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Default GB2RS NEWS Sunday 10th July 2011


Sunday 10th July 2011

The news headlines:

* Olympic tests on 70cm

* Satellite Beginners Workshop

* Railways on the Air 2011

Following the first tests in June, the RSGB has now received an update
that additional tests for the Olympics affecting 70cm will take place
in the Weymouth and Portland area between Wednesday 20 July and
Saturday 13 August. These are expected to take the form of spot
frequency transmissions in the range 431 to 432MHz, as well as a small
number of telemetry channels in parts of 432, 433 and 436MHz. All
amateurs are requested to respect these tests and not interfere with
them. Information is also available at

AMSAT-UK will be holding a Satellite Beginners' Workshop at 4pm on
Friday 29 July to teach newcomers how to get started in amateur radio
space communications. With some satellites you can communicate using
little more than a standard dual-band FM handheld. Others use SSB or CW
and permit intercontinental DX communications using the VHF/UHF bands.
The Beginners' Workshop will be run by Dave, G4DPZ and Carlos, G0AKI
and takes place at the Holiday Inn, Guildford, GU2 7XZ. Look for the
RSGB GB4FUN vehicle in the car park. Details are on the AMSAT-UK

Railways on the Air 2011 will take place on the weekend of 24 and 25
September. As last year, the suggested frequencies for the event are
3.65, 7.12 and 14.12MHz, but participants are requested to avoid any
interference with RSGB news reading. Anyone is encouraged to register
if they are working an historic railway site, it doesn't have to be a
famous one or indeed one operating trains, just a site that has a
railway heritage. Registration and general enquiries can are through
the website

The National Hamfest will take place at the Newark & Notts Showground
again this year on 30 September and 1 October. The RSGB & Lincoln Short
Wave Club are pleased that the ARRL are attending from the USA again
this year. Joining them will be the German companies Spiderbeam, Tecadi
and Czech company Mastrant as well as all the major manufacturers and
dealers in the UK. Advance tickets are available from the National
Hamfest website,

In June 2011 the Portuguese administration Anacom assigned 5288.5kHz in
addition to the already authorised frequencies of 5371.5 and 5403.5kHz
on a secondary and non interference basis. The special propagation
study permits are being issued for a year.

The first provisional programme for the RSGB Convention is now
available on the RSGB website. Taking place at Horwood House near
Milton Keynes over the weekend 7 to 9 October, the lecture programme is
well underway. You can see the confirmed lectures on a wide range of
subjects from low frequency to light communications, which will be
updated as more talks are confirmed. Check out The Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society has
launched its new website. All amateurs and anyone with an interest in
maritime radio, especially those who have served or are serving in the
Royal Navy, Royal Marines and other navies throughout the world, are
invited to visit the site at The site is under
continuous improvement and visitors are invited to suggest additional
features to enhance the site. This can be done on the home page using
the link under the main photograph.

The team from Wakefield and District Radio Society will be QRV from the
Holy Island of Lindisfarne, which is IOTA reference EU 120, off the
Northumberland coast, from 15 to 18 July. They will be using the
callsign GB1HI. Transmission times will vary and, as it qualifies for
IOTA, will utilise the IOTA frequencies between 6 to 80m wherever
possible, plus or minus QRM. As well as SSB it is hoped to do some data
modes. The QSL route is via M0OXO and all information is available on Visitors are welcome but please bring your licence and a club
card wherever possible. The team will be sited on the approach road to
the castle.

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week

Today, 10 July, the Cornish Radio Amateur Club's 48th Mobile Rally will
take place at Penair School, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 1TN. Doors open at
10.30am and admission is £2. There will be trade stands and a Bring &
Buy. Details from Steve on 01209 844939.

The McMichael Rally and Boot Sale will take place on 17 July at Reading
Rugby Club, just off the A4 east of Reading. There is free car parking
and admission is £2. Traders and special interest groups will be in
attendance and a car boot sale area is available. The gates open at
9.30am. Details from Pete, G8FRC on 01189 695697.

QRP in Country will take place on 17 July at Upton Bridge Farm, Long
Sutton, Langport TA10 9NJ. There is still plenty of space available for
those individuals or Clubs who would like to put on a display or have a
stand. The Bath Buildathon team, led by Steve Hartley, G0FUW, will be
supervising construction and George Dobbs, G3RJV will be attending and
commenting on a `Show & Tell' display, so please bring along lots of
homebrew things for all to see. Rob Mannion, G3XFD, Editor of PW, the
RSGB and other QRP personalities will be there. Entry is free and
details can be found at

Northumbria Amateur Radio Club is holding a Bring and Buy sale on 23
July starting at 10am. Everyone is very welcome to come along. If
anyone is interested in selling items details should be forwarded to
the club secretary Roy, G0AXJ by email to or
telephone 0741 2659 150 as soon as possible. For full details please
visit the NARC website, where you will find
appropriate links associated with this event.

Bletchley Park's annual Polish Day takes place on Sunday 17 July. It
will celebrate the important contribution made by three Polish
mathematicians for their work on the breaking of Enigma. Bletchley Park
will also be remembering other Polish contributions and involvement in
World War. The day will include Polish dancing, food and displays,
themed talks and a Spitfire fly-past by the Battle of Britain Memorial
Flight. Now for the news of special events

Pontefract & District Amateur Radio Society is operating GB0PLF on 10
July from Pontefract Town Centre for the Liquorice Festival. On 16 and
17 July the club will put GB1AVR on the air for the Ackworth Vintage
Rally, operating from Watertower Field, Ackworth.

Borders Amateur Radio Society will be holding a special event station
at Birgham Village Fete, located in the village playpark on 16 July.
Operating on the HF bands and 2m on CW and SSB, the callsign will be

Sutton Coldfield Radio Club is hosting a special event station GB4MVF
on 16 July at Middleton Village Fete, Church Lane, Middleton B78 2AW
from 2pm till 5pm. Further information from Rob Bird on 01827 288483.
Visitors are welcome.

And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources

Andy, P29CS is at present active as YJ8A on the island of Efate in the
DXCC entity of Vanuatu. This one counts as OC-035 for the Islands on
the Air award programme. He is there until 17 July and QSLs go via

Dmitrij, RW6AML will be on Waya Island, Fiji until 17 July. He will be
active as 3D2ML on both CW and SSB. QSLs go to his home callsign.

Malcolm, GM3TAL is taking part in the Scottish Scouts New Horizons
expedition to Malawi until 25 July and plans to be active as 7Q7MH from
the Malawi National Scout Campsite at Makwawa. Look for activity on 20,
17, 15, 10 and possibly 6 metres, using CW and SSB. QSL via G0IAS,
direct only. The website for the expedition is at

Dante, IK5ASN will be active as 9A8ASN from the island of Cres, which
is IOTA reference EU-136, from 12 to 30 July. He will be on 20 and 40
metres SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via his home callsign, preferably
using the bureau.

Now the contest news

This weekend, it's the IARU HF World Championship, which finishes at
1200UTC today, the 10th. The UK HQ station GR2HQ will be active and
looking for as many QSOs as possible, on as many bands and modes as
possible, with as many people as possible. You don't have to be taking
part in the contest to call GR2HQ; the operators will be delighted to
work you and also pass you around the bands and modes, to help you work
towards one of the free certificates that are available. The exchange
is signal report and ITU zone, which for the UK is 27.

Tuesday 12 July is the 432MHz UK Activity Contest from 1900 to 2130UTC.
Using all modes the exchange is signal report, serial number and

13 July sees the SSB leg of the 80m Club Championship take place
between 1900 and 2030UTC. The exchange is signal report and serial
number. Sunday 17 July sees the Low Power Contest taking place from
0900 to 1600UTC. Using the 3.7 and 7MHz bands, CW only, the exchange is
signal report, serial number and power. Also that day, from 1000 to
1600UTC is the 70MHz trophy. Using all modes the exchange is signal
report, serial number and locator.

And now the solar factual data for the period from the 227th of June to
the 3rd of July, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS on the 4th of July.

For the first six months of 2011 there was only one day when the solar
disc was spotless, that was on the 27th of January.

Solar activity was very low except for the 3rd when the only C class
solar flare of the period took place which increased activity to low.
Solar flux levels varied between 86 and 89 units and the average was 87
units. The 90 day solar flux average on the 3rd was 100 units, that's
two units down on last week. The year started with the 90 day solar
flux average at 84 units and then increased steadily to peak at 110
units at the beginning of May. Since then levels have declined sharply
to 100 units. X-ray flux units averaged B1.1 units and varied little
day to day. Geomagnetic activity was quiet every day except for the 1st
which increased to unsettled levels with an Ap index of 13 units. This
was in response to a small coronal hole. The average for the period was
Ap 6 units. Solar wind data from the ACE spacecraft saw solar wind
speeds increase from 320 kilometres per second to 450 by the 1st.
Particle densities increased to 15 particles per cubic centimetre on
the 1st, the remaining days densities were low. Bz varied between minus
2 and plus 5 nanoTeslas on the quietest day and between minus 10 and
plus 8 nanoTeslas on the most disturbed day.

VHF Sporadic-E was reported daily up to 70MHz and some locations
enjoyed a good opening to the Caribbean and South America on the
evening of the 30th and a smaller one on the 1st. A few stations
reported a Scottish-type aurora on the afternoon of the 1st.

And now the solar forecast. This week the slightly more active side of
the Sun is expected to be looking our way. Without the appearance of
any large active sunspot groups, solar activity is expected to be at
low levels on some days. Solar flux levels should be around the 100
mark throughout the period. No influence from any coronal holes is
expected this week so geomagnetic activity should be quiet every day.
MUFs during daylight hours at equal latitudes should be around 21MHz
for the south and 18MHz for the north. Darkness hour lows are expected
to be around 13MHz. Paths this week to India should have a maximum
usable frequency with a 50 per cent success rate of around 20MHz. The
optimum working frequency with a 90 per cent success rate will be about
15MHz. The best time to try this path from the UK will be between 1200
and 1800 hours. Sporadic-E should take place on some days with openings
up to 144MHz possible. As always the favoured times for Sporadic-E are
mid mornings and early evenings, but not exclusively.

And that's all for this week from the propagation team.

Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies

can be found on the RSGB website, including email addresses

and website links where known.

[Note to Newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to
the service area of your


NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS On Monday 11 July Gloucester Amateur Radio &
Electronics Society is having a picnic and operating by the canal at
Saul Junction. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01452 548478, daytime.

On Monday 11 July South Birmingham Radio Society is painting the shack.
Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603.

On Monday 11 July South Normanton Alfreton & District Amateur Radio
Club is having a natter night. Details from A Lawrence, 2E0BQS, by
email to .

On Monday 11 July Stratford Upon Avon District Radio Society is having
a barbecue and a night on the air. Contact G0CHO, on 01608 664488.

On Tuesday 12 July Derby & District Amateur Radio Society is holding a
committee meeting. Contact Richard Buckby, by email to

On Tuesday 12 July Eagle Radio Group is having a talk on the
Lincolnshire Integrated Emergency Service. Details from Terry, G0SWS,
on 01507 478590.

On Tuesday 12 July Loughborough & District Amateur Radio Club is on the
air and invites people to join in on 2m from home. More information
from Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319.

On Tuesday 12 July Mid-Warwickshire Amateur Radio Society is having a
direction finding activity with John, M0JDB. Details from Don, G4CYG,
on 019 2642 4465.

On Tuesday 12 July Telford & District Amateur Radio Society is having a
Hamfest committee meeting at Stafford Park. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on
01952 299 677.

On Tuesday 12 July Worcester Radio Amateurs Association is holding an
open meeting, to which all are welcome. For more information email Rich
Moles, 2E0MOL, via

On Wednesday 13 July Bolsover Amateur Radio Society is having a DF test
night. Details from Alvey Street, G4KSY, on 01246 827135.

On Wednesday 13 July Lincoln Short-Wave Club is starting an antenna
workshop on constructing homebrew antennas for HF, VHF and UHF. For
more information contact Pam Rose, G4STO, on 01427 788356.

On Wednesday 13 July Midland Amateur Radio Society is holding a
committee meeting and training classes. Details from Norman, G8BHE, on
01214 229 787. On Wednesday 13 July South Kesteven Amateur Radio
Society is having a questions and answers evening where specialists
will do their best to answer any questions on radio related topics.
Contact Nigel, M0CVO, on 01476 402550.

On Wednesday 13 July Telford & District Amateur Radio Society is having
a debrief on NFD and checking scores etc. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on 01952
299 677.

On Thursday 14 July South Birmingham Radio Society is having training
classes with Dave Murphy, G8OWL. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603.

On Friday 15 July Coventry Amateur Radio Society has the third round of
the G2FDC 2m DF Trophy. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 07958 777363.

On Friday 15 July South Birmingham Radio Society is having a
construction evening. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603.

On Saturday 16 July Lincoln Short-Wave Club continues its antenna
workshop and is putting GB2CWP on the air at East Kirkby. For more
information contact Pam Rose, G4STO, on 01427 788356.

On Saturday 16 July Sutton Coldfield Amateur Radio Society is running a
stall in the village hall for Middleton village fete, postcode B78 2AW.
More information from Robert Bird, by email to

On Sunday 17 July Hinckley Amateur Radio Society is taking part in the
Low Power Contest. Details from John, M0JAV, on 07836 731544.

NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND On Monday 11 July Angel of the North
Amateur Radio Club Come is on the air and having a natter night.
Contact Nancy Bone, G7UUR, on 0191 477 0036.

On Monday 11 July Bolton Wireless Club is having a talk on walking the
Pennine Way by Tom, M1EYP & Jimmy, M3EYP. For details, send an email to

On Monday 11 July Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is having a practical
evening with G3PHO to make your own balun. More information from Peter
Day, G3PHO, by email to

On Monday 11 July Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society is having a
talk on oscilloscopes by Mick, G4EZM. Details on the web at

On Tuesday 12 July Halifax & District Amateur Radio Society is meeting
at the Old Post Office public house. Contact Martin, M0GQB, on 01422

On Wednesday 13 July Hambleton Amateur Radio Society is having a talk
on valve theory by Tony, G8FLV. More information from Tony Wilson,
G3MAE, on 01609 881530.

On Wednesday 13 July Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is taking part in the
80m CC SSB and watching a DVD. Contact Gordon MacNaught, G3WOV, on
01377 240573. On Thursday 14 July Ripon & District Amateur Radio
Society is on the air and having a club night. Details from Rob Hall,
M0RBY, on 0787 608 5631.

On Thursday 14 July South Manchester Radio and Computer Club is holding
an antenna Clinic. Details from Ron, G3SVW, on 0161 969 3999.

On Thursday 14 July Wakefield & District Radio Society is on the air
and holding a committee meeting. Contact Ken, 2E0SSQ, on 07900 563117.

On Friday 15 July East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club is on the air. For
more information contact Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475 671.

On Saturday 16 July Wakefield & District Radio Society commences its 3
day DXpedition to Holy Island. Contact Ken, 2E0SSQ, on 07900 563117.

On Sunday 17 July Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is taking part in the Low
Power Contest. Contact Gordon MacNaught, G3WOV, on 01377 240573.

NEWS FOR NORTHERN IRELAND Greenisland Electronics Amateur Radio Society
has announced that it is not meeting on Monday 11 July. The club will
be meeting on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month for the remainder of
July and August.

NEWS FOR SCOTLAND On Tuesday 12 July Kilmarnock & Loudoun Amateur Radio
Club is having a club night. Contact Graham, MM3GDC, by email to

On Tuesday 12 July Livingston & District Amateur Radio Society is
having an operating evening. Details from Norman, on 07740 946192.

On Thursday 14 July Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is closed. More
information from Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663.

On Saturday 16 July Borders Amateur Radio Society Borders will be
running a special event station at Birgham Village Fete. More
information from Danny, 2M0CDO, on 01890 882850.

NEWS FOR THE SOUTH EAST and EAST ANGLIA A reserve GB2RS newsreader is
needed to assist with reading the news at 1900 hours on 145.525MHz FM
in the Chislehurst and Crayford area of North Kent. A reader is also
required at 2000 hours to read via the 70cms Bromley repeater GB3OK on
430.900MHz FM. Volunteers need to be members of the RSGB and should
contact the GB2RS News Manager Gordon Adams, G3LEQ, on 01 565 652 652
or e-mail

On Sunday 10 July Loughton & Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society is at
the Scouts' Donkey Derby. Contact Marc Litchman, G0TOC, on 020 8502

On Monday 11 July Coulsdon Amateur Transmitting Society is having a
talk on Radio Susy by John, G8MNY. Details from Steve Beal, G3WZK, by
email to

On Monday 11 July West Kent Amateur Radio Society Club is holding an
EGM and a natter night. More information from Les, G6UBM, by email to

On Tuesday 12 July Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society is at the shack.
For more information contact Steve, on 01424 720815.

On Tuesday 12 July Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is having a club
net night. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on 01245 469 008.

On Tuesday 12 July Harwell Amateur Radio Society has its summer DF
hunt. Contact Malcolm, G8NRP, on 01235 524844.

On Wednesday 13 July Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is holding a
committee meeting at Danbury Village Hall. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on
01245 469 008.

On Wednesday 13 July Chesham & District Amateur Radio Society invites
members to bring their own radio equipment along. More details from
Terry, G0VFW, on 01442 831 491.

On Wednesday 13 July Harwich Amateur Radio Interest Group is holding a
Scrap Heap Challenge with Matt, 2E0XIS and MOZZO. Details from Kevan,
2E0WMG, on 07766 543784.

On Wednesday 13 July Havering & District Amateur Radio Club is holding
a barbecue at Fairkytes Arts Centre. More information from John, M0UKD,
on 07890 222111.

On Wednesday 13 July Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is having an informal
and construction evening pls taking part in the RSGB CC SSB contest.
Details from Chris Danby, G0DWV, on 01603 898678.

On Wednesday 13 July South Essex Amateur Radio Society is putting its
HF station on the air on SSB, CW & Data. Contact Norman, M0FZW, on
01268 692776.

On Wednesday 13 July Southgate Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on
the introduction of digital cordless phones by David, M0XDS. Contact
David Sharp, M0XDS, by email to

On Wednesday 13 July Worthing & District Amateur Radio Club is holding
a discussion evening. Contact Phil, G4UDU, on 01903 816684.

On Thursday 14 July Bittern DX Group is having an informal Club meeting
at Pinewood Park Leisure Club. Details from Linda, G0AJJ, on 01692
404154. On Thursday 14 July Echelford Amateur Radio Society is having a
talk on the GB3VHF story by Chris Whitmarsh, G0FDZ. Contact John,
G4GSC, on 01784 451898.

On Thursday 14 July Edgware & District Radio Society is watching The
Spies who lost The Battle of Britain. More information from Mike,
G4RNW, on 0208 950 0658.

On Thursday 14 July Horsham Amateur Radio Club is having a social
evening at The Royal Oak, Wineham. Details are on the web at

On Thursday 14 July Lowestoft & District PYE Amateur Radio Club is
having a club night at shack. Details from Lee, 2E1LJL, on 01502

On Thursday 14 July Reading & District Amateur Radio Club is having a
talk on radio at the London 2012 Olympics by Tom Grady, G6IGA. Details
from Pete, G8FRC, on 01189 695 697.

On Friday 15 July Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society is having a radio
night. Contact Peter, G4AKG, on 01444 239371.

On Friday 15 July Wey Valley Amateur Radio Group is having a club
night. Details on the web at

On Saturday 16 July Bittern DX Group is at Banningham Village Fete.
Details from Linda, G0AJJ, on 01692 404154.

On Saturday 16 July Loughton & Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society is
holding its annual summer get- together at Aylmers Farm, Old Harlow.
Contact Marc Litchman, G0TOC, on 020 8502 1645.

On Saturday 16 July South Essex Amateur Radio Society is operating
GB2IYC for the Island Yacht Club fun day regatta. Contact Norman,
M0FZW, on 01268 692776.

On Saturday 16 July Sutton & Cheam Radio Society is operating special
event station GB4MVF at Middleton village fete, postcode B78 2AW, from
2 until 5pm. More information from John, G0BWV, on 020 8644 9945.

On Sunday 17 July Chesham & District Amateur Radio Society is attending
the McMichael Car Boot Sale at Sonning, near Reading. More details from
Terry, G0VFW, on 01442 831 491.

On Sunday 17 July Lowestoft & District PYE Amateur Radio Club is taking
part in the RSGB Low Power Field Day. Details from Lee, 2E1LJL, on
01502 564242.

On Sunday 17 July Newbury & District Amateur Radio Society is
participating in the Low Power Contest. For more information contact
Rob, G3LMW, on 01635 862737.

On Sunday 17 July Norfolk Amateur Radio Club Radio has an informal
family day by the seaside at West Runton North Norfolk, including
taking part in Low Power Field Day. Details from Chris Danby, G0DWV, on
01603 898678.

On Sunday 17 July Reading & District Amateur Radio Club is running the
McMichael Radio Rally at Reading Rugby Club, Sonning. Details are on
the web at

On Sunday 17 July South Essex Amateur Radio Society is operating G4RXE
at Canvey Railway and Model Engineering Club. Contact Norman, M0FZW, on
01268 692776.

NEWS FOR THE SOUTH WEST On Sunday 10 July Cornish Radio Amateur Club is
running the Cornish Rally at Penair School. Details from Steve, G7VOH,
on 01209 844939.

On Monday 11 July Exeter Amateur Radio Society is having a club night
at the Moose Centre. More information from Nick, on 01363 775756.

On Tuesday 12 July Mid Somerset Amateur Radio Club is having a barbecue
with beer, natter and a bring and buy sale. Contact Nick, M6NJB, on
01749 346320.

On Tuesday 12 July Plymouth Radio Club is having a demo of slow scan
pictures over HF and VHF onto a laptop. Details from Chris, M0ZCP, on
07834 767 161.

On Thursday 14 July Cornish Radio Amateur Club is having a workshop
evening. Details from Steve, G7VOH, on 01209 844939.

On Thursday 14 July South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having a talk
on thermionic valves. Details from Andrew Jenner, G7KNA, on 07838

On Thursday 14 July Swindon & District Amateur Radio Club is having an
activity night. Contact Den, M0ACM, on 07810 317750.

On Thursday 14 July Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is having a talk by G3MYM
on propagation, band by band. Contact Steve Crask, G7AHP, by email to

On Friday 15 July Torbay Amateur Radio Society is having a natter
night. For more information contact Dave, G6FSP, by email to

On Sunday 17 July Bristol RSGB Group is running a Bring and Buy at
G3PCJ'sQRP in the Country, Long Sutton, Langport. Details from Robin,
G3TKF, on 01225 420442.

On Sunday 17 July Taunton & District Amateur Radio Club is attending
`QRP in the Country. Contact William, G3WNI, on 01823 666 234 for more

NEWS FOR WALES No news items have been received for Wales this week.

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