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Old January 15th 10, 05:20 PM posted to,,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2007
Posts: 249
Default GB2RS NEWS Sunday 17th January 2010



Sunday 17th January 2010

The news headlines

Keep earthquake net frequencies clear

Ionospheric radar to leave amateur bands

Azores contest station looking to put 160m on the map

Following the earthquake in Haiti on 13 January, all radio amateurs are
requested to keep 7045kHz and 3720kHz clear for possible emergency
traffic. IARU Region 2 Area C Emergency Coordinator Arnie Coro, CO2KK,
reports that as of 0245UTC on 13 January nothing had been heard from
radio amateurs in Haiti, but that the frequencies were being kept
active in case any Haitian hams manage to get on the air.

After complaints from Glenn, VK4DU and Uli, DJ9KR to the La Trobe
University in Australia, the Tiger Radar in South Australia will change
its frequency databases. In the future no amateur band should be
interfered with by this Ionospheric Radar System.

A group of Finnish DXers will put the Azores on 160m and above with new
vertical and Beverage antennas, starting on 16 January. The activity
will include CQWW 160m CW and ARRL CW/SSB contests, using the callsign
CR2X. There will also be some activity before and after the contests.

Donations to the RSGB Spectrum Defence Fund continue to flow in, and
the Society is very grateful to all those radio amateurs who have given
their support to date. The Fund is extremely important in ensuring the
future of amateur radio and the defence of the spectrum allocations we
currently enjoy. This should be of concern to all radio amateurs so
please support your National Society by making a contribution, whether
you are an RSGB member or not.

Have you logged on to the RSGB website and read the General Manager's
blog? To keep up to date with RSGB matters and to be close to what's
going on, it's a must. You can find the blog on the RSGB website,

SOS Radio Week 2010 starts at 0000 on 23 January and ends at 2359 on 31
January. During that time individual operators and amateur radio groups
all over the UK and Ireland will be making as many contacts as they can
to raise money for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. There are
currently thirty individuals and groups registered and details of when
and where they will be operating from can be found on the event website
at However, it's not too late to join in and
register for the event. Simply go to the website and select the option
to register for the event.

Mike Musgrove, G4NVT, QSL sub manager for the G4N series of callsigns,
is stepping down. His call series is being combined with the G4M group,
under the management of Cliff Rowe, G4MAR. The Society would like to
thank Mike, G4NVT for his long service to his fellow amateurs and
advise all G4Ns that all outstanding


cards and envelopes have been transferred to the new sub manager.
Details of the changes are available in the QSL section of the RSGB
Members' Only website.

Gilford Castle in Northern Ireland will be activated on 22 January from
10pm on various HF bands using SSB and PSK as part of the Castles and
Stately Homes on the Air scheme in Northern Ireland. The activation is
being run by Bobby, 2I0ULL.

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week

Today, 17 January, the Red Rose Winter Rally will take place at Lowton
Civic Centre, postcode WA3 2AH, just off the A580 East Lancs Road.
Doors open at 10am and there is free car parking. Visitors will find
trade stands and a bring and buy as well as special interest groups and
an RSGB bookstall. Further details from Steve on 01942 888900.

Also on today, 17 January, the Dover Amateur Radio Club Rally will be
held at Whitfield Village Hall, Dover CT16 3LY. Talk in will be via

The next rally will be on 31 January, when the Horncastle Winter Rally
will take place at the Horncastle Youth Centre, Lincolnshire LN9 6DZ.
Doors open at 10am for disabled visitors and 10.30am for other
visitors, entry will be £1.50. More details from Tony, G3ZPU, on 01507

Following a fire at the Afan Lido in Port Talbot, the rally organisers
of the Swansea Radio Rally, due to be held on 21 February, have
re-located to the Court Herbert Sports Centre, Neath Abbey SA10 7BE, 2
miles from M4 J43 via A465. Details on the web at

Now for the news of special events

The Scarborough Special Events Group will be on the air as GB4RNLI for
the RNLI SOS week, commencing on 23 January. The QSL card will show the
Scarborough Mersey class all-weather lifeboat and the D Class inshore
lifeboat exercising in the South Bay with HMS Explorer, an Archer class
P2000 coastal training craft and a rescue helicopter from RAF
Leconfield. QSL via the Bureau or direct to club call G0OOO.

Special event club station PA30EPC will be active on all bands PSK from
South Holland until 30 January. QSL via PA4JB.

To coincide with the 26th Arab Scouts Conference from Khartoum, Sudan,
the special callsign ST26ASC will be used between 22 and 28 January.
QSL manager will be ST2M.

On 22 January, Lincoln Short Wave Club will put GB4VK on the air for
Australia Day.

And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources.

Tom, GM4FDM, and Ron, PA3EWP, intend to be in Senegal from 26 January
to 9 February. Look for 6W/GM4FDM and 6W/PA3EWP to be active, with
emphasis on the low bands and RTTY. QSL 6W/GM4FDM via GM4FDM and
6W/PA3EWP via PA7FM.


Bernhard, DL2GAC will be active again as H44MS from the Solomon Islands
for three months. His expected arrival and departure dates are 21
January and 20 April.

Now the contest news

On 19 January the UHF UK Activity Contest will take place between 2000
and 2230UTC on the 1.3 and 2.3GHz bands using all modes. The exchange
is signal report, serial number and locator.

21 January sees the 80m Club Championships data leg take place from
2000 to 2130UTC. Exchange is signal report and serial number.

The BARTG RTTY Sprint takes place on 23-24 January between 1200 and
1200 on band between 3.5 and 28MHz. In this event BARTG have made the
contest exchange really short * just a serial number. There are
categories for Single Op All Band, Single Op Expert, Multi Op and SWL,
and multipliers for working continents and DXCC countries.

Now the solar factual data for the period from the 4th to the 10th of
January, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS on the 11th of January.

The solar disc had sunspots visible every day except for the 6th. Solar
activity was low on the 4th and the 9th when a C1 class solar flare
took place on both days. The remaining days activity was very low,
however, numerous B class solar flares occurred most days. Solar flux
levels increased from 73 units on the 4th to 84 by the 10th. The
average was 78. The 90 day solar flux average on the 10th was 75,
that's the same level as last week. Interestingly, this time last year
it was only 68 units. X-ray flux levels, which for months remained
below the minimum reporting level this week remained above and the
average was A4.4. Geomagnetic activity was very quiet again with the
most disturbed days only seeing the Ap index at 2 units. The average
was Ap one unit. Solar wind data from the ACE spacecraft saw solar wind
speeds vary between 260 and 330 kilometres per second. Particle
densities were very low everyday. Bz never varied more than minus 6 and
plus 5 nanoTeslas throughout the period.

In cork, Southern Ireland, Charles, EI5FK, who is a regular reporter to
the `spots and flares' forum, reported that during the morning of the
9th he heard the following beacons, 3B8MS, Z21ANB and ZS6DN on 28MHz.
With solar flux levels in the 80's, a quiet geomagnetic field and the
right time of the year opening like this are just possible.

And finally the solar forecast. This week solar activity is expected to
be very low. There is a slight chance that solar activity could
increase to low if any C class solar flares take place. Solar flux
levels should be in the mid to upper 70s for most of the week.
Geomagnetic activity is expected to be quiet everyday. MUFs during
daylight hours at equal latitudes should be around 21MHz for the south
and 18MHz for the north. Darkness hour lows should be about 7MHz. Paths
this week to South America should have a maximum usable frequency with
a 50 per cent success rate of around 26MHz. The optimum working
frequency with a 90 per cent success rate will be about 21MHz. The best
time to try this path will be between 1200 and 1700UTC.

And that's all for this week from the propagation team.


Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies

can be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses

and website links where known.

[Note to newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to
your service area.]


and EAST ANGLIA On Sunday 17 January Dover Radio Club is running the
Dover Radio Rally. Contact Brian, G4SAU, by email to .
On Monday 18 January Basingstoke Amateur Radio Club invites you to
build your own CW oscillator from components that will be provided.
Just bring your own soldering iron and cutters. Contact Clive, G4ODM,
on 01256 326050. On Monday 18 January Braintree and District Amateur
Radio Society is working on the MKARS 80m kit and having an operating
evening. Contact John, M5AJB, on 01787 460 947. On Monday 18 January
Burnham Beeches Radio Club is having a talk on the Moxon Square by
G0SKA. Contact Dave, G4XDU, on 01628 625 720. On Monday 18 January
Milton Keynes Amateur Radio Society is having an open shack night.
Details on the web at On Monday 18 January Surrey
Radio Contact Club is having a fixit and natter night. Contact Ray,
G4FFY, on 020 8644 7589. On Tuesday 19 January Andover Radio Amateurs
Club is having a follow up to SDR design, entitled why SDR? Contact
Martin, M0MWS, on 0777 618 1646. On Tuesday 19 January Bromley and
District Amateur Radio Society is holding its AGM. Contact Andy, G4WGZ,
on 01689 878089. On Tuesday 19 January Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society
is having a club net night. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on 01245 469 008. On
Wednesday 20 January Dover Radio Club is having a natter and operating
night. Contact Brian, G4SAU, by email to . On
Wednesday 20 January Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is having a talk
entitled propagation * as she really is, by Pat Gowen, G3IOR. Contact
Chris Danby, G0DWV, on 01603 419204. On Wednesday 20 January Worthing
and District Amateur Radio Club is having a club dinner at the Sussex
Potter. Contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903 753 893. On Thursday 21 January
Horsham Amateur Radio Club is having a social evening. Details on the
web at On Thursday 21 January King's Lynn Amateur
Radio Club is having a club night and 2m club net. Contact Ray, G3RSV,
by email to . On Thursday 21 January Lowestoft and
District Pye Amateur Radio Club is having a night at the shack. Contact
Phil, G0JSG, on 01502585448.


On Thursday 21 January Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society Club
is holding its construction contest. Contact David, G8UOD, on 01234 742
757. On Thursday 21 January Sutton and Cheam Radio Society is having a
talk on D-Star by Chris Howard, M6HUD. Contact John, G0BWV, on 020 8644
9945. On Friday 22 January Itchen Valley Amateur Radio Club is having a
talk on DX operation and contesting by Don Field, G3XTT. Contact
Charlie, M0WYM, on 02380 439560. On Friday 22 January Mid-Sussex
Amateur Radio Society is having a talk by Chris Saunders on NVIS and
5MHz. Contact Peter, G4AKG, on 01444 239371. On Friday 22 January Radio
Society of Harrow is having a talk on LEDs, humble indicators to
shining beacons. Contact Linda, G7RJL on 020 8386 8586. On Sunday 24
January Hastings Electronics and Radio Club is holding its club lunch.
Contact Gordon, on 01424 431 909.

NEWS FOR THE SOUTH-WEST On Monday 18 January Appledore and District
Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on an ultra portable cheap Slim Jim
2m antenna by Terry, G4CHD. Contact Brian Jewell, M0BRB, on 01237
473251. On Tuesday 19 January Blackmore Vale Amateur Radio Society is
having an HF evening in the club shack. Contact Tony G0GFL, on 01258
860741. On Tuesday 19 January West Devon Radio Club is having an open
night. All are welcome, and there will be a radio knowledge quiz with a
prize for the winner. Contact Jules Cuddy, M1AGY, on 01752291588. On
Wednesday 20 January Exmouth Amateur Radio Club is having an operating
and mystery night. Contact Mike, G1GZG, on 01395 274172. On Wednesday
20 January Taunton and District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk by
Rob, G0WSC and Kelvin, M0AID their DX operating experiences. Contact
William, G3WNI, on 01823 666 234. On Wednesday 20 January Thornbury and
South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio Club is having a video night.
Contact Tony, G0WMB, on 01454 417048. On Wednesday 20 January
Trowbridge & District Amateur Radio Club is holding its AGM at the
Southwick Village Hall, Southwick. New members are welcome. Please
contact Ian Carter, G0GRI, on 01225 864698, evenings and weekends. On
Thursday 21 January South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having a talk
on Echolink operation by David, G7PKJ. Contact Len, G4RZY, on 01275 834
282. On Thursday 21 January Swindon and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a natter night. Contact Den, M0ACM, on 07810 317750. On Thursday
21 January Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is having a members junk sale.
Contact Steve Crask, G7AHP, by email to

NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS On Monday 18 January Gloucester Amateur Radio and
Electronics Society is having a DF Hunt. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01452
548478, daytime. On Monday 18 January Leicester Radio Society is having
a talk and demo on voice over internet and remote operation of a
station. Contact the duty committee member on 07804 595749.


On Monday 18 January South Birmingham Radio Society is having a
committee meeting. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603. On Monday 18 January
Welland Valley Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on short wave
bands and satellites by Roy, M3HZN. Contact Peter D Rivers, G4XEX, on
01858 432105. On Tuesday 19 January Loughborough and District Amateur
Radio Club is having a video evening on the subject of space. Contact
Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319. On Wednesday 20 January Bolsover
Amateur Radio Society is inviting members to bring in any unfinished
projects to see if they can't get them fixed up and going. Details from
. On Wednesday 20 January Hinkley Amateur Radio
Society is on the Air. Contact John, M0JAV, on 07836 731544. On
Wednesday 20 January Lincoln Short-Wave Club is having a shack activity
and natter night. Contact Pam Rose, G4STO, on 01427 788356. On
Wednesday 20 January Midland Amateur Radio Society is having a laptop
computer evening. Contact Norman, G8BHE, on 01214 229 787. On Wednesday
20 January South Notts Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on RAYNET.
Contact Terry, M0RIA, on the web at On
Wednesday 20 January Telford and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a circuit sharing evening. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on 01952 299
677. On Thursday 21 January Cheltenham Amateur Radio Association is
having a video evening at its new venue, Brizen Youth Centre. Contact
Derek Thom, G3NKS, on 01242 241099. On Friday 22 January Bromsgrove and
District Amateur Radio Club is having a discussion on remote operation.
Contact Chris, M0BQE, on 01905 776 869. On Friday 22 January Coventry
Amateur Radio Society is having a video night. Contact John, G8SEQ, on
07958 777363. On Friday 22 January South Birmingham Radio Society is
having a construction evening. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603. On Sunday
24 January Lincoln Short-Wave Club is running its Big Australian
Breakfast special event station at the Lawn, Union Road, Lincoln.
Contact Pam Rose, G4STO, on 01427 788356.

NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND On Monday 18 January Angel Of The North
Amateur Radio Club is on the air and continues its Advanced Licence
course. Contact Nancy Bone, G7UUR, on 0191 4770036. On Monday 18
January Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on slow scan TV
by Trevor, M0TWS. Contact Trevor Wood, M0TWS, by email to
. On Monday 18 January Thornton Cleveleys
Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on planning permission by Ken,
G3RFH. Contact John Foster, 2E0EZY, on 01253 399377. On Tuesday 19
January Chester and District Radio Society is seeing the efforts of its
construction contestants. Contact Barbara Green on 07957 870770. On
Tuesday 19 January Otley Amateur Radio Society is having a shack night.
Contact Paul, 2E0PAK, on 07768 996370.


On Wednesday 20 January Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is holding its
annual dinner. Contact Gordon MacNaught, G3WOV, on 01377 240573. On
Thursday 21 January South Cheshire Amateur Radio Society is having an
on-air club net on S14 because there is no meeting. Contact Chris
Wiseman, G0RDK, on 01782 773185. On Thursday 21 January South
Manchester Radio And Computer Club is having an an open night. Contact
Ron, G3SVW, on 0161 969 3999. On Friday 22 January East Cleveland
Amateur Radio Club invites members to bring in something interesting.
Contact Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475 671. On Friday 22 January South
Manchester Radio And Computer Club is having its annual dinner. Contact
Ron, G3SVW, on 0161 969 3999.

NEWS FOR SCOTLAND On Tuesday 19 January Livingston and District Amateur
Radio Society is having a club evening. Contact Norman, on 07740
946192. On Wednesday 20 January Ayr Amateur Radio Group is working on
its construction project. Contact Charlie, MM0GNS, on 01563 551704. On
Wednesday 20 January Glenrothes and District Radio Club is having a
talk on glass jewellery by Lillian followed by a bread tasting. Contact
Dave Francis, 01383 823878. On Wednesday 20 January Paisley YMCA
Amateur Radio Club is having a club night. Contact Bill Anderson,
2M0BZZ, on 01505 613633. On Thursday 21 January Aberdeen Amateur Radio
Society is having a talk by Ian, GM8MHU on the inverted L antenna.
Contact Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663.

NEWS FOR WALES On Monday 18 January Dragon Amateur Radio Club is having
a video evening. Contact Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF, on 01248 362229. On
Monday 18 January Llanelli Amateur Radio Society is closed due to the
ongoing refurbishment of the property. Contact Craig, MW0MXT, on 01269
840292. On Thursday 21 January Porthmadog And District Amateur Radio
Society is having a natter night. Contact Glyn MW5CAD 01286 830078. On
Thursday 21 January Swansea Amateur Radio Society is having a joint
meeting with the IET with a talk by Ken Eaton, GW1FKY entitled amateur
radio is out of this world. Contact Nick Lewis, MW0JGE, on 01792

NEWS FOR NORTHERN IRELAND No news items have been received for Northern
Ireland this week.

And that's the end of this week's GB2RS news broadcast,

prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain.

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