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![]() .. SB QNEWS @ WW $QNEWS080720 QNEWS - JUNLY 20 - VK4 ON AIR This is QNEWS from VK4WIA for week commencing July 20 2008 CLUBBING - WITH KAYE VK4VHS GOLD COAST AR CLUB COBRS Good to see the club call of VK4WIE getting a good workout by Eric VK4NEF who was mobile through Toowoomba, Lockyer Valley and Sunshine Coast shires all in memory of the late Jack Files for last weekends contest, well done! REDCLIFFE http://www.qsl.net/vk4iz http://vk4rc.we.net.au 10 hardy Redcliffe and District Radio Club members braved the cold at Murrenbong Scout Camp, near Petrie, to compete in the Trans Tasman CW contest yesterday. Led by John, VK4BZ, all members took turns to make CW contacts. John is keen to beat their 10th place in last month's 80 metre contest. The scout camp location is close to a noise free environment and the club will be using the same venue for the RD contest in August and for JOTA later this year. Peter VK4TAA will be inviting other clubs to come and join with Redcliffe and assist in a range of activities from an estimate of over 300 cubs, scouts and senior scouts already booked in for the JOTA weekend. If you can assist on the JOTA weekend or wish to visit during the RD contest, then contact Peter, VK4TAA via http://vk4rc.we.net.au/ The club is now open most Wednesday mornings thanks to Charles, VK4BTC and Ken VK4FKEN. The Wednesday group meet about 9 am and finish about midday and have been busy constructing 2 metre turnstile antennas for satellite communication. If you have a special project or a need just to "chin-wag" or even just a cuppa, join the gang each Wednesday at the clubhouse. In the next few weeks there will be a club working bee to install 2 new awnings on the eastern and western ends of the clubhouse. TABLELANDS RADIO AND ELECTRONICS CLUB www.trec.aussiewide.com july 19 0900 (Saturday) Meeting/activities Clubrooms Subscription amounts for following year to be decided July 27 1000 (Sunday) Fox Hunt Followed by BBQ TOWNSVILLE http://vk4zz.no-ip.org/tarc/ Are you interested in joining the TARC expedition to Cape Cleveland Light for the International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend? There are plans to carry out portable operations on HF, VHF and UHF and during rest breaks take in the terrific ambience of the place, spot a whale/dolphin/dugong/sea turtle or two, cook up some hearty meals on the wood fired BBQ and learn more about the heritage of the Lighthouse. Contact Steve VK4SJW 0414 785443 Some intrepid TARCadians participated in activating their Club Station to participate in the WIA Jack Files Contest which happend on Saturday evening July 12th. Most of the operators arrived at the Club Station, perched atop the SES Headquarters, by 5-40pm and got busy setting up seating in the station and getting a quick bite of the nosebag before settling in to some contest operating. VK4WIT used a call and frequency scratch-pad for the operator whilst a spotter and logger typed details into the latest version of the VK Contest Log programme. An extension monitor was plugged into the RF friendly laptop so that both the operator and logger could see details from the programme including duplicate checking and real time multiplier calculation. First on the mic was Alan VK4FAKC - it was his second go at doing contesting and he was soon tackling both the weak and strong stations and getting some good contacts. Then Richard VK4FRJG had a spell operating, getting used to the different way to operating contests as he was used to working nets. Richard also got into the swing of things and raked up some good contacts We were hoping to put Joan VK4FTVL and Colin VK4UCM on the mic but they were starting to nod off following a very busy day doing base operations for the Magnetic Island to Townsville Swim. However Joan left behind some nice snacky things which the rest of the operators devoured during the evening. Alan and Richard had a few more goes on the microphone then reckoned that the attending Full calls should have a go. So Gavin VK4ZZ did a session on the mic, followed by Lyndall VK4ZM and then finally Steve VK4SJW before running out of time at 1400UTC. Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net this Tuesday One of the friendliest radio nets in the land happens this Tuesday evening from 7-30pm on the Townsville VHF Repeater ... the Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net ! The net is open to young and old, YL or OM and is a golden opportunity for anyone who needs practice on-air to go onto the net as 2nd operator. So join in to this Tuesday evenings net and have fun on-air ! ************************************************** - NEWS POSTING TO PACKET - Courtesy Tony VK7AX VK7AX(AT)VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC ************************************************** PAGE_END /EX SB NEWS @ WW $VK1WIA080720 WIANEWS - JULY 20 - VK NATIONAL NEWS ALWAYS ENSURE ORIGINAL BID # AND TITLE ARE USED. Packet uploads with thanks to vk7ax Tony -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BEST NEWS YOU'LL GET ALL WEEK Oh... and to contact us with your news because If It Matters To You It Matters To Us! Please.. write your story as you would expect to hear it being read back do NOT send us links and url's !! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIANews 24/7 with the following bulletin in Audio when you visit the MEMBERS AREA on www.wia.org.au This weeks WIANews available in Audio after 0100hrs UTC Saturday. http://www.wiaq.com/ftp/wianews_64.mp3 FM Radio quality http://www.wiaq.com/ftp/wianews.mp3 AM Radio Quality http://www.wia.org.au (news in member area) Submit your audio news http://www.wiaq.com/admin/pandaupload.php Submit your Audio (backup) http://www.wiaq.com and click the QNEWS link to see weekly news stats free emailed script http://lists.wia.org.au/mailman/listinfo/vk1wia-news Now you can dial this WIANews wherever you are on the "gateway dot net dot au" 1300 phone service. Dial 1300 558 592 and at the prompt type W.I.A.N. (That's 9426). "Standard call rate from fixed home phone, higher from mobiles". This is WIANEWS for week commencing July 20 2008 NATIONAL SCIENCE WEEK 16 - 24 August, 2008 National Science Week (NSWk) is an Australian Government initiative that is helping to inform us about science and technology so that everyone can be better prepared to make the best choices for our future. It is the perfect opportunity to showcase some of our great science and technology, people and issues. The range is enormous - from 'hip' young scientists to senior researchers or business people trying to 'make money from molecules'. In the lead up week Queensland are hosting a whole "science pavilion" at the Brisbane EKKA showcasing health, water, robotics, insects DNA and forensic hands-on science. There is even a science show bag containing lots of experiments to do at home. We have had no word into our newsroom that we as radio amateurs are involved in this showcase to our youth! For further information, Queensland media enquiry contact details below. Ann Uldridge Media Liaison QLD National Science Week Coordinating Committee www.scienceweek.info.au ACMA revises proposed channels for digital television repeater services in remote central and eastern Australia and welcomes submissions on the proposals. Areas include Bourke, Lightning Ridge, Bathurst Island, Groote Eylandt, Jabiru Charleville, Roma and Weipa in Queensland and Ceduna, Coober Pedy and Roxby Downs in South Australia to name but a few of 94. ACMA has also identified as yet unassigned channels that may be used for other purposes, including datacasting, in areas where channels for both national and commercial or only commercial services are identified. The proposals are in a discussion paper and revised draft variations to the commercial and national digital channel plans, released Tuesday. 'ACMA has at all time given viewers' interests a high priority. However, these plans may have some impact on the use of VCRs and set-top boxes, although any disruption is expected to be relatively minor as, in most cases, all that will be required is re-tuning television sets and VCRs,' said ACMA's Mr Chapman. The discussion papers and revised draft variations to the digital channel plans are available on the ACMA website, or by calling freecall 1800 226 667. The closing date for submissions is 5.00 pm, Friday 2 August 2008. (Media contact: Donald Robertson, ACMA Media Manager) Aussies embrace their lighthouses Just four weeks to go to International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend on the 16th and 17 of August there's been strong support from Australia's radio amateurs and clubs. When this annual event began in 1999 there were only four VK stations participating, VK2CE, VK4CHB, VK7TS and VK7WS who was the keeper at Bruny Island light at the time. However Australian lighthouses registered for next month's event number 35, second only to Germany with 37 entries out of more than 250 so far worldwide. Another way of looking at it is that with about 400 lighthouses around the Australian coastline nearly 10 per cent of them will be activated. There's still a few accessible lighthouses not registered. For example, there are two lighthouses in Portland, Western Victoria, and another at Port Adelaide. Any takers for these? Why not do it yourself or organise one or two mates to spend some time at a lighthouse over the weekend - and you can also take part in the Remembrance Day Contest operating portable. Sunday the 17th August, is also International Lighthouse Day which involves some lighthouses opening to the public and possible media attendance that has in the past help promote amateur radio. Visit the website ILLW.NET to register or for more details. I'm Jim Linton VK3PC and you're listening to VK1WIA. Beth Langley VK2AO is the Vice President ARNSW and has put out a call to those interested in DX expeditions and who are current members of ARNSW. ARNSW is looking at staging a number of DX trips across Australia over the next 18 months with the intention of setting up HF radio sites over long weekends and a long trip with a four week travelling expedition to a number of destinations as part of the 100 year celebration of our WIA. If you want to be part of an expedition or a support site or can assist in some other way please get in touch. These trips will need a team of dedicated people if they are to be successful. If you are an F call, a Full call or somewhere in between then this is the chance of a lifetime. If you would like to be part of fun then call Beth VK2AO on 041 31 555 31. (arnsw web) 2 Letter Call Ballot - Final Dates Announced - This is Michael Owen, VK3KI First some news about the ballot for two letter callsigns to be conducted on behalf ACMA by the WIA. After some delay, last Tuesday the WIA and ACMA signed a contract that will now allow the ballot to proceed. On 1 August 2008 the WIA will be publishing on the WIA website a paper setting out the process for the ballot and the times for the ballot, as well a list of the available two letter callsigns and a downloadable application form that must be completed if you want to participate in the ballot. A non refundable payment of $59.74 is required to participate in the ballot. That includes GST. That charge is reasonably related to the anticipated cost of conducting the ballot. The costs associated with the ballot are considerable and it would not be reasonable for the WIA and its members to meet them. The closing date for applications to participate in the ballot will be 29 August 2008. The ballot will be conducted by Friday 19 September and letters advising participants whether they have been successful or not will be posted by 24 September. Information on the ballot, and a general response to the submissions received in response to the invitation to comment will also be published in the August issue of Amateur Radio. So, if you are interested in participating in the ballot for two letter callsigns check the WIA website on 1 August or make sure that you read the August issue of "Amateur Radio" magazine. And now two other brief items. WIA Secretary, Geoff Atkinson VK3AFA attended the Twin Cities Radio & Electronics Club Annual General Meeting in Albury last Monday. The Club had been successful in last years Club Grant Scheme and Geoff presented the club's cheque to Club President Tom Sanders VK2XAU. Geoff also presented the Al Shawsmith Award for the best non technical article last year to Graeme Scott VK2KE for his article in July 2007 AR on Teaching Amateur Radio Classes. In Western Australia the Northern Corridor Radio Group will be holding their annual Hamfest on Sunday 3 August at the Cyril Jackson Recreation Centre in Fisher St, Ashfield. WIA Director Eddie Saunders VK6ZSE, with assistance from Keith Bainbridge VK6XH and Neil Husk VK6BDO of the Western Australia Advisory Committee will be manning the WIA table. On sale at the WIA table will be the Second Edition Foundation Licence Manual, the WIA Call Book and a range of WIA merchandise. Do go to this important event, and do make sure you catch up with the WIA representatives, and, if you are not a member, they will be more than happy to accept your membership. HAMS ACROSS AUSTRALIA. VK2 web service:- http://www.arnsw.org.au/html/news_vk2wi.htm VKG Roundup http://www.police.nsw.gov.au/news Central Coast Amateur Radio Club say the next Wyong Field Day will be Sunday, the 8th of February 2009 with some changes made to the program on the day. The Traders will commence their selling at 0900 hours, the "Flea Market" stall holders will commence at 0800 hours and to encourage younger members of the community all children and young people aged 17 and under will be admitted free on the day. More Field Day info from Ray VK2HAY phone (02) 43 40 2500. Westlake's are planning to hold an event, possibly under the guise of a Boot Sale, Clayton Field Day or even just a chance to get together socially. 9.00am Saturday 2nd August. It is proposed that Westlake's nationally acclaimed BBQ will be in full swing. Club members have been urged to bring items for an auction... Soo dig into your unwanted gear cupboard. (vk2fjl) August Meetings in VK2 include:- Orange and district meeting and AGM on the 1st. Oxley region meeting on the 2nd. Westlake's Clayton's Field Day. Taree and district meeting on the 5th. Oxley region meeting on the 8th. SARCFEST, at Richmond Hill on the 10th. Oxley region meeting on the 22nd. Blue Mountains winterfest on the 24th . Shahzada Horse Enduro from the 25th to 29th. Twin Cities field day at Albury on the 31st. VK4 web service local news:- www.wiaq.com/qnews/upload/qnewsbcast.htm local news email subscribe in subject field. VKR Roundup http://www.police.qld.gov.au/News+an...edia+Releases/ A MAJOR phone outage hit hundreds of thousands of customers across southeast Queensland, cutting landline, mobile and internet services this week. It was believed to have hit the Optus network and had a flow-on effect on other carriers. Brisbane Airport was affected with automated check-in and baggage handling facilities hit, leading to flight delays. Frustrated south-east Queensland customers alerted Optus to their major communications breakdown.. by telephone? "We became aware of the problem because the customers have to ring us to report the problem," an Optus spokeswoman said. Emergency services in Brisbane remained unaffected by the service disruptions and triple-0 calls, which use Telstra lines, were still able to be connected. A Queensland Ambulance Services spokeswoman said they were unaffected by the blackout, because "we rely on radio communications." (various media reports) VK6 web service http://www.vk6.net/newswest-index.html VK8 DARC have held a farewell BBQ and presentation for Trevor VK8CO who is leaving after 30 yrs service to the club. EDUCATION YOUTH AND ADVANCEMENT OF AMATEUR RADIO MORSE COURSE OF COURSE The content of the Morse transmissions from VK2WI on 3699 KHz is generated by a programmable controller with over 2700 words which takes almost 6 hours to cycle through allowing great variation in the transmissions. These transmissions are continuous except for during the WIA Sunday News broadcast periods when it and most of the VK2 beacons are shut down automatically to minimize interference to the broadcasts and those listening to them. In addition to the VK2WI Morse practice transmissions on 3699 KHz, there are other broadcasts under the callsign of VK2BWI. They are transmitted twice weekly on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and are on a frequency of 3550 KHz commencing at 2000 hours local Sydney time. The transmitted Morse text includes practice with figure groups and callsigns. Speeds vary from 4 wpm, up to about 20 wpm, in standard and Farnsworth mode. Callbacks are taken after the broadcasts, which last about an hour. So, if your Morse is a little rusty, or you would just like to learn CW, tune in Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 3550 KHz, at 8pm. These sessions are sponsored by Amateur Radio NSW. HAM COLLEGE For those who have enrolled in the Advanced course for 2008 - this is a little reminder that the course begins this week. For those wanting to write exams - there is an open exam day scheduled for the 26th of July and the 30th of August. Please let myself or Neil VK6BDO know if you are intending to sit exams on this day. If you are looking to attend a foundation course the next course is scheduled for September 20/21. For further information on courses/exams and dates with Ham college contact details can be found at www.hamcollege.com.au or call 0412 704 226. INTERNATIONAL The South African Amateur Radio Development Trust is introducing an annual study grant for young licensed radio amateurs who wish to enter a University or University of Technology to study electronics and communication. The study grant will contribute 15,000 Rand towards the first year of study. The aim of the study grant project is to encourage young radio amateurs to enter a career in communication and electronics. (sarl) ELMER LINK NOW FULLY ACTIVE The SARL Elmer link is now fully active. If you have a technical question about amateur radio or need advice on participating in a contest, an RFI problem or need information about an antenna, send an email to SARL Elmer Fred Scheepers, ZS1FCS, will seek an expert answer to your question. You will not find the word Elmer in many dictionaries. It is a typical amateur radio term meaning mentor, a person who assists newcomers to amateur radio. Whether you are a newcomer or an old hand, your questions are welcome. INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL, Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA. 2 men putting up a radio antenna were electrocuted in Kansas City last Sunday. Sources reported that a 65-year-old man and his 27-year-old son were installing an antenna for a ham radio installation when said antenna came into contact with an AC powerline. According to an Internet posting by Chuck Kraly, K0XM, the parties involved, were installing a mostly fibreglass antenna that came in contact with a 7,620V power line. Kraly says that he is well familiar with electrical power service in that part of the city as he is the technician that built and maintained the substation that fed the circuit. K0XM notes that the wires you see going through the residential areas are at a minimum 7200 volts from each wire to ground, and between any two of them is 13,800 volts. He says that he has seen a fault totally vaporize a 1" solid copper buss wire. He also notes rhetorically: "Imagine what it can do to a human." Although nearby neighbours called emergency crews for help, the father, KC0TIG was dead when they arrived, the 27 year old passed after arriving at hospital. (published reports and ARNewsLine) IARU Region 2 President Reinaldo Leandro, YV5AMH, has appointed Dr Cesar Pio Santos A., HR2P, of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, as IARU Region 2 Emergency Communications Coordinator; Santos will be taking over from Rick Palm, K1CE. According to Leandro, Santos is a well-known emergency expert in the region who helped to provide emergency communications and medical relief in Honduras in the wake of Hurricane Mitch. He remains active as a volunteer in his country's governmental emergency communications institution and as a member of the Emergency Communications Advisory Group (ECAG) for Area D (Central America) in IARU Region 2. Leandro also appointed Juan Munoz, TG9AJR, of Puerta Parada, Guatemala, to succeed Bill Zellers, WA4FKI (SK) as the Region 2 Monitoring System Coordinator. Munoz started as a short-wave listener in 1984 and obtained his current license in 1989. Leandro said he is an active amateur on nearly all bands and modes. As an avid contester, Munoz was a referee during WRTC 2002 in Helsinki, Finland and has participated in the IARU Monitoring System with Martin Potter, VE3OAT, since 2001. (ARRL LETTER) ================================================== ================== NEWS FROM SOUTHGATE 'I am Makarios, I am alive' These words mark the historic anniversary for local Cypriot station. Reading in the Cyprus Mail we see that IN THE AFTERMATH OF THE 1974 coup, these words rang out from a ham radio station in Paphos. TUESDAY 15TH is an important anniversary for Radio Paphos, which was the first broadcaster to inform the island that deposed President Makarios III was still alive. On that day in 1974, the Cypriot National Guard and EOKA-B launched a coup to overthrow President Archbishop Makarios III. The presidential palace in Nicosia came under artillery fire from tanks, while Makarios was greeting a group of schoolchildren from Cairo. At that time, one Nicos Nicolaides was a CyBC technician in Paphos and was unaware that his life was about to change forever. His Son explains "My father was a technical whiz and could fix anything. He was so good with electronics, he even built his own amateur radio broadcasting equipment, My father had the idea to broadcast a recorded message by the deposed President to other patriots across Cyprus, and to stand up to the Junta." Israel picked up the message, and sent it to the BBC for conformation that the voice was indeed Makarios'. This was verified and the speech was broadcast later in the evening of July 15, by CyBC in Cyprus. This was very important, the international community had believed Makarios was dead and governments were on the verge of recognising Sampson as the new President." The Nicolaides family are hoping to obtain official museum status for Nicos' workshop, which still stands today, full of equipment and memorabilia, used to broadcast more than thirty years ago. From the Southgate Amateur Radio Club I'm Richard G4TUT AND YOUR'E TUNED TO VK1WIA ================================================== ================== NEWS FROM RSGB Event to mark London Air Traffic Control Centre closure To mark the final closure of the London Air Traffic Control Centre at its site at the former RAF West Drayton in West London, the Air Traffic Control Engineers held a holding a "Closing Down Sale - All Engineers must go!" event at the Park 18th July. An amateur radio station operated for the day with special event callsign GB40BYE, reflecting goodbye after 40 years. The intention is to operate all bands from top band to 70cms. Ham Radio Friedrichshafen The 33rd Ham Radio Show in Friedrichshafen had 17,100 visitors through the door from over 30 countries. The dates for next year are 26th to 28th June 2009. John Linford named President of Summits on the Air John Linford, G3WGV has been named the new President of the Summits on the Air programme. John is the inventor and founder of the SOTA programme. He and Richard, G3CWI, developed the original set of rules which are largely unchanged to the present day. They launched SOTA on 2nd March 2002. ================================================== ================== NEWS FROM ARNEWSLINE W1AW FROM THE ARCTIC CIRCLE A very special, special events station will be on the air from Alaska's Arctic Circle from July 26th though August 10th. This, as W1AW portable KL7 takes to the air from truly rare Grid Square BP56 as part of the 2008 Alaska State Hamfest being held in Anchorage. The station will operate on the Alaskan Arctic Circle from the intersection of the Dalton Highway some 200 miles North of Fairbanks. Listen out for this all band 24hour operation each day. The enhanced Gray-Line effect starts at about 06:00 UTC and lasts for 6 to 8 hours. The main 2008 Alaska ARRL Convention will run from August 1st to August 4th 2008. In addition to the usual convention faire this year the planners have included attractions like cruses, Halibut fishing and a tour of the HAARP 3.6 Mega-watt transmitter site both before and after the main convention weekend. More information on W1AW portable KL7 and the Alaska ARRL Convention is on-line at www.akhamfest.com ================================================== ================== OPERATIONAL NEWS - ON AIR CONTEST AND EVENT COLUMN - D A T E L I N E 2008 July 26 OC Waitakere Sprints Phone August 2 OC Waitakere Sprints CW 16-17 VK Remembrance Day Contest 16-17 WW International Lighthouse Weekend 16-17 VU NIAR Silver Jubilee Contest 30-31 VK A.L.A.R.A Contest October 4- 5 OC Oceania Contests - Phone 0800 UTC Sat until 0800 UTC Sun. 11-12 OC Oceania Contests - CW 0800 UTC Sat until 0800 UTC Sun. November 15-16 (Weekend) Spring VHF/UHF Field Day NIAR Silver Jubilee Contest Object : To contact as many amateurs around the world as part of NIAR Silver Jubilee Celebrations. Eligibility : All licensed amateurs & SWLs around the world. Contest Start: Saturday 1200 UTC (5.30 pm IST), August 16, 2008. Contest End : Sunday 1200 UTC (5.30 pm IST), August 17, 2008. Bands : 7 & 14 MHz. The same station may be contacted on both bands. Modes : CW & Phone. The same station may be contacted on both modes. Computerized logs must be sent in adif; cabrillo format by email to: GENERAL INFO : WAITAKERE SPRINTS 2008 The Western Suburbs Radio Club is pleased to advise that the Waitakere Sprint Phone section will be on the last Saturday in July and the Sprint CW section will be on the first Saturday in August. The Sprints are of one-hour duration on 80m, and are open to all licensed amateurs in ZL, VK and Oceania call areas. Eligibility The Waitakere Sprints are open to all licensed amateurs anywhere in the ZL, VK and Oceania call areas. SWL logs will also be welcome. 2008 Contest Periods Phone 1000 to 1100 UTC, on Saturday 26th July CW 1000 to 1100 UTC, on Saturday 2nd August David This is Peter Harding VK4OD with this weeks RD news. Only 26 days to the 2007 RD contest. Let's hope that the Weather and Atmospheric conditions hold favourable in that there are no storms to interfere with the contest this year. For those of you that will using electronic logging software " Don't forget to update NOW! Hand written logs will still require a hand written, signed declaration. As before ANY LOGS THAT ARE RECEIVED AFTER THE CLOSING TIME WILL BE RETURNED. On the wia.org.au website the rules are available along with associated documents. CONTEST STORIES well in the Jack Files contest last weekend 2 clubs have done very well indeed Townsville's VK4WIT giving lots of their foundation members a taste of contesting, and Brisbane's Bayside club racking up a commendable 264 contacts. SPECIAL EVENTS, BEACON AND NET ADVICE hf nets ON the net, www.timroberts-vk4yeh.id.au/ 9M1CS* 18 Scouting stations (* Apart from 9M1CSS in 9M6 all others are 9M2 stations. QSL via 9m2 bureau) Until Dec 31 BT1OB, BT1OJ, BT1OH, BT1OY and BT1ON. Beijing Olympic Games The last letter of the callsign corresponds to the Chinese name for the colour of each of the rings of the Olympic flag Until Sep 17 C 4 EURO E-Day, 1st of January currency changes to Euro. Until Dec 31 EI 100 S Jamboree 2008 Punchestown race course in Ireland. Aug 2-10 PY 100 JA Centenary of first Japanese immigration to Brazil. Until Dec 31 The count down continues for the 1000th Stone the Crows Net with the 996th being aired last Saturday week. When reporting this to WIA News, Frank VK2FJL said he believed the big day is Saturday 9th August. Remember if you want a slice of the cake you must take part in a couple of nets prior to the 1000th. This Stone The Crows net goes to air 6.00 Saturday mornings on 3.588 MHz. A special QSL card commemorating the day will be available. THE DX EDGE In DX, word that PA5M is now active from Tomor Leste as 4W6AAB for 5 weeks. His activity will be limited to his spare time using only 100 watts and a vertical. He has been heard on 20 meters around 14.047 MHz between 0530-0615 U-T-C. JA2IVK will be active from the Maldives as 8Q7SH between July 18th and the 20th on 80 through 10 meters. He will be using only CW and SSB using 100 watts to a vertical. QSL via the bureau or direct to his QRZ.com address. DL5XX, will be on a business trip in Ghana and plansto be active during his free time as 9G5MM until August Ten. His operation will be on all bands using only CW. DO7ZZ will once again be active from Croatia operating VE3ZIK portable 9A. This, between July 23rd and August 23rd. Activity will be on the HF bands only, using CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31, PSK63 and 10m FM. There is a chance to be active for one day operation portable E7 from Bosnia-Herzegovina. QSL via the bureau (Above from OPDX and other DX News sources and published in ARNewsLine) THE QNEWS WORK BENCH - the nuts and volts report - (Measure twice - Cut once!) Seoul District to Let Parents Track Kids' Arrival at School An automated service allowing parents to track their children's arrival at and departure from elementary school via mobile phone will begin in a part of Seoul in September. Students in Northeastern Seoul will have a wireless terminal attached to their bags, and as the terminal interacts with the radio-frequency identification machine installed in the school gate, it will automatically send a text message to the parents' mobile phone. The system is already in use by some private institutes and schools, but this is the first time it is implemented in an entire district. (published reports) MEDIA WATCH RADIO ON SCREEN: 2 METERS IN THE GET SMART MOVIE Ham radio has gotten smart. Well more like its gotten smart in the new hit movie Get Smart which in itself is a big screen sequel to the small screen hit TV show of the 1960's. CQ Magazine editor Rich Moseson, W2VU., went to see the new flick. He says that someone was able to sneak a bit of ham radio into the "Get Smart" movie and we are not talking about some hams H-T going off in the theatre. Without giving anything away, Rich says that at one point the central character Maxwell Smart commandeers a car from another agent,. There under the dash, is a 2-meter rig, tuned to 146.91 MHz. We see it twice, since the agent he took the car from calls him on the radio and the camera flashes back to the rig. W2VU says that if you go to see the Get Smart movie, watch for this bit of big screen ham radio. We say its -- well -- very smart indeed. (ARNewsLine) NOW ROBERT BROOMHEAD - VK3KRB. WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- CW http://fistsdownunder.morsekeys.com http://www.fistsdownunder.org Den - 9A3FO is the Chairman of the Croatian Telegraphy Club and he has sent WIA members and in fact all telegraphy lovers across the world a special invitation to become members of the Croatian Telegraphy Club. E-mail membership is free and at the same time you become a member of the European CW Association, the EUCWA. Take a look at www.hamradio.hr/ctc Croatian Telegraphy Club WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RADIO SCOUTING http://www.scouts.com.au http://www.scout.org/jota http://www.wiaq.com/nationalnews/jotahead.htm SCOUT JOTA HF Voice Calling Frequencies 3590 primary, 3.650 secondary, 7090, 14190, 21190, 28590 kHz 14290, 18140, 21360, 24960, 28390 kHz (DX) Redcliffe and District Radio Club members invite YOU to the Murrenbong Scout Camp, Petrie for the RD and JOTA this year. The scout camp location is close to a noise free environment. Peter VK4TAA will be inviting other clubs to come and join with Redcliffe and assist in a range of activities from an estimate of over 300 cubs, scouts and senior scouts already booked in for the JOTA weekend. If you can assist on the JOTA weekend or wish to visit during the RD contest, then contact Peter, VK4TAA via http://vk4rc.we.net.au/ WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RESCUE RADIO EMERGENCY FREQUENCIES REGION ONE 21.360 - 18.160 - 14.300 - 7.060 - 3.760 MHz. Following WICEN(nsw)'s recent plaintive plea for a Secretary/Treasurer, Nick Fisher VK2ZNF has graciously volunteered for that role. All members are asked to be patient during the transition period. The Shahzada 400km Horse Enduro is on again over the week of 25-29th August. Operators for the full week or even just one day are required, with food, fuel, and floor-space being provided, along with long hours, missed meals, and lots of fun. Other events confirmed for WICEN (nsw) this year include the Barrington Tops SAREX 18-19 October and the Hawkesbury Canoe Classic 1st and 2nd of November. (WICEN (NSW) Inc. on ARNSW web) North Queensland's Twin Cities Auto Sports Club "King of the Hill Hillclimb" happens on the Mount Stuart road Sunday 3rd August. Also the Townsville Endurance Riders and Arabian Horse Association Woodstock Moonlight Challenge Endurance Ride is on 23rd and 24th August. Over the weekend of July 26th and 27th, WICEN in Sa are supporting the Rally of SA. WICEN is providing scoring and safety tracking info. Scoring times are sent from each stage finish by Packet Radio using a specially written program called MEX. Sixteen stages are run over the weekend with a total of 70 operators volunteering each day to brave the cold and wet conditions. Operators consist of amateurs, and family members. Rally SA would not be able to run without the assistance of WICEN. Later in the year WICEN will again be supporting the Classic Adelaide. A great big thank you to all helpers. This has been David VK5AMK for WICEN SA. SOCIAL SCENE Jul 19th, 2008 (Sat) Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club Hamfest 10am Cranbourne Public Hall 56252545 or www.ggrec.org.au Aug 3 WA's Hamfest Cyril Jackson Community Hall, Fisher St, Ashfield details from Keith VK6XH Sept 13 -14 The Sunshine Coast Amateur Radio club Sunfest at Woombye hall . contact Harry VK4TK at or 0 40 94 880 25 Sept 13 -14 Alarameet 2008 in Ulverstone Tasmania Susan Brain VK7LUV 0400-173280 or Sept 19-21 Central Highland Amateur Radio Club AGM, Monster Auction and Gathering at Camp Fairbairn near Emerald. Gordon VK4KAL telephone 07 4985 4168 Oct 11 & 12 Dalby and Sunshine coast October Camp, Lake Dyer near Laidley. Neil VK4NF 07 4662 4950 Oct 26 B.A.R.G. Hamvention Ballarat held at the Great Southern Woolshed approx 3kms from Ballarat CDB, located on the Melbourne side of Ballarat on the western highway. General public admitted at 10-00am. Door prizes,raffles good food and fellowship Nov 9 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society will hold their Bigger Better Buy and sell day Sunday November 9 at Goodwood community centre, Rosa St. 2009 International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009. Feb 8 2009 WYONG FIELD DAY June 5 - 8 2009 FNNQARG at Cardwell Village Beachcomber Resort book on 1800 005633 Contact FNNQARG co-ordinator Gavin VK4ZZ for site booking guidance. OCT 12 - 16 2009 14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 ? 16 October 2009. Details at www.christchurch.org.nz/ The Region 3 Web Site: www.jarl.or.jp/iaru-r3/ ================================================== ====================WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were submitted. Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray... Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA. ************************************************** - NEWS POSTING TO PACKET - Courtesy Tony VK7AX VK7AX(AT)VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC ************************************************** /ex |
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