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![]() Hallo dear MMMonVHF friends, please find below our latest NEWSLETTER of the VHF-DX-Portal "Make More Miles on VHF" (www.MMMonVHF.de) dated 2009-04-24 We attempt to distribute our Newletter one or two times per week. For further detail please be so kind and refer at our "News"-page: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php - welcome and enjoy... ************************************************** *************** Latest NEWS/INFO for the NEWSLETTER MMMonVHF The VHF-DX-Portal ************************************************** *************** EA8 G Tropo Saison opened (see http://www.mmmonvhf.de/tr.php) During the last days tropo is building up betw. the United Kingdom and Spain, Portugal and the Canarian Isles. On April 22nd, first contacts were reported between Portugal and the Canarian Isles. On April 23rd, the tropo extended to the United Kingdom: 22-04-09 17:14 EA8AVI IL28FC 144.300 CT1ANO IN51RE 1587 22-04-09 20:22 CT2GUR IM59ML 144.300 EA8AVI IL28FC 1402 23-04-09 09:10 G4KWQ IO92 144.290 EB1LA IN63UN 1071 23-04-09 18:40 G4LOH IO70JC 144.300 EB8BRZ IL27HX 2605 23-04-09 18:59 G4LOH IO70JC 144.310 EA8AVI IL28FC 2597 23-04-09 19:39 G4LOH IO70JC 144.250 CT2GUR IM59ML 1217 23-04-09 19:40 CT2GUR IM59ML 144.250 G4LOH IO70JC 1217 Please do not hesitate to fill the TROPO section as well with your long 144 MHz QRB QSOs! SOURCE: The MMMonVHF Team *** MMMonVHF Meeting 2009 at KERKAKUTAS (Hungary) JN86GS The yearly meeting of the group members of the VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF will be held these year at the new pension of Geza, HA4XG near the lake of ballaton. Part of the group are there with families and friends and sure we will have a show up on frequencies during the contest and at chats if time for it... Sure we will keep the pages at MMMonVHF up to date as usual ;-) SOURCE: Guy, DL8EBW, on behalf of the MMMonVHF Team *** Word has just been received that Alex RZ6DD (ex-RW1ZC/MM) will be back working in our southern waters for the next several months. He is presently at sea south of Port Elizabeth but has not yet had a chance to set up his station and antennas... Again this year he is operating aboard the Desert Diamond and his tour of duty is expected to be between five and seven months. They will be based out of Cape Town and working in an area from south of Cape Town to East London in an area that covers approximately ten grid squares. Depending on fishing conditions, every three to four weeks they will go in to Cape Town for a short period to unload... SOURCE: Hal, ZS6WB, via Reflector *** Hallo dear USER, after spreading our Newsletter of MMMonVHF (subscribe at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/nletter/newsletter.php) we often will get two questions: how to SUBSCRIBE a single NEWS and / or how we can upload a NEWS to MMMonVHF. A "HOW TO subscribe a single NEWS you ll be able to find at our FORUM - please do use: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/minibb/index.php look: HOW to subscribe... and for an input of an expedition or any kind of VHF activity pse do use the inout form at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/newsuser.php SOURCE: the Team of MMMonVHF ************************************************** *************** Latest DXPEDITION and EVENT NEWS - Please do use: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php and use the FILTER for your personal wishes! ************************************************** *************** Hermann, DL2NUD, and Joachim, DL9MS, are preparing an 144 MHz Expedition to Tanzania (5H). Both will try to activate the Squares KI93RU and KI94RA during the 2 weeks trip. Joachim informed MMMonVHF that their first goal will be 144 MHz EME and maybe some MS (pse write to Joachim in advance if you wants to have a sked) and as well some HF and 50 MHz work. The planned RIG/QRGs: 50 MHz: 3el / 300W / NO EME - 144MHz: 24el XP / BEKO PA with EME Power EMEQRG: 144.144 MHz (if QRM .120 MHz), 5H tx 1st - 432MHz: not planned until now! The group will try to transfer updates and again a Log to MMMonVHF. More details will be spread as closer to the trip. SUBSCRIBE the News http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2440 By the way, all QSL s from the last trip of H4 H44 and VK4 are send out by Hermann meantime! SOURCE: tnx Joachim, DL9MS, and Hermann DL2NUD, direct to MMMonVHF *** Camb-Hams are QRV on Harris DX Pedition 2009 (IO67) until end of these week (25th) - LATEST NEWS from KST-Chat / DXC: bLATEST NEWS from KST-Chat / DXC, dated 2009-04-24:/b 11:44:30Z GS3PYE/P Gavin CQ FSK on 144.376 SE from IO67 for the last few hours... 12:21:33Z GS3PYE/P Gavin Yes 144.320 PYE 2nd 13:05:42Z GS3PYE/P Gavin CQ FSK on 144.376 2nd SE from IO67 SOURCE: tnx Gavin, M1BXF, on KST Chat and direct to MMMonVHF *** Matej, OK1TEH, did setup a new list of stations qrv next Reg.1 Contest... You be able to find Matejs CONTEST-Page at: http://www.darkside.cz/qrv.php Meantime stations from following DL, F, I, LY, SP, UR and YU SOURCE: Matej, OK1TEH and OK2KKW If you have an interest to place your announce at Matejs page, related to your participation in the next large VUSHF Contest, join this QRV list please and/or send info in case of rare Sqr http://www.mmmonvhf.de/kontact.php SOURCE: The MMMonVHF Team *** F/LA0BY/p Contest activity from JN24PE There is a good chance I will participate in the next contest on 2/3 May on 144 MHz. The location will be the Mt Ventoux near Avignon, in the locator JN24PE. Due to the high altitude of almost 1900 m, I need a little bit of luck with the weather. Equipment will be an IC-706 with PA about 120 W, and a single 9-ele-F9FT yagi. It is not a big station but the superb location should help to achieve some long distance contacts. I hope I can be reached by SMS (mob +33-6-86913388) at the site or in advance via mail la0by"at"nrrl.no. 73, Stefan (F/LA0BY) SOURCE: tnx to Stefan, F/LA0BY direct to MMMonVHF *** Slava, US2YW, did announce on KST-chat that he might be QRV from KN38 on May 2 and 3. As well in the past Slava did activate that rare Square and was qrv during Contests and as well on MS on 2m SOURCE: Slava, US2YW, via KST-Chat *** YO5KAI club will organize every year on the first full weekend of May the Cupa Napoca Contest. In 2009, this will be on the 2nd and 3rd of May. The contest begins Saturday at 1400 UTC and ends Sunday at 1400 UTC. Please do find the total Rules Sheet he http://www.mrasz.hu/fooldal/regoldal...paNapocaEn.pdf SOURCE: Jani, HA5CRX, on behalf of the MMMonVHF Team *** Hello, I will spend a holiday week in IN77tt square, nearby Eckmühl lighthouse in south Brittany, from april 27th to may 2nd. I plan to be active on 6 and 2 meters, with a low power portable station, between 06h00 and 08h00 TU every morning and maybe more. Tropo contacts with north of Spain and south of England should be possible in case of good propagation conditions. Best 73 de Jean-Loup, F8DYR (f8dyr"at"aliceadsl"dot"fr) SOURCE: tnx Jean-Loup, F8DYR, direct to MMMonVHF *** Yuri, UT1FG, again active as UT1FG/MM - LATEST News abt the position of Yuri, taken from DXC, dated 2009-04-23/24: KA9CFD 50110.0 UT1FG/MM fl06en40 0001 23 Apr K4RX 50110.0 UT1FG/MM EL75 55 peaking 1246 24 Apr SOURCE: DX Cluster System transfered by Guy, DL8EBW *** Charlie/MM0GNS, Willie/GM4ZNC and Rodger/GM3JOB will be active as MS0TJT/p from the Island of Coll, Inner Hebrides (EU-008) on 3-8 May. They hope to be QRV on 80-6 metres, and plan to operate mainly SSB, with a little CW and PSK. QSL via GM4ZNC. SOURCE: [TNX GM3JOB] via David, BRS25429 on the UKSMG Announce *** Japy DX will be also active in same period in 6 m. and 2 m. for AVHFC at Rock of Sao Domingos in partnership with local PY4HP team. The joined station won editions of the national contests CB144 and LABRE UHF on that location, GG77ah. It is expected some test transmissions in 220 MHz or 1,2 GHz. Read more at abt the Araucaria VHF Contest 2009: http://www.avhfc.com/rules/avhfc_ee.pdf SOURCE: tnx to Flavio, PY2ZX *** Giordano/IK0XFD, Alberto/IK0ZCW, Andrea/IZ0EHO, Vincenzo/IZ0FKE Alberto/IZ0FMA and Claudio/IZ0GKX will be active as ID9N from Vulcano Island (EU-017) on 25-30 April. They plan to operate CW SSB and digital modes on 160-6 metres, with a focus on the low bands. QSL via IZ0GKN. Further information can be found at http://www.id9n.com SOURCE: [TNX IZ0EHO] via 425 DX News #937 *** Koji, JI1LET will be active as JI1LET/JD1 from Chichijima (AS-031), Ogasawara from 29 April to 5 May. He plans to operate SSB, CW and RTTY on 40-10 metres, and on 6 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. SOURCE: [TNX JI1LET] via [425ENG] 425 DX News #937 *** Members of the NA-128 Contest Group will activate the special callsign CG2ØØI (Charly Golf Two Hundred India) from Ile Verte (NA-128, CIsA QC-015, Grid FN58) between July 23-26th, including an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th), to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the lighthouse (ARLHS CAN-244, WLOTA 1404). Operators mentioned are Frank/VA2RC, Martin/VA2ZO, Eric/VE2EDA, Dany/VE2EBK, Jean/VE2FSK, Steve/VE2TKH, Martin/VE2MTK and Guy/VE2QRA. The group will operate many stations from the lighthouse keeper's quarters on all bands (160-6 meters) and all major modes (AO-51, SSB, CW and RTTY/PSK31). During the IOTA Contest, a station will be dedicated to the contest exclusively on SBB or CW. The QSL is via VE2CQ, direct or Bureau. Note: NA-128 is made up of more than 45 islands, rocks and smaller reefs and more than half of them are accessible for future NA-128 expeditions. SOURCE: [VE2EBK] via ICPO Bulletin (April 16 - 24, 2009) *** ORIGINAL 13 COLONIES INDEPENDENCE DAY SPECIAL EVENT http://home.comcast.net/~dzabawa/ThirteenColonies.htm July 1st-4th 2009 NY (K2A)-NJ (K2I)-RI (K2C)-GA (K2G)-PA (K2M) NH (K2K)-SC (K2L)-VA (K2B)-CT (K2D)-DE (K2E)-MD (K2F)-MA (K2H) NC (K2J) 1300 UTC July 1st to 0400 UTC July 5th 2009, all 13 1776 original colonies will be on the air. One S.E. station per Colony state... 2 meter and 6 meter simplex is encouraged. SOURCE: via the ICPO Bulletin (April 16 - 24, 2009) *** Juergen,DL1IAI/p, will become active from Borkum Island (JO33) between Apr 27 and May 18. He will also try to activate the club station DL0BRF on the lightvessel "Borkumriff" in SSB and maybe also PSK31/RTTY on 80m-2m during this time. Please QSL ONLY via bureau. Please check also: http://www.dl1iai.de SOURCE: [DXNL] DXNL 1620 (Apr 22, 2009) *** USA, SPECIAL EVENT STATION K6P AIRED - Members of the clubs "Sonoma County ACS" and "Sonoma Mountain Repeater Society" (SMRS) are going to activate the special event station K6P on 14260, 7260, 7050 and 146910 kHz during the "Butter&Egg Day Parade" in Petaluma on Apr 25 from 1600-2300 UTC. QSL via KE6LPO, Matt Ilonummi, Box 2922, Petaluma, CA 94953-2922,USA SOURCE: [DXNL] DXNL 1620 (Apr 22, 2009) *** Railway stations award activity by the Radio Club Quilmes LU4DQ, from the Gomez station DEF 134 D (35°4'4"S 58°10'0"W). In the 60th anniversary of the RC Quilmes, activity program, the RC (LU4DQ), will be aired on April 25th. This station is on the Gral Roca Railway company and formerly joined until the 80's, the cities La Plata and de Mar del Plata. Activity valid for the Railway stations award "Diploma Estaciones Ferroviarias". Reference: DEF 134 D. QRV HF bands, using SSB and CW, and VHF through local repeaters and on 145.390 Mhz. SOURCE: [F5NQL] via ICPO Bulletin (April 23 - May 01, 2009)] *** SOTA-News - Upcoming Activations updated at our MMMonVHF page as long these including VHF or U/SHF-Activities. A complete over view about all SOTA-Activities are on: http://www.sotawatch.org/ SOURCE: tnx the Group around Summits On The Air (SOTA) ************************************************** ************************* The VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF - Newsletter Credits & Info ************************************************** ************************* Our Newsletter is compiled from the input of the USER of the VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF as well by a lot of free usable HF-V-U-SHF-Info-Sources and chats like ON4KST-, N0UK-, RU-VHF-DX-Net, EA-V-U-SHF-Chat and others... *** Many thanks to all USER who send us info and news *** Wherever we found the info we always indicate the source of the info. If you get knowledge of an expedition, which is NOT listed at our VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF or if you have additional info for an expedition, PLEASE be so kind and send us this info at http://www.mmmonvhf.de/newsuser.php or http://www.mmmonvhf.de/kontact.php The MMMonVHF-Team is always trying to spread any expedition info as much up-to-date and reliable as possible and as long as the info does not violate with our MMMonVHF-Policy. Have a lot of fun and enjoy MMMonVHF! 73 de Guido "Guy" DL8EBW on behalf of the MMMonVHF-Team (DG2KBC DK3XT DK5EW DK5YA HA5CRX IV3NDC OZ1LPR PA2DW PA3BIY & PA4EME) ************************************************** ************************* |
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