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![]() NZART Headquarters Infoline Issue 195 08-NOVEMBER-2009 NZART Website: http://www.nzart.org.nz/ Greetings Welcome to Headquarters-Infoline a twice-monthly bulletin of news from NZART Headquarters e-mailed directly to Branches, the amateur radio packet Bulletin Board Service and to others that subscribe through the NZART Website at: http://www.nzart.org.nz/lists/infolinelist.html In This Issue *From The Business Manager Debby Morgan ZL2TDM ==Examination Supervisors ==NZART Examination Supervisor Appointment Process ==NZART HQ Change of Hours *FMTAG Notes For November 2009 ==Further Call For Comments - 2400 MHz Band Plan ==Final Recommendations to NZART Council ==The IARU Region 3 Newsletter -- Headlines and Internet URLs *Wellington Radio EXPO '10 *Second Block Course/Weekend Study Course Proposed *Contest News ==VHF/UHF/SHF Contest Notes ==HF Contests *Upcoming Events *Break-In and Infoline Information *Dates for Official Broadcast (OB) and Head Quarter's Infoline *Attachments for Branches: NZART Headquarters Infoline 195.doc ******* From The Business Manager Debby Morgan ZL2TDM Hi all... sorry for my memory lapse last issue, I was so carried away with attending the IARU triennial conference in Christchurch, I neglected to write a note and tell of all my experiences down there. I am sure by now you will all have heard from the various NZART attendees at the meeting and also from the NZART President of the great success and camaraderie that was felt by all societies in attendance. Suffice to say...there is still a very positive spirit out there regarding amateur radio...and more importantly the need for such communication during recent natural disasters, that affected so many in such a short space of time. Examination Supervisors There has been a considerable number of applications coming through for examination supervisors, therefore I felt it timely that all should be aware of the policy on approving these people. NZART Examination Supervisor Appointment Process A Policy Statement by NZART Council The NZART ARX will accept nominations from Branches of NZART for the position of Examination Supervisor following receipt of the following: * A copy of the minutes from the meeting of the nominating Branch in which the motion was passed nominating the candidate for the position. * Two nominee character references from members of the nominating branch who also must be members of NZART. * Confirmation that the nominee is a member of NZART. On receipt of the above the NZART ARX will check with the NZART General Secretary that the membership details of the nominee and referees are in order. The nomination and supporting documentation is then sent to NZART Council for acceptance. If NZART Council chooses not to approve the nomination it is not under obligation to disclose reasons. Note: successful nominees must remain a member of NZART while occupying the position. NZART HQ Change of Hours Council approved a recommendation of the Finance Management Group for headquarters to review current operating hours. As from 1 December 2009, NZART Headquarters will be open for three full days per week, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY from 9am to 5pm. These days were chosen as they will have the least impact of statutory holidays in a year. This effectively reduces my working time from 25 hours per week to 24, however may see this reduce further in the longer term. Talk soon...Debby ZL2TDM ******* FMTAG Notes For November 2009 At its November 2009, NZART Council approved publication of these notes. Further Call For Comments - 2400 MHz Band Plan NZART Council invites comments on the establishment of an alternative Narrow Band Mode segment on frequencies just above 2400 MHz. Members should send their comments to FMTAG: INTERIM RECOMMENDATIONS TO NZART COUNCIL None this month. Final Recommendations to NZART Council First published as Interim Recommendations in September/October 2009 Break-In. Branch 22 Marlborough has applied for a 4575 APRS Digipeater, to be located at Jamies Knob, at map reference NZ260 P28 026586. The transmit and receive frequency will be 144.575 MHz, in accordance with the band plan on page 7-15 of Call Book. An engineering evaluation confirms that there will be no interference to other stations. Branch 22 Marlborough has applied for a 4575 APRS Digipeater to be located at Kaikoura, at map reference NZ260 O31 673650. The transmit and receive frequency will be 144.575 MHz, in accordance with the band plan on page 7-15 of Call Book. An engineering evaluation confirms that there will be no interference to other stations. Branch 26 Nelson has applied for a 2-metre APRS Digipeater, to be located at Takaka Hill, map reference NZ260 N26 983206. The transmit and receive frequency will be 144.575 MHz, in accordance with the band plan on page 7-15 of Call Book. An engineering evaluation confirms that there will be no interference to other stations. Branch 26 Nelson has applied for a 2-metre APRS Digipeater, to be located at Fringed Hill, map reference NZ260 O27 366886. The transmit and receive frequency will be 144.575 MHz, in accordance with the band plan on page 7-15 of Call Book. An engineering evaluation confirms that there will be no interference to other stations. Branch 26 Nelson has applied for a 2-metre APRS Digipeater, to be located at Mt. Murchison, map reference NZ260 M29 683418. The transmit and receive frequency will be 144.575 MHz, in accordance with the band plan on page 7-15 of Call Book. An engineering evaluation confirms that there will be no interference to other stations. Branch 63 Upper Hutt has applied for a 23-centimetre repeater, to be located at Mt. Climie, map reference NZ260 899041. The repeater's transmit frequency will be 1292.000 MHz and its receive frequency will be 1272.000 MHz. An engineering evaluation confirms that there will be no interference to other stations. Branch 66 Auckland VHF has applied for a 23-centimetre beacon, in accordance with the revised beacon band plan, to be located at Klondyke, map reference NZ260 705258. The transmit frequency will be 1296.253 MHz. An engineering evaluation confirms that there will be no interference to other stations. Branch 74 Wellington VHF has applied for a 955 repeater at Ngaio Reservoir, map reference NZ260 R27 594933. The repeater transmit frequency will be 439.550 MHz and the repeater receive frequency will be 434.550 MHz. An engineering evaluation confirms that there will be no interference to other stations. COMMENTS AND APPLICATIONS Please send your comments and suggestions on the above matters and recommendations, and on any other FMTAG matters, by e-mail to: Applications for repeaters, beacons, digipeaters, point-to-point links, and so on, should be made on the latest version of FMTAG Form 10. The latest versions of FMTAG Form 10, and the explanatory Form 10A, are available on the NZART web site: http://www.nzart.org.nz/nz/fmtag.html Completed forms should be sent by e-mail to END ******* The IARU Region 3 Newsletter -- Headlines and Internet URLs Issue 15 - July to October 2009, Released November 2009 HEADLINES * A Word from the Chairman of IARU Region 3 - Michael Owen VK3KI * 14th IARU Region 3 Conference Christchurch 12 - 16 October 2009 * Monitoring System (MS) * Amateur Radio Education * Emergency Communications * Emergency CoA for Region 3 * ARDF * Region 3 Directors for the next three years * Regional Coordinators * IARU Region 3 Band revised * Region 3 Conference in 2012 * Bush fires, earthquakes and tropical storms * JOTA a success * Preparations underway for WRC-12 * WIA celebrates 100 years * Region III Award * Reminder- 2012 International YL Meet in Adelaide * The 2009 Seanet * Expansion of 40 Meter band MS Word version of this newsletter is available at http://www.iaru-r3.org/news/r3nl-09-10.doc Acrobat PDF version is also available at http://www.iaru-r3.org/news/r3nl-09-10.pdf Hyper Text Markup Language, HTML version, is available at http://www.nzart.org.nz/html/2009/r3nl-09-10.html ******* Wellington Radio EXPO '10 Date: Saturday 27 March 2010 Location: Knox Church Hall, High Street, Lower Hutt Vendors: doors open at 7.00 am Public: doors open at 10.00 am Proudly supported by the Combined Amateur Radio Clubs of Wellington. ******* ******* Second Block Course/Weekend Study Course Proposed Hawke's Bay Amateur Radio Club Inc. is running a second block course this year if there is enough demand. Please let all know of this. 21st / 22nd of November. More info to follow. Please send all expressions of interest to Regards, Warren Harris ZL2AJ Technaserve Ltd ******* Contest News VHF/UHF/SHF Contest Notes Field Day Contest, 50 MHz and up 5 December 2009 - 1700 to 2300 NZT 6 December 2009 - 0700 to 1300 NZT The rules are available at: http://www.vhf.org.nz/VHF-UHF-SHF-ContestRules Logs should be sent within two weeks, to: with Contest Log in the subject line, or by post to: Contest Manager, Wellington VHF Group, P.O. Box 12-259, Thorndon, Wellington ==== HF Contests KIWI DIGITAL MODES GROUP TWIN SPRINT CONTEST 5/6-DEC http://www.nzart.org.nz/html/2009/di...ntest-dec.html 2009 CQ WORLD WIDE CONTESTS CW Section - 0000 UTC, 28th November through to 2359 UTC, 29th November Contest Rules and Other Operating Information: http://www.cqww.com/ 2010 JOCK WHITE MEMORIAL FIELD DAY CONTEST When:- Saturday, 27th February 2010 and Sunday 28th February 2010 Times :- Saturday 1500 NZDT until 2400 NZDT and Sunday 0600 NZDT until 1500 NZDT http://www.nzart.org.nz/contests/200...wfd-rules.html ******* Upcoming Events Wellington Radio EXPO '10 27 March 2010, Knox Church Hall, Lower Hutt NZART Annual Conference Auckland 5th - 7th June 2010 http://nzartconference.cjb.net ******* Break-In, Infoline and General Information Break-In - From the Break-In Editor John ZL3IB 1. Closing Date Reminder: Copy for the NOVEMBER/DECEMBER issue of Break-In closes on 10-NOVEMBER-2009. 2. Document File Format: Please do not send copy for publication as Word 2007.docx files; they cannot be processed. Please send in Word 2003 (or earlier).doc or *.rtf file format. 3. Early receipt of copy is much appreciated. 4. Break-In Contents Index from 1957 can be found at: http://www.nzart.org.nz/breakin/index/index.html Copy for the AREC Break-In Column - From Geoff ZL3QR The close-of-copy date is the 03-NOVEMBER-2009 for articles for publication in the AREC COLUMN OF BREAK-IN. Photos, if available, to be on a separate floppy or CD (with captions), posted DIRECTLY TO US Call Book address. All other material can go to e-mail: or . ==== The WIA Weekly News Bulletin and The ARRL Letter can be found at: http://www.nzart.org.nz/html/2009/wi...ekly-news.html ==== Subscribe to and Un-Subscribe From Infoline Please send an e-mail to the address at the end of this bulletin or see instructions on the NZART web page at: http://www.nzart.org.nz/lists/infolinelist.html ==== Dates for Official Broadcast (OB) and Head Quarter's Infoline OBs FOR 2009=NOV-29 DEC-20 OBs FOR 2010 FEB-28 MAR-28 APR-25 MAY-30 JUN-08-27 JUL-25 AUG-29 SEP-26 OCT-31 NOV-28 DEC-19 * Next NZART Official Broadcast SUNDAY 29-NOVEMBER-2009, * and * Next HQ-Infoline e-mailed on SUNDAY 22-NOVEMBER-2009 * INFOLINE 2009 SUNDAY=DEC-06-20 INFOLINE 2010 SUNDAY JAN-17 FEB-07-21 MAR-07-21 APR-04-18 MAY-09-23 JUN-13-27 JUL-04-18 AUG-08-22 SEP-05-19 OCT-03-17 NOV-07-21 DEC-05-19 Infoline on the web http://www.nzart.org.nz/infoline/ Regards, Jamie Pye ZL2NN, Editor |
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