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![]() DXNL 1590 - Sep 24, 2008 DX Newsletter a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" (http://www.darcdxhf.de) editor: Helmut Schlaffer, DL7MAE (e-mail: ) translation by: Bob, DL7VOA (e-mail: ) FO/M - MARQUESAS, OC-027 / ZK3 - TOKELAU ISLANDS, OC-048 While Willi,DJ7RJ, already left Tokelau (OC-048) Ulli,DL2AH, is still active as ZK3AH until Sep 29. The besten condx to EU are on 30m/40m. If Willi finds an accommodation on the Marquesas (OC-027) he will spend the rest of his holidays there. Will has to return to Los Angeles on Oct 20. JT - MONGOLIA Belousov,UA3ABR, will show up from Mongolia as JT1CA between Sep 26 and Oct 2. QSL via homecall. JW - SVALBARD, EU-026 Roald,OZ1BLO, and Karl,LA8DW, will activate Svalbard (EU-026) signing JW0EK and JW8DW in SSB, CW and RTTY from Sep 30 until Oct 6. QSLs direct or via bureau to their homecalls. --- Another activity from EU-026 will be carried out from Longyearbyen by JW9DL (LA9DL), LA6VM (JW6VM) and LA7XK (JW7XK) who will work in CW, SSB and digital modes from Sep 25-29. Their call will be JW5X during the upcoming Scandinavian Activity Contest (SAC) on Sep 27/28. QSLs via homecalls, JW5X via LA5X. KG4 - GUANTANAMO BAY, NA-015 Stu,K4MIL, is expected to show up as KG4SS mainly in RTTY and some SSB on all bands from Sep 23 until Oct 7. QSL via bureau, direct or via LoTW to his homecall K4MIL. OJ0 - MARKET REEF, EU-053 OJ0B is put on the air by Pertti,OH2PM, Ilmo,OH2BO, Henry,OH3JR, and Lars,OH0RJ, from Sep 18 until Sep 29. They are using two FT-1000MPs, Alpha 91B amplifiers, a SteppIR beam and a Butternut HF-2V vertical. They will also take part in the SAC Contest on Sep 27/28. The second station will work on 160m and the WARC bands during the SAC. QSLs via OH2BH. SV9 - CRETE ISLAND, EU-015 Uli,DJ9XB, flew to Crete on Sep 20 and will stay there until Oct 3. He will work only in RTTY on all bands (including 160m) and also during the CQWW RTTY Contest. He will use the call J49XB again like last year. QSL cards via his homecall, via bureau or LoTW. --- Claudio,SV9/HB9OAU, will work in "holiday style" from Crete (EU-015) on 40-10m between Sep 28 and Oct 3. QSLs via HB9OAU. V4 - ST CHRISTOPHER AND NEVIS V4/AH6HY announced to work only in SSB on 40-10m from St Kitts (NA-104) from Sep 26 until Oct 3. QSLs direct or via bureau to AH6HY. VP8/SG - SOUTH GEORGIA ISLANDS, AN-007 After staying on the island in Jan/Feb 2008 Lars,DL9LB, now returns to Husvik (an old whaling base) on South Georgia (AN-007) for the whole month of October. Lars will work in CW and SSB on all bands signing VP8DIF with 100 watts powered from a battery which limits his activity to a few hours per day. His QSL manager is Franz,DJ9ZB. Check also his website at: http://www.lars-boehme.de/vp8dif VR2 - HONG KONG, AS-006 His QRL is the reason for Vincent,F4BKV, to move to Hong Kong (AS-006) until Aug 31,2009. He will show up as VR2/F4BKV mostly in PSK31 or SSB using a FT-857D with 100 watts and a wire antenna. QSL cards should be sent via bureau, direct or LoTW via F4BKV. ZF - CAYMAN ISLANDS, NA-016 Don,ZF2DF (W4YCH), and Jim,ZF2JO (W4JO), will sign ZF2DF during the CQWW RTTY DX Contest on Sep 27/28. They are allowed to use the club- station ZF1A on Grand Cayman (NA-016). ZF2JO will be operated by Don and Jim in CW/SSB before and after the contest. Both QSLs via W4YCH. 3V - TUNISIA Dmitry,RW4WM, will be guest op at the station of 3V8SS in Sousse and plans to work in CW, SSB and some RTTY from Sep 29 until Oct 8. QSLs only for THIS operation direct or via UA bureau to RW4WM. 4O - MONTENEGRO 4O/DL3NER, 4O/DL9MB, 4O/DG5NGI, 4O/DG5NGJ, 4O/DG8NGI and 4O/DK9NCX will be active in SSB, RTTY and PSK31 on 2-160m between Sep 25 and Oct 4. They will use following antennas: ECO-HF8B, H2 dipole, an Inverted V, a 5ele yagi for 6m and a 9ele yagi for 2m. QSLs via homecalls. FRANCE, SPECIAL EVENT STATION TM0CDG will be activated in all modes on all bands during the opening of the Charles de Gaulle Museum in Colombey-les-deux-Eglises between Sep 28 and Oct 12. QSL via F6KTR. ITALY, SPECIAL EVENT STATION II1ADV will be QRV from the frigate "Carabiniere" from Sep 25-30. Operation will take place in SSB, CW and PSK daily from 0800-1700 UTC. QSL direct or via bureau via I1SAF. See also: http://www.assoradiomarinai.tk SOUTH AFRICA, SPECIAL EVENT STATION The Treaty of Vereeniging ended the Second Boer War (1899-1902) and is commemorated by the special event station ZS08TV for a whole year starting on Sep 24. QSLs via bureau or direct to Box 13574, Zuurfontein 1912, South Africa. TURKEY, SPECIAL EVENT STATION TC470PDZ remembers the Battle of Preveza in northwest Greece, where the outnumbered Turkish fleet of Barbarossa defeated the fleet of Andrea Doria organized by Pope Paul III 470 years ago on Sep 28, 1538. The OPs TA0U, TA1FR, TA1HZ, TA2RX, TA2DJ, TA7ST/1 and TB2MYE will work mainly on 20m/40m from Sep 24-30. QSLs via TA1HZ. Check also their website: http://www.ta0u.com/detay.asp?id=4281 SILENT KEY Theo See,DJ1RL, passed away at the age of 80 on Sep 6. Theo was an avid Topband and long wave operator. He activated several rare islands like Bora Bora, Mayotte and Madagascar on 160m. The "lowband world" will miss him. LINKS: Current SOTA activities (mountain summits) are announced at: http://www.sotawatch.org --- Detailed information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: http://www.MMMonVHF.de UPCOMING CONTESTS ----------------- Sep 25: BCC QSO Party, CW and SSB Sep 27/28: 50th Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB (http://www.qrq.se/sac) Sep 27/28: SRT HF Contest, SSB Sep 27/28: CQWW DX Contest RTTY CQWW DX Contest RTTY - Further announcements --------------------------------------------- The CQWW DX Contest will take plac in RTTY on Sep 27/28. Following stations announced to be QRV during the contest: Call Category QSL route A61AD SOAB N1DG CN3A multi/single I2WIJ or LoTW E73M multi/single E73Y or K2PF ER0FEO SOAB LP UU0JM EW1AR tba W3HNK or LoTW HB0/DK9FEC multi/? DK9FEC WP3C SOSB 40m W3HNK YB0ECT SOSB 20m K3AIR IOTA collected by Fredy,DE0MST (e-mail: ) ---- Island activities: EU-010, GM/MM, Outer Hebrides: Rob,MM/DK1ROB/p, will hit the airwaves from Barra Island (IOSA OH-11, SCOTIA HI-02) between Sep 28 and Oct 3. QSL via homecall (direct/bureau). EU-028, I*5, Toscana Region Group: Several members of the A.R.I. Torino and the "Wave Master Team" will activate Giglio Island signing IA5IG in CW, SSB and digital modes on 80m-2m from Sep 24-28. QSL via IZ1DSH. Find more information at: http://www.aritorino.it/IA5IG.htm EU-138, SM7, Blekinge County Group: Heiko,SD7C (DL1RTL), Ric,SD7V (DL2VFR), and Ralf,SM/DH7NO, will be active from Sturko from Sep 28 until Oct 4. QSLs via homecalls (direct/bureau). NA-067, W4, NC State East Group: W4PL will be QRV from Hatteras Island between Sep 27 and Oct 4. QSL via K4KWK (direct/bureau). OC-163, H40, Vanikolo Island: Mike,KM9D, and YL Jan,KF4TUG, are working as H40MY since Sep 20 and will stay there for some time. QSL via OM2SA. Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS/ILLW) ---------------------------------------- IA5IG LH 0564 ITA-130 Sep 24-28 MS0SCG LH 3078 Sep 22-29 WP4L LH 3913 USA-119 Sep 27-Oct 4 YB4IR LH 0458 resident Bandspots of the last 7 days ---------------------------- 160m OJ0B 1.824 1804Z via OH2BH (B) OJ0B 1.846 2231Z via OH2BH (B) 80m OH0/OH2LRE 3.529 1950Z EU-002, via OH2LRE (B) 8S0W 3.520 0438Z via SM0NJO (B) 40m EA9EU 7.003 2240Z via EA5KB (B) GM3VLB/p 7.058 1821Z EU-123 (d) IA5/HA2SG 7.009 2224Z EU-028, via HA2SG OH0/OH2LRE 7.007 2220Z EU-002, via OH2LRE (B) SD7W/5 7.017 0525Z EU-084, via DL2SDW (B) TC4X 7.052 2250Z via OH2BH (B) TM2NN 7.079 1843Z via F5KTU ZP6/DL7VEE 7.011 2322Z via DL7VEE (B) ZX2B 7.101 2327Z via PY2MNL (B) 30m D9D 10.108 1514Z via 6K2BWA (B) HI8A 10.104 2254Z OH0/DL2SWW 10.120 0724Z EU-002,via DL2SWW (B) TM2NN 10.102 0534Z via F5KTU ZL4PW 10.104 0506Z OC-134, (B) 20m CT/M0HSW/p 14.264 1102Z EU-145 D9D 14.025 0723Z AS-045, via 6K2BWA (B) EJ/DL4ML 14.265 1106Z EU-007 EK6LP 14.005 0802Z via IK2DUW GM3VLB/p 14.257 1045Z EU-123 (d) IB0/IK5BCM 14.260 1652Z EU-045, via IK5BCM (B) MJ/DH8SL 14.200 1746Z MU0FAL 14.011 2205Z EU-114, (B) OH0/DL2SWW 14.260 1112Z EU-002, via DL2SWW (B) OH0/DF9TM 14.260 0857Z EU-002, via DF9TM (B) SD7M/5 14.260 1044Z EU-084, via DF9TM (B) SV9/DL1TX 14.272 0925Z EU-015, via DL1TX (B) TM2NN 14.019 1148Z via F5KTU TY6A 14.027 1142Z via F6AML (B) V51YJ 14.015 1703Z VE1CJB/p 14.320 1911z NA-010 5R8GN 14.266 1902Z AF-090, via F1BCS (L) 5Z4/RW1AU 14.182 1604Z via K5XK 17m A71CT 18.150 1152Z via EA7FTR (B) KB7OBU/KH2 18.106 0947Z RTTY, via JA3VXH YI9WV 18.074 0842Z via NI5DX (d) 10m OH0/OH2LRE 28.025 1853Z EU-002, via OH2LRE (B) (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager (L) = LoTW Preview ------- DATE CALL DXNL -31Dec 4D74D 1569 -Sep 4L7OA 1580 24Sep-04Oct 4O/DL3NER.. 1590 * -01Oct 5H3AP 1589 18Sep-27Sep 5R8GM.. 1589 NOW 5Z4/RW1AU 1585 -Sep/09 6W1SJ 1541 01Aug-26Oct 8J5IKUJU 1583 01Aug-31Oct 8J750MCS 1583 22Sep-05Oct 8Q7XR 1589 NOW 9G5SW 1581 19Sep-24Sep 9H3F ? 1589 21Oct-11Nov 9L0W 1585 23Sep-06Oct A25/DL7DF 1589 29Oct-09Nov A3 (DL2AH) 1586 -22Oct AT25MY/AT25RG 1583 01Jul-30Sep AT6T 1578 21Sep-05Oct CN2IPA 1589 -31Dec DM152ZYA 1569 15Sep-11Oct E51NOU 1588 -31Dec EI100S (I) 1501 NOW EP3BN 1580 -08Oct ER600B 1589 NOW EY8/S57CQ 1579 07Sep-27Sep FG/F6EPO 1588 21Sep-Feb/09 FM/F5IRO 1589 -19Oct FO/Marquesas 1590 * Sep ? FR/Glorioso 1568 NOW H40MY 1590 * -Nov HF0POL 1552 -31Dec HG1848I 1556 -31Dec HG550REX 1556 Sep HK1AT 1587 24Sep-28Sep IA5IG 1590 * 25Sep-30Sep II1ADV 1590 * 22Sep-28Sep IQ2IR.. 1589 2006 -2008 J28JA 1484/1485 20Sep-03Oct J49XB 1590 * 26Sep-02Oct JT1CA 1590 * 30Sep-06Oct JW0EK & JW8DW 1590 * 25Sep-29Sep JW5X.. 1590 * 19Sep-26Sep JW7WCA.. 1589 27Mar-08Oct JX9JKA 1564 23Sep-07Oct KG4SS 1590 * 07Oct-27Oct KH8/DL2AH 1586 soon ? KP5 (Desecheo) 1585 28Sep-03Oct MM/DK1ROB/p 1590 * -29Sep OJ0B 1590 * -31Dec ON40BAF 1553 -31Dec ON1000NOTGER 1555 -31Dec ON1708M 1580 01Sep-28Sep PA90CORUS 1586 02Oct-14Oct S79TF 1587 28Sep-04Oct SD7C.. 1590 * -31Dec SF700BF 1558 28Sep-03Oct SV9/HB9OAU 1590 * NOW T61AA 1539 20Sep-28Sep T88IW 1589 24Sep-30Sep TC470PDZ 1590 * NOW -2008 TL8QC 1459 28Sep-12Oct TM0CDG 1590 * 15Sep-28Sep TM2NN 1588 -2011/12 TN (F8FQX) 1585 12Sep-24Sep TZ (F6AML) 1588 26Sep-03Oct V4/AH6HY 1590 * -Sep V55SRT 1554 -2008 VE2XB/VY0 1588 09Oct-27Oct VK9DWX 1581 Oct VP8DIF (S.G.) 1590 * -2009 WA2YUN/KH9 1568 -Nov YI9WV 1569 Sep ZF2DF & ZF2JO 1590 * 07Sep-29Sep ZK3AH 1590 * -Sep/09 ZS08TV 1590 * May -Apr/09 ZS8T 1570/1586 * = new or updated ... = and other calls QSL information --------------- A61CK via PE1BSX A7/M0FGA via NN1N (B) AO1RCR via EA1RCR AO08CYL via EA2CYL (B), eQSL AY0DX via LU3DR CU7/DH3NB via DH3NB (B) D8TG via HL0BHQ (B) D9D via 6K2BWA (B) HF42NS via SP2ZAO JW7WCA via LA7WCA (B) OH0/DL2SWW via DL2SWW (B) TY6A via F6AML (B) ZK3MW via DJ7RJ (B) 3Z0LH via SP1PBW 3Z0NS via SP2ZCI 9A/DJ8QP via DJ8QP (B) 9A/DO2MLC via DO2MLC 9A10ZRF via 9A6ST (B) 9M2QQ via DF5UG (B) (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager (L) = Logbook of the World (LotW) QSLs arrived direct: FJ/SP3IFB, 9X0R (EA5RM) QSLs arrived bureau: A43GI (AS-119, A47RS), A61M, A71BX, AM9ML (EA4URE), AN8TID (EA8NQ), AO8A (EA8AH), BS7H (KU9C), E20WXA, EX15ID, HB0/DJ9ZB, HL1VAU/4 (AS-148), HZ1EX (SM0BYD), HZ1IK (DK7YY), IF9/I5HLK (EU-054),IS0/F2YT/p,J3/DL7VOG, JW4GHA (Bear Island, via LA4GHA), JW/IN3SAU, LX/PA3GAF, LY10KDR, OD5PL (HB9CRV), OJ0B (OH2BH), OY/DL2MLU, OY/DL6RAI, ST2A (T93Y), SY8JZ (EU-174,LZ1JZ),T70A,T98U, T93J (OE1EMS), V5/HB9PHJ, VK9AA (Cocos Ceeling, DL8YR), K3GV/VY2 (NA-029), YV5/NE8Z (SA-035), 3G0YP (LA6EIA), Z32PT, 5B/DL6RAI, 6O0M (PA7FM), 6V7E (RW3TN) QSLs arrived LoTW: J3/N0KK, LA1BNA/p, LA1IARU, LA2008TSR, MW/DL6JZ, P40W, OJ0/G3SXW, PJ2/PB2T, PJ7/DL7DF, SV1CVY, TF/DL3PS,V47KP, V5/G3RWF, VP2MRM, W1AW/KL7, XU7ACY, YO60AF, Z32XX, ZA/DL1RTL, ZD8LII Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to: Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX Bulletin, DF2CQ, DF6EX (WIN-QSL), DJ1OJ, DJ5AV, DJ7RD, DJ9XB, DJ9ZB, DK8JB, DL1SBF, DL2VFR, DL3IE, DL5KUA, DL7VOA, F5NQL, IZ1DXS, JT1CD, NG3K, TA0U, SWL Norbert Maybaum and others. __________________________________________________ __________________________ The German PDF version can be found on the DARC homepage at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls...8/dxmb1590.pdf __________________________________________________ ____________ Subscribe or unsubscribe to the DXNL mailing list yourself at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/fedxms.htm |
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[DXNL] DXNL 1590 (Sep 24, 2008) | Dx | |||
[DXNL] DXNL 1583 (Aug 6, 2008) | Dx | |||
[DXNL] DXNL 1583 (Aug 6, 2008) | Info | |||
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