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![]() Hallo dear MMMonVHF friends, please find below the NEWSLETTER of "Make More Miles on VHF" the VHF-DX-Portal, dated 2008-06-13. We attempt to distribute the NEWSLETTER one or two times per week. For more details, please be so kind and refer at the "NEWS"-page http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php and check for the latest NEWS (last 24 hours lines blinks / up to 3 days lines marked orange): ************************************************** *************** Latest NEWS/INFO for the NEWSLETTER - MMMonVHF The VHF-DX-Portal ************************************************** *************** As a Reminder for the coming weekend: Hello MS fans, Radio club "Golubinci" - YU7GOL holds FSK441 "Summer MS Contest" in period from 13.06. 2008 to 15.06. 2008. We are inviting all MS operators to take a part in the contest having a opportunity for nice DX contacts. Please, find the Contest Rules and all infos around at the following site: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=1612 Source: direct to MMMonVHF, tnx Bane, YU7KB ************************************************** *************** VHF-EXPEDITIONS (specially 144 MHz MS/EME/TROPO) http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php - use FILTER Event/Activity NO! ************************************************** *************** Hello Rock-hunters, If August, than back to YO. As we noted earlier we are happy to inform that, trying to activate KN26 square via Meteorscatter on early August as follow: 06.08.2008 - 09.08.2008 with Callsign YO6KCN in KN26TR - MS-QRG: 144.381 MHz always tx first QSL route: QSL only direct, via YO6OBK please. / SASE and 1 EUR for postage cost is really appreciated... Jani and the group will have an online communication at his MMM DXBlog - you can join at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/showblog.php?ca=yo6kcn As well more info and details if date closer: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=1654 Source: direct to MMMonVHF, tnx Jani, HA5CRX *** Hello, if the final permit for high power is released, an Italian group toghether with ARM (Association Radioamayeur Monaco) will activate the Principality of Monaco, via EME, mode JT65B. On demand CW activity is possible. The Italian group is composed by Gio IK1UWL, Mario I1ANP, and Carlo IZ1BOK. Equipment will be 4x8 el. cross yagis, Tx circular pol. with 1 kW. Rx H or V, Preamp and IC706. No internet. Final con- firmation and QRG in next message. Updates and more details later at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=1625 IK1UWL can be contacted at marchi.g"at"libero.it - Source: direct to MMMonVHF, tnx Gio, IK1UWL *** We will be active from EM96 during the ARRL June VHF QSO Party. N4BH, KI4TZ and K4DXA will operate under call sign AA4ZZ. Equipment will be 2 20Xpols with LA200 at 4700 ft altitude. Look for us on 144.136. We will be looking .500 up and down from 144.136. Approximate operating times are June 14th 21:30(MR)-22:30 for Moon rise June 15th 02:30-07:30 (MS) 22:15(MR)- 23:15. If needed we may omit 73 to save valuable time. Don't take it personally hi hi. Hope to cu there. LATEST NEWS: I found out today we will be able to operate at moonrise on Friday with 2 5wl stacked yagis already installed at contest QTH. Our Xpols will not be finished until contest time. So we will be on 144.136 on Friday 13th for EM96 moonrise, but please also work us next day for contest also hi hi... Source: direct to MMMonVHF, tnx Joe, KI4TZ *** KO09cx 8-9 June.2008 call OH6ZZ/0 dxcc OH0 Target was water square JP91 on 8th Sunday morning but wind condx were such that operation to the sea was not possible. So, I put station up again in KO09cx. Antennas this time 2x 11el, boom 6.5m. Very light, 4.8mm elements and round boom Small KR-400 rotator bottom. Read more at the MMMonVHF-REVIEW or direct http://www.oh6zz.com/ped/KO09/ko09_2.htm Source: direct to MMMonVHF, tnx Jussi, OH6ZZ *** LATEST NEWS from JW5E, dated 2008-06-09 08:45 UT: Definitive EME-Result: 149 inits (a few dubes not counted) 35 DXCC 10 firsts - JW/PE1L Rene: Taking antennas now down. Condx where extremely difficult from here, sometimes 2 hours nothing heard, then 4 stations in 20 minutes and 2 hours nothing. Important: QSL via homecalls and NOT via clubstation! Thanks to all who did the time to listen to us! 73’s René PE1L and Bouke PA0ZH Source: direct to MMMonVHF, tnx René PE1L and Bouke PA0ZH ************************************************** **************** VHF-EVENTS/ACTIVITIES http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php - use FILTER Event/Activity YES! ************************************************** **************** 9A1CBM/p (9A2WA,9A7PJT,9A5ST,9A7YY)will be activ in 9A Summer Cup contest 5/6 7.2008 14:00-14:00UT.too. Activity is on 6m,2m,70cm and up GHz.Maybee on 4m. Location is Vis island JN83BA, IOTA eu016,IOCA ci142 located on central Adriatic see. Hope to hear you,a specialy to north. 73s - Source: direct to MMMonVHF, tnx Zeky, 9A5ST *** A SOTA activity from DN1GB on HF-144-432 Mhz from JO30 The SOTA Youthgroup DN1GB from Bad Honnef DOK G09 will be active at 15.6.2008 from the Nürburg DM/RP-006. Bands 70cm, 2, 20, 17, 40 and 80m. Gerd DK1KBB. Source: Gerd, DK1KBB, via Moon-Net *** Guido, DL8EBW, will be qrv from holiday QTH in EA5 (JM08BR) at 144 MHz within MS and EME. Guido (Guy) and family will be qrv from the QTH of Eckart, EA/DJ4UF, in JM08BR (Benitatchell) during the begin of July 2008. Of course he will concentrate on 144 MHz (ES, EME and MS) and be also qrv during the Contest (5th and 6th of july). It will be a holiday-style-activity and MS activity times will be spread out in advance at his MMM DX-BLOG: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/showblog.php?ca=EA5-DL8EBW Source: direct to MMMonVHF, de Guy DL8EBW *** Neon, N8OFS,, will once again grace the airwaves on Field Day as K8KRG. TS-60 to an M2 HO Loop... USB only, call freq will be 50.200 +/- logging computer QRM... Also looking for SMIRKs so the Club (K8KRG) can get its own SMIRK#... direct to MMMonVHF, tnx Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS "6 TIL DEATH" *** W3DHJ Rover in June VHF contest from DM87, DM88, DM77, DM78 I'll be a'rovering this weekend. Just 6M and 2M. From the opening gun on Saturday, I'll do DM88, DM87, DM77, DM78 - in that order - for 6-7-8 hours Details: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=1627 Source: Jonesy, W3DHJ, via 50 MHz Reflector *** Hi all, KI6MPQ CM-98 will be operating in the June Vhf Contest this weekend from McFarland Ranch, south of Sacramento Ca. Joining Ross KI6BEW will be Oscar KI6BEW, Tammy K6GKJ, Ron N6GKJ, and Tom WA6OSX. Saturday night and Sunday morning we will be operating FSK441 starting at approx 10pm Sat. For MS, tropo or any other weak signal mode contacts. More details at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=1632 Source: Tom, WA6OSX, via VHF Reflector *** KR1ST/R Rover Schedule Saturday 6/14 through Sunday 6/15 Saturday (UTC): 18:00 - 21:00 FM03ae - 23:00 - 02:00 EM93va Sunday (UTC): 11:00 - 14:00 FM02as - 16:00 - 19:00 EM92vw Read all details at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=1635 Source: Alex, KR1ST, and Frank, KG4IGC via VHF Reflector *** Hello to all, I will be operating this weekend's ARRL contest from Green Mtn, elev 5200', Grid CN93pj, Lake County, Oregon. I will have bands 50, 144, 222, 432, with yagi's and TE brick's. Read Frequencies and all details at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=1627 Source: Mike, KB7ME, via 50 MHz Reflector *** N3IQ/R Rover - Saturday afternoon/evening FN11/FN01/FN10/FN00 near Snow Shoe PA and just south of there. Sunday am FM09/FM08/EM98/EM99 near Elkins, WV, FM08 site is at 4200' (Bickle Knob FM08dw). Read all details at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=1636 Source: Brian , ND3F, via VHF Reflector *** KJ6KO be mobile on Sunday heading up US395 from Ridgecrest to Tahoe and over to Placerville beginning around 10am.Will be running thru DM15,DM16, DM06, DM07, DM08 and CM98. 2M, 6M, 432 and 927.5 FM pl 100. Pl may be OFF if there is no interference. Source: KJ6KO, via VHF Reflector *** TM8CEC, will be aired on Sunday June 29tth, by a both French and Belgian opérators, deaded by XYL Claudine, F5JER. Actovty is part of the open doors at the French Army Training Commandoes in Givet (Ardennes North of France). QTH : the Charlemont Fortress (DFCF 08006) Source: Maurice, F5NQL-News *** Klaus/OZ7KDJ and Erik/OZ9V will be active as OZ8MW/p from Anholt Isl. (EU-088, DIA NK-001) between July 23-28th. QRV on 80-40-20-15-10M before the contest, QRV in the IOTA contest. They will be active on 6M, equipment FT920, 5-el tonna, with height of about 15M. [rsgbiota.org] Source: ICPO-Bulletin *** The Tamworth Amateur Radio Society is putting GB2TC, Tamworth Castle Museums, on the air June 14th and 15th. They will be using the HF and VHF bands. QSL via G8TRS. [GB2RS] Source: ICPO-Bulletin *** AO6VQ QRV between 14-June and 15-September. EA6VQ will be using the special callsign AO6VQ, celebrating the International Expo of Zaragoza. More information on the special prefixes issued in EA regarding this event can be found (in Spanish) at http://www.ure.es/noticias/16-notici...-zaragoza.html Source: Gabriel, The VHF & up DX news page *** As well as several "SPECIAL CALLS" getting active in the next weeks there are a lot of UPDATES around the SOTA (Summits on the Air) - Community. MMMoNVHF is trying to follow up these activities as well and provide it in the VHF-EVENTS/ACTIVITIES section (use Filter Event/Activity "YES") to see all different events. As well you be able to have an overview at: http://www.sota-dl.de/ and / or http://www.sotawatch.org/index.php ... ************************************************** ******************* The VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF - Newsletter Credits & internal Info ... ************************************************** ******************* Thank you for all info and news. Our Newsletter is compliled from the input of the USER of the VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF, a lot of well selected and free usable HF-V-U-SHF-Info-Sources and info we did find at ON4KST-, N0UK-, RU-VHF-DX-Net, EA-V-U-SHF-Chat and others... Sources wherever we did find the Info are marked and named. If you see, or hear, or work yourself an expedition, which is NOT (or parts are WRONG) at our VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF, PLEASE be so kind and drop us an info at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/newsuser.php or via: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/kontact.php The MMMonVHF-Team is always trying to spread any expedition info as up to date and reliable as possible and as long the info are not violate with our MMMonVHF-Policy. Have a lot of fun and enjoy MMMonVHF! 73 de Guido "Guy" DL8EBW on behalf of the MMMonVHF-Team (DG2KBC DK3XT DK5EW DK5YA HA5CRX IV3NDC OZ1LPR PA2DW PA3BIY & PA4EME) ************************************************** ******************* br |
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