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Default GB2RS NEWS Sunday 20th June 2010


Sunday 20th June 2010

The news headlines

Errors on the 5MHz NoV

Special event callsign for the National Hamfest

VHF and Up stream at the RSGB Convention

If you have renewed your 5MHz Notice of Variation licence with Ofcom,
you may have noticed a mistake on the paperwork. Your callsign might
have an extra letter added, for example G4LFM will have become GE4LFM.
If this has happened you need to contact Ofcom as soon as possible to
correct this error. They will re-issue paperwork accordingly with your
correct callsign. Please note that you must contact Ofcom direct and not
the RSGB as only Ofcom can correct the error.

The National Hamfest is run by the RSGB in conjunction with Lincoln
Short Wave Club on 1 and 2 October. Lincoln Short Wave Club has been
issued with GB10NH for the show and for use during HAM WEEK UK when it
will be activated from the club's HQ near Lincoln. At the National
Hamfest, the station will be running from the Information Tent. The
operators would like all visiting amateurs and SWLs to bring a QSL to
pin on the visitors' board in the tent.

The RSGB Convention that takes place between 8 and 10 October. There
will be a wide variety of talks and lectures over the weekend. Many
visitors will have worked and recognise the call GM4CXM on VHF and UHF
and know that Ray works long distances seemingly easily. He certainly is
one among a growing band in GM-land who are active on the higher bands.
Well, Ray will tell you it isn't always easy to work these long
distances but it can be done with perseverance and attention to detail
in operating procedures as well as with the right equipment. As part of
the VHF and UP stream Ray will be giving a guide to DXing and contesting
on 23cm and 70cm. His talk will cover equipment, antennas, operating
tips and other resources to work DX over 700km every day. His talk is
aimed at beginners but that doesn't mean that many old hands won't learn
a thing or two as well.

The Technical stream at the RSGB Convention has announced that there
will be a talk on Electrical Safety for the Radio Amateur by Rupert
Thorogood, G3KKT. He will describe the changes with the coming into
effect of the 17th Edition in 2008, especially regarding Additional
Protection. Rupert will demonstrate the full range of tests that are to
be carried out on RCDs and there will be a handout on how to approach
nuisance tripping. Rupert is an ideal lecturer for this subject as he is
a registered Electrical Inspector, a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of
the Institution of Electrical Engineers.

Dave Bourne, the QSL sub manager for the BRS, short wave listener series
of QSL cards is stepping down from his post, which he has held for 35
years. The Society and the listening community is greatly indebted to
Dave. His place is being taken by another long time avid listener, Rob
Small, BRS8841. All cards waiting and collection envelopes have been
transferred to the new manager whose details can be found in the members
section of the RSGB website and will appear in the 2011 RSGB Yearbook.

This year sees the 25th AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium and Jim
Heck, G3WGM is looking for pictures of the early years. The first event
was held in Harrow School. It later moved to the University of Surrey
and recently to the Holiday Inn at Guildford. Jim is looking to have a
display of early pictures at this year's event, which takes place on 31
July and 1 August. If you have any pictures of the early years please
let Jim know by email to . The Colloquium is open to all
radio amateurs and short wave listeners. For further details see

South Bristol ARC will be starting a new Intermediate course on 1 July.
The venue is the Community Centre, rear of 122 to 124 Novers Park Road,
Filwood, Bristol. The lead instructor will be Andrew Jenner, G7KNA and
he will be holding an induction session on Thursday 24 June. Candidates
are invited to contact Andrew by e-mail to as soon as
possible in order to have their names registered.

One of the North-West team of GB2RS readers, John G0NAJ, had open heart
surgery on Tuesday 15 May. We wish him all the best, and look forward to
his return on GB2RS. In the meantime, the other readers should be able
to maintain a nearly full service, although they may not be able to read
on 51.530MHz on the evening of 11 July.

On Sunday 20 June, Adrian Johnson, M0NOD, will be cycling the 54 mile
London to Brighton bike ride in aid of the British Heart Foundation. He
will be taking along his handheld and accessing GB3HY and GB3SR along
the route. He asks that local amateurs listen for his calls and have a
quick chat.

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week

Today, Sunday 20 June, sees the Newbury Radio Rally and Boot Sale at
Newbury Showground, next to M4 junction 13. There will be a big display
area of amateur radio stations, exhibitions, special groups, clubs and
societies. Talk in is on S22, car parking is free and admission is ?2.
Details from

The West Of England Radio Rally takes place on Sunday 27 June at the
Cheese & Grain, Bridge Street, Frome, Somerset BA11 1BE. There will be
trade stands, an RSGB bookstall as well as catering facilities and easy
access for disabled visitors. Further details from Shaun, G8VPG, on
01225 873 098.

The Hamtronic show in Friedrichshafen, Germany takes place from Friday
25 June until Sunday 27. For the first time as part of the international
radio operator exhibition there will be a Contest University dedicated
to training beginners and professionals. The 35th annual show also
happens to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the founding of the
German Amateur Radio Club, DARC. There will be the usual strong RSGB
presence at Friedrichshafen including a large book stall.

Now for the news of special events

GB2GP will be on the air from Gilwell Park, the headquarters of the
Scout Association, today, 20 June. They hope to be running on all the
usual HF and VHF frequencies as well as EchoLink. They should be found
at or around the Scout frequencies, the most common of which are 3.690,
7.090 and 14.290MHz.

Today, 20 June, Chorley and District Amateur Radio Society will be
putting on special event station GB0AH from Astley Hall Museum, Astley
Park, Chorley, from 9.30am to 6.30pm. This is celebrating International
Museums on the Air and they will be active on HF & 2 metres.

Jack, G3PWK will be operating GB70AAF for the Anniversary Airborne
Forces on 22, 26 & 27 June.

Scarborough Special Events Group will be on the air as GB1AFD for Armed
Forces Day, over the weekend of 26 and 27 June. Scarborough will host a
parade of more than 400 soldiers celebrating their recent return from
Afghanistan. The town's adopted Warship HMS Explorer will be in the bay
and there will be fly past by a Spitfire.

Each year on 23 June the Old Cornwall Society holds midsummer bonfire
celebrations whose origins date back over centuries. The Callington
Amateur Radio Society is co-ordinating special event stations linking
the Cornish sites and those in other countries. If you would like to be
part of this project please contact Mike Bailiff, M0XGG by e-mail to
or telephone 01822 834 373.

And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources.

Four members of Yamakto ARC will operate from Yap Island, which is IOTA
reference OC-012, between 22 and 29 June. They will operate 6m through
to 160m using SSB, CW, RTTY. Callsigns will be within the V63 range and
you should listen for QSL information.

J48S will be active from Skopelos Island, which is IOTA reference
EU-072, from 19 to 26 June. QSL via SV2FPU. More details can be found on

Vincent, F5MJV will be in Djibouti until at least until 2011 and more
probably until 2012. His callsign will be J28JV. At first he will be on
air on Friday and Saturday from his military location. He is hoping to
be able to set up an antenna at home so he will be on the air also in
the evenings. QSL via F5NQL and full details appear on

Now the contest news

The 50MHz Trophy contest is taking place today, 20 June, until 1400UTC.
The exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

On 22 June it is the 50MHz UK Activity Contest, which runs from 1900 to
2130UTC. You can use all modes on the band and the exchange is signal
report, serial number and locator.

24 June sees another leg in the 80m Club Championship. This SSB leg
takes place between 1900 and 2030UTC. The exchange is signal report and
serial number.

The 4th 70MHz Cumulative contest takes place on 27 June between 100 and
1200UTC. Using all modes on the band, the exchange is signal report,
serial number and locator.

Finally for this week, the 14th Marconi Memorial contest tales place on
26 and 27 June from 1400 to 1400UTC. Using CW on the 1.8 to 28MHz bands,
the exchange is signal report and serial number. There are sections for
three differing power levels and single- and multi-operator stations.

Now the solar factual data for the period from the 7th to the 13th of
June, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS on 14 of June.

Solar activity started like recent weeks at very low levels. The solar
disc had sunspots visible every day. During the 11th a new group emerged
and grew rapidly. Early the next morning it produced a M2/SN solar flare
taking solar activity to moderate levels. A further M class flare
occurred on the 13th from a different sunspot group. Solar flux levels
increased from 69 units on the 7th to 76 by the 12th and the 13th. The
average was 71 units. The 90 day solar flux average on the 13th was 76
units, that's two units down on last week. X-ray flux levels increased
and peaked at B1.3 units and the average was A7.4. Geomagnetic activity
was quiet every day and the average was Ap 5 units. Solar wind data from
the ACE spacecraft saw solar wind speeds decline to 290 kilometres per
second by the 9th. Wind velocities then increased back to around 450
kilometres per second during the 13th. Particle densities were low
throughout. Bz varied no more than minus 4 and plus 6 nanoTeslas during
the period.

HF propagation was good for the season and the stage of the cycle.
Sporadic-E occurred every day, including a 50MHz opening between Japan
and Europe and one on 144MHz between the UK and Greece on 144MHz on the
morning of the 11th.

And now the solar forecast. This week the slightly more active side of
the Sun is expected to be looking our way. Solar activity is expected to
be at very low levels though. There is as always the possibility that
activity could increase unexpectedly. Solar flux levels should be in the
70's for most of the week. Geomagnetic activity is expected to be quiet
until towards next weekend when a recurring coronal hole is expected to
arrive and last over the weekend. MUFs during daylight hours at equal
latitude should be around 18MHz for the south and 15MHz for the north.
Darkness hour lows are expected to be about 11MHz. Paths this week to
South America should have a maximum usable frequency with a 50 per cent
success rate of around 25MHz. The optimum working frequency with a 90
per cent success rate will be about 19MHz. The best time to try this
path will be between 1500 and 2100 hours. Sporadic-E is expected to take
place most days with openings to 144MHz during the more intense

And that's all for this week from the propagation team.

Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies

can be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses

and website links where known.

[Note to Newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to
the service area of your transmission.]


First, some advance information. Tamworth Amateur Radio Society will be
hosting a Train the Trainers course on 31 July. For more information
contact Bob, G1BCZ on 0777 7694415 or by email to .
Places are limited and early booking is recommended.

On Monday 21 June Gloucester Amateur Radio & Electronics Society is
having an outdoor field operating session and draw to mark the longest
day. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01452 548478, daytime.

On Monday 21 June Kettering & District Amateur Radio Society is hosting
a visit by Welland Valley Amateur Radio Society. For more information on
Kettering contact Stephen Froggatt, G1LMN, by email to
. For details of Welland Valley ARS contact Peter D
Rivers, G4XEX, on 01858 432105.

On Monday 21 June South Birmingham Radio Society is having a committee
meeting. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603.

On Monday 21 June Wythall Radio Club continues its Intermediate course.
Details from Christopher Pettitt, G0EYO, by email to

On Tuesday 22 June Derby & District Amateur Radio Society is holding a
quiz night. Contact Richard Buckby, by email to

On Tuesday 22 June Kettering & District Amateur Radio Society is having
an operating night. Contact Stephen Froggatt, G1LMN, by email to

On Tuesday 22 June Loughborough & District Amateur Radio Club is having
a talk on 1296MHz and up by Andrew, G7SEG. More information from Chris,
G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319.

On Tuesday 22 June Mid-Warwickshire Amateur Radio Society is having a
picnic from 10.30 at Bidford-on-Avon. Details from Don, G4CYG, on 019
2642 4465.

On Tuesday 22 June Telford & District Amateur Radio Society is preparing
for VHF field day and an oddity night where members are invited to
bring along a strange thingy for others to guess what it is. Contact
Mike, G3JKX, on 01952 299 677.

On Wednesday 23 June Bolsover Amateur Radio Society is having a fox
hunt. For details, send an email to

On Wednesday 23 June Kettering & District Amateur Radio Society is
having a gentleman's group afternoon followed by an open evening from
7-9pm when all friends of KDARS are cordially invited to their new
facility at Harrington Aviation Museum, NN6 9PF. Contact Stephen
Froggatt, G1LMN, by email to

On Wednesday 23 June Lincoln Short-Wave Club is putting G5FZ on the air.
For more information contact Pam Rose, G4STO, on 01427 788356.

On Wednesday 23 June Midland Amateur Radio Society is having laptop
computer training and Morse classes. Details from Norman, G8BHE, on
01214 229 787.

On Wednesday 23 June South Notts Amateur Radio Club is having ten-minute
talks by members. Details from Terry, M0RIA, via the web at

On Thursday 24šJune Brigg and District Amateur Radio Club is meeting at
The Brigg and District Servicemen's Club, Coney Court, Brigg to discuss
planning for the VHF field day contest.šFor further details please
contact John, 2E0iii on 01652 632038.

On Thursday 24 June Kettering & District Amateur Radio Society is having
a training night. Contact Stephen Froggatt, G1LMN, by email to

On Thursday 24 June RAF Waddington Amateur Radio Club is having a shack
and chat night with radio and antenna play. Details from Judy Rowlands,
on 07544 456422.

On Thursday 24 June Tamworth Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on
baluns and ununs by Simon, MW0GSR from Snowdonia Radio Company. Contact
Robert Williams, G1BCZ, on 0777 7694415

On Friday 25 June Coventry Amateur Radio Society is having a HF, VHF and
UHF radio workshop. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 07958 777363.

On Friday 25 June South Birmingham Radio Society is having a
construction evening. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603.

On Saturday 26 June Kettering & District Amateur Radio Society commences
its weekend event for International Museums on the Air, operating GB2HAM
at Harrington Aviation Museum. Contact Stephen Froggatt, G1LMN, by email

On Saturday 26 June Lincoln Short-Wave Club is putting G5FZ on the air
from the shack. For more information contact Pam Rose, G4STO, on 01427


On Monday 21 June Angel of the North Amateur Radio Club is on the air
and having a natter night. Contact Nancy Bone, G7UUR, on 0191 477 0036.

On Monday 21 June Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on
amateur radio in Germany by Roland Karin, M0NUE. For more information
contact Trevor Wood, M0TWS, by email to

On Monday 21 June Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society is holding a
barbecue with John, G4FRK. Details from John Foster, 2E0EZY, on 01253

On Monday 21 June Workington and District Radio and IT Group is having a
talk on vertical antennas by Steve, G0MTD. For more information get in
touch with Barry Easdon, G0RZI, on 01946 812092.

On Tuesday 22 June Chester & District Amateur Radio Society is
conducting outside portable operations at Frodsham Hill. Details from
Barbara Green on 07957 870770.

On Tuesday 22 June Otley Amateur Radio Society is taking part in the
50MHz UKAC. Contact Paul, 2E0PAK, on 07768 996370.

On Wednesday 23 June Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is having a fox hunt
with G4YTV and G3RMX. Contact Gordon MacNaught, G3WOV, on 01377 240573.

On Wednesday 23 June Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society is having a
general chat evening with shack operations. Contact Peter Paul Fox,
G8HAV, on 01606 553401.

On Thursday 24šJune Brigg and District Amateur Radio Club is meeting at
The Brigg and District Servicemen's Club, Coney Court, Brigg to discuss
planning for the VHF field day contest.šFor further details please
contact John, 2E0iii on 01652 632038.

On Thursday 24 June Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is taking part in the 80m
SSB Home Stations Club Contest. Contact Gordon MacNaught, G3WOV, on
01377 240573.

On Thursday 24 June South Manchester Radio and Computer Club is holding
its summer solstice barbecue. Details from Ron, G3SVW, on 0161 969 3999.

On Thursday 24 June Wakefield & District Radio Society is having a
table-top sale, barbecue and Treasurer's birthday celebrations. Contact
Ken, 2E0SSQ, on 07900 563117.

On Friday 25 June East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club is having a radio
components catalogues evening. For more information contact Alistair,
G4OLK, on 01642 475 671.

On Saturday 26 June East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club commences its
weekend event operating GB0ZLB from The Zetland Lifeboat Museum at The
Esplanade, Redcar, TS10 3AH, for International Museums weekend. For more
information contact Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475 671.


GEARS meetings for June, July and August will now be on the 1st and 3rd
Monday of each month. Details from Peter Lowrie, MI5JYK, by email to


On Tuesday 22 June Kilmarnock & Loudoun Amateur Radio Club is having a
club night. Contact Graham, MM3GDC, by email to

On Tuesday 22 June Livingston & District Amateur Radio Society is having
Morse code practice. For more information contact Norman, on 07740

On Wednesday 23 June Ayr Amateur Radio Group is having a summer wind-up.
Contact Charlie, MM0GNS, on 01563 551704.

On Wednesday 23 June Cockenzie & Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is having
a 20m activity night. More information from Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811

On Wednesday 23 June Lothians Radio Society is having a barbecue.
Contact Andy Sinclair, by email to

On Friday 25 June Cockenzie & Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is having a
normal club night. Please note the change of night. More information
from Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723.



On Sunday 20 June Newbury & District Amateur Radio Society is running
the Newbury Radio Rally & Boot Sale. Details from Richard, G3ZGC, on
01635 46241.

On Monday 21 June Braintree & District Amateur Radio Society club is
having a barbecue. For more information contact John, M5AJB, on 01787
460 947.

On Monday 21 June Burnham Beeches Radio Club is having a visit by RSGB
regional manager Alison Johnston, G8ROG. Contact Dave, G4XDU, on 01628
625 720.

On Monday 21 June Surrey Radio Contact Club is having a fix-it and
natter night. More information from Ray, G4FFY, on 01732 357474.

On Tuesday 22 June Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society is at the shack.
For more information contact Steve, on 01424 720815.

On Tuesday 22 June Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is having a club net
night. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on 01245 469 008.

On Tuesday 22 June Dorking & District Radio Society is having a talk on
air traffic control by Ross MacDonald from NATS, Gatwick. Contact Garth,
G3NPC, on 01737 359472.

On Tuesday 22 June Horndean & District Amateur Radio Club is having a
talk on the Volks Electric Railway by Ian Gledhill. Contact Stuart,
G0FYX, on 023 9247 2846.

On Wednesday 23 June Chesham & District Amateur Radio Society is having
a construction project evening. More details from Terry, G0VFW, on 01442
831 491.

On Wednesday 23 June Darenth Valley Radio Society is preparing for VHF
Field Day. For more information send an email to Ray,

On Wednesday 23 June Farnborough & District Radio Society is having a
talk on the BBC by Tony Crake, G0OVA. Details from Derek, G3OFA, by
email to

On Wednesday 23 June Hastings Electronics and Radio is having a barbecue
and operating /p all day. Details from Gordon, on 01424 431 909.

On Wednesday 23 June Havering & District Amateur Radio Club is having an
informal club evening. Contact John, M0UKD, on 07817 365354.

On Wednesday 23 June Newbury & District Amateur Radio Society is having
a talk on electromagnetic theory without maths. Details from Richard,
G3ZGC, on 01635 46241.

On Wednesday 23 June Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is making final
preparations for the Barford Rally. Details from Chris Danby, G0DWV, on
01603 419204.

On Wednesday 23 June Peterborough & District Amateur Radio Club is
having a demonstration and talk on kite-borne antennas by Roger, G4ROJ.
Details and venue information from David Howlett, M0VTG, by email to

On Wednesday 23 June Worthing & District Amateur Radio Club is having a
discussion evening. For more information contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903
753 893.

On Thursday 24 June Lowestoft & District PYE Amateur Radio Club is
having a club night at the shack. Details from Phil, G0JSG, on 01502

On Thursday 24 June Reading & District Amateur Radio Club is having a
talk on high voltage power distribution to railways by Richard O'Keeffe,
G0FFL. Details from Pete, G8FRC, on 01189 695 697.

On Thursday 24 June Shefford & District Amateur Radio Society is
planning for VHF NFD with Ken, G4YRF. Details from David, G8UOD, on
01234 742 757.

On Friday 25 June Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society is having a windmills
evening at Jack and Jill Windmills. Contact Peter, G4AKG, on 01444

On Friday 25 June Whitton Amateur Radio Group is looking at contest
logging software. Details on the web at

On Saturday 26 June Gorleston Amateur Radio Society is having a lunch
time meeting at the Short Blue Hotel, Gorleston. Contact David, G3OEP,
on 01493 662 323.


On Monday 21 June Appledore & District Amateur Radio Club is having a
mobile rally event. Contact Brian Jewell, M0BRB, on 01237 473251 for
more information.

On Wednesday 23 June Callington Amateur Radio Society is running a
special event station for the St. Johns eve bonfire on Kit Hill withšthe
Old Cornwall Society. More information from Chris Harris, G7UDX, on
07973 418 371.

On Wednesday 23 June Taunton & District Amateur Radio Club is having a
talk on mobile aerials by Chris, G4DCH. Contact William, G3WNI, on 01823
666 234 for more information.

On Wednesday 23 June Thornbury & South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio
Club is on the air. Contact Tony, G0WMB, on 01454 417048.

On Thursday 24 June South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is on the air,
supervised by David, G7PKJ. Contact Len, G4RZY, on 01275 834 282.

On Thursday 24 June Swindon & District Amateur Radio Club is having a
natter night. Contact Den, M0ACM, on 07810 317750.

On Thursday 24 June Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is on the air and having a
committee meeting. Contact Steve Crask, G7AHP, by email to

On Friday 25 June North Bristol Amateur Radio Club is preparing sales
tables for the West of England Rally. Details from Dick on 01454 218362.

On Saturday 26 June Appledore & District Amateur Radio Club is running a
special event station at Abbotsham Fete. Contact Brian Jewell, M0BRB, on
01237 473251 for more information.

On Sunday 27 June Trowbridge & District Amateur Radio Club is running a
club table at the West of England Rally. Details from Ian, G0GRI, on
01225 864 698, evenings and weekends.


On Monday 21 June Dragon Amateur Radio Club is having a primer on the
N1MM contest logging program. Contact Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF, on 07833

On Tuesday 22 June Marches Amateur Radio Society is having a talk and
demo on kite aerials by Roger, G4ROJ. For more information contact Dave,
MW0AYM, on 01691 777242.

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