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![]() Hallo dear MMMonVHF friends, please find below the NEWSLETTER of "Make More Miles on VHF" the VHF-DX-Portal, dated 2008-07-04. We attempt to distribute the NEWSLETTER one or two times per week. For more details, please be so kind and refer at the "NEWS"-page http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php and check for the latest NEWS (last 24 hours lines blinks / up to 3 days lines marked orange): ************************************************** *************** Latest NEWS/INFO for the NEWSLETTER - MMMonVHF The VHF-DX-Portal ************************************************** *************** METEORSCATTER - NEXT MS-SHOWER: Southern Delta-Aquariids, with maximum on July 27. High mean Sporadic meteor rate (with daily maximum in the morning), together with several minor showers, are able to provide good chances to MS-DXers in July, even if no big showers cross Earth’s orbit this month. However, best period in July is at the end of the month, when a medium shower (Southern Delta Aquariids) appears, combined with some other minor showers. The new MS Shower peaks are updated and available at our MS-Propagationpage: www.mmmonvhf.de/ms.php ************************************************** *************** VHF-EXPEDITIONS (specially 144 MHz MS/EME/TROPO) http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php - use FILTER Event/Activity NO! ************************************************** *************** Johan, PA3FPQ and Juergen, PE1LWT are on holiday trip in southern france and show up time to time from different Sqruares to run 144 MHz MS. RIG: 14,5 db antenna and up to 600W NEWS de Juergen, F/PE1LWT at JN02 in KST-Chat 2008-07-01 16:10: F/PE1LWT Jurgen ALL F/PA3FPQ/P cq 358 on 370 1st dir NE - all the squares between JN02 and 3A are possible ![]() 2008-07-02 08UT: we are qrv for a few hour from JN05ID than leaving for JN04 and from there making new plans... Source: at ON4KST-Chat, tnx Juergen, F/PE1LWT *** Tor, DJ8MS, will be again on business trip up to Kiruna, SM2 (KP07), in July/August. Up to date infos at his MMM DXBlog at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/showblog.php?ca=SM-DJ8MS On the way up north it's intended to stop by in JP72 and JP84, maybe also JP97. Activty will be mainly random MS in the evening and morning hours. Maybe this year some more activity from KP07 itself over the weeks. During the weekends I'll propably be qrv from some gridsquares in SM2/LA/OH... Maybe also some EME tries... who knows. Stay tuned. Mo http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=1704 Source: direct to MMMonVHF, tnx Toralf, DJ8MS *** Dear ALL, Happy to inform that, we have got the invitation from HA9BVK - HG9X to attend the IARU HF World Champinoship next weekend. We are trying to work on 144 - MS during this time, and hope won't be caused the QRN. (I still have several empty cards my last MS exp. from KN08 :-) ).Detailed information as follows Callsign: HA5UK/P Gyuri and HA5CRX/P Jani - Locator: KN08HG Date: 11.07.2008 late evening - 13.07.2008 noon. More details: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=1703 and the MMM DXBlog: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/showblog.php?ca=HA5CRX-P Source: direct to MMMonVHF, tnx Jani, HA5CRX *** Take info that our club station IQ8BI/8 will be operative during IARU July contest on all VHF UHF and 1200 MHz bands, ww.loc JN71il We will have sure also MS, but don't know if the contest will give us time to spend. Surely we will be sometimes active in the night and morning before the contest date... We will be at JN71il, 4x12 el DJ9BV + 3CX800A7 1kW PA + dressler, also active 432 (27 el Shark + 8877 1kW PA) and 1296 (55 el + 10 W TS790 barefoot...). More at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=1685 Source: direct to MMMonVHF, tnx Carlo, I5TWK/8 *** The Carolina DX Association is proud to announce that N4BX will be activating Fox Mike 13 for the upcoming CQ WW VHF Contest, July 19th and 20th. Fox Mike 13 is on the list http://www.arrl.org/awards/ffma/Most...rid_Survey.pdf of rare grid squares, and is one of the rarest grid squares on the east coast. The CQ Worldwide Contest is a twenty seven hour, two band contest, featuring Six Meters and Two Meters. It begins on Saturday July 19th at 1800 UTC (2PM EDST) and runs through Sunday July 20th at 2100 UTC (5PM EDST). Read more abt. the Frequencies N4BX will be on: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=1707 Source. N4BX on Reflector *** Jim (K4BI) & Mario (K2ZD) will be active as ZF2BI and ZF2ZD from Cayman islands, EK99GI on 6m ES and EME (WSJT). ZF2ZD Mario is active on six meter Meteor Scatter and EME until July 6th. I worked Mario this morning in 17 minutes using FSK441. His station is 1Kw with 6M5X at 55Ft and 174 Ft. from the ocean. (Should be workable for many stations). I believe with his station he should be able to work some longer meteor scatter contacts. Our distance was 1168 miles and his pings were very strong and often. Source: Randy, WA5UFH via Reflector *** VHF/6M Expedition to Kairo by SU1KM, EA7KW and DL8YHR from Locator KL59MX is finished meantime, but 144 MHz EME LOGFILE online at MMMonVHF at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/upload-news/D...m_20080703.txt Source: direct to MMMonVHF, tnx Mohamed, SU1KM & EA7KW and DL8YHR *** 3A2M - Trip... Hi all, unfortunately ARM (Association Radioamateur Monaco) has not been able to obtain in time, from the government, the use of a suitable building, so the activation of 3A, by the Italian team, is temporarily cancelled. We are very downhearted, all equipment was ready, and we were already in the right frame of mind, sorry for the illusions we created. We will meet with ARM soon to examine future possibilities. I am sure that we will be able to activate 3A, but surely not in the near future, so you can put the red sign in MMM. Source: direct to MMMonVHF, tnx Gio (Giorgio) IK1UWL ************************************************** **************** VHF-EVENTS/ACTIVITIES http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php - use FILTER Event/Activity YES! ************************************************** **************** N6VMO CM94 QRV July 4 - 6 144.128Mhz and 1296.068MHz JT65B 1st. I will be QRV on 144.128MHz and quite possibly, for the first time, on 1296MHz this weekend! Mode will be JT65B/C and 1st sequence. The EME site does have internet access, so look for me to announce my presence on the both bands. I will only be able to operate one band at a time, since they will share common feedline and relay sequencer. If 1296 testing goes as planned, I will switch from 144 to 1296. July 4: 1500UTC - 1900UTC July 5: 1600UTC - 2000UTC and July 6: 1700UTC - 2100UTC - More at: www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=1705 Source: John, N6VMO via MoonNet *** Michael, G7VJR will be active as JX/G7VJR from Jan Mayen (EU-022) between 28 June and 4 July. LATEST NEWS de Per-Einar, LA7DFA, dated 2008-07-01: 50.105 MHz Beacon & Operation from IQ51SA 3 ele yagi and 100W. Beacon with 25 seconds break 24/7. Jan Mayen, JX. QRT. JX/G7VJR and JX/SQ4MP went QRT 3/7-08 kl 0600 UTC. http://jx08.eu 73 de Per, LA7DFA 3 Jul. 2008 Source: direct to MMMonVHF, tnx Per-Einar, LA7DFA *** Market Reef, OJ0. A team of five operators will visit Market Reef in July, led by OH1VR, Seppo, and including G0CKV, Olof; G3SXW, Roger; OH3RM, Markus; and W6RGG, Bob. They expect to arrive on Friday July 11th and leave on Monday the 14th, depending of course on sea conditions. They will be active in the IARU Contest in the multi- operator category as OJ0A. Before and after the contest they will be active on 160m to 6m with 3-4 stations as OJ0/home call and OJ0VR. Seppo is taking a 5 element yagi for 50 MHz. QSL to OJ0A via OH3RM, OJ0/home call via home call, OJ0VR via OH1VR. Source: tnx (The Daily DX Vol. 12 No. 132) via OZ6OM 3 Jul. 2008 *** Greenland, OX. OZ1DJJ, Bo Christensen, tells The Daily DX he will depart Denmark on July 9th and he will be heading back to Greenland, where he will be QRV as OX3LX from grid locator GP60xr until July 23rd. While there he may try 2 meter EME and will definitely be on 50 MHz with a 4 element yagi running 100 watts. This will be a business trip, so don't expect a 24/7 operation on this one. Plans are to update his Web page in the next day or two - www.ox3lx.geronne.dk. Source: tnx (The Daily DX Vol. 12 No. 132) via OZ6OM 3 Jul. 2008 *** San Andres, HK0. Update. W5OZI, Pat, is the pilot station for 5J0M, the six meter DXpedition to San Andres by K7BV, Dennis. Pat gives us the following update on 5J0M. "Presently QRV but only with 100 watts. Amp problems due to rough handling at HK customs where they unplugged some jumpers and maybe more. Dennis insists that this ACOM has been completely reliable on many trips and that it is not an ACOM fault. W1JJ is in contact with the ACOM factory in Bulgaria and hopes to get some kind of fix to forward to Dennis. Another power supply has gone bad since V36M, so he cannot operate HF and 6m at the same time. Dennis has had only about 20 QSOs so far, all with NA. N5BLZ was #1. He will move the beam every (approximately) half-hour between EU and NA, and wants hams to call him even if they have already worked him so as to give him an idea about band condx". Source: (The Daily DX Vol. 12 Number 130) via OZ6OM 3 Jul. 2008 *** Hello all, Joachim CT1HZE will be qrv 70cm EME with a temporary system for the next 6 weeks. Last day of operation will be August 15th. My setup is 4 x 23 ele Yagi and about 1.2 KW with full elevation. I have just made my first QSO with DK3WG and we exchanged -24 / -14 allthough AZ/EL not calibrated yet. I am ready for skeds on JT65 and CW, preferably between 06:00 and 23:00 UTC. 73 Joe, CT1HZE, IM57NH Source: Joachim, CT1HZE via MoonNet *** A large group of SV4 operators will be active as SY4LH from Trikeri Lighthouse (ARLHS GRE-128, KM19mc) LATEST NEWS by Maurice, F5NQL, dated 2008-07-03: 4, 5 and 6th of July - Starting friday at 2100 utc SY4LH from the New One !!! Lighthouse Trikeri, Pagasitikos Gulf, ARLHS: GRE-128 Loc: KM19mc. More detail and QSL-Manager: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=1658 Source: Tnx 425 DX News #893 and Update by Maurice, F5NQL-DX-News *** Guido, DL8EBW, will be qrv from holiday QTH in EA5 (JM08BR) until 11.07. LATEST NEWS de Guy, EA5/DL8EBW, 2008-07-02: did make my first 3 ES-QSOs from JM08 and several very long QRG Tropo QSOs over the sea path (up to 1350km). I will look out for long QRB in the Contest and try to be on day by day until 11th of july... - TR-LOG http://www.mmmonvhf.de/tr.php Source: direct to MMMonVHF, Guy EA5/DL8EBW ************************************************** ************************* The VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF - Newsletter Credits & Info ************************************************** ************************* Our Newsletter is compiled from the input of the USER of the VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF as well by a lot of free usable HF-V-U-SHF-Info-Sources and chats like ON4KST-, N0UK-, RU-VHF-DX-Net, EA-V-U-SHF-Chat and others... *** Many thanks to all USER who send us info and news *** Wherever we found the info we always indicate the source of the info. If you get knowledge of an expedition, which is NOT listed at our VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF or if you have additional info for an expedition, PLEASE be so kind and send us this info at http://www.mmmonvhf.de/newsuser.php or http://www.mmmonvhf.de/kontact.php The MMMonVHF-Team is always trying to spread any expedition info as much up-to-date and reliable as possible and as long as the info does not violate with our MMMonVHF-Policy. Have a lot of fun and enjoy MMMonVHF! 73 de Guido "Guy" DL8EBW on behalf of the MMMonVHF-Team (DG2KBC DK3XT DK5EW DK5YA HA5CRX IV3NDC OZ1LPR PA2DW PA3BIY & PA4EME) ************************************************** ************************* |
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