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![]() DXNL 1567 - Apr 16, 2008 DX Newsletter a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" (http://www.darcdxhf.de) editor: Helmut Schlaffer, DL7MAE (e-mail: ) translation by: Bob, DL7VOA (e-mail: ) FJ - ST BARTHELEMY, NA-146 Juergen,FJ/DJ2VO, will work only in CW on 40-10m (perhaps also on 80m) running 100 watts into a vertical from Apr 19 until May 8. Juergen confirms QSL cards direct and via the DARC bureau. FS - ST MARTIN, NA-105 Starting on Apr 22 Bob,N9QGU, will be QRV in SSB on 20-10m for about two weeks. He will have time for his radio hobby during his early morning and late afternoon hours. GJ - JERSEY, EU-013 Dani,HB9IQY, writes: "I will sign GJ/HB9IQY in SSB und CW on 80-10m from the channel island Jersey (EU-013) between Tuesday, Apr 22, and Friday, May 2. Please understand that I am going to work mostly Swiss stations during the Helvetia (H26) Contest on Apr 26/27." Dani will use a TS-450, a W3DZZ antenna and asks for QSLs via his homecall. GU - GUERNSEY, EU-114 The "Barry Amateur Radio Society" members Glyn,GW0ANA, and MW0USK with their German guests Markus,DL9RCF, Alois,DL8RBL, and Franz,DJ9ZB, will activate Guernsey Island (EU-114) from Apr 19-26. Listen for GB0U in all modes and on all bands on the usual DX frequencies. The QSL manager is Glyn,GW0ANA. KH2 - GUAM, OC-026 Yoshi,JE2EHP, announces his activity as K1HP/KH2 in CW/SSB on all bands from Guam (OC-026, Usi GU-003S, WLOTA LH 0064) from Apr 18-21. QSLs via JE2EHP, direct or via the JARL bureau. KH8 - AMERICAN SAMOA, OC-045 Gavin J. Roberts,AH8/W9EYE, will go on a business trip to Tutuila from Apr 21-27. He will work with high power in SSB/RTTY on 10-80m during his spare time. QSLs via homecall, direct or via W9 bureau. KP2 - AMERICAN VIRGIN ISLANDS, A-106 Ann,KP2YL, and Brian,KP2HC, will activate St. Croix (NA-106) in CW/SSB on 160-6m from Apr 16-23. QSLs "direct only", see QRZ.com. S2 - BANGLADESH John,KX7YT, is back in Dhaka again since Apr 14 and will stay there until May 1. He could extend his old license by seven days so that he will be active on the air as S21YV until Apr 21. QSLs either direct (1 US$ or 1 IRC) to KX7YT, via bureau or via LoTW. T8 - PALAU, OC-009 Mat,T88JY (JA1JQY), Sasi,T88KJ (JA1KJW), and Kuni,T88VE (JA8VE), will stay in Palau (OC-009) from Apr 16-19. They have three radios and a small amplifier, dipoles for 160-30m and yagis for the other bands. T88JY and T88KJ will work in telegraphy, T88VE prefers SSB and RTTY. QSLs via the operator's homecalls, bureau is ok. V8 - BRUNEI, OC-088 Gerben,PG5M, is staying at the "Ambran Lodge" at the QTH of V85SS in Brunei (OC-088) from Apr 18-21. His callsign is not known yet. QSL via PG5M. Find more information on his homepage http://www.dx.to John,9M6XRO, will visit the lodge as well and will support Gerben in the pile-ups from Apr 17-23. His QSL manager is M3SDE. YK - SYRIA Saad,N5FF, announced to show up as YK1BA from Apr 21 until May 2. He will be situated in the capital Damascus and plans to work in CW, SSB and RTTY on 10-80m mainly from 2000-2300 and from 0200-0500 UTC. His preferred bands are 30m, 40m and 80m. QSL via N5FF. ZA - ALBANIA Franck,ZA/F4DTO, will be QRV from the city of Elbassan from Apr 22 until May 3. Franck will work in SSB on 20m, 17m and preferably 10m running the 100 W of his FT-100 into a vertical for 10m and a dipole. QSLs only direct via F4DTO. Check also his website: http://monsite.orange.fr/f4dto ZD7 - ST HELENA, AF-022 The latest information says Tom,ZD7X (KC0W), will stay on St. Helena until the end of June (a little longer than planned). The next stop in his plans is Tristan da Cunha (AF-029) from where he plans to become active as ZD9X for four to six months. 1S - SPRATLY ISLANDS, AS-051 9M6/LA7XK, 9M6/LA9DL and 9M6/LA6VM will be QRV from Layang Layang from Apr 18-25. While LA6VM works CW the other two OP's will activate SSB, RTTY and PSK feeding their 100 watts into verticals. QSLs via the operator's homecall, direct or via the LA bureau. 6W - SENEGAL Witek,SP9MRO, and Marian,SP9CTT, are staying in Senegal between Apr 17 and May 5 and plan to hit the airwaves in CW/SSB/PSK31/RTTY on 160-10m (lowbands preferred). They applied for the callsigns 6V7K and 6V7J. QSL: 6V7K via SP9SX, 6V7J via SP9CTT. FRANCE, SPECIAL EVENT STATION The 150th birthday of Max Planck is celebrated in France with the special callsign TM2MP which will be activated from Apr 18 until May 1. Max Planck was a German physicist who is considered to be founder of the quantum theory and received the Nobel prize in Physics in 1918. QSL via F6KTN. CZECH REPUBLIC, SPECIAL EVENT STATION OL76CAV will be put on the air on Apr 20. QSL via OK1UU. Find more information online at: http://www.c-a-v.com TURKEY, SPECIAL EVENT STATION TC57A will be QRV on 40/20/17/15m from Apr 22-26ö. This station shall remember the battle of Gallipoli, which took place in 1915 on the Dardanelles, and the 57th infantry regiment ("Alay") of the "Fifth Turkish Army". The QSLs are managed by TA1HZ. See also: http://tcswat.tripod.com SILENT KEY: Guenter Schwarzbeck,DL1BU, sadly passed away at the age of 80 on Apr 2. He was an antenna specialist and shared his knowledge in many well-founded articles. We will keep him in good memory. LINKS: Current SOTA activities (mountain summits) are announced at: http://sotawatch.sota.org.uk/activations.php or http://sotawatch.sota.org.uk/spots.php --- Detailed information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: http://www.MMMonVHF.de --- A photo gallery of the just finished DXpedition to Clipperton (TX5C) can be found at: http://www.clipperton2008.org/dxpedition/photos.htm World Amataur Radio Day on April 18: ------------------------------------ April 18 is celebrated as the World Amateur Radio Day since the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) in Paris on Apr 18, 1925. Everybody is invited to celebrate this day with activity on the amateur radio bands. UPCOMING CONTESTS ----------------- Apr 19: Holyland DX Contest Apr 19: ES Open HF Championship Apr 19: European Sprint Contest IOTA collected by Fredy,DE0MST (e-mail: ) ---- Island activities: EU-013, GJ, Jersey: Kevan,2E0WMG, and Mark,M0MJH, will be QRV as 2J0WMG and MJ0MJH from Jersey Island from Apr 20-26. They also plan to activate Les Minquiers (Maytresse/EU-099) during this time. Originally both were expected to show up four weeks earlier. QSLs via homecalls (QRZ.com/bureau). EU-029, OZ, Sjaelland Island: Flemming,OZ5FM/p, will work from Sjaelland on Apr 19 and will activate the ligthouses Roesnaes (DEN-034) and Asnaes (DEN-121). He works only in SSB on 20m. QSL via homecall, direct or via bureau. See also: http://oz7aei.qrz.dk EU-172, OZ, Langeland Island. Stefan,OZ/DF8HS, is working in SSB, RTTY and PSK on 10-80m from Apr 14-26. QSL via homecall. NA-117, TI8, Puntarenas Prov. East Grp., NA-191, TI7, Guanacaste Prov. Grp.: Klaus,DK6AO, is staying in Costa Rica from Apr 16 until May 17 and plans to activate Capitan Island as TI7/DK6AO and also Ballena Island as TI8/DK6AO. All activities are limited to the weekends. For QSL information visit: http://www.dk6ao.de NA-213, W, Dauphin Island: Ray,K9DUR, and Pam,KC9JMA, will be QRV from Apr 17-22. QSLs via homecall (bureau/direct). Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS) ----------------------------------- Due to an engine failure of the ship "Alferez Sobral" the scheduled activity from Isla de los Estados and the Salvamento Lighthouse (WAP ARG-23) had to be cancelled. It is not clear when the next try to activate LU8XW/X will be started. Pierre,F5JFU/p, will activate Leucate lighthouse (DPLF-PB 147) on 80/40/20m during the "International Amateur Radio Day" on Apr 18, 1000-1600 UTC. All QSOs will be confirmed via bureau automatically. Bandspots of the last 7 days ---------------------------- 80m E76AQ 3.510 2329Z via E73TW FG5FR 3.507 0048Z (d), see QRZ.com ON1000NOTGER 3.786 2025Z via ON5VL (B) OZ/DJ4MG 3.610 2111Z EU-171, via DJ4MG SP75E 3.722 0523Z via SP7DQR (B), (L) TM2I 3.770 2104Z via F6KVP (B) YK9G 3.503 0035Z via G3TXF (B) 40m AD7RT/AH0 7.015 1600Z via JG1PZE E78DX 7.090 1839Z PJ2/K9XV 7.143 2352Z SP75C 7.019 1603Z via SP7DQR (B), (L) SP75O 7.011 0708Z via SP7DQR (B), (L) VP5/W5CW 7.021 0515Z via W5CW YK9G 7.013 2100Z via G3TXF (B) 3B8MM 7.010 2119Z via DL6UAA (B) 6V7I 7.002 2257Z via SM7DXQ (B) 30m PJ4/W9NJY 10.108 0544Z via WD9DZV (B) YK9G 10.123 1848Z via G3TXF (B) 6V7I 10.107 1841Z via SM7DXQ (B) 20m DU2/SM5ENX 14.015 1451Z OC-042, via SM5ENX (B) EL5CB 14.268 1655Z via HB9AUZ (B) HK6K 14.083 1152Z via EA5KB (B) HL0U 14.200 0909Z via HL bureau JT1DN 14.085 1009Z RTTY SV5/SM8C 14.012 0826Z via SM0CMH (B) VK2KM 14.085 1222Z RTTY VP5/KZ8O 14.084 1116Z via KZ8O (d) YI9PT 14.263 1816Z via N4XP (B) YK9G 14.023 1532Z via G3TXF (B) 4K9W 14.082 1148Z RTTY, via DL6KVA (B) 6V7I 14.200 0948Z via SM7DXQ (B) 6V7I 14.014 1722Z via SM7DXQ (B) 17m AI5P/KH0 18.082 0901Z via AI5P (B) JF6CHY 18.078 0851Z YK9G 18.073 0745Z via G3TXF (B) 4K9W 18.102 0925Z RTTY, via DL6KVA (B) 15m C91R 21.290 1604Z via CT1BXT YK9G 21.003 1418Z via G3TXF (B) 6V7I 21.295 1238Z via SM7DXQ (B) (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager (L) = LotW Preview ------- DATE CALL DXNL 20Apr-26Apr 2J0WMG.. 1567 * 14Apr-17Apr 3B6FQ 1566 09Apr-24Apr 3B8/SP2JMB 1564 30Mar-17Apr 5R8HAT 1564 17Apr-05May 6V7J & 6V7K 1567 * -Apr 6W/EA4ATI 1515 -Sep/09 6W1SJ 1541 -31Dec 9A60A 1565 18Apr-25Apr 9M6 (Spratly) 1567 * 26Mar-30Jun 9N7JO 1565 -Jun A7/G0MKT 1565 21Apr-27Apr AH8/W9EYE 1567 * 07Apr-16Apr AI5P/KH0 1562 -31Dec AY0DX 1558 -Aug C91R 1538 22Apr-03May DK1DN/p.. 1566 12Apr-12May DU9/PA3GZU 1566 -31Dec EI100S(I) 1501 -Apr EL8CB & EL8BK 1563 19Apr-08May FJ/DJ2VO 1567 * 06May-06Jun FR/Glorioso 1562 22Apr-05May FS (N9QGU) 1567 * 19Apr-26Apr GB0U 1567 * 22Apr-02May GJ/HB9IQY 1567 * 05Mar-27Apr H44MS 1557 -Nov HF0POL 1552 05Apr-24Apr HS0ZGQ 1565 -31Dec HG1848I 1556 -31Dec HG550REX 1556 -30Apr HL0HQSC 1566 01Mar-31Aug II3PIAV 1564 2006 -2008 J28JA 1484/85 -Aug J28OO 1534 27Mar-08Oct JX9JKA 1564 18Apr-21Apr K1HP/KH2 1567 * -31Dec ON40BAF 1553 -31Dec ON1000NOTGER 1555 14Apr-21Apr S21YV 1567 * -31Dec SF700BF 1558 NOW T61AA 1539 16Apr-19Apr T8 (JAs) 1567 * 22Apr-26Apr TC57A 1567 * 16Apr-17May TI/DK6AO 1567 * NOW -2008 TL8QC 1459 18Apr-01May TM2MP 1567 * 24May-07Jun TM7S 1553 NOW TT8PK 1556 -Sep V55SRT 1554 -May V73RY 1552 17Apr-23Apr V8 (PG5M..) 1567 * Apr VC2VQ 1565 -2009 WA2YUN/KH9 1566 09Apr-28Apr XU7ADV 1566 -Aug YA/IZ1BWB 1553 -15May YI9MI 1547 21Apr-02May YK1BA 1567 * 22Apr-03May ZA/F4DTO 1567 * -Jun ZD7X 1567 * May -Apr/09 ZS8T 1563 * = new or updated ... = and other calls QSL information --------------- AH7G via NH7FY (B) CN8ZG via EA7FTR (B) CT1JQW via DF2WO E72AA via K2PF (B) E77XZ via DK6XZ EA7NL/p via EA7HBC EA9EU via EA5KB (B) EC1ACB (d) ED8D via EA8BHD (B) EH6R via EA6AZ EH7SCC via EA7URC GB2RN via G0TOC (B) GB90RAF via RSGB bureau HA801DAE via HA1DAE HA807PL via HA7PL HF150LO via SP3SLD HG25STT via HA7JJS HL0HQSC via HL2CFY (B) VQ58V via W5CW VQ59W via KX4WW (d) VU2DK (d) VX2FET via VE2FET (B), (L), eQSL XU7KOH via ON7PP (d) XV3M via F6BUM YB8TAF via EA5KB (B) YE5YY (d) YO22NATO via YO3KAA (B) YQ6A via YO6BHN YT7DQ via YU7ADY (B) YU9A via YU1FW (B) ZB2CN via DJ9WH (d) ZF2UL via K3UL ZS1/RW1ZC via RZ6AC 3B8/SP2JMB via SP2JMB 3B8MM via DL6UAA (B) 5B/LZ2HM via LZ2HM (B) 5C5W via EA5XX (d) 5D0IPY via I0YKN (B) 5N8DNP via IK5JAN (d) 6V7I via SM7DXQ (B) 9A60A via 9A7A 9Q/SM7RME via SM7EHU (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager (L) = Logbook of the World (LotW) QSLs arrived direct: PZ5YV (via IT9DAA) Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to: Carl Smith (QRZDX), 425DXNews, OPDX Bulletin, DF6EX (WINQSL), DH5NBK, DJ2VO, DJ5AV, DK8JB, DL1SBF, DL7VOA, F5NQL, HB9IQY, I1HYW, NG3K, W1AW, SWL Norbert Maybaum and others. __________________________________________________ __________________________ The German PDF version can be found on the DARC homepage at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls...8/dxmb1567.pdf __________________________________________________ ____________ Subscribe or unsubscribe to the DXNL mailing list yourself at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/fedxms.htm |
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[DXNL] DXNL 1567 (Apr 16, 2008) | Dx | |||
[DXNL] DXNL 1566 (Apr 9, 2008) | Dx | |||
[DXNL] DXNL 1566 (Apr 9, 2008) | Info | |||
[DXNL] DXNL 1563 (Mar 19, 2008) | Dx | |||
[DXNL] DXNL 1562 (Mar 12, 2008) | Info |