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Sunday 14th November 2010 The news headlines RSGB Board Election 2010 declared invalid RAIBC put Advanced licence material on disk RSGB Museum Surplus Equipment proving popular Governance of the RSGB is regulated by the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Society, or M&A, a copy of which may be found on the Members' only section of the website. An irregularity has been identified in the nomination of the two candidates standing for election as nationally elected members of the Board. Unfortunately, it was not noticed until after RadCom had gone to press that both candidates shared two nominators. This is not in accordance with the M&A and therefore the candidates were not properly nominated. The Board has considered its options under the M&A and has determined that the only course of action open to it is to declare the election for nationally elected members of the Board invalid. Given other requirements of the M&A, the Board will now co-opt both candidates as Board members for a twelve month period until the next election late in 2011, when the candidates may stand for election again. The Society very much regrets this error, but believes that the best interests of the membership are served by acting as set out above. The regional election for Region 4 is unaffected and closes at midday on 2 December. The RAIBC audio reading team has updated the Advanced Licence Course talking book to the 2010 copy of the Advanced Manual. The disks are produced with the permission of RSGB for the use of anyone with visual impairments, text reading difficulties or disabilities that restrict the ability to read printed material. The discs are available post free for the use of visually impaired and dyslectic students. All they ask in return is a small donation to RAIBC funds to cover the cost of the disk, packing and to further the work for amateurs with disabilities. The RAIBC have a expert team with experience of assisting amateurs with disabilities. If you require any help in a personal capacity or as an instructor please contact the RAIBC Helpline on 0800 0 141 743 or by e-mail to . Last week's RSGB Museum Surplus Equipment sale was very successful, as was the trip to the Kempton rally. The two most popular items were Eddystone 960 HF amateur receiver and the Microwave Modules 70cm 100W linear. This week there are 28 items available and the auction finishes today, Sunday 14 November. There is a wide range of complimentary Heathkit equipment, which is already attracting a lot of attention. The Radiovision Commander HF receiver is also generating a lot of interest. Check out the RSGB website www.rsgb.org.uk/auction for details and photographs of the equipment. All proceeds from the sale will be going towards funding the National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park. Last week the Five Towns Repeater Group put the 6m repeater GB3WY, formerly GB3HX, on the air from the groups' site just west of Wakefield. It is co-located with the 2m GB3YW and 23cm GB3WC repeaters. The new repeater operates on R50-9, which is 50.800 and 51.300MHz, and requires continuous CTCSS of 82.5Hz. All the equipment was transported to site and installed by Dave, G4RQI, Michael, G1XCC and Martin, 2E0RFE. Reception reports would be appreciated and should be sent to either G1XCC or G4RQI, both of whose details can be found on QRZ.COM. Now a reminder. It is important that the RSGB gets the views of all radio amateurs and shortwave listeners on amateur radio today and into the future. If you have yet to complete the amateur radio survey, please go to www.rsgb.org/survey and make your voice heard. The Bletchley Park Trust has a public talk on Sunday 21 November at 2.30pm. The speaker is the author of the newly published official spy book, MI6, The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909 - 1949, and a former Head of the Secret Intelligence Service. Professor Keith Jeffery is the first author to be given access to the closed archives of the Secret Intelligence Service. Seats for this talk are limited and the cost of attendance is ?40 which includes a signed copy of MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909-1949. To attend this event, please purchase a ticket at www.bletchleypark.org.uk or for further information please call 01908 640404 or e-mail And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week Next weekend, 21 November, the 33rd CATS Radio & Electronics Bazaar takes place at the 1st Coulsdon Scout HQ, which is at the rear of the Council Car Park, Lion Green Road, Coulsdon, Surrey. The event is open from 10am to 1pm and admission is ?1. There will be a Bring & Buy. Details from Andy, G8JAC, by e-mail to . Also next weekend, 21 November, the Plymouth Radio Club Rally will take place at the Elm Community Centre, Leypark Walk, Estover, Plymouth PL6 8UE. Doors open at 10am and the admission is ?2. There will be trade stands and a Bring & Buy. Now for the news of special events The Canadian Coast Guard Radio Station, Thunder Bay MCTS Centre, is celebrating 100 years of radio service. Built by the Canadian Marconi Company in 1910, the new wireless station, MUG Port Arthur, was the first and only Canadian Great Lakes Marconi station ever built. During the November 2010, the Centre's amateurs will be operating special event station CG3MUG, to celebrate the 100th birthday. From 29 November, GB4RN will be active from Waterlooville. Look out for them on Top Band through to 2m. And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources Members of the Czech and Slovak Contest Crew have announced a DXpedition to The Gambia to take place between 17 and 30 November. They will be using renewed callsigns from their previous 2007 operation as C50C or C52C. Also, the special callsign C5A will be reserved for the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest. QSL by the Bureau or direct to OM2FY, which is correct on QRZ.com. Listen out for F4BXW as TR8GV from Libreville, Gabon until 23 November. His activity will be on the HF bands using SSB. QSL via his home callsign. Karel, ON5TN will be staying at the Belgian Antarctic base Princess Elisabeth, until February 2011. He plans to operate as OR4TN in his spare time, starting in December. Updates will be posted on QRZ.com under OR4TN. QSL via ON5TN. Manuel, XE2HUQ and Tony, XE2HVF plan to be active as XF1HUQ and XF1HVF from Magdalena Island, IOTA NA-07 from 18 to 22 November. Expect activity on 80 to 10m using CW and SSB. QSL via home call. VE3EY will be active from St. Barthelemy Island using the callsign TO3A until 30 November. Operations will be on 160 through to 10m using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via VE3EY. Now the contest news 16 November sees the UHF UK Activity Contest from 2000 to 2230UTC. Using the 1.3 and 2.3GHz bands the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. The RTTY leg of the Worked All Europe (WAE) DX Contest takes place over the weekend 13 and 14 November from 0000 to 2359UTC. Unlike the CW leg held in August and SSB leg held in September, in the RTTY leg everybody works everybody. Single op stations are limited to 36 hours out of 48. The exchange is signal report and serial number. Next weekend, 20 and 21 November, sees the 2nd 1.8MHz Contest taking place between 2100 and 0100UTC. Using CW only, the exchange is signal report, serial number and District code. And now the solar factual data for the period from the 1st to the 7th of November, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS on the 8th of November The solar disc had a couple of sunspots visible on most days. Prior to one of these groups rotating into view it had already produced a couple of C class solar flares. By the 4th the group rotated into view and continued producing more C class flares along with three M class solar flares. The largest was a M5/1N on the 6th which increased solar activity to high levels. Associated with this flare was a narrow coronal mass ejection and a sudden ionospheric disturbance which affected the daylight side of the Earth. Solar flux levels increased from 79 units to 89 by the 6th. The average was 82 units. The 90 day solar flux average on the 7th remained at 81 units, where it as remained for the last six weeks. X-ray flux levels increased from A8 units on the 1st to B2.1 by the 3rd and the average was B1 units. Geomagnetic activity was very quiet every day, on the 6th and the 7th the Ap index was only one unit. The average was Ap 2 units. Solar wind data from the ACE spacecraft saw slow solar wind speeds every day and by the 4th were down to a very slow speed of 280 kilometres per second. Particle densities were low throughout the period. Bz never varied more than minus and plus 5 nanoTeslas every day. And now the solar forecast. This week the quiet side of the Sun is expected to rotate into view. However, an active region could be visible and increase activity. Given no large and active sunspot groups the solar flux levels should be around the mid 80's. Geomagnetic activity is expected to be at quiet levels at first but during the second half of the week activity is expected to increase due to a recurring coronal hole. On its last rotation the Ap peaked at 23 units and the disturbance lasted for two days. MUFs during daylight hours at equal latitudes should be around 28MHz for the south and 25MHz for the north. Darkness hour lows should be about 8MHz. Paths this week to Australia should have a maximum usable frequency with a 50 per cent success rate of around 25MHz. The optimum working frequency with a 90 per cent success rate will be about 19MHz. The best time to try the path will be between 0900 and 1300 hours. The long path will be several MHz lower and peak a couple of hours earlier. Finally, a reminder that you can find concise explanations of the technical terms used in these reports in the propagation pages of the RSGB Yearbook. And that's all for this week from the propagation team. Next, the Local News: Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses and website links where known. [Note to Newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to the service area of your transmission.] NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS On Monday 15 November Gloucester Amateur Radio & Electronics Society is having an HF and workshop evening. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01452 548478, daytime. On Monday 15 November South Birmingham Radio Society is having a committee meeting. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603. On Monday 15 November Welland Valley Amateur Radio Society has an SWL talk. For more information contact Peter D Rivers, G4XEX, on 01858 432105. On Monday 15 November Wythall Radio Club continues its Advanced course. Details from Christopher Pettitt, G0EYO, by email to . On Tuesday 16 November Wythall Radio Club is looking at homebrew. Details from Christopher Pettitt, G0EYO, by email to . On Wednesday 17 November Bolsover Amateur Radio Society is having a quiz by Colin, G0RXT. For details, send an email to . On Wednesday 17 November Lincoln Short-Wave Club is putting G5FZ on the air. For more information contact Pam Rose, G4STO, on 01427 788356. On Wednesday 17 November Midland Amateur Radio Society is having training classes and a film show by Ron Swinbourne, M0WSN. Details from Norman, G8BHE, on 01214 229 787. On Wednesday 17 November Telford & District Amateur Radio Society is holding a surplus equipment sale with G8UGL in the chair. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on 01952 299 677. On Thursday 18 November Cheltenham Amateur Radio Association is having a talk on Radio Winchcombe by P Arkell. Contact Derek Thom, G3NKS, on 01242 241099. On Thursday 18 November Salop Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on foxhunts by Les, M0BAV and Tony, M0AMP. Details on the club website at www.salop-ars.org.uk. On Thursday 18 November South Birmingham Radio Society continues its Foundation training classes with G8OWL. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603. On Friday 19 November Bromsgrove & District Amateur Radio Club is on the air and holding a committee meeting. Contact Chris, M0BQE on 01905 776 869. On Friday 19 November Coventry Amateur Radio Society has a skittles night. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 07958 777363. On Friday 19 November Melton Mowbray Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on repairing and refurbishing vintage radios and televisions by Bert Reeves. For more information contact Geoff, G3STG, on 01664 480 733. On Friday 19 November Nunsfield House Amateur Radio Group is having a talk on the central western birds of India by Ken Frankcom. Details from Ken Frankcom, G3OCA, on 01332 720976. On Friday 19 November South Birmingham Radio Society is having a construction evening. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603. On Saturday 20 November Lincoln Short-Wave Club is putting G5FZ on the air and working around the shack. For more information contact Pam Rose, G4STO, on 01427 788356. NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND Lincoln area 2 metre GB2RS news reader Simon, M0SIY, has had to stand down.šHis partner news reader Jim, G0EJQ urgently needs a volunteer to come forward and fill the vacancy.šThe reading takes place on Sunday mornings at 10.30am local time on 145.525MHz FM, and willšinvolve a rota withšG0EJQ and any other volunteer who may come forward. Volunteers must be members of the RSGB and should contact Jim, G0EJQ on 01 522 532 604 or the GB2RS News Manager Gordon, G3LEQ on 01 565 652 652 for further information.šMore information about the GB2RS News Service, along with a news reader application form, can be found in the Members' Area of the RSGB web site by clicking on "News". Advance notice now for listeners to the 6m North of England GB2RS transmission, which changes frequency and time next week. Today is the last broadcast on 51.530MHz. On Sunday 21 November the broadcast will be on the new 6 metre repeater GB3WY on 50.800MHz. The time of the bulletin will change from 11:00 to 09:00. These new arrangements will considerably improve coverage. Readings will still be by the same team of Dave, G4CLI, Ken, 2E0SSQ and Robin, G1MHU. Initially, the reader will break carrier every four to five minutes to allow the repeater time-out timer to reset and to allow any emergency calls to be made. The news team would like to express their sincere gratitude to Michael, G1XCC, Dave, G4RQI and Martin, 2E0RFE of the Five Towns Repeater Group for their efforts in getting GB3WY on the air. On Monday 15 November Angel of the North Amateur Radio Club is having a recap on aerial basics, testing aerials and using basic test equipment for building aerials by Daniel Harrop. Contact Nancy Bone, G7UUR, on 0191 477 0036. On Monday 15 November Macclesfield & District Radio Society is having a social night. More information from Roger Bell, M0GMG, on 0771 258 9163. On Monday 15 November Scarborough Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on peculiar antennas by G0UVR. Details from Jerry Scarr G6LBL, on 01751 476601. On Monday 15 November Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is holding its winter junk sale. More information from Peter Day, G3PHO, by email to . On Monday 15 November Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society is having a video with Ted, G3WBB. Details from John Foster, 2E0EZY, on 01253 399377. On Tuesday 16 November Chester & District Amateur Radio Society is having a talk by Chris Gozzard, M6GOZ, on his eight month African adventure teaching in Lesotho. Details from Barbara Green on 07957 870770. On Wednesday 17 November Hornsea Amateur Radio Club has a bring a mystery object evening. Contact Gordon MacNaught, G3WOV, on 01377 240573. On Wednesday 17 November Maltby & District Amateur Radio Society is holding a computer clinic. Contact Keith, G1PQW, on 07701 156 678. On Wednesday 17 November Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society is on the air. Contact Peter Paul Fox, G8HAV, on 01606 553401. On Thursday 18 November Ripon & District Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on digital modes using Linux. Details from Rob Hall, M0RBY, on 0787 608 5631. On Thursday 18 November Wakefield & District Radio Society is on the air and holding a committee meeting. Contact Ken, 2E0SSQ, on 07900 563117. On Friday 19 November East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club is on the air. For more information contact Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475 671. On Saturday 20 November Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is taking part in the 1.8MHz CW contest. Contact Gordon MacNaught, G3WOV, on 01377 240573. On Saturday 20 November Wakefield & District Radio Society continues its Foundation and Advanced courses. Contact Ken, 2E0SSQ, on 07900 563117. NEWS FOR NORTHERN IRELAND On Monday 15 November Glengormley Electronics Amateur Radio Society is having a talk and videosšby David, GI4FUM onšhis recent JOTA & CQWW DXpedition tošC91 Mozambique. Details from Peter Lowrie, MI5JYK, by email to . NEWS FOR SCOTLAND On Tuesday 16 November Livingston & District Amateur Radio Society is having a club evening. More information from Norman, on 07740 946192. On Wednesday 17 November Ayr Amateur Radio Group is having a GDO construction night. Details from Tom Ferguson, GM1OST, on 01292 532 088. On Wednesday 17 November Paisley YMCA Amateur Radio Club is having a training evening. Contact Bill Anderson, 2M0BZZ, on 01505 613633. On Wednesday 17 November West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has construction projects and licence training by the Solder Group. More information from Fred Coombes, 2M0BIN, on 01415 715512. On Thursday 18 November Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is running a beginners CW class. More information from Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663. On Friday 19 November Cockenzie & Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on software defined radio by Bjorn Franke. More information from Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723. On Friday 19 November West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society is having presentations, guest speakers, a raffle and a quiz. More information from Fred Coombes, 2M0BIN, on 01415 715512. NEWS FOR THE SOUTH EAST and EAST ANGLIA On Sunday 14 November Bittern DX Group continues its Foundation course. Details from Linda, G0AJJ, on 01692 404154. On Sunday 14 November Horsham Amateur Radio Club is having a foxhunt. Details are on the web at www.harc.org.uk. On Monday 15 November Basingstoke Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on antenna analysers by Peter. Details from Clive, G4ODM, on 01256 326050. On Monday 15 November Braintree & District Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on circuit theory by Ian Wager. For more information contact John, M5AJB, on 01787 460 947. On Monday 15 November Burnham Beeches Radio Club is having a talk on Pamphonics by Jeremy. Contact Dave, G4XDU, on 01628 625 720. On Monday 15 November East Kent Radio Society is having a visit by Chris Ridley & John Turner of Icom. Details from Karl Davies, M1DFM, on 01227 710120. On Monday 15 November Surrey Radio Contact Club is having a talk on Energy Conservation and Generation by Glen Rankin, G4FVL. Details from John, G3MCX, on 020 8688 3322. On Tuesday 16 November Andover Radio Amateurs Club is having a club night,šcommittee meeting and ašWSPR workshop with Richard, M1CFW. Details from Martin, M0MWS, on 07776 181646. On Tuesday 16 November Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society is at the shack. For more information contact Steve, on 01424 720815. On Tuesday 16 November Bromley & District Amateur Radio Society is having a construction evening with Richard, G8ITB. Details from Andy, G4WGZ, on 01689 878089. On Tuesday 16 November Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is having a club net night. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on 01245 469 008. On Tuesday 16 November Verulam Amateur Radio Club is having a lecture on air traffic control. Details from Ralph, on 01923 265572. On Wednesday 17 November Chesham & District Amateur Radio Society is having a construction project evening. More details from Terry, G0VFW, on 01442 831 491. On Wednesday 17 November Havering & District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on RAF Hornchurch by Richard Smith from the Purfleet Heritage Centre. Contact John, M0UKD, on 07817 365354. On Wednesday 17 November Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on the rise and fall of the marine radio officer by Steve Appleyard, G3PND. Details from Chris Danby, G0DWV, on 01603 898678. On Wednesday 17 November Worthing & District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on power & power measurement by Tony G3NPF. For more information contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903 753 893. On Thursday 18 November Colchester Radio Amateurs is having a talk by Roy, G4JAC on multi-Tx radio direction finding. More information from Kevan, 2E0WMG, on 07766 543784. On Thursday 18 November Cray Valley Radio Society is having a talk by Colin Wooff, G3SPJ, on choosing and using a linear amplifier. Please note a change of venue for this meeting, which will be at the 1st Royal Eltham Scout Hut, rear ofš71 Southend Crescent, Eltham, SE9 2SD. Details from Bob, M0MCV, on 020 8265 7735 after 8pm. On Thursday 18 November Horsham Amateur Radio Club is having a social at The Foresters Arms, Horsham. Details are on the web at www.harc.org.uk. On Thursday 18 November Lowestoft & District PYE Amateur Radio Club is at the shack. Contact Lee, 2E1LJL, on 01502 564242. On Thursday 18 November Shefford & District Amateur Radio Society is looking at members shacks through the key hole. Details from David, G8UOD, on 01234 742 757. On Thursday 18 November Sutton & Cheam Radio Society is having a talk on building and using the TenTec 1330 by Martin Butler, M1MRB. More information from John, G0BWV, on 020 8644 9945. On Friday 19 November Cambridge & District Amateur Radio Club is having a junk exchange. Details from Lawrence Micallef, M0LCM, on 07941 972724. On Friday 19 November Loughton & Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society is having a review of 2010 by the committee. Contact Marc Litchman, G0TOC, on 020 8502 1645. On Friday 19 November Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society is having a radio night. Contact Peter, G4AKG, on 01444 239371. On Friday 19 November Radio Society of Harrow is holding a surplus equipment sale. More information from Linda, G7RJL, on 0208 386 8586. On Friday 19 November Wey Valley Amateur Radio Group Club is holding its construction contest. Details on the web at www.weyvalleyarg.org.uk. NEWS FOR THE SOUTH WEST On Monday 15 November Appledore & District Amateur Radio Club is having a bring and buy auction. Contact Brian Jewell, M0BRB, on 01237 473251 for more information. On Tuesday 16 November West Devon Radio Club is making its annual Lifetime Member award to members of the club for faithful service and representation. Further information from Jules Cuddy, M1AGY, on 01752 291588. On Wednesday 17 November Taunton & District Amateur Radio Club is having a club evening. Contact William, G3WNI, on 01823 666 234 for more information. On Wednesday 17 November Thornbury & South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio Club is having a video night. Contact Tony, G0WMB, on 01454 417048. On Wednesday 17 November Trowbridge & District Amateur Radio Club is having a natter night. Details from Ian, G0GRI, on 01225 864 698, evenings and weekends. On Thursday 18 November South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is holding its AGM. Contact Len, G4RZY, on 01275 834 282. On Thursday 18 November Swindon & District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on maritime mobile operation by Richard, G3ZGC. Contact Den, M0ACM, on 07810 317750. On Thursday 18 November Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on the Yeo RX by G3PCJ. Contact Steve Crask, G7AHP, by email to . On Friday 19 November North Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having a committee meeting. Details from Dick on 01454 218362. On Friday 19 November Torbay Amateur Radio Society is having a natter night. For more information contact Dave, G6FSP, by email to . NEWS FOR WALES On Monday 15 November Dragon Amateur Radio Club is holding its AGM. More information from Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF, on 07833 620733. On Monday 15 November Llanelli Amateur Radio Society has a DVD Night. Contact Craig, MW0MXT, on 01269 840292. On Tuesday 16 November Wrexham Amateur Radio Society is having a quiz night. More information is on the web at www.wrexham-ars.co.uk. |
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