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![]() attached SB QNEWS @ WW $QNEWS090315 QNEWS - MAR 15 - VK4 ON AIR -------------------------------------------------- DID YOU TELL ANYONE ABOUT AMATEUR RADIO THIS WEEK? -------------------------------------------------- THE FOLLOWING NEWS CAN BE HEARD IN QNEWS.MP3 FROM OUR AUDIO SERVICES QNEWS -- ALL OF THE NEWS ALL OF THE TIME at www.wia.org.au/vk4 QNEWS available in Audio after 0001Hrs UTC Saturday. A blank email with word unsubscribe in subject field Send as MUST BE SENT FROM SAME ADDRESS AS U WISH TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM A blank email with word subscribe in subject field Send as MUST BE SENT FROM SAME ADDRESS AS U WISH TO SUBSCRIBE TO ---------------------------------------------------------------- Contact QAC by HF Radio 3.605 Mondays 7:30pm after QNEWS QAC OVERSEES HAM RADIO MATTERS IN VK4 QNEWS newsroom USE TO SEND US YOUR NEWS STORIES!! QTAC HANDLES TECHNICAL QUERIES QTC AR MAGAZINE COLUMN QAC office officers :- VK4AHW Harvey Wickes VK4AQ Ross Anderson VK4BY Don Wilschefski VK4UH Kevin Johnstone ==================== The wia office address is: The Wireless Institute of Australia P.O. Box 2042 BAYSWATER VIC 3153 Telephone: 03 9729 0400 Fax: 03 9729 7325 AR MAGAZINE—VK4 QTC COLUMN Written by Chris Comollattie VK4VKR news for ar magazine to VK4 SILENT KEYS @ 2008 - 2009 QAC YEAR VK4HEL Stan Stan Sonter November 10 (advised by vk2va via summerland) VK4NKA John Bourke November 19 (advised by vk4kd) VK4FFJS John VK4FFJS February (advised by vk4aoe) VK4DIC Dick Ettinger March 5 (advised by vk4bgt) Silent Key Richard (Dick) Ettinger vk4dic It is with regret that I advise that Dick Ettinger vk4dic became "silent key" on 5th March 2009. Dick was a long time member of the Brisbane North Radio Club, and was appreciated for his good humour and dedication as Treasurer of the Club. Dick was an American soldier from 1947 to 1968 and served with distinction in Korea. He was awarded two Purple Hearts and a Silver Star for gallantry in action. After leaving the U.S.Army, Dick settled in Brisbane with his wife Shirley and son Robert. Dick really enjoyed his hobby of Amateur Radio, making numerous contacts in Australia and all over the World. He particularly liked chatting with his many friends in the U.S.A. He will be sadly missed on the airwaves. (Paul vk4bgt) QNEWS BROADCAST MARCH 15 2009 CABOOLTURE CLUB The club shares approximately 5ha with the Caboolture Scouts on Department of Natural Resources land and is housed in a WWII military building, the club is active in providing communications for the Caboolture Scouts during JOTA and for various other community and sporting events like the Northern Districts Sporting Car Club Rally at Yarraman each year. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm at the Caboolture Scouts Grounds, 169 Smiths Road and is open every Saturday from 10am. Give them a call (club call) VK4QD on repeater 146.625mHz for directions. The Caboolture Radio Club hosts two on air nets: Monday evenings at 7:45pm on repeater VK4RCC 146.625mHz ( Echolink/IRLP node 314599/ 6898 ) and: Friday evenings at 7:30 on 3.610 MHz. (sourced to club page at wia.org.au) COBRS The Club meets at Mt. Gravatt TAFE every second Tuesday of the Month on the ground floor Block B at 7.00 pm. Their room is at the rear of the building ,just walk straight to to rear and there they are. Next Months Meeting is their AGM and fees will be collected ($20.00/yr) Club repeaters 3, ARE ON 70cm 438.275 echo link node 284341 2M 147.950 6m 53.975 City of Brisbane conducts assessments, ring secretary Ron for info on 3390 7762 and they do have an upcoming course and assessment on April 12 at 8:30, a foundation assessment (sourced to club page at wia.org.au) GOLD COAST AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY http://www.goldcoastamateurradio.com IRLP Node 6702 Regular club meetings and social functions are held at the club rooms at 85 Harper Street Nerang, this is just off the Nerang-Southport Road which is an East West arterial easily accessible from the M1 Motorway in the West or east from Southport on the Gold Coast. If you have an interest in any aspect of Amateur Radio communications or would like to know more about their Society please send an email to:- The Society welcomes new members, whether already certificated Radio Amateurs, or those wishing to get into the hobby. The Society runs classes to prepare would-be amateurs and also holds examinations conducted under the auspices of the Wireless Institute of Australia and they proudly boast on their home splash page that the Society has been responsible in recent years for inducting more people into the hobby than any other organisation in Australia. The Clubrooms phone number is: 07 5564 9028 (sourced to club page at wia.org.au) GYMPIE Geoff Emery vk4zpp MARCH 15 NEWS CONTINUES Well the packeteers around Gympie are on the move again. After trialing "old fashioned" level 2 packet and getting a digipeater trial running, they have now turned their attention to the APRS system to take advantage of Bob Bruniga's level 3 enhancements. Planning is underway to trial the digi on APRS via the Queensland network. Expect to see more radio traffic from what has been a null in the network from the Sunshine Coast through to the Bundaberg area. This weekend has been the John Moyle Field Day contest and people have had the need to look in their junk boxes again. Why junk box? Well there was a time when people basically built their amateur station from what they could sort of "beg, borrow or steal" and electronics components were in short supply and very costly, by today's standards. Young amateurs were known to borrow a couple of valves from the family's receiver to put a transmitter on air after broadcasting had closed down for the day. Breadboards were a kitchen utensil which could be cheaply bought and permitted mounting valve bases and other components on an insulated base. So there was a time when a lash-up was literally made on a breadboard. Anyway, scrapped electronic items and bits of wire and insulators and all sundry of potential useful were kept in "the junk box". Today with the cost of radios being comparatively cheap, it is more likely that the amateur will have a collection of spare antenna fittings, coax cables, tools and the like which can go in the family car to provide the necessary bits so Joe Ham can enjoy his holidays and operate away from the home QTH. Whether it is your contest kit, your travel kit or your spare parts box, just think that you are continuing a long tradition of keeping a junk box as part of the mystique of amateur radio. And just for another snippet of history, the telegrapher's shorthand predates the radio by some decades and from that source it's 73 from GCEG. TOWNSVILLE contacting theTARCinc email address phone contact 07-47731196 or 0408 001142 snailmail po box 333 Garbutt East, QLD 4814 homepage http://www.tarc.org.au MARCH 15 NEWS CONTINUES Communications Support Events in the Townsville Region Co-ordinator Eric "Blue" Collins VK4FBLU 47754184 Sun 29 March - TSASC King of the Hill Hillclimb Heat One - Mt Stuart Sat 4 Sun 5 April - TERAHA Endurance Ride 80/40/20/5km - Bluewater Region Sun 17 May - TSASC King of the Hill Hillclimb Heat Two - Mt Stuart More March Meets. AS WE SPEAK! TARC IS PLAYING John Moyle Field Day March 13 14 15 - Bluewater Guides Camp TARC Social Evening - Tue 17th Mar from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street West End Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net Tue 24th Mar from 7-30pm on Tsvl VHF Repeater T.S.A.S.C. King of the Hill Hillclimb Sun 29 March Heat One Comms Support Mt Stuart MATERIAL FROM NATIONAL NEWS PERTINENT TO VK4 QUEENSLAND VK4 web service local news:- www.wiaq.com/qnews/upload/qnewsbcast.htm local news email VKR Roundup http://www.police.qld.gov.au/News+an...edia+Releases/ In QNEWS, GraHam VK4BB even though on holidays is still reading for VK4, has been reading some of the "secret societies" the clubs he rarely if ever hears from, well one who has now updated details on the local Hamfest is barc will run on May 9, BARCFEST (the Brisbane HamFest) 9:30am at the Mt Gravatt Showground. Yes Brisbane Amateur Radio Club will be holding its annual BARCFEST on May 9 at Mt Gravatt show grounds Logan Rd, starting time has been changed and doors will now open at 9.30am Get along and pick up a bargain or 2 and meet up with some old mates. Refreshments will be available at the venue. Further information and forms for booking tables at www.qsl.net/vk4ba (Les VK4SO barcfest co ordinator) VK4 NET ADVICE The Henry Fullford and Tom Debel memorial net. Our Thursday night net on 3588 KHz has been running for about 5 years. It started as a Tableland Radio and Electronics Club project and the name, Henry Fullford Memorial net was adopted. VK4TL has been net controller except when away on holiday. The name was later changed to include Tom Debel. The net is open to all comers from far and wide. A strict procedure is adopted where everyone takes their turn from the list compiled at the call in. All get two turns. All matter of topic is discussed and surprising knowledge comes forward from the least expected sources. We encourage new Queensland shires to come aboard so that netees can bag their contact. Foundation hams have an important place in the net. Getting coverage from Weipa VK4GUS new call, Julaaten Brendon VK4FBJK new call and David VK4NDX new call Townsville is important as we try to be forward looking. Look for VK4WAT/P at 7:30pm on 3588Khz on Thursday nights. This has been the Henry Fullford and Tom Debel Memorial net VK4WAT with John VK4TL THE QNEWS WORK BENCH - the nuts and volts report - (Measure twice - Cut once!) Redcliffe Club's Roger, VK4ZLQ, provided an informed technical talk about his recent experiences with a lightning strike at his QTH. Roger said that after his research, the average lightning bolt travels about 1.5 km, with a wave front between 10 - 30 MHz, and with each lightning bolt between 40,000 to 120,000 amps. With a good earth at of about 0.5 ohms, and say 100,000 amps, the voltage potential at the lightning site is about 10 million volts. With this large voltage the skin effect now applies and Roger said that at 10 MHz, the skin effect is about 21 micrometres deep or equivalent to a copper tube 21 micrometre thick with a diameter of 3.5 km! Roger's advice to all is simple, unplug all equipment from mains power and power supplies, disconnect patch leads and earth the antenna to an outside earth and if all else fails, hope that it hits somewhere else! (voiced by Ray vk4cf from redcliffe club) Worldwide Special Interest Group News WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) The VK4RMG Ocean View ATV repeater antennas have been moved ! Viewers are reporting a 6dB (4 times) received signal increase in the Brisbane area so even if you have never seen a signal on 444.25 MHz, please have a look now. The local 2m liaison frequency is 145.700 MHz simplex. And what about HD TV? tune in next week right here for an update! Details can be found at http://qdg.sorbs.net/seqatv.htm (Alan VK4YAR) SOCIAL SCENE 2009 April 4-5 vk4 Bunya Mts & District Amcom weekend get together at Somerset Dam Details Contact Neil VK4NF 07 4662 4950 Email May 9 VK4 BARCFEST (the Brisbane HamFest) 9:30am Mt Gravatt Showground. June 5 - 8 VK4 FNNQARG at Cardwell Village Beachcomber Resort book on 1800 005633 Contact FNNQARG co-ordinator Gavin VK4ZZ for site booking guidance. ************************************************** A blank email with word unsubscribe in subject field Send as MUST BE SENT FROM SAME ADDRESS AS U WISH TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM A blank email with word subscribe in subject field Send as MUST BE SENT FROM SAME ADDRESS AS U WISH TO SUBSCRIBE TO ************************************************** - NEWS POSTING TO PACKET - Courtesy Tony VK7AX VK7AX(AT)VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC ************************************************** PAGE_END /EX SB NEWS @ WW $VK1WIA090315 WIANEWS - Mar 15 - VK NATIONAL NEWS This is WIANEWS for week commencing March 15 2009 The WIA HD FEATURE CHANNEL this week has an interview with the "Late Great Jim Smith VK9NS". TITLED RECALLING JIM B. SMITH, VK9NS it is by Son Bruce Smith, G3HSR. From the "Documentary Archive Radio Communication" Web, it is an interview by Wolf, OE1WHC, with Bruce Smith, G3HSR, recalling his father's life and was recorded March 5th, 2009: http://www.wiaq.com/ftp/skey_vk9ns_feb2009.mp3 WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2009 Amateur Radio: Your Resource in Disaster and Emergency Communication Each year on 18 April, radio amateurs celebrate World Amateur Radio Day. On that day in 1925 the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) was founded. In 2009, the theme of the event is Amateur Radio: Your Resource in Disaster and Emergency Communication. It is not by coincidence that last year's meeting of the IARU Administrative Council chose this subject at this time. While the Amateur Radio Service has traditionally made its contributions to emergency and disaster response ever since its very beginnings almost 100 years ago, this role has gained a lot of importance just in the recent past. It has done so mainly for two reasons: * The number and dimension of natural as well as man-made disasters is unfortunately on the increase, and * The modern communication technologies are increasingly complex, infrastructure-dependent and therefore also increasingly vulnerable. The Amateur Radio Services puts two equally valuable assets at its disposal for emergency and disaster prevention, preparedness and response: * A large number of very flexible and mostly infrastructure-independent, local, national, regional and global networks, and * A large number of skilled operators, who know how to communicate with often very limited means and to establish communications even under the most difficult circumstances. The tools at their disposal range from the most robust means such as battery-operated stations operating in Morse code to links through amateur radio satellites and interconnectivity with the Internet, in voice, text, image and data modes. They range from local VHF networks of fixed, mobile and portable stations to short-wave networks that span the globe. All these networks are operated on a daily basis by men and women who are thoroughly familiar with their technology and their intricacies. Telecommunications have become a commodity that society takes for granted, and the sudden loss of that service is often felt in a similar way to the loss of shelter, food and medical support. When disasters occur in regions that do not have good coverage by public networks, or when existing communications infrastructures have just been disrupted or destroyed by such events, the Amateur Radio Service comes to the rescue. Amateur Radio operators provide communications for the rescuers and relief workers and their organizations and they help to provide communications for those affected by a disaster. In fact, contributions to emergency and disaster relief are a major argument for the preservation and the extension of the privileges the Amateur Radio Service enjoys in international and national regulations. This is one of the reasons why more and more Amateur Radio operators, through their clubs and their national societies, prepare very seriously for their role in emergencies. However, their skills can be put to use only if they are known by other first responders. Effective response to emergencies can only occur with the work of volunteers in all the various fields; from search and rescue to medical assistance and those who can provide food and shelter. Communication skills are a new, but equally vital commodity. Activities on the occasion of World Amateur Radio Day 2009 can be a great opportunity to spread the word about what the "hams" are doing. (sourced to Hans Zimmermann, F5VKP / HB9AQS IARU International Coordinator for Emergency Communications and read by the RSGB's G4NJH) Jim VK3PC will join us later in this edition with more on the next Global Simulated Emergency Test scheduled for this World Amateur Radio Day April 18. Proposal for a QRP Rock Concert Gerard Lawler has put this suggestion together and is seeking comment. The QRP Rock Concert QSO Party is to be co-ordinated through the VKZLQRP Yahoo group and aims to maximise contacts/signal reports for rock bound stations by getting as many such stations on air at the same time as is possible. A contest or just a co-ordinated effort to get many stations on air? Run it in the evening when the (now cancelled) 80m CW trans-tasman contest would have been on, ie Saturday 23rd of May. Gerard says that "If we get the balance right, the rock bound stations will get a few good contacts each, and no one will get stomped on or discouraged". So check out the yahoo group VKZLQRP. ( ) AMATEUR RADIO THE WIA MAGAZINE 2 or 3 items in this months issue caught our eye and probably the most important is an item detailing a VK entry in the BERU or Commonwealth Contest. That's on page 40 in the contest section. In the VK4 club scene for our out of "staters" the item in the VK4 Club section "QTC" under the heading of SCARG on page 38 actually is about the South Coast AR Group and NOT the Sunshine Coast group as stated. So don't despair if you are around Noosa and can not trigger VK4RBT as it is actually on the South Coast come Gold Coast. Page 55 under Hamads - Wanted in VK5 is a plea from a VK5 ham for assistance in erecting a G5RV - hopefully a club in VK5 or a couple of the "Good Guys" of ham radio will in fact be able to help - and GRATIS!! Telstra has announced that its hybrid fibre coaxial cable broadband network in Melbourne will be upgraded to 100Mbps - more than triple the current peak speed - by Christmas. Using new technology already successfully deployed in several cable networks overseas, they will immediately begin work to turbo-charge its five-city cable network. Around Australia HAMS ACROSS AUSTRALIA. VK2 web service:- http://www.arnsw.org.au/html/news_vk2wi.htm VKG Roundup http://www.police.nsw.gov.au/news The Port Stephens A.R.C. has celebrated its 1st birthday. Richard VK2FRKO says it has been hard 1st year drawing up the Constitution and making everyone happy with it. With some 36 members da club dey proud to be associated with Westlakes ARC. Anyone wishing to join em for next years celebration? They can be found on the waterfront at Lemon Tree Passage. The club is taking part in the John Moyle Field day this weekend operating out of Old Sydney Town. (Richard Osborne. O.A.M. VK2FRKO Club President) WESTLAKES 45th year is here! The Back to Westlakes Field Day happens Sunday April 19 at 9am. Free entry. Monster BBQ, Auction , Stores and Boot sales as well as Commercial traders. All roads lead to Teralba. VK2RSC REPEATERS AT PARROTS NEST. The VK standard access tone of 123Hz has been applied to the 2m repeater 146.8 MHz. This will possibly minimise unwanted annoying triggering there. A heavier power supply has been fitted to 70cm 439.950 MHz. This can now handle more continuous traffic. VK3 web service:- http://www.amateurradio.com.au/news/ VKC Roundup http://www.police Amateur Radio Victoria advises that the upgrading of the VK3ROU 70cm repeater on Mt Dandenong has now been completed and here is some important information for its users. The VK3ROU callsign has been discontinued as the 70cm repeater is now part of the VK3RML site licence. The VK3RML 70cm repeater is IRLP node 6360. It has been especially engineered for IRLP including no CTCSS on its tail. The VK3RML 2m repeater is also set for a substantial upgrading during autumn. (Amateur Radio Victoria www.amateurradio.com.au) VK3 Steamfest Last weekend members of the EMDRC provided an Amateur Radio display and information stand at the Melbourne Steam and Traction Engine Club's annual Scoreseby Steamfest here's Ivy Gardner VK3IVY with that report. The event over the long weekend was very enjoyable, what a great show it was both with the many hundred steam exhibits. The EMDRC had an Amateur Radio stand and we talked to the mnay people who visited the stand and handed out many brochures and sold a number of foundation manuals were sold. Jo Lloyd from the steamfest organising committee called to say that they had an excellent turnout over the weekend and thanked EMDRC for the contribution to the show. I would like to Encourage other clubs to take up the challenge and consider participating in similar events to promote the hobby ... Lastly Jack VK3WWW has posted on YouTube a video of the event. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxhxsRJRinM Radio, Electronics & Astronomy Expo Victoria's Midland Amateur Radio Club, in conjunction with the Bendigo District Astronomical Society and the Historical Radio Society of Australia, has planned an Expo for Easter Sunday and Monday. The exhibits will include astrophotography of deep sky images taken with the City of Greater Bendigo Telescope, Radio Astronomy and Solar Viewing - see the sun as you have never seen it before. On show will be a display of radios from the 1920s, 30s and 40s, all marvellously restored and working, Amateur Radio from wireless telegraphy deciphered on a computer screen, through to typical ham stations of today that will be on air. Plus Amateur Television - which is to be expected because Bendigo has always been a hub for that activity. The Radio, Electronics & Astronomy Expo is at the Old Fire Station in View St. Bendigo, on Easter Sunday and Monday, the 12th and 13th of April. VK4 web service local news:- www.wiaq.com/qnews/upload/qnewsbcast.htm local news email VKR Roundup http://www.police.qld.gov.au/News+an...edia+Releases/ In QNEWS, GraHam VK4BB even though on holidays is still reading for VK4, has been reading some of the "secret societies" the clubs he rarely if ever hears from, well one who has now updated details on the local Hamfest is barc will run on May 9, BARCFEST (the Brisbane HamFest) 9:30am at the Mt Gravatt Showground. Yes Brisbane Amateur Radio Club will be holding its annual BARCFEST on May 9 at Mt Gravatt show grounds Logan Rd, starting time has been changed and doors will now open at 9.30am Get along and pick up a bargain or 2 and meet up with some old mates. Refreshments will be available at the venue. Further information and forms for booking tables at www.qsl.net/vk4ba (Les VK4SO barcfest co ordinator) VK7 local area news :- http://reast.asn.au/news.php vk7 local news, email Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania Elevation Device Found! Thanks to Harvey VK7HK for his donation of a first class elevation device to REAST. It's on a "borrow back basis" if he needs it. It's at the club in the back shed room on top of the shelving if you need it for adjusting, maintaining or installing antennas and other things around the clubrooms. A big thank you to Harvey. Oh you are asking "an elevation device"?...A LADDER! (Dave, VK7DM) EDUCATION YOUTH AND ADVANCEMENT OF AMATEUR RADIO www.hamcollege.com.au New hams in Northern NSW include Cameron Smith of Tintenbar who has passed his Foundation exam. Do you live in the region and have a hankerin' to become a Ham? Summerland in VK2's next FOUNDATION COURSE will be 4-5 April. Anyone interested in getting the Foundation Licence contact - Ian Gray, VK2IGS, ph 6629 8583 The Coffs Harbour area is a bit short of WIA assessors at the moment so Summerland's Bernie VK2BLW & Duncan VK2DLR travelled down to help out. During the busy but enjoyable day, six candidates sat for a total of 3 Advanced theory, 2 Standard theory, 3 Regulations, 1 Practical and 1 Foundation Theory/Regs & Practical. The Coffs Harbour trained candidates passed all but one assessment. We can look forward to a handful of new callsigns over that way in the near future. (Duncan VK2DLR) In Westarn Australia if you want to attend the next Ham College open exam day scheduled for Saturday the 28th of March please select the "contact Ham College" menu button from the Ham college website which is www.hamcollege.com.au or you can ring Kylea on 0412 704 226 to register. Science and Technology Week in Sheffield Sheffield Amateur Radio Club arranged a full day demonstration of amateur radio at Sheffield Schools as part of the UK's Science and Technology Week. Members on the 11th of March demonstrated HF, VHF and UHF, digital communications repeaters and D-Star as well as computer based modes such as EchoLink and IRLP. INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL, Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA. RSGB AGM to be streamed via the BATC website The 2009 RSGB AGM is to be held in Newcastle upon Tyne at the Hotel Novotel, Newcastle Airport on 18th April. Proceedings start with registration from 11.00 and the formal part of the AGM at 12.00. For the first time, it is planned to live webcast the RSGB AGM over the internet via the BATC Streamer website. For those unable to travel to the venue, you will be able to watch the proceedings via the live streams by going to the BATC website, clicking on Live Events and choosing the correct stream. Check out www.batc.org.uk MURDERER OF TWO NEBRASKA HAMS SENTENCED TO LIFE IN PRISON The man who murdered two Nebraska hams last summer will never again see freedom. This, as Brandon Crago is sentenced to two terms of life in prison without the possibility of parole for the killings of Steve Baily, N0US and his wife Carolyn, N0LAL, in their rural Lincoln home on August 10th 2008. THE HAWKES CASE: THIRD CONSPIRATOR WILL FACE DEATH PENALTY John Fitzgerald Kennedy will be put to death for his part in the murders at sea of Thomas and Jackie Hawks, KD7VWJ and KD7VWK. The same jury that convicted John Fitzgerald Kennedy of two counts of first-degree murder with special circumstances in the killings took only 7 hours to decide that the 43 year old former gang member should be condemned to death. This, for his part in the gruesome Hawkes killings at sea in November of 2004. THAT'S NOT A BOMB IT'S AN ANTENNA A sad yet funny story out of Omaha. That's where Police and a Bomb Squad have blown up a trap from a ham radio antenna because nobody could figure out what it was. Both agencies were called out following the discovery by a cleaning crew of a device that they thought looked like a PVC pipe bomb. Amateur Radio Newsline said that the house in question belonged to Bob Rennolet, W0AEX. There had been an electrical fire in the house 2 weeks ago and he had hired the clean-up crew but it had no idea as to what it had found. So, rather than take chances, the Bomb Squad decided to blow it up. That's when they realized it was not a bomb but a piece of W0AEX's ham radio gear. Ironically, W0AEX lives next door to a fire station, so they didn't have far to go to put out the fire or blow up the trap. (K0NEB, W0HXL) R.N.W. ESTABLISHES RESCUE RADIO INFO SERVICE In case of an international disaster, a short-wave broadcaster in Holland will be there to bring you the latest news and information. Randy Ross, KI4ZJI speaking on ARNewsLine said that Radio Netherlands Worldwide has a new international disaster information system set to launch shortly. Using a combination of special broadcasts, a separate Web site and mobile phone alerts, the international service will report on events and provide complete information for any Dutch victims and their relatives. A specially trained Radio Netherlands team will answer questions via phone, radio, the Internet and the Dutch BVN television network. It will cover incidents such as natural disasters, social conflicts or any terrorist attacks that may occur. The news and information stream will be kept up to date from minute to minute. ================================================== ======================= NEWS FROM SOUTHGATE (read by Southgate Amateur Radio Club's Richard G4TUT) Mellish Reef DXpedition Operators George AA7JV and Tomi HA7RY will be active as VK9GMW in what they call 'another low-key, simple DXpedition', from Mellish Reef between March 22nd and April 6th. Please note that the dates are approximate and may change due to weather. The operation will have a strong low-band focus, although VK9WMW will operate on all HF bands. QSL will be via HA7RY, by the Bureau or LoTW or direct to: Tamas Pekarik, Alagi ut 15, H-2151 Fot, HUNGARY. After VK9GMW has gone QRT, they will launch an "Online QSL Request Service" (OQRS) on their Web site. If you want to receive your QSL via the Bureau, please use that form to request the card. They will check your QSOs against the log and send your card to you via the Bureau. This method will allow them faster processing, helps them protect the environment, and you will receive your VK9GMW card faster. For more information, please visit the VK9GMW Web page at: www.vk9gmw.com ================================================== ======================= NEWS FROM ARNEWSLINE EMCOMM HAMSTER POWER Hams involved in future emergency communications set-ups where no form of power is available might want to plan on bringing some hamsters along. Yes, we said hamsters. Amateur Radio Newsline's Mark Abramowicz, NT3V, has the rest of the story: Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are, indeed, looking at hamsters as subjects capable of producing electricity by wearing a power-generating jacket - if you will - that responds to the animal's movements. Wait! Don't tune us out yet. This is real. And, in fact, it's research supported by your tax dollars courtesy of the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency - also known as DARPA, the Department of Energy, and the Air Force. According to the online news service, Science Daily, at the heart of the experiment is use of nanotechnology to harness this new source of energy. The researchers claim that they can convert any mechanical disturbance or even irregular biomechanical energy into electricity. Let's see, so that means a little hamster, fitted with one of those special jackets (wonder how they keep the darn things on) runs on a wheel in his cage and produces small amounts of electricity. Maybe enough to spark something.. hmm. Well, that's as far as I'm going to go as far on this science lesson. Oh, wait, there's more! The researchers say that even tapping on your Blackberry or cell phone key pad can produce small amounts of electricity. Does that mean I have to put one of those funny nano jackets on my finger? For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Mark Abramowicz, NT3V, in Philadelphia. The bottom line: Those furry little creatures that some kids have as pets may one day be the answer to all of our emergency communications power needs. Then again maybe not. (Adapted from Science Daily and taken from ARNewsLine) OPERATIONAL NEWS - FUN EVENTS AND ON AIR CONTEST COLUMN - D A T E L I N E 2009 MAR 14 - 15 JOHN MOYLE FIELD DAY MAR 14 - 15 BERU MAR 28 - 29 WPX SSB (Worked All Prefixes) MAY 01 - 08 VK CQ REPEATER CONTEST (Westlakes Club) JUN 6 - 8 WORKED ALL VK SHIRES LONG WEEKEND CONTEST JUN 20 - 21 MUSEUMS WEEKEND PART a JUN 27 - 28 MUSEUMS WEEKEND PART b AUG 15 - 16 WIA Remembrance Day Contest AUG 15 - 16 ILLW Running till Dec 31 2009 is the 4th CQ DX Marathon Just a reminder that the ILLW is on again this year on the 3rd full weekend in August, unfortunately the same weekend as our very own RD Contest, ie, the 15th-16th August. Dey already have nearly 100 entrants listed at illw.net so if you haven't done so already, now is the time to start organising a lighthouse to activate and a group to help you do it. The Ayr Amateur Radio Group, Scotland is the sole organizer and sponsor for the event which is now in its eleventh year. The popularity of the event is that it is NOT a contest, just a fun weekend to give lighthouses and amateur radio some well deserved publicity. And being the RD a good opportunity to mix n match and play lighthouses whilst giving out the all important RD contact numbers. So come and join em. The event guidelines and online entry form as well as a list of entrants are on the web site. See you there. (sourced to Kevin, vk2ce) SPECIAL EVENT STATIONS - BEACON - DX AND NET ADVICE hf nets ON the net, www.timroberts-vk4yeh.id.au/ GB 40 WAB 40th anniversary of the WAB Till Dec 31 HA 130 HALLO Hungary 130 yrs of Telephone Until March 31 International Museums Weekend(s) 20 and 21 plus 27 and June 28 OZ 1658 ROS 350th anniversary of the Treaty of Roskilde Till Dec 31 VARIOUS SM STATIONS USING 1658 (Treaty of Roskilde) Till Dec 31 VP 9 400 /home call 400th Anniversary of Bermuda Till Dec 31 NETHERLANDS, PA. Special event call PA75ŘASN is active until April 15 to commemorate the 750 years of the town of Assen. Activity is on all bands and modes. QSL via PI4ASN Special Event Station GB5SPD St. Patrick's Day The Foyle & District Amateur Radio Club have been issued a Special Event Callsign - GB5SPD - to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day 2009. The Club will be on the air to celebrate this event from Saturday until Tuesday this week. SYDNEY TWO METRE BEACON BACK IN SERVICE. On Saturday the 28 th February VK2RSY became operational again on 2 metres after an extended absence. It is located at the VK2WI Dural site along with others currently in operation. Station Engineer Mark VK2XOF had constructed the new transmitter which replaced a transmitter constructed in the early 1970's. The new transmitter, now in the CW mode - formally FSK - has 20 watts output into the old 2 bay horizontal crossed dipoles, currently mounted on the roof of the VK2WI building. In the first day of operation reports had been received from places like Taree and Port Macquarie to the north and VK1 and Wagga Wagga to the south. The frequency is 144.420 MHz. Other reports are welcomed. At the same time a replacement transmitter was put in service on 6 metres 50.289 MHz to free up the transceiver that had been providing the service. It is in the CW mode with 20 watts to a dipole. Also operational is 10 metres on 28.262 MHz and 23 cm on 1296.420 MHz. Later in the year a 70 cm beacon will constructed to replace the former system, currently off air. All beacons are keyed by a common keyer sending VK2RSY and the maidenhead location - QF 56 MH. about twice a minute. C9, MOZAMBIQUE. Philip, ON4AEO, will lead a team of operators on a DXpedition to Mozambique and sign C91FC from April 9-13th. You may remember that Philip lead a team of operators last year to Lesotho for the highly successful 7P8FC DXpedition. They hope to activate all bands including WARC, using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. The QSL Manager is ON4CJK either by the Bureau or direct. The Henry Fullford and Tom Debel memorial net. Our Thursday night net on 3588 KHz has been running for about 5 years. It started as a Tableland Radio and Electronics Club project and the name, Henry Fullford Memorial net was adopted. VK4TL has been net controller except when away on holiday. The name was later changed to include Tom Debel. The net is open to all comers from far and wide. A strict procedure is adopted where everyone takes their turn from the list compiled at the call in. All get two turns. All matter of topic is discussed and surprising knowledge comes forward from the least expected sources. We encourage new Queensland shires to come aboard so that netees can bag their contact. Foundation hams have an important place in the net. Getting coverage from Weipa VK4GUS new call, Julaaten Brendon VK4FBJK new call and David VK4NDX new call Townsville is important as we try to be forward looking. Look for VK4WAT/P at 7:30pm on 3588Khz on Thursday nights. This has been the Henry Fullford and Tom Debel Memorial net VK4WAT with John VK4TL WIRELESS WEATHER The Science of Space Weather The Royal Society has made available a paper that describes the significant impact Space Weather can have on human activities, both on Earth, as well as in space. The influence of space weather on HF radio communications is well known but it can also cause failures in the electricity supply grid, increase corrosion in pipelines, degrade GPS signals and present a hazard for human space flight. You can download this fascinating paper The Science of Space Weather by Jonathan P Eastwood from the Royal Society Publishing website http://rsta.royalsocietypublishing.org/ (southgate) THE QNEWS WORK BENCH - the nuts and volts report - (Measure twice - Cut once!) Redcliffe Club's Roger, VK4ZLQ, provided an informed technical talk about his recent experiences with a lightning strike at his QTH. Roger said that after his research, the average lightning bolt travels about 1.5 km, with a wave front between 10 - 30 MHz, and with each lightning bolt between 40,000 to 120,000 amps. With a good earth at of about 0.5 ohms, and say 100,000 amps, the voltage potential at the lightning site is about 10 million volts. With this large voltage the skin effect now applies and Roger said that at 10 MHz, the skin effect is about 21 micrometres deep or equivalent to a copper tube 21 micrometre thick with a diameter of 3.5 km! Roger's advice to all is simple, unplug all equipment from mains power and power supplies, disconnect patch leads and earth the antenna to an outside earth and if all else fails, hope that it hits somewhere else! (voiced by Ray vk4cf from redcliffe club) Worldwide Special Interest Group News WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) The VK4RMG Ocean View ATV repeater antennas have been moved ! Viewers are reporting a 6dB (4 times) received signal increase in the Brisbane area so even if you have never seen a signal on 444.25 MHz, please have a look now. The local 2m liaison frequency is 145.700 MHz simplex. And what about HD TV? tune in next week right here for an update! Details can be found at http://qdg.sorbs.net/seqatv.htm (Alan VK4YAR) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- DIGITAL Australian Coordinator for TCPIP domains is Indy AMTOR-mailbox DA5TOR The AMTOR-mailbox DA5TOR will move its 40m access frequency in order to comply with the new band plan of 29th March. The new frequencies are 7,047, 7,049 and 7,051kHz. All frequencies and technical details of the mailbox can be found on www.amtor.de. The new activity-centre of AMTOR is 7,042kHz for direct connections (sourced to rsgb) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- FINAL FRONTIER AMSAT-VK UNOFFICIAL HF Net. 2nd Sunday each month. November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz SUMBANDILASAT LAUNCH DELAYED AGAIN The launch of SumbandilaSat has been delayed again, this time due to a technical hiccup at the Russian launch site, Baikonur. The Director-General of the Department of Science and Technology, Dr Phil Mjwara, told SA AMSAT that the launch agency in Russia had sent a message that the launch would probably be at some time in May this year. He said that as the launch agency had not been specific in their communication he will not make a public announcement until DST had received full details about the reasons for the delay and a new confirmed date. It is speculated that the delay is caused by problems of delivering one of the other payloads on time. Currently SumbandilaSat is still safely at the test range near Bredasdorp. (sarl) KiwiSat satellite - transponder on test The KiwiSAT linear flight transponder is now 'on air' from the Whangaparaoa area with beam antennas pointing south. * Transponder: Inverting type (Orbital Doppler shift compensation) * Transmit Power: 2 Watts PEP. * Beacon frequency: 145.885 MHz * Uplink: 435.265 to 435.235 MHZ LSB * Down link: 145.850 to 145.880 MHz USB Note: A trial transmission on 435.2544 LSB comes out at 145.860 USB Being a linear transponder 30kHz wide, any mode can be used. FM is discouraged (but not banned). Amateur stations are encouraged to try out the transponder. Try to better the previous distance record of 292 km achieved with the prototype transponder (same location / antenna). Information: http://www.kiwisat.org.nz (PS8RF via SouthGate) A thorough review of space shuttle Discovery's readiness for flight, has seen NASA managers decide that more data and possible testing are required before launching the STS-119 mission to the International Space Station. Engineering teams have been working to identify what caused damage to a flow control valve on shuttle Endeavour during its November 2008 flight. Teams also have tried to determine the consequences if a valve piece were to break off and strike part of the shuttle and external fuel tank. WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RADIO SCOUTING http://www.scouts.com.au http://www.scout.org/jota http://www.international.scouts.com.au CALLING FREQUENCIES Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication. Australian voice calling frequencies: 3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160 World CW calling frequencies: 3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160 World voice calling frequencies: 3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360, 24.960, 28.390, 50.160 Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV): 3.630, 7.033, 14.227 Calling Frequencies for PSK31 14.070 Cub Scout's radio interest leads to company, success. Tim Pratt the Starkville Bureau Reporter for The Commercial Dispatch paper has written an article on a scout that is worth a "google". One Martin Jue can trace the entire course of his life back to one day when, as an 8-year-old Cub Scout, living in the Mississippi Delta, took part in a group activity where he learned how to build a radio. Martin loved the way the device functioned and went on to become a ham radio operator in high school, talking with other "hams" around the world and perfecting his knowledge of Morse code. He went off to college and earned bachelor's and master's degrees in electrical engineering and eventually began his own ham radio manufacturing operation. These days, his business is the largest ham radio manufacturing operation in the U.S., and he traces all of his success back to that one day as a member of the Cub Scouts. BSA UPDATES RADIO MERIT BADGE REQUIREMENTS The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has updated the requirements needed to earn the Radio merit badge. The new requirements became effective with publication of Boy Scout Requirements 2009. While no new content has been added to the program, the new merit badge pamphlet features lots of new information, including colour pictures and updated charts and text that reflects changes in the Amateur Radio Service since the last pamphlet update in 2002. Approximately 4000 Radio merit badges are earned each year in the USA. (arrl letter) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RESCUE RADIO EMERGENCY FREQUENCIES ALL REGIONS 21.360 - 18.160 - 14.300 - 7.060 - 3.760 MHz. REGION 2 TRY ALSO 3.985 - 7.240 - 7.290 HORSE ENDURO, EDEN CREEK, GOOD WEEKEND. Seven members of the Summerland Amateur Radio Club enjoyed a great weekend operating at Eden Creek. Hot, humid weather except for heavy rain at dawn Sunday. Short of operators we were kept busy moving to cover all Checkpoints. Three rides were run, 40 Kms Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. They logged about 280 messages of 674 horse moves plus logistics of farrier and other support and search activities. The next one is in May, if you are listening in northern VK2 time YOU stuck your hand up and let Summerland know you can help out! GlobalSET change of date The next scheduled Global Simulated Emergency Test (GlobalSET) was to be in May but has now been brought forward to coincide with World Amateur Radio Day the 18th of April. GlobalSET is sponsored by the IARU Region 1 and helps the amateur service to globally prepare for emergencies. Obviously World Amateur Radio Day with the theme this year being 'Amateur Radio: Your Resource in Disaster and Emergency Communication' is an ideal opportunity to showcase the work of emergency communications groups around the world. The focus of this GlobalSET is on generating and relaying messages in a common format across country borders. GlobalSET will occur on or near the designated centre of activities frequencies for emergency communications on the HF ham bands, from 1100 to 1500 UTC on the 18th of April. More details will be released closer to the day (including via www.iaru-r1.org and www.raynet-hf.net) SOCIAL SCENE 2009 International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009. March 14 vk6 Hills Amateur Radio group swap meet Lesmurdie, 2pm for buyers. March 22 vk3 EMDRC Annual White Elephant Sale, 10am-4pm.Great Ryrie School, Heathmont. March 22 vk7 MEET THE VOICE SEWING CIRCLE BBQ Held at Ross in Tasmania April 4-5 vk4 Bunya Mts & District Amcom weekend get together at Somerset Dam Details Contact Neil VK4NF 07 4662 4950 Email April 11-12 vk2 Urunga Radio Convention held at the Senior Citizens hall Bowra street Urunga. April 12 - 13 vk3 Radio, Electronics & Astronomy Expo, Old Fire Station View St. Bendigo. April 18 WW World Amateur Radio Day April 19 vk2 Westlake clubs Mini Field Day. May 1-3 vk3 WIA AGM Churchill Victoria May 9 VK4 BARCFEST (the Brisbane HamFest) 9:30am Mt Gravatt Showground. June 5 - 8 VK4 FNNQARG at Cardwell Village Beachcomber Resort book on 1800 005633 Contact FNNQARG co-ordinator Gavin VK4ZZ for site booking guidance. June 6-7 South East Radio Group Convention Margret Street Scout Hall in Mount Gambier behind the Police Station. July 11 - 12 VK3 GippsTech 2009, the technical conference with a VHF, UHF & microwave focus. July 18 VK3 Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club Hamfest 10.00 am Cranbourne Public Hall August 2 vk6 Northern Corridor Radio Group's WA Hamfest. Cyril Jackson Rec Centre Fisher st Ashfield, WA email SEP 13 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest 9:30am. Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood. OCT 12 - 16 ZL 14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 ? 16 October 2009. Details at www.christchurch.org.nz/ The Region 3 Web Site: www.jarl.or.jp/iaru-r3/ The Final Final WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were submitted. Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray... --kkk--- |
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