You are listening to ZS6SRL, the official radio station of the South
African Radio League, the national body for amateur radio in South
Africa, with a news bulletin every Sunday at 08:15 CAT in Afrikaans and
at 08:30 CAT in English. To listen to a web stream, visit, click on 'ARMI' and follow the links. PLEASE NOTE: for
audio via Echolink, connect to ZS0JPL-R.
You can download this bulletin and previous ones from
and also subscribe to receive future bulletins by e-mail.
Your newsreader this morning is (name), (call sign), on 145,725 and
7,066 MHz from Pretoria, with relays on 7,066 and 3,695 MHz SSB. (Other
news readers change as applicable).
In the news today:
You are listening to ZS6SRL. Stay tuned for more details on these and
other important and interesting news items.
Following discussions with ICASA at the quarterly liaison meeting, it
was agreed that the SARL would table a band plan at the public hearing.
This will overcome a potential problem that, when the old regulations
are repealed and before the new regulations are gazetted, there is no
agreed band plan until the new band plan is published in the Government
The SARL has drafted a band plan in terms of the Table of Frequency
Allocations that was gazetted earlier this year. No deviation from this
is permissible. For instance, expansion of the 160 m band is a totally
different suggestion and would first have to be agreed to by ICASA and
then submitted as a change to the Table of Frequency Allocations, which
then has to be approved by the Minister of Communication. Once the
Table of Frequency Allocation has been changed, can the Amateur Radio
Band plan be changed to allow for the expansion.
Increase in output power is another complex issue and may not carry the
approval of the broader membership. It is suggested that members who
believe that an increase in the output power limit on certain - or all
bands - is required, are advised to prepare an item for discussion and
a motivation therefore at the SARL's AGM. Such a document needs a
proposer and seconder and should be submitted for inclusion in the AGM
agenda before 31 January 2011.
The draft band plan can be downloaded from Click on
ARMI and follow the links. Comments are invited and should be sent to
before midnight today. The final document will be
published on the web on Tuesday 30 November and presented to ICASA on 1
Innovation is a much debated topic at both academic and industrial
level. The question now arises that, if everyone around us is focusing
on innovation, should we as radio amateurs not be doing the same? The
question is, "Do we need innovation in Amateur Radio"? Join us on
Intechnet on Sunday 5 December at 19:30, when we will debate the
question of innovation in amateur radio.
Members and clubs are invited to submit nominations to Council for the
following SARL awards.
Honorary Life Membership - the SARL's highest honour.
Willie Wilson Gold Badge For the amateur that gave exceptional and
meritorious service to the League.
Jack Twine Award To recognize qualities such as unselfishness, clean
operating and a genuine interest in Amateur Radio and its affairs. This
prestigious Award will be made to Amateurs who, in the opinion of their
fellow amateurs and the League's Council, exemplify the qualities
desirable in a Radio Amateur.
Arthur Hemsley 2 metre Trophy For a Radio Amateur for his/her
individual achievements with transmissions in the 2 metre amateur band.
This award is made for extraordinary performance on EME or modes such
as tropospheric propagation. It is not for the longest distance worked
but rather for persistence in achieving something special on 2 metres.
Barney Joel Trophy For any member of the SARL for the best performance
during the year whilst working HF mobile. This award could be made for
performance by an individual in rally or other public event
communication etc.
Icom Excellence Award This award is bestowed annually on the amateur
who through his/her activity in the Amateur Service has brought
international recognition to South Africa by either the achievement of
a VHF/UHF long distance record which is internationally recognized by
the IARU, or by service to the Republic of South Africa or the SARL in
the field of scientific research using the amateur spectrum, or in
promoting the amateur service internationally or as Council may
determine from time to time.
Joseph White Plaque For any member of the SARL for exceptional
achievements in the 432 MHz band during the past year. This is not
awarded for the longest distance worked, but for all round
Bert Buckley Six metre Trophy For any radio amateur for his/her
individual achievements with transmissions in the six metre amateur
band. This award is not for the longest distance worked but for
outstanding work or activity on six metres.
Clubs and individuals please submit your nominations as soon as
possible to .
Mobile TV has arrived in South Africa with the launch of a broadcast
network by Multichoice covering the main centres of South Africa. The
fully digital TV network is aimed at cell phone and notebook users.
Several phones on the market are already equipped to receive the new TV
service that ultimately will support 15 channels. Currently there are
seven channels on DSTV and two on ETV.
The system utilizes several high sites in each area in what is called a
single frequency transmission system. Through a complex synchronization
system each site complements the others. This means that you may be
receiving signals from various sites but, unlike analogue systems, the
signals do not interfere with each other but add-up to provide the best
possible reception. A dongle called Drifta is available which allows
the signal to be received on a notebook or non-mobile TV cell phone,
facilitated by the Wi-Fi transmitter built into the dongle.
The September/October edition of Radio ZS is available on the web.
Several production delays have been experienced which caused further
delays in printing. It should be in the mail soon.
In the edition there is an interesting range of interesting articles,
such as: "enkele eksperimente met 'n 741"; creating a QSL card using MS
PowerPoint; what does the term "ham spirit" really mean?; a Moxon-Yagi
beam antenna for 15 and 20 m; Amateur Radio Satellite to be placed into
space, and a universal PC/radio interface for digital operation.
Download your copy now. If you are not a member of the SARL yet and
would like a trial copy, send an email to with Radio
ZS in the subject line.
The November/December edition will soon be ready for printing with an
expected mailing date around mid December.
Seventy three call signs were logged during the contest. Band
conditions for long distance communication were not good. From logs
received to date, most activity took place on 40 m as well as a few LEO
FM satellite contacts and one PSK contact on 20 m. All ZS divisions
were active. The rain and other circumstances made it difficult to be
active for the full six hours. Darkness only set in towards the very
end, much unlike the winter contest.
Only six logs were submitted and the results are as follows:
X1: All home stations using normal antennas and mains power: Theunis,
ZS2EC, (QRP) 25 points;
X2: All home stations not relying on their normal antennas or mains
power: No entry;
X3 : Portable operation i.e. away from a normal home station; not
relying on mains power. (This includes all mobile stations.): Christo,
ZR6LJK, (QRP) 75 points; Derek, ZS2J, (QRP) 66 points.
X4: True RaDAR portable operations not relying on existing antennas or
mains power: No entry.
X5: True RaDAR portable operations, as above, and using QRP. Output
power limited to 5 watt PEP. Stephen, ZS6SKY, (QRP) 125 points; Eddie,
ZS6BNE, (QRP) 100 points; Pierre, ZS6BB, (QRP) 75 points.
Contacts were made using digital modes by Christo, ZR6LJK, and via
Satellite by Eddie, ZS6BNE, and Stephen, ZS6SKY, which each scored a
bonus 5 points for their first contact.
It appears that many participants enjoy taking part in this dynamic
contest, more for the fun of it than for the competitive aspect. The
scoring method has been revised for future contests and has been
updated in the SARL "Blue book" (the Competition Manual).
Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP, reports that the solar activity is still at low
levels. Sunspot 1 127 remains quiet as it transits the northern
hemisphere of the sun. A small new sunspot has rotated into view and
could be numbered 1 128 soon. The effective sunspot number is expected
to be less than 20 for the coming week.
15 m will provide the best opportunities for DX followed by 20 m.
Conditions to India will be good from the afternoon till after sunset.
During the afternoon conditions will be fair towards Europe on 15 m,
later to be followed by fair 20 m openings. Early evening 15 m contacts
with the USA are possible. Contacts with Australia are possible at
sunset on 20 m. 15 m openings to Brazil and South America are possible
during the afternoons. With the good 15 and 20 m openings 17 m will
also be full of surprises.
For the CW and digital enthusiasts 30 m may be very rewarding with
openings to many parts of the world.
Locally 40 m is the work horse for contacts around the country with 20
and 30 m also being very useful for contacts over the longer distances.
80 m will be best during the early mornings and late afternoons as well
as over the shorter distances.
80 m is the frequency of choice during the evenings.
Please visit for further information.
Today 28 November - YL net starts at 15:00 CAT on 145,750 MHz in the
Pretoria area; 5 December - Intechnet at 19:30 - debate on innovation
in amateur radio; 20 January 2011 - Closing date for submission for
application for the May 2011 RAE bursaries; visit for application forms; 30 January 2011 -
Closing date for phase 1 of the construction competition.
SARL News invites clubs and individuals to submit terms of interest to
radio amateurs and shortwave listeners. Submit news items - if possible
- in both English and Afrikaans to, not
later than the Thursday preceding the bulletin.
The SARL also invites you to listen to Amateur Radio Mirror
International every Sunday morning at 10:00 CAT on 145,750 MHz in the
Pretoria area, with relays on 7 082, 7 205 and 17 560 kHz. There is
also a podcast by ZS6RO. For a web stream and Echolink by ZS6FCS, visit , click on 'ARMI' and follow the links. A repeat
transmission can be heard on Mondays at 22:05 CAT on 3 215 kHz. Sentech
sponsors the ARMI transmissions on the non-amateur frequencies.
You have listened to a bulletin of the South African Radio League,
compiled by Gustav, ZS6BWN, and edited by Jannie, ZR6PHD.
Thank you for listening, 73.