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![]() DXNL 1610 - Feb 11, 2009 DX Newsletter a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" (http://www.darcdxhf.de) editor: Helmut Schlaffer, DL7MAE (e-mail: ) translation by: Bob, DL7VOA (e-mail: ) A3 - TONGA, OC-049 Bert,CX3AN, and his family will stay on Tongatapu (OC-049) for one week starting on Feb 14. Bert will be active as A35HA in CW/SSB on 40m-6m (mostly on 30m/17m) using 100 watts and dipoles. QSL via bureau to CX3AN. CN - MOROCCO Russell,G5XW, is also going to spend his holidays signing CN2XW with 100 watts and simple antennas from Feb 13-23. QSLs only direct to G5XW. FT/W - CROZET ISLANDS, AF-008 / FT/X - KERGUELEN ISLANDS, AF-048 Once again Gildas,TU5KG, is onboard his fishing boat underway in the Antarctic Ocean. His new calls are FT5WP (for Crozet, AF-008) and FT5XS (for Kerguelen, AF-048). He is staying near Crozet until Mar 7 and will then move on to Kerguelen from Mar 10 until Apr 15. Yet it is not known to what extent he can go ashore. He is always signing .../mm onboard the ship. QSLs via F4EFI, direct or via bureau. J7 - DOMINICA, NA-101 John,K3TEJ, will sign J7N from Dominica (NA-101) from Feb 11-27. He will also join the upcoming WPX RTTY Contest (Feb 14/15) and the ARRL DX CW Contest (Feb 21/22). Outside of the contests he also works only in CW and RTTY and prefers 160m and the WARC bands. QSL cards only direct via K3TEJ. KP5 - DESECHEO ISLAND, NA-095 It's getting serious with the activation of Desecheo Island (NA-095, USI OI-002S) which is ranking #6 on the Most Wanted lists worldwide. If everything works out like planned the operation will start on late Feb 12. The callsign will be K5D and the DXpedition will last until Feb 26. The team asks everyone not to establish personal QSO records and call them only on the bands/modes needed. They want to help many hams worldwide that need KP5 for an all-time new one. The budget has been exceeded unfortunately so more donations ae still welcome. More info about donations can be found on their website (http://www.kp5.us) via the button "How you can Help". There you can find also an online store with souvenirs and an online logbook updated twice a day. The first team members have left for Puerto Rico on Feb 6. The team members are Ralph,K0IR, Glen,K0JGH, Grant,K1KD, Bob,K4UEE, Tim,K5AC, Bill,N4NX, Dick,K5AND, Gary,K9SG, George,N4GRN, Mike,N6MZ, Mike,NA5U, Felipe,NP4Z, Neil,VA7DX, Steve,VE7CT, Glenn,W0GJ, Jim,W0NB, Gordon,W0RUN, John,W2GD, Gregg,W6IZT, Garry,W8OI, Eladio,WP3MW, and Jerry,WB9Z. There will be 15 men ashore at any time and the staff will be exchanged during the operation. Their equipment includes eight IC-756 Pro III, two IC-7000 and several Alpha power amplifiers. They have three different antenna locations planned with several Stepp-IR verticals, a Cushcraft A3S for 40m-10m, a Cushcraft A3WS WARC yagi, a 4-square array for 30m, dipoles and verticals for 80m/160m. The 160m antenna location is said to be good also for Europe. The QSL manager for K5D will be Bob,N2OO, who will be supported by a dozen OMs of the South Jersey DX Association. This is their frequency plan: Band CW SSB RTTY 160m 1826 up/dn* 1843,3 up --- 80m 3523 up/dn 3781 up/dn 3589 dn 40m 7023 up 7084 up/dn 7089 up/dn* 30m 10106 up --- 10149 dn 20m 14023 up 14190 dn/up 14089 dn 17m 18072 up 18165 dn 18108 dn 15m 21023 up 21295 up 21089 up 12m 24892 up 24987 dn --- 10m 28023 up 28470 up 28089 up 6m 50106 up 50130 up --- * 160m: for JA 10 down, rest of the world QSX up 40m: maybe also RTTY operation on 7050 kHz for Europe V3 - BELIZE Phil,V31RW (AB7RW), his XYL Barbara,V31UH (AC7UH), Rick,V31TB (KT7G), and Jake,V31WO (N7WO), will show up from Placencia from Feb 10-24. They will join the CQWW WPX RTTY Contest as V31TB (QSL via KT7G) and the ARRL DX CW Contest as V31WO (QSL via N7WO). Listen for the QSL routes announced by the OP's outside of the contest. V5 - NAMIBIA Klaus,DJ4SO, is flying to Namibia again and will sign V5/DJ4SO from the Matunda Guest Farm between Feb 15 and Mar 12. He plans to work in CW, RTTY and PSK on 160m-10m. QSL via bureau, direct or via LoTW, no eQSLs. For confirmation he prefers an e-mail to: V8 - BRUNEI, OC-088 Sam,G4OHX, is flying from Singapur to Brunei (OC-088) on Feb 11. He will sign V8FHX mostly in CW on 80m, 40m and 20m until Feb 23. QSLs only direct via G4OHX. VP5 - TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS, NA-002 John,VP5/KX7YT, and Rob,VP5/N1KEZ, are visiting Providenciales (NA-002) from Feb 12-15. The activites include the CQWW RTTY Contest (Feb 14/15) QSLs via the operator's homecall, direct or via QSL bureau. YN - NICARAGUA Stan,AC8W (YN2WW), Hank,K8DD (YN2DD), Jim,KB8TXZ (YN2TX), and Lee,N8LJ (YN2LJ), are planning an operation for one week starting on Feb 14. They will join the ARRL DX CW Contest as YN2DD but focus will be laid on 80m/160m and the WARC bands before and after the contest Their QSL routes can be found on QRZ.com. 3D2 - FIJI, OC-016 / T2 - TUVALU, OC-015 Bill,3D2OU (N7OU), and Bob,3D2NB (W7YAQ), will be QRV mostly in CW on 10m-160m (also SSB/RTTY) from Viti Levu (Vanua Levu Group, OC-016) from Feb 11-16. Their next stop will be Tuvalu (OC-015) between Feb 17 and Mar 2 but their calls are not known yet. They intend to take part in the multi/single category of the ARRL DX CW Contest. QSLs via their homecalls. 4S - SRI LANKA, AS-003 / 8Q - MALEDIVES, AS-013 Stavros,5B4AFM, is spending his holidays on Sri Lanka (AS-003) from Feb 9-12 and will then go to the Lhaviyani atoll (AS-013) in the Maledives from Feb 13-19. He plans to show up as 4S7FMG and 8Q7FM in CW and SSB on 30m and 40m using 100 watts and a vertical. His QSL manager is M0BBB. 9G - GHANA Rob,PA3DEW, and Vincent,PA3FQX, announced to become active as 9G1AA from Dormaa Ahenkro/Ghana starting on Feb 14. Listen for them near 14140 kHz around 1600 UTC. QSL via PA3ERA. HUNGARY, SPECIAL EVENT STATION Members of the radioclub "Puskas Tivadar" (HA5KHC) in Budapest are activating the special callsign HA130HALLO until Mar 31. This callsign is to remember the fact that the first telephone has been used in Hungary 130 years ago. HA130HALLO can be found mostly in CW but also in SSB, PSK and RTTY on all bands. QSLs via bureau to HA5KHC, no eQSLs! ANTARCTIC ACTIVITY WEEK (AAW) The 6th Antarctic Activity Week will take place from Feb 16-22. Several special event calls are expected to hit the airwaves during this week. Please remember that not all stations with the suffix /ANT are situated in Antarctica automatically. Francois,F8DVD, is signing TM8ICE with the WAP reference number 154 from Feb 8-21. QSLs direct or via bureau to his homecall. DXCC: The following operations will be accepted for DXCC credit now: A5100A Bhutan (2008) T6EE Afghanistan (2006, 2007) TN5SN Kongo (since Oct 2008) TT8HA Tschad (2007, 2008) TT8SK Tschad (2008, 2009) ZA/F4DTO Albanien (2008) ZA0/I0SNY Albanien (2008) ZA0/I8LWK Albanien (2008) ZA0/I8YGZ Albanien (2008) ZA0/IK2AQZ Albanien (2008) ZA0/IK7JWX Albanien (2008) LINKS: Current SOTA activities (mountain summits) are announced at: http://www.sotawatch.org --- Detailed information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: http://www.MMMonVHF.de --- The new IARU Region 1 bandplan somes into effect on Mar 29, 2009. For further information check: http://www.iaru-r1.org/Spectrumbp.htm --- Wolf Harranth,OE1WHC, made his third interview with Glenn Johnson,W0GJ, about the upcoming DXpedition to Desecheo (K5D) on Feb 6. You can listen to it at: http://www.dokufunk.org/desecheo --- The first South American Lighthouse Weekend will take place on Feb 20. A list with participating stations can be found on the website: http://www.grupodxbb.com.ar/faros.htm UPCOMING CONTESTS ----------------- Feb 14/15: CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest Feb 14/15: PACC Contest Feb 14/15: RSGB 1.8 MHz CW Contest CQWW WPX Contest, RTTY - Further announcements: ---------------------------------------------- The CQWW WPX RTTY Contest will take place on Feb 14-15. Following stations will be active in the WPX RTTY Contest and were not mentioned befo Call Category QSL route D4C SOAB LP CT1ESV EF8M SOAB HP RD3AF ES5Q Multi/Single ES5RY YE1ZAT Multi/Single YB bureau YV5SSB Multi/Single IT9DAA Z37M Multi/? Z3 bureau IOTA collected by Fredy,DE0MST (e-mail: ) ---- Island activities: EU-038, PA, Noord Holland Province Group: The PA3FKN PACC Team will be active from Ameland Island during the Dutch PACC Contest on Feb 14/15. Further information can be found at: http://www.dx.to AF-086, D4, Cape Verde, Windward Islands: Girts,YL2KL, will sign D4C from Sao Vicente from Feb 11-22. QSL via IZ4DPV (direct) or CT1ESV (bureau). See also http://www.d4c.cc EU-146, PA, Zuid Holland, Zeeland Province Group: Rene,PA/DL2JRM, plans an activity from Schouwen Duiveland Island on Feb 14/15. QSL via homecall (direct/bureau). NA-102, FG, Guadeloupe: Ilario,FG/IV3CGJ/p, will be QRV from the island Marie Galante (DIFO FG-008) from Feb 13–24. QSL via IV3CGJ (d/B). NA-112, W4, NC State West Group: Dennis,WA2USA, wiill show up as W4/WA2USA from Emerald Island from Feb 11-24 (including the WPX RTTY and ARRL CW Contests). QSL via homecall (direct/bureau). Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS/ILLW) ---------------------------------------- D4C LH 1976 Feb 11-22 FG/IV3CGJ/p LH 4241 GUA-009 Feb 13-24 H81L PAN-030 Feb 14/15 PA3FKN LH 1059 NET-001 Feb 14/15 3D2OU LH 0055 FIJ-018 Feb 11-16 3D2NB LH 0055 FIJ-018 Feb 11-16 Bandspots of the last 7 days ---------------------------- 160m BA8AG 1.811 2252Z HA130HALLO 1.823 0850Z via HA5KHC 80m C6AGN 3.796 0424Z via W1DIG (B) E77Y 3.516 2322Z (B) FW5RE 3.510 0639Z via HA8IB H6A 3.509 0742Z via TI4SU (d) HA130HALLO 3.515 1544Z via HA5KHC OL2009FIS 3.514 2003Z via OK1IF (B) PC25DIG 3.777 1555Z via PI4DIG (B) 5N/LZ1QK 3.503 0015Z via LZ1CL 40m J20SE 7.040 1947Z RTTY, via IK3GES (B) LU2FCB 7.060 0230Z P40MH 7.081 0219Z SA-036, via OH2BAD (B) PC25DIG 7.115 0950Z via PI4DIG (B) PT7/HA9RT 7.009 0131Z via HA9RT (B) V31IA 7.009 2345Z via LA4YW (B) 30m FS/K8EAB 10.110 1943Z via K8EAB (L), eQSL 20m AC5O/p 14.260 1647Z NA-168 BA8AG 14.014 0859Z CU5T 14.032 1437Z via CT1GFK (B) DV1JM 14.280 1332Z (B), (L), eQSL FS/N7UN 14.195 1650Z via N7UN, (L), eQSL HS0ZHC 14.201 1229Z (d) J88XF 14.023 1946Z via G3TXF (B) JT1DN 14.195 0831Z KH2/K3ZB 14.198 1143Z via JH1NBN (B) LM9K75Y 14.210 1231Z via LA9K (B) P40MH 14.200 1255Z SA-036, via OH2BAD (B) VK6IR 14.086 1305Z RTTY VR2XMT 14.092 1231Z (d) VU2SWS 14.087 1242Z (B) YB3OX 14.170 1329Z (d), eQSL 5D0IPY 14.086 0824Z via I0YKN (B) 17m CU5T 18.078 1616Z via CT1GFK (B) FM5AN 18.140 1609Z P40MH 18.135 1213Z SA-036, via OH2BAD (B) 5H1DF 18.073 1203Z AF-032, via DL7DF (B) 5H1DF 18.130 1312Z AF-032, via DL7DF (B) 9K2/SP4R 18.135 1104Z via SP4GFG (B) 15m 9K2/SP4R 21.011 1047Z via SP4GFG (B) 10m V5/DL2SL 28.495 1753Z via DL2SL (B) (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager (L) = LoTW Preview ------- DATE CALL DXNL -12Feb 3B7FQ 1608/1609 11Feb-16Feb 3D2OU & 3D2NB 1610 * 09Feb-12Feb 4S7FMG 1610 * 03Feb-12Feb 5H1DF 1608 -Jun 5X4X 1605 NOW 5Z4/RW1AU 1585 -Sep 6W1SJ 1541 -31Mar 6W2SC 1597 -Mar 7Q7HB 1608 13Feb-19Feb 8Q7FM 1610 * -31Dec 9A48IFATCA 1609 NOW 9G5SW 1581 14Feb-20Feb A35HA 1610 * -01Apr C6ANM 1607 13Feb-23Feb CN2XW 1610 * 11Feb-22Feb D4C 1610 * -Feb DP0GVN 1598 Feb -2010 DP1POL 1598 -31Dec DR09ANT 1606 NOW EY8/S57CQ 1579 13Feb-24Feb FG/IV3CGJ/p 1610 * 21Sep-Feb FM/F5IRO 1589 Postponed FR/Glorioso 1568/1600 01Feb-13Feb FR/OE3GEA 1608 04Feb-11Feb FS/K8EAB.. 1609 -30Nov FT5WO 1600/1605 -07Mar FT5WP 1610 * 10Mar-15Apr FT5XS 1610 * 28Jan-28Feb FW5RE 1607 -31Dec GB250RB 1608 03Feb-03Mar GB50BH 1609 Mar H40 (DLs) 1604/1608 10Jan-28Apr H44MS.. 1604 -31Mar HA130HALLO 1610 * -31Dec HE8/HB8 1604 20Jan-12Feb HS0ZGQ 1606 -31Dec II2RAI 1609 -31Mar IY1GM 1607 -31Mar J5UAP 1597 11Feb-27Feb J7N 1610 * 17Jan-01Apr J79XBI 1607 -Mar KC4USV 1609 12Feb-26Feb K5D (Desecheo) 1602/1610 * -31Dec LY1000 1606 -Feb OD/F5TLN 1591 -Apr OD5/IV3YIM 1599 -Nov OD5/W5YFN 1599 -15Feb OP0LE 1604 09Feb-10Mar OR3AX & OR4AX 1609 07Feb-27Feb P29ZAD 1609 01Feb-17Feb P40MH 1609 14Feb-15Feb PA/DL2JRM 1610 * 04Feb-11Feb PJ7/N7UN.. 1609 17Feb-02Mar T2 (N7OU..) 1610 * 08Feb-21Feb TM8ICE 1610 * -2011/12 TN5SN 1585/1591 25Dec-Feb TU8/F4EGS 1603 10Feb-24Feb V31RW.. 1610 * 19Jan-Mar V31YN & V31GW 1607 15Feb-12Mar V5/DJ4SO 1610 * 06Jan-06Mar V5/DL2SL 1606 Soon V6 (KM9D..) 1605 -2011 V73NS 1604 11Feb-23Feb V8FHX 1610 * -07Mar VK0BP 1596 15Mar-22Mar VK9N/ON5AX 1609 12Feb-15Feb VP5/KX7YT.. 1610 * Feb VP8DIF (S.G.) 1608 -Mar VQ9JC 1604 11Feb-24Feb W4/WA2USA/p 1610 * -2009 WA2YUN/KH9 1568 15Dec- XU7ACY 1601 -Feb XU7XXX 1599 14Feb-20Feb YN2DD.. 1610 * -Sep ZS08TV 1590 2008 -Apr ZS8T 1570/1586 * = new or updated ... = and other calls QSL information --------------- BD7JSQ (d) CF7GO via VA7GO CS6A via CT1GFK (B) CT7IOV via CT2IOV (B) CU5T via CT1GFK (B) DL60CHILD via DL5SE (B) DL6UCW via DM3CW (*) DS1AFL via HL5FXP EA6AM via EA6AZ EN20IZZ via UT5SI (B) ES5/5B4AHS via RA3AUU EV6QRP via EW6OO FS/WW5L via WW5L FT5WP/mm via F4EFI (B) GB5OBH via G4STH GB0MWT via G4FKH (B) HA130HALLO via HA5KHC (B) HK0/EA7HEJ via EA7HEJ (d) HZ1PS via IZ8CLM (B) IP9IPY via IT9YMM (B) IQ9SJ/p via IW9HPE (B) J20SE via IK3GES (B) J47XCF via SV7FSK J88XF via G3TXF (B) JW1MFA via LA1MFA KH6/VE7AHA via VE7AHA KP2/W3AVO via JA3AVO (B) OH/DK4ZC via DK4ZC (B) OH0/OH1BB via OH1FDW (B) OL2009FIS via OK1IF (B) PA3GGW via PD0JAC (B) PC25DIG via PI4DIG (B) PD3JAG via PA3HGT (B) PI4NAF via PA3GKB PJ4/G5IUF via G5IUF PJ6/N7UN via N7UN (L), eQSL PJ6/N0TU via N0TU (L), eQSL PT7/HA9RT via HA9RT (B) PX8AA via PT2AA (B) PY1AA via PU1KGG (B) RA9AS via UA9AB (B) RK9AWN via UA9APA RK9AX via UA9APA RU3DDY via RK3DXS RU9BA via UA9AB (B) SN120SG via SP9PDG SN90SW via SP9PSJ SN0KURA via SP5HEN (B) SV8/DL8MCA via DL8MCA (B) TM9FL via F5KFL (B) UE4ASB via UA4AM UN8LYA via UA9AB (B) UN9M via DL8KAC (B) UP2L via UA9AB (B) UQ70F via UN8FM 4X0WFF via 4Z5KJ (B) 5H1DF via DL7DF (B) 5N9NDP via IK5JAN (d) 5Z4/RW1AU via K5XK (B) 9M2TI via EA4ATI (B) 9M6AH (d) 9W2OUT (d) 9Z4BM (d) (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager (L) = Logbook of the World (LotW) QSLs arrived bureau: CU8F (CT1GFK), E4/OM2DX (OM3JW), EJ0GI (EI2SDR), LX1EA, IR6T (IK6VXO), IU0IPY (IW1CYZ), LW9EOC (EA7JX), LX1ER, LX1GG, LX1HD, LX7I (LX2A), MJ/F4EGD, OH0EC (DL1EKC), OH0/SP7VC, OJ0MI (OH2HAN), OX3DB, OX3IPA, OX3LX, OX3MC, PC07XMAS (PA3AM),PD08HNY (PD0EMR),PY1KN,R1ANF (RK1PWA), R245GS (RL3AB), R450KB (UA6XT), RK0BWW/0 (RW0BG), T70A, RK1B/p (RK3FA), SV9/DL5MAE, TK/PA0GIO/p, TO1T (F6HMQ), TO5FJ (F6EXV), TO7C (F9IE), TT8PK (F4EGS),V25OP (W9OP), V26MH (HB9OCR), V55V/p (DJ8VC), VP2V/AH6HY, VU2JOS, VU7MY (DL4KQ),YK9SV (SV1JG),YU8/HB4FG,YX5IOTA (IT9DAA), ZA/DL8OBQ, ZF1A, 3B8MM (DL6UAA), 4J0DX (UA3FDX), 6W1RY (F5VHJ),8Q7BR (DL6NBR),9G5UR (UY5ZZ),9X0R (EA5RM) Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to: Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX Bulletin, DF6EX (WINQSL), DJ0FX, DJ4SO, DJ5AV, DK8JB, DL1SBF, DL2MDZ, DL7VOA, F4DSK, F5NQL, NG3K, OE1WHC and others. __________________________________________________ __________________________ The German PDF version can be found on the DARC homepage at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls...9/dxmb1610.pdf __________________________________________________ ____________ Subscribe or unsubscribe to the DXNL mailing list yourself at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/fedxms.htm |
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[DXNL] DXNL 1607 (Jan 21, 2009) | Info |