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![]() Hallo dear MMMonVHF friends, please find below the latest NEWSLETTER of the VHF-DX-Portal "Make More Miles on VHF" (www.MMMonVHF.de) dated 2008-08-19 We attempt to distribute the NEWSLETTER one or two times per week. For more details, please be so kind and refer at the "NEWS"-page http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php and check for the latest NEWS (last 24 hours lines blinks / up to 3 days lines marked orange): ************************************************** *************** Latest NEWS/INFO for the NEWSLETTER MMMonVHF The VHF-DX-Portal ************************************************** *************** NEW and EASY LAYOUT at the "LATEST NEWS" section of MMMonVHF We are happy to present you our rebuilded LATEST NEWS section. The new layout is more simpler and you have several filter possibilities, too. Beside that Ansgar, DG2KBC, tried to simplify the layout, he tried as well to improve the functionality. You have now a couple of filters, which you can easily select and combine to each other. The pulldown filters work pretty easy. Just select it and use it. The callsign filter searches for your search string in the whole callsign column. So now ALL(!) LATEST NEWS at MMMonVHF are available on ONE(!) PAGE (not as it was seperated in DXP and EVENTS). Have a look if you use all different Filters (BAND, ACTIVITY and TYPE) set to "ALL". For example you wants only see 144 MHZ EME DXP - set the FILTER: BAND: "144" , ACTIVITY: "EME" and TPYE: "DXP" - if you wants to see every NEWS at Topic 144 MHz MS use BAND: "144" ACTIVITY "MS" and TYPE: "ALL". Try it and see how much will be possible now! With a Double Click on the line of the wanted call in the overview you will get the total News under the OVERVIEW (scroll down) itself (so NO new window anymore!) More info at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/minibb/index....rum=2&topic=42 Of course you are welcome with further suggestions how to get it more suitable for the user of MMMoNVHF... *** Perseids 2008 overview & next meteor showers (August / September) Perseids shower’s period of maximum activity is over now. It has provided some surprises both for visual and radio observers, since its maximum of activity has been detected around 02 UT of August 13 (ZHR of 138 meteors per hour!) several hours after the predicted maximum. Have a look to a brief Perseids overview in our MS-Propagationpage: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/ms.php where you can also find informations and a forecast about next meteor showers in August and September... ************************************************** *************** Latest DXPEDITION and EVENT NEWS - Please do use: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php and use the FILTER for your personal wishes! ************************************************** *************** The Newly formed Middlesex DX Group are getting ready for there planned trip to the Isle of Arran EU-123. There are 7 Members going and will be active on all bands from 160m to 70cms and will be activating several sota summits on 144mhz. The call for sota summits is MS0MDG/P and we will be using a FT290 100watts and 9 ele tonna ( weather permitting ). Base station will consist of two hf stations with a 5 BTV vertical and tribander, full 2m station with 2 x 17 ele tonna's (hope to work MS and maybe some EME aswell as SSB) 70cms with a m2 antenna all stations will run full legal power and we will look forward to working you......Sota activation will be posted on the SOTA website.... Any questions or more info please email me simon"at"dxcc.co.uk Simon Smith SOURCE: direct to MMMonVHF, tnx Simon, 2E0VAG *** Chris, PA2CHR, is back at home and did send MMMonVHF the LOG from his fine MS- / and TROPO-Activity from JO37NX on 144 and 432 MHz during the PERSEIDS time frame - please download his infos he http://www.mmmonvhf.de/upload-news/D...2CHR200815.txt All the details about his trip as well at the REVIEW PAGES: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/review.php pass the call into the box... SOURCE: direct to MMMonVHF, tnx Chris, PA2CHR *** As well Dirk, ON4IMM, is back from france were he did activate the rare IN86-square. His result: Work on 6mtr with the 6 ele and 40w 106 qso (80 qso on ES with ODX N3DB 5942 km / 26 jt6m) and on 2mtr: 67qso (62 FSK144 / 1 qso MS in ssb I8mpo). As well you are able to see the details about his trip at the REVIEW PAGES of MMMonVHF: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/review.php pass the call into the box... SOURCE: direct to MMMonVHF, tnx Dirk, ON4IMM *** EA8 - Luis, EA8AY will be active as EE8AY from the lighthouse at Punta Delgada (ARLHS CAI-034) on Alegranza, the northernmost land of the Canary Islands (AF-004), on 22-24 August. He will operate CW, SSB, FM and digi. modes on the HF bands, 6 and 2 metres. QSL via EA8NQ, direct or bureau. Further information at can be found at: http://www.isladealegranza.ea8ay.com/ SOURCE: [TNX EA8NQ] via 425 DX News #902 *** Vladimir, RZ3BA/1, is back at his summer cottage at KO56BC and QRV 144 MHz EME from there with Serge, RX1AS, as guest until tomorrow. Both will be at 144 MHz and be qrv EME with 2x 19el Longyagis and gd EME power tonight. They will be qrv at the N0UK-Chat - LATEST NEWS from DXC: OM3BC 144144.0 RZ3BA/1 JN98VGEMEKO56 1849 18 Aug UA3ARC 144300.0 RZ3BA/1 59+60dB! KO85TRKO56 tropo 1850 17 Aug SOURCE: Serge, RX1AS at RZ3BA/1 via N0UK-Chat *** Members of the Group Amateur Radio RASE Dx will be participating in the IARU VHF Contest (REG1) as ED7URD from September 6-7th. They will be transmitting from the Sierra Filabres (2.168m, Locator IM87), Almeria, Spain. In addition to their activity in the IARU VHF Contest, they will have two stations to put into the air on 50 MHz, as well as various tests on 1200 MHz using the callsign EA7URD/P. The team will consist of Jesus/EB7BMV, Jose/EB7COL, Manolo/EA7IHV and Jose/EC7DND. QSL via EA7URD, by the bureau or direct. Photos, log and details of the operation will be on the Web at: http://www.rasedx.com SOURCE: (Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #871) 18 Aug. 2008 7 Sep. 2008 via 50 MHz DX News #20080818 *** Nicolas, F8FQX (www.f8fqx.fr) will be in Congo for 3-4 years starting on 20 August. He has applied for the callsign TN5SN and hopes to be QRV in late October-early November. Plans include activity on 160-6 metres CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via IZ1BZV. SOURCE: tnx 425 DX News #902 *** Maldives, 8Q. DL1BKK, Werner, and his XYL DL1BKI, Gitte (Brigitte) will be celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary and 30 years of Ham Radio in the Maldives starting later this month. Werner and Gitte will operate holiday style as 8Q7KK between August 29th and September 17th from Kuramathi Island, in the Rasdu Atoll (MJ64lg). The couple will be using an IC-7000 with 100 watts into wire antennas hung from a fiberglass mast and a quad loop for 6 meters, if conditions warrant. The 8Q7KK callsign has been issued several times. In March 2000 and May 2001 it was by HA2SX. QSL the 2008 operation via DL1BKK either via the bureau (DL) or direct. SOURCE_ (The Daily DX] Vol. 12 No. 158) 15 Aug. 2008 17 Sep. 2008 via OZ6OMs 50 MHz DX News #20080818 *** LATEST UPDATE about Grenada, J3. J3/DM2AYO and J3/DL7CM, Sid and Hans, will be on from Grenada November 6-25. They are renting a nice QTH near Sauteurs on the north end of the island, where they will operate on 160-6M CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK with a pair of IC706 rigs to 700 watt amps. They will have a Yagi for high bands and a ground plane for low bands. QSL via their home calls. SOURCE: (The Daily DX Vol. 12 No. 154) via 50 MHz DX News #20080818 *** Dr. Karl-Heinz Ilg, DK2WV, will once again be active from 9L0W this time with a team of operators. Karl informs OPDX that in June this year, during his stay in Sierra Leone, he not only operated as 9L0W, but had the honor of speaking to the President of the University of Freetown. He was asked if he (and others) could conduct a course in Amateur Radio. In October and November this year Karl and his team will volunteer to help in the planning of the technical promotion and conduct training courses for those who are interested in Amateur Radio... All participants have a solid background of several successful DXpeditions. Activity will be on 160-6 meters. Read more in detail at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=1874 SOURCE: tnx Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #871 *** SOTA-News - Upcoming Activations updated at our MMMonVHF page as long these including VHF or U/SHF-Activity. A complete over- view about all SOTA-Activities are on: www.sotawatch.org/alerts.php SOURCE: tnx Summits On The Air (via SOTA-Watch2 beta Page) ************************************************** ************************* The VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF - Newsletter Credits & Info ************************************************** ************************* Our Newsletter is compiled from the input of the USER of the VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF as well by a lot of free usable HF-V-U-SHF-Info-Sources and chats like ON4KST-, N0UK-, RU-VHF-DX-Net, EA-V-U-SHF-Chat and others... *** Many thanks to all USER who send us info and news *** Wherever we found the info we always indicate the source of the info. If you get knowledge of an expedition, which is NOT listed at our VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF or if you have additional info for an expedition, PLEASE be so kind and send us this info at http://www.mmmonvhf.de/newsuser.php or http://www.mmmonvhf.de/kontact.php The MMMonVHF-Team is always trying to spread any expedition info as much up-to-date and reliable as possible and as long as the info does not violate with our MMMonVHF-Policy. Have a lot of fun and enjoy MMMonVHF! 73 de Guido "Guy" DL8EBW on behalf of the MMMonVHF-Team (DG2KBC DK3XT DK5EW DK5YA HA5CRX IV3NDC OZ1LPR PA2DW PA3BIY & PA4EME) ************************************************** ************************* |
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