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Old May 10th 12, 09:11 AM posted to,,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Feb 2011
Posts: 54
Default [DXNL] DXNL 1779 (May 9, 2012)

DXNL 1779 - May 9, 2012
DX Newsletter

a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting"

Editor: Johannes Amchewicz, DK8JB
(e-mail: )

translation by: Bob, DL7VOA

7O6T is on AF-028 and not on AS-028.
HB100FLP is in HB9 and not in HB0.

After donation of ambulances to the "Galkayo Medical Center" and
following 6 years of absence several members of the "Italian DXpedition
Team" (Silvano,I2YSB, Vinicio,IK2CIO, Angelo,IK2CKR, Marcello,IK2DIA,
Stefano,IK2HKT and Gino,IK2RZP) return to Somalia to support the Somali
Red Cross. They want to work with four stations signing 6O0CW in CW,
SSB and RTTY on 160m-6m from May 7-18. If you already had a QSO with
6O0CW or 6O0N back in 2005 or 2006 you should not make dupe QSOs on the
same band/mode to give other HAMs a chance as well.
QSL via I2YSB (direct) or IK2CIO (bureau), LoTW within six months.
OQRS and other information can be found at:

Iwao,JA2LSS (8Q7CJ), Yoshi,JA2AIC (8Q7IC), Nob,JA2AAU (8Q7NK),
Iku,JA2ATE (8Q7TE), and Mori,JA2ZS (8Q7ZS), announced to be active
from the North Male Atoll (AS-013, WLOTA 3911) in CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK
on 160m-6m from May 11-16. QSLs via homecalls.

On the occasion of the completion of coal mining in Saarland a special
event station signs DL250COAL (special DOK: 250Kohle) in all modes on
all bands until Dec 31. QSL via bureau to DK8VR.

The specialevent station EV1150P celebrates the 1150th anniversary of
the city of Polotsk. QSL via EW6DX.

The special event station TM3FFI commemorates the agents with their
secret transmitters in the Resistance of the Second World War from
May 11-13, May 26, July 8-13 and from Jul 19-22. QSL via F8JZR.
See also:ÿ&pg229

The "Pontefract & District Amateur Radio Society" introduce our hobby
to the public with the clubstation GB1AVR at two events, a Scammell
Gathering in May and a Steam Rally in July. QSL via G0BPK.
See also:
"Botley Flour Mills" near Southampton is one of the most famous old
mills in the United Kingdom and is listed in the "Domesday Book".
It will be activated at the "Mills on the Air" weekend (May 12/13) by
M0IED, his father G6FRT and other members of the "Itchen Valley Radio
Club". With the support of the Southampton University Wireless Society
they will use the special call GB0BFM on 80/40/2m/70cm. QSL via M0IED.
See also:ÿrrent
Several members of the ISWL are celebrating the Queen's Diamond Jubilee
by using G4BJC and M1SWL on the air from May-June.
GQ4BJC/A and MQ1SWL/A will be activated also from different WABs and
WLOTAs. QSLs via G6XOU. See:
Mike,M0SMJ (ISWL G11331, FISTS 8398), celebrates the Diamond Jubilee of
Queen Elizabeth 2 as MQ0SMJ from Cornwall (EU-005/WLOTA 1841/WAB SS20)
until Jun 10. QSL via RSGB bureau.
The special event station GB60VUL will be QRV from different QTHs until
May 30. QSL via bureau or direct to M0JEC.

The special event station HS85RI is active until May 9 from the "Rotary
International. QSL via E21EIC.

Ihre fuehrt
Toshi,JA8RUZ (J79RZ), Yoshikatsu,JK1KHT (J79YK), Ken,JN1THL (J79KT),
Yoshiko,JQ1LCW (J79YL), and Misae,JF1UOX (J79JF), are planning a
DXpedition to Dominica (NA-101) from May 10-17. They will be QRV with
TS-590/IC-706MKII plus amps in CW/SSB/RTTY on 40m-10m (maybe also 6m).
QSL for J79RZ via JA8RUZ, all other QSLs only direct via JN1NDY.

The special event call 8J3XVI is active from the "Kansai Ham Festival"
until Jul 15. QSL via bureau or JA3UJR.
The special event station 8J1MST celebrates the 40th anniversary of the
city of Misato until Dec 31.

JY9ET is the new callsign of Paolo,IK0BOU, in Amman. He is looking for
QSOs in CW and SSB on 80m-10m during weekdays from 1400 UTC-2100 UTC
and also the whole weekends. QSL via M0OXO.
UA4WHX is running pile-ups on HF as JY8VB. He has been spotted in SSB
and RTTY on 40/20/17/15/12/10m. QSL via homecall.

P4, ARUBA, SA-036
Masumi,JA3AVO (P40X), XYL Hiroko,JH3PBL (P40U), and Yoshinori,JA3DFM
(P4/JA3DFM), with XYL Hideko,JA3OPB (P4/JA3OPB), announced to show up
from "Cook's Radio Retreat" on Aruba (SA-036/WLOTA 0033) from May 9-14.
QSLs via homecalls. See also:

The VERON Section 54 (Etten-Leur) will be active as PI4ETL/p during
the National Windmill Weekend 2012 working on HF+2m from the windmill
"De Oude Molen" near Fijnaart (Loc JO21FP) on May 12/13.
Every QSO will be confirmed with a special QSL via buro automatically.
See also:
PG6MILL is another special event station during the National Windmill
Weekend working on 80m-70cm from the windmill "de Windhond". They are
also celebrating the 25th jubilee of the PI4WNO clubstation.
QSL via PA4J. See also:
Frans,PC2F, activates the special callsign PC25HR from the pump station
Hertog Reijnout from May 6-28. QSL via homecall.

Heye,DJ9RR, will be QRV as S79RR in holiday style from Mahe (AS-013).
Listen for him in CW and RTTY on 40m-10m from May 15-23.
QSL via homecall, LoTW.

V3, BELIZE, NA-073
Mike,VE2XB, will show up as V31XB from Caye Caulker (NA-073) running
a K3 with Hexbeam on all bands from May 11-31. QSL via homecall.

UA, Russia
Following "Victory 67" stations are active right now:
RP67A Archangelsk
RP67AH Adygea Republic
RP67AK Penza
RP67AU Archangelsk
RP67B Belgorod
RP67BA Moscow area
RP67BG Tatarstan Republic
RP67BM Samara
RP67BR Brjansk
RP67BS Samara
RP67DT Tatarstan Republic
RP67FA Moscow area
RP67GA Brjansk
RP67GE Lipezk
RP67GF Nizhni Nowgorod
RP67GI Bashkortostan Republic
RP67GK Moscow area
RP67GL Lipezk
RP67GM Stawropol
RP67GS Khanty-Mansiysk
RP67H Brjansk
RP67I Udmurt Republic
RP676IB Moscow area
RP67IF Lipezk
RP67IL Samara
RP67IT St. Petersburg
RP67JH Tjumen
RP67K Karelia Republic
RP67KA Tatarstan Republic
RP67KB Kursk
RP67KD Wolgograd
RP67KE Kurgan
RP67KF Kirov
RP67KK St. Petersburg
RP67KL Wolgograd
RP67KM Novokuznetsk
RP67KN Kostroma
RP67KO Vladimir
RP67KR Komi Republic
RP67KT St. Petersburg
RP67KU Tatarstan Republic
RP67L St. Petersburg
RP67LA Moscow area
RP67LK Tjumen
RP67LL Tjumen
RP67M Uljanowsk
RP67MB Mari El Republic
RP67MC Omsk
RP67MD Omsk
RP67MG Bashkortostan Republic
RP67MK Wolgograd
RP67MP Novosibirsk
RP67MR Saratow
RP67MU Murmansk
RP67MW Ivanovo
RP67N Kabardino-Balkaria Republic
RP67NF Moscow area
RP67NG Bashkortostan Republic
RP67NK Archangelsk
RP67NV Weliki Nowgorod
RP67O Orel
RP67OK Stawropol
RP67ON Smolensk
RP67OP St. Petersburg
RP67OS Wologda
RP67P Tula
RP67PD Pskow
RP67PM Moscow
RP67PP Belgorod
RP67PR Brjansk
RP67R Kurgan
RP67RK Bashkortostan Republic
RP67RT Tatarstan Republic
RP67RW Belgorod
RP67RZ Tver
RP67S Smolensk
RP67SB Wolgograd
RP67SD Wladiwostok
RP67SF Murmansk
RP67SO Belgorod
RP67SP Smolensk
RP67SR Rjasan
RP67ST Irkutsk
RP67SW Bashkortostan Republic
RP67T Tula
RP67TA Saratow
RP67TF Chuvashia Republic
RP67TG Chelyabinsk
RP67TK Tambow
RP67TO St. Petersburg
RP67TT Tjumen
RP67TV Tver
RP67TW Kursk
RP67UF Bashkortostan Republic
RP67V Wladiwostok
RP67VA Smolensk
RP67VF Vladimir
RP67W Voronezh
RP67WA Kursk
RP67WK Voronezh
RP67WL Kursk
RP67WN Moscow area
RP67WR Wolgograd
RP67WS Kursk
RP67WT Kursk
RP67YM Brjansk
RP67Z Murmansk
RP67ZK Tambow
RP67ZZ Murmansk

From May 10-12 the special event station W7G remembers the completion
of the first transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869.
QSL via W7SU, unfortunately only direct.
See also:

Barry,ZS1FJ/9V1FJ/G4MFW, and Deon,ZS1ZL, are travelling through the
Caribbean from May 9-20. All QSLs via 9V1FJ. This is their schedule:
May 9-12 PJ7/G4MFW (St. Maarten, NA-105, WLOTA 0711) and
FS/G4MFW (St. Martin, NA-105, DIFO FS-001, WLOTA 0383)
May 12-14 PJ5/G4MFW (Saba, NA-145, WFF PAFF-027, WLOTA 2043)
May 15-16 FJ/G4MFW (St. Barthelemy, NA-146, DIFO FJ-001, WLOTA 0377)
May 17-20 PJ2/G4MFW (Curacao, SA-099, WLOTA 0942) and
PJ4/G4MFW (Bonaire-SA-006, WFF PAFF-024, WLOTA 1279)

DX RUMOURS: Some sources say that a DXpedition is planned for next year
with the intention to push Clipperton out of the 100 most wanted DXCCs.
Stay tuned!

DXCC: Following DXpeditions are accepted for DXCC credit: 7O6T, 6O3A

LINKS: Current SOTA activities (mountain summits) are announced at:
Detailed information about current VHF activities can be found on the
VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:

May 12 EUCW Fraternizing CW QSO Party
May 12 FISTS Sprint Contest
May 12/13 CQ-M International DX Contest
May 12/13 Alessandro Volta RTTY Contest
May 13 EUCW Fraternizing CW QSO Party

IOTA compiled by Klaus, DL7UXG (e-mail: )
Island activities:
AS-067, JA6, Uji and Kusagaki Islands: Tsuyoshi,JA6VDB, and Mitsuo,JF6TEU,
plan to become active as JA6VDB from Uji Island from May 11-13. They
hope that weather conditions will be good enough to land on the island.
You can follow them on Twitter (ID: Tsuyoshi Omae, JA6VDB).
Logs will be uploaded to LoTW after their return. QSL via JA6VDB.

EU-001, SV5, Dodecanese: John,SV5/N5ER, will be QRV in holiday style from
Rhodos from May 15-20. He works only in CW mainly on the lowbands
during his evening and morning. QSLs only direct or via LoTW to N5ER.

EU-008, GM/MM, Inner Hebrides: Once again the Wessex Contest Group will
activate the Isle of Sky (IOSA NH07, SCOTIA CN14, WLOTA 1626, WAB NG47,
Loc IO67uq) from May 12-19. Steve,G0FUW, Simon,M0TTE, Dan,M0TGN, and
Dave,M0SFT, will be QRV as MS0WCB mainly in SSB on 80m, 40m, 20m, 17m
and 15m with a few CW and digital QSOs as well. QSL route see
QSL via bureau or direct to M0WAY or via eQSL.
See also:

EU-028, I*5, Toscana (Tuscany) Region group: Guenter,IA5/DL3NBI, is going to
spend his holidays on Giglio Island (EU-028, IIA GR-002, MIA MI-036,
WLOTA 0564) from May 15-23. QSL via homecall (bureau/direct).

EU-042, DL, Schleswig-Holstein State North West group: DF6BL/p (OP Harry)
is working from Hallig Langeness (DID N-19, DLFF-013, Loc JO44HP) in CW
and SSB until May 11. QSL via DF6BL. See also:

EU-043, SM6, Goteborg och Bohus/Halland County group: Ric,DL2VFR, and
Norbert,DL2RNS, are planning another trip through Sweden and Norway.
Their first destination will be Orust Island from May 11-14 and they
will be active in SSB/CW as SD7V/6 and SD7N/6.
QSLs for SD7V via DL2VFR and for SD7N via DL2RNS.

EU-049, SV, North Aegean Islands: Vom 11. bis 15.May ist Fred,PA1FJ, von der
Island Samos ((EU-049, GIOTA SAS-006, MIA MG-099, WLOTA 4163, Loc KM37)
als SV8/PA1FJ/p QRV. Er arbeitet nur in SSB von 40m-10m. Bei Moeglich-
keit wird auch versucht auf 6m aktiv zu werden. QSL via PA1FJ.

EU-070, F, Provence-Cote D'Azur (Var) Region group: Holger,DL1COP,
Alex,DL1KD, Juergen,DJ2VO, Martin,DL3KMS, und Helmut,DL3KBQ, aktivieren
die Island Porquerolles (DIFM ME010, WLOTA 1107). Als F/homecall sind
sie vom 12.-25.May auf 80m-10m in allen Betriebsarten QRV.
QSLs via homecalls (bureau/direct).

EU-049, SV, North Aegean Islands: Fred,SV8/PA1FJ/p, is going to hit the air-
waves from Samos (EU-049, GIOTA SAS-006/MIA MG-099/WLOTA 4163/Loc KM37)
from May 11-15. He works in SSB only on 40m-10m and if possible also
on 6m. QSL via PA1FJ.

EU-070, F, Provence-Cote D'Azur (Var) Region group: Holger,F/DL1COP,
Alex,F/DL1KD, Juergen,F/DJ2VO, Martin,F/DL3KMS, and Helmut,F/DL3KBQ,
will be QRV from Porquerolles Island (DIFM ME010, WLOTA 1107) working
in all modes on 80m-10m from May 12-25. QSLs via homecalls.

EU-114, GU/MU, Guernsey group: Hans,MU/PA0VHA, Steef,MU/PA2A, Wim,MU/PA2AM,
and Jack,MU/PA3BAG, will show up from Guernsey (EU-017, IIA ME-001,
MIA MI-053, WLOTA 1144) from May 12-19. Listen for them in CW, SSB,
RTTY and PSK on 80m-6mm, with emphasis put on 30m/17m/12m.
QSLs via homecalls (bureau/direct). See also:

EU-127, DL, Schleswig-Holstein State South West group: Michael,DL4ABO/p, is
working from Neuwerk Island (GIA N-012, DLFF-005) and plans to activate
the lighthouse (DLTD #38, ARLHS FED-165, TWLHD WLH DL-019, WLOTA 2311)
with FT-857D and FD-4 on the HF bands on May 10/11. QSL via DL4ABO.

EU-141, LA¸ Finnmark County East: Helmut,LA/DL5DSM, and Bernhard,LA/DL9UB
will be QRV from Vardo Island (WLOTA 0106) from May 15-23. They also
plan a short trip to Hornoya Island (WLOTA 2751). QSLs via homecalls.

NA-240 (IOTA-NEW), KL7, Bethel County group: The Russian Robinson Club (RRC)
members Yuri,N3QQ, and Tim,NL8F, will try again to activate the last
new IOTA group in Alaska. They plan to become active as KL7RRC/p from
May 11-14. See also:
QSLs for Europe/Russia via UA9OBA, all others via N7RO.

SA-080, PY6, Bahia State Centre group: Renner,PY7RP/6, will be QRV from
Tinhare Island (DIB BA-05, WLOTA 1624) from May 10-13. He wants to hand
out some IOTA points in CW and SSB working holiday style with 100 watts
and wire antennas. QSL via homecall (bureau/direct).

Lighthouse activities
8Q7CJ LH 3911 May 11-16
8Q7IC LH 3911 May 11-16
8Q7NK LH 3911 May 11-16
8Q7TE LH 3911 May 11-16
8Q7ZS LH 3911 May 11-16
FJ/G4MFW LH 0377 May 15-16
FS/G4MFW LH 0383 May 9-11
P4/JA3DFM LH 0033 May 9-14
P4/JA3OPB LH 0033 May 9-14
P40U LH 0033 May 9-14
P40X LH 0033 May 9-14
PJ5/G4MFW LH 2043 May 12-14
PJ7/G4MFW LH 0711 May 9-11
S79RR LH 3286 May 15-23

WFF activities
After visiting Orust Island Ric,DL2VFR, and Norbert,DL2RNS, plan to activate
some national parks for the first time from May 14-16:
SMFF-024, Tiveden: SD7V/4, SD7N/4
SMFF-009, Gaprhyttan: SD7V/4, SD7N/4
SMFF-026, Tresticklan: SD7V/6, SD7N/6
QSLs for SD7V via DL2VFR and for SD7N via DL2RNS.

JAFF: Terry,JA7IC/p, will be QRV from several JAFF references:
May 8: JAFF-065, Biwako QNP (JCC-2302, Loc PM85)
May 9: JAFF-063, Wakasawan QNP (JCG-29010 or JCG-29012, Loc PM75)
May 10: JAFF-055, Echizen-Kagakaigan QNP (JCC-3006, Loc PM86)
May 11: JAFF-054, Notohanto QNP (JCG-30007, Loc PM86)
Operation is planned in CW mainly obn 12m/15m/17m/20m. He will use the
frequencies 18094 kHz and 24904 kHz avoiding to disturb 7O6T.
QSL via JA7IC (bureau/direct/LoTW).

SPFF: Some fans of WFF and SPFF plan to activate several Polish WFF areas on
80m, 40m and 20m on May 12/13. QSL via bureau.
SPFF-028, SP7PCZ/p, SQ5CSF/p, Bolimowski Landscape Park
SPFF-507, SP5FHP/p, Nature Reserve Kopanicha
SPFF-508, SP7KWW/p, Nature Reserve Polana Siwica
SPFF-509, SQ5OCJ/p, Nature Reserve Rawka
SPFF-510, SP5BHY/p, Nature Reserve Puszcza Marianska
SPFF-511, SP7BCA/p, SP7MJX/p, Nature Reserve Ruda Chlebacz

UFFF: Igor,UF6V/UA5D, and Pavel,UF6V/R2AD, will show up from the nature park
Pitcundo-Mussersky (UFFF-001) mainly on 14.044 and 21.244 MHz from
May 12-14. During the CQ-M-Contest they will use the callsigns
UF6V (op UA5D) and UF6VFF (op R2AD). QSLs via homecalls.


Unknown 3B8MM 1777
-15Jun 4JS0NG.. 1772/1777
01Jan-30Jun 5P12EU 1760
21Mar- 5T0JL 1772
Unknown 5X? 1778
-2014 5Z4EE 1742/1753/1772
6D0LM 1774
07May-18May 6O0CW 1779 *
Unknown 6V7SIX 1770
30Apr-15May 7O6T 1778/1779 *
-31Dec 8J1MST 1779 *
-30Sep 8J2NDP.. 1751
-15Jul 8J3XVI 1779 *
-31Dec 8J6O 1773
-30Sep 8J7EQ 1773
11May-16May 8Q7CJ.. 1779 *
- 9J2RI 1739/1742
-28Jul 8N1TW 1773
Unknown 9H3XX 1777
-22May 9Q0HQ/7 1777
-Oct/14 9V1RM 1751

-Sep/13 A52SV 1752
-10May C91JR.. 1777/1778
-31Dec CN2YZ 1771
Apr -Jun CY0/VE1AWW 1774
-08Jul D2QV 1750
07May-11May DF6BL/p 1779 *
-Jan/13 DL125HHZ 1778
01Jan-31Dec DL1630Y 1760
-31Dec DL250COA 1779 *
10May-11May DL4ABO/p 1779 *
01Jan-31Dec DM100MGY 1763
01Jan-31Dec DM50KSJ 1763
-31Dec DM800ANH 1767
-Feb/13 DP0GVN 1756
-Jan/13 DQ0STRATEX 1770
-31Dec DQ125HSB 1763

-31Dec E720RS 1770
01Jan-31Dec EI80IRTS 1763
01May-30Jun EM350S 1777
01May-15May EM67J 1778
-26Aug EM80L.. 1778
Unknown EV1150P 1779 *
12May-25May F/DJ2VO 1779 *
12May-25May F/DL1COP 1779 *
12May-25May F/DL1KD 1779 *
12May-25May F/DL3KBQ 1779 *
12May-25May F/DL3KMS 1779 *
-Mar/13 FH8NX 1747
-Jul FR8NE 1710

-Jun G4BJC.. 1779 *
12May/13May GB0BFM 1779 *
May /Jul GB1AVR 1779 *
-31Dec GB50WVR 1767
-30May GB60VUL 1779 *
GB80PW 1762
05May-10Jun GQ3aaa.. 1778
05May-10Jun GQ4BJC/A.. 1779 *
08May-12May HB0/IN3ADW.. 1778
07May-09Jun HB100FLP 1778/1779 *
Unknown HH2/9A7GAE 1776
-12May HH8/EA3OW 1775
-Sep/13 HI3/KL7JR 1745
Resident HS0ZKG 1778
-09May HS85RI 1779 *
15May-23May IA5/DL3NBI 1779 *
-Dec ID9DXC.. 1755
01Jan-31Dec II6LN 1763

-2011/12? J28JV 1680
-Jul J28RO 1683
-Jul/13 J28UC 1734
10May-17May J79KT.. 1779 *
11May-13May JA6VDB 1779 *
08May-11May JA7IC/p 1779 *
29Mar-Mar/13 JX9JKA 1769/1773
Unknown JY8VB 1779 *
Unknown JY9ET 1779 *
01May-15May K1C.. 1778
01May-15May K1A 1778
-2013 KG4AJ 1756
-Jun/13 KH2/N2NL 1680
-May KH4/W5FJG 1728
11May-14May KL7RRC/p 1779 *
15May-23May LA/DL5DSM 1779 *
15May-23May LA/DL9UBF 1779 *
-22Jul LZ12FDAY 1770
-31Dec LZ1818MOG.. 1770
05May-09May LZ67VZ 1778

12May-19May MS0WCB 1779 *
12May-19May MU/PA0VHA 1779 *
12May-19May MU/PA2A 1779 *
12May-19May MU/PA2AM 1779 *
12May-19May MU/PA3BAG 1779 *
-10Jun MQ0SMJ 1779 *
May -Oct OD5/IV3XNF 1777
-31Dec OH150VR 1772
07May-13May OH1VR/VP9.. 1778
01Jan-31Dec ON65BR 1763
14Apr-31Dec ON100TT 1775
09May-14May P40X.. 1779 *
06May-28May PC25HR 1779 *
12May/13May PG6MILL 1779 *
12May/13May PI4ETL/p 1779 *
05May-18May PJ2/DH2AK.. 1778
09May-20May PJ7/G4MFW.. 1779 *
10May-13May PY7RP/6 1779 *
May R1945HS 1778
-2013 RI1ANF 1765
-Sep RI1FJA 1741
-Sep RI1FJM 1741

-31Dec S555E.. 1772
15May-23May S79RR 1779 *
11May-16May SD7N/6 1779 *
14May-16May SD7N/4 1779 *
14May-16May SD7V/4 1779 *
11May-16May SD7V/6 1779 *
12May-13May SP5BHY/p 1779 *
12May-13May SP5FHP/p 1779 *
12May-13May SP7BCA/p 1779 *
12May-13May SP7KWW/p 1779 *
12May-13May SP7MJX/p 1779 *
12May-13May SP7PCZ/p 1779 *
12May-13May SQ5CSF/p 1779 *
12May-13May SQ5OCJ/p 1779 *
15May-20May SV5/N5ER 1779 *
11May-15May SV8/PA1FJ/p 1779 *
-13Jun T6JM 1764
-Jul T6JP 1768/1770
-Jun T6MO 1733/1767
-31Dec TC50TRAC.. 1770
-31Dec TM210VH 1770
-22Jul TM3FFI 1779 *
-31Dec TM70TRS 1763
-Jul TN9SN 1755

12May-14May UF6V/UA5D 1779 *
12May-14May UF6V/R2AD 1779 *
12May-13May UF6V 1779 *
12May-13May UF6VFF 1779 *
11May-31May V31XB 1779 *
-Nov/14 V73NS 1604/1668/1752
01May-30May VC2CBS30 1777
-Jul VQ9JC 1755
28Apr-12May W2H 1777
10May-12May W7G 1779 *
-May/14 XE1/DM3DL 1730
-12Jun XV2W 1774
Unknown XW3DT 1766/1771
05May-10Jun ZQ3M.. 1778
-2014 ZY2014WC 1774

* ÿew or updated
... únd other calls

QSL information
4O/IW3FWT via IW3FWT (B)
6O0CW via IK2CIO (B), I2YSB(d), (L)
7O6T via UA3DX (B), (L)
8Q7CJ via JA2Lss
8Q7IC via JA2AIC
8Q7NK via JA2AAU
8Q7TE via JA2ATE
8Q7ZS via JA2ZS
C91JD via GI4FUM (B)
DF6BL/p via DF6BL (B)
DL250COAL via DK8VR (B)
DL4ABO/p via DL4ABO (B)
EM50ISI via UT5SI (B)
EM67QN via UT3QN
EO67J via UU2JT
EV1150P via EW6DX (B)
F/DJ2VO via DJ2VO (B)
F/DL1KD via DL1KD (B)
FJ/G4MFW via 9V1FJ
FS/G4MFW via 9V1FJ
G4BJC via G6XOU (B)
GB1AVR via G0BPK (B)
GB1TBW via (B), MX0GZD (d)
GB2CRF via (B)
GB60VUL via (B), M0JEC (d)
GQ4BJC/A via G6XOU (B)
GQ4RCG via M0OXO (B/OQRS), (L)
GS6PYE via M0VFC (B)
HB60RF via HB9DDS (B)
HG3IPA via HA3JB (d)
HS85RI via E21EIC (B)
HZ1NM via IZ8CLM (B)
J79JF via JN1NDY (d)
J79KT via JN1NDY (d)
J79RZ via JA8RUZ (B)
J79YK via JN1NDY (d)
J79YL via JN1NDY (d)
JA6VDB via JA6VDB (B, (L)
JA7IC/p via JA7IC (B)
JY8VB via UA4WHX (B)
JY9ET via M0OXO(B)
K4A via N4PJ (B), (L), eQSL
KL7RRC/p via UA9OBA (EU+Russia)
KL7RRC/p via N7RO (all others)
KP4ED via EB7DX (d)
M1SWL via G6XOU (B)
MQ0OXO via M0OXO (B/OQRS), (L)
MQ0SMJ via (B)
MQ1SWL/A via G6XOU (B)
MS0WCB via M0WAY (B)
MU/PA2A via PA2A (B)
MU/PA2AM via PA2AM (B)
OK2RRR via OK2RZ (B)
P40U via JH3PBL
P40X via JA3AVO
P487IARU via P43E (d), (L)
PC25HR via PC2F (B)
PI4ETL/p sends automatically
PJ2/G4MFW via 9V1FJ
PJ4/G4MFW via 9V1FJ
PJ5/G4MFW via 9V1FJ
PJ7/G4MFW via 9V1FJ
PY7RP/6 via PY7RP (B)
RP67IB via RK3DXW (B), (L), eQSL
RP67KE via RW9QA (B)
RP67S via RV3LZ (B)
RP67SO via RW3ZC
RP67ZZ via UA1ZZ
S79RR via DJ9RR (B), (L)
SD7N/4 via DL2RNS (B)
SD7N/6 via DL2RNS (B)
SD7V/4 via DL2VFR (B)
SD7V/6 via DL2VFR (B)
SF3HF via SM3NXS (B)
SV5/N5ER via N5ER (d) , (L)
SV8/PA1FJ/p via PA1FJ (B)
TM2A via F6KOP (B)
UF6V via UA5D (B)
UF6V/R2AD via R2AD (B)
UF6V/UA5D via UA5D (B)
UF6VFF via R2AD (B)
V31XB via VE2XB (B)
V62QFL via JH3QFL (B)
W7G via W7SU (d)
YL44WFF via YL2SW (B), (L)
YU/S50HH via S50HH
ZW7R via PR7ZAJ (B)

(d) ÿnly direct
(B) ûureau ok
(*) ÿew QSL manager
(L) ÿogbook of the World (LoTW)
(r) þ-mail request

QSL Manager:
N0ABA ) is looking for a new QSL route for 4F9HXB (sk).
NI5DX is the new QSL manager of ZS3Y. He will confirm all QSOs with
Volker starting from Oct 11, 2008, when he receives the QSLs from
the printer in about six weeks.

QSLs arrived bureau: BD5BAJ, CE4UJU, FR5DZ (F6CXV), HF0BJP (SQ1RMM),
TJ3AY (F5LGE), TK4DS (ON4PJA), TX6A (F6AML, 6 years),

QSLs arrived LoTW: PJ2/AA9A

6m band extended in Portugal
The National Communications Authority of Portugal (ANACOM) extended the
6m band for Portuguese HAMs and the frequency range 50-52 MHz is now
allocated to amateur radio on a secondary basis after the analogue
TV broadcasting transmissions were completely switched off.

37th HAM RADIO fair in Friedrichshafen
"Amateur radio digital" is the motto of the 37th HAM RADIO fair, which takes
place in Friedrichshafen/Germany from Jun 22-24, 2012. An important part of
the largest amateur radio fair in Europe is the 63rd Lake Constance meeting
with an extensive program of lectures and the flea market.

Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to:
Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX Bulletin, DF6EX (WIN-QSL), DF7AA,
DF8VV, DH5NBK, DJ5AV, DJ9ZB, DL1SBF, DL7MAE, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX,
NG3K, OE2IKN, VA3RJ, VE2XB, ZS1ZL and others.
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The German PDF version can be found on the DARC homepage at:
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