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Old May 21st 08, 11:10 PM posted to,
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Default Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) Report 1605 - May 16, 2008

Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) Report 1605 - May 16, 2008


The following is a closed circuit announcement. Ladies and gentlemen, a
few words from the Amateur Radio Newsline support fund administrator Andy
Jarema, N6TCQ:


Yep, its me. A.J. And if I'm here you likely suspect that once again the
Amateur Radio Newsline is in desperate need of your financial support. And
you would be right.

We know you prefer to hear the news rather than having to listen to these
announcements and we agree. But over the past few months almost all
donations have ceased so here we our with our annual spring pitch.

As we have said so many times before, it takes money to gather the
news. It takes money to assemble a newscast and it takes money to bring it
to you. And as the price of goods and services continue to increase so do
our operating costs. The cost of telephone service. The cost of web
access. The costs related to hosting our website and providing you with
download F-T-P of the newscast. The coat of equipment repair and
upgrade. In essence, all of the costs involved in bringing you 52
newscasts a year as we have done for almost 31 years.

We do our very best to keep operating expenses to a minimum. Everyone
involved in the Amateur Radio Newsline is a volunteer. There is no paid

More important, all of the monies you donate go only toward operating
expenses and in supporting the Young Ham of the Year Award. And for you,
your donation is tax deductible.

We even make it very easy to donate. If you have web access all you need
to do is take your web browser to Then click on the
words "Make A donation" and use your Pay-Pal account or credit card to
transfer into ours.

Or you can use the good old method of writing a check and sending it to
Amateur Radio Newsline Support Fund, Post Office Box 660937, Arcadia
California, 91066.

Either way, we thank you for your kindness. For your support and for your

For the support fund, I'm Andy Jarema, N6TCQ.


Thank you Andy.

Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1605 with a release date of Friday,
May 16th, 2008 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.

The following is a Q-S-T. The Seeds ham radio cubesat sends its first SSTV
back to Earth, a big rescue radio conference is planned for Canada and
Hamvention 2008 opens in Dayton. Find out whats happening this year on
Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) report number 1605 coming your way right now.

(Billboard Cart Here)



The first Slow Scan Television pictures have been received from the Seeds
cubesat satellite which was one of 7 successfully launched launched on
April 28th. JN1GKZ reports that he was one of the first to successfully
copy and record an SSTV inage from Seeds and has put it on his website.
PA3GUO adds that he too has received a Seeds SSTV transmission along with
that of the satellites digi-talker. Heres what it sounded like at his QTH:


Actual Sound here


The Seeds cubesat transmits on a frequency of 437.485 MHz using either CW
running 110 milliwatts or FM at 450 milliwatts output. It sends only one
stored SSTV picture about every two minutes when the satellite is in
digi-talker mode.

More about Seeds is on-line (ANS)



The FCC has turned away a rule making request from Mark Miller, N5RFX, of
Arlington, Texas. In his petition Miller has asked the Commission to
delete the 2006 addition as to how it defines data. He also wanted to
amend the rules to prohibit automatically controlled stations from
transmitting in band segments other than those specified in Section
97.221(b), and replace the symbol rate limits in Section 97.307(f) with
bandwidth limitations.

In denying all three aspects of the N5RFX request, the FCC said that Miller
had not set forth sufficient reasons for the agency to approve his
petition. It did however note that if future actual on the air operational
experience substantiate his concerns, that he may file a new, factually
supported petition for rulemaking.

Miller's petition was endorsed mainly by hams who oppose unattended wider
bandwidth digital messaging systems on the High Frequency bands. It was
opposed by the proponents of unattended automated digital messaging who saw
its adoption as an impediment to establishing emerging modes.

The opposition mounted a rigorous campaign that included using a website
with sign and send opposition letters. In its finding the FCC took note of
the cookie cutter responses that come from websites where people can go to
submit canned responses and indicated that it discounts their importance in
the overall decision making process.

Even so, it appears that Miller did not provide the FCC with enough factual
material to make his case and the rules as now written will remain. (FCC)



Radio communication was not behind the scenes at Pennsylvania's Run for the
Red Marathon on May 5th. According to the Pcccono Record, it was right in
the middle of the event as a primary communications conduit.

According to the newspaper, members of the Eastern Pennsylvania Amateur
Radio Association are every two miles along the marathon route. From
running out of cups at stop No. 7 to reporting twisted ankles and pulled
muscles, the 30 member ham radio group is totally focused on communicating
the needs of the event.

Jerry Truax, N3SEI, of Bartonsville is the county emergency coordinator for
amateur radio. He says the group volunteers during emergencies as well as
at special events. The Eastern Pennsylvania Amateur Radio Association's
next public service event is communications for the Black Bear triathlon
June 1st.
(Poccono Record)



The Emergency E-Mail and Wireless Network will partner in the sponsorship
of the 18th World Conference on Disaster Management that slated for June
15th to the 18th in Toronto, Canada. This conference is considered to be
one of the most intense information exchange gatherings you can attend with
over 85 workshops, plenary and breakout sessions. Some 120 organizations
will be there showcasing products to help mitigate prepare for, respond to
and recover from emergencies and disasters. Its also an opportunity to
network with Disaster Management professionals worldwide. More about the
gathering is on-line at (



A Canadian Radio Amateur aboard a damaged sailboat is nursing concussion
after being rolled over in the turbulent South Atlantic Ocean. But Glenn
Wakefield VA7MLW of Victoria British Coilumbia says he has no intention of
giving up an unusual solo voyage around the world.

Wakefield reported via ham radio from his 12-metre sailboat off the
Falkland Islands that the May storm he was inn was expected to subside
within 3 days after which he would head toward Port Stanley in the Falkland
Islands. That was back on May 6th U-T-C time. Wakefield added that until
the weather cleared he would just have to endure whatever Mother Nature
sent his way.

A carpenter with two grown daughters, Wakefield sailed from Victoria on
September 23rd of 2007. His intention was to become the first North
American to circumnavigate the world westbound into prevailing winds that
whirl around the bottom of the planet, rather than with the wind as is
conventionally done.

VA7MLW is saling a Phil Rhodes designed Offshore 40 foot sloop called the
Kim Chow. It was built by Cheoy Lee in Hong Kong in 1969. For more than 4
years, Wakefield has been making extensive modifications to Kim Chow,
preparing the vessel for the rigors of sailing offshore for approximately
10 months. More about Wakefield's journey is on-line at (BC News OnLine)



As we go to air, the doors are opening at the HARA arena in Dayton, Ohio
for the 2008 Hamvention. And according to the events Assistant General
Chairman Michael Kalter, W8CI, this years Hamvention has a very simple


Kalter: "This year the theme is amateur Radio plus people equals


Kalter goes on to explain that Hamvention has always been dedicated to
bringing people together, so why not make this the years centerpiece:


Kalter: "Most all of us involved in Amateur Radio have made friends in
Amateur Radio. We enjoy the hobby together and we enjoy doing things
together. It may be a special event or a critical situation and we have
learned how to work together. That's fellowship.

Hamvention is a place where we see people. Sometimes it's the only time
for a whole year. And we have clubs come. We have people from all over
the world. People that you might keep skeds with in other parts of the
world or other parts of the country. Here you get to see them face to
face, eyeball to eyeball. And that's what Amateur Radio is and its what
the amateur community does. It's a service and by dong that kind of a
service it takes people and that's what creates the fellowship. That's
we see it."




So what can a visitor expect this year? Lets start with the American Radio
Relay League. As it previously announced, the ARRL is at Hamvention along
with its annual ARRL EXPO. That's over in the Ballarena Hall area.

The Leagues Membership Manager and ARRL EXPO Coordinator is Katie Breen,
W1KRB. She days that the League will have many new publications and
apparel items that it is proud to introduce.

And no ARRL booth at Hamvention would be complete without the annual
release of the ARRL Repeater Directory. New for the 2008/2009 edition are
the handy indexing tabs on the cover so you can quickly find the listings
you're looking for. The Directory has new easier-to-read listings because
the pocket-sized edition is actually one-half inch bigger."



From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline,
heard on bulletin stations around the world including the Hamvention
repeater, W8BI, serving Dayton Ohio

(5 sec pause here)



A new area within the ARRL EXPO this year is the interactive "Doctor Is IN"
booth. Its baed on the QST column of the same name and everyone always
wants to know who is behind the costume. This year attendees with have a
chance to stop by the booth, ask question and have some one-on-one time
with ARRL's Technical Experts. You might even be able to submit a stumper
and get it published in QST.

This year's Docs On Call will be QST Contributing Editor Ward Silver, N0AX;
QEX Editor Larry Wolfgang, WR1B; ARRL Senior Technical Editor Joel Hallas,
W1ZR; QST Editor Steve Ford, WB8IMY, and ARRL RF Engineer Mike Gruber, W1MG.



Hams in their early years are not being left out. Again, Hamvention
Assistant General Chairman Michael Kalter, W8CI:


Kalter: "The Dayton Amateur Radio Association along with the ARRL is
sponsoring a dinner for youth that will be held at the Dayton Amateur Radio
Association clubhouse which is a very nice place to come and visit. That
will be occurring on Saturday evening.

"On Friday evening we will be holding a general 'open house' to the general
public from 6 to 9 PM. Its not to far from the Hara Arena and will be
another exciting thing occurring this year."


Kalter says that he hopes as many folks as possible attend these two
events. (ARNewsline(tm))



Back at the Hara Arena, the ARRL will also sponsor a new Movie Room. This,
as a new feature of this year's ARRL EXPO. Planned so far is a
presentation on "60 Years of the Worked All Europe Contest." It will be
presented by DJ3HW, and DL7RBI, of the Deutscher Amateur Radio
Club. That's the German equivalent of ARRL.

The movie room will also screen a variety of DXpedition videos. The
highlight will be with Bob Allphin, K4UEE. He will host an interactive
session along with the showing of the video of the Peter One DXpedition to
the Antarctic. (ARRL)



And speaking about video presentations, word of a new A new D-STAR
promotional video is available on the ICOM Global website just in time for
Hambvention 2008. There are two versions of the video are availabe to
download. One is targeted at Europe, with the the other aimed at North
America and the rest of the world. The video provides an introduction to
D-STAR and explains the features available. Look for it at the Icom
booth. If you cant make it to this years Hamvention you can download one
or both at from



Bob Heil, K9EID and Chip Margelli, K7JA, of Heil Sound, Ltd. are
here. They and the bunch at the Heil Sound booth will be introducing the
new microphones at this years Dayton Hamvention. First up is the PR 35
which features a large 1.5" diameter diaphragm in a dynamic microphone that
outperforms condenser microphones.

The PR 35 was actually a product that songstress Joan Baez asked Bob Heil
to build for her. This, after hearing the large diaphragm PR 30. It has a
two stage bass roll off switch that allows you to tailor the low end
response right at the microphone. The large element is in a very special
internal shock mount and comes in an aluminum travel case.

Also being released at Dayton is the PR 781. Its based on the PR 780 that
was designed for the Icom 7800 introduction project, the PR 781 is not rig
specific. With the right accessories, it works well into any transmitter
from a 1956 Harvey Wells to a brand new transceiver like the Yaesu FT 9000,
Kenwood TS-2000 or what have you.

The new PR 35 and PR 781, along with the rest of the Heil microphone line
will be on display in Audio Alley. To find it consult the Hamvention
Program guide or simply follow the Hamvention crowds. More on whats new in
ham radio products at Dayton in next weeks Amateur Radio Newsline
report. (Heil Sound)



Turning to this years forums, one we think will receive a lot of attention
is on the phenomenal paradigm shift toward Software Defined Radio. One
that continues with a significant number of "off the shelf' as well as
amateur radio designed hardware offerings.

What's interesting is that its computer programmers are fueling this fire
and at the Software Defined Radio Forum attendees will get to hear some of
the leaders in this movement describe the vast potential of this rapidly
advancing technology.

This forum will also give an overview of some Software Defined
Radio projects and show those attending how to get started. Topics will
include Basic Software Defined Radio architecture, S-D-R Software and
Software Defined Radio computer hardware requirements

Moderated by Eric Ellison, AA4SW, the Software Defined Radio Forum is on
Saturday May 17th at 9 a.m. in Meeting Room 1 (Hamvention®)



If you are a repeater owner or even a concerned user, you won't want to
miss the he National Frequency Coordinators' Council open meeting slated
for Friday at 9:15 in meeting room 5. The NFCC as its better known was
founded a decade ago as the outcome of a meeting between repeater
coordinators, the FCC and the ARRL. It has as its members the majority of
frequency coordination bodies in the United States. Moderated by NFCC
Chairman Jay Maynard, K5ZC, this forum will update those interested in
frequency coordination on the current status of the organization and
spectrum management activities in the Amateur Radio service. (NFCC)



Amateur Radio Newsline will once again host this years Hamvention Town
Meeting on Saturday, the 17th. This year with a look back in time.

As ham radio flings itself headlong into the so-called "digital revolution
of the 21st century we will pause for a moment to take a look at the hobby
over the past half-century to see where it was in the latter 1950's through
the mid 1990's.

Our keynote speaker will be Dave Bell, W6AQ, who will host a screening of
his 1969 award-winning 28 minute film "The Hams Wide World." This will be
the first public showing of the movie in over a quarter of a century and
something nobody will want to miss.

As to the rest of the session, its based on the generally accepted fact
that most of the change that lead ham radio to the hobby we know today
began in the 1960's and continued through to the end of the 20th
century. The speakers you will hear all were "kid hams" or "teen hams" in
the 1950's. Most got licensed in that era and lived though tubes giving
way to solid state; SSB coming into its own H-F; F-M and repeaters on 2
meters replacing point to point A-M on 6 meters and early home-built
computers replacing mechanical RTTY systems.

They and many of you were also observers as the long traditional
equipment names like Hallicrafters, Hammerlund, Heathkit, and even Collins
Radio peaked and then gave ground to newcomers from across the
Pacific. Those bearing company names Inoue Communications, Trio and
Yaesu. Companies now known a Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu.

In this session you will find out what it was like to study for and take
your exam when it was still given at a local FCC field office. What it was
like to assemble your first station and in some cases building some or all
of it. And you will get a trip down memory lane to when kits were king and
find out how being a kid ham back then affected our panel's lives and

We sincerely hope that you will enjoy this trip back through time brought
to you by the 2008 Dayton Hamvention and the Amateur Radio Newsline in
Meeting Room 3 beginning at 11:30 a,m. We hope to see many of you here.

A full report on Hamvention 2008, in next weeks Amateur Radio Newsline
rreport. (ARNewsline(tm))



Something new on the World Wide Web of interest to ham radio is
HamSphere. If you haven't of HamSphere it is best described as an
artificial shortwave radio based on the natural laws of radio
propagation. One that lets members talk around the world with both ham
operators and unlicensed users using a virtual transceiver. You can find
about this project on line at (Southgate)



This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the United States
of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the world from
our only official website at and being relayed by the
volunteer services of the following radio amateur:

(5 sec pause here)



Some things are not easy and this is one of those times. I'm Bill
Pasternak, WA6ITF, with the sad news that Astronaut and ham radio operator
Ron Parise, WA4SIR, passed away on Friday May 9th. This, following a
long battle with cancer.

Ron Parise flew as a payload specialist on two Space Shuttle missions. He
first went on-orbit in December 1990 on STS-35 on the Space Shuttle
Columbia. He next flew on STS-67 on the Space Shuttle Endeavour in March
1995. These two missions, called ASTRO-1 and ASTRO-2 respectively, carried
out Ultraviolet and X-ray astronomy observations. And during those
flights, WA4SIR logged over 614 hours and 10.6 million miles in space.

According to ARISS International Chairman Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, Ron Parise
was got his license at age 11, From that point on he kept the amateur
radio at the forefront of everything he did. This included his operations
from space.

During his two Space Shuttle flights WA4SIR talked to hundreds of hams on
the ground, giving new meaning to the phrase the "ultimate DX-pedition".
was also instrumental in guiding the development of a simple ham radio
system that could be used in multiple configurations on board the Space

This reporter first got to know Ron Parise back in 1989 when with the late
Roy Neal, K6DUE, we produced two video's that WA4SIR appeared in. These
were "SAREX 90" and later "Ham Radio In Space." What nicer tribute can I
give him but to say he was a joy to work with and a truly nice person to

In an effort to continue Ron's tireless work to inspire the next
generation, the Parise family has set up a scholarship fund in Ron's
The scholarship is for students pursuing technical degrees at Youngtown
State University, where Ron received his Bachelors of Science degree. In
lieu of flowers, those interested are welcome to send donations to the Dr.
Ronald A. Parise Scholarship Fund, Youngstown State University, One
University Plaza, Youngstown, Ohio 44555. (KA3HDO, N6BIS)



University of Pittsburgh scientists have discovered that certain organic
molecules exhibit the properties of atoms under certain circumstances and,
in turn, conduct electricity as well as metal.

The research group found that the hollow, soccer-ball-shaped carbon
molecules known as fullerenes can hold and transfer an electrical charge
much like the most highly conductive atoms. When an electron was introduced
into a fullerene molecule, the shape of the electron distribution mimicked
that of a hydrogen atom or an atom from the alkali metal group, which
includes lithium, sodium, and potassium. Moreover, when two fullerenes were
placed next to each other on a copper surface, they showed the electron
distribution of their chemical bond and appeared as H2, a hydrogen
molecule. The assembly exhibited metal-like conductivity when the team
extended it to a wire 1-molecule-wide.

Detailed in the April 18th edition of the magazine Science, the finding is
a breakthrough in developing nano-technology. One that provides a new
method for designing electronic materials, including inexpensive and
multifunctional organic conductors that have long been considered the key
to smaller, cheaper, and faster technologies. (Science OnLine)



The number of big-market stations turning on High Definition Radio in the
past year fell off, while the number of stations in markets 51 to 100 held
more steady.

According to an analysis from BIA Financial Network prepared for the Radio
World HD Radio Scoreboard, 26 stations in the top 10 markets added HD Radio
through mid-December 2007. This, compared to 76 the year before and 117
the year before that.

By contrast, there were 118 stations in markets 51 to 100 turning on HD
Radio last year. That, compared to 124 the prior year and 111 in 2006.

One likely reason for the disparity is that proponents of HD Radio started
with the bigger markets when they launched their rollout, though by no
means are all big-market stations now converted. (RW)



Members of the Portugal's Algarve DX Group will activate 7 lighthouses
simultaneously between May 31st and June 1st. Operations will take place
on 40, 30, 20 and 17 meters. There may be some operations on 80 and 15
meters and plans seem definate to include at least one 6 meter operational
from the lighthouse at Santa Maria. The modes used will be CW, SSB and
RTTY. A free award will be issued to any who contacts all 7 special
lighthouse callsigns during activity operations. QSL via CT1GFK, by the
Bureau or direct. (Southgate)



Members of the Hong Kong Amateur Radio DX Association have received
official permission from the Office Of The Telecommunications Authority
authorizing them to use the special event callsign VR2008O for the period
between July 15th and August 31st. This, to celebrate the 2008 Beijing

Operations will be primarily on 40 through 10 meters and VHF on 6
meters. The modes used will mainly be SSB, RTTY and P-S-K 31. QSL direct
only to VR2XMT: Charlie Ho, PO Box 900, Fanling Post Office, Hong Kong.

There will be no e-QSL or Logbook to the Word electronic cards
accepted. Preliminary information and QSL card design have been put on
line at (HKARDXA)



The Japan Amateur Radio League, Inc. will be holding their 50th annual
Yosakoi Kochi meeting on May 25th. Look for special event station
8-J-50-J-A-R-L to be active now through May 25th to celebrate this
gathering . Activity will be on all bands from 160 meters through 1200 MHz,
using CW, SSB, FM and AM. QSL via the JARL QSL Bureau. (OPDX)



In Dayton Related D-X news, word that the ARRL's DXCC staff and some
additional volunteers will be checking cards at the 2008 Dayton Hamvention
during all hours of operation on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. ARRL DXCC
Manager Bill Moore, NC1L, said, "Many hams travel from all over the world
to attend Hamvention, so card checkers are especially busy." Card checkers
will be checking cards for DXCC, Worked All States, the VHF/UHF Century
Club and Worked All Continents awards.

In other DX news, word that K9ZO and his XYL will be on holiday from
Bermuda during July. He expects to be active as K9ZO portable VP9 and also
plans to operate the IARU Contest. He will also monitor 30, 17, 12 and 6
meters. QSL as directed on the air.

Further up in frequency the W3HZU Beacons located in Grid FM-19 on 2.4GHZ
and 1.2GHZ have been temporarily taken off the air. This, in preparation
to add a third beacon on 5.76GHZ. A message on the amsat-bb will advise
when the beacons are back onin operation.

Last but by no means least, 5Z4DX, will be active from Shanzu Beach
thnrough June 11th. Activity will be on all bands and modes. He also plans
to possibly activate Wasini Island from May 25th to the 26th and Lamu
Island folowing that. QSL direct to Frank Steffen Gast, Eskifirdi, 735
Eskifjoedur, Iceland.

Above from various DX News Sorces



And finally this week, if you can't make it to this years Dayton
Hamvention, Tom Medlin, W5KUB, has the next best thing. From May 15th to
the 18th Tom will being many of this years Hamvention highlights right to
your home computer screen via broadband video streaming.

Web transmissions from the Hamvention were slated to begin on Thursday May
15th at Fleamarket spaces 3350 and 3351. Once the show opens on Friday,
Tom plans nonstop coverage until closing on Sunday afternoon. Then he
invites you to vicariously drive back to his home in Memphis with
him. This, as he passes through some of the prettiest countryside that
this nation has to offer.

So if you can't be there in person, take your web browser to and let Tom Medlin bring the magic of Hamvention 2008
directly to your home computer screen

Again, the U-R-L is There is also a direct link to Tom's
streaming video site from the Dayton Hamvention website at (W5KUB)



With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC Communicator, CQ
Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the
RSGB, the Southgate News and Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from the
Amateur Radio Newsline(tm). Our e-mail address is
. More information is available at Amateur Radio
Newsline's(tm) only official website located at You can
also write to us or support us at Amateur Radio Newsline(tm), P.O. Box
Arcadia, California 91066.

A reminder that the nominating period for the 2008 Amateur Radio Newsline
Young Ham of the Year Award ends at midnight on May 30th. Nominations
postmarked after that time or received electronically after that time will
not be considered. A nominating form as a dot p-d-f file is available at
our special Young Ham of the Year website at www dot yhoty dot
org. Download it, fill it out and send it to us by U-S mail or

With special thanks to Hap Holly, KC9RP, for the audio with Michael Kaltee,
W8CI and with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk, I'm Don
Wilbanks, AE5DW, saying 73 and we thank you for listening.

Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.

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