURKEY The special event station TC18M active from Mar 15-19 remembers the Battle of Gallipoli which took place 93 years ago during World War One. TA3FB, TA2IJ, TA2RX, TA1FR and TA1HZ are working in CW/SSB mostly on 17m, 20m and 40m . Their homepage is: http://tcswat.tripod.com TK - CORSICA, EU-014 Dragan,9A2SX, Igor,9A3AXX, Hrle,9A6XX, and Marko,9A8MM, are members of the radioclub Pazin (9A7P). They plan to show up as TK/homecalls on 80-10m from EU-014 (DIFM TK-001, MIA MCO-001, WLOTA LH-1390) from Mar 13-17. They will sign TK/9A8MM during the Russian DX Contest on Mar 15/16. Their equipment consists of a TS-440S, FT-857D, SB-220 amp, a spiderbeam (20m/15m/10m) and an inverted V for 80m/40m. QSL cards will be sent via bureau automatically. YN - NICARAGUA Alex,YV5SSB, Jose,YV5TX, and some more OPs will be active as YN2YV working with at least two stations in SSB/CW/RTTY on 6-160m (and 60m) from Mar 17-21. QSLs should be sent via bureau to IT9DAA or via LoTW. The homepage of this DXpedition is: http://www.yn2yv.4m5dx.info ZA - ALBANIA George,ZA/EC2ADN, and Kepa,ZA/EA2DCF, will be QRV on 10m, 17m, 30m, 40m and 20m (14.184 MHz) from Mar 15-22. QSLs are preferred via bureau to their homecalls. 5T - MAURITANIA Rich,DK8YY, Oliver,DL2ARD, Rene,DL2JRM, Ralf,DL3JJ, Ingolf,DL4JS, Dan,DL5SE, and Andy,DL7ZZ, will be QRV from Nouakchott/Mauritania from Mar 16-30. They chose a QTH near the Atlantic coast which provides enough space for the various antennas taken with them. They plan to run three stations simultaneously (two with amplifiers) including two V160- and V80 verticals to produce loud signals also on 80m/160m. Verticals are also used on 40m and yagis on 30-10m supported by two groundplanes, one for the digital modes and one for the WARC bands. Updates and an online log can be found at: http://www.5t2008.de QSL manager is DH7WW, via bureau or direct. The team is still looking for some donations and sponsors. 6W - SENEGAL Alessandro,6W/IK4ALM, will be active on 10-40m runnging 100 watts into a groundplane during his holidays from Mar 16-27. Alessandro confirms QSLs direct or via the ARI bureau. 6Y - JAMAICA, NA-097 Frank,K3TRM/6Y5, will be QRV in SSB/CW/RTTY on 80-10m (including 60m) from Lucea on Jamaica (NA-097) from Mar 14-23. QSLs via his homecall K3TRM, direct, via bureau or LoTW. See also: http://www.k3trm.com 9X - RUANDA A multinational team of Roberto,EA2RY, Gerard,EA3EXV, Manuel,EA7AJR, Javi,EA5KM, Toni,EA5RM, Ruben,EB5ESX/EA5BZ, Javi,EC4DX, Bernard,F9IE, Massimo,I8NHJ, Fabrizio,IN3ZNR, and Dimitri,UY7CW, plans to show up as 9X0R from Mar 16-27. They want to run at least three stations in CW, SSB and RTTY on 10-160m at the same time. QSLs via Toni,EA5RM. This is the frequency plan they announced (in MHz): BAND CW SSB RTTY 10m 28.024 28.495 28.080 12m 24.894 24.945 24.920 15m 21.024 21.295 21.080 17m 18.074 18.145 18.100 20m 14.024 14.195 14.080 30m 10.104 --- 10.140 40m 7.004 7.065 7.035 80m 3.504 3.795 --- 160m 1.824 1.845 --- More details about their DXpedition can be found at http://www.9x0r.com BELGIUM, SPECIAL EVENT STATION The radioclub OSA in Antwerpen will operate the special event station ON70REDSTAR until the end of 2008. The "Red Star Line" was a shipping company that connected Antwerpen and North America from 1873 till 1934. The QSL manager ON4OSA confirms direct or via bureau. LINKS: Current SOTA activities (mountain summits) are announced at: http://sotawatch.sota.org.uk/activations.php or http://sotawatch.sota.org.uk/spots.php --- Detailed information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: http://www.MMMonVHF.de --- The European Soccer Championship 2008 takes place in Switzerland and Austria. Several special event stations will be on the air and a special award will be issued as well. More information can be found at: http://eurodiplom2008.oevsv.at UPCOMING CONTESTS ----------------- Mar 15/16: Russian DX Contest, SSB/CW Mar 15/16: DARC HF SSTV Contest IOTA collected by Fredy,DE0MST (e-mail: ) ---- Island activities: AF-048, FT/X, Kerguelen: OM Gildas,TU5KG, plans to become QRV as FT5XR from Port aux Francais on Kerguelen around Mar 15. QSL via F4EFI. EU-014, Corsica: YL Anne,TK/OH2YL, will be active in CW/SSB on all bands from Mar 16-22. QSL via OH2YL. EU-128, DL, Schleswig-Holstein State East Group: Axel,DH8AK, Dirk,DK4DJ, Sebastian,DO6ELW, and Henning,DK9LB, plan to activate Fehmarn Island from Mar 14-21. A lighthouse might be activated as well. QSLs via homecalls (direct/bureau). NA-035, HR, Swan Island: Ray,WQ7R/HR9, Lane,KC4CD/HR2, Antonio,HR2DX, Daniel,HR2DMR, Ramon,HR7REA, Javier,HR2J, Pedro,HR2PAC, Vinicio,HR2MD, Oscar,HR9OGS, Boyd,HR9BFS, Tom,W4JKC, Bill,NZ5N, Jim,W9GL, Ted,K9IMM, and maybe some more OPs are going to hit the airwaves as HQ8R from Swan Island. They want to run four stations (two in SSB, and one for CW and digital modes each) on 160-10m from Mar 15-23. Bill,NZ5N, wants to work also via satellites using his FT-817 and an Arrow antenna and will test his equipment also from the mainland of Honduras before and after the activity from NA-035. See also: http://www.hondurasdx.com QSL via HR2RCH: Radio Club de Honduras, PO Box 273, San Pedro Sula, Cortes, Honduras. NA-100, V2, Antigua: Bob,V25WY (W4OWY), and Mark,V25OP (W9OP), are working from Antigua (NA-100) in CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-10m from Mar 11-17. QSL via homecalls. OC-142, VK, Fraser Island: Bill,VK4FW, will be QRV with only 100 watts from Fraser Island mostly in CW for a few days by the end of this week. QSL direct via VK4FW. PACIFIC: Rick,AI5P, will be travelling through the South Pacific during March/April 2008. He confirms QSLs also via the bureau to his homecall. And this is his travel plan: Mar 15-Mar 23 AI5P/KH2 Guam (OC-026) Mar 24-Apr 5 V73PX Kwajalein (OC-028) Apr 7 -Apr 16 AI5P/KH0 Rota (OC-086) Bandspots of the last 7 days ---------------------------- 160m SV9/DJ7RJ 1.834 2007Z via DJ7RJ (B) 80m HB10DX 3.571 1849Z PSK, via HB9AGH (B) J8/DJ7ZG 3.791 0510Z via DL7AFS (B) J8/DL7AFS 3.596 0335Z via DL7AFS (B) OL30SPACE 3.585 2045Z RTTY, via OK1TIR (B) OL30SPACE 3.521 2229Z via OK1TIR (B) 4L6DL 3.796 1907Z via LZ1OT 40m DL2RNS/HI9 7.015 2148Z NA-122 DL2RWS/HI9 7.014 0516Z H7/IV3IYH 7.002 0506Z via IK2ILH (B) HA800LP 7.011 0723Z via HA0LP J8/DJ7ZG 7.045 0028Z NA-109, via DL7AFS (B) KP2AD 7.076 0515Z via OK1AJY (B) MX0NRC 7.045 1841Z via M0NRC OL30SPACE 7.022 0913Z via OK1TIR (B) 30m C56JC 10.143 2250Z RTTY, via ON4LAC (B) DL2RVL/HI9 10.115 2229Z via DL2RVL (B) H7/IV3IYH 10.102 2152Z via IK2ILH (B) J8/DJ7ZG 10.132 2254Z NA-109, via DL7AFS (B) J8/DL7AFS 10.140 2035Z PSK, via DL7AFS (B) 5J0E 10.107 2311Z NA-033, via W5PF (B) 5Q2J 10.140 0927Z EU-029 5X1NH 10.117 2203Z via G3RWF (B) 20m DL2RNS/HI9 14.040 1427Z DL2RVL/HI9 14.010 1710Z via DL2RVL (B) H7/IV3IYH 14.205 1802Z via IK2ILH (B) H7/IV3IYH 14.086 2008Z RTTY, via IK2ILH (B) J6/W0SA 14.081 1805Z via W0SA (B) J8/DJ7ZG 14.081 1631Z NA-109, via DL7AFS (B) J8/DL7AFS 14.190 1142Z NA-109, via DL7AFS (B) KH7XS 14.178 1855Z (d) SV8EUF 14.029 0937Z EU-067 VP5/G3TXF 14.029 1940Z via G3TXF (B) VP8DLG 14.210 1935Z Falkland, via DL2AH (B) 17m C56JC 18.103 1546Z RTTY, via ON4LAC (B) C56KR 18.145 1410Z via OZ8KR ET3JA 18.127 1436Z via OK3AA (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager (L) = LotW Clipperton Island (TX5C) has not been spotted yet. The DXpedition started already on Mar 9 around 0000 UTC. The last update from the island reports seasick team members and an extreme heat on Clipperton which makes the antenna works very difficult. We wish them good luck! Preview ------- DATE CALL DXNL 05Feb-14Mar 3B8/G4FKH 1556 16Mar-30Mar 5T (DLs) 1562 * 23Feb-22Mar 5X1NH 1559 -Apr 6W/EA4ATI 1515 -Sep/09 6W1SJ 1541 15Jan-15Apr 6W2SC 1553 16Mar-27Mar 6W/IK4ALM 1562 * Mar 9M6/SM5GMZ 1551 16Mar-27Mar 9X0R 1562 * 15Mar-23Mar AI5P/KH2 1562 * 07Apr-16Apr AI5P/KH0 1562 * 01Mar-20Mar BU2AI/9 1560 -Aug C91R 1538 18Mar-07Apr CE0Z/DL2AH 1562 * 06Mar-20Mar CT3/DL3KWR.. 1559 -Mar DP0GVN 1455 -31Dec EI100S (I) 1501 -30Mar FM/F5LGE 1561 Mar FJ/AH8DX 1560 13Mar-22Mar FJ/F6CMH 1562 * 10Mar-12Mar FJ/F6FYD 1560 22Feb-21Mar FR5EZ 1559 03Mar-31Mar FR/F5HIJ 1560 May FR/Glorioso 1562 * 15Mar FT5XR 1562 * 05Mar-27Apr H44MS 1557 -Nov HF0POL 1552 -31Dec HG1848I 1556 -31Dec HG550REX 1556 15Mar-23Mar HQ8R (NA-035) 1562 * 01Jan-Mar J20MB 1552 2006 -2008 J28JA 1484/85 -Aug J28OO 1534 15Jan-15Apr J5UAP 1553 14Mar-23Mar K3TRM/6Y5 1562 * 16Feb-16Mar LY90 1559 -31Mar LZ130LO 1552 -Mar OJ1ABOA (ANT) 1549 01Mar-31Mar OL30SPACE 1560 -31Dec ON40BAF 1553 -31Dec ON1000NOTGER 1555 04Feb-01Apr PJ2DX 1557 24Feb-23Mar PJ7/W8EB 1559 -Apr S21XF 1559 11Mar-19Mar SU0ARA 1561 25Feb-15Mar SV9/DJ7RJ 1559 NOW T61AA 1539 15Mar-19Mar TC18M 1562 * 11Mar-18Mar TF (UAs) 1561 16Mar-22Mar TK/OH2YL 1562 * 13Mar-17Mar TK/9A8MM.. 1562 * NOW -2008 TL8QC 1459 29Mar-12Apr TM2I 1553 24May-07Jun TM7S 1553 NOW TT8PK 1556 07Mar-17Mar TX5C (Clipp.) 1561 01Mar-14Mar V26CC 1561 -Sep V55SRT 1554 24Mar-05Apr V73PX 1562 * -May V73RY 1552 26Feb-13Mar VP8DLG (DL2AH) 1559 -Apr VQ9JC 1549 NOW WA2YUN/KH9 1561 Feb XU7ADI 1551 -Aug YA/IZ1BWB 1553 -15May YI9MI 1547 17Mar-21Mar YN2YV 1562 * 15Mar-22Mar ZA/EA2DCF.. 1562 * -Apr ZD7X 1561 * = new or updated ... = and other calls QSL information --------------- A92HB via GM6TVR (d) CO3CJ via EB7DX DL2008BY via DF6JF DL2RNS/HI via DL2RNS DU1MGA via K3IRV (B) DV1NSK (d) DV1VGE (d) EA8/G3VTT via G3VTT EC5KB via EA5KB (B) EF1W via EA1WS (B) EF3RCG via EA3GM F8AFH via F4ABC G5BND via ON6WR (B) GB4IPY via M3ZYZ (B) GB50OT via G3VBE GB0ANT via M3ZYZ (B) GB0WW via M0DOL GI5K via MI0LLL G0LVX (d) or eQSL UK8FF via W3HNK (d) UK8GDW via RW6HS (d) UN7AD via RW6HS (d) UN7RK via RW6HS (d) UO70F via UN7FW UQ70F via UN8FM V51LK via DJ4LK (B) VC3E via VE3AT (B) VK1JMA via JK2VOC (B) VK3UR via VK3DYL (B) VK4TZA via eQSL.org VK8LC via VK6LC (d) VP5/G3TXF via G3TXF (B) VP8DLG via DL2AH (B) VQ5XF via G3TXF (B) YP9W via YO9WF YU8RP via YU1RP (B) eQSL YU8SM via YT3M YY1OKR (d) ZP9EH via K5WW (B) ZS3/G3LZQ via G3LZQ (B) ZW5F via PP5BZ (B) 3B8/M1KTA via M1KTA (B) 9J2M via PA7FM (B) 9K2PL via EA5KB (B) YB1ALL: P.O. Box 1042, Bandung 40010, Indonesia (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager (L) = Logbook of the World (LotW) QSLs UK8OM and UK8OWW: Mike asks everybody NOT to send any money bills with your direct mail! Please send enclose ONLY IRCs (see also DXNL 1560). QSL via V51AS: With immediate effect Frank has a new mail address in Germany and asks everybody not to send any mail to his old address anymore. His new address is: V51AS, Am Rosenkothen 17, 40880 Ratingen, Germany QSLs arrived direct: A61Q & HC1AJQ & HK1XX (all via EA7FTR), VP2VI (W6RKC), 5Z4/DL7UCX Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to: Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX Bulletin, DF6EX (WINQSL), DJ5AV, DK8JB, DK9LB, DL1SBF, DL2BQV, DL7VOA, DL9RCF, F5NQL, F6AJA, K3TRM, NG3K, VK4FW, SWL Norbert Maybaum and others. __________________________________________________ __________________________ The German PDF version can be found on the DARC homepage at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls...8/dxmb1562.pdf __________________________________________________ ____________ Subscribe or unsubscribe to the DXNL mailing list yourself at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/fedxms.htm |
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[DXNL] DXNL 1562 (Mar 12, 2008) | Dx | |||
[DXNL] DXNL 1561 (Mar 5, 2008) | Dx | |||
[DXNL] DXNL 1561 (Mar 5, 2008) | Info | |||
[DXNL] DXNL 1560 (Feb 27, 2008) | Dx | |||
[DXNL] DXNL 1560 (Feb 27, 2008) | Info |