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DXNL 1587 - Sep 3, 2008
DX Newsletter a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" (http://www.darcdxhf.de) editor: Helmut Schlaffer, DL7MAE (e-mail: ) translation by: Mike, DJ5AV (e-mail: ) CT - Portugal: You will find members of "Algarve DX Group" September 6th and 7th transmitting from different castles with eleven CT7CA(x) calls. See more infos on http://ct7ca.blogspot.com/ All calls are managed by CT1GFK. HK - Columbia: Look for Paco, EA7ATX, and Juan Luis, EA7AY, as HK1AT from Columbia for some weeks starting September 4 th. An activation of San Bernardo Island (SA-078) is planned for September 14th through 19 th. QSL via EA7ATX, direct only! P4 - Aruba: OPs P49T (W3BTX), P43JB, and W3TEF (he is also QSL manager), will be on the air this year again September 3rd through 12th as P41USA. They will use 2 through 160 m reminding to the terroristic attac to the WTC vom September 11th, 2001. This activity took place first time one year ago, logging more than 4.000 QSOs with over 100 countries. PJ2 - Netherlands Antilles, Curacao: Viaceslav, PJ2/LY4F, will use Signal Point-Station (PJ2T) on Curacao (SA-006, WLOTA LH 0942) as a guest operator September 4th through 18th. During the WAE DX SSB Contest (13./14. Sep) he will operate as PJ2F Single-OP/Allband/High-Power. He will be on all bands and modes, his QSL manager LY1FF prefers QSLing via buro. S79 - Seychelles: Tom, DJ6TF, will be active during his vacations as S79TF October 2nd through 14th from La Digue Island (AF-024). As reported before he will especially activate 30m and RTTY. Look for him on other modes especially on the first kilocycles of the bands. Tom uses FT-890 and a vertical. T8 - Palau: Find Sadayuki, JH1UUT/T88DB, September 4th through 8th on Palau (OC-009) also in the ALL ASIAN DX PHONE CONTEST (6./7. Sep). Prefered frequencies a 3.795, 7.085, 14.200/14.260, 21.260/21.290 and 28.460/28.490 MHz. QSL via home call. XU - Cambodia: Yuichi, 7K3BKY, will be mainly on the WARC bands using CW September 3rd through 8th as XU7YYY and probably also in SSB part of the All Asian Contest. Yuichi prefers QSLing direct, but he will also accept requests for buro cards to email address . ZP - Paraguay: September 4th through 14th Jan and Rolf, ZP6/DL7UFN, and ZP6/DL7VEE will hit the airwaves in the capital Asuncion on all bands 160 through 10 m on CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK using the station of ZP5AZL/ZP0R. QSLs via home calls, direct oder via buro. 8Q7 - Maldives: Since August 30th Igor, UA9KDF, is on the air as 8Q7FD and will stay through September 11th on the Maldives using FT-857 and ATAS-120 on PSK and RTTY. Greece, special call: 24 centuries ago famous Greek philosopher Aristoteles was born in Stageira. For him SV2GWY, SV2XI, SV7HRJ and SW2HQF will take part in IARU Region 1 Field Day (6./7. Sept) as SX24STG. QSL via SV2GWY. WAE60: Successful in WAE60-Marathon --------------------------------------- Two weeks after the start of WAE60-Marathon there are already about 100 diplomes attained. Outstanding the performance of Gerd Parzonka, DJ5BV, who was the first for a WAE60 Gold. Quite a number of DX stations achieved WAE60 by taking part in WAEDC and quickly sending the contest log. Initiators of this WAE action DL3TD from DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" and DJ9MH Award manager for WAE proofed their activity by looking for European stations in SARTG-RTTY-Contest and got the first two bronce diplomes for DIGI-Modes and RTTY. Will anybody come out to WAE60 Silver or Gold on RTTY mode? For more infos on WAE-Marathon look on webside www.wae60.de. Links: ------ Look for actual SOTA activities (summits) on www.sotawatch.org . http://hamgallery.com/qsl/ is the entrance to the QSL museum. An antenna handbook on http://issuu.com/ne1rd/docs/ant-model-100 with more than 230 pages presents hints mainly but not only for DXpeditions for low weight antennas. Again editor of "The DX Magazine", Carl, N4AA, is looking for your information about the Most Wanted DXCC-Entities on www.dxpub.com/dx_survey2008.html . Participation is open for DXers of all continents. Actual Contests: ---------------- 6. September: AGCW-DL Straight Key Party 40 m; 6./7. September: IARU-Region-1-VHF-Contest; 6./7. September: ALL Asian DX Contest Phone; 6./7. September: IARU Region 1 Fieldday. Look for contest information on www.darcdxhf.de visiting "Contests(HF)". IOTA collected by Fredy,DE0MST (e-mail: ) ==== Island -Activities ------------------ EU-049: SV, North Aegean Islands: SV-DX-Group activates Limnos Island in Northern Aaegaeis, LH-1740, September 5.-15. as SY8L. Bands: 160-6 m, all modes. QSL via SV2DGH (d/B). NA-016, ZF, Cayman Islands: Jim, KD3YK/ZF2JM will stay on Grand Cayman Islan until September 9th. QSL via KD3YK. Skandinavian IOTA-Tour: For September 5th through 23rd Gabi, DF9TM, and Frank, DL2SWW, prepare activations as SD7M, SD7W, as well as OH0/HOME CALL, and OH/HOME CALL on EU-173, EU-101, EU-087, EU-084, EU-002, and EU-096. QSLs via buro (SD7M via DF9TM and SD7W via DL2SWW). Look for more details on www.iota-expedition.com - 2008 "Scandinavia IOTA Tour". Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS/ILLW) ---------------------------------------- DK8OL LH 2057 FED 124 resident DL0SY LH 2057 resident F5KAQ/p LH 2010 01.-08.09. GB2CI LH 4056 02.-08.09. GW3SVJ/p LH 4056 WAL-004 06./07.09. J48HW LH 4186 30.08.-10.09. P41USA LH 0033 03.-12.09. PJ2/LY4F LH 0942 04.-18.09. SV5/PA1FJ/p LH 1730 31.08.-07.09. SV8EP LH 0452 resident SV8/OK1MBZ LH 4132 02.-11.09. SX8WT LH 4091 30.08.-05.09. SY8L LH 1740 GRE-107 05.-15.09. ZF2JM LH 1042 through 11.09. Bandspots of the last 7 days ---------------------------- 80 m GS8R 3.755 2148Z EU-009 (d), (L) YI9WV 3.505 0113Z via NI5DX (B) 40 m GS8R 7.064 0616Z EU-009 (d), (L) R1FJT 7.002 0331Z EU-019, via UA4RC (d) 7X0DX 7.006 0137Z via DL4DBR (B) 30 m MJ/OE5OHO 10.107 2223Z EU-013,via OE5OHO (B) SM7/DL3OCH 10.118 1929Z EU-137, via DL3OCH (B) VE8RCS/VY0 10.108 0728Z NA-008 (B), eQSL 5Z4/IK8VRH 10.109 0630Z via IK8UHA (B) 20 m AT8LH 14.018 1527Z via VU2JHM E74KC 14.085 1247Z (B) HS0ZFD 14.295 1359Z RAST-Bureau HZ1PS 14.086 1639Z RTTY, via IZ8CLM (B) ID8/IZ2HXV 14.260 0722Z EU-144 KH6J 14.213 0553Z VE7IG 14.148 1605Z (B) VE8RCS/VY0 14.142 1529Z NA-008 (B), eQSL VR2008O 14.089 1220Z RTTY, via VR2XMT (d) 4L1BR 14.083 1534Z RTTY, via DL2RMG 7Z1HB 14.086 1622Z RTTY, via DE1ZHB 17 m C6AXD 18.105 1815Z RTTY, via K3IXD (B) (d) = direct only (B) = buro ok (L) = LoTW Preview ------- DATE CALL DXNL 31Aug-10Sep 3A/F5RBB 1586 - 31Dec 2008 4D74D 1569 - Sep 2008 4L7OA 1580 now 5Z4/RW1AU 1585 - Sep 2009 6W1SJ 1541 29Aug-11Sep 7Q7CE 1586 01Aug-26Oct 8J5IKUJU 1583 01Aug-31Oct 8J750MCS 1583 - 11Sep 8Q7FD 1587 * 29Aut-19Sep 8Q7KK 1586 now 9G5SW 1581 21Oct-11Nov 9L0W 1585 29Oct-09Nov A3 (DL2AH) 1586 - 15Sep AO2008EXPO.. 1578 - 22Oct AT25MY/AT25RG 1583 01Jul-30Sep AT6T 1578 06./07. Sep CT7CA.. 1587 * 12Aug-04Sep CU6AY/p 1583 - 31Dec 2008 DM152ZYA 1569 - 31Dec 2008 EI100S(I) 1501 now EP3BN 1580 now EY8/S57CQ 1579 late Sep ? FR/Glorioso 1568 02Sep-08Sep GB2CI 1586 soon H40MY 1584 - Nov 2008 HF0POL 1552 - 31Dec HG1848I 1556 - 31Dec HG550REX 1556 Sep HK1AT 1587 * 18Jul 2006-2008 J28JA 1484/85 30Aug-10Sep J48HW.. 1586 27Mar-08Oct JX9JKA 1564 01Sep-22Sep K3GV/VY2 1586 07Oct-27Oct KH8/DL2AH 1586 04Sep-08Sep KH0/N2QP 1586 soon ? KP5 (Desecheo) 1585 23Aug-07Sep OH0/DL5FF.. 1586 - 31Dec ON40BAF 1553 - 31Dec ON1000NOTGER 1555 - 31Dec ON1708M 1580 03Sep-12Sep P41USA 1587 * 01Sep-28Sep PA90CORUS 1586 04Sep-18Sep PJ2/LY4F 1587 * 02Oct-14Oct S79TF 1587 * 05Sep-23Sep SD7M & SD7W 1587 * until 31.Dec SF700BF 1558 06./07. Sep SX24STG 1587 * 30Aug-05Sep SX8WI 1586 05Sep-15Sep SY8L 1587 * 02Sep-08Sep T2 (JA1KAJ) 1586 now T61AA 1539 04Sep-08Sep T88DB 1587 * now-2008 TL8QC 1459 - 2011/2012 TN (F8FQX) 1585 - Sep 2008 V55SRT 1554 09Oct-27Oct VK9DWX 1581 - late 2009 WA2YUN/KH9 1568 03Sep-08Sep XU7YYY 1587 * - Nov 2008 YI9WV 1569 14Sept ZD8LP 1584 27Aug-11Sep ZD8N 1586 - 11Sep ZF2JM 1587 * 05Sep-29Sep ZK3MW.. 1586 04Sep-14Sep ZP6/DL7UFN.. 1587 * 25Aug-12Sep ZS6/DL3PS 1585 May2008-Apr 09 ZS8T 1570/1586 * = new or updated ... = and other calls QSL informations ---------------- AO08OK/H via EA2OK (B) AT8LH via VU2JHM BT9OH via BA4EG (B) CG3LPL via VE3LPL DR0V via DL5GAC (B) EA5/DK7TM via DK7TM (B) EH5FL via EA5FL (B) EM5U via UT2UB (B) F5VKU via G8MM GM6UW/p via M0BLF (B) GS8R via GM0WED (L) HP3HSG via AI4U (B) II2AC via IZ2HPZ IN3IPY via IN3UFW (d) JH1HGI/BY4SZ via JH1HGI K3L via N3YIM KH6BK via AI4U (*), (B) MJ0XVL via OE3GEA MM0BNN/p via M0BNN (B) MM0XAU via DJ6AU (B) OE9SBD (d) OG6NJ via OH6NJ OH2DZ/p via UA1ANA (B) OH0/DL9ZE via DL9ZE (B) OY4TN via M0URX (B), (= ex-M3SDE) P29VW via N6JW PA2008TS via PA3CPI PB20HD via PA1WLB (B) R100MAR via RK3MWI R300SM via RV3LZ R65BO via UA3YY R0L via RU0LM RP65WKB via RK3WWA S21RC via EB7DX (d) S9ZK via W3KRS SA4AQW via SM-Bureau, PA7MM (d) SF6LGT via SK6NL (B) SF0K via SM0KCR (B) SM6XVI via PA3FUJ SN3P via SP3PML SN0NS via SP9CUB SV5/DF6MS via DF6MS (B) SV9/SQ6NLN via SQ6NLN (B) TA1ZK via HB9DUR (B) TB3CIL via DL1OO (B) TM4CM via F4DTO TM7S via F6KVP (d) TM0LHG via PA0HEL (B) UE1CFZ via RX1CQ UE9WFF/1 via RK3DXS VK7CEJ (d) VX1FA via VE1FA W3NX via KN5H (d) YI9NIC eQSL YV1FM via IT9DAA (B) YV5ANF via EA7FTR (B) 5P3WW via DL1YAW (B) 5Z4/RW1AU via K5XK (B) 7S0SRT via SM0IMJ (B) 9A/IZ7ATN via IZ7ATN (B) 9Y4AA via AI4U (*), (B) Direct addresses: ----------------- 4L6AMB Vaho Mumladze P. O. Box 120 Tbilisi 0108 Georgien 2 IRCs, no bills! EA7ATX Paco Lara P.O. Box 309 11500 - Puerto de Santa Maria (Cadiz) Spain GM0WED Edmund Holt Ashwell St. Ola Kirkwall Orkney KW15 1SX Scottland, Great Britain (d) = direct only (B) = buro ok (*) = new QSL manager (L) = Logbook of the World (LotW) * QSLs arrived direct: HH4/K4QD and V73PX (via AI5P), VP6DX (DL6LAU). * QSLs arrived via buro: BU0DX (via BV/JP1RIW), A61Q (EA7FTR), E4/OM2DX (OM3JW), CN50FAR (EA7FTR), HZ1EX (SM0BYD), TO7R (F5KIN), TU2/F5LDY (F1CGN), TZ4T (ON4LN), VP2ERT (HB9TRT), 4U1WRC (4U1ITU), 5F50MC (EA7FTR), 5Z4/9A3A (9A2AA), 8Q7AE via RU0AE, and others. Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to: Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX-Bulletin, DF6EX(fuer WIN-QSL), DF8VV, DJ5AV, DJ6TF, DJ9MH, DK8JB, DL1SBF, DL2BQV, DL2VFR, DL7VEE, DL7VOA, F5NQL, NG3K, SWL Norbert Maybaum, u.a. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The German PDF version can be found on the DARC homepage at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls...8/dxmb1587.pdf __________________________________________________ __________________ Subscribe or unsubscribe to the DXNL mailing list yourself at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/fedxms.htm DXNL 1587 - Sep 3, 2008 DX Newsletter a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" (http://www.darcdxhf.de) editor: Helmut Schlaffer, DL7MAE (e-mail: ) translation by: Mike, DJ5AV (e-mail: ) CT - Portugal: You will find members of "Algarve DX Group" September 6th and 7th transmitting from different castles with eleven CT7CA(x) calls. See more infos on http://ct7ca.blogspot.com/ All calls are managed by CT1GFK. HK - Columbia: Look for Paco, EA7ATX, and Juan Luis, EA7AY, as HK1AT from Columbia for some weeks starting September 4 th. An activation of San Bernardo Island (SA-078) is planned for September 14th through 19 th. QSL via EA7ATX, direct only! P4 - Aruba: OPs P49T (W3BTX), P43JB, and W3TEF (he is also QSL manager), will be on the air this year again September 3rd through 12th as P41USA. They will use 2 through 160 m reminding to the terroristic attac to the WTC vom September 11th, 2001. This activity took place first time one year ago, logging more than 4.000 QSOs with over 100 countries. PJ2 - Netherlands Antilles, Curacao: Viaceslav, PJ2/LY4F, will use Signal Point-Station (PJ2T) on Curacao (SA-006, WLOTA LH 0942) as a guest operator September 4th through 18th. During the WAE DX SSB Contest (13./14. Sep) he will operate as PJ2F Single-OP/Allband/High-Power. He will be on all bands and modes, his QSL manager LY1FF prefers QSLing via buro. S79 - Seychelles: Tom, DJ6TF, will be active during his vacations as S79TF October 2nd through 14th from La Digue Island (AF-024). As reported before he will especially activate 30m and RTTY. Look for him on other modes especially on the first kilocycles of the bands. Tom uses FT-890 and a vertical. T8 - Palau: Find Sadayuki, JH1UUT/T88DB, September 4th through 8th on Palau (OC-009) also in the ALL ASIAN DX PHONE CONTEST (6./7. Sep). Prefered frequencies a 3.795, 7.085, 14.200/14.260, 21.260/21.290 and 28.460/28.490 MHz. QSL via home call. XU - Cambodia: Yuichi, 7K3BKY, will be mainly on the WARC bands using CW September 3rd through 8th as XU7YYY and probably also in SSB part of the All Asian Contest. Yuichi prefers QSLing direct, but he will also accept requests for buro cards to email address . ZP - Paraguay: September 4th through 14th Jan and Rolf, ZP6/DL7UFN, and ZP6/DL7VEE will hit the airwaves in the capital Asuncion on all bands 160 through 10 m on CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK using the station of ZP5AZL/ZP0R. QSLs via home calls, direct oder via buro. 8Q7 - Maldives: Since August 30th Igor, UA9KDF, is on the air as 8Q7FD and will stay through September 11th on the Maldives using FT-857 and ATAS-120 on PSK and RTTY. Greece, special call: 24 centuries ago famous Greek philosopher Aristoteles was born in Stageira. For him SV2GWY, SV2XI, SV7HRJ and SW2HQF will take part in IARU Region 1 Field Day (6./7. Sept) as SX24STG. QSL via SV2GWY. WAE60: Successful in WAE60-Marathon --------------------------------------- Two weeks after the start of WAE60-Marathon there are already about 100 diplomes attained. Outstanding the performance of Gerd Parzonka, DJ5BV, who was the first for a WAE60 Gold. Quite a number of DX stations achieved WAE60 by taking part in WAEDC and quickly sending the contest log. Initiators of this WAE action DL3TD from DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" and DJ9MH Award manager for WAE proofed their activity by looking for European stations in SARTG-RTTY-Contest and got the first two bronce diplomes for DIGI-Modes and RTTY. Will anybody come out to WAE60 Silver or Gold on RTTY mode? For more infos on WAE-Marathon look on webside www.wae60.de. Links: ------ Look for actual SOTA activities (summits) on www.sotawatch.org . http://hamgallery.com/qsl/ is the entrance to the QSL museum. An antenna handbook on http://issuu.com/ne1rd/docs/ant-model-100 with more than 230 pages presents hints mainly but not only for DXpeditions for low weight antennas. Again editor of "The DX Magazine", Carl, N4AA, is looking for your information about the Most Wanted DXCC-Entities on www.dxpub.com/dx_survey2008.html . Participation is open for DXers of all continents. Actual Contests: ---------------- 6. September: AGCW-DL Straight Key Party 40 m; 6./7. September: IARU-Region-1-VHF-Contest; 6./7. September: ALL Asian DX Contest Phone; 6./7. September: IARU Region 1 Fieldday. Look for contest information on www.darcdxhf.de visiting "Contests(HF)". IOTA collected by Fredy,DE0MST (e-mail: ) ==== Island -Activities ------------------ EU-049: SV, North Aegean Islands: SV-DX-Group activates Limnos Island in Northern Aaegaeis, LH-1740, September 5.-15. as SY8L. Bands: 160-6 m, all modes. QSL via SV2DGH (d/B). NA-016, ZF, Cayman Islands: Jim, KD3YK/ZF2JM will stay on Grand Cayman Islan until September 9th. QSL via KD3YK. Skandinavian IOTA-Tour: For September 5th through 23rd Gabi, DF9TM, and Frank, DL2SWW, prepare activations as SD7M, SD7W, as well as OH0/HOME CALL, and OH/HOME CALL on EU-173, EU-101, EU-087, EU-084, EU-002, and EU-096. QSLs via buro (SD7M via DF9TM and SD7W via DL2SWW). Look for more details on www.iota-expedition.com - 2008 "Scandinavia IOTA Tour". Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS/ILLW) ---------------------------------------- DK8OL LH 2057 FED 124 resident DL0SY LH 2057 resident F5KAQ/p LH 2010 01.-08.09. GB2CI LH 4056 02.-08.09. GW3SVJ/p LH 4056 WAL-004 06./07.09. J48HW LH 4186 30.08.-10.09. P41USA LH 0033 03.-12.09. PJ2/LY4F LH 0942 04.-18.09. SV5/PA1FJ/p LH 1730 31.08.-07.09. SV8EP LH 0452 resident SV8/OK1MBZ LH 4132 02.-11.09. SX8WT LH 4091 30.08.-05.09. SY8L LH 1740 GRE-107 05.-15.09. ZF2JM LH 1042 through 11.09. Bandspots of the last 7 days ---------------------------- 80 m GS8R 3.755 2148Z EU-009 (d), (L) YI9WV 3.505 0113Z via NI5DX (B) 40 m GS8R 7.064 0616Z EU-009 (d), (L) R1FJT 7.002 0331Z EU-019, via UA4RC (d) 7X0DX 7.006 0137Z via DL4DBR (B) 30 m MJ/OE5OHO 10.107 2223Z EU-013,via OE5OHO (B) SM7/DL3OCH 10.118 1929Z EU-137, via DL3OCH (B) VE8RCS/VY0 10.108 0728Z NA-008 (B), eQSL 5Z4/IK8VRH 10.109 0630Z via IK8UHA (B) 20 m AT8LH 14.018 1527Z via VU2JHM E74KC 14.085 1247Z (B) HS0ZFD 14.295 1359Z RAST-Bureau HZ1PS 14.086 1639Z RTTY, via IZ8CLM (B) ID8/IZ2HXV 14.260 0722Z EU-144 KH6J 14.213 0553Z VE7IG 14.148 1605Z (B) VE8RCS/VY0 14.142 1529Z NA-008 (B), eQSL VR2008O 14.089 1220Z RTTY, via VR2XMT (d) 4L1BR 14.083 1534Z RTTY, via DL2RMG 7Z1HB 14.086 1622Z RTTY, via DE1ZHB 17 m C6AXD 18.105 1815Z RTTY, via K3IXD (B) (d) = direct only (B) = buro ok (L) = LoTW Preview ------- DATE CALL DXNL 31Aug-10Sep 3A/F5RBB 1586 - 31Dec 2008 4D74D 1569 - Sep 2008 4L7OA 1580 now 5Z4/RW1AU 1585 - Sep 2009 6W1SJ 1541 29Aug-11Sep 7Q7CE 1586 01Aug-26Oct 8J5IKUJU 1583 01Aug-31Oct 8J750MCS 1583 - 11Sep 8Q7FD 1587 * 29Aut-19Sep 8Q7KK 1586 now 9G5SW 1581 21Oct-11Nov 9L0W 1585 29Oct-09Nov A3 (DL2AH) 1586 - 15Sep AO2008EXPO.. 1578 - 22Oct AT25MY/AT25RG 1583 01Jul-30Sep AT6T 1578 06./07. Sep CT7CA.. 1587 * 12Aug-04Sep CU6AY/p 1583 - 31Dec 2008 DM152ZYA 1569 - 31Dec 2008 EI100S(I) 1501 now EP3BN 1580 now EY8/S57CQ 1579 late Sep ? FR/Glorioso 1568 02Sep-08Sep GB2CI 1586 soon H40MY 1584 - Nov 2008 HF0POL 1552 - 31Dec HG1848I 1556 - 31Dec HG550REX 1556 Sep HK1AT 1587 * 18Jul 2006-2008 J28JA 1484/85 30Aug-10Sep J48HW.. 1586 27Mar-08Oct JX9JKA 1564 01Sep-22Sep K3GV/VY2 1586 07Oct-27Oct KH8/DL2AH 1586 04Sep-08Sep KH0/N2QP 1586 soon ? KP5 (Desecheo) 1585 23Aug-07Sep OH0/DL5FF.. 1586 - 31Dec ON40BAF 1553 - 31Dec ON1000NOTGER 1555 - 31Dec ON1708M 1580 03Sep-12Sep P41USA 1587 * 01Sep-28Sep PA90CORUS 1586 04Sep-18Sep PJ2/LY4F 1587 * 02Oct-14Oct S79TF 1587 * 05Sep-23Sep SD7M & SD7W 1587 * until 31.Dec SF700BF 1558 06./07. Sep SX24STG 1587 * 30Aug-05Sep SX8WI 1586 05Sep-15Sep SY8L 1587 * 02Sep-08Sep T2 (JA1KAJ) 1586 now T61AA 1539 04Sep-08Sep T88DB 1587 * now-2008 TL8QC 1459 - 2011/2012 TN (F8FQX) 1585 - Sep 2008 V55SRT 1554 09Oct-27Oct VK9DWX 1581 - late 2009 WA2YUN/KH9 1568 03Sep-08Sep XU7YYY 1587 * - Nov 2008 YI9WV 1569 14Sept ZD8LP 1584 27Aug-11Sep ZD8N 1586 - 11Sep ZF2JM 1587 * 05Sep-29Sep ZK3MW.. 1586 04Sep-14Sep ZP6/DL7UFN.. 1587 * 25Aug-12Sep ZS6/DL3PS 1585 May2008-Apr 09 ZS8T 1570/1586 * = new or updated ... = and other calls QSL informations ---------------- AO08OK/H via EA2OK (B) AT8LH via VU2JHM BT9OH via BA4EG (B) CG3LPL via VE3LPL DR0V via DL5GAC (B) EA5/DK7TM via DK7TM (B) EH5FL via EA5FL (B) EM5U via UT2UB (B) F5VKU via G8MM GM6UW/p via M0BLF (B) GS8R via GM0WED (L) HP3HSG via AI4U (B) II2AC via IZ2HPZ IN3IPY via IN3UFW (d) JH1HGI/BY4SZ via JH1HGI K3L via N3YIM KH6BK via AI4U (*), (B) MJ0XVL via OE3GEA MM0BNN/p via M0BNN (B) MM0XAU via DJ6AU (B) OE9SBD (d) OG6NJ via OH6NJ OH2DZ/p via UA1ANA (B) OH0/DL9ZE via DL9ZE (B) OY4TN via M0URX (B), (= ex-M3SDE) P29VW via N6JW PA2008TS via PA3CPI PB20HD via PA1WLB (B) R100MAR via RK3MWI R300SM via RV3LZ R65BO via UA3YY R0L via RU0LM RP65WKB via RK3WWA S21RC via EB7DX (d) S9ZK via W3KRS SA4AQW via SM-Bureau, PA7MM (d) SF6LGT via SK6NL (B) SF0K via SM0KCR (B) SM6XVI via PA3FUJ SN3P via SP3PML SN0NS via SP9CUB SV5/DF6MS via DF6MS (B) SV9/SQ6NLN via SQ6NLN (B) TA1ZK via HB9DUR (B) TB3CIL via DL1OO (B) TM4CM via F4DTO TM7S via F6KVP (d) TM0LHG via PA0HEL (B) UE1CFZ via RX1CQ UE9WFF/1 via RK3DXS VK7CEJ (d) VX1FA via VE1FA W3NX via KN5H (d) YI9NIC eQSL YV1FM via IT9DAA (B) YV5ANF via EA7FTR (B) 5P3WW via DL1YAW (B) 5Z4/RW1AU via K5XK (B) 7S0SRT via SM0IMJ (B) 9A/IZ7ATN via IZ7ATN (B) 9Y4AA via AI4U (*), (B) Direct addresses: ----------------- 4L6AMB Vaho Mumladze P. O. Box 120 Tbilisi 0108 Georgien 2 IRCs, no bills! EA7ATX Paco Lara P.O. Box 309 11500 - Puerto de Santa Maria (Cadiz) Spain GM0WED Edmund Holt Ashwell St. Ola Kirkwall Orkney KW15 1SX Scottland, Great Britain (d) = direct only (B) = buro ok (*) = new QSL manager (L) = Logbook of the World (LotW) * QSLs arrived direct: HH4/K4QD and V73PX (via AI5P), VP6DX (DL6LAU). * QSLs arrived via buro: BU0DX (via BV/JP1RIW), A61Q (EA7FTR), E4/OM2DX (OM3JW), CN50FAR (EA7FTR), HZ1EX (SM0BYD), TO7R (F5KIN), TU2/F5LDY (F1CGN), TZ4T (ON4LN), VP2ERT (HB9TRT), 4U1WRC (4U1ITU), 5F50MC (EA7FTR), 5Z4/9A3A (9A2AA), 8Q7AE via RU0AE, and others. Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to: Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX-Bulletin, DF6EX(fuer WIN-QSL), DF8VV, DJ5AV, DJ6TF, DJ9MH, DK8JB, DL1SBF, DL2BQV, DL2VFR, DL7VEE, DL7VOA, F5NQL, NG3K, SWL Norbert Maybaum, u.a. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The German PDF version can be found on the DARC homepage at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls...8/dxmb1587.pdf __________________________________________________ __________________ Subscribe or unsubscribe to the DXNL mailing list yourself at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/fedxms.htm __________________________________________________ ____________ Subscribe or unsubscribe to the DXNL mailing list yourself at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/fedxms.htm |
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[DXNL] DXNL 1587 (Sep 3, 2008) | Dx | |||
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