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![]() ..TA KINDLY TONY . SB NEWS @ WW $VK1WIA080727 WIANEWS - JULY 27 - VK NATIONAL NEWS ALWAYS ENSURE ORIGINAL BID # AND TITLE ARE USED. Packet uploads with thanks to vk7ax Tony -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BEST NEWS YOU'LL GET ALL WEEK Oh... and to contact us with your news because If It Matters To You It Matters To Us! Please.. write your story as you would expect to hear it being read back do NOT send us links and url's!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is WIANEWS for week commencing July 27 2008 Our Audio program this week is presented by members of the West Australian Repeater Group. http://www.wiaq.com/ftp/wiamews.mp3 (30 minutes and 7 megs). AMATEUR RADIO - HOME OF THE GOOD GUYS? Andrew OZ5E does not charge "full freight" to view his latest song on the net. BUT yes this ham DOES charge to view the entire song!! In an email to QNEWS he say's and I quote "My wife Lissa and I have written and recorded a song about rebuilding the OZ5E contest station - it is also a video and also teaches you morse code! hamband.com is the link - it is not a commercial venture. There is a small charge to view the whole 20 minute video because of bandwidth charges (very big file) but the first part of the video is completely free. (73 de Lissa and Andrew OZ5E) HAMS ACROSS AUSTRALIA. VK1 vk1 local news email and ask for subscription. Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club's next general meeting is Tomorrow Monday 28th July and will take the form of a "trash and treasure" evening. With the doors opening at 7:30pm it will be held at the Farrer Scout Hall Longeranong street Farrer. VK2 web service:- http://www.arnsw.org.au/html/news_vk2wi.htm VKG Roundup http://www.police.nsw.gov.au/news SARCFEST this year happens Sunday 10 August and all are invited to attend. Westlake's member Michael VK2ZEN has began an old Battery Drive. Westlake's have urged their members that instead of taking those expired Lead Acid Batteries to the tip or illegally dropping them into the neighbours "Wheelie Bin", to take them along to Westlake's club and leave them beside the container. When sufficient are available they will be transported to the recycling plant, this as a potential money earner for Westlake's club. (vk2fjl) VK3 web service:- http://www.amateurradio.com.au/news/ VKC Roundup http://www.police Michael Wain vk3hau from the East Gippsland Amateur Radio Club reminds members of their AGM this afternoon Sunday 27TH July 1:30pm at Bairnsdale RSL. VK4 web service local news:- www.wiaq.com/qnews/upload/qnewsbcast.htm local news email VKR Roundup http://www.police.qld.gov.au/News+an...edia+Releases/ CLOSURE Brisbane North Radio Club has met at a Special General Meeting last Friday week where a Motion was put and passed unanimously that the Club be wound up. The Motion was put by the mover with sincere regret. Noel Harris (Ex Club Secretary) said that the number of members was down to single figures in recent years. VK6 web service http://www.vk6.net/newswest-index.html D-Star. The WIA & ICOM VK6 D-Star repeater project continues to march along with the Walliston site being under test, with some quite good reports from distance. The first lot of cavities have been tuned up and are believed to be exellent. Things are on-track for a commissioning of the repeaters in the near future. Meantime, testing continues intermittently this weekend when team members are on site. ALARA The "YL Lunch" is on this week 12noon at the Bayswater Hotel across the road from the Baysie Railway station. OMs are welcome, HamFest On next weekend.... held annually by the NCRG it is on again, doors open 9am at the Cyril Jackson recreation centre just across the road from the Ashfield Railway station. If driving the UBD map ref is page 250 and Grid L/11. Sellers admitted from 7.30 so if you're intending to sell stuff, remember to get there early. Admission is now $5 for everyone, even NCRG club members. WARG Members intending to attend the Hamfest are informed that Christine VK6ZLZ will have WARG Badges for you to pick up with your name and callsign on them a free service for WARG members. If you are currently unfinancial why not take the opportunity to pay at hamfest... we may even already have made you a badge for collection. INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL, Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA. The Paris Texas Radio Group proudly presents The 4th Annual Paris Texas Hamfest!!! DATE: Saturday, October 10-11, 2008 LOCATION: Coliseum @ Red River Valley Fairgrounds.570 East Center St Paris, TX. HIGHLIGHTS: New Radio Vendors, VE Testing, Indoor Flea Market, Contests, Outside Tailgate, Live Music, Door Prizes. Talk in Frequency 147.040 + PL 100.0, Food, Drinks and FUN!! ADMISSION: ONLY $2.00 (USD) ((pay on Friday-get in FREE on Saturday)) Radio Ham activates every Welsh summit Radio amateur John Clifford GW4BVE from Welshpool in Wales, has completed the remarkable feat of activating every single SOTA summit in Wales. This was achieved on 27th March 2008, when he operated from the last three summits he needed - Fan Nedd GW/SW-007, Myarth GW/SW-035 and Craig y Llyn GW/SW-010. John becomes only the 12th person to have activated an entire SOTA association. However, the previous eleven 'association completions' had all been in either the Isle of Man GD (5 summits) or Belgium ON (8 summits). So John's achievement of activating all 156 summits in Wales (75 in North Wales, 40 in Mid Wales, 41 in South Wales) is not to be underestimated. Summits on the Air (SOTA) is an award scheme for radio amateurs and shortwave listeners that encourages portable operation in mountainous areas. SOTA has been carefully designed to make participation possible for everyone - this is not just for mountaineers! There are awards for activators (those who ascend to the summits) and chasers (who either operate from home, a local hilltop or are even Activators on other summits) More information at: www.sota.org.uk/ From the Southgate Amateur Radio Club I'm Richard G4TUT PASTED TO YOUTUBE Another ham radio video has been added to YouTube dot com, and this one has a rather interesting history. Back in the late 1980's a pilot TV show was produced, it was called "Today's People" and was hosted by then 18 year old Kelly Howard, N6PNY. In the pilot she interviewed the late Senator Barry Goldwater, K7UGA. Unfortunately, the show was never sold into syndication and the master tape of the 7 minute pilot is now on YouTube. www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Jss9FYmzq8 Also in Video on the web, placed by Peter Gülzow, DB2OS, are full-length videos about the integration and launch of OSCAR-10 and OSCAR-13. http://en.sevenload.com/search/amsat/videos Also seen on YouTube this week is a very professionally produced film on the World Radio Team Championship (WRTC) 2006. Entitled "24 Hours in Brazil". The film was produced and directed by Ham Radio film pioneer Dave Bell W6AQ and co-produced by Icom America. This film sets the stage for the upcoming 2010 WRTC! See younger hams take on the more experienced hams and see who comes out on top View the video he http://youtube.com/watch?v=YH9RxMEIoV4 On the subject of Space and Home Movies, we are joined by Jim Linton VK3PC with a brief review of that SBS Doco advised a couple of weeks ago on our wia.org.au website. "Space Hackers - an intriguing documentary http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judica_Cordiglia_brothers Two young Italian amateur radio enthusiasts eavesdropped on top secret space transmissions and in doing so lifted the lid on the race to space. The brothers Achille and Giovanbattista Judica-Cordiglia had their passions ignited by tuning into Sputnik 1 in 1957. They were also keen home movie buffs and captured their exploits on film. With home built equipment they monitored both the Soviets and the Americans as they explored space. Their activities did anger authorities behind the Iron Curtain. At one time Radio Moscow branded the pair as 'space gangsters' after they exposed failures of early space flights. Their extensive archive of audio recordings includes that of a human heart-beat and laboured breathing from space in 1961, which an Italian cardiologist diagnosed as being from a dying man. On another occasion cosmonauts were heard experiencing enormous heat, and then abrupt silence, another failed space mission. The boys entered an Italian television quiz show with the topic of space and won easily. With the cash prize they bought tickets and headed to the United States. NASA officials were initially in disbelief when the brothers played their tape recording of Astronaut John Glenn from space, but soon recognised their talent that led to collaborative efforts. The documentary, Space Hackers, depicts amateur radio's spirit of experimentation which includes orbit predictions, coping with Doppler frequency shift, extensive antenna design and construction. I'm Jim Linton VK3PC and you're listening to VK1WIA. WEIRD N WONDERFUL This story may be a "bit hard to swallow" but British sports scientists have left no stone unturned in making sure their athletes are well prepared. Electronic pills developed by Nasa could prove to be the ultimate secret weapon for British athletes. The silicone-coated tablets act like internal thermometers and are designed to measure core body temperature. Athletes swallow the pills - half battery and half radio transmitter - while they exercise in laboratories designed to simulate the heat of China. The tablets pass through their stomachs into their intestines to monitor and record real-time rises in body temperature that might adversely affect performance. The pills transmit information back to medical staff via wireless, allowing team doctors to tailor precautionary strategies so that each athlete can avoid heat illness. a "bitter pill to swallow?" EDUCATION YOUTH AND ADVANCEMENT OF AMATEUR RADIO Excitement spread around Maryborough Queensland last week as, one by one, new callsigns began to appear on the ACMA website. As a result of a combined Assessment Day run in Hervey Bay some weeks back by Wade VK4ACB and Kathy VK4YMS, assisted by Martin VK4YOI and Ray VK4TPT, the following new and upgraded Amateurs are welcomed to the fraternity. Bev, who didn't really think she would succeed and was heard to say on receiving her results "I don't believe it, I don't believe it", is now the holder of callsign VK4FBEV. VK4FAKE, Van, who only sat for a Standard Assessment to get an idea of how much more he'd need to study, said exactly the same thing on hearing that he'd passed. Van is now VK4VAN. Clive studied both the Foundation and Standard Syllabi and passed the Standard exam without problem. He is now VK4HCG. VK4FRAT, Kevin, did so well in his Standard exam that he immediately attempted the Advanced one, and completed it in 35 minutes with an easy pass. Kevin is now VK4KEV. Norm from Hervey Bay, passed the Foundation exam and is now VK4FNWG. Sam, the previous holder of VK4VSH, re-instated his licence and old callsign after a lapse by passing a Practical Assessment. The Hervey Bay Amateur Radio Club and the Maryborough Electronics & Radio Group ask that all Amateurs join them in congratulating and welcoming these and all new additions to ( or back to) the ranks. Details of training and assessments in Hervey Bay and Maryborough are easiest found in the club information on www.wia.org.au A little further North, and a new call in Townsville belongs to Dave Olsen. David was successful in obtaining VK4FOLO after sitting for the Assessment in Townsville with Roger VK4CD and Don VK4MC. David is happy now he can play Amateur Radio whilst out in the middle of nowhere with his Outback Tagalong Tours he conducts. A Balun building day at the G.C.A.R.S. club house is being conducted by Ron Bertrand, VK2DQ. Summerland Amateur Radio Club have told National News it is taking place today, 27th July at 11:00 am 85 Harper St Gold Coast MEDIA WATCH Hobart, here in Perth and Maryborough in VK4 both are all excellent call-backs to this WIA News service on the UHF CB Bands. With around 350 so far this WIA year let's hope we can get most of that number "converted" to Ham Licenses. And CB has made the July issue of Popular Communications Mag If Canadian writer Jeffrey Reed was a Monty Python fan, he might have written a lead line "11 meter C-B radio isn't dead yet, its just been resting." Reed contends that unlike the C-B culture of the 1970's that was fuelled by movies such as Smokey and the Bandit, that the C-B operations of 2008 bring with it a more mature mode of communicating. He notes that even with all of the latest in high-tech on the go communications that most professional drivers still have simple C-B sets mounted in their trucks that they use for daily on the road communications. From Popular Communications to CQ Magazine, and much like the early editions of our own AR being available in electronic form back issues of CQ Amateur Radio magazine are now available on line for searching and downloading. Searching the collection is free as is access to the first 10 pages of each issue. Additional access to download and saving or printing articles is available at minimal cost. 1 Day Test Drive - $5 3 Months - $20 6 Months - $30 12 Months - $50 Visit http://www.hamcall.net/cq for details Now on the shelves of the WIA bookshop! RSGB Radio Communications Handbook ARRL Handbook. THE VK4KVK ANTENNA BOOK COLLECTION Hands on Radio Experiments CONTAINING 61 PRACTICAL EXPERIMENTS VHF Digital Handbook which covers diverse subjects including D-Star. So visit wia.org.au and look for the bookshop in the members area. You do not have to be a member to buy books from us BUT member prices are lower! so if you're not already a member of the WIA, join today! The WIA BOOKSHOP - TRADING 24/7 ON WWW.WIA.ORG.AU OPERATIONAL NEWS - ON AIR CONTEST AND EVENT COLUMN - D A T E L I N E 2008 July 26 OC Waitakere Sprints Phone August 2 OC Waitakere Sprints CW 16-17 VK Remembrance Day Contest 16-17 WW International Lighthouse Weekend 16-17 VU NIAR Silver Jubilee Contest 30-31 VK A.L.A.R.A Contest October 4- 5 OC Oceania Contests - Phone 0800 UTC Sat until 0800 UTC Sun. 11-12 OC Oceania Contests - CW 0800 UTC Sat until 0800 UTC Sun. November 15-16 (Weekend) Spring VHF/UHF Field Day Peter VK4OD RD Contest Manager says Only 20 days to the 2008 contest. "Email address for this years RD contest should be setup, what I would suggest to those that will be sending in your Logs electronically , to send a me a test email with the words "TEST RD 2008", in message the line and also set the "READ REQUEST RECEIPT flag, I can then add your names into the email database for this years contest, . This year the International Lighthouse event is on the same weekend as the RD Contest, I would like to suggest that all and any operators take time out to work in both events. If any of the Radio Clubs or Individual stations, have any of the NEW licensed Foundation members in your area please utilize this weekend to increase their on air operating skills, this could also foster their interest in participating in other contest's, this applies to the RD and Lighthouse event. In next weeks news I will give a breakdown on how I have structured the sections and sub-sections of the HF and VHF , hopefully I will be able explain why this is setup this way. Paragraph sub-section 17c states:- In all cases, logs must be received by last mail on Monday 15th September, 2008. Late entries will not be eligible. Electronically sent logs will be returned with a courtesy note, also Snail Mail will be returned unopened. On the WIA Website the Amended Rules, Cover Sheet, Sample Log Sheet are available." WAITAKERE SPRINTS 2008 The Western Suburbs Radio Club is pleased to advise that the Waitakere Sprint Phone section will be on the last Saturday in July and the Sprint CW section will be on the first Saturday in August. The Sprints are of one-hour duration on 80m, and are open to all licensed amateurs in ZL, VK and Oceania call areas. Eligibility The Waitakere Sprints are open to all licensed amateurs anywhere in the ZL, VK and Oceania call areas. SWL logs will also be welcome. 2008 Contest Periods Phone 1000 to 1100 UTC, on Saturday 26th July CW 1000 to 1100 UTC, on Saturday 2nd August David Things are coming together at several places in the north for the International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend happening 16th and 17th August, yes the same weekend as our Remembrance Day Contest. As our RD commemorates the close of World War 2 it is a little difficult to change history and come up with a new date for this almost 60 year old contest!! But then of course the Light House weekend is not a contest so it should not cause any problems. The VK4 Tablelands Radio Group will yet again be conducting an operation from AU0019 Grassy Hill Light at Cooktown using call VK4GHL. The Mackay Amateur Radio Club will be activating AU0026 Old Pine Islet Light in Mackay Harbour with a keen crew using club call VK4WIM. The Townsville Amateur Radio Club Inc will be operating from AU0045 Cape Cleveland Light on the coast south east of Townsville utilising club call VK4WIT. Overseas we learn that Malaysia has become another new country for the ILLW with 9M4CME activating Cape Rachado, ILLW MY0001, joining India, China and the Netherland Antilles as new starters for the event Get the worldwide list of stations participating at the following URL - http://illw.net SPECIAL EVENTS, BEACON AND NET ADVICE hf nets ON the net, www.timroberts-vk4yeh.id.au/ 9M1CS* 18 Scouting stations (* Apart from 9M1CSS in 9M6 all others are 9M2 stations. QSL via 9m2 bureau) Until Dec 31 BT1OB, BT1OJ, BT1OH, BT1OY and BT1ON. Beijing Olympic Games The last letter of the callsign corresponds to the Chinese name for the colour of each of the rings of the Olympic flag Until Sep 17 C 4 EURO E-Day, 1st of January currency changes to Euro. Until Dec 31 EI 100 S Jamboree 2008 Punchestown race course in Ireland. Aug 2-10 PY 100 JA Centenary of first Japanese immigration to Brazil. Until Dec 31 TS 1 CUBS Cub Scout Mediterranean Camp station. Aug 6-15 TS 28 ASJ 28th Arab Scout Jamboree Tunisia until Aug 2 WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- FINAL FRONTIER AMSAT-VK UNOFFICIAL HF Net. 2nd Sunday each month. November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz AMSAT says that The transmitter power on its AO 51 ham radio satellite has been down lately. This, due to the length of eclipse that peaked a few weeks ago. According to AO-51 command station Gould Smith, WA4SXM, the eclipse periods will continue to get shorter until September. That's when the satellite will be in full sunlight with no eclipse period for about 8 months. AO-51 is operating at 430 milliwatts on its digital downlink and at 470 milliwatts on its analogue downlink. AMSAT-UK Colloquium to be webcast by www.batc.tv This year's AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium is streaming live to the web. Amateurs and SWL's can watch it from anywhere in the world. The 23rd AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium is being held at the University of Surrey, Guildford, England this weekend. Related URL's British Amateur Television Club (BATC) http://www.batc.org.uk/ BATC Video website http://www.batc.tv/ WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- INTERNET --- THE HAMS DOMAIN New 6-metre Yahoo Group There are many ham radio-related groups including many for 10 metres, but very little relating to 6 metres. The purpose of the group will be to share information on all aspects of radio where 6 metres is concerned. In just one day, many hams have found the group and joined. Discussions have included daily conditions through to DXTV. If you are interested in 6 metres and want to be kept up to date with everything happening, give it a try: http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/themagicband REWIND - A LOOK BACK IN HISTORY (Will McGhie VK6UU is WIA National Historian) Richard Dillman W6AWO says that the KPH transmitting and receiving sites north of San Francisco are one of the last places left where one can see a real coast station in operation. Their transmitters cause the whole building to vibrate as their mercury vapour rectifiers flash in time with the Morse being sent. At the receive site the operating room is flooded with the music of Morse as it was in the golden years. For those who can't pay a visit, 3 videos will give you an idea of days at the station. The videos include "KSM Station Operations", "Antenna Maintenance at KPH/KSM" and "Press Wireless PW-15 Transmitter". To see them go to Web site www.radiomarine.org/ and scroll down to "MRHS Videos". SOCIAL SCENE Aug 3 VK6 WA's Hamfest Cyril Jackson Community Hall, Fisher St, Ashfield details from Keith VK6XH Aug 10 VK2 SARCFEST the Summerland area HamFest at Richmond Hill Lismore Sept 13 VK4 The Sunshine Coast Amateur Radio club Sunfest at Woombye hall . contact Harry VK4TK at or 0 40 94 880 25 Sept 13 -14 VK7 Alarameet 2008 in Ulverstone Tasmania Susan Brain VK7LUV 0400-173280 or Sept 19-21 VK4 Central Highland Amateur Radio Club AGM, Monster Auction and Gathering at Camp Fairbairn near Emerald. Gordon VK4KAL telephone 07 4985 4168 Oct 11 & 12 VK4 Dalby and Sunshine coast October Camp, Lake Dyer near Laidley. Neil VK4NF 07 4662 4950 Oct 26 VK3 B.A.R.G. Hamvention Ballarat held at the Great Southern Woolshed approx 3kms from Ballarat CDB, located on the Melbourne side of Ballarat on the western highway. General public admitted at 10-00am. Door prizes, raffles good food and fellowship Nov 9 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society will hold their Bigger Better Buy and sell day Sunday November 9 at Goodwood community centre, Rosa St. 2009 International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009. Feb 8 2009 VK2 WYONG FIELD DAY June 5 - 8 2009 VK4 FNNQARG at Cardwell Village Beachcomber Resort book on 1800 005633 Contact FNNQARG co-ordinator Gavin VK4ZZ for site booking guidance. OCT 12 - 16 2009 ZL 14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 ? 16 October 2009. Details at www.christchurch.org.nz/ The Region 3 Web Site: www.jarl.or.jp/iaru-r3/ ================================================== ==================== WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were submitted. Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray... Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA. ************************************************** - NEWS POSTING TO PACKET - Courtesy Tony VK7AX VK7AX(AT)VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC ************************************************** /ex SB QNEWS @ WW $QNEWS080727 QNEWS - JULY 27 - VK4 ON AIR -------------------------------------------------- DID YOU TELL ANYONE ABOUT AMATEUR RADIO THIS WEEK? -------------------------------------------------- THE FOLLOWING NEWS CAN BE HEARD IN QNEWS.MP3 FROM OUR AUDIO SERVICES QNEWS -- ALL OF THE NEWS ALL OF THE TIME at www.wia.org.au/vk4 QNEWS available in Audio after 0001Hrs UTC Saturday. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is QNEWS from VK4WIA for week commencing July 27 2008 Art says G'day from Tokyo Those who go back to the early packet days, particularly in Townsville and on the Gold Coast will remember Art VK4GO. Well Gavin VK4ZZ has received point to point APRS message traffic on his iGATE from Art now signing JA1OGS in Tokyo. VK4GO Art and XYL Tomomi JA1OIY/VK4ZGO send greetings to everyone they knew when living in Queensland. Art had one of the very first Aussie Web Cams, 24/7 views up the Gold Coast Beach line. To see what Art is up to now look him up on the net. http://ja1ogs.com (theTARCinc) CLUBBING - WITH GRAHAM VK4BB Brisbane North Radio Club has met at a Special General Meeting last Friday week where a Motion was put and passed unanimously that the Club be wound up. The Motion was put by the mover with sincere regret. Noel Harris (Ex Club Secretary) said that the number of members was down to single figures in recent years. DALBY AND DISTRICT The Dalby & district ARC will hold their AGM on Sunday the 3rd of August at 2pm, the home QTH of Ricky VK4NRL 86 Patrick Street Dalby. All members if possible are encouraged to attend, and visitors will be most welcome. This meeting will be preceded by a BBQ lunch at around 1200hrs. There will be a $5 donation to cover costs, and BYO Drinks. Please RSVP to by Friday the 1st August for catering purposes. 73 from Neil VK4NF. Club secretary. GLADSTONE AR CLUB "Radio_Active". IRLP Node 6246 President John Hinde VK4JWH With a different slant to amateur radio and the other hobbies people in ham radio have lets visit Gladstone's VK4JWH. Last September John and his wife put their vintage car, a 1924 ESSEX tourer, on a trailer and towed it to Toowoomba for a Hudson family car get together. Hudson made ESSEX, Terraplane and Hudson cars. There were nearly 70 old cars on the rally altogether. The rally was at the end of the annual Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers. On the way to Toowoomba from Gladstone he had several 2m contacts and everybody seemed genuinely interested in their activity. VK4JWH had on the back of his ESSEX his callsign. AND THAT IDEA WORKED! He was amazed to hear his callsign on 146.500. Some body was calling him. It turned out to be a four wheel drive behind. "It was great to have somebody mobile with us even for a short way" said John. Whilst towing the ESSEX on a trailer he was travelling a little under speed so the 2 meter contact was a little short! Also for a lot of the trip they were in contact with people on the Dalby repeater and really enjoyed their company. Most of the old cars have UHF CBs to keep in contact with one another and this is definitely a good thing but for John he really enjoys the friendship that only ham radio can deliver. GOLD COAST AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY http://www.goldcoastamateurradio.com IRLP Node 6702 Balun building day at the GCARS club house Being conducted by Ron Bertrand, VK2DQ. 27th July, 2008, at 11:00 am. QTH: 85 Harper St Gold Coast (Club House) Bring you own lunch. REDCLIFFE http://www.qsl.net/vk4iz http://vk4rc.we.net.au One of the highlights of last week's Trans Tasman 160 metre contest, the Redcliffe boys were excited about making a CW contact to Alaska as well as the 11 ZL contacts also made. The crew are now eagerly awaiting the results to see how successful they were with an estimate of over 300 points all hope that they do well. At last Monday's club meeting, Chris VK4ANI, provided a well received Technical Talk, about the effects of RF Radiation upon the human body. His lecture focused on the RF effects in the workplace and the talk provided all members with the latest information of RF radiations with current research. Many questions were asked about the RF radiation with amateur equipment especially in mobile operations, the effects of mobile phones and the use of microwave ovens. Chris convinced all present that with our power outputs and the way amateurs usually operate their equipment, then there are no problems currently identified in our hobby. A real treat next Monday Night is a visit by a newly elected WIA director, Ron Bertrand who is to speak about the future of Amateur Radio in an open forum and all can ask questions about anything you like to know. He is one of those in the know of what is happening in WIA and its relationships with the ACMA. The Club's next focus is the RD contest and this year the club will be operating from the field as well as from the club house to allow some of disabled members to participate in the contest. The club house will be using the callsign VK4RC while the field operation will be using VK4IZ. SOUTH COAST RADIO AMATEURS GROUP Club callsign VK4WIF Repeater VK4RBT 147.800 Monthly meeting of the Group is on the FIRST SATURDAY EACH MONTH at 1400 hours. QTH de VK4KD. SUNSHINE COAST Maleny VK4RSC 146.850 and 438.075 VK4RSN 53.7 Noosa Heads VK4RSL 146.825 and 438.175 The Sunshine Coast Amateur Radio club will be holding its annual Sunfest on the 13th of September at the Woombye hall . All are welcome and tables are still available please contact Harry VK4TK 0409 488 025 TABLELANDS RADIO AND ELECTRONICS CLUB www.trec.aussiewide.com July 27 1000 (Sunday) Fox Hunt Followed by BBQ August 16, 17 (Weekend) Remembrance day contest August 16, 17 (Weekend) International Lighthouse weekend August 23 0900 (Saturday) General meeting/activities Clubrooms - Luncheon August 23 1300 (Saturday) Management meeting TOWNSVILLE http://vk4zz.no-ip.org/tarc/ VK4WIT AU0045 Cape Cleveland Lighthouse Party The Townsville Amateur Radio Club intends to again participate in the annual International Lighthouse / Lightship Weekend on 16th and 17th August 2008. Ray Boundy, who has the lease over the area, will again assist the party to get over to the cape onboard the mighty barge vessel Hercules and make sure they have an enjoyable time. The transport and facilities are available for all who want to come over and it is expected that the Lighthouse Party will leave Townsville at about 7-8 am on the Saturday morning and return by about Midday on Sunday. Basic facilities will be available like shelter, toilet and a wood BBQ. There will be over 300 radio stations at or near lighthouses around the world in over 50 countries. If conditions are good the Partygoers at Cape Cleveland may be able to chat to others from South America to England via High Frequency Amateur Radio about their locations, history and weather. (Remember this is not a contest, so there will be plenty of time to hand out those important RD scores whilst operating from your lights....ed.) There's also the chance to feel what it would have been like as an isolated light house station keeper. See the flying fox and imagine riding down to the supply boat on it. Watch the ships cruise past on inside in the inner reef channels, some of them doing 45km/h. Please let Steve VK4SJW know if you're interested in joining the party and let others who may be interested know ! Steve VK4SJW Mobile 0414 785 443 The Townsville Endurance Riders and Arabian Horse Association Woodstock Moonlight Challenge Endurance Ride is on 23rd and 24th August. Operators are needed to work Rider Base and several checkpoints out in the field accessible to conventional and four wheel drive vehicles. Its a chance to go out and play with radios in the field ! Contact TARC WICEN Co-ordinator Ray VK4NET now on 0419 637637 and say you can help out ! ************************************************** - NEWS POSTING TO PACKET - Courtesy Tony VK7AX VK7AX(AT)VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC ************************************************** PAGE_END /EX |
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