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GB2RS NEWS Sunday 12th July 2009 The news headlines * RSGB confronts Ofcom over license database publication * Train the Trainers in Derbyshire * RSGB Convention bookings open The RSGB has written to Ofcom raising concern at the release, in full, of the detailed amateur radio database on their web site. This, Ofcom says, follows a number of requests from radio amateurs for the details to be released under the Freedom of Information Act. After consultation with the Information Commissioners office, the RSGB has learned that Ofcom could be in breach of the Data Protection Act in releasing these personal details, which include the name and address of each individual radio amateur in electronic form, on their website and hence to the wider community. The RSGB's main concern is the security of the details, which can now be downloaded by any individual, radio amateur or not. A Train the Trainers day has been arranged in Derbyshire for Saturday 19 September, from 9.30am. There will be a free buffet lunch put on by the host club, South Normanton Alfreton & District ARC. The venue is at The Post Mill Community Centre, Market Street, South Normanton, Derbyshire DE55 2EJ. To book a place, or find out more, contact the Region 13 Manager, Jim, G0EJQ on 01522 532604. Bookings are being taken for the 2009 RSGB Convention. For details of the various options, please visit the web page www.rsgb.org/rsgbconvention where you'll find a link to the bookings page. If you don't have access to the internet, or don't like internet shopping, you can ring 0870 904 73 79, where you can speak to a real human being. Remember book before 14 August to qualify for the early booking discount. The dates again are 9, 10 and 11 October, and the venue is the Wyboston Lakes Centre in Bedfordshire. Alongside the usual HF, DX, Technical and Beginners lecture streams, this year sees the inclusion of a very interesting VHF stream. Here's a great opportunity to meet the people involved at the leading edge of the use of the spectrum, in the usual lecture environment but more importantly in a social environment. Well-known HF DXer Alex Gartshaw, GD3UMW has branched out during 2009 and will be giving a talk in the VHF Stream entitled "My first year on 4 metres by an experienced HF DXer". This presentation will be an account of setting up and operating a 4 metre station in 2009. GB3CP is a new 2m FM voice repeater that went on air on Saturday 5 July. It is located in south east Fermanagh in Northern Ireland. The receive frequency is 145.7375MHz and the transmit frequency 145.1375MHz. You'll need a 110.9Hz CTCSS tone or 1750Hz tone burst to activate the repeater. More traders have booked their place at the National Hamfest on 2 and 3 October. The RSGB and Lincoln Short Wave Club are pleased to announce that LAM Communications have been added to the list of traders attending the event. For the latest information, please see the August RadCom or visit www.nationalhamfest.org.uk. 2 Bletchley Park's ninth annual Polish Day on Sunday 19 July will celebrate the important contribution made by the Poles to the breaking of the Enigma Cipher. Bletchley Park remembers the three Polish mathematicians who are commemorated on its Polish Memorial, and this year is the 70th anniversary of their contribution. Guided tours of Bletchley Park will be available in both Polish and English languages and there will be three lectures, the handover by the Poles to the British of their Enigma research; Enigma; the Polish Contribution; and Life in Warsaw during the German occupation. Other Polish-themed activities throughout the day will be the showing of Polish films in the 1940s Enigma cinema, traditional folk dancers and a Polish mass. A full Polish menu will also be available in the restaurant. Bletchley Park is near Milton Keynes and details can be found on the internet, just use your favourite search engine. There seems to be confusion in amateur radio circles worldwide concerning the new Australian 4-letter suffix callsigns. Calls such as VK4FABC or VK7FXYZ are issued by Australia to its entry level Foundation-class amateurs. All Foundation class suffixes begin with the letter 'F' followed by 3 more letters. These are legitimate calls issued by the Australian government, so please encourage these new amateurs by working them. And now the details of rallies and events for the coming week. Today, 12 July, the 46th Cornish Mobile Rally takes place at Penair School, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 1TN. There will be trade stands, a Bring & Buy as well as the usual catering. Doors open at 10.15 for disabled visitors and 10.30 for others. Details from Ken, G0FIC, on 01209 821073. The McMichael Rally and Boot Sale also takes place today, 12 July, at Reading Rugby Club, just off the A4 east of Reading. Entry is £2 and there's plenty of car parking as well as trade stands, special interest group and a prize raffle. Details from G0JMS, on 01189 723504. The Norfolk ARC Barford Radio Rally will be held today, 12 July, at Barford, which is 9 miles south-west of Norwich and close to A11 and A47. Doors open at 9am and traders have access from 8am. There will also be a Bring & Buy and an RSGB Bookstall. Contact David, G7URP, on 01953 457322. On 18 July there is a Group for Earth Observation Annual Exhibition and Beginners Workshop at Royal Grammar School, High Street, Guildford GU1 3BB. Doors open at 9.30am, entry is £5 with under 18s free. More information can be obtained from Francis, G7CND, on 01483 416897, or at www.geo-web-org.uk. The Macmillan (Northampton) Hamfest will take place on 19 July at Roade Village, Northamptonshire. There's no entry fee and no traders fee * the only request is for donations to Macmillan. All refreshment monies go to Macmillan too. Contact G6NYH on 01604 234333. 3 Now the news of special events To mark the 40th anniversary of the first moon landing and Neil Armstrong's famous one small step, GB1SS will be on the air from 1 to 20 July. This follows on from last year's GB0BUZZ when Pontefract and District Amateur Radio Society had a visit in Pontefract from Buzz Aldrin. GB1SS will be on the air on the anniversary, including 2017UTC on 20th July, the very moment of touchdown. They have a special commemorative QSL card ready for all contacts made. GB1MSN will be on air weekends during July, particularly 18/19. The station is in celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the building of the present Midsomer Norton Methodist Church, hence `MSN'. GB1HI will be on the air from Holy Island until 13 July and MW0OXP will be portable from the Pembrokeshire Coast between 21 and 22 July. Both stations are part of a World Flora Fauna or WFF programme in England. More information at www.wff44.com/en. VE3MOON was approved by Industry Canada for use in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the landing of men on the moon on 20 July 1969. It will be in use from 14 July until 27 July. eQSL or paper cards via VE3OIJ either via the Bureau or direct. On 19 July, GB1ATC will be on the air from Welshpool for the Air Training Corp. And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources. Jurij, MM0DFV has started out on a 7000km mobile journey from Scotland through France, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Belarus, Russian, Kazakhstan and back. He will be taking his HF gear with him and operating as he goes. His main mode of operation will be PSK and he plans to have different QSL cards for each new stop. The trip should last until 10 August. Members of the Strumblehead DX and Contest Group have now obtained permission to activate Ramsey Island, off the West Wales coast, from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds who own the island. They will be active from 1800 on 24 July until 1400 on 27 July. Activity will include an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest. They will be active using the club callsign MC0SHL for the whole duration of the operation and using MW9W in the contest. Their activity will be on all bands from 80 to 10 meters using SSB. 5R8KD will be on the air from Madagascar until 17 July. Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters using CW and RTTY. This includes an entry in the upcoming IARU contest. QSL to W5KDJ. Theo, SV8/SV1EJD, will be on the air from Lesvos in the North Aegean Islands from 12 to 22 July. QSL via homecall, either direct or via the bureau. Nick, SV1CEI/8, is working from Kea Island until 25 August. QSL via homecall either direct or via the bureau. DL1AXX/P will be active from Warder Island, IOTA reference EU-128, until 18 July. He will operate CW only on 30, 40 and 80 metres. QSL via his homecall, and the bureau is preferred. 4 Moj, PA3GZU will be active holiday style as DU9/PA3GZU from Mindanao Island, which is IOTA reference OC-130 until 1 August. QSL via homecall, preferably via the bureau. Alain, F5LMJ will be active as HB0/F5LMJ/p from Liechtenstein on 11 to 24 July. He plans to operate CW and digital modes during his evening and early morning hours. QSL via F5LMJ, bureau preferred. Alain will upload his log to LoTW. Thanks to F5LMJ for this item. Contest News next. On 14 July, the RSGB 432MHz UK Activity Contest takes place from 1900 to 2130. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. On 15 July between 1900 and 2300 it's the RSGB 80m SSB Club Championship. The exchange is signal report and serial number. On 19 July, there will be an Amateur Radio DF event at Crompton Moor, Oldham, grid ref SD 951 100. There will be 3.5 and 144MHz events. Also on 19 July between 0900 and 1600 it's the RSGB Low Power Field Day. Using CW on the 3.5 and 7MHz bands, the exchange is signal report, serial number and power. Finally for 19 July, the RSGB 144MHz Backpackers Contest takes place from 1100 to 1500. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. The RSGB 1.3GHz and 2.3GHz Activity Contest is on 21 July between 1900 and 2130. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. 23 July sees the RSGB 80m Data Club Championship between 1900 and 2030. The exchange is signal report and serial number. Icom is to hold the very first worldwide D-Star contest between 25 and 31 July. The results will be announced at the Tokyo Ham Fair. There are prizes available for winners. For the full details, check out www.icom.co.jp/world/d-contest. 5 And now the solar factual data for the period from the 29th June to the 5th of July, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS on the 6th of July. The solar disc was spotless every day up to the 3rd when a sunspot group emerged rapidly and by the 5th grew to be the largest group since March last year. The group belongs to the new sunspot cycle and is the largest group so far of the new cycle. Solar activity was very low except for the 5th which increased to low when a small C class solar flare took place. The group also produced numerous B class flares. Solar flux levels increased from 67 units on the 2nd and the 3rd to 72 by the 5th. The average was 69. The 90 day solar flux average on the 5th was the same level as last week at 70 units. X-ray flux levels remained below the minimum reporting level except for the 5th which increased to A2.2 units. Geomagnetic activity was quiet everyday and averaged Ap 5 units. Solar wind data from the ACE spacecraft saw solar wind speeds decline from 570 kilometres per second on the 29th to 330 by the 5th. Particle densities were low throughout. Bz varied between minus and plus 6 nanoTeslas. And finally the solar forecast. This week solar activity is expected to be at very low levels. As over recent weeks sunspots can appear rather unexpectedly and this could continue during the coming week. Solar flux levels should be around the 70 mark. Geomagnetic activity should be quiet everyday. MUFs during daylight hours at equal latitudes should be around 19MHz for the south and 16MHz for the north. The darkness hour lows should be about 10MHz. Paths this week to the east coast of North America should have a maximum usable frequency with a 50 per cent success rate of about 20MHz. The optimum working frequency with a 90 per cent success rate will be around 15MHz. The best time to try this path will be between 1300 and 2100 hours UTC. Probably, the peak of the sporadic-E season as just passed. The season normally ends around the end of August. Saying that, openings are expected to take place on some days during the coming week with openings still possible on 144MHz. And that's all for this week from the propagation team. 6 Next, the Local News: Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses and website links where known. [Note to newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to the service area of your transmission.] NEWS FOR THE SOUTH-EAST and EAST ANGLIA On Sunday 12 July Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is at the Barford Radio Rally. Contact Chris Danby, G0DWV, on 01603 419204. On Sunday 12 July Reading and District Amateur Radio Club is at the McMichael Radio Rally. Contact Pete, G8FRC, on 01189 695 697. On Monday 13 July Coulsdon Amateur Transmitting Society is having a talk by Nigel Cawthorne, G3TXF, on the DXpeditions he has organised. Contact Andy, G8JAC, by email to g8jacatbtinternet.com. On Tuesday 14 July Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society is operating from the shack. Contact Steve, on 0142 720815. On Tuesday 14 July Harwell Amateur Radio Society has its summer DF hunt, organized by Ron,G0BNC. Contact Malcolm, G8NRP, on 01235 524844. On Tuesday 14 July Plymouth Radio Club is discussing arrangements for this years International Lightehouses on the Air weekend. Contact Bob, G7NHB, on 01752 343177. On Wednesday 15 July Basingstoke Amateur Radio Club is having an evening foxhunt to find Graham, M0CYX. Contact Clive, G4ODM, on 01256 326050. On Wednesday 15 July Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is having an informal, construction and workshop evening Contact Chris Danby, G0DWV, on 01603 419204. On Wednesday 15 July Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club is having an introduction to astronomy by Kevin, M0KEL. Contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903 753 893. On Thursday 16 July Cray Valley Radio Society is having a talk by the Cray Valley team who will be travelling to the Isles of Scilly to operate M8C in the IOTA Contest. Contact Bob, 2E0RCV, on 020 8265 7735 after 8pm. On Thursday 16 July Horsham Amateur Radio Club is having a social evening at The Parrot, Forest Green. Details on the web at www.harc.org.uk. On Thursday 16 July King's Lynn Amateur Radio Club is activating GB0CR from the grounds of Castle Rising, Nr King's Lynn, in conjunction with Castles and Stately Homes on the Air. Contact Ray, G3RSV, by email to ral-g3rsvatsupanet.com. On Thursday 16 July King's Lynn Amateur Radio Club is having a club night and 2m club net. Contact Ray, G3RSV, by email to ral-g3rsvatsupanet.com. On Friday 17 July Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on PSK31 and other digimodes by Lawrence, 2E0LCM and Steve, 2E0MVB. Contact David Leary, G8JKV on 01223 355254. On Saturday 18 July Newbury and District Amateur Radio Society is having a barbecue with G3LLK. Contact Richard, G3ZGC, on 01635 46241. 7 NEWS FOR THE SOUTH-WEST On Sunday 12 July Cornish Radio Amateur Club is holding the Cornish Rally. Contact Steve, G7VOH, on 01209 844939. On Sunday 12 July Newquay and District Amateur Radio Society is attending the Cornish Amateur Radio Rally. Contact Joe Bell, M6JOE, on 01726 891557. On Tuesday 14 July Poldhu Amateur Radio Club is visiting Lizard Wireless Station at Bass Point. Contact Keith, G0WYS, by email to vickeithatglobalnet.co.uk. On Wednesday 15 July Exmouth Amateur Radio Club is having an operating and mystery night. Contact Mike, G1GZG, on 01395 274172. On Wednesday 15 July South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is looking at thermionic valves. Contact Len, G4RZY, on 01275 834 282. On Wednesday 15 July Taunton and District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk by Kelvin Marsh, M0AID on the PC, amateur radio and having no sight. Contact William, G3WNI, on 01823 666 234. On Wednesday 15 July Thornbury and South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio Club is having a practical GeoCaching exercise with G6RAZ. Contact Tony, G0WMB, on 01454 417048. On Wednesday 15 July Trowbridge and District Amateur Radio Club is having a natter night. Contact Ian, G0GRI, on 01225 864 698. On Thursday 16 July Swindon and District Amateur Radio Club is having a m members equipment sale. Contact Den, M0ACM, on 07810 317750. On Thursday 16 July Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is having a talk by Matt G4RKY. Contact Steve Crask, G7AHP, by email to steveatg7ahp.co.uk. NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS On Sunday 12 July Loughton And Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society is operating GB0IS from Theydon Bois Donkey Derby. Contact Marc Litchman, G0TOC, on 020 8502 1645,. On Monday 13 July Gloucester Amateur Radio And Electronics Society is having an informal evening. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01452 548478, daytime. On Monday 13 July Leicester DX Group is on the air. Contact Clive M3CGH via the web at www.leicesterdx.co.uk. On Monday 13 July South Birmingham Radio Society is having a review of VHF NFD. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603. On Monday 13 July South Normanton Alfreton and District Amateur Radio Club is having a fox hunt. Contact A J Higton, 2E1GWO, on 01773 783658. On Monday 13 July Stratford Upon Avon District Radio Society is having a barbecue and night on the air. Contact Jack, G3VYE, on 01926 641 988. On Tuesday 14 July Derby and District Amateur Radio Society is having a committee meeting. Contact Richard Buckby, by email to radioatdadars.org.uk. 8 On Tuesday 14 July Eagle Radio Group is having a talk on operating 75 North by 70 35 South by Colin Higgins, G3NRQ. Contact Terry, G0SWS, on 01507 478590. On Tuesday 14 July Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club has its final DF of the year on 160m. Contact Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319. On Tuesday 14 July Worcester Radio Amateurs Association Club is having a talk and on the air evening. Contact Leslie Coyne M3WRZ, on 01905 764320. On Wednesday 15 July Lincoln Short-Wave Club is having a talk on DXpeditions by Ken Francom. Contact Pam Rose, on 01427 788356. On Wednesday 15 July Midland Amateur Radio Society is holding laptop computer training classes. Contact Norman, G8BHE, on 01214 229 787. On Wednesday 15 July South Notts Amateur Radio Club is having a members-only forum. Contact Terry, M0RIA, on the web at www.radioclubs.net/snarc. On Wednesday 15 July Telford and District Amateur Radio Society is having a VHF debriefing. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on 01952 299 677. On Friday 17 July Coventry Amateur Radio Society is holding the 3rd round of the G2FDC Trophy. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 07958 777363. On Friday 17 July Hucknall Rolls Royce Amateur Radio Club is having a general club meeting. Contact Dave Wilde, G1YAI, by email to webmasterathrrarc.com. On Friday 17 July South Birmingham Radio Society is having a construction evening. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603. On Friday 17 July Loughton and Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society is having a review of European rallies by John Ray, G8DZH, and on Saturday 18 July the Society commences its annual summer get-together weekend at Aylmers Farm, Old Harlow. Contact Marc Litchman, G0TOC, on 020 8502 1645. NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND The organisation behind the Blackpool rally, NARSA, is having its AGM at 8pm on Monday the 13th July at the Grappenhall Community Centre, Grappenhall, Warrington. All clubs affiliated to NARSA are warmly invited to send along a representative. On Monday 13 July Angel Of The North Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on cryptography by AiXi Taylor. Contact Nancy Bone, G7UUR, on 0191 4770036. On Monday 13 July Bolton Wireless Club is having an activity night, building simple VHF antennas with Mick, M0ICK and Andy, G7ROM. Contact boltonwirelessatgmail.com. On Monday 13 July Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is making baluns with G3PHO. Contact Trevor Wood, M0TWS, by email to trevorwood6atyahoo.co.uk. On Monday 13 July Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society is having an auction with Mick, G4EZM. Contact John Foster, M3WAZ, on 01253 399377. On Tuesday 14 July Morecambe Bay Amateur Radio Society is having a social evening. Contact Martin Hazel, M0ZIF, on 07852 200232. On Wednesday 15 July Goole Radio and Electronics Society is having a social evening. Contact Ken, G6YYN, on 01757 638539. 9 On Wednesday 15 July Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is taking part in the 80m SSB club contest. Contact Gordon MacNaught, G3WOV, on 01377 240573. On Wednesday 15 July Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society is on the air. Contact Peter Paul Fox, G8HAV, on 01606553401. On Thursday 16 July South Manchester Radio And Computer Club is having a talk on a one-valve regenerative receiver by Ged, G8RSI. Contact Ron, G3SVW, on 0161 969 3999. On Thursday 16 July Wakefield and District Radio Society is having a debrief from Holy Island and is on the air. Contact Ken, 2E0SSQ, on 07900 563117. On Friday 17 July East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club is on the air. Contact Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475 671. On Friday 17 July Tynemouth Radio Club is on the air. Contact Graham Errington, 07812 172136. On Saturday 18 July Wakefield and District Radio Society continues its Intermediate Licence course. Contact Ken, 2E0SSQ, on 07900 563117. NEWS FOR SCOTLAND On Tuesday 14 July Livingston and District Amateur Radio Society is having an operating evening. Contact Norman, on 0131 449 7641. On Wednesday 15 July Kingdom Amateur Radio Society is having a presentation by Peter Merckel, MM1CIR about his journey to Everest Base Camp. Contact Brian, MM0XBD, on 01383 738905. On Thursday 16 July Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is on holiday and there will be no meeting. Contact Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663. NEWS FOR WALES No news items have been received for Wales this week. NEWS FOR NORTHERN IRELAND No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week. And that's the end of this week's GB2RS news broadcast, prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain. |
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