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![]() NZART Headquarters Infoline Issue 235 7 August 2011 NZART Website: www.nzart.org.nz In this issue: · From the desk of HQ · IARU R 3 News update · Intruder Watch story · Situation Vacant - job opportunity · FMTAG Notes · News from around the World · Housekeeping Debby says. Break In will be a little late but you should all receive it by the end of this coming week. This is due to a couple of important notices which will be inserted in this issue. Subscription invoices will be just behind the front label, if you do not receive an invoice, it means you have already paid your subscription for 2012. A small number of members sometimes overpay their subs when they see the reminder notice that our Editor John Walker includes on the front label in October and December. This is not an invoice, just a reminder to those who have yet to pay. The Association Treasurer Evan Sayer and I initially tried to contact those who had overpaid in earlier years so we could reimburse these payments. It was very time consuming and in the end was not cost effective to do so, therefore we credited the members account. Rest assured the money has definitely been accounted for in the correct financial year and our auditors have also approved such a method. The second insert in Break In, is a brochure from Icom, advertising the nice little VHF hand held Radio that will be won by some lucky member who pays their 2012 sub before the end of November this year. This includes the ones mentioned above. I have received a number of queries regarding non receipt of HQ Info-line, usually if an e-mail address fails to deliver this sends an error report to the Webmaster, so if you know of someone who should have received the last few issues, but haven't get them to confirm their address is still current. Finally I notice volunteers have been conspicuous by their absence regarding the Webmaster and HQ Info-line Editor positions. If there is anyone interested please contact me at NZART headquarters. Talk soon.Debby ZL2DL Intruder Watch Story Well an interesting time has been had by all in the past week. A Radio Amateur in Northern California, inadvertently pushed a keyboard up to his keyer, which produced a stream of dots at 25 WPM for well over a week. An international effort from Region 3 bringing in Region 1 via the Intruderwatch and various posts to DX Clusters and Yahoo groups eventually resulted in the Radio Amateur being contacted via the ARRL in the USA. Signal reports were received from Europe, USA, Afica and Australia and New Zealand (who heard it first and raised the alarm). The resultant HF DF hunt resulted in a solid triangulation on the USA states from Radio Amateurs from all over the world. Finally, we can only imagine a slightly embarrassed Radio Amateur within the US was contacted and the stream nicknamed "Dotty" ceased yesterday. Excellent collaboration throughout the Intruderwatch organisations across Europe, USA and New Zealand, which could only have occurred with the support of the Radio Amateurs who participated in the hunt, providing signal and reports. For a week the 18085.5 signal was an excellent HF beacon for propagation. Another exciting tale from the NZART Monitoring Service - who says monitoring is boring? John ZL1GWE ******** ZL6RWC Special Event callsign. Earlier this year, NZART officers discussed the issuing of special callsigns to celebrate the Rugby World Cup during September and October 2011. A request has been made and granted by Council for the special call ZL6RWC be issued to Papakura Radio Club inc. for NZ amateur radio operators use from 1st September through to and including 31st October 2011. John Balsillie, ZL1ALZ will manage the special ZL6RWC callsign. John will run a spread sheet to record operator details and the band / modes used during their allocated time. If you would like to operate with this special callsign, contact John at and give John the date/dates, bands and modes you would like allocated for your use. All operators who use this special call will be required to supply an electronic log to John via email. For anyone who does not have email or a way to generate and supply an electronic log, it will be their responsibility to have someone complete this for them as 'paper' logs will not be accepted and John will not be converting any hand written logs received. This will not exclude anyone, just requires them to take an extra step to ensure that their contacts get recorded in the master log. John will normally upload logs daily to the master log. We suggest that QSL confirmation is via Club Log and LOTW... printed QSL cards will also be exchanged via the bureau. Another NZART initiative. ******** Sales Person position: We are looking for a sales person who is an all round self starter with a proven track record who will work closely with our existing customers, identify new opportunities and develop long term relationships and who is seeking an exciting future in the latest technology including digital technologies If you are enthusiastic about radio communications and want to use your knowledge and skills in promoting the best range of two way radio products available in New Zealand while continuing to up skill, this could be your opportunity We are based in one of the most go ahead cities in New Zealand which is centred in the heart of prosperous dairy industry Apply in writing to The Manager P.O. Box 20114 Hamilton 3241 ******** FMTAG NOTES FOR THE NZART WEBSITE AND FOR HQ INFOLINE 235 PROPOSALS Branch 25 Napier has applied to change the channel, and invert the input-output frequency split, of its 8425 repeater located at Taraponui, Topo50 map reference BH38 233618. The repeater's transmit frequency will be 434.050 MHz and its receive frequency will be 439.050 MHz. ZL2AJ has applied for an APRS Digipeater located at Kauahei Topo50 map reference BL38 166828. The digipeater's transmit and receive frequency will be 144.575 MHz. FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS At its meeting on Tuesday the 2nd of August, NZART Council approved the following actions: Add 146.600 MHz to the NZART Bandplan for P25 Simplex. Branch 63 Upper Hutt has applied to add the D-STAR DV digital mode to, and change the location of, its Mount Climie 5425 repeater. The new location will be Topo50 map reference BP32 798.83 423.94. An Engineering Evaluation, in accordance with the MED's Radio Licence Certification Rules (PIB38), shows that the repeater's transmit frequency can remain on 145.425 MHz and the receive frequency can remain on 144.825 MHz, and that there will be no interference to other stations. Branch 66 Auckland VHF has applied for a D-STAR DV digital mode repeater at Klondyke, Topo50 map reference BC32 602.01 641.50. The repeater's transmit frequency will be 145.650 MHz and the receive frequency will be 145.050 MHz. An Engineering Evaluation, in accordance with the MED's Radio Licence Certification Rules (PIB38), shows that there will be no interference to other stations. COMMENTS AND APPLICATIONS Please send your comments and suggestions on the above matters, and on any other FMTAG matters, by e-mail to: Applications for repeaters, beacons, digipeaters, point-to-point links, and so on, should be made on the latest version of FMTAG Form 10. The latest versions of FMTAG Form 10, and the explanatory Form 10A, are available on the NZART web site: http://www.nzart.org.nz/fmtag/index.html Completed forms should be sent by e-mail to ******** News from around the World Larry Price, W4RA, Named ARRL President Emeritus: Dr Price served as ARRL President from 1984-1992 and served previously as a Vice Director, Director and Vice President of the ARRL Board of Directors. He also served for 10 years as Secretary of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) and another 10 years as that organization's President. Dr Price continues to serve the IARU as an expert consultant and has been recognized as President Emeritus by the IARU's Administrative Council. In celebration of Dr Price's service to the Amateur Radio Service and in recognition of his 60th anniversary as a radio amateur, the Board named him President Emeritus of the ARRL. ******** IARU HEADLINES - A Word from the Chairman of IARU Region 3 - Michael Owen VK3KI * IARU Region 3 directors meeting . - 2011 8th Region 3 ARDF Championships- a reminder - The 54th JOTA 2011 - Rugby World Cup 2011: a reminder - ITU Telecom World 2011- a reminder - WRC-12 - Region 3 Preparations - APG Meeting- Busan, Korea * Seanet 2011- a reminder - The 2012 International YL Meet- a reminder MS Word version of this newsletter is available at http://www.iaru-r3.org/news/r3nl-11-07.doc Acrobat PDF version is also available at http://www.iaru-r3.org/news/r3nl-11-07.pdf ******** International Lighthouse Weekend 20 - 21 August 2011. http://www.arvm.org/illw11.html This site has an English Translation function. ******** Housekeeping 1.. Break-In-Closing Date Reminder: Copy for the Sept/October issue of Break-In-closes on 10-September-2011 2.. Copy for Break-In: Copy is welcome in most electronic formats but word.doc files are preferred. Photos and other graphics should be send as separate discrete files (*.jpg preferred); not as embedded pix in the body of the text. Please ensure that suitable descriptive captions/legends are included with your copy. All received copy will be acknowledged to confirm receipt. Thank you for your cooperation. John Walker ZL3IB Editor. 3.. Break-In: Early receipt of copy is much appreciated 4.. Break-In-AREC Column: The close-of-copy date is the 03-September-2011 for articles for publication in the AREC COLUMN OF BREAK-IN. Photos, if available, to be on a separate floppy or CD (with captions), posted DIRECTLY TO US. Use Call Book address. All other material can go to e-mail: or 5.. The ARRL and WIA Weekly News 6.. Subscribe TO/FROM Infoline Next NZART Official Broadcast is on SUNDAY 28th August 2011 and Next HQ-Infoline e-mailed on SUNDAY 21st August 2011. |
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