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![]() ATTACHED SB WIANEWS @ WW $QNEWS081207 WIANEWS - Dec 07 - VK NATIONAL NEWS ALWAYS ENSURE ORIGINAL BID # AND TITLE ARE USED. Packet uploads with thanks to vk7ax Tony ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BEST NEWS YOU'LL GET ALL WEEK Oh... and to contact us with your news because If It Matters To You It Matters To Us! Please.. write your story as you would expect to hear it being read back do NOT send us links and url's!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIANews 24/7 with the following bulletin in Audio when you visit the MEMBERS AREA on www.wia.org.au This weeks WIANews available in Audio after 0100hrs UTC Saturday. http://www.wiaq.com/ftp/wianews_64.mp3 FM Radio quality http://www.wiaq.com/ftp/wianews.mp3 AM Radio Quality http://www.wia.org.au (news in member area) Submit your audio news http://www.wiaq.com/admin/pandaupload.php Submit your Audio (backup) http://www.wiaq.com and click the QNEWS link to see weekly news stats free emailed script http://lists.wia.org.au/mailman/listinfo/vk1wia-news Now you can dial this WIANews wherever you are on the "gateway dot net dot au" 1300 phone service. Dial 1300 558 592 and at the prompt type W.I.A.N. (That's 9426). "Standard call rate from fixed home phone, higher from mobiles". This is WIANEWS for week commencing Dec 07 2008 HAM RADIO HAS A PATRON SAINT! I wonder how many of us were aware we indeed seem to have a Patron Saint? GI70MY writing in the 30 meter psk yahoo group says that during the WW2 German occupation of Poland, a Ham radio Priest, Fr. Maximilian Kolbe, SP3RN was arrested by the Germans. The Germans believed his amateur radio activities were somehow involved in espionage and he was transferred to Auschwitz on May 28, 1941. After some prisoners escaped in 1941, the Germans ordered that 10 prisoners be killed in retribution. Fr. Kolbe was martyred when he volunteered to take the place of one of the condemned men. On October 10, 1982 he was canonized by Pope John Paul II as Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Apostle of Consecration to Mary and declared a Martyr of charity. He is now considered the Patron saint of Amateur radio operators." You can also check www.qrz.com/sp3rn IT'S A GIFT WE HAVE Are you looking for something special to give a radio enthusiast friend or a loved one for Christmas, yet can't decide what to buy, then look no further, consider giving them a new Wireless Institute Of Australia Gift Certificate. Available to the dollar value of your choice and redeemable for any purchase made through the WIA Online Bookshop, for any book or item of merchandise or any service provided by the WIA, the WIA Gift Certificate makes the perfect Christmas gift! But wait .. there's more !! In addition to the new WIA Gift Certificate, we are also pleased to announce the availability of the WIA Membership Gift Certificate. Why not encourage your friends to become members of the Wireless Institute of Australia by giving them a "Become a WIA Member" Gift Certificate. Available for purchase in Full, Concession, Student and Family membership grades. Both types of Gift Certificates can be purchased online through the "Gift certificate" section of the WIA online bookshop. Gift certificates will be mailed to you from the National WIA office. Alternatively, Gift Certificates can be purchased by mail or in person directly from the Wireless Institute Of Australia Office, Unit 20 - 11 Havelock Road Bayswater VIC 3153. HAMS ACROSS AUSTRALIA. VK2 web service:- http://www.arnsw.org.au/html/news_vk2wi.htm VKG Roundup http://www.police.nsw.gov.au/news PADDLE FOR LIFE CANOE MARATHON. 25-27 April '09 Canoeing Lismore - Coraki - Ballina on again next April. Summerland club have again been asked to do comms support for this weekend. Saturday is ANZAC Day, so many will be involved at the march etc so SCARC are looking for some extra help from the area to cover this. WAVERLEY'S 90TH ANNIVERSARY I'm Eric VK2VE has news from Australia's longest continually licensed Amateur radio club, about to celebrate the 90th anniversary of it's founding on January 27th 1919. The club's normal callsign is VK2BV and the ACMA has allocated it the use of the special event callsign VI 2 BV 90 over nine days from January 24th to February 1st 2009, inclusive. A series of activities during this period is currently being planned. These are expected to include a special event station and QSL card, working on HF and VHF as well as IRLP and EchoLink, operation from a variety of portable and mobile locations as well as an award for contacting the club and its members. Fuller details will be announced nearer the time and it is hoped that as many Amateurs as possible, from both Australia and overseas, will work the club over the period of the special event. Its website at vk2bv.org will be updated as further information on the event becomes available. Under the caption of "Tuned in for Life" the Lakes Mail News presented an article on long time and possibly Westlake's oldest member Bill Hall VK2XT. The article outlined Bills amazing collection of radio paraphernalia and his long time involvement with Amateur Radio. Frank vk2fjl has been privileged to see Bill's collection and says it is truly amazing. VK4 web service local news:- www.wiaq.com/qnews/upload/qnewsbcast.htm local news email VKR Roundup http://www.police.qld.gov.au/News+an...edia+Releases/ TARC Xmas Lights Tour Date claimer Hot News off the presses ! theTARCinc 2008 Xmas Lights Tour will be happening in Townsville City on Friday evening December 19th. Marshalling point will be at the Picnic Tables and Playground, northern end of The Domain near the DSE Powerhouse by 7pm. A very comfy coach piloted by ace lights tour captain Ian VK4ZT will be the preferred mode of transport. and listen in on 2 meters! Attendance numbers are needed, please advise Gavin VK4ZZ soonest. VK6 web service http://www.vk6.net/newswest-index.html Hills Amateur Radio Group which meets at the Paxhill Guide Hall, Lesmurdie hold their next Practical Arvo at 1pm 13th December ACMA NEWS Open and subscription narrowcast television services must not broadcast programs that would be reasonably understood as: directly recruiting persons to join, or participate in, the activities of a listed terrorist organization; or soliciting or assisting in the collection or provision of funds for a listed terrorist organization. ACMA has also developed guidelines to assist narrowcasters in applying the standards. These guidelines focus on: determining whether a person or an organization is a 'listed terrorist'; applying the tests of 'recruiting for a listed terrorist' at section 7 of the standards and 'financing terrorism' at section 8 of the standards; and reminding licensees that complying with the standards does not abrogate the need for licensees to comply with other relevant anti-terrorism laws such as those contained in the Criminal Code Act 1995 and the Charter of the United Nations (Dealings with Assets) Regulations 2008. EDUCATION YOUTH AND ADVANCEMENT OF AMATEUR RADIO www.hamcollege.com.au Students sought for European Space Agency projects The European Space Agency Education Office is looking for student teams to fill several vacancies in the Global Educational Network for Satellite Operations project. The offer is open to students and amateur radio enthusiasts from any country. The projects available have been identified by current team members as tasks that are distinct enough to be suitable for a university project or thesis, while still forming a valuable addition to the overall GENSO project. For full information, check out http://genso.org The deadline for initial applications 12th December. (rsgb) Amateur Radio on the International Space Station program (ARISS) has captured the attention of the US Department of Education (DOEd). According to ARRL ARISS Program Manager Rosalie White, K1STO, the DOEd has been tracking ARISS's activities for a long time: "The Department of Education invited ARISS to help celebrate the ninth annual International Education Week (IEW) by coordinating three contacts with the International Space Station (ISS) during IEW, November 17-21. International Education Week is a joint initiative of the US Department of Education and US Department of State. To go along with the theme of this year's IEW -- International Education: Fostering Global Responsibility and Leadership -- White explained that the Department of Education requested ARISS's participation through NASA. Mere days before the IEW QSO, students and teachers from all three schools took part in a practice ARISS QSO. To add to the international flavour for ARISS, Steve McFarlane, VE3TBD, stepped up to the plate to serve as ARISS Mentor for the practice session and for the ARISS QSO itself. Due to the IEW, the three school communities got an education treat: "On November 18, students from all three schools tied in to a videoconference activity held at the US Department of Education auditorium. Students asked questions round-robin style to a panel of experts from around the world. The panel was made up of astronaut Don Thomas, KC5FVF; ARISS Chairman Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, and other ARISS worldwide volunteers and science leaders. Top-level staff from the Departments of Education and State, as well as representatives from educational associations such as the Sally Ride Science Club and the head of NASA Education watched the proceedings." INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL, Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA. I'm VK5MM Rob. Morse Code from The Stig - Ep 5 You recall that a few weeks ago the world was agog with the sounds of Morse Code happening during Season 12 of the most popular autosports show on the planet - Top Gear (currently screening in the UK) Well The "Stig" is at it again, doing his Morse Lessons this week whilst driving the new Lexus around the Dunsford Park Test Track. Season 12 Episode 5 Morse Code embedds "Too Many Gears" and "I Like Mr Sulu" into the show. What will The Stig's new callsign be once he goes for the licence upgrade ? HiHi Busy IARU Region 1 Conference All is now in place for the expansion of the 40-metre band with the recent IARU Region 1 Conference held in Croatia increasing that region's band plan to incorporate 7.1 to 7.2 MHz. This very useful HF band will double in size in many parts of the world on the 29th of March next with the exit of broadcasting stations. What was once amateur spectrum is being returned at long last. The five-day IARU Region 1 Conference attended by 50 delegates had a packed agenda related to various amateur radio activities - contesting, beacons, QRP, intruder watch and specialised emission modes. Among other topics were operating procedure, emergency communications, BPL and the promotion of amateur radio. One conference initiative may see the IARU proposing to the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO, that it acknowledges the Amateur Radio Service as an activity to be protected. The QSLing practices of some DX stations were discussed. The conference resolved to encourage QSL managers of DXpedition, DXCC, IOTA or other stations to accept both direct and Bureau QSL cards. It was also recommended that contest-free band segments be included in rules of contests organised by national societies, and where possible, contests include a category for youngsters and newcomers. (Jim Linton VK3PC) Still in Europe and we learn that an Amateur Radio 2009 Year Planner has been sent to all 785 Members of the European Parliament along with an introductory letter, co-signed by M.E.P. Fernando Fernandez-Martin, EA8AK and IARU Region 1 EUROCOM Working Group chairman Gaston Bertels, ON4WF. The Year Planner was created by RSGB staff and highlights the use of amateur radio in Space and Emergency Communications, amongst other aspects of the hobby. LEONID METEOR STORM A HAM RADIO SUCCESS Going by QSL cards and logs filtering in we see that this years Leonid meteor shower peaked on November 17th and 18th much to the delight of weak signal scatter enthusiasts world-wide. Peak rates of 20 to 100 meteors had been anticipated during the early hours of the 17th and again during the waning hours of the 18th at around 21:30 UTC. While the rather bright moonlight probably spoil the show for star gazers, ham were reportedly thrilled with the pings, hits and QSOs they had during the storm. This, by bouncing their signals off the ionised trails of meteors burning up in the Earths atmosphere. Researchers who study the comet Tempel-Tuttle say that it is the source of the annual Leonid meteor swarm. COMMUNICATIONS SAFETY: ANOTHER LAPTOP BATTERY RECALL Sony has announced that it will recall roughly 100,000 notebook batteries worldwide. This following several reports that the batteries could overheat. The recall covers notebooks made by Dell, Hewlett-Packard, and Toshiba, during the same timeframe as the widespread Sony laptop battery recall of 2006. However, the laptops named by the Consumer Products Safety Commission with whom Sony is cooperating not overlap with the models previously recalled. There is some good news this time around. The hazard cited by the agency does not include the risk of a short-circuit or fire as in the last recall. Sony's previous recall cost the company at least $429 million, and covered over 10 million batteries. Go to your machines manufacturers website to find out if your battery is among those being recalled. OPERATIONAL NEWS - 2009 ON AIR CONTEST AND EVENT COLUMN - D A T E L I N E JAN 1 ROSS HULL Contest starts JAN 17 - 18 Summer VHF Field Day VHF CONTEST NEWS As you all should be aware the closing date for SPRING VHF-UHF Field Day logs is now past. The contest manager John Martin is going through the logs now and the results will be announced in the next couple of weeks. One club who had a ton of fun and racked up some fair points is the Tablelands Radio and Electonocs Club (TREC) What a field day to remember with a 40 foot tower courtesy of Jeff VK4BOF and bacon and eggs on the built in barbeque done by that famous chef Dale. Record number of stations on 1296 include VK4ZDP, VK4BKS, and VK4AFC, VK4EMF/P and VK4DK. Top scoring band was 70cm mainly operated by Stuart VK4SDD. Jeff amassed 15 grids this helping the score along. The next VHF-UHF event is the Ross Hull Contest, which will run through the month of January. The rules have been completely revamped this year to make the scoring and log-keeping much simpler. The new scoring system is based on Maidenhead locators, so the rules are now very similar to the VHF-UHF Field Day rules. As well as scoring points for each contact, entrants can claim 10 points for each locator square worked on each band. The contest runs throughout the month of January, so it will allow plenty of time for anyone to build up a good score while still fitting in family commitments over the holiday period. The rules for the Ross Hull Contest are in the latest issue of AR magazine, and also on the contest page of the WIA web site. And if you aren't familiar with the Maidenhead locator scoring system, there is also information about this on the contest web page. SPECIAL EVENTS, BEACON DX AND NET ADVICE Only a couple of weeks left to work these 3 "biggies". C 4 EURO E-Day, 1st of January currency changes to Euro. Until Dec 31 ON 55 INR marks start of TV broadcasting from Brussels Until Dec 31 PY 100 JA Centenary of first Japanese immigration to Brazil. Until Dec 31 75th ANNIVERSARY OF FM RADIO The USA's Major Edwin H. Armstrong Memorial Radio Club will operate special event stations W2XMN & W2XEA, December 13 & 14 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the invention of FM radio by Major Edwin H. Armstrong in 1933. Frequencies: 7.270, 14.270, along with FM channels 29.6 & 52.525. AWARDS The Brendan Awards In 1995 the IRTS announced that they would award a pair of Challenge Trophies to the first amateur stations to establish two way communications across the Atlantic on the 144MHz band. The Trophies, two inscribed cut glass vases, were kindly presented by Waterford Crystal and are known as the ''Brendan Trophies''. Brendan the Navigator was a 5th century explorer whose exploits are well documented in early Irish and Scottish literature. The Brendan Awards are designed to give new impetus to the challenge of the Atlantic at VHF, to rekindle the spirit of experimentation which drove those early enthusiasts in the new science of radio, and to encourage dedicated expeditions, breathtaking antennas or serious propagation studies in an attempt to claim that elusive ''First across the Atlantic'' . A full set of the detailed rules is available on the IRTS website NOW - VK3DN - REPORTS FROM MELBOURNE. AMSAT-VK UNOFFICIAL HF Net. 2nd Sunday each month. November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz SATELLITE QSO BETWEEN SOUTH AFRICA AND BRAZIL After some trying, Keith, ZS6TW, succeeded in making a satellite QSO with a South American station via AO-7 mode B. Keith had a QSO with Angelo, PY1UNU, on Friday evening, 28 November, very good signals all-round, but with the as usual, highish 'noise-floor' from the satellite. Their QSO lasted a good 4 minutes and 20 seconds - about the full duration of the mutual window. The elevation at the start of the QSO was about 5 degrees and the total distance between ZS6TW and PY1UNU is about 7,155 km. Twenty-five years ago, Owen Garriott, W5LFL, made history by being the first Amateur Radio operator to talk to hams from space. His historic flight on STS-9 on board the Space Shuttle Columbia was launched on November 28 and landed on December 8, 1983. Garriott's ham radio adventure on that mission ushered in a host of what Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) Chairman Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, called "outstanding outreach activities that continue today with the ARISS program." To celebrate 25 years of Amateur Radio operations from space, ARISS has planned a set of special event opportunities for December and part of January. According to Bauer, a special certificate will be available for those who communicate with the ISS, either two-way direct (with the ISS crew, the digipeater or cross-band repeater) or one-way reception of SSTV or voice downlink. "Several 'surprises' are planned over the month-long celebration," he said, and will be announced soon. Starting December 7, ARISS will then run a test of 9600 baud packet operations on 145.825 MHz. "Given that PCsat should be in full sun starting December 9," Bauer explained, "we will switch to 1200 baud packet on 145.825 on December 14-19 to support double hop opportunities. At times, especially during the weekends, you might see some SSTV operations if the crew is available." Emergency communications role of amateur radio A Training Workshop on the effective use of telecommunications for disaster response has just been held in Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia (24-28 November 2008). Again Jim VK3PC reports.. Among the speakers to this ITU Asia-Pacific Centres of Excellence Training event was former IARU Region 3 Director, Sangat Singh 9M2SS. It attracted government agencies, telcos, satellite firms, broadcasters, equipment makers, non-government organizations and academia. The workshop heard that the Asia Pacific region had experienced more disasters than any other region in recent years, accounting for more than 70 per cent of all lives lost globally. It looked at how various technologies can be deployed to facilitate rescue and relief operations. The workshop had a number of aims including a strengthening of partnerships of those with roles in disaster relief. Sangat 9M2SS was one of the first speakers. His topic was the "Role of Amateur Radio in Disaster/Emergency Communications". He told the audience that the ability of radio amateurs to provide emergency communications was formally recognised at the ITU World Radio Conference in 1979, while in 2003 the International Radio Regulations were further relaxed for radio amateurs providing disaster relief communications. . Sangat 9M2SS told participants how amateur stations provide one of the most efficient and indispensable communication services for providing humanitarian service, without pay or pecuniary interest. In fact radio amateurs pay a fee for the privilege of operating their stations and invited delegates to imagine the enormous amount of money that would be required to provide some substitute for the communications services provided by radio amateurs. At a very short notice you can depend on the radio amateurs to swing into action and establish compatible means of communications with common language and terminology, on frequencies that are in use 24 hours a day. These radio amateurs also bring a variety of skills, he told the workshop, as they all come from all walks of life, engineers, scientists, doctors, kings, prime ministers, students, shopkeepers, and space travellers. To conclude the presentation that was very well received, Sangat 9M2SS included a slide show from the Chinese Radio Sports Association about the Great Sichuan Earthquake. (Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman, IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee) Improved band may soon be on their way. Scientists say that after more than two years of few sunspots, even fewer solar flares, the sun is finally showing signs of life. David Hathaway is a sunspot forecaster of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Centre in Huntsville Alabama. In his opinion the solar minimum is behind us. He said that in October scientists counted five sunspot groups,. Hathaway says that this may not sound like much, but in a year with record-low numbers of sunspots and long stretches of spotlessness, five is significant. Even more significant is the fact that four of the five sunspot groups belonged to Solar Cycle 24. That's the new and long-awaited next instalment of the sun's 11 year solar cycle. Hathaway says that October was the first time sunspots from new Solar Cycle 24 outnumbered spots from old Solar Cycle 23. Hathaway adds that this is a good sign that the new cycle is taking off. This will be welcome news to the ears of hams who have waited a long time to work some new and possibly rare DX. SPEAKING OF RARE DX: SPRATLEY OPERATION ON HOLD Hams who have waited a long time to make contact with the Spratley Island group will have to be patient a bit longer. This as its announced that a planned operation has been put on hold. Amateur Radio Newslines's Don Carlson, KQ6FM, HAS SAID THAT THE long awaited 9 M 0 DXpedition to the Spratley Islands has been postponed. A team of six operators was expected to activate Pulau Layang Layang Island in the Spratly group in March 2009. Now, an according to their Web page dated November 14th puts the operation in to a state of delay. It says that due to a combination of personal and logistical reasons that it has been necessary to postpone the operation to a later date. The announcement goes on to sat that its is hoped that the DXpedition will go ahead at a later date but none was announced. The posting notes that donations will be returned to those sponsors who made contributions to the proposed operation. More is on-line at spratly2009.com SOCIAL SCENE Dec 27 VK5 AS-LAN #10 takes place in Adelaide. 2009 International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009. JANUARY 18 2009 VK2 Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group's Radio Expo St Johns Church Hall, Maclean Street Coffs Harbour 8.30am Feb 8 2009 VK2 WYONG FIELD DAY June 5 - 8 VK4 FNNQARG at Cardwell Village Beachcomber Resort book on 1800 005633 Contact FNNQARG co-ordinator Gavin VK4ZZ for site booking guidance. July 11 - 12 VK3 GippsTech 2009, the technical conference with a VHF, UHF & microwave focus. OCT 12 - 16 ZL 14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 ? 16 October 2009. Details at www.christchurch.org.nz/ The Region 3 Web Site: www.jarl.or.jp/iaru-r3/ REWIND - A LOOK BACK IN HISTORY (Will McGhie VK6UU is WIA National Historian) VK4APD Peter President of the Historical Wireless Society of SE Queensland (HWS SEQ) reports on a meet at Highfields, north of Toowoomba early November. Peter said Gail Bull, assisted by host Harold Bull, put on an excellent morning tea and lunch for 34 members and partners. This out-of-Brisbane excursion gave the group the opportunity to catch up with Downs members Keith Hoffman, Rod Webb and Peter Chapman. The club auction saw much good-humoured joshing, and auctioneer John Murt moved 50 items rapidly. Harold rounded off the meeting with a presentation on repairing and restoring wooden radio cabinets. This was followed by an extensive question and answer session. Those who could, retired to Harold's place after the meeting to view his large collection of radios featuring yes! console radios, among others. Please think of the environment before printing this email ================================================== =======================WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were submitted. Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray... Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA. ************************************************** *************************** - NEWS POSTING TO PACKET - Courtesy Tony VK7AX VK7AX(AT)VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC ************************************************** *************************** /ex SB QNEWS @ WW $QNEWS081207 QNEWS - DEC 07 - VK4 ON AIR -------------------------------------------------- DID YOU TELL ANYONE ABOUT AMATEUR RADIO THIS WEEK? -------------------------------------------------- THE FOLLOWING NEWS CAN BE HEARD IN QNEWS.MP3 FROM OUR AUDIO SERVICES QNEWS -- ALL OF THE NEWS ALL OF THE TIME at www.wia.org.au/vk4 QNEWS available in Audio after 0001Hrs UTC Saturday. A blank email with word unsubscribe in subject field Send as MUST BE SENT FROM SAME ADDRESS AS U WISH TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM A blank email with word subscribe in subject field Send as MUST BE SENT FROM SAME ADDRESS AS U WISH TO SUBSCRIBE TO ---------------------------------------------------------------- Contact QAC by HF Radio 3.605 Mondays 7:30pm after QNEWS QAC OVERSEES HAM RADIO MATTERS IN VK4 QNEWS newsroom USE TO SEND US YOUR NEWS STORIES!! QTAC HANDLES TECHNICAL QUERIES QTC AR MAGAZINE COLUMN QAC office officers :- VK4AHW Harvey Wickes VK4AQ Ross Anderson VK4BY Don Wilschefski VK4UH Kevin Johnstone ==================== The wia office address is: The Wireless Institute of Australia P.O. Box 2042 BAYSWATER VIC 3153 Telephone: 03 9729 0400 Fax: 03 9729 7325 QNEWS BROADCAST December 7 2008 VK4 SILENT KEYS @ 2008 - 2009 QAC YEAR VK4HEL Stan Stan Sonter November 10 (advised by vk2va via summerland) VK4NKA John Bourke November 19 (advised by vk4kd) VK4AV Ross Croucher December 03 (advised by vk4kd) IT IS WITH REGRET THAT WE ADVISE MEMBERS THAT ROSS CROUCHER HAS PASSED AWAY. with a heart attack at home December Three. His Late Wife Olive died just 1 month prior, November 4. Ross and Olive were long time residents of the Gold Coast and his call was VK4AV, on moving to Victoria he became VK3ARC. R.I.P. ROSS CROUCHER. (de Ken Ayers VK4KD) GOLD COAST Remember the Christmas Party at the Gold Coast Club house is on the 13th December Check with Pam VK4PTO and see if there is a place available for you! Gympie Communications and Electronics Group. www.gceginc.org.au As the heat of summer starts to settle consistently over the Sunshine State, the Gympie Communications and Electronics Group has issued a reminder to its members to get "storm prepared." As a horrifying reminder of the power loosed by storms, the TV footage of the recent storms in the southeast of the state bears gaunt testimony to the devastation that this time of year can bring. Now is the time, not only to make sure that the domestic survival kit is complete and stored but to ensure that precious gear is checked over and serviced. Items that taken for granted need attention - from checking the safety of antenna hardware, guys, tower tilt releases and winches and waterproofing cable connections to the provision of alternative power are all items for the amateur safety check list. Remember that areas of Brisbane not only lost electricity but also telephone and mobile service. Your amateur station can be a vital safety tool for you but only if you can get on air. Spare battery packs for your hand held, storage batteries and generators are all things that might be worthy of a place under the Christmas tree. Spare antennas with cables which can be erected quickly after storm damage can be good stocking fillers. For specific information on home preparedness for the storm season, checklists for persons with special needs and more, check the Queensland Emergency Services web site emergency.gov.qld.au Whilst on the topic of Christmas presents, remember the WIA Bookshop has a range of holiday reading material which will enhance any radio shack and those WIA gift Certificates seem a great idea! What about a new 2009 Callbook? Perhaps your wish list could include a membership to the Institute. The final meeting of the year was held, on Thursday, by GCEG and Bob, VK4MR displayed a level of dexterity with white board markers to demonstrate the principles of that black art - propogation. Like many areas of our hobby the trick of explaining the scientific phenomona that we use in our communications is often to use the eyes and Bob's diagrams and explanations filled in some of the areas where the written word alone can be as dry as dust. The funds were collected by the treasurer for the Valley Rattler steam train excursion and booking confirmed. Amateurs from the Sunshine Coast through to Maryborough are looking forward to the nostalgia of real steam and coal smoke. Other amateurs are coming from as far away as a Caboolture Club to the byo barbecue following the excursion in the park lands next to the Gympie Goldmining Museum. REDCLIFFE www.redclifferadioclub.org.au/ Redcliffe and District Radio Club This year's club Christmas break-up will also include the Redsun event with the Sunshine Coast radio club. The break-up is to be held at Picnic park on the Pumicstone Passage side next to Spinnakers sound boat ramp. Kal-ma-kuta drive starting from 11am - today Sunday. Please bring BYO food , drinks & tables & chairs. The Park has BBQ facilities but has limited tables & chairs but it is well shaded with plenty of tall trees. The day will include a special event for the Redsun part. Each club is to erect a QRP HF station & the 1st to make 5 non-club contacts wins. (follows the EMQ theme that both clubs have embarked on!) Clubs are to bring their own equipment for the event. Any HF Freq. can be used and basic gear for the antenna. Any suitable HF gear can be used. This event will commence after lunch- The site has a great beach to walk or fish from along with great company & some fun will make for a fantastic day. All amateurs are invited from the Brisbane/Sunshine Coast/Caboolture/Bribie Island areas. We hope to see you there. Andy VK4KY has been busy again with his antenna design and has produced a 6 element 2 metre antenna similar to the club's 10 metre antenna. He detailed the plans last Monday night with great interest to all members and Cory, VK4BTK is now to build the prototype. If it works as the computer says it should, there at least 10 club members interested in building similar antennas. With a great bandwidth, the antenna should be suitable for the SSB and FM ends of the band. Well done Andy for an innovative design. TOWNSVILLE contacting theTARCinc email address phone contact 07-47731196 or 0408 001142 snailmail po box 333 Garbutt East, QLD 4814 homepage http://www.tarc.org.au tp://www.wia.org.au theTARCinc 2008 Xmas Party attendance numbers needed by this Tuesday theTARCinc 2008 Christmas Party and Monster Auction happens on Sunday afternoon December 14th from 2-30pm at the VK4TJS Satellite Dish City - thats next Sunday - and part of the festivities is a BBQ put on by the Club. It's a catered event so numbers are needed to Gavin VK4ZZ no later than the next TARC Project Night December 9th. From 2-30pm the Monster Auction will get underway (super amounts of treasure this year) From 4-30pm the BBQ will light up During cooking the Mystery XMAS Pressie auction will take place so make sure you bring a suitably wrapped pressie for this fun event. Bring your eskys full of drink (no glass please), your comfy camp chairs or picnic blankets for the BBQ, your cozzies if you want to go for a swim, some treasure for the Monster Auction and your appetites - Remember those catering numbers to Gavin VK4ZZ soonest ! TARC Project Night happening this Tuesday This Tuesday December 9th the TARC Project Night will be happening at the Club Rooms atop SES HQ Green Street West End from 7-30pm. Come along and lend a helping hand to make something work or be there to proclaim "It thinks, therefore it is ! " It is also your last chance to get your attendance numbers in for the TARC Xmas Party and Monster Auction. THE FINAL FINAL News of Club Christmas Parties Remember the Christmas Party at the Gold Coast Club house is on the 13th December and those who have not made a booking yet check with Pam VK4PTO and see if there is a place still available for you. theTARCinc Xmas Party Sunday 14th December from 2pm at the VK4TJS Satellite Dish City Kelso. Contact Gavin with catering numbers or further info ************************************************** - NEWS POSTING TO PACKET - Courtesy Tony VK7AX VK7AX(AT)VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC ************************************************** A blank email with word unsubscribe in subject field Send as MUST BE SENT FROM SAME ADDRESS AS U WISH TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM A blank email with word subscribe in subject field Send as MUST BE SENT FROM SAME ADDRESS AS U WISH TO SUBSCRIBE TO ************************************************** PAGE_END /EX |
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