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Old November 21st 08, 03:06 PM posted to,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Mar 2007
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Default Amateur Radio Newsline" Report 1632 - November 21, 2008

Amateur Radio Newsline" Report 1632 - November 21, 2008


Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1632 with a release date of Friday,
November 21st, 2008 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.

The following is a Q-S-T. Hams respond to the Southern California
firestorms, C-Q calls on the FCC to appoint a replacement for rules
enforcer Riley Hollingsworth, more tower problems for hams in the U-S and
the case of the booby-trapped repeater jammer in the UK. Find out the
details on Amateur Radio Newsline" report number 1632 coming your way right

(Billboard Cart Here)



Ham radio was quick to respond when a series of wind-driven firestorms
erupted across southern-California. The first of these brushfires was
spotted in the north-east corner of Los Angeles San Fernando Valley in the
town of Sylmar. Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, is in the newsroom where you can
still smell the smoke.


The first of these brushfires was the Sayre fire spotted in the north end
of the town of Sylmar. That's at the north-east corner of Los Angeles well
known San Fernando Valley and literally 7 miles and one mountain south of
the Newsline studio.

And as the fire widened and intensified, hams associated with Los Angeles
A-R-E-S were called out to provide communications support to Olive View
Hospital which experienced a power and telephone outage at a time when
flames were approaching and patient evacuation was imminent.

Marty Woll, N6VI and Tom Turner KI6CCW were immediately dispatched to the
scene. Olester Santos Ki6RWR, Jim Curio, KI6FGV, Wyatt Underwood, K6LZL and
District Emergency Coordinator David Greenhut, N6HD, provided net or
operational support. The net continued until approximately 7:20 on the
morning of November 15th but the fire continued to rage on.

The battle against this fire continued throughout the weekend with many
road closures. At times ham radio operators found themselves advising one
another on which roads were open passable and which were not:


Unknown ham operator: "The 118 to the 405, the 118 to the 210, the 210 to
San Fernando Road..."


Early on Saturday morning, November 15th ARES activated a net is over the
Disaster Amateur Radio Network repeater system. The net exchanged fire
observations and kept its ears open for both communications and power
outage in and around Los Angeles County. All licensed amateur radio
operators were encouraged to provide observation and participate.

Meantime, in Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties brush fires also
sprang up. Thousands were evacuated and many homes were damaged or
destroyed by the flames. Gordon West, WB6NOA, was at a Red Cross
evacuation center when he filed this report:


WB6NOA: "Here in Orange County, southern California, our local Red Cross
ham radio communications team was taking part in an early Saturday morning
RACES drill when the fire hit. At the conclusion of the training, we hear
a ham radio operator call on 2 meters: "&this is not a drill message. We
have a wildfire "

Within an hour this small Chino Hills wildfire was a raging inferno, fanned
ny 50 MPH winds associated with our Southern California Santa Ana high
pressure system.

Our 60-member communications team out of Orange County was dispatched to
provide communications at evacuation centers in shelters along with other
hams, but we had to keep moving shelters because the flames kept coming
closer and closer. Ultimately, two shelter with ham radio Red Cross
communicators were set up for four days of communications handling messages
in and out between the shelter and our local Orange County chapter. Many
of our clients in the shelters lost everything and they appreciated
everything that ham radio operators were doing.

211 homes (in the area) were damaged or destroyed. Huge spot fires got as
far as five miles away were reported by ham operators. The bamnds were
flooded -- 2 meters and 440 -- with orderly ham radio communications
supporting those local served agencies.


The firestorm also lead a southern California hospital to evacuate and ham
radio helped coordinate the operation. Amateur Radio Newsline's Joe Moell.
K0OV, has the details:


Shortly before noon on Saturday, November 15, a wildfire broke out
northeast of Brea-Olinda High School. It became part of the Freeway Complex
firestorm that has burned over 28,000 acres and damaged or destroyed over
250 homes in Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino counties. At
the time, members of the Orange County Hospital Disaster Support
Communications System, an ARES group best known as HDSCS, were
participating in an annual messaging drill with city and county RACES
groups and the Red Cross. News of the fire terminated the drill and HDSCS
established a net to determine which members could respond to hospitals if
needed. There was concern that this new fire could threaten Kindred
Hospital in Brea if it jumped westward over the 57 freeway.

When the fire did jump ten freeway lanes about 12:45 PM, Net Control sent
five members to this hospital so that they could get there before traffic
became too congested. At 2:45 PM, as the operators were in place at Kindred
and in communication with the net, a page was received from St. Jude
hospital in Fullerton and a call came in from Placentia-Linda hospital in
Placentia, also requesting Amateur Radio operators in accordance with
pre-established procedures. St. Jude was receiving heavy smoke and its
Emergency Department had gone on diversion status. Placentia-Linda had been
advised that it might receive chronic pulmonary patients from nearby
skilled nursing facilities. HDSCS members were immediately sent from the
net to these facilities. A member was also sent to Orange County Emergency
Medical Services Agency operations center in Santa Ana.

At 3:15 PM, the decision was made to close and evacuate the Kindred Brea
hospital, as reported by Reid Green KF6LOK to Net Control April Moell WA6OPS.


WA6OPS: "What we understand is that all 37 are going to other Kindred
facilities, correct?"

KF6LOK: "That is confirmed. Kindred Brea is on full evacuation."


Clearing the facility required the movement of all patients by ambulance to
four other Kindred hospitals in Orange and Los Angeles Counties. Ten of
these patients were fully dependent on ventilators. HDSCS operators
assisted with communications throughout the evacuation. The HDSCS net also
kept officials at the Emergency Medical Services Agency fully informed of
the situation. All patients were under way by 6 PM. Ham radio support
continued at Placentia Linda Hospital until that evening and at St. Jude
hospital through Saturday night and into Sunday afternoon.

There's no doubt that having ham radio at these facilities to provide
additional communications paths and back up the overloaded telephone lines
was a godsend to harried members of the hospital staff and administration
during this difficult time.


According to K0OV, in addition to the evacuation of Kindred Brea hospital
his group also provided communications assistance to two other hospitals
during the firestorm emergency.

Last but by no means least, ham radio participation in the firestorm
emergency relief effort caused one event to be cancelled. That one was to
be a training session for hams involved in disaster communications:


KG6DNY: "The CERT refresher scheduled for tomorrow at Fire station 88 has
been cancelled due to the brush fires. End of QST. Thanks for the
frequency guys. KG6DNY clear."


As this report is recorded on Thursday, November 20th, most of the fires
are contained or controlled but they are still fresh on everyone's
mind. All you have to do is step outside and take a deep breath to know
what happened only a few days ago.

In the newsroom, not far from the remnant of the Sayre fire, I'm Bill
Pasternak, WA6ITF, reporting for the Amateur Radio Newsline.


As we go to air, all of the southern California firestorms have been
contained, but tinder dry conditions remain across the region. This means
that all first responders and the hams that back them up remain on high
alert. (ARNewsline" with input from KA6GSE, WB6NOA, K0OV, others.)



From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline,
heard on bulletin stations around the world including the N9MCS repeater
serving Rockford Illinois.

(5 sec pause here)



Ironically, the first of the southern California firestorms hit only hours
after hams across the region had taken part in one of the biggest
state-wide disaster drills ever held. Called the Big Shakeout, the
scenario for the exercise focused on a mock 7.8 magnitude earthquake which
would have the potential to devastate the region. In Orange County, some
of the same hams who would later volunteer for fire communications duty
took part. Again, Joe Moell, K0OV:


In Orange County, ham radio operators were drilling side-by-side with
hospital staff members. The Hospital Disaster Support Communications
System, an ARES group, fielded the largest number of members to help the
largest number of hospitals of any single-day drill in its 28-year history.

Forty-four HDSCS members went into 32 hospitals. The emphasis was a
realistic near-real-time response using the group's automatic response
procedures. Instead of members going inside the hospitals and setting up
prior to the simulated shaker, these responders pre-staged nearby and were
dispatched by Net Control into the facilities during the chaos after the
temblor. This taught them what it is really like to enter, get to the
Hospital Command Centers and get on the air with their portable equipment
under these difficult conditions.


WA6OPS: "Copy W7KTS we'll get to you in a minute. WD8ICK what is your

WD8ICK: "I am away from home at Brookhurst and Talbert in Fountain Valley."

WA6OPS: OK, we don't have anybody yet at Orange Coast Hospital, so please
proceed there. Your tactical call will be Orange Coast. Copy?"

WD8ICK: "QSL, this is WD8ICK."


Members received their assignments just a few hours before the event. For
training purposes, they were not told in advance which hospitals would be
simulating evacuations and which would be receiving simulated evacuees. The
hams got that information, and all the other message traffic to be handled,
as they worked shoulder-to-shoulder with the Incident Commander, the
Liaison Officer, and other staff members in Hospital Incident Command
System positions. Messages sent and received included requests for
ambulances to move evacuated victims, including Neonatal Intensive Care
Unit infants. They also passed simulated orders for oxygen tanks and for
pharmaceuticals such as Cipro and morphine.

The Great Shakeout wasn't the only time that Orange County hams have
drilled with their hospital counterparts recently. It was actually the
sixth time so far in 2008 in which HDSCS members have participated directly
with hospital staff members in drills that the hospitals must perform to
maintain their accreditation.

From Orange County, California, this is Joe Moell K-zero-O-V for Amateur
Radio Newsline.


This exercise was the largest ever to take place in the country and
involved the participation of millions of California residents and a large
number of ham radio communications volunteers. The ham radio group in
Orange County was just one of many. (ARNewsline", K0OV)



CQ magazine is calling on FCC Enforcement Bureau Chief Kris Monteith to
move swiftly to name a successor to Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, as Special
Counsel for Amateur Radio, and to bring FCC enforcement back to the ham bands.

Writing in his "Zero Bias" editorial in the December 2008 issue, CQ Editor
Rich Moseson, W2VU, noted that the Commission not only has failed to name a
successor to Hollingsworth, but that not a single amateur enforcement
action has been taken since his retirement this past July. At that time,
the editorial notes, the amateur radio community was assured that the
Commission's dedication to enforcement in the Amateur Service would remain
strong. But Moseson says that the FCC's total inaction since July
suggests otherwise:


Moseson: This is deeply disturbing and of grave concern. It would be a
tragedy, and a travesty, if the FCC were to go back on its promise to be
there for us and allowed amateur enforcement to once again drop off the radar."


The need for continuing amateur enforcement was reinforced after the
December issue was went to press. Thats when CQ was informed of an
outburst of racist diatribes on 20 meters, including the transmission of
recordings of a Hitler rally and of Nazi marching songs.

Moseson notes that this type of behavior was all too common before
Hollingsworth became the rules enforcer a decade ago. Most of it quickly
disappeared once it became obvious that someone in authority was paying
attention. But now, only a matter of months since Hollingsworth retired
from public service it has become obvious to the hams wanting to reek
havoc that they are once again free to do whatever they please without fear
of any consequences:


Moseson: "The FCC must get back into the amateur enforcement business, and
it must do so quickly before the situation once again gets out of control.
Enforcement Bureau Chief Monteith must act promptly to name a successor to
Riley Hollingsworth and assure amateurs that they have not once again been
abandoned by the Commission."


You may recall that in his pre-retirement comments that Riley Hollingsworth
urged the ham radio community to not let the FCC abandon ham radio
enforcement. The CQ decision to pressure the FCC to name a successor to
Hollingsworth kind of echos his words. The full text of Rich Moseson's
editorial is on-line at, linked from the December
issue highlights. (CQ)



A Pennsylvania ham is facing yet another appeals board hearing. This after
a neighbor of Charles Mills, W3YNI, says that he is not happy with the
latest decision the zoning commission rendered in the case. Mark
Abramovich, NT3V, reports:


W3YNI would like it to end soon.

The southwestern Pennsylvania amateur just can't seem to satisfy neighbors
who don't want the emergency coordinator for his community to have a
53-foot-tower on his property.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the story, Charles Mills has been
battling for many months to satisfy the township zoning hearing board and
neighbor complaints that his tower doesn't meet requirements.

Mills' biggest adversary it turns out is neighbor John Ducar, who has made
it clear he doesn't want a tower right near his property.

The Pittsburgh Tribune Review newspaper, quoted Ducar as saying at the Nov.
13 hearing:

"This is a major eyesore. This is a major aesthetic nuisance."

That's the crux of his dispute with Mills. The trees that that neighbor
insisted Mills put up as part of a plan to screen the tower simply were not

Ducar wants Mills to move the tower, but Mills has said that's not possible
given the size of his property and the contour of the land.

So now, Ducar wants the township to revoke the permit it granted to Mills
in August to put up the tower.

Mills' attorney, Mike Lazaroff, K3AIR, worked closely with Mills and the
township to satisfy all its requirements. And Mills says he'd rather work
with the community than take the matter to court.

All of this may be mute next month when a new law regarding regulation of
amateur radio towers goes into effect in Pennsylvania.

The law, dubbed Pennsylvania's PRB-1 basically tells municipal governments
they must reasonably accommodate amateur radio service communications and,
quoting the law here, "shall impose only the minimum regulations necessary
to accomplish the legitimate purpose of the municipality."

Now, legitimate purposes, according to the law, known as Act 88 of 2008,
shall include a clearly defined health, safety or aesthetic objective of a
municipality such as preserving a historical or an architectural district.

And, while there is discussion in the law of ensuring safety requirements
of a tower structure, it also stipulates, quoting he "No ordinance,
regulation, plan or any other action shall restrict amateur radio antenna
height to less than 65 feet above ground level."

There have been lots of posts on the ham radio boards about Mills'
situation. And, there is overwhelming support for his cause.

Lazaroff, K3AIR, gave the zoning board 12 letters from neighbors supporting
Mills. He also gave them a petition signed by 47 township residents who
support Mills.

Perhaps Melinda Young, one of those who composed a letter to support Mills,
said it best when she wrote:

"I have great piece of mind knowing that Charles Mills has a tower so that
if and when there is another disaster such as 9-11 or something worse, God
forbid, we have someone in our township that we can count on to communicate
and coordinate our emergency efforts."

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Mark Abramowicz, NT3V, in Philadelphia.


The board is expected to render a decision when it meets December
11th. We'll let you know what they decide. (ARNewsline")



The City of San Diego , California, seems poised to try to violate the
states PRB One type law and impose some severe tower and antenna
restrictions on its ham radio community.

Back in 2003 then Governor Gray Davis signed into law a measure that
assures California hams that their tower and antenna needs would be
reasonably accommodated. Now it appears as if San Diego is ignoring that
state-wide edict as it prepares to enact a set of regulations that would
require an expensive site development permit. Not only that, but it would
also direct that a tower retracts when not in use and that the a tower and
its antenna be located in the least visible location from adjacent public
rights of-way and adjacent properties. Last and by no means least that it
be removed if not used for 2 years.

Hams in the area are more than a bit appalled at the actions of the areas
legislators, especially in a time of a very severe city budget
shortfall. Also, the city admits that it gets only one or two tower permit
requests from hams every year.

The hams of San Diego say that the proposed new regulation is not needed.
Also that it runs afoul of state law. They say that they will fight to
keep the proposal from becoming a city ordinance. If it does, look for it
to be challenged by the San Diego ham community, in the courts. (WA6ILQ,



This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the United States
of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the world from
our only official website at and being relayed by the
volunteer services of the following radio amateur:

(5 sec pause here)



Some Canadian hams will soon have access to the 600 meter very low
frequency band. This after telecommunications regulator Industry Canada
accepts a Radio Amateurs of Canada proposal that will permit selected
Canadian radio amateurs to operate in the vicinity of 500 kHz.

Industry Canada has authorized Radio Amateurs of Canada to recommend which
hams who would be licensed to operate in the 504 to 509 kHz band. Power
output would be a maximum of 20 watts ERP and bandwidth up to 1
kHz. Stations operating in this band would be technically operating under
Special Developmental Licenses although they would all be radio
amateurs. Distinct call signs would be used and the licenses would be
renewable annually subject to the amateur demonstrating the research he has
carried out.

Hams taking part in these operations would support Canada's efforts to
action a proposal on the agenda of the 2011 World Radio Conference for a
new amateur allocation in the 600-meter band. More information will follow
in upcoming Radio Amateurs of Canada bulletins. (RAC)



The Global Automatic Link Establishment or A-L-E High Frequency Network
believes it is the first net to operate continuously for more than 500
days. This, on all international amateur radio shortwave bands

The main purpose of the network is to provide efficient emergency and
disaster relief communications to remote areas of the world. Beginning
with a core group of 6 North American radio operators in June 2007, the net
rapidly expanded to cover large areas of the planet with 24 hour a day, 7
day a week digital communications.

Relying on radio communications, the net is a system of interconnected base
stations scans the various radio bands from 3.5 Megahertz to 28 Megahertz
every 10 seconds. Using this system net members are connected with each
other and can send internet email or cell phone mobile text messages from
the field. More about A-L-E is on line at (HFLink release)



Bill Horner, VK4FW, a member of the Oceania Amateur Radio DX Group says
that one more Y L is needed to participate in the upcoming VK9LA
operation. He says that there are currently 5 YL's on the team but only 2
are operators. A third experienced female ham is needed. If you are
interested in going on this operation please e-mail vk4fw(at) westnet (dot)
com (dot) au for more information. (Southgate)



Turning to the ham radio social calendar, word that Italy's 6th
International DX Convention will be held April 18th tp the 19th, 2009.
Organized by the Strange Radio Team the venue is the city of Paestum near
Salerno. More details will be forthcoming in January and posted at (OPDX)



The Dayton Hamvention now is accepting nominations for its 2009 Radio
Amateur of the Year, Special Achievement, and Technical Excellence
awards. The Radio Amateur of the Year Award is presented to an individual
who has made a long-term, outstanding commitment to the advancement of
Amateur Radio. The Technical Excellence Award is for the person who has
made an outstanding technical advancement in the field of Amateur Radio.
The Special Achievement Award honors someone who has made an outstanding
contribution to the advancement of Amateur Radio by spearheading at least
one significant project.

All amateur radio operators are eligible. The Hamvention Awards Committee
makes the decision on all awards based in part upon the information it
receives and not on the number of nominations submitted for a given
individual. Documentation that informs the Awards Committee of a
candidate's accomplishments may include magazine articles, newsletters,
newspaper clippings, and even videos. These materials become the property
of Hamvention and cannot not be returned.

The deadline for nominations is February 18, 2009 with the winners
recognized nest May at the Hamvention. Additional details on these awards
and a nomination form are available on the Dayton Hamvention Web site at Nominations also are accepted via U-S mail to Dayton
Hamvention Awards, PO Box 964, Dayton, Ohio, 45401. (DARA)



This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the United States
of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the world from
our only official website at and being relayed by the
volunteer services of the following radio amateur:

(5 sec pause here)



Scott Childers, W9CHI, has authored a new book titled Chicago's WLS
Radio. Childers tome is an illustrated history of the station known as the
windy city's Big 89. It takes you from the stations inception in the
1920's by Sears Roebuck in all the way to last year's Big 89 Rewind
special. W9CHI tells Newsline that it was a book that he wanted to do:


W9CHI audio here. Talks about the eay the station connects with its
audience. Hear it in the MO3 version of this newscast downloadable at


Many well-known celebrities, like Gene Autry, owe their careers to the Big
89, through the famous Saturday night program The National Barn Dance. And
some rather famous air personalities such as Dick Biondi, Larry Lujack, and
John Records Landecker became household names thanks to the stations
incredible influence on the Chicago broadcast scene.

Chicago's WLS Radio is part of the Images Of America series by Arcadia
Press. More information is at W9CHI's website at WLS History dot
com. (ARNewsline")



Also, you can learn more about Scott Childers, W9CHI, and his book on
W-L-S over the next two weeks on the Chicago-based RAIN Report. You can
hear it over the phone at 773-358-7845 or on-line at www dot therainreport
dot com. And therainreport is spelled as one word. (RAIN)



San Francisco station KGO AM says that it has gone partially
green. According to its website, on October 30th KGO became the first
major commercial broadcast media outlet in California to reach its
listeners by harnessing the power of the sun to reduce its dependence on
the regions power system.

The KGO solar energy program began last winter. The now completed solar
panel installation is located at the stations transmitter site near San
Francisco's Dumbarton Bridge. Not only does it reduce KGO's daily load on
the power grid, but it will serve as an ongoing test facility for emerging
solar technology. You can see the construction of the solar power system
as it progressed from 2008 to now (RW)



This years Leonid meteor shower peaked on November 17th and 18th much to
the delight of weak signal scatter enthusiasts world-wide. Peak rates of
20 to 100 meteors had been anticipated during the early hours of the 17th
and again during the waning hours of the 18th at around 21:30 UTC.

While the rather bright moonlight probably spoil the show for star gazers,
ham were reportedly thrilled with the pings, hits and QSO'sthey had during
the storm. This, by bouncing their signals off the ionized trails of
meteors burning up in the Earths atmosphere.

Researchers who study the comet Tempel-Tuttle say that it is the source of
the annual Leonid meteor swarm. (VHF Reflector)



Hams tend have strong opinions on world events and issues. If you are one
who does then Radio Netherlands Worldwide may have something to interest you.

According to Media Network, the station is looking for people to join its
Global Panel in English. If you join you will be regularly invited to give
your opinion about current topics. The results of the surveys will be
published on the Radio Netherlands Web site and will be used in the
programs of Radio Netherlands Worldwide.

If you're interested, go to www dot to sign up. (Media Network)



On the air, listen out for GM3WUX will be operating GB2HLB, from December
26th of this year through January 22nd 2009. This, to celebrate the
bicentenary of the birth of inventor Louis Braille whose tactile language
for the sightless has been adapted world-wide.

In dedication to the Braille bicentenary each QSO made by GB2HLB will
receive a special QSL card depicting Braille and raising awareness of the
the United Kingdom's Royal National Institute of Blind People. A fund
raising web page for the group can be found at (GB2RS)



Be on the lookout for several stations in India to sign with the AU2 prefix
between now and December 8th. This, to commemorate the 150th anniversary
of the birth of Sir Jagadeesh Chandra Bose. That nation considers Bose as
the father of radio communications in India. (E-mail)



Operation of special event station KP4AO commemorating Puerto Rico's
Arecibo Observatory's 45th anniversary has been postponed to Sunday,
November 23rd. This due to Angel Vazquez, WP3R, involvement in this past
weekend's ARRL SSB Sweepstakes. The Arecibo operation will be on 20 meter
SSB only. It will run from 1300 to 2000 UTC and those that make contact
with KP4AO will receive a certificate via W3HNK. (WP3GW)



In DX, word that G3RWF is in Kenya through November 24th using the callsign
5Z4LS. Between November 25th and December 2nd he will be in Uganda as
5X1NH. QSL via his home call.

5R8IC will be active from Ile Sainte Marie, Madagascar through the 14th of
December. His operation is CW only on 30 through 10 meters. QSL direct to

ON4JM will be on the air portable O-D-5 until the end of December. He in
Lebanon working with the United Nations. QSL to his home call.

And listen out for OP0DL on from Patriot Hills in Antarctica until around
December 25th. He's there on work a assignment and on the air as time
permits. QSL vis ON5XX.

Lastly, DJ4SO will be on the air portable V 5 in Namibia until December
4th. His activity will be mostly on CW, RTTY and PSK31. He will be on 160
through 10 meters. QSL as directed on the air.

(Above DX news from RSGB and various other DX news sources.)



And finally this week, the rather bizarre video showing the discovery of a
repeater jamming device with a booby-trap attached. That's the story from
the United Kingdom told in an item that first aired on ITV news and is
now posted to a video sharing website. Amateur Radio Newsline's Jim
Meachen, ZL2BHF, has the rest of this rather strange tale now coming to the
attention of hams world wide:


The accidental find of the booby trapped jamming unit apparently took place
in the United Kingdom in late 2007. According to an early 2008 report by
Erika Barnes of ITV News and only recently discovered on the YouTube dot
com video website, the device was accidentally discovered in
Buckinghamshere by the caretaker of the property.

Mike Harrison is the manager of Wolton Estate. Thats a tiny in-land island
in Englands south end. He told Barnes that in the course of his regular
duties that he unearthed some top soil and found a white box. He was
suspicious and decided to not go near it. After turning it over using a
long stick he noticed a battery attached to something that he suspected
might be an explosive and decided to back away.

Authorities found it to be a radio jamming device intended to interfere
with ham radio relay communications to a repeater located on a tower near a
location known as Brill. Authorities say that the device was also designed
harm and possibly kill anyone who might have found it and try to turn it
off. Thankfully for Harrison he moved it with the stick and even more
thankfully the device failed to detonate.

At the time the report aired that there was at least one more jamming
device in the area. The ITV story warned that anyone who might find it to
not tamper with it. Instead, that they should notify the local police. No
word if it was ever located and disarmed.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF.


Talk about carrying repeater jamming to a new low. As far as we have been
able to determine, the person or persons who planted the booby trapped
jamming devices is still at large. You cam see the story yourself at (ARNewsline")



With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC Communicator, CQ
Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the
RSGB, the Southgate News and Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from the
Amateur Radio Newsline". Our e-mail address is
. More information is available at Amateur Radio
Newsline's" only official website located at You can
also write to us or support us at Amateur Radio Newsline", P.O. Box 660937,
Arcadia, California 91066.

For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk, I'm Don Carlson,
KQ6FM, saying 73 from Reno, Nevada, and we thank you for listening.

Amateur Radio Newsline" is Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.

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