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Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) Report 1712 - June 4 2010
Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1712 with a release date of Friday, June 4, 2010 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a Q-S-T. NOAA says to be prepared for an active hurricane season. Will ham radio be ready? Also, an abandoned Emergency Locator Transmitter triggers a search down-under, a request to increase broadcast radio power levels in the United States is denied, Germany makes ready to again host Europes largest amateur radio convention and some fun with QRP operation. Find out the details on Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) report number 1712 coming your way right now. (Billboard Cart Here) ** RESCUE RADIO: NOAA PREDICTS AN ACTIVE HURRICANE SEASON Be ready for an unusually high number of Tropical Storms that reach hurricane level. So say the experts at the National Weather Service. Amateur Radio Newsline Frank Haas, KB4T, is in hurricane country in Florida with mo -- An "active to extremely active" hurricane season is expected for the Atlantic Basin this year according to the seasonal outlook issued by NOAA's Climate Prediction Center. Across the entire region for the six-month season, which began on June 1, NOAA is projecting a 70 percent probability of 14 to 23 named storms with top winds of 39 mph or higher. NOAA believes that 8 to 14 of these will be hurricanes with top winds of 74 mph or higher while 3 to 7 could be major Category 3, 4 or 5 hurricanes with winds of at least 111 mph. Dr. Jane Lubchenco, Ph.D. is the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA Administrator. She says that if this outlook holds true, this hurricane season could be one of the more active on record. This year's prediction exceeds the seasonal average of 11 named storms, six hurricanes and two major hurricanes. As with every hurricane season, this outlook underscores the importance of having a hurricane preparedness plan in place. For hams involved in emergency response communications it means honing their message-handling skills through regular on-the-air practice sessions. Storm season reminds us how important it is to harden repeater and digital-relay installations to improve survivability in a Category 4 or 5 storm. Continued operation, without reliance on mains power, any form of telephone interconnect or any form of human intervention can be critical during or after a storm. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Frank Haas, KB4T, in Holly Hill, Florida. -- The NOAA's Climate Prediction Center is a division of the National Weather Service. For more on this story please take your web browser to tinyurl.com/28plonh (NOAA, Science Daily) ** RADIO LAW: POSSIBLE CHANGES IN EU DIRECTIVE ON INTERFERENCE COULD IMPACT HAM RADIO DL9KCE reports via the IARU Region One website that a review of a possible revision of a European Union Directive on interference to and from telecommunications devices might impact on Amateur Radio. In Article 3 the Directive contains a number of essential requirements to protect health and safety, ensure electromagnetic compatibility and to avoid harmful interference. The way in which these essential requirements are defined in the Directive is generally considered appropriate by stakeholders. However, the concept of 'intended use' of the equipment seems to create some confusion between the essential requirements of the Directive and other public interests, such as public security or freedom of communication, which are beyond its scope but which might affect the Amateur Radio Service in the future. There has also been some evidence suggesting that harmonized standards may sometimes be too stringent. Market surveillance campaigns have shown that a proportion of unlicensed low power devices appear to be non conformant with the harmonized standards. However, the recorded level of harmful interference does not seem to have been affected by this. In the end, the report on the Directive says that the scope of the Directive needs to be reviewed. For instance, the radio and TV receivers which are not able to transmit by radio or cable do not fall within the scope of the Directive, while those which are able to transmit signals do. And for ham radio, it means that any changes to the Directive will have to be carefully watched. (Southgate) ** ENFORCEMENT: NEW ZEALAND HAM HIT WITH FINE FOR ILLEAL HIGH POWER OPERATION A New Zealand ham is in trouble for running his station at power levels in excess of that nations maximum for radio amateurs. Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF, is in Auckland with the details: -- Alan Potter, ZL3II, of Christchurch, has been fined the equivalent of $1164 U.S. Dollars, ordered to pay $86 in court costs and had had his station confiscated by the government. This, after being found guilty of breaching Section 113 of the Radiocommunications Act 1989 by running power in excess of 3100 watts out of his station in a nation where 500 watts is the absolute limit. Specifically, Potter was charged in the Christchurch District Court on April 14th after being found in possession of radio transmitting equipment that was capable of operating at a significantly higher power than the Amateur Radio Operators General License allows. He was found guilty of transmitting outside the terms and conditions of the General User Radio License for Amateur Radio Operators. Potter might have gotten away with his illegal high power activities a bit longer if not for one little mistake. Instead of just keeping quiet and operating, news reports say that the New Zealand's Radio Spectrum Management agency became aware of Portter after he reportedly posted on YouTube. One showing showed his transmitter operating at the 3100 watt level. That video has since been removed. I'm Jim Meachen, ZL2BHJF, in Auckland reporting for the Amateur Radio Newsline. -- This was definitely one time when it definitely did not pay to advertise that one was violating a nations telecommunications law. (Southgate) ** RESCUE RADIO: ABANDONED ELT TRIGGERS SEARCH DOWN-UNDER Still with news from down-under, word that an old Emergency Locator Transmitter distress beacon that was deposited in a New Zealand rubbish dump was believed responsible for a costly search and rescue deployment that proved to be a false alarm. The Tauranga Search and Rescue was called out after aircraft flying into local airports reported receiving a signal from an emergency beacon within the greater Tauranga area. The Coastguard spent more than two hours sweeping the harbor trying to locate the source without success. Finally, the Rescue Coordination Center brought in specialist radio direction finding equipment which tracked the signal down to a refuse center. While a T- hunter was at the refuse site the signal suddenly stopped. It is presumed the beacon was disabled as garbage was being crushed at the time. According to news reports the beacon was likely an old 121 MHz model. This is because it was only heard by planes overhead and but picked up by satellite. (The NZ Sun) ** BREAK 1 From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world including the WD9GOE repeater serving Marissa Illinois. (5 sec pause here) ** RADIO LAW: FCC SAYS NO TO AM BROADCAST POWER INCREASE REQUEST The FCC has acted quickly to dismiss a petition from Richard F. Arsenault dated April 13th of this year. The Arsenault petition had asked that the regulatory agency initiate a rulemaking to permit AM broadcast band stations to voluntarily implement an increase in authorized daytime operating power. In it, Arsenault said that he believed that such rules changes would mitigate degradation of daytime AM signal reception resulting from the interference effects of digital computers and other computing devices, Broadband over Power Lines, energy efficient fluorescent lighting with solid state switching circuitry and other electronic devices. Arsenault specifically proposed that the Commission allow a five-year period in which AM broadcast band stations may increase daytime operating power up to ten times their currently authorized power without formal application to the Commission. But the FCC says that's not going to happen now or anytime in the foreseeable future. In its denial letter to Arsenault the FCC says that in MM Docket No. 87-267,1 the Commission took many actions, both major and minor, to transform and revitalize the AM broadcast band. That it adopted revised AM technical standards, which were designed, over time, to reduce interference in a station's primary coverage area. It also allowed migration of many of the highest AM interferers to an expanded AM band, which reduced existing interference and station congestion. The FCC ends its May 28th denial by stating that Arsenault's proposal is not in the public interest because it would greatly increase the potential for interference between AM stations. Also that it would undermine the Commission's efforts to improve the AM broadcast radio service. (FCC) ** HAM RADIO IN PRINT: GETTING READY FOR FIELD DAY Two articles well worth reading in the June issue of Popular Communications magazine. The first is titled Getting Ready For Amateur Radio Field Day and was written by none other than noted DX'er, contester and all around nice guy Chip Margelli, K7JA. With an emphasis on introducing the fun of Field Day to all hams, Margelli tackles such things as assembling a team to put on a local Field Day event, choosing a venue from where to operate, deciding on what gear and antennas to use and more. In fact Chip covers just about every aspect of setting up and operating a Field Day station you can think of and many items that might not ever cross your mind. Getting Ready For Amateur Radio Field Day is a worthwhile read for any individual or group planning a Field Day operation this year or in the future. Its loaded with photos and begins on page 10 of the magazine. (PopComm) ** HAM RADIO IN PRINT: CALLING FOR BACKUP Once you finish reading Chip Margelli's Field Day item keep going because on the next item up is an article by Police Chief Mike Burg, N8QQN. It's the story on how he introduced ham radio as a back-up to an Ohio towns emergency communications system. Titled "Calling For Backup: Ham Radio Enhances A Police Department's Preparedness," it's the true story of how Burg fulfilled a promise he had made to himself years ago. That being, if he ever found himself in a position to improve communications within the Rittman, Ohio Police Department, that he would do it. The story he tells is how this was accomplished by adding a ham radio station to the overall emergency communications system in the area while keeping amateur radio separate and distinct from the rest of the emcomm mix. In his story, Burg takes the reader from his conceiving the idea of the station through its planning, installation and first operation last March 24th. That's when the Silvercreek Amateur Radio Association came in to use it for a local tornado safety drill in conjunction with the National Weather Service and Skywarn out of Cleveland. You will find this one beginning on page 18. (PopComm) ** RADIO HONORS: SUSSEX COUNTY DELAWARE HONORS HAM RADIO RESPONDERS Following a year of unusual weather events, cold water rescues and county, state and nationwide drills, the Sussex County Delaware Council has honored the county's ham radio community by proclaiming June 2010 as Amateur Radio Month. Council President Vance Phillips declared during a presentation in Council Chambers that the city owes a debt of gratitude to its amateurs. This, for providing thousands of volunteer hours protecting our citizens and providing valuable information to various county and state agencies Councilman Sam Wilson presented the proclamation recognizing members of the Lewes Amateur Radio Society, the Nanticoke Amateur Radio Club, the Sussex Amateur Radio Association, along with the local the Amateur Radio Emergency Service and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service for their service. (SussexCountian.com) ** THE SOCIAL SCENE: HAM RADIO 2010 IN GERMANY JUNE 25 - 27 With Dayton 2010 now history, the next truly big social event will be the 61st Lake Constance Convention and Ham Radio 2010 gathering. Both of these events are organized by DARC which is Germany's national ham radio society, and will take place from June 25th to the 27th in the city of Friedrichshafen. They are the largest on the European continent. Mitch Wolfson DJ0QN is a member of the DARC Executive Board. He tells us that Ham Radio 2010 is different than conventions and hamfests in the United States: -- DJ0QN: "We have a section where clubs from all over the world -- mainly from Europe but also from other parts of the world like the U.S. have booths to basically meet other people from those clubs and countries and perhaps (get them to) join a club. So there's a lot of international good will with a whole lot of people getting together and meeting. "Its basically a very easygoing show and does not have a high stress level. You can sit between the halls in this beer garden area and talk to people all day if you choose to do that. Or you can hang around the flea market or go to the main booths or go to talks most of which are in German but there are some in the English language as well." -- More about this exciting European ham radio gathering in English is on line at http://www.hamradio-friedrichshafen.de/ham-en/index.php (Ham Radio 2010) ** NEW GEAR: FRENCH COMPANY TO MARKET NEW SDR TRANSCEIVER France is the latest nation to enter the ham radio marketplace. This with the announcement of the new TransFox is Software Definable Radio transceiver designed and built in that nation. According to a press release from the manufacturer RFPA-RFham, the new radio is available in receiver only or receiver/transmitter configuration. Its stock coverage is 1 MHz to 1100 MHz. but it can be extended beyond existing frequency range upon request. Because of this the TransFox brings what RFPA calls unique Software Definable Radio to the VHF, UHF and SHF bands. Other features include Software Definable Radio demodulation and modulation over a 50, 100 or 200 KHz baseband, compatiblity with existing Windows or Linux software in addition to specific SigFox software, spectrum analysis and 1 Hz tuning resolution. First delivery of this new radio is slated for mid July. More information on the TransFox transceiver in the French language is on line at www.rfham.com. (Southgate) ** HAM CELEBRATIONS: THE WIA AT 100 - THE CELEBRATION As reported last week, the Wireless Institute of Australia has been celebrating its 100 years of existance since the beginning of the year. With a review of what's taken place so far, here WIA News anchor Graham Kemp, VK4BB: -- The first activity this year was the VK9NA 2010 - VHF/UHF/Microwave DXpedition to Norfolk Island in January. A team of experienced VK amateurs operated bands from 6 meters to 10GHz. This was the first time such an expedition has been mounted on these bands from VK9 Norfolk Island. Valentines Day saw the Center Victoria RadioFest at Kyneton VK3. A Radio, Astronomy and Electronics Expo was held in April organized by the Midland Amateur Radio Club and held in the Old Bendigo Fire Station. This drew lots of non amateurs and showed of our hobby as well as that of astronomy. A Re-enactment of the first wireless press message received from Britain in Australia is set to occur June 16-18. The Gippsland Gate Radio and Electronics Club will re-enact this historical wireless milestone that occurred in 1921 at Koo-wee-rup south-east of Melbourne. More information about activities to be held by WIA affiliated clubs will appear as they are announced again when you visit wia.org.au. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Graham Kemp, VK4BB, of the WIA News in Brisbane, Australia.. -- This 100th anniversary of the WIA continues through years end. (WIA News) ** WORLDBEAT: VIDEO CELEBRATES 60 YEARS OF HAM RADIO IN ISRAEL A video celebrating 60 years of Amateur Radio in Israel is now available on YouTube. Posted by 4Z1PF, the show combines historic still photos with music as a way of tracing the history of the hobby and those Israeli hams integral to it success over the past six decades. You can watch it on-line at tinyurl.com/2675nkp (IARC) ** BREAK 2 This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the world from our only official website at www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer services of the following radio amateur: (5 sec pause here) ** THE CHANGING OF THE GUARD: INVENTOR AND CHAMPION CAT BREEDER LARRY LEVY, WA2INM - S.K. The ham who invented automated sound to light synchronization at the start of the 1960's Disco era and who was in part responsible for the creation of the IBM PC computer has died. Larry Levy, WA2INM, passed away late on Sunday night, May 30th after suffering what was believed to have been a massive heart attack. From the time he was an early teen, Levy had developed a fascination in radio and electronics. He received his Technician class license at age 15 and like many kid hams of the day he proceeded to built most of his own station. He loved DX'ing on 6 meters an soon became known as the ham to go to if assistance was needed in modifying a piece of ham radio gear. It was while attending Marlborough College in Vermont that he became fascinated with sound controlled lighting. Using his skill developed from ham radio, WA2INM invented the first control circuitry that converted sound to pulses of electricity that could control lights to the beat of music. He then refined his circuits so that different frequencies could trigger various light colors and patterns. It was not long before he was building and selling these control units under the name of "The Mind Garden." After graduation from college, Levy went into business with our producer Bill Pasternak, then WA2HVK. The pair formed MG Electronics. Headquartered in the Sheepshead Bay area of Brooklyn, New York, MG Electronics provided full service audio synchronized lighting and high power sound reinforcement services to the burgeoning disco entertainment industry. They also built and installed the first ever 15 kHz split-split two meter repeater in the United States. It was located in Brooklyn's Williamsburg Bank Building and operated under the call WA2ZWP. When Disco began to die in the early 1970's, WA2INM and WA2HVK closed MG Electronics and went their separate ways. Larry Levy found new interest in early microcomputers and was eventually a contributor to the development of the I-B-M personal computer. Along the way he obtained his Advanced Class license and eventually moved to the New York suburb of Yorktown heights. Always a lover of show cats, Levy eventually dropped away from electronics to a begin a new career as a show cat breeder. In addition to his home and office in New York, he also maintained a flat in Paris and supplied many award winning cats at European shows. According to his friend Victor Miller, Levy took ill at his home and was taken to Westchester Hospital in Mt. Kisco. From there he was transferred to the Westchester Medical center where doctors planned to do either an angioplasty or a coronary bypass surgery. However, it appears that Larry passed away before either could be done. Larry Levy, WA2INM, is survived by his wife Nicole. As we go to air, memorial services for WA2INM have not yet been announced. (ARNresline(tm)) ** HAM RADIO IN SPACE: UNITEC-1 STILL NOT HEARD Turning to ham radio space related news, the magazine New Scientist reports the latest on the interplanetary amateur radio probe UNITEC-1 which fell silent soon after launch. New Scientist quotes member Naomi Kurahara who says that the growing length of the silence has the mission team worried that the spacecraft has broken down. But says Kurahara they are still working to receive the signal from UNITEC-1. (New Scientist, Southgate) ** ON THE NET: VHF+ CONTESTING WEBINAR AUDIO NOW ON LINE For those who missed the recent on line webinar titled "VHF Contesting" the audio is now available on the Potomac Valley Radio Club Website. Writing on the VHF Reflector, Les Rayburn, N1LF, says that the session was lead by QST VHF columnist Gene Zimmerman, W3ZZ, lasted over an hour, and was a great introduction to the VHF+ contesting. It also included some great dialogue regarding station design that would be of interest to even the most serious operators. Rayburn says that there were some on-line 60 attendees, including a couple of VHF operators from Europe who got up early for the webcast. You can hear it yourself at http://www.pvrc.org/webinar/webinars.htm) (N1LF via the VHF Reflector) ** HAM HAPPENINGS: ITS ALL IN THE BATHTUB Canada's Nanaimo Amateur Radio Association will host a 24 hour special events station VE7TUB beginning on July 24th. This to commemorate the annual running of the World Championship Bathtub Race slated for July 25th in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. Nanaimo harbor was the scene of the first bathtub race in 1967 and has been its home ever since as a part of the Nanaimo Marine Festival. This years festival theme will salute is to the "CANADIAN NAVAL CENTENNIAL 1910 - 2010". The website for the World Championship Bathtub Race is www dot bathtubbing dot com. More information on special event station VE7TUB is on line at www dot ve7tub dot ca. (VA7CIP) ** DX In DX, W6NWS will be in Vietnam until the 9th of June. He expects to be active as XV2W when time permits. QSL via home call, direct, via the bureau, or Logbook of The World. IZ4JMA will be QRV portable SV5 from Dodecanese operating holiday style from June 6th to the 20th. He will use all modes on 80 through 10 including some digital. Olease QSL as directed on the air. W6ZL, arrived on Tonga last week. He reportedly skippered the "SV Summer Sky" from New Zealand and brought his K3 and a Buddipole antenna. He has also renewed his A35KL license. No QSN's have been reported yet. Lastly, JE1WVQ, will be active as ZD8J from Ascension Island working on 80 through 10 meters including the digital modes therough June 8th. QSL via his home callsign. Above from various DX sources. ** THAT FINAL ITEM: DAYTON - QRP - FOUR DAYS IN MAY And finally this week, we take a look a a gathering held in conjunction with the annual Dayton Hamvention. Its called Four Days In May and it's a gathering of hams who find operating with low power and simple antennas as being the most fun one can have in amateur radio. Amateur Radio's Mark Abramovich, N-T-3-V, spent some time with one of the events organizers: -- Ken Evans, WD4U, president of the QRP Amateur Radio Club International, says more than 250 gathered for Thursday's day-long seminar on the state of QRP and the future. Why such a surge in interest? "Its not about turning down your power, it's about having fun," says Evans. Evans says the event drew people from around the world. "We have a contingent from the United Kingdom right now or about 10 amateurs, says Evans. "We have a guy from Barbados. We have two or three people from Australia. We have Bruno Begali who makes keys him and daughter and son-in-law from Italy. Last year there was a guy who came over from the JAL, the Japan Amateur League." Evans says the growing number of people doing QRP comes from the challenge of building your own radio and using it. "I think what people are finding is it's a lot of fun to take a $200 or $300 part for a kit radio or a home brew radio that you build yourself and play with it as opposed to just going out and laying down your charge card and picking up an $1,800 commercial set," Evans says. George Dobbs G0RJV, founder of the G QRP Club in 1972, was among the attendees at this year's "Four Days in May." His philosophy on being a part of QRP is, well, elementary. "One of the gifts that a hobby can do is ensure you at least do one pointless thing each day,s" Dobbs says. "And, QRP there's no point to it whatsoever except to have a good time. Thats all it's about." Ron Doyle, N8VAR, is a QRPer and a Scout leader here in Ohio. He says he frequently combines the two for some fun experiences like a DX contact on just a few watts. "It has to be Scotland, on five watts on a campout with battery power," Doyle recalls. And, that was single-sideband. So, that was the best. And, some of my Boy Scouts could talk to him with the dipole up about 20 feet. That was a lot of fun." Yes, that fun word keeps cropping up among the many who like QRP. It's just one part of Amateur Radio that makes this a community of unique and diverse interests. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Mark Abramowicz, NT3V, reporting from the "Four Days in May" gathering in Fairborn, just outside Dayton. -- The annual Four Days in May gathering is conducted by the QRP Amateur Radio Club International. It was held this year at the Holiday Inn in the Dayton suburb of Fairborn, Ohio. With interest growing in QRP operations, it's no surprise this years Four Days in May event drew a record crowd. (ARNewsline(tm)) ** NEWSCAST CLOSE With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB, the Southgate News and Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline(tm). Our e-mail address is . More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's(tm) only official website located at www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or support us at Amateur Radio Newsline(tm), 28197 Robin Avenue, Santa Clarita California, 91350 For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk, I'm Jim Davis, W2JKD, saying 73 and we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. |
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