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Amateur Radio Newsline" Report 1600 - April 11, 2008
(Note: This weeks newcast has several audio intensive stories which cannoy properly be displayed as text. We suggest that you go to our website at www.arnewsline.org and download and play the mp3 audio version of this weeks newscast. -- ARNewsline ") Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1600 with a release date of Friday, April 11tht, 2008 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a Q-S-T. The Morse code comes to the Internet, a middle-East broadcaster highlights ham radio, and Newsline celebrates newscast number 1600 with a look back. Please join us for this trip through time on Amateur Radio Newsline" report number 1600 coming your way right now. (Billboard Cart Here) ** HAM RADIO ON THE NET: IRC MORSE COMES TO THE WWW It was bound to happen and now it has, Morse code over Internet Relay Chat or IRC. According to its host website, CWirc is a plug-in for the X-Chat IRC client. It is designed to transmit raw Morse code over the internet using I-R-C servers as reflectors. The transmitted Morse code can be received in near real-time by other X-Chat clients who are equipped with the CWirc plug-in. CWirc tries to emulate a standard amateur radio rig. It has the ability to send and receive Morse over virtual channels, and it can listen to multiple senders transmitting on the same channel. Morse code is keyed locally using a straight or iambic key connected to a computers serial port, or using the mouse buttons, Sound is played through the soundcard or through an external sounder. Note that CWirc doesn't do any Morse decoding. It simply transmits and receives C-W timing events. The program and your computer does the rest to give you a Morse code experience without the radio, the antenna or any T-V-I. More about CWirc is on-line at users.skynet.be/ppc/cwirc/ The website also has historic information on the Morse code and the telegraph. (Southgate) ** RADIO LAW: KANSAS PROTECTS HAM RADIO TOWERS AND ANTENNAS Kansas Becomes 26th State to have a law assuring to rights of hams to have antennas. Known as the Kansas Emergency Communications Preservation Act the new measure is fashioned after federal statute PRB-1. The wording of HB 2805 is simple an unambiguous. It states that if a municipality takes any action that regulates the placement, screening, number or height of a ham radio station antenna structure, that this action must reasonably accommodate federally licensed amateur radio service communications. Also that the action must constitute the minimum regulation practicable to carry out the legitimate purpose of the governing body. As to existing towers and antennas: These are grandfathered under a stipulation that says antenna support structures constructed prior to the bill's effective date are exempted from subsequent changes in zoning regulations. Also that they may be repaired as needed. According to Tom Laux, N0AG, the Salvation Army was very supportive of the measure. Representatives of the Salvation Army twice testified in support of it at hearings held in Topeka. Laux says that they were fantastic. The bill, written was by Rep Arlen Siegfreid. It unanimously passed in both the houses of the Kansas legislature. Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius signed HB 2805 into law on April 9. It takes effect July 1, 2008. In the newsroom, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF. Jim. (QRZ, eHam, N0AG, others) ** WORLDBEAT - LEBANON: AL JAZEERA TELEVISION COVERS HAM RADIO Amateur Radio was highlighted on Quatar's international television service Al Jazeera. This in a documentary news show on Sunday April 6th. Amateur Radio Newsline's Burt Hicks, WB6MQV, is here with the details: -- The Al Jazeera program, Hadeeth Al Sabah featured Radio Amateurs of Lebanon President, Hani Raad, OD5TE. Raad talked about Amateur Radio principles and his personal experience in ham radio emergency service communications over the past 28 years. By way of background, Hani Raad, OD5TE, is a graduate of George Washington University with a degree in Electrical Engineering. He also holds the United States call sign AA3EI and was very active in both ARES and RACES when he lived in the Washington D.C area. As such he holds expertise on the methods used in the area of ham radio Emergency Communications in both the United States and Lebanon. The show, which was repeated on Monday the April 7th, was described as a look at both worlds of ham radio and the way in which hams respond in time of crisis in both. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Burt Hicks, WB6MQV, saying a happy 1600 to all. -- In an e-mail to Newsline, OD5TE said that the program was extremely successful and all the feedback he has received form hams around the world has been very positive. (OD5TE, others) ** HAM HAPPENINGS: WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY AND THE WARD AWARD World Amateur Radio Day 2008 will take place on April 18th and this year you can win an award just for taking part in this years celebration. That's because the Polish Radio Amateur's Journal, with the support of the Polish Amateur Radio Union will be sponsoring this years WARD or World Amateur Radio Day award. Amateur Radio Newsline's Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, has the details: -- By way of background, each year on the anniversary of its founding, the International Amateur Radio Union marks its inaugural meeting in Paris. A meeting that took place on April 18th some 83 years ago. In honor of this historic event the IARU dedicates World Amateur Radio Day to the future of the world-wide service. And in continuing this theme the World Amateur Radio Day award will be granted by the Polish Radio Amateur's Journal to those who make either 10 QSOs on the High Frequency bands, or 10 QSOs on the VHF bands. All contacts must be made between 0000 and 2400 U-T-C on April 18th. The full colored award is also available to SWL's for the same numbers of reports. To claim it you will need to send a completed application form along with a log extract that includes your list of QSO's and 5 International Reply Coupons to the The Polish Radio Amateur's Journal. Its address is MK QTC, Suchacz-Zamek - Wielmozy 5b, 82-340 Tolkmicko, Poland. Miore information is on-line at www.ward.pzk.pl Saying a happy 1600 to all, I'm Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, in Los Angeles, for the Amateur Radio Newsline. -- Oh yes. The deadline to file for this years World Amateur Radio Day award is midnight UTC on May 31st. (Southgate) ** RESCUE RADIO: CANADIAN EARTH HOUR EXERCISE A SUCCESS An emergency communications radio system was tested in Southern Ontario Canada during the March 29th Earth Hour. That's when the Toronto FM Communications Society in association with the Canadian Amateur Radio Emergency Service and Emergency Management Ontario conducted a trial of the ability of the amateur radio repeater system in the Southern Ontario to respond to crisis situations. During the Earth Hour, the Toronto FM Communications Society net control station operated from an Emergency Management Ontario mobile command center. He logged in excess of 60 stations. All were operating on emergency back-up power sources with some operators in Hamilton to Oshawa and north to Barrie responding. The exercise proved the importance of amateur radio operators and repeater organizations in the event of a widespread disaster. Toronto FM Communications Society operates repeaters on the CN Tower in Toronto, Ontario as well as at the highest elevation in Southern Ontario atop the Skyloft Ski Resort in Uxbridge, Ontario. More about the group is on line at www.tfmcs.com (eHam, PRWeb) ** BREAK 1 From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world including the W5DSC repeater serving the ham radio community in and near Victoria, Texas. (5 sec pause here) ** RESCUE RAFIO: EMCOMMWEST IN RENO NEVADA MAY 2 - 4 If you are into emergency communications and public service, then Reno, Nevada, is the spot to be the weekend of May 2nd to the 4th. Amateur Radio Newslie's Don Carlson, KQ6FM, is in Reno with the details: -- EMCOMMWEST 2008 is returning to "The Biggest Little City in the World", Reno, Nevada, It will be held at the Circus Circus Hotel in downtown Reno, May 2-4. This year's keynote speaker will be Dennis Dura, K2DCD Emergency Preparedness and Response Manager from the ARRL headquarters in Newington, CN. Dennis will bring some great information about how we can be better emergency communicators, and use the latest technology and resources available in doing so. Emcommwest will also feature a special video presentation from Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH special council of the FCC's enforcement Bureau, who has agreed to do the video which will be shown at EMCOMMWEST. Also, Emcommwest will welcome Gordon West, WB6NOA from southern California, who was with us a few years back will return as the Saturday night banquet speaker and also host a forum during the event as an introduction to Emergency Communications, and he will have a display booth set up in the vendor hall. Gordon is also bringing his mobile communications unit for us to see. Banquet seating is limited, so make reservations early! Forums covering leadership, handling PIO duties during callouts, working with different served agencies, MARS, the latest technology, and many new presentations will highlight this year's event. Emcommwest will also have it's own SPECIAL EVENT STATION, operating on HF, UHF and VHF! Pacific Division Director Bob Vallio, W6RGG will host an ARRL forum on Sunday May 4 with many SM's and other officials taking part. There will be raffle prizes, including radios, power supply, and many other items along with an all new, larger vendor room and an all day amateur licensing class along with VE testing, so non-ham attendees can become licensed while they are there. Advance conference and banquet registration is now available online via the website, at www.emcommwest.org. Special room rates are available from Circus Circus, via a link on the website. For information, email your requests to: g We are looking forward to a great EMCOMMWEST this year! From the site of Emcommwest in Reno, Nevada, this is Don Carlson, KQ6FM for Amateur Radio Newsline. -- Again the dates are May 2nd to the 4th at the Circus Circus Hotel and Casino in Reno, Nevada for Emcommwest 2008 -- the premiere ham radio emergency communications show west of the Continental Divide. More information is on the web at www.emcommwest.org (KQ6FM, Emcommwest ) ** ENFORCEMENT: FCC TELLS TWO HAMS TO STAY OFF LOCAL REPEATERS Two hams in different parts of the country have received warning letters from the FCC. Letters that tell them to stay off of certain repeaters in their respective geographic areas. In New York, the trustees of the K3TSA 2 meter repeater system had requested in writing that David R. Henry, W2DRH, refrain from use of that repeater. The request was issued as a result of Henry's alleged failure to follow operational rules set forth by the licensee and or the control operators of the repeater and of the FCC rules. The FCC says that Henry had previously been requested to refrain from using the system, but had apparently ignored both verbal and written requests. The FCC not only warned Henry that any further unauthorized use of him by the repeater will bring enforcement action against his license. It also noted that his license expires on April 21, 2009. It says that his license will not be routinely renewed unless this matter is resolved. A warning letter has also been sent to Edward R. Drone, W0NYF. In this instance the trustee of the St. Louis and Suburban Radio Club repeaters K0STL, N0TYZ, W0FF and W0SRC had requested in writing that Drone refrain from use of the repeaters. The request was issued as a result of his alleged failure to follow operational rules set forth by the licensee and control operators of the repeaters for their users. In a conversation with the FCC in February 2008 Drone reportedly acknowledged that he had been directed to stay off of the repeaters and stated that he would comply. However, the FCC says that on March 31st he was heard utilizing the K0STL repeater and reportedly stated that he would not refrain from using it. Now, in its April 2nd letter to Drone the FCC warns him that it expects him to abide by the request to stay off of the repeaters and any other such request by a repeater licensee, control operator or trustee. It warns W-Zero-N-Y-F that failure to do so will lead to enforcement action that could include revocation of his license , or a modification proceeding to restrict the frequencies on which he may operate. Drone was also asked to contact FCC rules enforcer Riley Hollingsworth and issues with him. (FCC) ** RADIO LAW: NEW CALIFORNIA HANDS-FREE MOBILE PHONE LAW MAY IMPACT TWO-WAY RADIO AFTER ALL California's soon to be in force hands free mobile phone law could impact on two way radio users after all. While a recently released pamphlet released by the states Department of Motor Vehicles states that the use of dedicated two-way radios such as walkie-talkies or Citizen Band radios is not affected by the new hands-free law, there are some who tend to disagree. And because of this two camps of thinking have developed. Those fearful of the consequences of the new law are of the opinion is that judges will ignore the language in the Department of Motor Vehicles pamphlet. Instead, this group believes that those adjudicating such a case will refer to the actual law which does not generally exempt two-way radio operations from the hands-free provision. However, a contrary opinion is that the law clearly refers to and is written around wireless telephone handsets and their use. These people note that most two-way radios are not wireless telephones. Also, that even the California Highway Patrol seems to acknowledge that the new law is about Wireless Telephones only. The bottom line. Its likely that one of these days someone will get ticketed for using a business band radio, a C-B set or even a mobile ham radio station. That will be the test case and we are all going to have to wait and see if it actually happens and what the final outcome will be. More is on-line: http://www.dmv.ca.gov/cellularphonelaws/dl208_03cell_phone.pdfhttp://www.d mv.ca.gov/cellularphonelaws/dl208_03cell_phone.pdf and http://www.chp.ca.gov/pdf/media/cell_phone_faq.pdfhttp://www.chp.ca.gov/pd f/media/cell_phone_faq.pdf) (CGC, others) ** NAMES IN THE NEWS: ARRL'S HARRISON APPOINTED TO AK SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AUTHORITY A word of congratulations to ARRL President Joel Harrison, W5ZN, who has been appointed to a four year term on the Board of Directors of the Arkansas Science & Technology Authority by Governor Mike Beebe. The Arkansas Science & Technology Authority was created by statute in 1983 with the mission to bring the benefits of science and advanced technology to the people and state of Arkansas. Harrison's appointment has already been approved by the Arkansas State Senate. (ARRL) ** NAMES IN THE NEWS: K6JGN NAMED NEWPORT BEACH VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR And congratulations also to Ed Karagozian, K6JGN. On March 20th, Karagozian was named as the 2007 Volunteer of the Year for his eighteen-plus years of service with Newport Beach California RACES. The honor was bestowed by the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce held its 37th Annual Police Appreciation Awards Breakfast (Via e-mail) ** NAMES IN THE NEWS: N2NT NAMED NEW CQ WW 160M CONTEST DIRECTOR Veteran contester Andy Blank, N2NT, of Dayton, New Jersey, has been named the new Director of the CQ World Wide 160-Meter Contest. Blank succeeds Dave Thompson, K4JRB, who has decided to retire after 16 years at the helm of the event. (CQ) ** YHOTY: 2008 NOMINATIONS SOUGHT And a reminder that the nominating period for the 2008 Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year is now open. Any licensed radio amateur age 18 or younger residing in the United States or Canada is eligible for the award. Full details and both downloadable and on-line nominating forms are in cyberspace at www dot YHOTY dot org. (ARNewsline") ** THE SOCIAL SCENE: HEIL SOUND HOSTING 2008 NAB HAM RADIO RECEPTION If you are planning to attend the National Association of Broadcasters Convention, Bob Heil, K9EID, advises that the annual Ham Radio Reception hosted by Heil Sound will be held on Wednesday night, April 16th, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. local Las Vegas time. As usual, the venue in Ballroom B of the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel. The hotel adjoins the Las Vegas Convention Center which is the home of the National Association of Broadcasters gathering. Bob says that there will be lots and lots of prizes and that you never know who might show up. (Heil Sound, K9EID) ** THE SOCIAL SCENE: REPEATERS FOR HAMS ATTENDING THE NAB CONVENTION IN LAS VEGAS And the Las Vegas Radio Amateur Club invites you to enjoy the use of our repeaters while you are in town. The club says it will have its UHF and VHF systems linked together most of the time. According to Bill Croghan, WBØKSW, the 2-meter repeater is on 146.94 MHz with a minus 600 kHz offset, and requiring a 100 Hz sub-audible access tone. The 70 cm system operates on 448.500 MHz with its input MHz lower. It too requires a 100 Hz tone. (CGC, WBØKSW ) ** THE SOCIAL SCENE: THE ARRL AT NAB 2008 Also, last but by no means least, the ARRL will have its usual presence at NAB 2008. Look for them in Booth L One off to the left of the main exhibit hall entrance. This years National Association of Broadcasters Convention runs from April 11th to the 17th, at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. (CGC, WBØKSW ) ** THE SOCIAL SCENE: SHELBY HAMFEST LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME The famed Shelby Hamfest is not cancelled. But it is looking for a new home. Word of the supposed demise of Shelby began spreading across ham radio cyberspace last week. This as bloggers interpreted a newspaper story regarding the inability of the Shelby Amateur Radio Club and the operators of the Cleveland County Fairgrounds to reach agreement on a contract for the 2008 show. But Susan Melvin, K4ZXN, who is a member of the Shelby Amateur Radio club has posted to QRZ dot com that the blogs are not correct. She says that the Shelby Hamfest has not been cancelled. Rather, the planners are actively seeking a new site for the show. Melvin adds that as soon as the official word comes, it will be posted on the club's website. Its URL is www.shelbyhamfeast.org. (QRZ.com) ** BREAK 2 This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the world from our only official website at www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer services of the following radio amateur: (5 sec pause here) ** THE CHANGING OF THE GUARD: AZDEN'S LEW REINBERG, W2BIE - S.K. Once again the changing of three guard in ham radio continues. This with word that Lew Reinberg, W2BIE, formerly with the Amateur Radio Products division of Azden Communications, has passed away. Reinberg came to Azden after a long career in the photographic and electronics industries. This, as a final job prior to his full retirement several years ago. He left when Azden announced that the company had decided to exit the ham radio marketplace. First licensed back in 1954, Reinberg was active on all bands from HF through UHF. He was an avid DX'er and well known in both the New York City and Baltimore, Maryland ham radio communities. He was a fixture with the Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club almost since the groups inception and its said that there was a room in Lew's house that wasn't within ear shot of a ham radio or scanner. Lew Reinberg, W2BIE, is survived by his wife Elaine, W2ECR, and son Steven, N2HOK. Services for W2BIE were held on Monday, March 17th at the Young Israel of West Hempstead Temple on New York City's Long Island. (K2EPM) ** HAM HAPPENINGS: COMMERATING THE TITANIC At least two ham radio groups say that they will mark the 96th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Titanic special event operations. First up is W- Zero-S, which stands for "White Star Line." It will be on the air from the Titanic Museum in Branson, Missouri. 1300 UTC on Saturday, April 12, and conclude at 2400 UTC on Sunday, April 13. Members of the Nixa Amateur Radio Club and the Southwest Missouri Amateur Radio Club will bring W0S to life along with corporate underwriters Icom, MFJ, MicroLog, Rayfield Communications and Vibroplex. Listen out for this one on SSB, CW, PSK plus some activity on D-Star, EchoLink and IRLP. More information including a full list of frequencies and the QSL route is on-line at www dot wzeros dot com Alson on tape is special event station W1MGY. It will operate from the Titanic Historical Society Museum in Indian Orchard, Massachusetts. Operation will concentrate on 20 and 40 meters. Listen out for it on April 11-12 from 1400 UTC until 2030 UTC both days QSL' for this one go to the Titanic Historical Society, W1MGY, PO Box 51053, Indian Orchard, MA 01151. (Press releases) ** WORLDBEAT - ENGLAND: RSGB STAFF MEMBER RUNNING LONDON MARATHON ON STILTS Meantime. on Sunday April 13th, a Radio Society of Great Britain staff member hopes to set a new world record. That's when Michelle Frost, of the RSGB Commercial department, will be running the London Marathon on four foot high stilts! Michelle has been stilt-walking for close to ten years but only graduated to the four foot high ones about three years ago. This time around she is taking to her lofty perch to raise money for REACH. This is a U K based charity dedicated to helping children with upper limb deficiencies. To date, no-one has ever competed in a marathon on stilts and the Guinness Book of Records is reportedly starting a new record category to celebrate. To find out more about Michelle and her charity walk on stilts, go to www.justgiving.com/rainbowdave on the World-Wide-Web. (RSGB) ** THAT FINAL ITEM: CELEBRATING 1600 WEEKS OF THE AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE And finally this week & Hmmm... How many times have you heard those words on these newscasts? The words "&and finally this week." Well, if you have been with us since the beginning in 1977, this week marks the 1600th time one of our news anchors has introduced the last story of the week with those words going right back to the days we were the Westlink Radio Network. It Jim Hendershot, WA6VQP, who originally conceived, produced and voiced the Westlink newscasts. Actually, Westlink was originally intended for one newscast to talk about the pros and cons of the hottest topic of the day. That topic was repeater deregulation: -- Audio only: Please download and play the mp3 version of the newscast available at www.arnewsline.org -- That's how it started. And after 70 some off newscasts, Jim Hendershot moved away from Los Angeles, turning the reins of Westlink Radio over to Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF. He in turn solicited the assistance of two friends from NBC News. Broadcast Engineer Bill Orenstein, KH6QX, and the late Alan Kaul, W6RCL: -- Audio only: Please download and play the mp3 version of the newscast available at www.arnewsline.org -- Over the years there were many highlights of the world of Amateur Radio that Westlink and then Newsline covered live on tape. Among them the grand opening of the ham radio station on board the Queen Mary Ocean Liner and the first QSO's from its refurbished radio room. That happened back on April 4th of 1979, when the late D-X'er Don Wallace, W6AM, made that opening night contact. -- Audio only: Please download and play the mp3 version of the newscast available at www.arnewsline.org -- Then there was the first contact made from the space shuttle Columbia by astronaut Owen Garriott, W5LFL, and Lance Collister, WA1JXN, in Ferenchtown, Montana. That QSO took place on November 28th 1983 and we were the first to bring not only the story, but the sound of the actual contact as well: -- Audio only: Please download and play the mp3 version of the newscast available at www.arnewsline.org -- But not all of the stories we covered were happy times. One of the saddest days in ham radio history took place on May 23, 1980. At three minutes into the launch of Amsat's Phase 3 A satellite something went wrong with the French-built launch rocket and the ham radio payload went into the sea: -- Audio only: Please download and play the mp3 version of the newscast available at www.arnewsline.org -- Undaunted, within a few weeks Amsat began work on Phase 3B. It would go to space on June 16, 1983 and became the highly successful AMSAT-OSCAR 10. A year later, A Oh 10 was used for the first ever HT to HT repeater to repeater contact and we brought the sound of that historic moment to your repeater and even to your HT: -- Audio only: Please download and play the mp3 version of the newscast available at www.arnewsline.org -- Admittedly by today's standards with the Internet, IRLP and Echolink that 1984 repeater interlink using a ham radio satellite sounds kind of crude. But it did open the eyes of many hams who had been conditioned to think of a repeater as a purely local device. Suddenly repeaters had matured to where a 2 watt H-T could be heard nationwide. Eventually the technology of the 1990's and this first part of the 21st century would give a tiny hand held a voice heard around the world. And so here we are in April of 2008, some 30 years and 8 months after the very first Westlink radio bulletin aired in Los Angeles. Back then, none of us had any idea that it would be here this long and that some of us who were there back then would still be doing it now. But we are and we will continue for as long as you want us. In our book, you are the most important reason that we work to bring you a timely news bulletin every week. And as we say at the end of each newscast, and as we say again today, we thank you for listening. Im' Jim Davis W2JKD. The Amateur Radio Newsline is copyright 2008. All rights are reserved. |
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