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Old November 19th 10, 05:00 PM posted to,,
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Posts: 249
Default GB2RS NEWS Sunday 21st November 2010


Sunday 21st November 2010

The news headlines:

Network and RSGB announce new Agreement

Amateur radio exam fees set to change

RSGB Region 4 election closes soon

The Radio Amateurs' Emergency Network, the UK's principal organisation
of volunteers providing radio communications in time of need, and the
Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB), the UK's national society for
Amateur Radio, are pleased to announce the signing of a formal agreement
between the two organisations providing a framework to progress the
closer working relationship between them.

The Network Chairman, Cathy Clark, said ``I am delighted to sign this
agreement, which promises to bring the two organisations closer together
for the benefit of our members and the service they provide to our many
User Services.''

RSGB President Dave Wilson, said ``I would like to thank all those
who've been working behind the scenes on what was undoubtedly not an
easy task to get us to the position we are today. The signing of this
agreement cements on-going co-operation between the two organisations.
Joint working will continue to ensure the smooth implementation of the
Principles of Co-operation described in the agreement.''

The RSGB Public Services Co-ordinator, Charlie Morrison, commented "It
was the obvious way forward for our two organisations to work more
closely together, making use of our own capabilities for the greater
good of emergency communications. I am pleased that both parties found
the agreement so easy to accept.''

The agreement, which had unanimous acceptance by both the RSGB Board and
the Network's Committee of Management, was signed on Saturday 20th
November 2010 during the RSGB Spectrum Forum meeting in which all
parties consider frequency planning and usage issues.

The cost of UK amateur radio examinations is to rise by ?5 from 1st
January 2011. The new fees will be ?27.50 for the Foundation, ?32.50 for
Intermediate and ?37.50 for the Advanced exam. This applies to all exams
falling on or after 1st January 2011. Instructors need to be aware that
any requests for exam papers in the last three weeks of December 2010
need to be accompanied by the increased fee.

Following the announcement that the RSGB Board election has been
declared invalid, Members in Region 4 are reminded that their Regional
Election is still going ahead. Details of the candidates were published
in the November RadCom. You can vote online at, that's rsgb one zero. You will need your
callsign and membership number to vote. Members may instead vote by post
using the envelope that came with November's magazine. Voting closes at
noon on 2nd December.


Last week's RSGB Museum Surplus Equipment sale was yet another very
successful event. This week is a bumper week and the auctions end today,
Sunday 21st, after 8pm. So far the most popular items this week are a
Yaesu FT-200 HF transceiver, which has lots of interest and bids and the
RME 69 HF valve receiver. Check out the RSGB website for details and photographs of the equipment.
All the proceeds from the sale will be going towards funding the
National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park. Today, 21 November, also sees
the start of the final auction of RSGB Museum Surplus Equipment. It will
be packed full of star buys and will finish after 8pm on Sunday 28

The G4M and N series sub Manager recently advised that, as of January,
he needs to remove some 185 envelopes from his files. Most are stamped
with monetary values that no longer apply. Many are very old. Some
larger A4 envelopes cannot be sent as First Class Mail, being too wide
or too thick when folded. In the event of a price rise, First or Second
Class stamps will be honoured by the Post Office but stamps with a
monetary value will not. In order to bring many M0 callsign holders into
line with other UK sort groups, the grouping has been reorganised. Wayne
Thomas, M0WAY will deal with the group M0M to Z and David Mappin, G4EDR
will continue to look after M0G to L. Outstanding cards and envelopes
for these groups have been transferred to the appropriate manager.

AMSAT-UK's FUNcube is an educational single Cubesat project with the
goal of enthusing and educating young people about radio, space, physics
and electronics. It will support the educational Science, Technology,
Engineering and Maths initiatives and provide an additional resource for
the GB4FUN Mobile Communications Centre. To keep up to date with the
latest project news, including the ground station receiver board and the
FUNcube Dongle, visit or
search funcube within the yahoo groups.

On Saturday 4 December, Wakefield and District Radio Society will host a
Train the Trainers session. The venue is their HQ, 23rd Wakefield
Scouts, rear of the Methodist church, Barnsley Road, Wakefield WF1 5NU.
The course will be run by RSGB President, Dave Wilson, M0OBW, and there
will be no charge for those that attend. A small buffet will be provided
and the kettle will also be on for the duration. The course commences at
9.30am and candidates would be advised to arrive by no later than 9.15.
Further information can be obtained by contacting Ken Quinn, 2E0SSQ by
e-mail to r by phone, before 8pm please, on 07900

Due to a very kind gesture, the Bath Buildathon Crew are able to offer a
free place at the 4th Bath Buildathon to someone who would benefit from
the experience but maybe cannot afford the cost. The lucky person will
build a 20m superhet receiver kit under their watchful eyes and take it
away at the end of the day on Saturday 8 January 2011. The organisers
cannot run to paying transport costs, but the venue is within walking
distance of the train station and, with advanced booking, the travel
should not be too expensive. If you know of a youngster who is studying
for their Intermediate exam, or maybe someone who has a Full licence but
needs a helping hand to get some construction experience, please send
details to
. The Buildathon Crew will then ask the
sponsor of the place make the decision on who should get it. Closing
date for nominations is 11 December. In addition to the Buildathon, the
Bath group will be carrying out Intermediate Practical Assessments and
the written exam on the same day. If anyone is interested in the exams
the contact is also Steve, G0FUW, who must have your details by 11

The Wakefield & District Radio Society's IRLP and Echolink Node MB7IWR,
which operates on 145.3375MHz from Dewsbury has had an antenna upgrade.
Thanks to the generosity and work of both Michael, G1XCC and Nathan,
M0KKH, the new antenna seems to be performing well. Reception reports
would be appreciated to the node keeper, Dave, G4CLI by e-mail to
. Further improvements are planned with the acquisition
of an embedded node and a new rig. More information about the node can
be found on the society website at

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week

Today, 21 November, the 33rd CATS Radio & Electronics Bazaar takes place
at the 1st Coulsdon Scout HQ, which is at the rear of the Council Car
Park, Lion Green Road, Coulsdon, Surrey. The event is open from 10am to
1pm and admission is ?1. There will be a Bring & Buy. Details Andy,
G8JAC, by e-mail to .

Also today, 21 November, the Plymouth Radio Club Rally will take place
at the Elm Community Centre, Leypark Walk, Estover, Plymouth PL6 8UE.
Doors open at 10am and the admission is ?2. There will be trade stands
and a Bring & Buy.

The final rally of the year is the Bishop Auckland Radio Amateurs Club
Rally that takes place on 28 November at the Spennymoor Leisure Centre,
Co Durham DL16 6DB. There is plenty of car parking and talk-in on S22.
Doors open at 10.30am and admission is ?1.50, although accompanied under
14s are free. There will be trade stands and a Bring & Buy. Details from
Mark, G0GFG, on 01388 745 353.

Now for the news of special events

On Saturday 27 November, Preston Amateur Radio Soceity is running GB1LD
for Lancashire Day. The main bands of operation will be 80 and 40m.
Further details are on

Chorley & District Amateur Radio Society will be running GB0LD again
this year to celebrate Lancashire Day on 27 November. The callsign is
valid from Monday 22 November to Sunday 28 November inclusive and will
be operating on all bands from 2m to Top Band.

On 27 and 28 November, Crewe Heritage Centre ARC will be putting on a
special event station, GB4CHC, to commemorate 50 Years of the Class 37s.
For more information, contact John M0JCD on 01270 619034.

And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources

Halifax Amateur Radio Society will be active from Mull of Galloway
lighthouse and Corsewall Point lighthouse in Scotland from 22 to 26
November. They will be using the callsign GS2UG and full details are on

Tony, IK1QBT and Emilio, IZ1GAR will be active as IH9/IK1QBT and
IH9/IZIGAR from Pantelleria, which is IOTA reference AF-019, from 23 to
30 November. They will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as IH9X on
80 metres and as IH9R on 40 metres respectively. QSL via their home

Look for Hennie, PJ4/PE1MAE to be active from Bonaire, which is IOTA
reference SA-006, for about four months. QSL via bureau or direct to

Now the contest news

Advance notice first. The Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club is hosting an
inter-membership HF contest on Sunday 9 January 2011. All modes and HF
frequencies are allowed, so if you hear any of their members, as listed
at, then please talk to them, as they would appreciate the

On 23 November the 50MHz Activity Contest will take place from 2000 to
2230UTC. Using all modes on the 50MHz band the exchange is signal
report, serial number and locator.

The following day, 24 November sees the CW leg of the 80m Club Sprint
from 2000 to 2130UTC. The exchange is serial number and name.

Morse enthusiasts get their slice of the action on the last weekend of
the month, 27 and 28 November, when the CW leg of CQWW takes place.
Expect the CW segments of the HF contesting bands from 80m to 10m to be
busy for the whole weekend, even the upper HF bands. Taking place from
0000 to 2350UTC, the exchange is signal report and Zone, with the UK
being 14.

And now the solar factual data for the period from the 8th to the 14th
of November, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS on the 15th of November

Up to four sunspot groups were visible on some days. Two groups produced
C class solar flares from the 11th which increased solar activity to low
levels. In total fourteen C class solar flares took place. Several
sudden ionospheric disturbances and coronal mass ejections were also
observed. Solar flux levels showed little daily variation and averaged
85 units. The 90 day solar flux average on the 14th was 81 units. That's
the same level as last week. X-ray flux Averaged A9.8 units which also
showed little variation day to day. Geomagnetic activity started at very
quiet levels with an Ap index of only 3 units on the 8th and the 9th.
During the evening of the 10th a magnetic disturbance arrived and lasted
for the next two days when the Ap was 15 units. The average was Ap 8
units. Particle densities were low except for a brief increase to 14
particles per cubic centimetre during the 10th. Bz varied between minus
4 and plus 3 nanoTeslas on the quiet days and between minus 10 and plus
12 nanoTeslas during the disturbance.

And now the solar forecast. This week solar activity is expected to be
very low to low. If any large, active sunspot groups appear then
activity could increase to moderate. Solar flux levels should be in the
80's for most of the week. Geomagnetic activity could be unsettled today
but the decline to quiet levels for the rest of the week. MUFs during
daylight hours at equal latitudes should be around 26MHz for the south
and 23MHz for the north. Darkness hour lows are expected to be about
8MHz. Paths this week to South America should have a maximum usable
frequency with a 50 per cent success rate of about 29MHz. The optimum
working frequency with a 90 per cent success rate will be around 22MHz.
The best time to try this path will be between 1100 to 1600 hours.

And that's all for this week from the propagation team.

Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies

can be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses

and website links where known.

[Note to Newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to
the service area of your transmission.]


Lincoln area 2 metre GB2RS news reader Simon, M0SIY, has had to stand
down.šHis partner news reader Jim, G0EJQ urgently needs a volunteer to
come forward and fill the vacancy.šThe reading takes place on Sunday
mornings at 10.30am local time on 145.525MHz FM, and willšinvolve a rota
withšG0EJQ and any other volunteer who may come forward. Volunteers must
be members of the RSGB and should contact Jim, G0EJQ on 01 522 532 604
or the GB2RS News Manager Gordon, G3LEQ on 01 565 652 652 for further
information.šMore information about the GB2RS News Service, along with a
news reader application form, can be found in the Members' Area of the
RSGB web site by clicking on "News".

On Monday 22 November Gloucester Amateur Radio & Electronics Society is
having an informal evening. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01452 548478,

On Monday 22 November Leicester Radio Society is having a lecture.
Contact Alex, G8FCQ, on 0753 120 1640.

On Monday 22 November South Birmingham Radio Society is putting the
shack on the air and having a ragchew. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603.

On Monday 22 November Stratford Upon Avon District Radio Society is
having a video night. Contact G0CHO, on 01608 664488.

On Monday 22 November Wythall Radio Club is holding an Advanced exam at
6.30pm. Details from Christopher Pettitt, G0EYO, by email to

On Tuesday 23 November Loughborough & District Amateur Radio Club is
having a talk on steam and things by Peter Haywood. More information
from Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319.

On Tuesday 23 November Mid-Warwickshire Amateur Radio Society is meeting
on the air, all are welcome to chat on 145.225MHz. Details from Don,
G4CYG, on 019 2642 4465.

On Tuesday 23 November Wythall Radio Club is on the air and having a
natter night. Details from Christopher Pettitt, G0EYO, by email to

On Wednesday 24 November Bolsover Amateur Radio Society is holding a
committee meeting. For details, send an email to

On Wednesday 24 November Lincoln Short-Wave Club is holding its
construction contest. For more information contact Pam Rose, G4STO, on
01427 788356.

On Wednesday 24 November Midland Amateur Radio Society is having a
laptop computer evening and training classes. Details from Norman,
G8BHE, on 01214 229 787.

On Wednesday 24 November Telford & District Amateur Radio Society is
having a quiz night, with G8UGL presiding. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on 01952
299 677.

On Thursday 25 November Brigg & District Amateur Radio Club is having a
talk on kite antennasšby Tony, M3OZQ. Details from John, 2E0III, on
01652 632938.

On Thursday 25 November Salop Amateur Radio Society joins Powys club for
a quiz. Details on the club website at

On Thursday 25 November South Birmingham Radio Society continues its
Foundation training classes with G8OWL. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603.

On Friday 26 November Bromsgrove & District Amateur Radio Club is having
a demo and explanation of E-QSL. Contact Chris, M0BQE on 01905 776 869.

On Friday 26 November Coventry Amateur Radio Society is having a
committee forum. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 07958 777363.

On Friday 26 November Nunsfield House Amateur Radio Group invites
members to bring ideas for the club programme. Details from Ken
Frankcom, G3OCA, on 01332 720976.

On Friday 26 November South Birmingham Radio Society is having a
construction evening. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603.

On Saturday 27 November Lincoln Short-Wave Club is putting G5FZ on the
air and working around the shack. For more information contact Pam Rose,
G4STO, on 01427 788356.


On Monday 22 November Angel of the North Amateur Radio Club is on the
air and having a natter night. Contact Nancy Bone, G7UUR, on 0191 477

On Monday 22 November Bolton Wireless Club is having an open activity
night, for a chance to meet up with other local amateurs. There will
also be a commission-free table top sale for members and guest to sell
their unwanted radio related equipment. For details, send an email to

On Monday 22 November Macclesfield & District Radio Society is running
an Advanced exam. More information from Roger Bell, M0GMG, on 0771 258

On Monday 22 November Scarborough Amateur Radio Society has its Edison
Swan Trophy Competition. Details from Jerry Scarr, G6LBL, on 01751

On Monday 22 November Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on
working from temporary locations at home and abroad by Nevil, G3VDV.
More information from Peter Day, G3PHO, by email to

On Monday 22 November Workington and District Radio and IT Group is
having a talk on Yagi antennas by Norman, G7MRL. For more information
get in touch with Barry Easdon, G0RZI, on 01946 812092.

On Tuesday 23 November Chester & District Amateur Radio Society is
watching a video taken during construction of the Society's Elecraft K3
transceiver. Details from Barbara Green on 07957 870770.

On Tuesday 23 November Halifax & District Amateur Radio Society
continues its Foundation and Intermediate Licence training and Morse
practice, plus the ongoing development of PSK31 interfaces and using the
club's rig on the air. Contact Martin, M0GQB, on 01422 341317.

On Wednesday 24 November Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is having a club
night and taking part in the 80m CW Sprint. Contact Gordon MacNaught,
G3WOV, on 01377 240573.

On Wednesday 24 November Maltby & District Amateur Radio Society has a
discussion by members on the pros and cons of their radios. Contact
Keith, G1PQW, on 07701 156 678.

On Wednesday 24 November Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society is having a
report on the progress on remote control for the club station. Contact
Peter Paul Fox, G8HAV, on 01606 553401.

On Thursday 25 November Preston Amateur Radio Society is holding its
AGM. Contact Richard, M0RDZ, on 0785 587 3566.

On Thursday 25 November Ripon & District Amateur Radio Society is having
a night on the air. Details from Rob Hall, M0RBY, on 0787 608 5631.

On Thursday 25 November South Manchester Radio and Computer Club invites
members to bring their own temperature measuring equipment along to
compare results and accuracy. Details from Ron, G3SVW, on 0161 969 3999.

On Thursday 25 November Wakefield & District Radio Society is having a
pie and peas supper at HQ, for which there is a ?2 charge. Contact Ken,
2E0SSQ, on 07900 563117.

On Friday 26 November East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club is preparing for
the stall at the Spennymoor Rally. For more information contact
Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475 671.

On Saturday 27 November Wakefield & District Radio Society continues its
Foundation and Advanced Licence courses. Contact Ken, 2E0SSQ, on 07900


The Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club will be running a Foundation course
over a weekend in December. It is essential that any interested persons
register on Monday 22 November between 7pm and 8.30 pm. More information
can be found on the club website,, or by contacting the
exam secretary, Martin, MI0YMF, on 02838 348451.


On Tuesday 23 November Kilmarnock & Loudoun Amateur Radio Club is having
a club night. Contact Graham, MM3GDC, by email to .

On Tuesday 23 November Livingston & District Amateur Radio Society is
having a talk on mobile operating and the law by Toby, MM0TSS. Details
from Norman, on 07740 946192.

On Wednesday 24 November Lothians Radio Society is having a talk by
Gavin Taylor, GM0GAV, on the VP8 DXpedition to Antarctica. Contact Andy
Sinclair, by email to

On Wednesday 24 November West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society is
having construction projects and licence training by the Solder Group.
More information from Fred Coombes, 2M0BIN, on 01415 715512.

On Thursday 25 November Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is holding its
AGM. More information from Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663.

On Friday 26 November West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society is having
presentations, guest speakers, a quiz and a raffle. More information
from Fred Coombes, 2M0BIN, on 01415 715512.


On Tuesday 23 November Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society is at the
shack. For more information contact Steve, on 01424 720815.

On Tuesday 23 November Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is having a club
net night. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on 01245 469 008.

On Tuesday 23 November Dorking & District Radio Society is having a talk
on a practical approach to repairing vintage radios by David Smith,
M0SXD. Contact Garth, G3NPC, on 01737 359472.

On Tuesday 23 November Harwell Amateur Radio Society is having a shack
activity night. Contact Malcolm, G8NRP, on 01235 524844.

On Tuesday 23 November Horndean & District Amateur Radio Club is having
ten-minute talks by members. Contact Stuart, G0FYX, on 023 9247 2846.

On Wednesday 24 November Chesham & District Amateur Radio Society is on
the air. More details from Terry, G0VFW, on 01442 831 491.

On Wednesday 24 November Crawley Amateur Radio Club is having a talk by
Dr Brian Oakley on Behind the Scenes at Bletchley Park in WW2. Dr Oakley
is a former President of the British Computer Society and is now a
Bletchley Park historian and tour guide. More information from John,
G3VLH, on 01342 714 402.

On Wednesday 24 November Darenth Valley Radio Society is having a natter
night and on the air evening. For more information send an email to Ray,

On Wednesday 24 November Hastings Electronics and Radio Club is having a
talk on the PIC touch Morse keyer by Leon, G1HSM. Details from Gordon,
on 01424 431 909.

On Wednesday 24 November Havering & District Amateur Radio Club is
having an informal evening. Contact John, M0UKD, on 07817 365354.

On Wednesday 24 November Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is having an
informal, construction, workshop and Bright Sparks evening. Details from
Chris Danby, G0DWV, on 01603 898678.

On Wednesday 24 November Worthing & District Amateur Radio Club is
putting GX3WOR on the air and taking part in the 80m SSB Sprint contest.
For more information contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903 753 893.

On Thursday 25 November Bittern DX Group Club is planning development
and training events. Details from Linda, G0AJJ, on 01692 404154.

On Thursday 25 November Echelford Amateur Radio Society is having a
Bring & Buy sale, CW practice and a natter night. Contact John, G4GSC,
on 01784 451898.

On Thursday 25 November Edgware & District Radio Society is having a
talk by Malcolm Wood on the Blue Streak. More information from Mike,
G4RNW, on 0208 950 0658.

On Thursday 25 November Lowestoft & District PYE Amateur Radio Club is
having a shack night. Details from Lee, 2E1LJL, on 01502 564242.

On Thursday 25 November Reading & District Amateur Radio Club is having
a talk on 23cm by Professor Colin Bayliss, G3WKZ. Details from Pete,
G8FRC, on 01189 695 697.

On Thursday 25 November Shefford & District Amateur Radio Society is
having a talk by Paul Leighton. Details from David, G8UOD, on 01234 742

On Friday 26 November Cambridge & District Amateur Radio Club is having
a shack evening. The Repeater Group is also holding its AGM. Details
from Lawrence Micallef, M0LCM, on 07941 972724.

On Friday 26 November Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society is having a radio
night and table top sale. Contact Peter, G4AKG, on 01444 239371.

On Friday 26 November Radio Society of Harrow is having a talk by Brian,
G3YKB, addressing the question that we all use radio - but who invented
it? More information from Linda, G7RJL, on 0208 386 8586.

On Friday 26 November Waterlooville Amateur Radio Club is having CW
night. Details from Rich, G4IBW, on 02392 680852.

On Friday 26 November Wimbledon & District Amateur Radio Society is
having a surplus equipment sale. Contact Jim, M0CON, on 020 8874 7456.

On Sunday 28 November Bittern DX Group continues its Foundation course.
Details from Linda, G0AJJ, on 01692 404154.


On Monday 22 November Exeter Amateur Radio Society is having a club
night. Contact Phil Jays, 2E0PCJ, on 01392 877413.

On Tuesday 23 November Blackmoor Vale Amateur Radio Society is having a
talk by Tina Tapply on how she became an archaeologist. Tina was
involved with the excavations at Weymouth where a large grave was
uncovered recently that contained 50-plus Viking remains. Contact Tony,
G0GFL, on 01258 860741.

On Wednesday 24 November Taunton & District Amateur Radio Club is
operating the club station. Contact William, G3WNI, on 01823 666 234 for
more information.

On Wednesday 24 November Thornbury & South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio
Club is on the air. Contact Tony, G0WMB, on 01454 417048.

On Thursday 25 November South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having an on
the air evening. Contact Len, G4RZY, on 01275 834 282.

On Thursday 25 November Swindon & District Amateur Radio Club is having
a natter night. Contact Den, M0ACM, on 07810 317750.

On Thursday 25 November Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is having a Yeo
Project evening and committee meeting. Contact Steve Crask, G7AHP, by
email to

On Friday 26 November North Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having a talk
on building the Brendon transceiver by Dick, G0XAY. Details from Dick on
01454 218362.

On Friday 26 November Torbay Amateur Radio Society is having a visit by
RSGB General Manager Peter Kirby, G0TWW, who will give a talk on
Spectrum Defence. Non members are welcome. For more information contact
Dave, G6FSP, by email to


Long serving QSL sub manager John Harris, GW0MOW has retired. His place
has been taken by the current 2W and MW6 manager Lloyd Thomas, 2W00LLT.
This is an extremely busy QSL group and RSGB is most grateful to John
for his dedicated service to amateurs in Wales. Welsh members are
advised that there may be some continued delay whilst Lloyd gets to
grips with his enlarged role and clears a small backlog. Full details of
these changes, together with contact information, is available on the
RSGB Members-Only website.

On Tuesday 23 November Marches Amateur Radio Society is having a
presentation on Virtual Radar by Mark Harper, MW1MDH, RSGB Regional
Manager for North Wales For more information contact Dave, MW0AYM, on
01691 777242.

On Thursday 25 November Aberystwyth & District Amateur Radio Society is
on the air on 145.500 then 145.550 with David, 2W0EDW. Details from Ray,
GW7AGG, on 01970 611853.

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