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![]() Amateur Radio Newsline" Report 1602 - April 25, 2008 Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1602 with a release date of Friday, April 25tht, 2008 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a Q-S-T. The FCC will netcast its meeting to revise the Emergency Alert System, a not so funny intruder to 70 centimeters down-under, changes in the rules for Field Day 2008 and Newsline's e-mail is spoofed. Find out the details on Amateur Radio Newsline" report number 1602 coming your way right now. (Billboard Cart Here) ** RESCUE RADIO: FCC TO WEBCAST EAS PLANNING SUMMIT MAY 19 The Federal Communications Commissions Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau will webcast a Summit on the nations Emergency Alert System on Monday, May 19th. Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, reports: -- In line with the Commissions July 2007 Second Report and Order on the Emergency Alert System, the Summit discussions will focus on the current state of the nations E-A-S and what is needed to transition it to a more robust, Next Generation alert and warning system. One that will help ensure that all citizens receive accurate and timely information during emergencies. The Summit will be open to the public; admittance however will be limited to the seating available. The venue is Commission Meeting Room at the FCC's Washington D.C. headquarters building from 9:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Those individuals who are interested in attending may pre-register on-line at: http://www.fcc.gov/pshs/summits/eas . The deadline for pre-registration is Thursday, May 15, 2008. As mentioned there will be streaming Audio and Video coverage of the meeting. It will be carried live with open captioning over the Internet from the FCC's web page at www.fcc.gov.realaudio Access to webcast is free to the public and does not require pre-registration. Whether or not the ARRL, REACT or any personal radio emergency communications organization will be a part of this gathering? That not known at this point in time. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the studio in Los Angeles. -- Again, that E-A-S planning meeting is Monday, May 19th. The Commission says that it will release additional information and an agenda in the near future. (FCC) ** ALERT: NEWSLINE E-MAIL BEING SPOOFED Amateur Radio Newsline's e-mail addrsss has been spoofed and yoy may have been the target. If you received an unexpected e-mail with our return address of with a message written in Cyrillic Rusiam and asking you to call a strange telephone number, delete that e-mail at once. Its not from us and there is every reason to believe that calling that phone number could be a hoax or scam. Every once in a while spammers and Internet scammers randomly pick an e-mail address and use it to send outs thousands if not 10's of thousands or even millions of pieces of spam e-mail. This week it appears to be our turn. We found out about it when several hundred bounced e-mail filled our incoming mailbox on Wednesday the 23rd. We notified our I-S-P but in reality all that can be done is to wait for the spoofing attack to pass. Meantime, if you were one of those who received the Russian spam, just delete it because it was not from us. Also, remember this general Internet safety rule. Never, ever click on any link in any e-mail that you are not expecting, even if you know the person who sent it. There is no way to know if that e-mail is real or just another web spoof like the one our e-mail address was used for this past week. Be wise. Do not click any link or call any phone numbers that came unsolicited. Make Internet safety your top priority and you will not only protect your computer but also your personal information as well. Information that the crooks on the Internet will stop at nothing to get. (ARNewsline") ** BREAKING DX NEWS: GLORIOSO ISLAND OPERATION POSTPONED AGAIN If you have been one of those patiently waiting for Glorioso Island to come on the air, you are going to have to wait a bit longer. This is because the DXpedition to Glorioso originally scheduled for May 6th to June 6th has been postponed once again. The reason this time is construction. Starting in June a number of new tropical storms shelters will be built on Glorioso. The work will take at least two and a half months. Due to the large number of workers on the island during the construction the authorities decided to postpone the DXpedition until the work has been completed. The exact dates for the Dxpedition to take place will be determined by the availability of transportation to and from Glorioso. The operators say that they hope to accomplish the operation by the end of September or the beginning of October at the latest. We will have more D-X related news later on in this weeks Amateur Radio Newsline report. (DXNL) ** ON THE AIR: RULES CHANGES FOR FIELD DAY 2008 Three major changes have been announced in the rules guiding this years ARRL Field Day. First is that the Demonstration Mode bonuses have been replaced by an Educational Activities bonus. Second, The Get On The Air or G-O-T-A station may now also operate on the VHF bands but only one band at a time. Lastly, a newly licensed amateur who has received his or her ticket dince Field Day 2007 may operate the G-O-T-A station regardless of license class, but this does not apply to upgrades. The League says that an upgrade is not the same as a new license. Field Day 2008 runs from 1800 U-T-C on June 28th to 2100 U-T-C on June 29th. The complete rules are on the ARRL's website at www.arrl.org/contests/rules/2008/fd.html. You can also find them starting on page 81 of the May issue of QST magazine. (ARRL) ** RADIO ON THE WEB: ARRL TO DISCONTINUE RADIOS ON-LINE LISTINGS Call this a case of a few spoiling it for the many. The few are those arrogant hams who have insisted that the ARRL rules regarding what is permissible to post on the ARRL's Radios On-Line web ads does not apply to them. According to ARRL Chief Operating Officer Harold Kramer, WJ1B, the ARRL has experienced an increased number of complaints by members and users of the service. This, regarding postings and practices that do not conform to the Radios On-Line Web site's original intent. According to Kramer, despite efforts to regularly monitor the site problems have continued. These include postings for guns and other personal ads. Kramer says that the ARRL staff that administers this service has deleted these items and notified the 'poster.' A day or two later they find the ads back on the site and placed in every category. Kramer says that the ARRL is spending far to much time dealing with this matter and making it is no longer worth the cost of maintaining the service. So as of April 30th the ARRL says that it will discontinue listing classified ads in the Radios On-Line are of its website. As we said, it only take a very few to spoil it for the many. (ARRL) ** BREAK 1 From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world including the W6JW repeater serving Los Angeles and Santa Clarita, California. (5 sec pause here) ** ENFORCEMENT: A COMEDY INTRUDER DOWN-UNDER It was no laughing matter when signals popped up on 70cm band during the recent Melbourne Comedy Festival down-under. But the Australian Commuications and Media Authority -- the ACMA -- wasted little time in dispoing of this one. Jim Linton, VK3PC, f the WIA News reports" -- Staff of a security company were equipped with imported Chinese made hand-helds radios. They believed they were CB radios and okay to use for communications on the streets of Central Melbourne. The ACMA acted quickly on reports of the intruders and was taking appropriate action to ensure compliance with the Radiocommunications Act. The fear among the amateur radio community is that this incident could be just the start of many more commercial uses of similar radios. That fear comes amid reports of another intrusion on the 70cm for valet parking at a major Melbourne entertainment complex. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jim Linton, VK3PC. -- Whether you live in Australia, Europe, here in the U-S-A or anywhere else there is a good chance that attempting to engage pirate operations like this in on-air discussion may be a breach of our amateur license conditions. That means holding a QSOI with the intruder could get you into as much trouble as the unlicensed station with the cheapo H-T. (WIA News) ** ENFORCEMENT: COMPASSIONATE FCC FINES UNLICENSED BROADCASTER ONLY $100 The FCC has shown a lot of compassion as it issued and affirmed a monetary forfeiture in the amount of only $100 to Dwayne Simon of California. This, for operating an unlicensed radio transmitter on 95.9 MHz in Lancaster area. Simon had originally been issued a Notice to Apparent Liability in the amount of $10,000. This following a December 30, 2006 visit by FCC agents from the Enforcement Bureaus Los Angeles office. During their visit the agents interviewed Simon and inspected the station. During the questioning Simon acknowledged that he was aware of the Commissions requirement for a license to broadcast. He also said that he was aware of the Commissions enforcement efforts against other pirate broadcasters in the Lancaster area. Before leaving, the agents issued an on-scene Notice of Unlicensed Operation to Simon. At the end of the interview Simon told the agents that he would not operate the station again and indicated that he would pursue an Internet-based radio station as an alternative. But Simon apparently did not keep that promise. On April 6, 2007, Los Angeles agents again visited Simon and inspected his station. Simon again acknowledged operating the unlicensed station on 95.9 MHz. On June 18, 2007, the Los Angeles Office issued a Notice of Apparent Liability in the amount of $10,000 to Simon. In his Response, Simon did not dispute the facts outlined in the proposed fine. Instead he apologized for his actions and stated that he had dismantled his transmitter. He also asserted an inability to pay the forfeiture and supplied personal financial information to support this claim. The FCC says that in analyzing Simons financial hardship claim that it found it to be true and warranted a reduction in the amount of the fine. In this case to the amount of $100 which Simnon was given 30 days to pay or to file a further appeal. (FCC) ** THE SOCIAL SCENE: SHELBY HAMFEST ANNOUNCES ITS NEW VENUE The Shelby Hamfest will be heading a few miles East to a new venue. This with word that the Shelby Amateur Radio Club will hold the 52nd Annual Shelby Hamfest at Biggerstaff Park also called Gaston County Park. in Dallas, North Carolina instead of the Cleveland County Fairgrounds closer to Shelby. As previously reported, the separation stems from earlier contract disputes between the club and the Cleveland County Fair Association. New contract stipulations for the fairgrounds put Hamfest in jeopardy. The radio club thought the fair association's contract changes were unacceptable, leading to a stalemate. The club was beginning to wonder if they would be able to hold this years hamfest but it didn't take long for Gaston County to take interest. As a result the new home for the Shelby Hamfest will be Dallas Park. The Shelby Hamfest is one of the oldest and largest in the United States. It was first held at Shelby City Park and began as a one-day event attended by less than 100 people. The Hamfest eventually outgrew the City Park and moved to Bracketts Cedar Park in Casar, North Carolina. By 1979, it had outgrown Bracketts and moved to the Fairgrounds. In that time the event has grown to where it attracts between 8000 to 12000 over the Labor Day weekend. According to amateur radio operators who have attended since its beginning, one of the major reasons for its growth and continued success has been the small town friendly feeling that visitors enjoy. (Cleveland County Star) ** THE SOCIAL SCENE: AMSAT / TAPR BANQUET AT HAMVENTION 2008 The second annual AMSAT/TAPR Banquet will be held during Dayton Hamvention on Friday evening at the Kohler Presidental Banquet Center, Kettering, Ohio. The evening will begin with a cash bar at 6:30 PM. Dinner will be served at 7:15.. Please contact at the AMSAT office for information or call to make reservations. (ANS) ** NAMES IN THE NEWS: SHES THE ONE WHO DID IT - ON STILTS A staff member of the Radio Society of Great Britain staff set a new world record in the recent London Marathon. Not for the speed in which she ran it, Rather 21 year old Michelle Frost's name has gone down in the Guinness Book of Records as the first person ever to complete the 26 mile course while running on 4 foot high circus stilts. Frost of Bristol, took part in the marathon to raise money for REACH. This is an organization which helps children with upper limb deficiencies. Prior to the race beginning she told the BBC that it was a bit of a spur of the moment idea because she could already stilt walk, and I thought she would give it a try. To find out more, and to sponsor Michelle, go to www.justgiving.com/rainbowdave. (RSGB) ** NAMES IN THE NEWS: W3HC RETIRES AS QSL MANAGER Carl Mc Daniel, W3HC, is retiring as a QSL Manager and that the QSL Manager's Society is acquiring all of the logs and cards from him. All callsigns he was overseeing will be assigned to new managers however it will take some time to sort and make the changes. Bob Schenck, N2OO, says that anyone who has already sent a QSL via W3HC does not need to re-send it. All mail already received by W3HC will also be passed along to whomever gets assigned as that calls manager. Thus far the currently active callsigns CO6AP, 7X5VRK, PY2KC, YL2EC, TU2XZ, PT5T, PS2T and ZY100S will be handled by Kim Larsen via N3SL. (OPDX) ** NAMES IN THE NEWS: K1AKS RETURNS AS SM OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Al Shuman, K1AKS, of New Boston, New Hampshire, has been appointed ARRL Section Manager of the New Hampshire Section, effective April 21. The League announced the appointment after Sterling Eanes, AK1K, decided to step down due to mounting work responsibilities and other commitments. Shuman previously served as New Hampshire Section Manager for two previous terms. These were from December 1992 to June 1999 and October 2000 to June 2005. His latest term of office continues through June 30, 2009. (ARRL) ** THE SOCIAL SCENE: CSVHFS IN KANSAS IN JULY The Central States VHF Society is calling for the submission of papers and presentations for the upcoming 42nd Annual Central States VHF Society Conference to be held in Wichita, Kansas fro, July 24th to the 26th. Papers and presentations are solicited on both the technical and operational aspects of VHF, UHF and Microwave weak signal amateur radio. The deadline for the submission of papers and presentations is May 15th. More is on-line at http://www.csvhfs.org/conference/callforpapers.htmlhttp://www.csvhfs.org/conference/callforpapers.html (CSVHFS) ** HAM HAPPENINGS: NET COMMEMORATES TEXAS INDEPENDENCE On Sunday April 20th, the Texas Heritage Net commemorated the final battle for Texas independence. The combat took place on April 21, 1836, at a place called San Jacinto. Thats where General Sam Houston and less than 900 men defeated Santa Anna's Army and won Texas independence. Lamar Denby of Huntington, Texas, whose call sign is KD5HLB, served as net control station. Denby is the great-great grandson of Lt. Col. Moses F. Roberts, who fought in the battle of San Jacinto and later served in the Congress of the Republic of Texas. While in office Roberts worked with Sam Houston pushing for the annexation of Texas to the United States. There were 22 participants for the net. Each will receive a commemorative QSL card. The Texas Heritage Net meets each Sunday evening at 8:00 PM CST on 7 point 227 MHz. (QRZ.com) ** HAMVENTION 2008: W5KUB TO PROVIDE LIVE STREAMING VIDEO MAY 14 - 18 If you can't make it to this years Dayton Hamvention, Tom Medlin, W5KUB, has the next best thing. He will being many of this years Hamvention highlights right to your home computer screen via broadband video streaming. According to Tom, the fun starts live on Wednesday May 14th at about 08:00 Central Daylight Time. Thats when he and his crew depart from Memphis, Tennessee for their 550 Mile drive to Dayton. Tom will be streaming the drive live so that those clicking to his website can have fun trying to guess where they are. And thanks to Tom's Helmet cam, you will also be able to or comment about what food they are seen eating. Web transmissions from the Hamvention begin on Thursday May 15th as we see Tom and his crew set up at Fleamarket spaces 3350 and 3351. Once the show opens on Friday, Ton plans nonstop coverage until closing on Sunday afternoon. Then he invites you to vicariously drive back to Memphis with him as he passes through some of the prettiest countryside that this nation has to offer. So if you can't be there in person, take your web browser to http://w5kub.com and let Tom Medlin bring the magic of Hamvention 2008 directly to your home computer screen Again, the U-R-L is http://W5KUB.com. There will also be a direct link to Toms streaming video site from the Dayton Hamvention website at www.hamvention.org. (W5KUB) ** BREAK 2 This is ham radio news for todays radio amateur. From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the world from our only official website at www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer services of the following radio amateur: (5 sec pause here) ** CHANGING OF THE GUARD: ANTENNA AUTHORITY L.B. CEBIK, W4RNL, - S.K. Some sad news. Word that famed antenna authority L. B. Cebik, W4RNL, has passed away. Cebik lived in Knoxville, Tennessee and wrote more than a dozen books on antennas. Much of his work was also self published on his well known website at www.cebik.com A teacher for more than 30 years, Cebik was retired, but served as Professor Emeritus at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. He was also an ARRL Technical Adviser in the area of antenna design. L. B. Cebik, W4RNL was only 68 years of age. (QCWA) ** EMERGING TECHNOLOGY: NEW VERSION OF FDMDV RELEASED A new version of the Digital Voice software FDMDV is now available for download . FDMDV allows you to transmit and receive Digital Voice simply by hooking up your PC to a standard High Frequency S-S-B transceiver. As reported in past newscasts, the key advantage of mode is that it's transmitted bandwidth is less than half that of S-S-B, just 1 point 1 kHz. The new version FDMDV 1 point 2 along with updated documentation can be downloaded from n1su.com/fdmdv. (Via e-mail) ** HAM RADIO IN SPACE: AMSAT AUSTRALIA AND OZSATGROUP MERGE Two ham radio in space names that are well known down-under have merged. AMSAT-Australia and the Ozsatgroup have combined into a new gorganization, but one that has retained the name AMSAT-Australia. The two organizations have been working together for more than twenty-four months, and have been discussing such an amalgamation for some time. The decision to go ahead with the merger was made after Graham Ratcliff, VK5AGR formally tended his resignation as AMSAT-Australia National Coordinator and as AMSAT Coordinator for the Wireless Institute of Australia at the WIA Federal Convention on Monday, April 7th. The role of AMSAT-Australia National Coordinator for the new organization has been taken on by Paul Paradigm, VK2TXT. Paradigm was formally the Coordinator of the Ozsatgroup. He has been joined by Judy Williams, VK2TJU in the role of AMSAT-Australia Secretary. (WIA) ** RADIO IN SPACE: RADIO BELOW MARS SURFACE A radar device co-sponsored by NASA on the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter has looked beneath the surface of Mars. The radar sounder on Mars Express is the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Imaging was built to map the distribution of liquid and frozen water in upper portions of the planet's crust. A complementary radar sounder, the Shallow Subsurface Radar on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter uses a different frequency to see greater detail but to a lesser depth. The two signals are then radioed back to Earth for scientific analysis. As these two instruments continue to provide data, the understanding that they provide about how planetary radar sounders work is prompting ideas for using the technology to explore beneath the surfaces of bodies. These include Jupiter's moon Europa, Saturn's moons Titan and Enceladus, as well as asteroids and comets. (NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory Release) **. WORLDBEAT - UK: RSGB MOVES TO NEW HOME IN BEDFORD Turning to news from other parrts of the globe, we start with word that the Radio Society of Great Britain was completely closed from Friday April 18th to Friday April 25th. This was to permit the U-K national society to relocate from its old home at Potters Bar to s new location in the city of Bedford. Normal operations should resume on Monday April 28th but they ask members to delay any non-urgent business until Wednesday the 30th Because of the move there were to be no updates to the RSGB web site from the 21st to the 25th of April. There was also noGB2RS bulletin on Sunday April 27th. (RSGB) **. WORLDBEAT - EAST TIMOR: BRINGING HAM RADIO TO THE NATION Spain's national society, the Union de Radioaficionados Espanoles or U-R-E has announced a new educational project in East Timor to take place in June. The U-R-E's Radiosolidarity Department will organize a DXpedition combined with activities to promote Amateur Radio in East Timor. This will include the donation of a complete Amateur Radio station at the University of Dili. The Spanish national society hopes that operating alongside students and teachers of the Electrical Engineering and other departments will help make amateur radio a permanent way of life in East Timor. More details and up-to-date information is now available at http://www.ure.es/hf/eadx/expedicion...me.php?lang=en (URE) ** WORLDBEAT - SINGAPO FUND FOR SPECIAL PROJECTS FOUNDED BY 9V1UV Singapore amateur K.C. Selvadurai, 9V1UV, has donated $5000 to IARU Region 3. This, to establish a special fund that will enable the regions directors undertake tasks or projects that can better achieve its missions and goals. In making the donation Selva as he I better known expressed the hope that others may also contribute to the new fund. (Southgate) ** WORLDBEAT - FINLAND EDXC TO MEET IN SEPTEMBER The 2008 European DX Council or EDXC Conference will be held 5th to the 7th of September in Vaasa, Finland. Organized by the Finnish DX Association as the 50th Anniversary meeting of the club, the conference takes place at the Best Western Hotel Silveria with many activities already planned. More about the event is on line at www.netikka.net/edxc2008/ (Southgate) ** WORLDBEAT - THE NETHERLANDS: DUTCH VERON ELECTS NEW LEADERS From the Netherlands comes word that Remy Denker, PA3AGF, is the new president to the Dutch national Amateur Radio society the VERON. Denker replaces outgoing president Dick Harms, PA2DW, who did not seek reelection. Elected to serve as 1st Vice President is Guido van den Berg, PA0GMM. Jan Janssen, PA0JMG, has taked the 2nd Vice Presidents slot with Peter de , PA3CWS, elected as the VERON's new Treasirer. The elections took place at the society's Annual General Meeting on Saturday April 19th. More information is on line at www.veron.nl (Southgate) ** DX In DX word that N5FF should be in Damascus and should be active again as YK1BA until May 2nd. He will return home to Texas on May 3rd. As usual, the purpose of the trip is not a DXpedition, so his operating will be spotty. However he hopes to be able to operate at least 3-4 hours a day. QSL via N5FF. A 6 meter DXpedition to Sable Island is scheduled to take place from June 25th through the 7th of July. VE3IKV, K5AND and W3CMP will be active there as CY0X using CW SSB. Operation will also occur on 20m and 40m, but at a lower priority than six. For more information go to www.cy0x.com. Cards for the A52AM operation from Bhutan are not valid for DXCC. The reason given is that because the license was revoked this is considered as an unauthorized operation. For more details, you can view the official paperwork from the Bhutan Department of Post and Telecommunications at http://www.darc.de/ausland/new/auslr...icma_a52am.pdf As of April 22nd, N9QGU is on the air from St, Martin on 20, 15 and 10 meters SSB for about two weeks. He will have time to operate only during his early morning and late afternoon hours. QSL as directed on the air. Lastly, members of the United Kingdom's Grantham Amateur Radio Club are going to Lunga Isle from the 12th to the 17th of June. No callsigns announced yet. More information is on the club website at www.garc.org.uk. (From various DX news sources) ** THAT FINAL ITEM: LEARNING MORSE THROUGH SONG And finally this week, a new song and video about rebuilding a ham radio contest station while at the same time teaches the viewer the Morse code will soon be here. Its from a musical group called the Ham Band. Lissa Ladefoged, of the Ham Band gives us a bit of background on what lead to the song being written and the video being produced: -- Lissa: "What happened was that we had a small fore in the shack. The fire was caused by an electrical short. So, we actually had to empty the shack. This gave us the opportunity to completely rebuild and we filmed the whole process from the burying of a huge copper grounding plate and the rewiring of all the filters and switches and the installation of rhe three HF stations. Finally the whole station was given a workout by our team in several contests." -- For those of you new to the the hobby, the Ham Band is a group of musicians based in Denmark who do music about ham radio. Andrew John Huddleston, OZ1XJ is the groups leader and his fife Lissa Ladefoged is they key soloist. They are the only group to ever release an C-D that consists only of songs about ham radio. Called Seek You -- it was introduced several years ago at the Dayton Hamvention and was a sell-out. Since then the groups on-line video single titled "Come And Join Us On The Airwaves" has been at the top of the YouTube charts with over 90,000 views so far. Lissa says the new song could set a record, but not in the way you might think: -- Lissa: "The song is in three styles. First we have the French musette. And then the Viennese waltz and we wind up with the German oom-pah. Each verse introduces letters and numbers in Morse code so that all numbers and letters are mentioned in the course of the 15 minute song. The song also changes key twenty-four times se we expect to get into the Guinnes Book of Records." -- Andrew and Lisa say that they hope you will enjoy the new song's preview video. Its on-line at the YouTube at www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s49tnxT8F8 (ARNewsline") ** NEWSCAST CLOSE With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB, the Southgate News and Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline". Our e-mail address is . More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's" only official website located at www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or support us at Amateur Radio Newsline", P.O. Box 660937, Arcadia, California 91066. Before we go we want to remind you that the nominating period for the 2008 Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year is now open. Any licensed radio amateur age 18 or younger residing in the United States or Canada is eligible for the award. Full details and both downloadable and on-line nominating forms are in cyberspace at www.YHOTY.org. Also, a reminder of our on-line website poll. This month we are asking how high the price of a gallon of gas has to go before it keeps you from hopping into your car for a ride over to a hamfest. To vote, simply take your web browser to www.arnewsline.org, scroll down until you see the poll area on the left side of the screen and cast your ballot. The real time results that includes your vote will be instantly displayed. For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk, Im Don Wilbanks, AE5DW, saying 73 and we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline" is Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. |
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