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Sunday 24th January 2010 The news headlines * Latest on amateur radio from Haiti * Could you volunteer with the National Coas****ch Institution? * Satellites to be built in the UK Following the earthquake in Haiti on 13 January, all radio amateurs are still requested to keep 7045kHz and 3720kHz clear for possible emergency traffic. Eight radio amateurs from Radio Club Dominicano who were operating under the callsign HI8RCD/HH have had to abort their operations in Haiti after the convoy they were travelling in was fired on. The repeater they installed remains in service linking the Haitian and Dominican capitals, and it is being used by the Red Cross and Civil Defence. John Henault, HH6JH who is engaged in missionary work with homeless children in Port au Prince continues to make contacts on 20m using power from a neighbour's generator. On 20 January, Jean-Robert Gaillard, HH2JR was assisted with a phone patch by W3ZU to assure friends he was safe. Another radio amateur in the country, Pierre Petry, HH2/HB9AMO, who works for the UN food program, is also safe. Calls to emergency services aren't getting through because systems that connect different phone networks were still not working. The International Telecommunication Union is deploying 40 satellite terminals and 60 units with broadband facility to re-establish basic communication links, along with experts to operate them. The National Coas****ch Institution is to start up a new watchstation, manned by volunteers, at Calshot Tower overlooking the Solent. NCI Calshot's primary function will be to provide a visual watch along the main shipping channel down Southampton Water panning across to the Hamble and Portsmouth in the east and over to Cowes and Yarmouth on the Isle of Wight together with the more immediate surroundings of Fawley and Calshot itself. To help get the station started, an initial public meeting is being held at the Waterside Sports & Social Club, 179-181 Long Lane, Holbury, Southampton on Tuesday 26 January starting at 7.00pm when there will be an introduction to NCI. All potential volunteer watchkeepers and NCI supporters are welcome and encouraged to attend. No previous maritime experience is required. The most important asset a potential watchkeeper can bring to NCI is a sharp pair of eyes and an inquisitive nature. Progressive training for this vital work is provided in line with nationally agreed standards and includes an introduction to understanding charts and maps, producing weather reports, keeping a log and learning about marine VHF radio procedure. Surrey Satellite Technology, which is headed up by Martin Sweeting, G3YJO, has been awarded a contract to build 14 spacecraft for the Galileo Satellite Navigation project. Plans are to have the satellites coming off the production line in the second half of 2012. Arianespace will use Russian-built Soyuz rockets to launch these global positioning spacecraft in batches of two. The RSGB has received the sad news that Bill Felton. G3XZF, one of our Lincoln 2m GB2RS newsreaders, passed away on 7 January. Jim, G0EJQ, who is the Region 13 Manager, will continue as a newsreader and Simon Shaul, M0SIY, of Market Rasen has been appointed to support him. The reading takes place each Sunday at 10.30am on 145.525MHz FM for the Lincoln area. Spaces are available with the world's most northern contest team, OH8X, for young amateurs. Far above 60° North in the icy arctic reaches of Northern Finland lies a log house with an original Finnish sauna and cosy sleeping quarters along with the radio station OH8X with its massive antennas springing up from the barren tundra. If you would like to experience the far north with its blazing Aurora Borealis coupled with unique polar openings to the United States, this is your chance. Radio Arcala will host four or five younger contest operators participating as a multi team in the ARRL DX (CW) Contest on the weekend of 20 and 21 February. The event will start Thursday evening on the 18th and finish on Monday the 22nd. SSB/WARC operating will also be available on those days, including on a limited scale during the contest weekend. Just drop them a note and explain why you'd like to be part of the contest team as well as your potential as an operator on a multinational CW team. Send your e-mail to team leader Marius Hauki, LB3HC at and he will give you more details. Please contact Marius soonest but no later than January 30th. Full details at www.radioarcala.com. The Marches ARS will be starting an Intermediate RCE Training Course on 4 February. The course will comprise 10 - 12 two hour sessions on Thursday evenings at the Llangollen RAFARS Club starting at 7.30pm. The Examination and Practical Assessment will take place at the Marches ARS Clubroom, Black Park, Chirk on the Sunday following the final training session. For further details and enrolment please contact Dave MW0AYM on 01691 777242 or by e-mail at . Angel of the North Amateur Radio Club is starting both an Intermediate and Foundation course on Monday 8 February at 7pm. They have course books available for both courses. Please contact Nancy Bone, G7UUR on 0191 477 0036 in the evening for more information. And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week On 31 January, the Horncastle Winter Rally will take place at the Horncastle Youth Centre, Lincolnshire LN9 6DZ. Doors open at 10am for disabled visitors and 10.30am for other visitors, entry will be £1.50. More details from Tony, G3ZPU, on 01507 527835. Following a fire at the Afan Lido in Port Talbot, the rally organisers of the Swansea Radio Rally, due to be held on 21 February, have re-located to the Court Herbert Sports Centre, Neath Abbey SA10 7BE, 2 miles from M4 J43 via A465. Details at www.radioclubs.net/swanseaars. Advance notice now from The Northern Cross Rally that will take place at Ossett School, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett. WF5 0DG on Sunday 14 February. Doors open at 10.15am for disabled visitors and 10.30am for everyone else. More details at www.northerncrossrally.org. Now for the news of special events GB1RB will be active on 25 January to celebrate the birthday of Robert Burns. The call will be activated by members of Kilmarnock and Loudoun ARC. More information can be found at QRZ.com GD0MAN will be run by the Isle of Man ARS for the RNLI SOS Radio day on 31 January. The station will operate on 80m at around 3.700MHz ±100-200kHz between 6am and 6pm. They hope to run a separate data mode station on 40m or 20m. GB1LBD for Life Boats, Derby will also be on the air as part of the SOS Radio Week's activities in raising funds for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. Dave, G1VAC and Dave, G1VAB, will be operating for 24-hours, each contact made by GB1LBD being sponsored. The station will be operational from 1000 on Saturday 30 January through to 1000 on Sunday 31st and will be located in the Memorial Hall of the United Reformed Church in Carlton Road, Derby. Information on GB1LBD is available by e-mailing . The Mid Ulster Amateur Radio club will also be on air for SOS radio week on Sunday 24 January from 10pm onwards. The club will be transmitting on various modes from the Lough Neagh rescue station in Kinnego Marina, Oxford Island, Lurgan. All details are on www.muarc.com. Special event stations EI2GBW and GB2EI will be coordinating activities over the coming weeks to be QRV during G2YC/MM activations on cruise ferry MV Julia. All three stations will be activated on Monday 25 January from 0900 to 1800; and from 1200 on Saturday 30 January to 0600 on Sunday 31 January. All three stations will be QRV on 80m around 3.660 to 3.680MHz and or 40m around 7.120 to 7.140MHz SSB to enable as many stations as possible to work all three. For further details please see the EI2GBW page on QRZ.com. And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources. Geoff, G0PFH will be operating from New Zealand from 31 January to 26 February, 20m SSB only. His callsign is ZL1PFH. In addition he will operate with the Halifax Radio Society's callsign, ZL/G2UG. A group of operators from Croatia will be in Vanuatu until 5 February. The calls YJ0XX, YJ0MM and YJ0DX have been issued. They will have three rigs and one amplifier. QSL via 9A8MM. Gerd, DJ4KW and Gisela, DK9GG will be active from Belize as V31YN and V31GW until 28 February, including a number of contests. On 2 to 7 February look for V31YN/P to be active from NA-180. QSLs via home calls (direct or bureau), or LoTW. Now the contest news The Worked All Britain 1.8MHz Phone contest takes place next Saturday, 30 January, from 1900 to 2300UTC.The exchange is signal report, serial number and WAB square. Full details of the rules and logsheets may be obtained from the WAB website www.worked-all-britain.co.uk or from the Contest Manager G0BFJ, QTHR. On 26 January the 50MHz Activity Contest will take place between 2000 and 2230UTC. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. The final event of the month is the CQ WW 160m DX Contest on 29 to 31 January. There are categories for various power levels and Single Op and Multi Op stations. Outside of North America, send RST and CQ Zone (the UK is 14). Americans send RST and two-letter State code. Canadians send RST and three-letter Province code. The owner of even a modest station such as 100W and a long wire stands a chance of making a few QSOs across The Pond. Equip yourself with a linear and a vertical or inverted-L antenna with a good earth system and you'll increase your chances enormously. Now the solar factual data for the period from the 11th to the 17th of January, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS on the 18th of January. First this week a look at the latest smoothed sunspot numbers which are for April, May and June 2009 and are 2.2, 2.3 and 2.7. This rise of point 4 may not sound very significant but it's the largest monthly increase so far this cyccle. The solar disc was dominated by one sunspot group all week. The group looked large and impressive; however, it remained magnetically simple. Solar activity was very low but increased to low when C class solar flares took place on three days. The most impressive flare of the week was a long duration C1 which lasted almost 5 hours on the 15th. Solar flux levels increased to peak at 93 units on the 12th. This is the highest level since the 11th of December 2007. Levels then declined to 83 by 17th. The average was 88 units. The 90 day solar flux average on the 17th was 76, that's one unit up on last week. X-ray flux levels hovered around the B1 mark all week and the average was B1.1 units. Geomagnetic activity was quiet everyday and the average was Ap 3 units. Solar wind data from the ACE spacecraft saw solar wind speeds increase from 280 kilometres per second on the 11th to 540 by the 13th. Particle densities were low throughout. Bz varied no more than minus and plus 5 nanoTeslas except for the 11th which varied between minus 9 and plus 10 nanoTeslas. Several sporadic-E opening have been reported this week with Jim, GM8LFB in Northern Scotland reporting a very short skip opening to Central and Southern England during the evening of the 12th. And finally the solar forecast. The big question is how long this spell of increased level of activity can go on. The solar disc could well have sunspots visible again on some days. This week solar activity is expected to be very low to low. Solar flux levels are expected to be in the 70's if the Sun is spotless most days and in the 80's if spots do appear. Geomagnetic activity is expected to be quiet everyday. MUFs during daylight hours at equal latitudes should be around 20MHz for the south and 17MHz for the north. Darkness hour lows should be about 7MHz. Paths this week to India should have a maximum usable frequency should have a maximum usable frequency with a 50 per cent success rate of around 22MHz. The optimum working frequency with a 90 per cent success rate will be around 17MHz. The best time to try this path will be between 0900 and 1300UTC. And that's all for this week from the propagation team. Next, the Local News: Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses and website links where known. [Note to newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to your service area.] NEWS FOR THE SOUTH-EAST and EAST ANGLIA On Sunday 24 January Hastings Electronics and Radio Club has a lunch at the King's Arms in Ninfield. Contact Gordon, 01424 431 909. On Monday 25 January Felixstowe and District Amateur Radio Society is on the air. Contact Paul, G4YQC, on . On Monday 25 January Milton Keynes Amateur Radio Society has a talk on RAYNET in the region by Don Kirkwood, G3YQO. Details on the web at www.mkars.org.uk. On Tuesday 26 January Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society Club has a net night. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on 01245 469 008. On Tuesday 26 January Dorking and District Radio Society is holding its AGM and have British Vintage Wireless Society video. Contact Garth, G3NPC, on 01737 359472. On Tuesday 26 January Harwell Amateur Radio Society is having a Shack Activity Night. Contact Malcolm, G8NRP, on 01235 524844. On Tuesday 26 January Horndean and District Amateur Radio Club is holding a Quiz evening. Other clubs are invited to enter teams of 4. Contact Stuart, G0FYX, on 023 9247 2846. On Wednesday 27 January Dover Radio Club having a Radio Scanning Presentation by Matt M1CMN. Contact Brian, G4SAU, by email to . On Wednesday 27 January Edgware and District Radio Society is asking members to pay their subs. Contact Mike, G4RNW, on 020 8950 0658. On Wednesday 27 January Farnborough and District Radio Society is having a talk on Imaging Technology by Julian, 2E0XPJ. Contact Derek, G3OFA, by . On Wednesday 27 January Hastings Electronics and Radio Club is having a D Star evening. Contact Gordon, 01424 431 909. On Wednesday 27 January Newbury and District Amateur Radio Society is holding a Surplus Equipment Sale. Contact Richard, G3ZGC, on 01635 46241. On Wednesday 27 January Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is having an informal, construction, workshop and Bright Sparks evening. Contact Chris Danby, G0DWV, on 01603 419204. On Wednesday 27 January Peterborough and District Amateur Radio Club is holding its AGM. Contact David Howlett, M0VTG, on . On Wednesday 27 January Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club is putting GX3WOR on the air evening and holding discussions. Contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903 753 893. On Thursday 28 January Barking Radio and Electronic Society is having a talk by Mark Francis from Waters and Stanton. Contact Bill Chewter, 020 8478 4758. On Thursday 28 January Bittern DX Group is having a planning evening for major events and training opportunies. Contact Linda, G0AJJ, on 01692 404154. On Thursday 28 January King's Lynn Amateur Radio Club is having a club night and 2m club net. Contact Ray, G3RSV, by email to . On Thursday 28 January Lowestoft and District Pye Amateur Radio Club is holding a club night in the shack. Contact Phil, G0JSG, on 01502 585448. On Thursday 28 January Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on the Holy Island DXpedition by the team members. Contact David, G8UOD, on 01234 742 757. On Friday 29 January Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society is holding a Radio Night and Table Top Sale. Contact Peter, G4AKG, on 01444 239371. On Friday 29 January Wimbledon and District Amateur Radio Society have an Update on Bletchley Park and the Gunpowder Mills at Waltham Abbey by Len Stuart. Contact Jim, M0CON, on 020 8874 7456. NEWS FOR THE SOUTH-WEST On Tuesday 26 January Blackmoor Vale Amateur Radio Society Radio is holding a discussion evening. Contact Tony G0GFL, on 01258 860741. On Wednesday 27 January Taunton and District Amateur Radio Club is Operating the Club Station and holding a Morse Class. Contact William, G3WNI, on 01823 666 234. On Wednesday 27 January Thornbury and South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio Club is holding an On the Air Night. Contact Tony, G0WMB, on 01454 417048. On Thursday 28 January South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is on the air. Contact Len, G4RZY, on 01275 834 282. On Thursday 28 January Swindon and District Amateur have a Radio Club Talk. Contact Den, M0ACM, on 07810 317750. On Thursday 28 January Yeovil Amateur Radio Club have a talk on PICs by Steve, G7AHP. Contact Steve Crask, G7AHP, at . NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS On Sunday 24 January Lincoln Short Wave Club is running the Big Australian Breakfast Special Event Station at the Lawn, Union Road, Lincoln. Contact Pam Rose, G4STO, on 01427 788356. On Monday 25 January Gloucester Amateur Radio and Electronics Society is holding an Informal Evening. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01452 548478, daytime. On Monday 25 January Leicester Radio Society is holding the Annual General Meeting at 7.30pm prompt. Contact the duty committee member on 07804 595749. On Monday 25 January South Birmingham Radio Society is on the air, all bands from the shack. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603. On Tuesday 26 January Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club is having a computer accessory night. Contact Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319. On Tuesday 26 January Mid-Warwickshire Amateur Radio Society is meeting on the air on 145.225MHz. Contact Bernard, M1AUK, on 01926 420 913. On Wednesday 27 January Bolsover Amateur Radio Society is holding a Committee Meeting. Contact . On Wednesday 27 January Hinkley Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on DXpeditions and QSL cards by Tim Beaumont, M0URX. Contact John, M0JAV, on 07836 731544. On Wednesday 27 January Lincoln Short Wave Club is having a normal club night. Contact Pam Rose, G4STO, on 01427 788356. On Wednesday 27 January Midland Amateur Radio Society has an events planning evening and training classes. Contact Norman, G8BHE, QTHR, on 01214 229 787. On Wednesday 27 January South Notts Amateur Radio Club has a Moon Watch evening plus Pie and Peas. More on the web at www.radioclubs.net/snarc. On Wednesday 27 January Telford and District Amateur Radio Society has a Make a DF antenna for 2m evening. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on 01952 299 677. On Thursday 28 January Tamworth Amateur Radio Society is holding its AGM. Contact Robert Williams, G1BCZ, on . On Friday 29 January Bromsgrove and District Amateur Radio Club has a Project night. Contact Chris, M0BQE, on 01905 776 869. On Friday 29 January Coventry Amateur Radio Society is having a quiz night. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 07958 777363. On Friday 29 January South Birmingham Radio Society Rally is holding a planning evening. Contact Don, 0121 458 1603. NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND On Monday 25 January Angel Of The North Amateur Radio Club take to the Air and the Advanced Licence course continues. Contact Nancy Bone, G7UUR, on 0191 477 0036. On Monday 25 January Bolton Wireless Club is getting started on Amateur Television including demonstrations of simple equipment for 23cm. Contact . On Monday 25 January Sheffield Amateur Radio Club has an introduction to Sport Radio by Peter, G3PHO. Contact Trevor Wood, M0TWS, on . On Monday 25 January South Manchester Radio And Computer Club has the Monthly Technical Forum. Contact Ron, G3SVW, on 0161 969 3999. On Monday 25 January Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on Air Radio by Mick, G4EZM. Contact John Foster, 2E0EZY, on 01253 399377. On Tuesday 26 January Chester and District Amateur Radio Society Radio is holding an Operating Evening and looking through the Club Archives. Contact Barbara Green on 07957 870770. On Tuesday 26 January Otley Amateur Radio Society is entering the 50MHz UKAC and holding Tech Chatter in the Village Hall. Contact Paul, 2E0PAK, on 07768 996370, . On Wednesday 27 January Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on the T1154 Transmitter by Ken, G4KCF. Contact Gordon MacNaught, G3WOV, on 01377 240573. On Thursday 28 January Preston Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on the RSGB by RSGB President, Dave Wilson, M0OBW. Contact Eric, G1WCW, on 01772 686708. On Thursday 28 January South Cheshire Amateur Radio Society is holding an EGM to fine tune the constitution. Contact Chris Wiseman, G0RDK, on 01782 773185. On Thursday 28 January South Manchester Radio And Computer Club a is having a talk on Analogue Computers by Dave, G4UGM. Contact Ron, G3SVW, on 0161 969 3999. On Friday 29 January East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club is on the air. Contact Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475 671. NEWS FOR SCOTLAND On Tuesday 26 January Livingston and District Amateur Radio Society is having a Morse Code Practice evening. Contact Norman, 07740 946192. On Wednesday 27 January Lothians Radio Society is having a club talk. Contact Andy Sinclair, by e- mail at . On Wednesday 27 January Paisley YMCA Amateur Radio Club is having a training evening. Contact Bill Anderson, 2M0BZZ, on 01505 613633. On Thursday 28 January Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is holding a Construction Basics evening. Contact Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663. NEWS FOR WALES On Monday 25 January Llanelli Amateur Radio Society is closed for refurbishment of the property. Contact Craig, MW0MXT, on 01269 840292. On Tuesday 26 January Marches Amateur Radio Society meet to discuss a plan of events for the forthcoming year. Contact Dave MW0AYM, on 01691 777242. NEWS FOR NORTHERN IRELAND On Saturday 30 January Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club will be holding a January Radio sale from 11am at Brownlow Resource Centre, Craigavon. The club will be running a Bring and Buy table for individuals wishing to have a clear out, with tables also available for £5. The entrance fee is £1 with a free tea/coffee to warm up with on these cold days. To book tables or get more information contact 02838 348451 or e-mail or alternatively check out www.muarc.com. And that's the end of this week's GB2RS news broadcast, prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain. . |
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