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![]() attached SB NEWS @ WW $VK1WIA090301 WIANEWS - Mar 01 - VK NATIONAL NEWS ALWAYS ENSURE ORIGINAL BID # AND TITLE ARE USED. Packet uploads with thanks to vk7ax Tony ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BEST NEWS YOU'LL GET ALL WEEK Oh... and to contact us with your news because If It Matters To You It Matters To Us! Please.. write your story as you would expect to hear it being read back do NOT send us links and url's!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIANews 24/7 with the following bulletin in Audio when you visit the MEMBERS AREA on www.wia.org.au This weeks WIANews available in Audio after 0100hrs UTC Saturday. http://www.wiaq.com/ftp/wianews_128.mp3 HD Radio quality http://www.wiaq.com/ftp/wianews_64.mp3 FM Radio quality http://www.wiaq.com/ftp/wianews.mp3 AM Radio Quality http://www.wia.org.au (click news in member area) Submit your audio news http://www.wiaq.com and click the QNEWS link to see weekly news stats free emailed script http://lists.wia.org.au/mailman/listinfo/vk1wia-news Now you can dial this WIANews wherever you are on the "gateway dot net dot au" 1300 phone service. Dial 1300 558 592 and at the prompt type W.I.A.N. (That's 9426). "Standard call rate from fixed home phone, higher from mobiles". This is WIANEWS for week commencing March 01 2009 Desecheo DXpedition February 26, 2009 it was finally over! The K5D 2009 Desecheo Island DXpedition is in the history books. Every one of their goals was exceeded - most significantly, the number of QSOs: 115,728. Because their Special Use Permit (SUP) expired Thursday, and because of the size/complexity of the infrastructure to dismantle, the crew decided to use helicopters to clear the island. Flights began at 1100Z and continued until all gear and personnel were safely back in Puerto Rico. www.kp5.us for final photos and operations statistics. The WIA HD FEATURE CHANNEL this week has an 8 minute interview by Wolf OE1WHC with Glenn Johnson, W0GJ, co-expedition leader, audio file recorded via Sat phone on February 23rd, http://wiaq.com/ftp/kp5_feb26_2009.mp3 This is from the "Documentary Archive Radio Communication" KP5 special Web page at: http://www.dokufunk.org/desecheo Glenn brings us up-to-update on what had taken place during their stay on Desecheo and on what was planned the final week, now passed... Give a listen! KP5 Desecheo now driven to near the bottom of the 'most wanted' list! (sourced to southgate) WICEN - Call For More Operators WICEN Victoria has been asked to provide operators for three outer metropolitan Melbourne Incident Control Centres (ICCs). WICEN does not have sufficient operators for all the shifts they have been asked to fill, and so are looking for volunteers from the wider Amateur Radio community. HOWEVER, this type of deployment is not for every Amateur Operator! The ICCs are extremely noisy, busy environments where multiple radios are going simultaneously. Headphones are not an option as the DSE/CFA Controllers want to be able to listen in if they feel the need. Despite all this, accurate message handling and concise voice procedure are absolutely required! Shifts are 12 hours long with shift changes at 7am and 7pm. If you feel you can be an effective operator in the environment described, then WICEN has need of you. Please be aware that there will be some volunteers who will not be able to be sent into an ICC. Indeed some WICEN members have made themselves unavailable for ICC deployment because they feel they cannot operate there effectively. Offers of help from interstate have been greatly appreciated, however WICEN do not at present have authorisation to fund interstate travel. If you are willing to travel to Melbourne at your own expense as some have offered, then Wicen could use you. Please talk to WICEN before travelling however, so they can ascertain whether you are suitable for deployment. Offers to assist should be made to Mark Dods VK3XMU by email to : or by phone to 0409 214 834. ECHOecholink Due to the considerable interest Nationally and Internationally, WICEN has enlisted the assistance of Tony, VK3JED, the moderator of the VKECOMM EchoLink conference, to provide a live broadcast of the WICEN net. To listen to the net via EchoLink, go to the Conference Node and connect to VKEMCOMM. Stations will be muted for listen only and cannot login to the net via EchoLink at this stage. BUSHFIRE HALTS WHITE ELEPHANT As most amateurs are aware, the Healesville/ Warburton area has current and ongoing Bushfire activity. Because of this the Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group have postponed the annual White Elephant Sale until a date sometime towards the middle of the year. Contact Gavin VK3GH on 5968 8482 or Steve VK3TSR on 0418 103 487 to amend your booking if you can't wait or your contact details have changed. Please note, Do not send any more booking forms without first phoning. E-Mail: For those making inquiries. The fire came within 19 meters of the club rooms, several amateurs have lost house and radio equipment, several others have lost outbuildings or equipment. The clubs mobile communications trailer has been burnt out and is a total loss along with it's equipment. Several amateurs properties are still under threat. 2m Repeater, IRLP, and packet BBS, all still operational Status of Amateurs in the Area is available via the clubs website. The site was not provided so just Google Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group Email all status updates to The situation changes by the minute and the website will updated to reflect the as information it comes to hand . WIA PRESIDENT The tragedy of the bushfires that erupted in Victoria 3 weeks ago has been chronicled in the VK1WIA broadcasts. In particular, our thanks to Jim Linton, Robert Broomhead and Mark Dodds and the others who have shared their stories with us. May I, today, for myself and for all the directors of the WIA record our sympathy for those who have suffered grievously as a result of the fires. We know of a number of amateurs who have lost much and they are particularly in our thoughts. But may I also record our pride and our gratitude to those many amateurs who have contributed to the community response to this disaster. Our interest is communications, and many have been able to apply that interest for the benefit of our community. The many have been involved in WICEN and the Red Cross Recom and in other voluntary organisations have worked long hours in difficult conditions. To all of those people, using their special skills to be a vital part of the community's response to this tragedy, we say simply thank you. FINAL FRONTIER Last week we told you of the ARISS contact arranged by VK4SSB and broadcast on the "super network". The radio link between the ISS and Earth for this was handled by the Amateur Radio telebridge station K6DUE at the Goddard Space Flight Centre in Maryland, USA ARISS will be linking up two other Australian schools in weeks to come as well, they are Padthaway Primary School in the SE of South Australia and the Kalori Catholic School in Wallaroo also in Sth Australia. Dates for these have not been scheduled yet but it's expected to be mid March. Several members of the ISS crew have been having a competition to see who can speak to the greatest number of schools during their mission. It looks like Mike Fincke may come out on top when he returns to Earth in April. He has been averaging around 3 schools per week on this mission; as well as setting the SSTV up at times, along with activating the ISS cross band repeater on many occasions. The repeater has had a lot of Australian traffic on it over the last week but you must use doppler correction on the 70cm uplink to be successful. WIA emails and Internet Spam Each week we all receive spam mail from unwanted sources, Spam can often have a fake email address for the sender or the sending address may be obscured, this in order that the email looks genuine and that people will believe it has originated from a legitimate source. Be particularly aware or emails you may receive where the sender is asking for you to confirm personal details such as your name, address or date of birth. This types of spam is call phising (pronounced fishing), and what they collect is often used in conjunction with fraudulent credit card activity. Of course, if we here at the WIA, ever needed to confirm personal details of members we would do that through the usual channels, using our staff at National office and not via email.. Keeping a watch the 40-metre band With four weeks to go before broadcast stations are due to have migrated from the band 7100-7200kHz as that band is restored to the Amateur Service, a scan watch has begun to identify stations still currently using that segment. IARU Region 3 Monitoring Systems Coordinator, B.L. (Arasu) Manohar VU2UR has been scanning the segment. He did this for four days recently to identify 58 broadcast transmissions, their frequencies, times and signal strengths. The broadcasters use 5kHz channel spacing. The worthwhile yet painstaking task also notes the languages of the transmissions including Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, English, French, German, Indian, Japanese, Russian and Turkish. Adding to the complexity of the task are jamming stations, heterodynes, low powered regional or domestic stations and many powerful broadcasters using relays to cover their audience target area. Arasu VU2UR says similar scanning and monitoring work may be necessary in other parts of the world to get a fuller picture of broadcast activity and he's prepared to share the spreadsheet result of his work. Mapping of broadcasters on the 40-metre band will be important should the IARU need to mount a case to fight any continued occupancy of the 7100-7200kHz after 29 March. That is the departure date set by the World Radio Conference 2003 and coincides with the new broadcasting schedule for 2009. (Jim Linton VK3PC) WIA PRESIDENT VK3KI First of all, congratulations to Amateur Radio Editor Peter Freeman and his team on the Publications Committee, as my March issue arrived on 25 February. In this issue you will see that I have written a "Comment" about the callsign management role of the WIA and there is also a page with some details about obtaining a WIA Callsign Recommendation, now necessary before ACMA will issue a licence or vary a licence. Yes, now you will need a WIA Callsign Recommendation. We will have on the WIA website a Public List of Available Callsigns, which will be updated daily. There you can search by licence class and by state. It will show all available callsigns. While all the details are on the WIA website, under the tab "Become a Radio Amateur", then callsigns and certificates, there is one detail I would mention in this broadcast. We have recognised that something can go wrong with callsigns, and the embargo on two letter callsigns and the concern that caused so many people, has led us to a safety net for everyone. We will not issue a callsign recommendation for any callsign until seven Working Days have elapsed from when it was first put on the Public list. During that time, if something has gone wrong, it can be returned to its rightful owner. But someone must let the WIA office know there is a problem during those seven working days. So, if you see a callsign that you don't think should be there, let the person who should be concerned know and get him or her to contact us immediately, if there is a problem. Oh, and by the way, I got it wrong in AR. There I referred to 5 days; it really is 7 working days - that is 7 days not including weekends or public holidays. And, as is explained in the latest Assessment Instructions, there is a special form that can be used in association with an assessment, so that all the personal information on the Assessment Sheet may be also used for a callsign recommendation. We have made special arrangements for two letter callsigns in New South Wales Victoria and Queensland, where the supply is likely to exceed the demand. To give everybody an equal chance, we will only accept applications by mail. There is no point in sleeping outside the door, as was suggested the other day. I have little doubt we will find the odd problem or two! Dianne and Margaret are working very hard. In a very short space of time we have done our best to set up all the procedures to issue certificates of proficiency and now manage callsigns. I promise you were are doing our best, but just occasionally, a little patience may be required. So, please go to http://www.wia.org.au and see it all explained. Thank you HAMS ACROSS AUSTRALIA. VK1 vk1 local news email and ask for subscription. Some March events to take a note of. Saturday 7th WICEN - Rally of Canberra (Day 1) Sunday 8th WICEN - Rally of Canberra (Day 2) Monday 9th CANBERRA DAY and that evening the CRARC Committee Meeting Tuesday 10th Shack Open Night Saturday 14th Foundation Licence Course Sunday 15th Foundation Licence Course / Examinations Monday 23rd General Meeting, Rod VK1ACE - Home Brewing radio equipment. Tuesday 24th Shack Open Night VK2 web service:- http://www.arnsw.org.au/html/news_vk2wi.htm VKG Roundup http://www.police.nsw.gov.au/news 70cm REPEATER AT PARROTS NEST A new repeater has been installed at Parrots Nest Northern VK2 for testing on 70cm 439.950Mhz WITH THE vk STANDARD 123hz tone access. This rpt has NO tail so you need to call if you want a response as (BUTTON PUSHING) achieves no result!. At present is has no ident, timeout is standard and it maybe linked to Nardi UHF rpt if needed. VK4 web service local news:- www.wiaq.com/qnews/upload/qnewsbcast.htm local news email VKR Roundup http://www.police.qld.gov.au/News+an...edia+Releases/ Invitation to a Technical Seminar The IEEE Northern Australia Section and the James Cook University Power Engineering Group invite you to a technical seminar about Power Quality - How it affects your equipment, this to be delivered by by Vic Gosbell, Honorary Professorial Fellow, University of Wollongong. Tuesday 10th March from 12-30pm to 2pm in Room DD014-001, Ground Floor of the Electrical Engineering Building, James Cook University Douglas North Queensland Campus. For further information please contact A/Prof C J Kikkert, Chairman IEEE NQ Section on 07-47814219 VK6 The Hills Amateur Radio Group or HARG is having a Car Boot Sale.... All Radio Hams, Short Wave Listeners & Radio Hobbyists are most welcome. When: Saturday, 14th March 2009 Whe Paxhill Girl Guide Hall, on the corner of Sanderson & Brady Streets Lesmurdie WA. Sellers admitted from 1pm at $5 per table/boot to book a table contact Mick VK6YXL on email address: Visitors from 2pm should bring a $2 entry fee. Don't miss a great afternoon VK7 local area news :- http://reast.asn.au/news.php vk7 local news, email Bargain Boot Bonanza On March 22nd at the Meet the Voice/Sewing Circle BBQ there will be a bargain boot bonanza. This is a great opportunity for you to sell your pre-loved amateur radio related equipment that is surplus to requirements. Ray VK7VKV is the coordinator and if you are interested in going along to the BBQ and selling your pre-loved gear then get in touch with Ray via the Sewing Circle net on the weekend at 5pm on 3.59MHz. Participation is covered in your registration fee, the only condition is that you provide your own car boot or table on which to display the treasures, and that you don't begin offering the bargains for sale until 12.00 midday so as not to detract from the other organised events on the day. Hams are always looking for a bargain so this is a great opportunity to do a deal. ( http://reast.asn.au/events.php#meetthevoice Ray VK7VKV) EDUCATION YOUTH AND ADVANCEMENT OF AMATEUR RADIO www.hamcollege.com.au If you have an interest in any aspect of Amateur Radio communications or would like to get a licence in the Gold Coast region of VK4 the club has a clubroom phone, 5564 9028 or send an email to:- The Society runs classes to prepare would-be amateurs and also holds examinations conducted under the auspices of the Wireless Institute of Australia and they proudly boast on their home splash page that the Society has been responsible in recent years for inducting more people into the hobby than any other organisation in Australia. Again the clubroom phone number is: 5564 9028 Want to learn Morse Code or wish to hone your already acquired skill. If enough interest is shown in becoming proficient in this means of communication Westlake's ARC are proposing to start tutoring classes. Leave your name with a committee member or leave a message on the 24 hour voice mail box on 02 4958 1588. HAM COLLEGE Foundation Course If you want to attend the next Ham College Foundation course scheduled for the 21st & 22nd of March or you want to attend the next open exam day scheduled for Saturday the 28th of March please contact Ham College by selecting the "contact Ham College" menu button from the Ham college website which is www.hamcollege.com.au or you can ring me (Kylea) on 0412 704 226. INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL, Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA. IARU REGION 1 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING The Executive Committee of IARU Region 1 have been holding their first meeting this weekend until Monday 2 March at a hotel at Heathrow Airport in London. Apart from the various reports to be dealt with, the EC will look at a strategy plan for the Region for the next three years. Irish Lifetime Licences The necessary revisions to the Regulations to give effect to lifetime licences in EI have been completed and the target commencement date is 20 April next. Renewals after that date will be invoiced with lifetime licence fee and a lifetime licence will be issued. New applicants after that date, including those who have let their call signs lapse, will pay a SLIGHTLY higher fee. Consideration is being given to accepting renewal applications under the existing arrangements up to a date in the relatively near future. This would also allow those who have lost their original call signs a once off opportunity to apply for their re-instatement. The wireless room on board the Queen Mary Ocean Liner attraction in Long Beach California was recently renamed the Nate Brightman Radio Room, this in honour of Nate Brightman, K6OSC, who helped to make a radio station on board the retired luxury liner a reality many years ago. Mellish Reef DXpedition Operators George AA7JV and Tomi HA7RY will be active as VK9GMW in what they call 'another low-key, simple DXpedition', from Mellish Reef between March 22nd and April 6th. Please note that the dates are approximate and may change due to weather. The operation will have a strong low-band focus, although VK9WMW will operate on all HF bands. QSL will be via HA7RY, by the Bureau or LoTW or direct to: Tamas Pekarik, Alagi ut 15, H-2151 Fot, HUNGARY. After VK9GMW has gone QRT, they will launch an "Online QSL Request Service" (OQRS) on their Web site. If you want to receive your QSL via the Bureau, please use that form to request the card. They will check your QSOs against the log and send your card to you via the Bureau. This method will allow them faster processing, helps them protect the environment, and you will receive your VK9GMW card faster. For more information, please visit the VK9GMW Web page at: www.vk9gmw.com OPERATIONAL NEWS - SPECIAL EVENTS AND ON AIR CONTEST COLUMN - D A T E L I N E 2009 FEB 28 - Mar 1 JOCK WHITE MEMORIAL FIELD DAY MAR 7 - 8 ARRL Int DX PHONE CONTEST MAR 14 - 15 JOHN MOYLE FIELD DAY MAR 14 - 15 BERU MAR 28 - 29 WPX SSB (Worked All Prefixes) MAY 01 - 08 VK CQ REPEATER CONTEST (Westlakes Club) JUN 6 - 8 WORKED ALL VK SHIRES LONG WEEKEND CONTEST JUN 20 - 21 MUSEUMS WEEKEND PART a JUN 27 - 28 MUSEUMS WEEKEND PART b AUG 15 - 16 WIA Remembrance Day Contest Running till Dec 31 2009 is the 4th CQ DX Marathon JOHN MOYLE FIELD DAY A gentle reminder that the John Moyle Field Day is only 2 weekends away on the 14th - 15th March and this date is fast approaching. The time for planning where you are going to go to set up your field station is getting a lot shorter. Just to make it a little interesting, the range of weather extremes being experienced throughout Australia at the moment provide you with so many uncertainties as to what the weather is going to do. This makes another great variable in the planning process. Also with the fire damage so widespread in the southern states many of the great contest locations are no longer accessible, particularly as there is a slight risk of fire warning weather still possible even as late mid March. Perhaps the opportunity by Club Stations could set up in a local park, or some other contest less ideal location, but nonetheless public area so that the general public can see that there are people who can put a fully equipped station into operation anywhere? Just a thought, as isn't this what we have these contests for anyway? Rule changes. There are a few changes to the rules this year. You are well advised to consult the latest rules at www.wia.org.au/members/contests/johnmoyle/ Continuing with the review of the rule changes. Logging Mike Subocz VK3AVV has released a revised version of his popular contest logging program VKCL. This revision incorporates all of the scoring and rule changes as announced in AR for Jan/Feb 2009. It is strongly recommended that you down download the latest version 2.16 as it also incorporate a few nice refinements. The download can be found at the address http:\\web.aanet.com.au/mnds In addition there is a copy of a typical Excel file that can be used to convert a paper log into an electronic format. This can be downloaded from wia.org.au/members/contest/johnmoyle/ This file is only an example and can be freely downloaded and modified your own or your club's application. Submitting your Log Next there is the somewhat controversial topic of submitting your log. We would prefer that you submit your log electronically, though paper logs are fully acceptable, though not preferred as there is a lot of work involved in checking them, confirming their scoring, and then integrating them with other logs. Then there is the question of confirming that your log has actually been received. With snail mail there is no sensible way of sending a receipt. When I receive an e-mail with a log attached I send a receipt to the sender to notify that I have got their log. However, this relies on a manual process and is no guarantee that I have actually got the e-mail. In the past a number of logs have been lost, despite all of the systems and care taken. However, there is something you can do to assist. When you are sending the e-mail select from the options that you wish to receive a Read Receipt. This is a selection in your e-mail program and as soon as the e-mail is opened mye-mail program sends to you a receipt. This provides you with a receipt against the unlikely loss of your log at this end and proof of submission in good time. We strongly suggest that you make this choice when you send your log. Finally there is the change in the closing date for submission of your logs. In the past the closing date was at the end of April. However this does not leave enough time to review the logs, analyse them and prepare the results and report on the contest in time for publication in June AR. Hence the results were often published in July. This year the closing dates for logs will the 17th April. So don't get caught out on this one. Late submission of logs is not allowed. Do not forget that the written form of all of the rules are on the WIA website and there is also a downloadable written version also available on the WIA website. So keep on getting your efforts planned and ready for the big event. 2009 RSGB COMMONWEALTH CONTEST When:- 14 and 15 March 2009 Time:- 1000Z (14th) to 1000Z (15th) - All Bands - CW Only Considered to be one of the more gentlemanly contests that has been in existence since the mid-1930's. Apart from the individual performances there is a Team's event, based on individual nation's participation. Although we at the WIA have not been told of any VK activity planned, our friends across the 'ditch' have a team under the astute leadership of Frank Hunt, ZL2BR who won this event in 2007 and finished third last year. Frank is looking for ZL Team participants to make up the NZ Team. Interested -contact Frank by "snail mail" at:- 8 Manu Crescent, New Plymouth. 4310. Contests Rules and other operating information is, or will be available at:- www.vhfcc.org/hfcc/rules/2009/beru.shtml STILL On the contest front, this years westlakes CQ Repeater contest will be on for one week commencing midnight Friday 1st May 2009 and finishing at 12 midnight Friday 8th May. The aim of the contest is to encourage more activity on what are becoming little used VK repeaters. The frequencies will be 70cm, 2m, and 6m and mode is FM. All amateurs, members or not are invited to join in. The rules are simple. Make as many contacts as you can on the repeaters over the week commencing May One. However a station can only be logged as a contact once on any given day on any of the chosen repeaters. All your log needs to show is the date , repeater frequency, and station contacted. It's as simple as that. This is a fun contest so make the effort to take part. There will be certificates for the winning stations on each of the nominated bands. IRLP / EchoLink contact not valid. Logs to be in by Friday 29th May sent to W.A.R.C. Inc. PO Box 3001 Teralba NSW 2284 C/- Contest Manager Whatever repeater's VK's can access are eligible. BEACON DX AND NET ADVICE hf nets ON the net, www.timroberts-vk4yeh.id.au/ GB 40 WAB 40th anniversary of the WAB Till Dec 31 GB 50 BH (Death of Buddy Holly) Until March 3 HA 130 HALLO Hungary 130 yrs of Telephone Until March 31 International Museums Weekend(s) 20 and 21 plus 27 and June 28 LY 1000 ** Millennium of Lithuania, QRV til March 1 OZ 1658 ROS 350th anniversary of the Treaty of Roskilde Till Dec 31 VARIOUS SM STATIONS USING 1658 (Treaty of Roskilde) Till Dec 31 VP 9 400 /home call 400th Anniversary of Bermuda Till Dec 31 MEDIA WATCH http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/WorldRadio.html BBC's secret war with the pirates The UK newspaper The Telegraph reports on documents which apparently show the BBC launched a secret 'dirty tricks' campaign to have offshore radio stations shut down. The article says that previously unseen documents from the BBC archives disclose how the corporation was so alarmed at the rise of the stations that it launched a secret "dirty tricks" campaign to have them shut down. Read the full article at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/t...e-pirates.html Amateur Radio Magazine Previews March 2009 Amateur Radio, the March issue, hit the newsstands last week. All the details for the Annual General Meeting of the WIA are inside, so don't miss it. Nip down the street and get your copy now, before they are all gone. On the front cover you will see the handheld with the lot!! This compact digital radio for 2 metres and 70 centimetres, is from Icom. It does not include the kitchen sink, but it surely has everything else. Read the review by our Editor, Peter VK3KAI, on page 27. The WIA will hold its AGM this year at the Monash University campus at Churchill, in Gippsland, Victoria. It will run over the weekend 1st to 3rd of May, with all the usual mix of social activities and business, both formal and informal. Plus, a special edition of the well-respected GippsTech conference will be running at the same venue. A real smorgasbord of amateur radio - like Amateur Radio magazine: something for everyone! For details, see page 53 and the lift-outs included in this issue. Amateur radio operators have always lent a hand (or two) when emergencies arise. Disasters don't come much worse than the February bush fires in Victoria. Many amateurs were out there providing emergency communications through WICEN and the Red Cross RECOM. A few amateurs suffered losses - houses, shacks, equipment. Peter VK3KAI was keeping in touch with events and people during the height of this catastrophe and you can read his first-hand reports in the Editorial, on pages 2 & 5. There was a time when amateurs often built their own transmitter and/or receiver. Today, with digital signal processing and surface mount components, etc., that is rare. But one way is to buy and assemble a kit radio, and one or two kits are now available. Chris Meagher VK2LCD has done it, and he provides a detailed report on page 6 of how it all went. All amateur examinations, the issue of certificates of proficiency and callsign recommendations will be managed by the WIA from 2 March. These responsibilities have been delegated by ACMA under a formal Deed signed on 28 January. In preparation for the handover, WIA has carried out a thorough review of the Assessment Instructions under which applicants for an amateur licence are examined. President Michael Owen VK3KI explains the background and the outcomes of these new arrangements on pages 3 and 19. This is important stuff and explains how the WIA will bring a new fairness and transparency to the vexed issue of callsigns. As always, the regular columns in Amateur Radio will keep you up to date, whatever your special interest. Read about the VHF/UHF scene on page 49 (thanks to David Smith VK3HZ) and the latest news on satellite communications in the AMSAT column on page 45 (written by Peter Paradigm VK2TXT). There are also columns for the ALARA members (page 39) for those interested in short-wave listening (page 44) and contests (page 40). Copies of the 2009 Callbook are still available. Order your copy from the WIA Bookshop, on-line or by phone - see details on page 11. (Tom Potter VK3UBS) News in VK6 - Support Recognized We in VK6 are indebted to the Scout Association of Australia, Western Australian Branch for the free use of The Peter Hughes Scout Communications Centre in order to get the WIA National news and the VK6 local news to air. Without this valuable support the WIA national News and the VK6 Local news would most likely not be broadcast, we the Amateurs of VK6 would like to give a huge thanks to the Scout Association and Bob Bristow (VK6POP) for their support. There are may be many more that help get the WIA national news to air, we would like to hear about these. Eddie vk6zse WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RADIO AMATEUR OLD-TIMERS http://www.raotc.org.au OLD TIMERS Members and friends of the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club Australia are reminded that the next news and information broadcast will take place on the 2nd of March, Monday using the RAOTC callsign of VK3OTN. 10.00 am Victorian time on 7.060 and 3.650 MHz plus 1.843 MHz AM, and 145.700. On 14.150 MHz at 01.00 UTC beaming north and 02:00 UTC west from Melbourne For those not yet retired, 8.30 PM Victorian time tune 80 mtrs 3.650 MHz WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RESCUE RADIO EMERGENCY FREQUENCIES ALL REGIONS 21.360 - 18.160 - 14.300 - 7.060 - 3.760 MHz. REGION 2 TRY ALSO 3.985 - 7.240 - 7.290 This Sunday, 1 March, the popular SARL Hamnet 40 metre Simulated Emergency is taking place, 14:00 to 16:00 CAT. South African Hams have been asked to set up field stations or go mobile and take part in the contest. A good test of their emergency readiness. SOCIAL SCENE 2009 International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009. March 14 vk6 Hills Amateur Radio group swap meet Lesmurdie, 2pm for buyers. March 22 vk3 EMDRC Annual White Elephant Sale, 10am-4pm.Great Ryrie School, Heathmont. March 22 vk7 MEET THE VOICE SEWING CIRCLE BBQ Held at Ross in Tasmania April 4-5 vk4 Bunya Mts & District Amcom weekend get together at Somerset Dam Details Contact Neil VK4NF 07 4662 4950 Email April 11-12 vk2 Urunga Radio Convention held at the Senior Citizens hall Bowra street Urunga. April 18 WW World Amateur Radio Day April 19 vk2 Westlake clubs Mini Field Day. June 5 - 8 VK4 FNNQARG at Cardwell Village Beachcomber Resort book on 1800 005633 Contact FNNQARG co-ordinator Gavin VK4ZZ for site booking guidance. June 6-7 South East Radio Group Convention Margret Street Scout Hall in Mount Gambier behind the Police Station. July 11 - 12 VK3 GippsTech 2009, the technical conference with a VHF, UHF & microwave focus. August 2 vk6 Northern Corridor Radio Group's WA Hamfest. Cyril Jackson Rec Centre Fisher st Ashfield, WA email SEP 13 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest 9:30am. Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood. OCT 12 - 16 ZL 14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 ? 16 October 2009. Details at www.christchurch.org.nz/ The Region 3 Web Site: www.jarl.or.jp/iaru-r3/ Please think of the environment before printing this email ================================================== =======================WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were submitted. Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray... Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA. ************************************************** *************************** - NEWS POSTING TO PACKET - Courtesy Tony VK7AX VK7AX(AT)VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC ************************************************** *************************** /ex SB QNEWS @ WW $QNEWS090301 QNEWS - MAR 01 - VK4 ON AIR -------------------------------------------------- DID YOU TELL ANYONE ABOUT AMATEUR RADIO THIS WEEK? -------------------------------------------------- THE FOLLOWING NEWS CAN BE HEARD IN QNEWS.MP3 FROM OUR AUDIO SERVICES QNEWS -- ALL OF THE NEWS ALL OF THE TIME at www.wia.org.au/vk4 QNEWS available in Audio after 0001Hrs UTC Saturday. A blank email with word unsubscribe in subject field Send as MUST BE SENT FROM SAME ADDRESS AS U WISH TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM A blank email with word subscribe in subject field Send as MUST BE SENT FROM SAME ADDRESS AS U WISH TO SUBSCRIBE TO ---------------------------------------------------------------- Contact QAC by HF Radio 3.605 Mondays 7:30pm after QNEWS QAC OVERSEES HAM RADIO MATTERS IN VK4 QNEWS newsroom USE TO SEND US YOUR NEWS STORIES!! QTAC HANDLES TECHNICAL QUERIES QTC AR MAGAZINE COLUMN QAC office officers :- VK4AHW Harvey Wickes VK4AQ Ross Anderson VK4BY Don Wilschefski VK4UH Kevin Johnstone ==================== The wia office address is: The Wireless Institute of Australia P.O. Box 2042 BAYSWATER VIC 3153 Telephone: 03 9729 0400 Fax: 03 9729 7325 AR MAGAZINE-VK4 QTC COLUMN Written by Chris Comollattie VK4VKR news for ar magazine to QNEWS BROADCAST MARCH 01 2009 Alex VK4TE wrote us this week with a request, " Graham, If you are ever looking for extra topics for the WIA Sunday newsbroadcast, I am sure a monthly or weekly segment about the current sunspot position would be most welcome. I know nothing about sunspots myself but I sometimes hear an amateur give a quick resume on the subject to the others in his group. Possibly a request for an amateur to provide the relevant information during a broadcast may produce a correspondent. For what the idea is worth. 73 VK4TE" BARC http://www.qsl.net/vk4ba or, by E-mail to Brisbane Amateur Radio Club Meet 2nd Saturday of each month from 2:00pm and 4th Friday of each month from 7.00pm at the Maritime Museum Southbank. The entry is via the rear gate to museum without the normal admission fee, parking available on site and within easy walking distance from River Plaza City Ferry stop and Southbank City Cat stop. For entry after 7:30 pm on evening club nights, when Museum is closed to the public, call VK4BA on 146.550 MHz FM simplex for access. Club Activities & Events usually involve the BarcFest Convention which last year according to the web was Saturday May 10th but no details of a fest is yet available for 09. (sourced to club page at wia.org.au) BAYSIDE B.D.A.R.S. Monthly Meetings start at 7:30 PM at the Alexander Hills High School in Windermere Road 7.30pm. First Monday of each month. (sourced to club page at wia.org.au) BUNDABERG This club has a strong membership fostering Foundation Licence training and regularly scheduled practical workshops to share information and improve the skills of members. Repeaters VK4RBU 146.800 MHz & 438.775 MHz on Mt. Goonanaman with a footprint Gympie to Miriam Vale. VK4RBG 147.800 MHz Bundaberg city. Management Committee meeting are 3rd Thursday each month and Quarterly club meetings followed by 'show and tell' or some other item of interest are the last Saturday of February, May, August, November, at club rooms, SES H.Q. Kendalls Road, Bundaberg, commencing at 1400 hrs. (sourced to club page at wia.org.au) GYMPIE Geoff Emery vk4zpp MARCH 1 NEWS CONTINUES This coming Thursday is the regular monthly meeting of the Gympie Electronics and Communications Group. The topic that is exercising the minds of the group and will be finalised are the arrangements for the John Moyle Field Day. As mentioned previously on QNews, members have been engaged in forward planning this event and it marks a minor mile stone in the club's history. This is the first amateur radio field event or contest that GCEG will be entering since it's formation about 9 months ago. As the ranks of new amateurs continue to grow around the Gympie Region, this will be the chance for new operators to get the feel of contesting as a club event and take part in the joys of field operation. For those of us that have been in the hobby longer, it is the time to share our experience and participate with other members in the self learning that is the hallmark or our hobby. So for all the John Moyle contesters, we hope the batteries stay charged, the generators don't stall and the weather stays kind to us and maybe, just maybe, the sunspot cycle may assist those on HF and the multipliers come rolling in on CW and the higher bands. Gympie group will be looking for your contact in the John Moyle. Remember, GCEG meets in the basement rooms of Leading Edge Electronics, Reef Street, Gympie at 7.30p.m. next Thursday 5th March. REDCLIFFE www.redclifferadioclub.org.au/ Hello I'm Ray VK4CF with news from Redcliffe Radio Club. Remember some months ago, you were told about the local residents who phoned the police about club members when on a fox hunt, were bashing up koalas. Well last Monday night it happened again. This time a local resident observed several club members running around the streets of Redcliffe with, wait for it, crossbows! Yes our activities can be misconstrued by others outside our hobby. At least the club is good friends of the local constabulary and all had a good laugh with the situation. While the fox hunters were busy, members back at the club house were busy comparing tuners and discovering that there were some quality control problems with many of the tuners. Some leads were not soldered, diodes missing or incorrect components fitted. With soldering irons at the ready, repairs were carried out and all tuners are now working as they should. Last weekend, Peter VK4EA, Andy VK4KY, Glen VK4FZ and Charlie VK4YZ were busy making the new broad band dipoles for John Moyle field day. Despite the humidity and aided with several soft drinks, dipoles for 160, 80, 40, 20 and 15 metres were made. Andy has been testing the dipoles on 160 and 80 metres over the last few weeks with outstanding signal reports. Do you want to see how the Redcliffe club set up for John Moyle or if any amateur in the Brisbane area is interested in assisting even if it is only for a half an hour, could you please contact either the club secretary, Peter, VK4TAA or Contest Manager, Andy (VK4KY). Charlie VK4YZ is the coordinator for the Saturday night camp roast so if you are attending, let him know. It's a great night of fellowship for the small cost of only $10 per person. Doug VK4MCD heard an AM signal on the lower end of the 2 metre band last Monday afternoon. The voice was in a strange accent but quite readable and definitely not an amateur. Please let the ACMA know if you hear those who are not permitted to use our bands. This is Ray VK4CF. TOWNSVILLE contacting theTARCinc email address phone contact 07-47731196 or 0408 001142 snailmail po box 333 Garbutt East, QLD 4814 homepage http://www.tarc.org.au MARCH 1 NEWS CONTINUES TARC Management Meeting this Tuesday The Management Meeting of the Townsville Amateur Radio Club Inc happens this Tuesday 3rd of March from 7-30pm at the Club Rooms perched atop the SES HQ Green Street West End. Make sure you bring along an item for Show and Tell. All welcome. More March Meets. TARC Project Night - Tue 10th Mar from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End TARC does John Moyle Field Day March 13 14 15 - Bluewater Guides Camp TARC Social Evening - Tue 17th Mar from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net Tue 24th Mar from 7-30pm on Tsvl VHF Repeater T.S.A.S.C. King of the Hill Hill climb Sun 29 March Heat One Comms Support Mt Stuart ************************************************** A blank email with word unsubscribe in subject field Send as MUST BE SENT FROM SAME ADDRESS AS U WISH TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM A blank email with word subscribe in subject field Send as MUST BE SENT FROM SAME ADDRESS AS U WISH TO SUBSCRIBE TO ************************************************** - NEWS POSTING TO PACKET - Courtesy Tony VK7AX VK7AX(AT)VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC ************************************************** PAGE_END /EX |
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