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![]() attached SB WIANEWS @ WW $QNEWS090208 WIANEWS - Feb 08 - VK NATIONAL NEWS ALWAYS ENSURE ORIGINAL BID # AND TITLE ARE USED. Packet uploads with thanks to vk7ax Tony ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BEST NEWS YOU'LL GET ALL WEEK Oh... and to contact us with your news because If It Matters To You It Matters To Us! Please.. write your story as you would expect to hear it being read back do NOT send us links and url's!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIANews 24/7 with the following bulletin in Audio when you visit the MEMBERS AREA on www.wia.org.au This weeks WIANews available in Audio after 0100hrs UTC Saturday. http://www.wiaq.com/ftp/wianews_64.mp3 FM Radio quality http://www.wiaq.com/ftp/wianews.mp3 AM Radio Quality http://www.wia.org.au (news in member area) Submit your audio news http://www.wiaq.com/admin/pandaupload.php Submit your Audio (backup) http://www.wiaq.com and click the QNEWS link to see weekly news stats free emailed script http://lists.wia.org.au/mailman/listinfo/vk1wia-news Now you can dial this WIANews wherever you are on the "gateway dot net dot au" 1300 phone service. Dial 1300 558 592 and at the prompt type W.I.A.N. (That's 9426). "Standard call rate from fixed home phone, higher from mobiles". This is WIANEWS for week commencing February 08 2009 This is WIANEWS for week commencing February 8 2009 This is VK1WIA and the National News Service for week commencing February Eight. At the Melbourne studio, I'm Jim Linton and now to a story about the Victorian bushfires and radio amateurs providing communications. The Red Cross communications arm RECOM, run by radio amateurs, provided providing vital support as bushfires raged in the Gippsland region of eastern Victoria. Two RECOM units were activated on Thursday 29 January to provide communications at the Mirboo North and Churchill relief centres as hundreds of people were forced by the fires to leave their homes or unable to reach them. The Gippsland fires destroyed 30 homes plus numerous sheds and vehicles. Almost 700 evacuees or displaced persons were registered by the RECOM units with that information being transmitted by digitally encrypted HF radio back to the Red Cross State Inquiry Centre in Melbourne. The National Registration and Inquiry System operated by the Red Cross provides the relatives and friends of the evacuees a single contact point for information on their whereabouts. The hams involved were Bruce VK3BMK, Graeme VK3BXG, Peter VK3AUO, Donald VK3BPD, John VK3BQS, Warren VK3XSW, Graham VK3GBJ and John VK3ATQ. This latest deployment came during a once-in-a-century record three days heat-wave with temperatures topping 43 degrees Celsius - 109 on the Fahrenheit sale. RECOM was established around 1999 and provides communications support for the Victorian Red Cross emergency service - but can be deployed to anywhere in Australia. (Jim Linton VK3PC) MISSING - PRESUMED LOST A 72-year-old Slovenian aiming to become the oldest man to sail non-stop around the world is presumed dead after his yacht was found abandoned off Australia's west coast, authorities said Wednesday. Jure Sterk set off from New Zealand in his nine-metre (30-foot) yacht in October 2007, hoping to make history both as the oldest man to circumnavigate the globe non-stop and in the smallest boat without an engine. He kept contact with amateur radio enthusiasts, and last reported in early January when he was believed to be 1 900 kilometres from the west Australian coast, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said. Sterk encountered some bad weather around December 26, but told ham radio contacts he was not in danger, an AMSA spokesperson said. A month later a merchant vessel spotted the badly-damaged yacht abandoned and without its lifeboat 1 200 kilometres from the coast. "Crew from the merchant vessel couldn't board (Sterk's) vessel because it was so small and weather conditions precluded that from happening, and they couldn't raise (Sterk) on the yacht," she said. Medical experts advised AMSA that there was no chance of him surviving the period since his last radio contact in open seas and he was now presumed dead. ACMA/WIA Sign Contract For WIA Management Of Certain Amateur Licensing Functions Back last month, 28 January 2009, Australian Communications and Media Authority Chairman Chris Chapman signed a Deed between ACMA and the Wireless Institute of Australia. The Deed sets out the conditions under which the WIA will manage amateur examinations, the issue of certificates of proficiency and callsign recommendations for the next 5 or (at the WIA's option) 10 years. http://www.wia.org.au/newsevents/new...30-1/index.php WIA ON THE ROAD AGAIN A contingent of WIA Directors will attend the Wyong Hamfest. A consignment of books and merchandise has been transported from the national office at Bayswater Vic, a large quantity of Callbooks, Foundation Licence Manuals, ARRL and RSGB Handbooks, Caps, Polo Shirts, Pens and a minimum of 2 of every book from the bookshop. Radio Projects for Amateurs Vol 3 & Vol 4 by Drew Diamond will be there in quantity. SBS Last week, SBS upgraded its digital transmitters around the country. The practical consequence? The station can now differentiate its broadcasts for different regional areas, offers full 720p resolution on its HD channel and now has a seven-day EPG. The downside? You might need to retune your set-top box, digital TV or PVR/media centre software to match the new requirements. If your equipment gives you grief in this respect, the SBS how-to link has contact details for most TV manufacturers. DAB+ Rigging teams are perched high above Australia's capital cities, rushing to have five digital radio antennas installed and operational for the grand premiere of digital radio in Australia on May 1 says a report in Fairfax's brisbanetimes.com.au Digital radio will allow conventional FM and AM stations to slowly shift their operations to the digital spectrum to modernise, improve quality and free analogue spectrum capacity for other uses. Digital radio promises to serve up CD-quality sound, pause and rewind functions and new stations, since existing licensees will be able to use their allocated broadcasting capacity to launch programs for different audience tastes. DAB+ allows text and pictures to be transmitted along with sound. This gives stations the option to broadcast weather, traffic tab race info and other community announcements, as well as names of songs, artists and websites links. Some units will have a colour LCD screen. These will be able to receive static pictures. Commercial Radio Australia, the body that has been trialling DAB+ on behalf of commercial and public broadcasters, admits it will take a long time for people to replace them with digital radio units but, nevertheless, the process is in motion. HAMS ACROSS AUSTRALIA. VK0 News from VK0BP... Bob VK0BP was active as AX0BP on Australia and had quite a good time clocking up over 750 contacts for the day. Some quick details about Bob's day. The first person to make contact with AX0BP was PY7ZZ - Fred in Brazil, the last was R1ANC - Alex at Vostok Base in Antarctica. Bob had contacts with 70 countries on 20m SSB, 1 x PSK31 contact, 1 x CW contact with R1ANC, and a couple of contacts on 30m and 17m back into Australia. Although on air for a large part of the day Bob was still able to watch a bit of the local beach cricket played at Davis Station, even with breaks for penguins on the pitch. Bob would like to pass on his thanks to those Aussie's who were able to chat with him, especially those also using the AX prefix. Do keep an ear on the radio for Bob as he would like to rack up some more contacts back to Australia. For further info check out Bob's website http://www.vk0bp.org VK2 web service:- http://www.arnsw.org.au/html/news_vk2wi.htm VKG Roundup http://www.police.nsw.gov.au/news The new Coffs Harbour City repeater is on air and undergoing final testing. The repeater is in a temporary location in North Coffs and signal reports and call ins are most welcome. The repeater is also connected to IRLP node 6625 and Echo Link node 359211. The repeater provides coverage at this time for the entire Coffs City area, Sawtell and surrounds. When the repeater is installed at the final location it will provide coverage south to Port Macquarie and North to Yamba. The repeater frequency is 146.750 MHz with a 123Hz CTCSS tone. This is the VK standard adopted by most new repeater installations to eliminate on channel interference. (sourced to vk2wi news) The Hunter Radio Group hold monthly meetings every second Friday of the Month at NBN T.V. studios, Mosbri Crescent, Newcastle at 8pm local time. The first monthly meeting for 09 will be Friday the 13th of February. The lecture for the evening will be on audio processing in your shack. (sourced to vk2wi news) VK3 web service:- http://www.amateurradio.com.au/news/ VKC Roundup http://www.police Steve VK3TSR says the Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group's White Elephant Sale February 15 at 10am is shaping up to be one of the best ever! Healesville Memorial Hall, 10am. VK8 The Darwin amateur radio club will be competing in this years JOHN MOYLE with a portable station at Mt Bundey Station just south of the Adelaide River township around 120km south of Darwin. We have booked the Billabong house for the weekend with cooking facilities, barbie, pool, fishing plenty of room to put up antennas and airconditioned operating areas and bedrooms if it gets real hot but then its the wet season so it could pour all weekend. Anyhow we will be there and on air so keep your ears out for VK8DA portable. Contact Club President Peter Blackadder asap if you are coming. there is a fee per person per night but what a place. The LF EM monitoring project is coming to reality. The club is involved in a project to monitor the LF part of the RF spectrum. That is from 3 to 30 khz. The system is GPS locked and recording amongst other things Lightning activity. Take a look at http:\\webflash.ess.washington.edu/ to learn more. Darwin is pretty much the lightning capital of the world so the results will be really interesting. The clubs new logo competition has been extended to April. We already have severasl entries and more are on the way. There is a good prize for the designer of the logo that is adopted. If you have been wondering what has happened to repeater 6900 based on the Palmerston water tower Richie reports the repairs are going well and we will hear its cheerful signal back on air soon from its normal home. VK9 Later Richard G4TUT will look at an upcoming dx adventure on Lord Howe Island. EDUCATION YOUTH AND ADVANCEMENT OF AMATEUR RADIO www.hamcollege.com.au One of Gympie Communications & Electronics Groups newest members, Geoff Pickering has successfully completed his foundation licence assessment. Geoff is putting together a station and is looking forward to renewing his interest in HF communications which was fostered by his army experiences. Geoff is also the most recent member to join the WIA. Geoff is keenly waiting his callsign and is working to change it in the near future. Tuesday evening last, (3rd February) under the tuition of Paul VK2ATR Westlake started classes mainly for Advance Certificate candidates. However those wishing to study for the Standard Level are invited to attend at 6.30pm in the clubs classroom. If any person needs more information phone Paul on 04 3211 30 60. Hornsby and Districts Amateur Radio Club, will be conducting Standard and Advanced Theory and Regulations examinations, including Practical Assessments if needed, on the 7th of March at Waitara in northern Sydney. Please contact Tony LaMacchia on 02 9487 3383 or via the Education option on the H.A.D.A.R.C. contact page. www.hadarc.org.au and they have a group on facebook, search for "VK2MA". (sourced to vk2wi news) Ham College would like to congratulate the February Foundation Students and various Exam candidates on obtaining their HAM licence or upgrading their existing Ham Licence. Ham College would also like to remind all pending Standard Amateur Licence course attendees that the first lesson will be commencing on Tuesday 10th February, 2009 at 7pm (sharp) at the Lynwood Scout Hall at Whaleback Golf course. If you would like more information about Courses & Exam Dates or indeed simply what you need to do to obtain your HAM licence then go to www.hamcollege.com.au RADIO CLUBS ENCOURAGED TO APPOINT A P.I.O. During a recent S.A.R.L. President's net, details of a new marketing and Public Relations Initiative for Amateur Radio in South Africa were announced. It is called the P.I.O.N., the Public Information Officer Network. Clubs are invited to appoint a PIO as part of a national team co-ordinated by the SARL, but each one serving his or her own club and area. The objective is the promotion of amateur radio by disseminating information to the media and the community at large about Amateur Radio, the SARL and the PIO's local club. The SARL is compiling a PIO manual that will provide guidelines and train PIOs. The SARL will run regular short courses via teleconferences. Make news material available that can be customised for local newspapers - they are even planning radio spots that can be placed as public service announcements - free of charge. A New Youth Association Seeking Members: A new national youth association based in the USA is seeking both youth and adult members to join and help them get active! The Amateur Cowboys Radio Club which was recently renamed to Amateur Radio Youth Association (Club) was founded by three young hams in New Mexico. The founders are Dustin N0DRC, Jared KE5LZV, and Phil KE5LZX. Since November of 2007 the club has taken a new outlook on Amateur Radio and is now dedicating its self to the education of the general public and youth. The mission of the Amateur Radio Youth Assn is to further educate the public about the importance of Amateur Radio and to help students learn several middle school, and high school subjects through the use of Amateur Radio. you can visit their website at www.ke5rpv.org (Dustin Cox, N0DRC Website: www.ke5rpv.org on January 29, 2009) School gets ham radios Magruder Middle School in California recently received ham radios and instruction guides from the National Association for Amateur Radio. The campus plans to create a radio club to give students hands-on experience with the technology. Students will be working with the Torrance Amateur Radio Association, which will provide students with opportunities to work with real-life scenarios. The Association works closely with the city of Torrance and provides emergency communication during major power outage's or disasters. READING THIS IN THE USA? Nominations are now open for the 2009 Newsline Young Ham of the Year Award. The 'Young Ham of the Year Award' or YHOTY is presented annually to a licensed amateur radio operator who is 18 years of age or younger. He or she must be a resident of the United States, its territories including Puerto Rico, or any Canada province, who has provided outstanding service to his or her nation or community, or improved the state of the art in communications through the amateur radio hobby service. The Young Ham of the Year Award is sponsored by our good friends at the Amateur Radio Newsline, with corporate support from Vertex-Standard and CQ Communications, Inc.. INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL, Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA. I'm VK5MM Rob. DON'T MISS THE SARL'S CONVENTION The SARL'S National Convention will be held in the greater Cape Town area from 23 to 26 April 2009. Details are now on the S.A.R.L. web and are published in their January/February edition of Radio ZS. Amateur Radio Operations to Begin Again on Midway Atoll: The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has announced that they would once again allow Amateur Radio operators the opportunity to operate from Midway Atoll, the first time that USFWS has allowed amateurs to operate since 2002. Amateur Radio operations will be permitted for two weeks only, from October 5-19, 2009. "Radio operation will be allowed only within a designated area on the north side of Sand Island and the use of portable generators will not be permitted," said Midway Atoll Refuge Manager Matt D. Brown. "There is 120 V power available at the operation site. Any modifications to the island power grid/infrastructure must be approved in advance and be paid for entirely by the radio operators. Midway Atoll is located in the North Pacific Ocean, approximately 1250 miles northwest of Honolulu. ================================================== ======================= NEWS FROM SOUTHGATE VK9LA Lord Howe Island - update ODXG report the VK9LA team members are ready to go. Operations will be between March 23rd and April 3rd. The total list of operators now number 16. These 16 will operate 7 HF stations at 2 separate sites as well as one for 6m. Modes of operation are SSB, CW and RTTY. Mono band yogis' and mono band verticals will allow 2 actual stations on the same band simultaneously. There are also a quantity of wire antennas for the low bands. A full list of operating frequencies will be designed to enhance plans. A single vessel to freight all equipment will have gear ready to operate from March 23 until April 3. Sooo get ready to work VK9LA. For more updates, details on the DXpedition www.odxg.org (read by Southgate Amateur Radio Club's Richard G4TUT) ================================================== ======================= OPERATIONAL NEWS - ON AIR CONTEST AND EVENT COLUMN - D A T E L I N E 2009 A reminder that your Ross Hull Memorial UHF/VHF contest Log should be in by February 15. FEB 7 NZART - PAPAKURA CW SPRINT FEB 14 NZART - PAPAKURA PHONE SPRINT FEB 28 - Mar 1 JOCK WHITE MEMORIAL FIELD DAY MAR 14 - 15 JOHN MOYLE FIELD DAY MAR 14 - 15 BERU Running till Dec 31 2009 is the 4th CQ DX Marathon JOHN MOYLE FIELD DAY The dates this year unfortunately the dates coincide with the BERU contest on the 14th & 15th March. The date was moved last July at the request of number of operators, however next year the dates will follow the usual system of the third full weekend in March. It is worth noting that there have been a few changes to the rules for the contest. You are invited to check them at the site: www.wia.org.au and follow the links to the contest area and the John Moyle site. The rule changes will be examined and discussed next week. (Denis Johnstone ((VK4AE)) Contest Manager) SPECIAL EVENTS, BEACON DX AND NET ADVICE hf nets ON the net, www.timroberts-vk4yeh.id.au/ GB 40 WAB 40th anniversary of the WAB Till Dec 31 GB 50 BH (Death of Buddy Holly) Until March 3 International Museums Weekend(s) 20 and 21 plus 27 and June 28 LY 1000 ** Millennium of Lithuania, QRV til March 1 OP 0 LE (O-POLE) Princess Elizabeth Base Antarctica Till Feb 15 OZ 1658 ROS 350th anniversary of the Treaty of Roskilde Till Dec 31 VARIOUS SM STATIONS USING 1658 (Treaty of Roskilde) Till Dec 31 VP 9 400 /home call 400th Anniversary of Bermuda Till Dec 31 Desecheo Island K5D The long awaited Desecheo Island K5D operation will begin on 12th February. Desecheo is very rare, many amateurs worldwide need it for a new one. Therefore, K4UEE and W0GJ are asking that you do not contact the DXpedition on any band or using any mode that you have confirmed from a previous DXpedition. Chatham Island activation A team of nine ZL operators will be activating Chatham Island (OC-038) from March 6-11th. The team leaders are Lee ZL2AL and Morrie ZL2AAA. The Pilot will be Duncan ZL3JT in Christchurch The team will be hosted at the Chatham Fishing Lodge on the north eastern tip of the Islands. A four station setup with amplifiers will operate 160-10m with CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK modes. Wire loops will be used on 80m and 40m, a vertical on 30m and Yagis on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m. They will also try 160m alternating with the 80m station from time to time. The callsign will be announced March 6th. Website: www.zl7t.com/ Logsearch will be available on the team's return. QSL via bureau. Logs will not be uploaded to LoTW for around 6 months. Rare South African prefix Look for ZT2V in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th). This will be one of the rare times the ZT prefix has been used. The Multi-2 operation will take place from the Port Elizabeth region QTH of Donovan, ZS2DL, who will serve as team leader. 2 stations will consist of a FT2000 and a Quadra amplifier into a beam and a FT1000 MPMKV and an Ameritron amp into a TH5. An antenna for 40 and 80 meters will also be used. The QSL route for ZT2V will be via NI5DX LOTW REACHES NEW MILESTONE: 200 MILLION QSOS On January 16, Vic Kean Jr, K1LT, of Carroll, Ohio, uploaded four years' worth of logs -- about 25,000 QSOs -- to ARRL's Logbook of The World Somewhere in that batch, the LoTW counter crossed the 2 million mark. To celebrate Kean's submission of the 200 millionth QSO, the ARRL has awarded him lifetime free LoTW credits and free ARRL Awards as he qualifies for them. The ARRL Newsletter says ""Even though we knew that Logbook of The World would explode in its popularity, 201 million QSOs in roughly the first 5 years of its existence show that LoTW's concept and ideas have worked beyond our expectations." WORLD WIDE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- FINAL FRONTIER AMSAT-VK UNOFFICIAL HF Net. 2nd Sunday each month. November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz TURKEY TO LAUNCH MICROSAT ITUpSAT1 This, with word that the nations first tiny bird named IT Up SAT 1 will go into orbit shortly. Burt Hicks, WB6MQV, from Amateur Radio Newsline says it is best described as a micro sized university sponsored satellite. Designed and manufactured as a part of the ongoing CubeSat project. Its being constructed as a joint project between Turkish universities in a collaboration of Stanford Research Institute and California Polytechnic University in the United States. Mission payloads include a low resolution camera along with a series of scientific sensors including an accelerometer and magnetometer that will radio data back to Earth. The primary objective of this project is to train an experienced staff on satellite systems in Turkey. At airtime no frequencies or modes of operation for ITUpSAT1have been announced. More information on the project is at http://usl.itu.edu.tr/index.html (Southgate, ITUpSAT1) LOST IN SPACE Contact has been lost with one of the seven small satellites carried into space by the H-2A rocket launched on Jan. 23 from Tanegashima Space Centre in Kagoshima Prefecture. On the day of the launch, it could not be confirmed whether the satellite Kagayaki, developed by Tokyo-based information systems firm Sorun Corp., Tokai University and another firm, had been placed in orbit, and there has been no communication with the satellite. The satellite was supposed to deploy a parachute bearing the colourful handprints of about 260 children with serious ailments or disabilities, and take photos of it in space with a camera at the end of a projecting arm. It also was to study auroras and deliver messages recorded by children around the world via radio. Since the launch of the H-2A No. 15 rocket, communication has been established with the six other small satellites carried aboard the rocket, including SOHLA-1, also known as Maido Ichigo, developed by university students and midsize firms in Higashi-Osaka, Osaka Prefecture. However, there has been no contact with Kagayaki and Sorun has been trying to communicate with the satellite from ground stations in Tokyo, Nagano and Miyazaki prefectures. Listen for these new Sats using web receiver You can listen for the new Amateur Radio satellites, launched Friday Jan 23, by using a Web based Software Defined Radio (SDR). Some of the Radio Amateurs who were involved in the very successful Delfi-C3 / DO-64 Amateur Radio satellite have made available a WebSDR receiver that listeners around the world can use to receive signals from the new Amateur Radio satellites. A WebSDR station consists of one or more receivers hooked up to a PC and internet. This enables users to tune in to different signals simultaneously. One receiver is for VLF reception and one is currently used for the 70cm satellite segment. The URL of the receiver is http://websdr.pa3weg.nl/ (Wouter PA3WEG) NASA invites public to choose Hubble's next discovery NASA is giving everyone the opportunity to use the world's most celebrated telescope to explore the heavens and boldly look where the Hubble Space Telescope has never gone before. NASA is inviting the public to vote for one of six candidate astronomical objects for Hubble to observe in honour of the International Year of Astronomy. The options, which Hubble has not previously photographed, range from far-flung galaxies to dying stars. Votes can be cast until March 1. Hubble's camera will make a high resolution image revealing new details about the object that receives the most votes. The image will be released during the International Year of Astronomy's "100 Hours of Astronomy" from April 2 to 5. Space enthusiasts can cast their vote at: http://YouDecide.Hubblesite.org WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- INTERNET --- THE HAMS DOMAIN 'Human error' hits Google search Google's search service has been hit by technical problems, with users unable to access search results. For a period on Saturday last, all search results were flagged as potentially harmful, with users warned that the site "may harm your computer". Users who clicked on their preferred search result were advised to pick another one. Google attributed the fault to human error and said most users were affected for about 40 minutes. "What happened? Very simply, human error," wrote Marissa Mayer, vice president, search products and user experience, on the Official Google Blog. The internet search engine works with stopbadware.org to ascertain which sites install malicious software on people's computers and merit a warning. When Google updated the stopbadware list on Saturday, it mistakenly flagged all sites as potentially dangerous. In better news from Google, they have lifted the lid on its first major upgrade to its global mapping software, Google Earth. "Google Ocean" now expands this map to include large swathes of the ocean floor and abyssal plain. Users can dive beneath a dynamic water surface to explore the 3D sea floor terrain. The map also includes 20 content layers, containing information from the world's leading scientists, researchers, and ocean explorers. WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RESCUE RADIO EMERGENCY FREQUENCIES ALL REGIONS 21.360 - 18.160 - 14.300 - 7.060 - 3.760 MHz. REGION 2 TRY ALSO 3.985 - 7.240 - 7.290 WICEN VK2 has its communications trailer are at the Wyong Field Day today. WICEN Northern Rivers region in VK2 will hold its AGM at the Lismore Workers Club on Sunday 5th April and VK2 Central Coast region will hold its AGM at Kariong on Saturday the 11th of April. Northern Rivers will have the Eden Creek Horse Enduro over the weekend of 21-22 February. Another Northern Rivers event is the Paddle for Life Canoe Marathon, to be held over the Anzac Day weekend. (sourced to vk2wi news bcast) SOCIAL SCENE 2009 International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009. Feb 8 VK2 WYONG FIELD DAY Feb 15 VK3 The annual Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group's White Elephant Sale is on Sunday 15th Feb at Healesville Memorial Hall, 10am. March 22 vk7 MEET THE VOICE SEWING CIRCLE BBQ Held at Ross in Tasmania April 4-5 vk4 Bunya Mts & District Amcom weekend get together at Somerset Dam Details Contact Neil VK4NF 07 4662 4950 Email April 18 WW World Amateur Radio Day June 5 - 8 VK4 FNNQARG at Cardwell Village Beachcomber Resort book on 1800 005633 Contact FNNQARG co-ordinator Gavin VK4ZZ for site booking guidance. July 11 - 12 VK3 GippsTech 2009, the technical conference with a VHF, UHF & microwave focus. August 2 vk6 Northern Corridor Radio Group's WA Hamfest. Cyril Jackson Rec Centre Fisher st Ashfield, WA email SEP 13 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest 9:30am. Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood. OCT 12 - 16 ZL 14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 ? 16 October 2009. Details at www.christchurch.org.nz/ The Region 3 Web Site: www.jarl.or.jp/iaru-r3/ Please think of the environment before printing this email ================================================== =======================WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were submitted. Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray... Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA. ************************************************** *************************** - NEWS POSTING TO PACKET - Courtesy Tony VK7AX VK7AX(AT)VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC ************************************************** *************************** /ex SB QNEWS @ WW $QNEWS090208 QNEWS - FEB 08 - VK4 ON AIR -------------------------------------------------- DID YOU TELL ANYONE ABOUT AMATEUR RADIO THIS WEEK? -------------------------------------------------- A blank email with word unsubscribe in subject field Send as MUST BE SENT FROM SAME ADDRESS AS U WISH TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM A blank email with word subscribe in subject field Send as MUST BE SENT FROM SAME ADDRESS AS U WISH TO SUBSCRIBE TO ---------------------------------------------------------------- QNEWS BROADCAST FEBRUARY 08 2009 The first issue of Amateur Radio magazine for 2009 is already down at the newsagents. Like the Christmas issue, it has extra pages and more of them are in colour. Nip down the street and get your copy now, before they are all gone. Oh and no, those are not microwave dishes on the front cover; they are handling a great deal more power than that. Around 35 kW per dish! Nearly 14 metres across and comprising 112 mirrors each, these giant dishes track the sun across the sky every day. And they will save about 100,000 litres of diesel fuel annually, which would otherwise have to be hauled out past Birdsville in tankers. Pretty modern technology - read all about it on page 27, thanks to Don Marshall VK4AMA. CLUBBING GYMPIE Geoff Emery vk4zpp In the run up to the first monthly meeting of the new year, a delegation from the Gympie Group took part in a briefing session on local emergency communications, on Monday last. Emergency Management Queensland was represented by Andrew Wyatt and was accompanied by Vin Childs from the Special Communications Group. The Gympie Regional Council was represented by Cr Julie Walker, Chair of the Welfare Committee, and the amateurs were Bob, VK4MR, Roger VK4BNQ and Geoff VK4ZPP. Explanations and suggestions were given and Andrew supplied booklets to the people present which explain the procedures and terminology for those involved in emergency/disaster management. Sadly, after accompanying Bob, VK4MR for a guided tour of his shack, Cr Walker was involved in a severe traffic incident which resulted in her being medivaced to Brisbane. GCEG wishes Julie a full and speedy recovery from her injuries and extend our sympathy to her family and colleagues. The emergency comms discussions were reported to the Gympie meeting on Thursday night. Other matters such as future activities and fundraising were also discussed by the members. One activity is a social gathering with an invitation received from the Maryborough Electronics and Radio Group for Gympie members to join in a game of ten pin bowling and followed by the now traditional barbecue. Gympie members are reminded to let the secretary know if they will be bowling as Kathie, VK4KJ, needs the numbers for lane bookings. In a more radio active framework, Greg, VK4FGDW is now successfully decoding the local packet traffic as well as the aeronautical digital mode, ACARS as well as the POCSAG pagers. Kevin, VK4KEV has obtained and commissioned 3 tnc's to supplement the existing soundcard and baycom packet experiments around the Gympie region. With one of the tnc's sited high on the northern side of town at Chatsworth, the effective range of packet has been greatly enhanced. GCEG also extends its congratulations to one of its newest members, Geoff Pickering who as part of his studies has successfully completed his foundation licence assessment. Geoff is putting together a station and is looking forward to renewing his interest in HF communications which was fostered by his army experiences. Geoff is also the most recent member to join the WIA and his licence means that almost 100% of the members are now qualified amateurs and the majority are also Institute members. Geoff is keenly waiting his callsign and is working to change it in the future. TABLELANDS RADIO AND ELECTRONICS CLUB www.treclub.org.au Stu VK4SDD has been working hard in getting the new TREC website up and running. It is evolving steadily and well worth a look. Well done Stu! Go to: http://www.treclub.org.au/ and check it out. TOWNSVILLE contacting theTARCinc email address phone contact 07-47731196 or 0408 001142 snailmail po box 333 Garbutt East, QLD 4814 homepage http://www.tarc.org.au TARC Project Night happening this Tuesday This Tuesday February 10th the TARC Project Night will be happening at the Club Rooms atop SES HQ Green Street West End from 7-30pm. Come along and lend a helping hand to make something work or be there to proclaim "egads - clouds of billowing smoke were not supposed to happen ! " All welcome ! ************************************************** - NEWS POSTING TO PACKET - Courtesy Tony VK7AX VK7AX(AT)VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC ************************************************** A blank email with word unsubscribe in subject field Send as MUST BE SENT FROM SAME ADDRESS AS U WISH TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM A blank email with word subscribe in subject field Send as MUST BE SENT FROM SAME ADDRESS AS U WISH TO SUBSCRIBE TO ************************************************** PAGE_END /EX |
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