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![]() NZART Headquarters Infoline Issue 197 06-DECEMBER-2009 NZART Website: http://www.nzart.org.nz/ Greetings Welcome to Headquarters-Infoline a twice-monthly bulletin of news from NZART Headquarters e-mailed directly to Branches, the amateur radio packet Bulletin Board Service and to others that subscribe through the NZART Website at: http://www.nzart.org.nz/lists/infolinelist.html In This Issue *FMTAG Notes For December 2009 *ZL3 Radio Buildathom *Monitoring Service Reports *Contest News ==VHF/UHF/SHF Contest Notes ==HF Contests *Upcoming Events *Break-In and Infoline Information *Dates for Official Broadcast (OB) and Head Quarter's Infoline *Attachments for Branches: NZART Headquarters Infoline 197.doc ******* FMTAG NOTES FOR DECEMBER 2009 At its December meeting, NZART Council approved publication of the following notes. INTERIM RECOMMENDATIONS TO NZART COUNCIL Branch 20 Manawatu has applied for a 5725 Repeater, to be located at Pahiatua track, at map reference NZ260 T24 416857. The repeater transmit frequency will be 145.725 MHz and receive frequency will be 145.125 MHz. An engineering evaluation confirms that there will be no interference to other stations. Branch 20 Manawatu has applied for a 7125 Repeater, to be located at Pahiatua track, at map reference NZ260 T24 416857. The repeater transmit frequency will be 147.125 MHz and receive frequency will be 147.725 MHz. An engineering evaluation confirms that there will be no interference to other stations. Branch 20 Manawatu has applied for a 8525 Repeater, to be located at Pahiatua track, at map reference NZ260 T24 416857. The repeater transmit frequency will be 438.525 MHz and receive frequency will be 433.525 MHz. An engineering evaluation confirms that there will be no interference to other stations. Branch 26 Nelson has applied to relocate its 4575 APRS Digipeater from Fringed Hill to Observatory Hill, at map reference NZ260 O27 313906. The transmit and receive frequency will be 144.575 MHz. An engineering evaluation confirms that there will be no interference to other stations. Branch 27 New Plymouth has applied for a 720 Repeater, to be located at Robe Street, at map reference NZ260 P19 029375. The repeater transmit frequency will be 147.200 MHz and receive frequency will be 147.800 MHz. An engineering evaluation confirms that there will be no interference to other stations. FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS TO NZART COUNCIL None this month. COMMENTS AND APPLICATIONS Please send your comments and suggestions on the above matters and recommendations, and on any other FMTAG matters, by e-mail to: Applications for repeaters, beacons, digipeaters, point-to-point links, and so on, should be made on the latest version of FMTAG Form 10. The latest versions of FMTAG Form 10, and the explanatory Form 10A, are available on the NZART web site: PLEASE NOTE THE REVISED URL FOR THE FMTAG AS SHOWN BELOW http://www.nzart.org.nz/fmtag/index.html PLEASE NOTE THE REVISED URL FOR THE FMTAG AS SHOWN ABOVE Completed forms should be sent by e-mail to ******* ZL3 Radio Buildathon The 3rd ZL3 Radio Buildathon will be held on Saturday January 30th in Christchurch and all radio amateurs from ZL3 District are invited to come along and build a ZL3 Pixie Twins kit. Youngsters and budding hams 8 - 80 are most welcome. There's a kit for them too! After building your fun 80m QRP CW transceiver you can enter two competitions. One is for the best DX CW contact within NZ using a ZL3 Pixie Twin. The other is for the funniest housed unit. Let your imagination run wild! A superb 40 m QRP CW kit transceiver from www.smallwonderlabs.com USA will be awarded to each of the winners. Please register your interest now as places must be limited. Bring along your friends, members of clubs you belong to, and workmates. Here's a great way for them to find out about the fun you're having in amateur radio. Email David at or call 03 358 2424 Visit http://sites.google.com/site/zl3buildathon/ Google: ZL3 Buildathon ******* MONITORING SERVICE REPORTS From Region 1 Miscellaneous Monitoring Reports For November-2009 Reports have the latest infomation first ooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOoo OOooOOooOOooOOoo 29-NOVEMBER-2009a 21425.0 kHz - FM, Russian taxi, female person operating the base station - 27.11.2009 at 0930 UTC 73 from Wolf, DK2OM _______________________________________________ INTRUDERALERT mailing list http://iaru-r1.org/mailman/listinfo/...rt_iaru-r1.org ooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOoo OOooOOooOOooOOoo 27-NOVEMBER-2009a Latest infos about the beacon D: Beacon D, main transmission on 7038.700 kHz, location: UKR, Sevastopol, probably the Russian naval base of the "Black-Sea-Fleet". Spurious emissions on 7000.000 and 7077.400 kHz often observed. Harmonic emissions on 14077.400 (2nd) and 2116.100 (3rd) kHz during the last days. Today I informed the German PTT (BNetzA) about the situation. Concerning 7038.700: In 2004 and 2005 the German PTT filed 3 complaints to the UKR authorities. No reaction, no change. Regarding 14077.400: The German PTT will file another complaint. TNX for your observations and reports, DK2OM, Wolf, IARUMS R1! ooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOoo OOooOOooOOooOOoo 27-NOVEMBER-2009b Dear friends, DL8AAM (Tom) sent me very helpful infos about the Russian cluster-beacons. TNX dear Tom, great action! 73 from Wolf ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi, Beacon D, main transmission on 7038.700 kHz, location: UKR, Sevastopol, probably the Russian naval base of the "Black-Sea-Fleet". The letters versus their fleets and their regular "ITU-callsign": P = Baltic Sea Fleet HQ, Kaliningrad = RMP S = Northern Fleet HQ, Severomorsk (in Murmansk Oblast) = RIT D = Black Sea Fleet HQ, Sevastopol (Ukraine) = RCV C = Naval HQ, Moscow = RIW F = Pacific Fleet HQ, Vladivistok = RJS K = Pacific Fleet, Base Petropavlovsk Kamchatskiy = RCC M = Pacific Fleet, Base Magadan = RTS The SLHFB "A" is related to the Caspian Sea Flotilla (HQ Astrakhan), but for this one I don't have the ITU callsign. Their collective call is RKN, means bulletins for all members of this flotilla are addressed to RKN. These transmissions are sometimes reported to be coming maybe from the Black Sea Fleet COMSTA "RCV"? But so far we haven't any official QSL for this. (BTW QSL, the Baltic Sea Fleet COMSTA "RMP" aka "P" recently send out real QSLs for SWL reports too !) For the Caspians we never saw any "RKN de RCV" preamble (as all the other fleet COMSTAs always do "REO DE RMP QTC ... "), therefore we can't be sure if they don't have an own larger Caspian HQ COMSTA who handles to the "A beacon" transmission from (near) Astrakhan itself. And it would be silly if the propagation beacon A comes from the same area as D/RCV...hi Maybe any local Russian MS-members could confirm any Caspian flotilla COMSTA (callsign?, address for SWL reports etc.) ? BTW, "bulletins" by the COMSTAs are not send via channels of the cluster beacon sub-system - that system just act as a simple propagation beacon network. 73, Tom DL8AAM ooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOoo OOooOOooOOooOOoo 26-NOVEMBER-2009 14077.400 - A1A - beacon "D", harmonic from 7038.700 - location UKR - tnx to Fred, DL6XAZ, for reporting! 73 de Wolf ******* Contest News VHF/UHF/SHF Contest Notes DX Weekend 6/7-FEBRUARY-2010 Operating times a 6 FEBRUARY 2010 - 1700 to 2300 NZT 7 FEBRUARY 2010 - 0700 to 1300 NZT The rules are available at: http://www.vhf.org.nz/VHF-UHF-SHF-ContestRules Logs should be sent within two weeks, to: with Contest Log in the subject line, or by post to: Contest Manager, Wellington VHF Group, P.O. Box 12-259, Thorndon, Wellington Wellington VHF Group Website http://www.vhf.org.nz ==== HF Contests 2010 JOCK WHITE MEMORIAL FIELD DAY CONTEST When:- Saturday, 27th February 2010 and Sunday 28th February 2010 Times :- Saturday 1500 NZDT until 2400 NZDT and Sunday 0600 NZDT until 1500 NZDT Updated Contest Rules and Other Operating Information will be available from the NZART Website prior to the commencement of the contest . NZART Website http://www.nzart.org.nz/contests 2010 ARRL INTERNATIONAL CW CONTEST When : - Saturday, 20 February 2010 and Sunday, 21 February 2010 Times :- 0000 UTC (20th) until 2400 UTC (21st). Bands :- All Bands Mode:- CW Only Contest Rules and Other Operating Information are available from the ARRL Website, http://www/arrl.org A good contest as is the later SSB Contest (March 6&7) to garner those missing US States for the elusive Worked All States award. 2010 ARRL INTERNATIONAL PHONE CONTEST When :- Saturday, 6 March 2010 and Sunday, 7 March 2010 Times:- 0000 UTC (6th ) until 2400 UTC (7th ) Bands :- All Bands Mode :- Phone Only For Contest Rules and other Operating Information please refer to the Contest Website - http://www.arrl.org/contests 2010 RSBG COMMONWEALTH CONTEST (BERU) When :- 13 & 14 March 2010 Times :- 1000 UTC (Sat.) until 1000 UTC (Sun.) Bands :- All Bands Mode :- CW Only Considered to be one of the more gentlemany contests that has been in existence since the mid-1930's. Apart from the individual performances there is a Team's event, based on individual nation's participation. The NZART Team under the astute leadership of Frank Hunt, ZL2BR won this event in 2007 and finished third last year. Frank is looking for Team participants to make up the NZ Team. Interested - contact Frank by "snail mail" at :- 8 Manu Crescent, New Plymouth. 4310., or email :- Contest Rules and other operating information is now available from the Contest website :- http://www.hfcc.org/hfcc/rule/2009/beru.shtml NOTE I have had no success with accessing this URL and have informed the Contest Manager EDITOR ******* Upcoming Events Wellington Radio EXPO '10 27 March 2010, Knox Church Hall, Lower Hutt NZART Annual Conference Auckland 5th - 7th June 2010 http://nzartconference.cjb.net ******* Break-In, Infoline and General Information Break-In - From the Break-In Editor John ZL3IB 1. Closing Date Reminder: Copy for the JANUARY/FEBRUARY issue of Break-In closes on 10-JANUARY-2009. 2. Document File Format: Please do not send copy for publication as Word 2007.docx files; they cannot be processed. Please send in Word 2003 (or earlier).doc or *.rtf file format. 3. Early receipt of copy is much appreciated. 4. Break-In Contents Index from 1957 can be found at: http://www.nzart.org.nz/breakin/index/index.html Copy for the AREC Break-In Column - From Geoff ZL3QR The close-of-copy date is the 03-JANUARY-2009 for articles for publication in the AREC COLUMN OF BREAK-IN. Photos, if available, to be on a separate floppy or CD (with captions), posted DIRECTLY TO US Call Book address. All other material can go to e-mail: or . ==== The WIA Weekly News Bulletin and The ARRL Letter can be found at: WIA Weekly News Bulletin http://www.nzart.org.nz/html/2009/wia-weekly-news.html ARRL Letter http://www.nzart.org.nz/html/2009/arrl-weekly-news.html ==== Subscribe to and Un-Subscribe From Infoline Please send an e-mail to the address at the end of this bulletin or see instructions on the NZART web page at: http://www.nzart.org.nz/lists/infolinelist.html ==== Dates for Official Broadcast (OB) and Head Quarter's Infoline OBs FOR 2009=DEC-20 OBs FOR 2010 FEB-28 MAR-28 APR-25 MAY-30 JUN-08-27 JUL-25 AUG-29 SEP-26 OCT-31 NOV-28 DEC-19 * Next NZART Official Broadcast SUNDAY 20-DECEMBER-2009, * and * Next HQ-Infoline e-mailed on SUNDAY 20-DECEMBER-2009 * INFOLINE 2009 SUNDAY=DEC-20 INFOLINE 2010 SUNDAY JAN-17 FEB-07-21 MAR-07-21 APR-04-18 MAY-09-23 JUN-13-27 JUL-04-18 AUG-08-22 SEP-05-19 OCT-03-17 NOV-07-21 DEC-05-19 Infoline on the web http://www.nzart.org.nz/infoline/ Regards, Jamie Pye ZL2NN, Editor |
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