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This report is organized into FIVE parts.
Part 1 (S1) - operational analog amateur satellites Part 2 (S2) - operational digital amateur satellites Part 3 (S3) - non - operational satellites Part 4 (S4) - proposed satellites Part 5 (S5) - deborbited/returned satellites SB SAT @ AMSAT W8ISS ANS-199.S1 WSR 199 Part 1 07/17/2008 AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 199.S1 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD, July 17 2008 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-199.S1 VO-52 HAMSAT Catalog number: 28650 Launch Date: May 05,2005 Status: Operational Current Mode: U/v - Indian Transponder Frequencies: Indian Transponder: Uplink: 435.220 to 435.280 MHz LSB/CW Downlink: 145.930 to 145.870 MHz USB/CW Dutch Transponder: Uplink: 435.225 to 435.275 MHz LSB/CW Downlink: 145.925 to 145.875 MHz USB/CW Indian Beacon: 145.859330 MHZ CW Dutch Beacon: 145.860 MHz 12WPM with CW message Mode and Antenna Polarization: V: LHCP U: RHCP Official Webpage: http://www.amsat.in/hamsat.htm To know what transponder is switched on please listen for the beacon that is active. Each transponder has a different beacon. [06252007] ===== AO-51 ECHO Catalog number: 28375 Launch date: June 29, 2004 Status: Operational - Software reload Current Modes: FM Repeater - V/u BBS - L/u Telemetry - /u Analog voice downlink: 435.300 MHz FM 435.150 MHz FM 2401.200 Mhz FM Analog voice uplink: 145.880 MHZ FM 145.880 MHz USB 145.920 MHz FM 1268.700 MHz FM 67Hz PL tone Digital Downlinks: 435.150 MHz FM 38k4 Digital, PBP, 1 watt output 435.150 MHz FM 9k6 Digital, Pacsat Broadcast Protocol 2401.200 MHz FM 38k4 bps, AX.25 Digital Uplink: 145.860 MHz FM 9k6 Digital, Pacsat Broadcast Protocol 1268.700 mhz FM 9k6 PBP Digital Beacon: 435.150 MHz Mode and Antenna Polarization: T: Linear V: Linear U: TX A (usually digital)LHCP TX B (usually analog) RHCP L: Linear S: Linear Broadcast: PECHO-11 BBS: PECHO-12 Official Webpage: http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/echo/ [07032008] ===== SO-50 SAUDISAT-1C Catalog number: 27607 Launch date: December 20, 2002 Status: Operational. Current Mode: V/u Uplink: 145.850 MHz FM - 67.0 Hz PL tone Downlink: 436.795 MHz Mode and Antenna Polarization: V: Linear U: Linear Official Webpage: http://saudisat.kacst.edu.sa/index.shtml (not up and running currently) To switch the transmitter on, you need to send a CTCSS tone of 74.4 Hz. The order of operation is thus: (allow for Doppler as necessary): 1) Transmit on 145.850 MHz with a tone of 74.4 Hz to arm the 10 minute timer on board the spacecraft. 2) Now transmit on 145.850 MHz (FM Voice) using 67.0 Hz to PT the repeater on and off within the 10 Minute window. 3) Sending the 74.4 tone again within the 10 minute window will reset the 10 minute timer. [05282007] ===== FO-29 JAS-2 Catalog number: 24278 Launch Date: August 17, 1996 Status: Operational - check operational schedule for current times!! Current Mode: V/u Voice/CW Mode JA Uplink: 145.90 to 146.00 MHz CW/LSB Downlink: 435.80 to 435.90 MHz CW/USB Beacon: 435.795 MHz Digital Mode JD Uplinks: 145.850 MHz FM 145.870 MHz FM 145.910 MHz FM Downlink: 435.910 MHz 1200-baud BPSK or 9600-baud FSK Callsign: 8J1JCS Digitalker: 435.910 MHz Mode and Antenna Polarization: V: RHCP U: RHCP For current operational schedule for FO-29: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/m-arai/gkz/satinfo/fo29e.htm JARL English webpage: http://www.jarl.or.jp/English/5_Fuji/ejasmenu.htm AMSAT-NA Webpage: http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/satel...Info.php?satID =5&retURL=/satellites/status.php Mineo Wakita, JE9PEL, has created a simple decoder program for FO29's CW telemetry downlink: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hamradio/je9pel/fo29cwts.htm [0820007] ===== AO-27 AMRAD Catalog number: 22825 Launch date: September 26, 1993 Status: Operational Current Mode: V/u Uplink: 145.850 MHz FM Downlink: 436.797 MHz FM Mode and Antenna Polarization: V: Linear U: Linear Official Webpage: http://www.ao27.org [12132007] ===== AO-16 PACSAT Catalog number: 20439 Launch Date: January 22, 1990 Status: TESTING - VOICE Current Mode: V/u Uplink: 145.900 MHz FM 1200-baud Manchester FSK (reserved) 145.920 MHz FM VOICE 145.940 MHz FM 1200-baud Manchester FSK (reserved) 145.960 MHz FM 1200-baud Manchester FSK (reserved) Downlink: 437.026 MHz USB VOICE ( 1200-baud PSK - MBL Telemetry Only ) Mode-S Beacon: 2401.1428 MHz [NO FUTURE OPERATIONS PLANNED] Mode and Antenna Polarization: U: RC 437.050 MHz RHCP PSK 437.026 MHz LHCP V: Linear Broadcast Callsign: PACSAT-11 BBS: PACSAT-12 AO-16 AMSAT Webpage: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/sats/n7hpr/ao16.html [03202008] ===== AO-7 AMSAT OSCAR 7 Catalog number: 07530 Launch Date: November 15, 1974 Status: Operational depending on amount of Sunlight Current Mode: Listen before transmitting Uplink: 145.850 to 145.950 MHz CW/USB Mode A 432.125 to 432.175 MHz CW/LSB Mode B Downlink: 29.400 to 29.500 MHz CW/USB Mode A (1W PEP) 145.975 to 145.925 MHz CW/USB Mode B (8W PEP) 145.975 to 145.925 MHz CW/USB Mode C (2W PEP) Beacons: 29.502 MHz CW 145.972 MHz CW 435.100 MHz CW 2304.100 MHz CW Official Webpage: http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/satel...ummary/ao7.php The AO-7 Logbook and Resource Website: http://www.planetemily.com/ao7/ AO-7 Usage Guidelines on the AO-7 Log and Resource Site located at: http://www.planetemily.com/ao7 [05282007] ===== INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION (ISS) - ARISS Catalog number: 25544 Launch date: November 20, 1998 Status: Operational Current Mode: FM Repeater - U/v Voice - Occasianally BBS - ON APRS - ON SSTV - OFF Expedition 17 crew: Commander: Sergey Volkov RU3DIS Flight Engineer: Oleg Kononenko RN3DX Flight Engineer: Greg Chamitoff KD5PKZ Available Modes and Frequencies: Digital/APRS: Worldwide packet uplink: 145.825 MHz FM Worldwide packet downlink: 145.825 Mhz FM Voice: Region 1 voice uplink: 145.200 MHz FM Region 2/3 voice uplink: 144.490 MHz FM Worldwide downlink: 145.800 MHz FM Crossband Repeater: Repeater Uplink: 437.800 MHz FM Repeater Downlink: 145.800 MHz FM Mode and Antenna Polarization: V: Linear U: Linear Callsigns: German: DP0ISS Russian: RS0ISS RZ3DZR USA: NA1SS Packet Mailbox: RS0ISS-11 Packet Keyboard: RS0ISS-3 Digipeater callsign: ARISS Official ARISS Webpage: http://www.rac.ca/ariss ISS Fan Club Webpage: http://www.issfanclub.com APRS tracking page: http://www.ariss.net/ ISS Daily Crew Schedule: http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/station/timelines/ Remember that the crew operates on UTC time. Also, all of the time line is NOT translated from Russian and posted. [06122008] NNNN /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT W8ISS ANS-199.S2 WSR 199 Part 2 07/17/2008 AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 199.S2 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD, July 17 2008 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-199.S2 RS-30 Radio Sputnik 30 (Yubileiny) Catalog Number: Launch Date: May 23, 2008 Status: Operational Curent Mode: Telemetry Audio Images Downlinks: 435.315 MHz 435.215 MHz [05292008] ===== CAPE-1 Catalog Number: 31130 Launch Date: April 17,2007 Status: Intermittent Current Mode: /u TLM Downlink: 435.245 MHz 9600 bs FSK AX.25 CW Beacon: 435.245 MHz CW Callsign: K5USL TLM and CW interchange every 30 seconds. [11152007] ===== CP3 Catalog Number: 31128 Launch Date: April 17,2007 Status: Operational Current Mode: /u Downlink: 436.845 MHz 1200 bps AFSK AX.25 [07302007] ===== PO-63 PEHUENSAT-1 Catalog Number: 29712 Launch Date: January 10, 2007 Status: In Orbit Current Mode: V/v Uplink/Downlink: 145.825 Mhz FM Voice Recorder: 145.825 Mhz FM [02052007] ===== NO-62 FCAL Catalog Number: 29667 Launch Date: December 21, 2006 Status: Operational Current Mode: /u Downlink: 437.385 Mhz APRS AX25 Downlink ID: KD4HBO Website: http://eng.usna.navy.mil/~bruninga/fcal.html [10222007] ===== GENESAT-1 ?O-?? Catalog Number: 29655 Launch Date: December 16, 2006 Status: Operational Current Mode: /u Telemetry Beacon Downlink: 437.0670 MHz AFSK 1200 BPS Official webpage: http://www.crestnrp.org/genesat1/ahc.html [01082007] ===== CO-58 CubeSat XI-V Catalog number: 28895 Launch Date: October 27, 2005 Status: Operational - CW Beacon only Current Mode: /u Telemetry Downlink: 437.4250 MHz AFSK 1200bps using AFK protocol Beacon: 437.2750 MHz CW Callsign: JQ1YGW Official Webpage: http://www.space.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cubesat/mission/V/ Pictures received by Mineo Wakita - JE9PEL: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hamradio/je9pel/ [03262007] ===== CO-57 CubeSat XI-IV Catalog number: 27848 Launch date: June 30, 2003 Status: Operational Current Mode: /u Beacon: 436.8475 MHz CW Telemetry : 437.4900 MHz AFSK 1200 BPS Callsign: JQ1YGW Official Webpage: http://www.space.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cubesat/mission/V/ [01082007] ===== CO-56 CUTE-1.7 + APD Catalog number: 28941 Launch date: February 21, 2006 Status: Semi-Operational - Constant Carrier only Uplink: 1268.5000 MHz GMSK 9600 BPS Downlink: 437.4700 MHz 1200 FM ax25 or SRLL (ACTIVE only near Japan ? ) Telemetry Beacon: 437.3850 CW Callsign: JQ1YPC Information webpage: http://lss.mes.titech.ac.jp/ssp/spacerium/cute1blog/ [01082007] ===== CO-55 CUTE-1 Catalog Number: 27844 Launch date: June 30, 2003 Status: Operational Current Mode: CW downlink worldwide AX25 Packet with uplink command over Japan only Mode U Telemetry Downlink: 437.4000 MHz AFSK 1200 BPS Mode U TLM Beacon Downlink: 436.8375 MHz CW [08132007] ===== AO-51 ECHO Catalog number: 28375 Launch date: June 29, 2004 Status: Operational - Softawre Reload Current Modes: FM Repeater - V/u BBS - L/u Telemetry - /u Analog voice downlink: 435.300 MHz FM 435.150 MHz FM 2401.200 Mhz FM Analog voice uplink: 145.880 MHZ FM 145.880 MHz USB 145.920 MHz FM 1268.700 MHz FM 67Hz PL tone Digital Downlinks: 435.150 MHz FM 38k4 Digital, PBP, 1 watt output 435.150 MHz FM 9k6 Digital, Pacsat Broadcast Protocol 2401.200 MHz FM 38k4 bps, AX.25 Digital Uplink: 145.860 MHz FM 9k6 Digital, Pacsat Broadcast Protocol 1268.700 mhz FM 9k6 PBP Digital Beacon: 435.150 MHz Mode and Antenna Polarization: T: Linear V: Linear U: TX A (usually digital)LHCP TX B (usually analog) RHCP L: Linear S: Linear Broadcast: PECHO-11 BBS: PECHO-12 Official Webpage: http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/echo/ [07032008] ===== NO-44 PCSAT Catalog number: 26931 Launch Date: September 30, 2001 Status: Hibernation until full sunlight in November Current Mode: V/v General Usage Uplink/Downlink: 145.827 MHz 1200 Baud Special Usage Downlink: 144.390 Mhz 1200 Baud PCSAT APRS page: http://pcsat.aprs.org aprstlm Telemetry Decoder program: http://www.xciv.org/~iain/aprstlm/v1.2/ [09242007] ===== GO-32 Gurwin TechSat-1B Catalog number: 25397 Launch Date: July 10, 1998 Status: Operational Current Modes: V/U L/U Downlink: 435.225 MHz FM (9600-baud FSK) 435.325 Mhz - Not Available - temperature problems Uplinks: 145.850 FM 145.890 FM 145.930 FM 1269.700 FM 1269.800 FM 1269.900 FM Broadcast Callsign: 4XTECH-11 BBS Callsign: 4XTECH-12 More information of GO-32 can be found at: http://www.iarc.org/techsat/techsat.html [09172007] ===== UO-11 OSCAR-11 Catalog number: 14781 Launch Date: March 1, 1984 Status: Semi-operational. Current Mode: /v Telemetry Downlink: 145.825 MHz FM 1200 AFSK UHFBeacon: 435.025 MHz Mode-S Beacon: 2401.500 MHz Mode and Antenna Polarization: V: RHCP S: LHCP Webpage: http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/clivew/ MPEG3 files: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hamradio/je9pel/uo11tlme.htm [01242008] ===== RS-22 RADIO SPORT RS-22 Catalog number: 27939 Launch Date: September 27, 2003 Status: Operational - 70cm cw only Current Mode: /u CW Beacon - 435.352 MHz 145.818 MHz [08062007] ===== Can X-2 Catalog number: Launch Date: April 28, 2008 Status: IN ORBIT Downlink: 437.478 MHz GFSK For the latest project status update please visit the Can X-2 web page: http://www.utias-sfl.net/nanosatellites/CanX2/ IARU coordination status page: http://www.amsat.org.uk/iaru/finishe....asp?serial=46 [05292008] ===== AAUSAT-II Catalog number: 32788 Launch Date: April 28, 2008 Status: IN ORBIT Downlink: 437.425 MHz For the latest project status update please visit the AAUSAT-II web page: http://www.aausatii.aau.dk/homepage/...e=en&page=home IARU coordination status page: http://www.amsat.org.uk/iaru/finishe....asp?serial=60 [05292008] ===== Cute-1.7+APD II Catalog number: 32785 Launch Date: April 28, 2008 Status: IN ORBIT Downlink: 437.475 MHz 9k6 Packet Uplink: 1267.600 Mhz For the latest project status update please visit the Cute-1.7+APD II web page: http://lss.mes.titech.ac.jp/ssp/cute1.7/index_e.html IARU coordination status page: http://www.amsat.org.uk/iaru/finishe....asp?serial=78 [05292008] ===== Compass 1 Catalog number: 32787 Launch Date: April 28, 2008 Status: IN ORBIT Downlink: 437.275 Mhz CW 437.405 MHz Packet For the latest project status update please visit the Compass 1 web page: http://www.raumfahrt.fh-aachen.de/ IARU coordination status page: http://www.amsat.org.uk/iaru/finishe....asp?serial=52 [05292008] ===== DO-64 Delfi-C3 Catalog number: 32789 Launch Date: April 28, 2008 Status: IN ORBIT Telemetry: 145.870 MHz Downlink: 145.880 to 145.920 MHz Uplink: 435.530 to 435.570 MHz Proposed Frequencies: * Primary telemetry downlink: 145.870 MHz 1200 Baud BPSK AX.25 400mW * Backup telemetry downlink: 145.930 MHz 1200 Baud BPSK AX.25 400mW * Linear transponder passband downlink: 145.880 - 145.920 MHz (inverting) 400mW PEP * Linear transponder passband uplink: 435.570 - 435.530 MHz * Transponder mode beacon: 145.870 MHz CW (10dB below transponder PEP) For the latest project status update please visit the Delfi-C3 web page: http://www.delfic3.nl/ IARU coordination status page: http://www.amsat.org.uk/iaru/finishe....asp?serial=68 [05292008] ===== Seeds 2 Catalog number: Launch Date: April 28, 2008 Status: IN ORBIT Downlink: 437.485 MHz For the latest project status update please visit the Seeds 2 web page: http://cubesat.aero.cst.nihon-u.ac.j...sh/main_e.html IARU coordination status page: http://www.amsat.org.uk/iaru/finishe....asp?serial=36 [05012008] ===== INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION (ISS) - ARISS Catalog number: 25544 Launch date: November 20, 1998 Status: Operational Current Mode: FM Repeater - U/v Voice - Occasianally BBS - ON APRS - ON SSTV - OFF Expedition 17 crew: Commander: Sergey Volkov RU3DIS Flight Engineer: Oleg Kononenko RN3DX Flight Engineer: Greg Chamitoff KD5PKZ Available Modes and Frequencies: Digital/APRS: Worldwide packet uplink: 145.825 MHz FM Worldwide packet downlink: 145.825 Mhz FM Voice: Region 1 voice uplink: 145.200 MHz FM Region 2/3 voice uplink: 144.490 MHz FM Worldwide downlink: 145.800 MHz FM Crossband Repeater: Repeater Uplink: 437.800 MHz FM Repeater Downlink: 145.800 MHz FM Mode and Antenna Polarization: V: Linear U: Linear Callsigns: German: DP0ISS Russian: RS0ISS RZ3DZR USA: NA1SS Packet Mailbox: RS0ISS-11 Packet Keyboard: RS0ISS-3 Digipeater callsign: ARISS Official ARISS Webpage: http://www.rac.ca/ariss ISS Fan Club Webpage: http://www.issfanclub.com APRS tracking page: http://www.ariss.net/ ISS Daily Crew Schedule: http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/station/timelines/ Remember that the crew operates on UTC time. Also, all of the time line is NOT translated from Russian and posted. [06122008] NNNN /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT W8ISS ANS-199.S3 WSR 199 Part 3 07/17/2008 AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 199.S3 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD, July 17 2008 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-199.S3 THE FOLLOWING ARE IN ORBIT BUT ARE NON-OPERATIONAL AT THIS TIME: CP4 Catalog Number: 31122 Launch Date: April 17,2007 Status: Operational Current Mode: /u TLM Downlink: 437.325 MHz 1200 bps FSK AX.25 CW Beacon: 437.325 MHz CW [11152007] ===== HO-59 HITSat Catalog number: 29484 Launch date: September 22, 2006 Status: Non-Operational Current Mode: /u Telemetry Downlink: 437.4250 MHz AFSK 1200 BPS Beacon: 437.2750 MHz CW Callsign: JR8YJT [10152007] ===== NCUBE-2 Catalog number: 28897 Launch Date: October 27, 2005 Status: Still attached to XO-53 (SSETI)? Proposed Callsign: TBA Proposed Transmit Frequency: 437.305 2407.250 Official Website: http://www.ncube.no [05012006] ===== XO-53 SSETI Catalog number: 28894 Launch Date: October 27, 2005 Status: Non-operational Voice Uplink: 437.250 MHz FM 67Hz CTCSS Voice Downlink: 2401.835 MHz FM Packet Up/Downlink: 437.250 MHz 9k6 packet Packet Downlink 2401.835 MHz 38k4 packet Official webpage: http://sseti.gte.tuwien.ac.at/WSW4/ Latest news: http://sseti.gte.tuwien.ac.at/WSW4/MOPWS/news.php [01222007] ===== UWE-1 Catalog Number: 28892 Launch Date: October 27, 2005 Status: Non=Operational Mode U Telemetry Downlink: 437.5050 MHz 9600 AFSK [08132007] ===== AO-49 AATiS OSCAR-49 (SAFIR-M) Catalog number: 27605 Launch Date: December 20, 2002 Status: Non-operational. Uplink: 435.275 MHz 1200-baud AFSK Downlink: 145.825 MHz 9600-baud FSK (optional voice message) Broadcast callsign: DP0AIS Official webpage: http://amend.gmxhome.de [01222007] ===== MO-46 TIUNGSAT-1 Catalog number: 26548 Launch date: September 26, 2000 Status: Non-Operational Uplinks: 145.850 MHz 145.925 MHz 9600-baud FSK Downlink: 437.325 MHz Broadcast callsign: MYSAT3-11 BBS: MYSAT3-12 TiungSat-1 is Malaysia's first micro-satellite and in addition to commercial land and weather imaging payloads offers FM and FSK Amateur Radio communica- tion. TiungSat-1, named after the mynah bird of Malaysia, was developed as a collaborative effort between the Malaysian government and Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. [007302007] ===== NO-45 SAPPHIRE Catalog number: 26932 Launch Date: September 30, 2001 Status: Non-Operational Downlink: 437.095 MHz 1200 baud AX-25 AFSK Uplink: 145.945 MHz UI Digipeater Digi Callsign: KE6QMD Everyone is welcome to use the digipeating/APRS features of Sapphire, call- sign KE6QMD, as per the user service agreement located at the following URL: http://web.usna.navy.mil/~bruninga/pcsat/contract.txt [03132005] ===== SO-42 SAUDISAT-1B Catalog number: 26549 Launch date: September 26, 2000 Status: Non-Operational Downlink: 437.075 MHz Broadcast Callsign: SASAT2-11 BBS: SASAT2-12 Further information is available at: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/sats/n7hpr/so42.html [01222007] ===== SO-41 SAUDISAT-1A Catalog number: 26545 Launch Date: September 26, 2000 Status: Non-Operational Uplink: 145.850 MHz Downlink: 436.775 MHz Broadcast Callsign: SASAT1-11 BBS: SASAT1-12 Further information is available at: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/sats/n7hpr/so41.html [01222007] ===== AO-40 AMSAT OSCAR 40 Catalog number: 26609 Launch Date: November 16, 2000 Status: Non-Operational Uplinks ------- V-band: 145.840 - 145.990 MHz CW/LSB U-band: 435.550 - 435.800 MHz CW/LSB L1-band: 1269.250 - 1269.500 MHz CW/LSB L2-band: 1268.325 - 1268.575 MHz CW/LSB Downlinks --------- S2-band: 2401.225 - 2401.475 MHz CW/USB K-band: 24048.010 - 24048.060 MHz CW/USB Beacon: 2401.323 MHz 24048.035 MHz P3-D Telemetry Beacons (IHU) ---------------------------- BEACON General Beacon (GB) Middle Beacon (MB) Engineering Beacon (EB) 2 m none 145.898 MHz none 70cm 435.438 MHz 435.588 MHz 435.838 MHz 13cm(1) 2400.188 MHz 2400.338 MHz 2400.588 MHz 13cm(2) 2401.173 MHz 2401.323 MHz 2401.573 MHz 3cm 10450.975 MHz 10451.125 MHz 10451.375 MHz 1.5cm 24047.885 MHz 24048.035 MHz 24048.285 MHz [07162007] ===== OO-38 OPAL Catalog Number: 26063 Launch Date: January 27, 2000 Status: Non-Operational Mode U TLM Beacon Downlink: 437.1000 MHz 9600 FSK [08132007] ===== UO-36 UoSAT-12 Catalog number: 25693 Launch date: April 21, 1999 Status: Unknown Uplink: 145.960 MHz (9600-baud FSK) Downlinks: 437.025 MHz 437.400 MHz Broadcast Callsign: UO121-11 BBS: UO121-12 The VK5HI viewer shareware for UO-36 is available on the AMSAT-NA web site at the following URL: ftp://ftp.amsat.org/amsat/software/w...ddsp97-119.zip [01222007] ===== SO-35 SUNSAT Catalog Number: ? Launch date:February 23, 1999 Status: Non-Operational Downlink: Mode B Repeater: 436.291 MHz Mode J Digipeater: 436.250 MHz Uplinks: Mode B Repeater: 145.825 MHz Mode J Digipeater: 145.825 MHz 145.900 MHz For more information of SUNSAT vist the satellite web site: http://esl.ee.sun.ac.za/projects/sunsat/ [01222007] ===== PO-34 PANSAT Catalog number: 25520 Launch date: October 30, 1998 Status: Telemetry downloads only Uplink/downlink: 436.500 MHz Official Webpage: http://www.sp.nps.navy.mil/pansat/ [05092004] ===== SO-33 SEDSAT-1 Catalog number: 25509 Launch date: October 24, 1998 Status: Semi-operational Downlink: 437.910 MHz FM (9600-baud FSK) The satellite is not currently available for uplink transmissions and the image and transponder recovery efforts have been unsuccessful. For more information on SedSat-1 visit the satellite web site: http://seds.uah.edu/projects/sedsat/sedsat.htm [09042006] ===== TO-31 TMSAT-1 Catalog number: 25396 Launch Date: July 10, 1998 Status: Non-operational Uplink: 145.925 MHz 9600 baud FSK Downlink: 436.925 MHz 9600 baud FSK Broadcast callsign: TMSAT1-11 BBS: TMSAT1-12 [05012006] ===== PO-28 POSAT-1 Catalog number: 22829 Launch Date: September 25, 1993 Status: Operational - Not open for Amatuer use Downlink: 429.950 Uplink: Not until handover back to Amatuer usage Broadcast callsign: POSAT1-11 BBS callsign: POSAT1-12 AMSAT Webpage: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/sats/n7hpr/po28.html POSAT-1 webpage: http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/SSC/CSER/...ns/posat1.html [01012006] ===== IO-26 ITAMSAT Catalog number: 22826 Launch Date: September 26, 1993 Status: PSK carrier only Current Mode: Uplinks: 145.875 MHz FM 1200-baud 145.900 MHz FM 1200-baud 145.925 MHz FM 1200-baud 145.950 MHz FM 1200-baud Downlink: 435.808 MHz PSK Broadcast Callsign: ITMSAT-11 BBS: ITMSAT-12 Official webpage: http://www.itamsat.org AMSAT Webpage: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/sats/n7hpr/io26.html [01212007] ===== KO-25 KITSAT Catalog number: 22828 Launch date: September 26, 1993 Status: Non-operational Uplink: 145.980 MHz FM 9600-baud FSK Downlink: 436.500 MHz FM Broadcast Callsign: HL02-11 BBS: HL02-12 [05092004] ===== KO-23 KITSAT Catalog number: 22077 Launch date: August 10, 1992 Status: Non-operational Uplink: 145.900 MHz FM (9600-baud FSK) Downlink: 435.170 MHz FM Broadcast Callsign: HLO1-11 BBS: HLO1-12 [01222007] ===== UO-22 UOSAT Catalog number: 21575 Launch date: July 17, 1991 Status: Non-Operational Uplink: 145.900 FM 9600-baud FSK Downlink: 435.120 MHz FM Broadcast Callsign: UOSAT5-11 BBS: UOSAT5-12 [01222007] ===== AO-21 AMSAT-OSCAR 21 Catalog Number: 21087 Launch Date: January 29, 1991 Status: Operational Uplink: 435.041 MHz FM DSP Downlink: 145.983 MHz FM DSP [01222007] ===== FO-20 JAS-1b Catalog number: 20480 Launch Date: February 07, 1990 Status: Non-Operational Beacons: 435.795 MHz CW 435.910 MHz AX25 Voice Transponder: Uplink: 145.900 to 146.000 MHz CW/LSB Downlink: 435.800 to 435.900 MHz CW/USB Digital Transponder: Uplinks: 145.850 MHz 145.870 MHz 145.890 MHz 145.910 MHz Downlink: 435.910 MHz More FO-20 info can be found at: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/sats/n7hpr/fo20.html [01152007] ===== LIBERTAD-1 Catalog Number: 31129 Launch Date: April 17,2007 Status: Non-Operational Current Mode: V/u APRS Packet ax25 Callsign: 5K3L Uplink: 145.825 MHz 1200 AFSK ax25 APRS Downlink: 437.399 MHz 1200 AFSK ax25 APRS Telemetry Beacon: 437.4050 MHz 1200 AFSK ax25 [10222007] ===== LO-19 LUSAT Catalog number: 20442 Launch date: January 22, 1990 Status: CW Beacon only Uplinks: 145.840 MHz 1200-baud Manchester FSK 145.860 MHz 1200-baud Manchester FSK 145.880 MHz 1200-baud Manchester FSK 145.900 MHz 1200-baud Manchester FSK CW downlink: 437.125 MHz Digital downlink: 437.150 MHz SSB (RC-BPSK 1200-baud PSK) Broadcast Callsign: LUSAT-11 BBS: LUSAT-12o General information and telemetry samples can be found at: www.telecable.es/personales/ea1bcu [01222007] ===== WO-18 WEBERSAT Catalog Number: 20441 Launch Date: January 22, 1990 Status: Non-Operational Downlink: 437.104 MHz SSB 1200 Baud PSK AX.25 [05012006] ===== DO-17 Dove Catalog Number: 20440 Launch Date: January 22, 1990 Status: Non-operational. Downlink: 145.825 MHz FM 1200 Baud AFSK Beacon: 2401.220 MHz [05012006] ===== UO-14 UoSAT-3 Catalog number: 20437 Launch date: January 22, 1990 Status: Non-operational Uplink: 145.975 MHz FM Downlink: 435.070 MHz FM [05092004] ===== FO-12 Fuji-OSCAR 12 Catalog Number: 16909 Launch Date: August 12, 1986 Status: Non-Operational Mode V/U (J) Linear Transponder (Inverting): Non-Operational Uplink: 145.9000 - 146.0000 MHz SSB/CW Downlink 435.8000 - 435.9000 MHz SSB/CW Mode V/U (J) Packet: Non-Operational Uplink: 145.8500 MHz MFSK 1200 BPS Uplink: 145.8700 MHz MFSK 1200 BPS Uplink: 145.8900 MHz MFSK 1200 BPS Uplink: 145.9100 MHz MFSK 1200 BPS Downlink 435.9100 MHz PSK 1200 BPS Telemetry Beacon: 435.7950 MHz SSB/CW [01152007] ===== AO-10 OSCAR 10 Catalog number: 14129 Launch Date: June 16, 1983 Status: Non-operational Uplink: 435.030 to 435.180 MHz CW/LSB Downlink: 145.975 to 145.825 MHz CW/USB Beacon: 145.810 MHz (unmodulated carrier) W4SM has more information about the satellite at the following URL: http://www.cstone.net/~w4sm/AO-10.html [05092004] ===== AO-8 AMSAT-OSCAR 8 Catalog Number: 10703 Launch Date: March 3, 1978 Status: Non-Operational Mode V/U (J) Linear Transponder (Non-Inverting): Non-Operational Uplink: 145.9000 - 146.0000 MHz SSB/CW Downlink 435.1990 - 435.2000 MHz SSB/CW Mode V/U (J) TLM Beacon: Non-Operational Downlink 435.0950 MHz CW Mode V/A (A) Linear Transponder (Non-Inverting): Non-Operational Uplink: 145.8500 - 145.9000 MHz SSB/CW Downlink 29.4000 - 29.5000 MHz SSB/CW Mode V/A (A) TLM Beacon: Non-Operational Downlink 29.4020 MHz CW [01152007] ===== AO-6 AMSAT-OSCAR 6 Catalog Number: 06236 Launch Date: October 15, 1972 Status: Non-Operational Uplink: 145.9000 - 146.0000 MHz SSB/CW Downlink: 29.4500 - 29.5500 MHz SSB/CW Beacons: 29.450 MHz 435.100 MHz [01312008] ===== AO-5 Australis-OSCAR 5 Catalog Number: 04321 Launch Date: January 23, 1970 Status: Non-Operational Telemetry Beacons: 144.0500 MHz CW 29.4500 MHz CW [01152007] ===== OSCAR III Catalog Number: 01293 Launch Date: March 09, 1965 Status: Non-Operational Uplink: 145.9750 - 146.0250 MHz SSB/CW Downlink: 144.3250 - 144.3750 MHz SSB/CW [01012007] ===== RS-15 RADIO SPORT RS-15 Catalog number: 23439 Launch Date: December 26, 1994 Status: Non-operational Uplink: 145.858 to 145.898 MHz CW/USB Downlink: 29.354 to 29.394 MHz CW/USB Beacon 1: 29.352 MHz (intermittent) Beacon 2: 29.398 MHz SSB meeting frequency: 29.380 MHz (unofficial) [06202004] ===== RS-13 RADIO SPORT RS-13 Catalog number: 21089 Launch date: February 5, 1991 Status: Non-operational Uplink: 21.260 to 21.300 MHz CW/USB Downlink: 145.860 to 145.900 MHz CW/USB Beacon: 145.860 MHz Robot: 145.908 MHz [05232004] ===== RS-12 RADIO SPORT RS-12 Catalog number: 21089 Launch date: February 5, 1991 Status: Non-operational Uplink: 21.210 to 21.250 MHz CW/USB Downlink: 29.410 to 29.450 MHz CW/USB Beacon: 29.408 MHz Robot: 29.454 MHz [05232004] NNNN /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT W8ISS ANS-199.S4 WSR 199 Part 4 07/17/2008 AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 199.S4 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD, July 17 2008 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-199.S4 THE FOLLOWING SATELLITES ARE NOT IN ORBIT BUT ARE PROPOSED FOR LAUNCH AT THIS TIME: Phase 5a Mars Mission AO-?? Catalog Number: Proposed Launch Date: 2009 or 2011 Status: Design Phase For the latest project status update please visit the AMSAT-DL P5-A web page: http://ticket-to-mars.org [01222007] ===== PHASE 3E AO-?? Catalog number: Proposed Launch Date: Late 2008 Status: Under Construction For the latest project status update please visit the AMSAT-DL P3-E web page: http://www.amsat-dl.org/p3e/ [01222007] ===== Eagle AO-?? Catalog Number: Proposed Launch Date: Early/Mid 2009 Status: Design Phase For the latest project status updates please visit the AMSAT-NA webpage: http://www.amsat.org [01222007] NNNN /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT W8ISS ANS-199.S5 WSR 199 Part 5 07/17/2008 AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 199.S5 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD, July 17 2008 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-199.S5 THE FOLLOWING SATELLITES HAVE DE-ORBITED OR HAVE BEEN RETURNED SAFELY: NO-61 ANDE Catalog Number: 29664 Launch Date: December 21, 2006 Status: Operational Re-entered: December 25, 2007 Uplink/Downlink: 145.825 Mhz FM APRS AX25 [01032008] ===== NO-60 RAFT-1 Catalog Number: 29661 Launch Date: December 21, 2006 Status: Re-Entered Re-entered: May 30, 2007 Main Downlink: 145.825 Mhz FM APRS AX25 APRS Uplink: 145.825 MHz FM APRS AX25 Voice/PSK31 Uplink: 28.120 MHz Packet to Voice ID: RAFT [06112007] NNNN /EX ANS is released worldwide via the AMSAT ANS e-mail reflector and a live radiocast on the AMSAT-NA 20-meter net held each Sunday on 14.282 MHz. Pre-net operations start at 18:00 UTC, with current ANS bulletins trans- mitted to the eastern U.S. at 19:00 UTC and to the western U.S. at 19:30 UTC. Information on AMSAT-NA is available at the following URL: http://www.amsat.org Mailing address: AMSAT-NA 850 Sligo Avenue, Suite 600 Silver Spring, Maryland 20910-4703 Voice: 301-589-6062 888-322-6728 FAX: 301-608-3410 Currently, AMSAT-NA supports the following (free) mailing lists: * AMSAT News Service (ANS) * General satellite discussion (AMSAT-BB) * Orbit data (KEPS) * Manned space missions (SAREX) * District of Columbia area (AMSAT-DC) * New England area (AMSAT-NE) * AMSAT Educational Liaison mailing list (AMSAT-EDU) * AMSAT K-12 Educational Liaison mailing list (AMSAT-K12) A daily digest version is available for each list. To subscribe, or for more list information, visit the following URL: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/ans In addition to regular membership, AMSAT-NA offers membership in the President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive additional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT-NA Office. This week's Weekly Satellite Report Editor is James French, W8ISS. ANS is always dedicated to past ANS editor 'BJ' Arts, WT0N, and to the memory of longtime AMSAT supporters Werner Haas, DJ5KQ, Dennis Kitchen, G0FCL and John Branegan GM4IHJ. Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor{at}amsat.org NNNN /EX |
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