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GB2RS NEWS Sunday 11th January 2009 The news headlines * Only one Bath Buildathon place left * RAYNET Personal Accident insurance * NARSA Blackpool Rally date change The news team and all the staff at RSGB HQ would like to wish our newsreaders, listeners and online readers very happy New Year. The Bath Buildathon takes place on Saturday 17 January. Although all places had been booked, due to a late cancellation there is one space now available. The event is aimed at newcomers to radio construction and the kit being used is the Brendon Double Sideband transceiver from Walford Electronics. If anyone would like to take up the final place they should contact Steve Hartley, G0FUW, on 01225 464394 or via e-mail to G0FUWattiscali.co.uk. RAYNET groups are reminded that the old Personal Accident scheme terminated on 31 December. Only those groups who have registered their members, as per previous announcements, are covered from 1 January. Some groups have had problems getting their e-mails through to the published address. If this is the case for your group, please use instead. Because mandatory work being carried out at the Norbreck Castle Hotel in Blackpool will not be completed in time to allow setting up for the Northern Amateur Radio Societies Association Exhibition, the organising committee have had to re-schedule the event to Sunday 5 April. The committee regrets this significant change at this relatively late stage but there were no other options. The committee also apologises to those organising the other rally being held on that day for the clash. They still very much look to welcoming you all in Blackpool, albeit 2 weeks later than originally planned. For further information contact Dave, M0OBW, on 01270 761 608 or via e-mail at . GB7HD-B is now fully operational on 439.450MHz, with a live gateway to the worldwide D-Star network. The repeater is located at the Huddersfield QTH of David, G6OCD who is also acting as the keeper. Reports are welcome to . D-Star repeater GB7OK came on air on 22 December and is working very well. A Wednesday Net at 8pm is being established for all D-Star users to get to know each other and to promote the use of the D-Star and the many features it has to offer. All D-Star radios users are invited to participate. An RSGB Train the Trainers session, hosted by the Sutton & Cheam Radio Society, will take place on Sunday 8 February in Banstead, Surrey. The Train the Trainers scheme helps tutors enhance the standard of their Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced licence courses. Alan Betts, G0HIQ and Brian Reay, G8OSN will be presenting the all day course. For more information and to register, contact Stuart Barber, 2 G6CJR via e-mail to gb4bdsatbtinternet.com, or telephone 07946 688106. Demand is expected to be high, so it is important to register as soon as possible. Note that there is a nominal fee of £2 to cover refreshments and a contribution to hall hire for this session. For details of further Train the Trainers sessions, see the calendar at www.g8osn.org.uk. The RSGB QSL bureau reports that there is a new sub manager for callsigns G4OAA-OZZ, Steve Harwood, G4OWT. All outstanding cards and envelopes were transferred to Steve shortly before Christmas. With the support of the bureau, Steve is trying to contact all G4 O's past and present, to pass on a significant number of outstanding QSL cards; also to update supplies of correctly addressed envelopes and stamps. If you are a G4O, have information concerning G4O silent keys, perhaps changed your address, or have contact details withheld, please contact Steve, G4OWT, detail as per the members website, QTHR or e-mail directly to g4owtatbtinternet.com. Due to personal commitments, Mike Eccles, GM3PPE the DRM for Region 01, District 16, Borders, stepped down from the post as of 31 December 2008. Ray Evans, GM0CDV has been appointed as the new DRM effective from 1 January. Gordon, GM3ULP the Region 01 Manager, wishes to thank Mike for his services to the Society and the help given over the past several years. Ray's contact details are given on the local RSGB website at www.rsgb-region-1.org.uk. The South African Radio League has received assurances from their telecommunications regulator that the issue of making 7.100 to 7.200MHz available to radio amateurs as of 8 March should be finalised by the end of January. SOS Radio Week starts at 0000 on 24 January and ends at 2359 on 30 January. It is the RNLI's own SOS Fund Raising Day. To take part all you need to do is decide whether you want to operate as a team or on your own, get as many sponsors as you can in the lead up to the event. During the event make as many contacts as you can and after the event, convert the sponsors and contacts made in to money. Registrations from groups, or individuals, for a fun week of operating can be made at www.sosradioweek.org.uk. The use of a Special Event Prefix callsign has been approved by Industry Canada and can be used by all Canadian Radio Amateurs. It commemorates Galileo's first use of an optical telescope and the subsequent discoveries he made in his lifetime. Until 28 February, all Canadian amateur radio operators may use special prefixes, where VE changes to CG, VA changes to CF, VO changes to CH and VY changes to CI. And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week On 18 January, the Red Rose Winter Rally will take place at the Lowton Civic Centre, just off the A580 East Lancs Road, postcode WA3 2AH. There will be a talk in station on S22 and the doors open at 10am. There will be a free car park, trade stands, a Bring & Buy as well as an RSGB Bookstall. Details from Steve on 01945 888900. Now for the news of special events Listen out for GB2HLB until 22 January to celebrate the bicentenary of the birth of inventor Louis Braille whose tactile language for the sightless has been adapted world-wide. Each QSO made by GB2HLB will receive a special QSL card depicting Braille and raising awareness of the Royal National Institute of Blind People. A fund raising web page can be found at www.justgiving.com/louisbraille. 3 On 22 January 1909, RMS Republic set sail from New York with 760 passengers and 300 crew on board. The Marconi Wireless Operator was Lincolnshire born `Jack' Robinson Binns. He was woken up at 5.40am the next morning when he heard a loud crash. The ship had been rammed by the SS Florida in thick fog. He send out a CQD call that was heard by the station on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts and spent the next 36 hours operating his spark transmitter and listening to his magnetic detector receiver in the cold damp remains of his wireless room. All but two of the passengers and crew were saved. At varying times from 16 January, the Lizard Marconi Station has the callsign GB100MSC and will represent the Massachusetts coast station. From Jack Binns' home town of S****horpe the call GB5CQD will be used. Chelmsford will use GB0MWT and represent the Marconi Company. There will be a series of lighthouse activations around Istanbul by TC Special Wireless Activity Team (TCSWAT) in the next few months. On 17 and 18 January from the Sile Lighthouse TC2SLH will be on the air. And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources. The first part of the Venture 2009 will see scouts performing expeditions around the South West of Western Australia until Wednesday 14 January. A scout communications team will set up an amateur radio using the call VK6SAA with operation on or near 3.650, 3.790, 7.090, 14.190 or 14.290, 21.190, 28.590, and 52.160. While SSB is the primary mode there's a good chance of some Slow Scan TV and PSK operations on the regular calling frequencies for those modes. In January and February, Philippe, F4EGS will be on the Ivory Coast, in the city of Abidjan. Listen out for TU/F4EGS. He plans to use 40 through to 10m. A team of young lady operators will be on from the Falkland Islands (VP8) from 17 to 31 January using special VP8YL* callsigns. See www.radioclubs.net/aa_vp8yl_/. F6KOP will be active as TS7C between 8 and 19 January on all bands and modes with six or seven stations from the Kerkennah Islands. QSL via F4EGD. 8Q7AK will be operational between 11 to 27 January from Embudu Island in Kaafu Atoll in the Maldives on SSB and CW on the 40 through to 10m bands, including WARC frequencies. For comprehensive details of operating times, suggested frequencies and QSL information, please check 8Q7AK on QRZ.COM CU8W will be active from the Albarnaz Lighthouse on Flores Island between 19 and 23 January. The operation will be mainly on the lower HF bands using CW and RTTY. QSL via CT1GFK. Now the contest news The big events on the HF domestic scene in January are the 80m based Affiliated Societies Contests. The CW event is on 11 January and the SSB on 17 January between 1400 and 1800. These are fiercely contested affairs but don't be put off, they're also great fun. Hopefully your club will be fielding a team, so get on and see how many contacts you can make. Inter and intra-club rivalry plays a great part in these events and there's lots of good natured competition to enjoy. The exchange is RST and serial number. 4 The 80m Club Championships start up again in January on the 14th from 2000 to 2130. The exchange is RS and serial number. On VHF, the 70MHz Cumulatives get started on 11th and 25th January. The exchange is S, serial number and locator. 13 January sees the RSGB 432MHz Activity Contest from 2000 to 2230. All modes are permitted and the exchange is RS, serial number and locator. Over the weekend 17 and 18 January, the Hungarian DX Contest takes place between 1200 and 1159. Both CW and SSB are permitted on the 1.8 to 28MHz bands. The exchange is RST and serial number. Now the solar report for the period from the 22nd of December to the 4th of January, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS, and Martin Harrison, G3USF. The solar disc was spotless everyday; the last spot group disappeared on the 12th of December. Solar activity was very low with no solar flares taking place at all. Solar flux levels only varied between 68 and 70 units with the average of 69. The 90 day solar flux average on the 4th was 69 units. X-ray flux levels remained below the minimum reporting level everyday. Geomagnetic activity was mostly quiet. Two small disturbances took place. They were both coronal hole related. The first took place on the 23rd when the Ap index was only 9 units and the second on the 31st when the Ap index was 10 units. There were several days when the Ap were below 3 units. Solar wind data from the ACE spacecraft saw solar wind speeds between 280 and 400 kilometres per second but increased to 570 kilometres per second on the 23rd and the 31st. Particle densities were low except for the 30th which increased to 34 particles per cubic centimetre. Bz varied between minus 5 and plus 6 nanoTeslas on the quiet days and between minus 16 and plus 13 nanoTeslas on the 31st. And finally the solar forecast for the coming year. During 2008 there was 266 days when the solar disc was spotless. You have to go all the way back to 1913, for a year with more spotless days. In fact 311 days were reported that year. Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels. However, as we know the Sun can become more active with very little warning. Expect solar activity to increase to low or even maybe moderate levels occasionally. It may take into the year 2010 before activity increases to high. There will however, still be some spotless days during the coming year. In fact, it took almost 20 months from the last sunspot minimum in May 1996 to see the last of any spotless days. If this sunspot minimum has took place then it as only done so in the last few months. We are still awaiting confirmation on this. Geomagnetic activity is expected to be mostly quiet; this in part is due to the coronal holes that took place in 2008 having decreased in size. Activity will occasionally increase due to any coronal mass ejections that head our way. MUFs during daylight hours at equal latitudes for the next few weeks should be around 19MHz for the south and 16MHz for the north. These figures will dip slightly during the summer months but will increase higher than the present level next autumn. The daytime highs will take place around midday till late spring and then during the summer months will take place during the evening. The darkness hour lows will be about 7MHz, but will gradually increase to around 11 or 12MHz by midsummer. Generally speaking, they will take place an hour or so either side of local sunrise throughout the year. And that's all for this week from the propagation team. 5 Next, the Local News: Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses and website links where known. [Note to newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to the service area of your transmission.] NEWS FOR THE SOUTH-EAST and EAST ANGLIA As from Wednesday 14 January South Essex Amateur Radio Society will meet at 8pm on the second Wednesday each month at South Benfleet Primary School, High Road, South Benfleet, Essex SS7 5HA. The entrance is at 51°33'10.45N, 0°33'39.65E, and it is opposite Smiths Wood Yard. All are welcome. On Monday 12 January Coulsdon Amateur Transmitting Society is having its New Year Dinner. Contact Andy, G8JAC, by email to g8jacatbtinternet.com. On Tuesday 13 January Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society is operating from the shack. Contact Steve on 0142 720815. On Wednesday 14 January Aylesbury Vale Radio Society is having its club dinner. Contact Roger, G3MEH, on 01442 826 651. On Wednesday 14 January Dover Radio Club is having a gadget night. Contact Brian, G4SAU, by email to g4sauatDARC.org.uk. On Wednesday 14 January Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on how to do a special event station with Rex, G0CLR. Contact Mark Taylor, G0LGJ, on 01362 691099. On Wednesday 14 January South Essex Amateur Radio Society is preparing for the Canvey Rally. Contact southessex.ARSatbtinternet.com. On Wednesday 14 January Southgate Amateur Radio Club is arranging its meetings for the year. Contact David Sharp, M0XDS by email to david.sharp1attesco.net. On Wednesday 14 January Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club is having a surplus radio equipment sale. Contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903 753 893. On Thursday 15 January King's Lynn Amateur Radio Club is having a club night and 2m club net. Contact Ray, G3RSV, by email to ral-g3rsvatsupanet.com. On Thursday 15 January Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society is having a video evening. Contact David, G8UOD, on 01234 742 757. On Thursday 15 January Sutton and Cheam Radio Society is having talks on JOTA 2007 and GB100J by Dennis Noe, M0NDJ. Contact John, G0BWV, on 020 8644 9945. On Friday 16 January Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club is having an informal evening. Contact David Leary, G8JKV on 01223 355254. 6 NEWS FOR THE SOUTH-WEST On Monday 12 January Cornish Radio Amateur Club is having a meeting of its computer section with a talk on laptops at sea by Tony. Contact Ian, on 01872 561 058. On Wednesday 14 January South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having a display of club archives by Muriel, G4YZR. Contact Len, G4RZY, on 01275 834 282. On Wednesday 14 January Taunton and District Amateur Radio Club is operating the club station and holding a Morse class. Contact William, G3WNI, on 01823 666 234. On Wednesday 14 January Thornbury and South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio Club is on the air. Contact Tony, G0WMB, on 01454 417048. On Thursday 15 January Swindon and District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on contesting in France at TM0HQ by Ian, G3YBY. Contact Den, M0ACM, on 07810 317750. On Thursday 15 January Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on forgotten aerials by G3MYM. Contact Gary, 2E0BFJ, by email to g.swainattesco.net. On Friday 16 January Jersey Amateur Radio Society is having an Echolink tips and hints evening. Contact Phil, MJ0JER, by email to gj3dvcatgj3dvc.org.je. On Friday 16 January Torbay Amateur Radio Society is having an operating night. Contact Dave, G6FSP, by email to g6fspattars.org.uk. NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS On Monday 12 January Gloucester Amateur Radio And Electronics Society is having a quiz night. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01452 548478, daytime. On Monday 12 January South Birmingham Radio Society is having a ragchew and contest meeting. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603. On Monday 12 January South Normanton Alfreton and District Amateur Radio Club is having a tutorial on practical soldering with Mike and Russ. Contact A J Higton, 2E1GWO, on 01773 783658. On Monday 12 January Stratford Upon Avon District Radio Society Radio is looking at the ancient and modern with G8HJS. Contact Jack, G3VYE, on 01926 641 988. On Tuesday 13 January Eagle Radio Group is having a talk on VOIP by Charles, G0CMB and John, M3ERG. Contact Terry, G0SWS, on 01507 478590. On Tuesday 13 January Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on thermionic valves by Andrew, G7SEG. Contact Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319. On Tuesday 13 January Mid-Warwickshire Amateur Radio Society is having mini talks on points of interest and controversy. Contact Bernard, M1AUK, on 01926 420 913. On Wednesday 14 January Midland Amateur Radio Society is running training classes. Contact Norman, G8BHE, on 01214 229 787. On Wednesday 14 January Telford and District Amateur Radio Society is having a talk by Steve Drury, G6ALU, on the 80m SSB transceiver kit. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on 01952 299 677. On Thursday 15 January Salop Amateur Radio Society is having a GPS and power meters calibration night. Details on the web at www.salop-ARS.org.uk. 7 On Thursday 15 January Tamworth Amateur Radio Society is having a video evening. Contact Colin Marks, G4ZPJ, on 01827 700 893. On Friday 16 January Bromsgrove and District Amateur Radio Club is having a PC troubleshooting evening. Contact Chris, M0BQE, on 01905 776 869. On Friday 16 January Melton Mowbray Amateur Radio Society is having a quiz evening with questions compiled by G6PGP. Contact Geoff, G3STG, on 01664 480 733. On Friday 16 January South Birmingham Radio Society is having a construction evening. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603. NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND On Sunday 11 January Tynemouth Radio Club is having an operating night. Contact Tony, G8YFA, by email to tony.regnartatgmail.com. On Monday 12 January Bolton Wireless Club is having its annual general meeting, a review of 2008, and making plans for Club activities in the New Year. Contact infoatboltonwireless.org.uk. On Monday 12 January Macclesfield and District Radio Society is studying HF propagation and examining how far you can go on a watt. Contact Tom, M1EYP, on 01625 612 916. On Monday 12 January Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society is having its Computer Finale with Ted, G3WBB. Contact John Webb, G8RDP, on 01253 876313. On Tuesday 13 January Pontefract District Amateur Radio Society Sis having a talk on radio propagation by RSGB Director of Public Services Robin Bellerby, GM3ZYE. Details on 07594 596 040. On Wednesday 14 January Maltby and District Amateur Radio Society is having a talk entitled "Is it Morse Code?". Contact Keith, G1PQW, on 07701 156 678. On Wednesday 14 January Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society is having a committee meeting to finalise RA details. Contact Peter Paul Fox, G8HAV, on 01606 553401. On Wednesday 14 January South Notts Amateur Radio Club is having its Annual General Meeting. Contact Terry, M0RIA, on see the web at www.radioclubs.net/snarc. On Thursday 15 January North Wakefield Radio Club is having an introduction to CW for beginners. Contact Jim Thornton, G3YDL, by email to eventsatg4nok.org. On Thursday 15 January York Radio Club is having Morse lessons. Contact Tony Skaife, G4XIV, on 01904- 330502, g4xivatntlworld.com. On Friday 16 January East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club is on the air. Contact Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475 671. On Friday 16 January South Manchester Radio and Computer Club is having a talk on Triumph motorbikes by David Porter. Contact Ron, G3SVW, on 0161 969 3999. On Friday 16 January Tynemouth Radio Club is having a quiz with M0BQD. On Sunday 18 January the club is having a talk on magnetic baluns by Glen, G0SBN. Contact Tony, G8YFA, by email to tony.regnartatgmail.com. On Sunday 18 January West Manchester Radio Club is running the Red Rose Winter Rally at Lowton Civic Centre. Contact Steve, 01942 888 900, or on the web at www.wmrc.org.uk. 8 NEWS FOR SCOTLAND On Sunday 11 January Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is taking part in the Affiliated Societies Team Contest from 2 until 6pm. Contact Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663. On Tuesday 13 January Livingston and District Amateur Radio Society is having an operating evening. Contact Norman, on 0131 449 7641. The Lothians Radio Society has had to change the its meeting venue. The old location is not available and so unless otherwised advised all meetings will take place at The Braid Hills Hotel, 134 Braid Road, Edinburgh, EH10 6JD. On Wednesday 14 January Lothians Radio Society is having a video night with Peter Dick, GM4DTH. Contact Colin, GM4HWO, by email to enquiriesatlothiansradiosociety.com. On Thursday 15 January Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is having a construction evening. Contact Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663. On Thursday 15 January Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club is having a natter and on air night. Contact Ellis Gaston, GM0HPK, on 01776 820413. On Friday 16 January West Of Scotland Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on developments in software defined radio. Contact Fred Coombes, 2M0BIN, on 01415715512. On Saturday 17 January Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is taking part in the Affiliated Societies Team Contest from 2 until 6pm. Contact Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663. On Sunday 18 January West Of Scotland Amateur Radio Society is taking part in the AFS CW Contest from the club station. Contact Fred Coombes, 2M0BIN, on 01415715512. NEWS FOR WALES On Thursday 15 January Swansea Amateur Radio Society is attending a talk on Reeves, Radar and the birth of Smart Bombing By David Robertson. Contact Roger, GW4HSH, on 01792 404422. NEWS FOR NORTHERN IRELAND No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week. And that's the end of this week's GB2RS news broadcast, prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain. |
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