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![]() DXNL 1788 - Jul 11, 2012 DX Newsletter a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" (http://www.darcdxhf.de) Editor: Johannes Amchewicz, DK8JB (e-mail: ) translation by: Bob, DL7VOA (e-mail: ) 7X, ALGERIA The special event stations 7T50I (Radio Club Algiers), 7U50I and 7V50I (Radio Club Laghouat), 7W50I (Radio Club Bou-Saada) and 7Y50I (Radio Club Mostaganem) are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the independence of Algeria until Dec 31. A special award is available. QSLs via 7X2ARA. 9A, CROATIA The team of the Croatian Radio Amateur Association will participate in the IARU HF World Championship (Jul 14/15) using the special callsign 9A20HQ this year. All QSOs will be confirmed via bureau automatically. See also: http://www.hamradio.hr/index.php?view=article&id=2116 9Y, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO The "Trinidad and Tobago Amateur Radio Society" will join the upcoming IARU HF World Championship as 9Y4HQ in CW and SSB on all bands. QSL via DF2RG. AP, PAKISTAN Pakistani hams (AP2AUM, AP2MF, AP2MKS) announced to show up as AP2ARS from the Swat district (35.5044 N, 72.5996 E; Loc MM65hh) from a height of 2300m a.s.l. from Jul 13-15. Listen for them on 20m and 40m running 150 watts into an Inverted V dipole and via satellite. Unfortunately QSL only direct via: PARS AP2ARS, Box 1450 Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan. See also: http://www.pakhams.com CE, CHILE The Radio Club de Chile (CE3AA) will sign XR3HQ in CW and SSB on all bands during the IARU HF World Championship. QSL via bureau. DL, GERMANY The German team DA0HQ will be active from eight different QTHs using the special DOK HQ12 in CW and SSB on the six main HF bands during the IARU HF World Championship. The DA0HQ operators are looking forward to make many QSOs. In the interest of fairness everybody should work several HQ stations during this contest. --- As every year the district Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania plans a special activity to support the SOP award (Sea of Peace). DL0SOP will be QRV from Jul 1-31 and hands out some points for the SOP and also the special SDOK SOP12. See also: http://www.mydarc.de/dl0sop EI, IRELAND Olivier,ON4EI, will be active as EI8GQB using an hybrid wind-solar power system from his caravan until Jul 31. He will take part in the IOTA Contest as EI1A. More details at QRZ.com. QSLs via ON4EI. --- Olivier,ON4EI, and Bernard,EI4II, will join the upcoming IARU HF World Championship as Irish HQ station using EI80IRTS (and also on Jul 21). F, FRANCE Philippe,F5SKW, Dimitri,F5SWB, Freddy,F5IRO/J28RO, David,F8CRS, Yves-Michel,F5PRU, and possibly also others will be active as TM70TE from the 3rd floor of the Eiffel Tower, approximately 300 meters above the ground, from July 12-15 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the French Army Signal Corps. QSL via F6KHX oder F5OGL. FM, MARTINIQUE Lars,K9FY, wants to enjoy the pile-ups on 160m-10m signing TO5U from Ducos on Martinique (NA-107, DIFO FM-001, WLOTA 1041) from Jul 11-18. QSL via homecall, unfortunately only direct. G, ENGLAND The RSGB team has applied the special call GO2HQ or the IARU Contest and they will work from several DXCCs. They have also launched a special awards program. QSL via M0OXO. See also: http://www.gr2hq.com GW, WALES The "Strumble Head DX & Contest Group" will be active again as MC0SHL from Ramsey Island (EU-124, Loc IO71) on 40m-6m using two Hexbeams and a Windom with one station dedicated to digital modes (mostly RTTY) from Jul 12-16. The Team members include Ant,MW0JZE, Charles,M0OXO, Chris,G1VDP, and Rob,MW0RLJ, with his XYL Jane. They will operate from their farm HQ in the Pembrokeshire National Park (WFF GFF-015) if they are unable to get to the island due to bad weather. QSL via M0URX (OQRS), LoTW and Clublog. See also: http://www.mc0shl.com H4, SOLOMON ISLANDS Vadym,UT6UD, will be active as H44UD from New Georgia Island (OC-149) from Jul 10-17. Activity will be holiday style and he will work mainly in CW during his evening and morning. If conditions permit, Vadym will try to activate also the IOTA groups OC-047 and OC-158. QSL via UT6UD. HC, ECUADOR Members of the Quito Radio Club (HC1QRC) will be active as HD081QRC in CW and SSB on all bands from Jul 14-22. The operation is celebrate the 81st anniversary of the founding of the Quito Radio Club. Equipment will include both modern and some beautifully restored vintage radios by Gustavo,HC1BG. QSL via HC1JQ. JA, JAPAN Following stations will join the IARU HF World Championship from Japan: 8N1HQ (JA1HGY, Minato-city, 160m CW, 10m CW) 8N1HQ (JG1ZUY, Kimitsu-city, 15m SSB) 8N1HQ (7J1YAJ, Naka-gun, 40m CW, 40m SSB) 8N3HQ (JH3AIU, Miki-city, 15m CW) 8N4HQ (JH4WBY, Okayama-city, 80m CW, 80m SSB, 10m SSB) 8N8HQ (JH8ZMM, Iwamizawa-city, 20m CW, 20m SSB) QSLs will be sent via bureau automatically. --- 8J1MBR is a special event call on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Mobara City (JCC 1210) in Chiba prefecture in the Kanto region on Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA 2376). It is active until Mar 31, 2013. QSL via bureau. --- HAMs are celebrating the 20th anniversary of Yachimata City (JCC 1230) (known for Suika = watermelon and peanuts) and activate the special event station 8J1SPY until Mar 31, 2013. Yachimata-City is located in the Chiba prefecture (AS-007, WLOTA 2376). QSL via bureau. --- The special event stations 8N0CLEAN and 8N5CLEAN are active during the "Clean Reception Environment Month" until Oct 31. QSLs via bureau. --- The special event station 8J6OKAJO is working until Dec 31 to mark the 400th anniversary of Oka Province Castle Town (now Taketa-city JCC 4408 Jo: Castle) in the prefecture Oita on Kyushu (AS-077, WLOTA 0963). QSL via bureau. --- The special callsign 8J9HC is active Aug 12 to celebrate the 36th All Japan High School Cultural Festival in Toyama (JCC 2801) on the island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA 2376). QSL via bureau. LX, LUXEMBURG The radio society "Radioamateurs du Luxembourg" will be represented by LX75HQ during the IARU HF World Championship. QSL via LX2A. --- The special event station LX75RL marks the 75th jubilee of the society outside of the contest until Dec 31. QSL via LX2A. See also: http://www.rlx.lu UA1, EUROPEAN RUSSIA The special event call UE95K marks the 95th birthday of Paul Kamozine from Jul 14-22. He was a pilot and twice hero of the Soviet Union. Operation takes place in all modes from Bryansk (oblast Bryanskaya, UA3Y, oblast #118). QSL via RV3YR, direct preferred. V4, ST KITTS AND NEVIS once again John,W5JON, will be operating as V47JA from Calypso Bay on St. Kitts (IOTA NA-104, Loc FK87pg) between Jul 12 and Aug 2. Activity will be in SSB on 80m-6m (incl. 60m) and also during the RSGB IOTA SSB Contest and the CQWW VHF Contest (Jul 21/22). His equipment includes: Kenwood TS-590S and a SB200 amp, a 80m-10m multiband dipole and a S9 vertical. His XYL Cathy,W5HAM, will occasionally operate as V47HAM. All QSLs should be sent via his homecall W5JON, also via LoTW. VE, CANADA The Hamilton Amateur Radio Club (VE3DC) and the 1812 Special Committee are pleased to announce that the special callsign XM31812 will be QRV from Jul 13-15 to commemorate the Bicentennial of the War of 1812. QSL via VE3ATX. See also: http://www.wix.com/xm31812/xm31812 --- A group of HAMs is going to visit Prince Edward Island (NA-029) from Jul 12-16. They will join the upcoming IARU HF World Championship as the Canadian HQ station VY2RAC. QSL via: Radio Amateurs of Canada, 720 Belfast Road, Suite 217, Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 0Z5, Canada. VP2M, MONTSERRAT Bob,W5UQ, and Bill,W5SJ, will be active as VP2MUQ and VP2MSJ from Gingerbread Hill during their annual July DXpedition from Jul 17-24. They will be QRV in holiday style focussing on CW, 30/17/12m and RTTY. QSLs via W5JAY. VP9, BERMUDA A team of Dit,DF7KF, Angelo,DM1AC, and Joe,DL9MS, will show up as DF7KF/VP9 (or with a special call) on 144 MHz via EME working from Bermuda (Loc FM72oh) starting on Jul 13. QSL via DL9MS, only direct. LG/SJ, MOROKULIEN Bernd,DH1SBB, Claus,DO9BC, Guenther,DG7SF, and Mike,MD0VMD, will be QRV as LG5LG and SJ9WL (alternating each day) from Morokulien on the border between Norway and Sweden (Loc JO69cw). Activities will take place in SSB and digital modes on 160m-6m (mainly 40m/20m) from Jul 13-17. QSLs via LA4EKA (please no eQSL). HAM RADIO IN TURKMENISTAN: N8OO (ex-EZ5AA) states that all amateur radio activities from Turkmenistan is illegal for about ten years. HEAD QUARTERS AWARD 2012 Die "Brave Radio Friends" sponsor the HEAD QUARTERS AWARD 2012. Applicants must work a minimum of 10 different HQ stations during the IARU HF World Championship. Each HQ stations counts only once on any band or mode. The award is for free and available only as a PDF. Send your applications to by Aug 31, 2012. Please send your attachments only in one of the following formats: pdf, txt, doc, xls, jpg JAPAN DX MEETING 2012: The Japan DX Meeting 2012 will be held in Tokyo on Aug 25. See also: http://jdxm.web.fc2.com/e.html P5, NORTH KOREA: Rick,K6VVA, has been working for quite some time on a "P5 CW Only & IOTA AS-197 Project". Stay tuned! http://www.k6vva.com/p5 CQ WPX award and LoTW: The WPX award is the first non ARRL award which can be applied for via LoTW. See also: http://www.arrl.org/news and arrl-launches-logbook-of-the-world-wpx-award-integration ARCTIC TOUR: The Arctic tour aanounced in DXNL 1786 will start on July 10. Callsigns used are RW0BG/p (Krasnoyarsk region) und RW0BG/9 (outside of Krasnoyarsk region). See also: http://n69p.ru/english and https://sites.google.com/site/rk0bww...ctic-trip-2012 LINKS: Current SOTA activities (mountain summits) are announced at: http://www.sotawatch.org --- Detailed information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: http://www.MMMonVHF.de UPCOMING CONTESTS ----------------- Jul 13 FISTS Sprint Contest Jul 14/15 IARU HF World Championship IOTA compiled by Klaus, DL7UXG (e-mail: ) ---- Island activities: AS-061, R0K, Ratmanova Islands & AS-092, R0K, Bering Sea Coast South group: Members of the Russian Robinson Club want to activate the rare islands Ostrov Ratmanova (AS-061, Big Diomede Island, RRA RR-11-04, RDA CK-08) and Ostrov Alyumka (AS-092, RRA RR-12-01, RDA CK-05) signing RI0K from July 15 until Aug 28. They plan to operate in SSB and CW on all bands. Ask the operator for the QSL route. EU-004, EA6, Balearic Islands: Flavio,EA6/IW2NEF, will spend his holidays on Mallorca (DIE E-021, MIA MB-004, WLOTA 1902, Loc JM19) again and will work holiday style on HF/6m/2m from Jul 16-27. QSL via homecall. EU-015, SV9, Crete Island: Claude,SV9/HB9CRX, will work with QRP (5 watts, CW only) on 30m-6m from Kissamos Island from Jul 9-21. QSL via HB9CRX. EU-029, OZ, Sjaelland Archipelago: Alain,F5LMJ, will be QRV as 5P5J from Lolland Island (DIA SJ-015, WLOTA 2773) on Jul 14-28. QSL via F5LMJ. EU-066, R1O, Solovetskiye Islands: Victor,UA1OEJ/p, plans to become active in SSB/CW on the HF bands from Solovetsky lighthouse (RLE-042, RFF-175) from Jul 12-20. QSL via homecall. EU-112, GM/MM, Shiant Islands: The activation of the Shiant Islands by GB5SI was postponed until 2013. EU-114, GU/MU: Guernsey group: Peter,OT9Z/ON8ZZ, Dominiek,ON3JA, and Frederik,ON3NT, will be QRV as MU/OT9Z from Guernsey (WLOTA 0013) from Jul 16-20. They plan to visit these islands: Jul 17: Herm Island (St. Martins Point Light, GUE-007) Jul 18: Sark Island (Point Robert Light, GUE-003, WLOTA 0944) Jul 19: Alderney (Alderney Light, GUE-004, WLOTA 0198) QSL via OT9Z (bureau) or ON3NT (direct). See also: http://dxpeditionchannelislands.weebly.com SA-037, YV5, Blanquilla group: The DX Group Caracas members plan to activate La Blanquilla Island (DIV-039, WLOTA 0894, ARLHS VEN-023) as YW5B from Jul 11-16. They will be QRV in CW, SSB, FM and digital modes on 160-2m. QSL via DM4TI. See also: http://www.gdxc.org Lighthouse activities --------------------- 9Y4HQ LH 0563 Jul 14-15 TO5U LH 1041 Jul 11-18 WFF activities -------------- DLFF: Daniel,DM3DA/p, will be QRV only in CW on 30m from the nature park "Holstein Switzerland" (DLFF-072) on July 14/15. QSL via DM3DA. GFF: Andrew,M6ADB/p, will be QRV ftom Wren's Nest (GFF-210, WAB SO99) or from Sutton Park (GFF-211/WAB SP09) on July 11, starting from 0700 UTC. On July 12, he will be active from Aston Rowant (GFF-175, WAB SU79). Depending on his time he may show up also from GFF-058. Listen for him only in SSB on 40m and 20m, if conditions permit also on 17m-10m. QSL via homecall. HAFF: A few members of the "Regional Radio Sport Club Puspokladany" plan to work with up to 4 stations on the HF bands in CW, SSB and digital modes from the rare nature reserve "Hevesi Fuves Pusztak" (HAFF-020) signing HG0WFF from Jul 13-16. QSL via HA0HW (bureau/direct), WFF LogSearch. LYFF: Yurek,LY/SP5VYI, plans to work from following parks until Jul 22: SP5VYI zu funken: LYFF-003, LYFF-010, LYFF-017, LYFF-028, LYFF-039. QSL via SP5VYI (bureau/direct). PAFF: Frans,PC2F, wants to activate the special callsign PC25HR on July 14. He plans to build up his station near the steam-pumping station "Hertog Reijnout" (PAFF-044) on Jul 14. His preferred frequencies a SSB: 3744, 7144, 14144, 21 244, 18 144, 24944 and 28 444 kHz QSL via PC2F. More details can be found at http://www.qrz.com/db/PC25HR Preview ------- DATE CALL DXNL 26Jun-09Jul 2E1EUB 1785 -09Jul 2M1EUB 1786 -31Jul 3G90AA 1787 14Jul-28Jul 5P5J 1788 * -2014 5Z4EE 1742/1753/1772 2012 6D0LM 1774 -31Dec 7T50I.. 1788 * -31Oct 8J0WAZA 1780 -31Mar 8J1MBR 1788 * -31Dec 8J1MST 1779 -31Mar 8J1SPY 1788 * -30Sep 8J2NDP.. 1751 -15Jul 8J3XVI 1779 -31Dec 8J6O 1773 -31Dec 8J6OKAJO 1788 * -30Sep 8J7EQ 1773 -12Aug 8J9HC 1788 * -31Oct 8N0CLEAN.. 1788 * 14Jul/15Jul 8N1HQ.. 1788 * -31Dec 8N1TDU 1780 15May-31Jul 8N6JAPAN 1783 -2012 9J2RI 1739/1742 -28Jul 8N1TW 1773 08Jul-21Jul 9A/HA4BF/p 1787 14Jul/15Jul 9A20HQ 1788 * -Oct/14 9V1RM 1751 14Jul-15Jul 9Y4HQ 1788 * -Sep/13 A52SV 1752 18Jun-13Jul AC0QG/5 1784 13Jul-15Jul AP2ARS 1788 * -Dec/13 C91IW 1787 Unknown CG3B 1786 15Jun-15Jul CG7CWPC 1784 05Jul-15Jul CK6S 1787 -31Dec CN2YZ 1771 Unknown CR6BWU 1784 Jul CR6W.. 1786 -Dec CY0/VE1AWW 1784 -May/13? D2SG 1748/1780 Unknown D3AA 1781 14Jul/15Jul DA0HQ 1788 * -31Dec DA0LSW 1785 13Jul- DF7KF/VP9 1788 * 2012? DL0SLITISA 1764 Jul DL0SOP 1788 * -Jan/13 DL125HHZ 1778 01Jan-31Dec DL1630Y 1760 -31Dec DL250COAL 1779 10Jul-20Jul DL4AO/p 1787 01Jan-31Dec DM100MGY 1763 14Jul-15Jul DM3DA/p 1788 * 01Jan-31Dec DM50KSJ 1763 -31Dec DM800ANH 1767 -Feb/13 DP0GVN 1756 -Jan/13 DQ0STRATEX 1770 -31Dec DQ125HSB 1763/1784 Unknown E40VB 1780 02Jul-25Aug E51AND 1786 Unknown E51MGA 1786 07Jul-21Jul E51YNB.. 1787 -31Dec E720RS 1770 16Jul-27Jul EA6/IW2NEF 1788 * 08Jul-19Jul EI/WJ2O/m 1787 01Jan-31Dec EI80IRTS 1763/1788 * -31Jul EI8GQB.. 1788 * -26Aug EM80L.. 1778 08Jul-19Jul ES0FTZ 1787 Unknown EV1150P 1779 Jul EV910B 1787 -Mar/13 FH8NX 1747 10Jul-17Jul FP/KV1J 1787 -Jul FR8NE 1710 19May-27Jul G4WAB.. 1780 -15Jul GB10SOTA 1787 -31Dec GB50WVR 1767 2012 GB80PW 1762 08Jul-19Jul GI/WJ2O/m 1787 14Jul/15Jul GO2HQ 1788 * -17Jul H44UD 1788 * -31Dec HA50ZH 1780 14Jul-22Jul HD081QRC 1788 * 13Jul-16Jul HG0WFF 1788 * -Sep/13 HI3/KL7JR 1745 Unknown HP1/IZ6BRN 1787 Resident HS0ZKG 1778 -Dec ID9DXC.. 1755 01Jan-31Dec II6LN 1763 23Jun-15Jul IS0/IZ0KRC 1786 -2011/2? J28JV 1680 -Jul J28RO 1683 -Jul/13 J28UC 1734 Unknown JT5NM 1781 29Mar-Mar/13 JX9JKA 1769/1773 Unknown JY9ET 1779 -2013 KG4AJ 1756 13Jul-17Jul LG5LG.. 1788 * 14Jul/15Jul LX75HQ 1788 * -31Dec LX75RL 1788 * 03Jul-22Jul LY/SP5VYI 1788 * Jul LY54SOP 1786 13Jul-17Jul LG5LG.. 1788 * -22Jul LZ12FDAY 1770 -31Dec LZ1818MOG.. 1770 11Jul-12Jul M6ADB/p 1788 * 12Jul-16Jul MC0SHL 1788 * 16Jul-20Jul MU/OT9Z 1788 * 08Jul-13Jul N1FJ/p 1787 -15Aug NR4CB 1780 May -Oct OD5/IV3XNF 1777 Unknown OD5NJ 1784 Jul +Sep OE2XXM.. 1786 -31Dec OH150VR 1772 -31Dec ON500MERCATOR 1783 04Apr-31Dec ON100TT 1775 01Jan-31Dec ON65BR 1763 07Jul-21Jul OZ/DL2JRM 1787 07Jul-21Jul OZ/DO2XX 1787 07Jul-21Jul OZ/DO6XX 1787 10Jul-19Jul OZ/HB9EYW 1787 07Jul-20Jul OZ0FR/p 1787 01Jul-31Dec P3EU 1786 -29Jul PC100NOM 1787 11Jul PC25HR 1788 * Jul PW7FD.. 1787 -31Aug R1150V 1783 -30Aug R11GGGR.. 1784 -31Jul R200BS 1783 12Jun-12Sep R200V 1783 15Jul-28Aug RI0K 1788 * -2013 RI1ANF 1765 -Sep RI1FJA 1741 -Sep RI1FJM 1741 -31Dec S555E.. 1772 01Jul-31Aug SN0HAL 1786 -Jul SV1EEX/8 1787 09Jul-21Jul SV9/HB9CRX 1788 * -31Jul SX135HRC 1784 01Jul-31Jul SX9S 1786 sporadical T30BN 1785 Resident T32BN 1785 -Jul T6JP 1768/1770 -31Dec TC50TRAC.. 1770 30Jun-30Sep TC6BLH.. 1786 Unknown TK/PA3ALK 1782 07Jul-21Jul TK12IOTA 1787 -31Dec TM210VH 1770 -22Jul TM3FFI 1779 12Jul-15Jul TM70TE 1788 * -31Dec TM70TRS 1763 -Jul TN9SN 1755 11Jul-18Jul TO5U 1788 * -06Aug TT8PK 1785 26Jun-12Aug TY2BP 1786 12Jul-20Jul UA1OEJ/p 1788 * -31Aug UE80C 1784 14Jul-22Jul UE95K 1788 * 12Jul-02Aug V47JA.. 1788 * -Nov/14 V73NS 1604/1668/1752 15Jun-15Jul VC2L 1784 01Jun-31Jul VK100WIQ 1783 02Jun-06Aug VP2MDD 1782/1786 17Jul-24Jul VP2MUQ.. 1788 * -Jul VQ9JC 1755 15Jun-15Jul VX3ROYL 1784 25Jun-25Jul VX3X 1785 -May/14 XE1/DM3DL 1730 13Jul-15Jul XM31812 1788 * 14Jul/15Jul XR3HQ 1788 * 11Jul-16Jul YW5B 1788 * -Jul XV3C 1785 -2014 ZY2014WC 1774 * = new or updated ... = and other calls QSL information --------------- 3G90AA via CE3AA (B) 4S7BRG via LZ3HI (B) 5B/DJ7TO via DJ7TO (B) 5C13BL via 6K5YPD (B) 5C13IG via 6K5YPD (B) 5C13MC (B) 5C13NK via 6K5YPD (B) 5C13YAN (B) 5C13YZ via 6K5YPD (B) 5P5J via F5LMJ (B) 5T0JL via ON8RA (B) 7T50I via 7X2ARA (B) 7U50I via 7X2ARA (B) 7V50I via 7X2ARA (B) 7W50I via 7X2ARA (B) 7Y50I via 7X2ARA (B) 8J1MBR (B) 8J1SPY (B) 8J6OKAJO (B) 8J7FUKKO/7 (B) 8J9HC (B) 8N5CLEAN (B) 8N1HQ sends automatically 8N3HQ sends automatically 8N4HQ sends automatically 8N5CLEAN (B) 8N8HQ sends automatically 9A20HQ sends automatically 9Y4HQ via DF2RG (B) AM8EPF via EA8URV (B) AP2ARS (d) C91IW via ZS1WY CG3B via VE3FOI (B) CK6S via VE6AO (B) CO6LE via EA5GL (d) CR6RS via CT1BAT (EURAO bureau) DA0HQ (B) DA0TTO via DL6MKA (B) DF7KF/VP9 via DL9MS (d) DL/JA5AQC via JA5AQC (B) DL0SOP sends automatically DM3DA/p via DM3DA (B) EA6/IW2NEF via IW2NEF (B) E7CW via E73ESP (B) EA8/RW3DO via RW3DO EE1GEM via EB1GEM (B) EE3URR via EA3URR (B) EG6RN via EA6URL (B) EG7FCJ via EA7FC (B) EH8TID via EA8NQ (B) EI12VOR via EI4GRC EI1A via ON4EI (B) EI80IRTS via EI4GXB, LoTW EI8GQB via ON4EI (B) ES2012ABCS via ES2TT (B) EV68P via EW2AB (B) FG4NN via NI5DX (B) GB5DX (B), (L), eQSL GB5NTT via M0XIG JX9JKA via LA9JKA (d) KH8PPG via N7RO (B) KL1A via RW3AH (d, to OE address) LG5LG via LA4EKA LX75HQ via LX2A (B) LX75RL via LX2A (B) LY/SP5VYI via SP5VYI (B) LY2012TAFISA via LY2QT LY54SOP via LY5W (B) LZ9M via LZ3GM (B) M6ADB/p via M6ADB (B) MC0SHL via M0URX (B), OQRS MJ/DL9MWG via DL9MWG (B) MN5ALJ via GI7THH (B) MU/OT9Z via OT9Z (B), ON3NT (d) NH0J via JJ2VLY (B) P3EU via 5B4AHO (B) OH0/DJ5HG via DJ5HG (B) OZ/DB9HL via DB9HL OZ/DL2JRM via DL2JRM (B) OZ/DO6EBB/p via DO6EBB (d), eQSL PA/DL1DN/p via DL1DN (B) PC100NOM via PA0FAW (B) PC25HR via PC2F (B) PJ2/DF8ZH via DF8ZH (B) PQ7FD via PS7AB (B) SC2012ARDF via SM6AGR SI9AM via SM3CVM (B) SJ9WL via LA4EKA SN7L via SP7PGK (B) SN9F via SP9ZHR (B) SV1CDY/8 via SV1CDY (B), eQSL SV9/HB9CRX via HB9CRX (B) SX1K via SV1MQJ (B) SX1Q via SV1JGW (B) T88WJ via JS3LSQ (B) TC6BLH via TA1HZ (B) TM0HQ (B) TM0TSR via F4FJH (B) TM17H via F8FZC (B) TM2K via F1UVN TM70TE via F6KHX, F5OGL (B) TO5U via K9FY (d) UA1OEJ/p via UA1OEJ (B) UE95K via RV3YR (d) V47HAM via W5JON, LoTW V47JA via W5JON, LoTW VO1/W8LRO via W8LRO (L) VO2/W8LRO via W8LRO (L) VP2MSJ via W5JAY (B) VP2MUQ via W5JAY (B) VP5/OZ1LQO via OZ1LQO VP9I via DL9MS (d) VX3ROYL via VE3NOO (B) XM31812 via VE3ATX XR3HQ (B) YW5B via DM4TI (B) Z38VB via UA4WHX (B), (L) ZA/UA4WHX via UA4WHX (B), (L) (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok (*) = new QSL manager (L) = Logbook of the World (LoTW) (r) = e-mail request NOT QSL Manager: Tim,KQ8M, is NOT the QSL manager of VE2CSI. Tim was responsible a QSL manager ONLY for the CQ WWDX CW Contest 1992 (Nov 28/29, 1992). QSL for VE2CSI via M0URX (see QRZ.com). QSLs arrived direct: 3DA0FC (ON4CIK), AA1LC/KH2, TO3X (ON4CIT) QSLs arrived bureau: CE2EYN, CE3PG, HO1X (DJ2ST), JA1TLE, JE1FQV, JF1GYX, JF1KFR, OM55TV (via OM3MB), R7DX, RG50D (UA3FA), VK4KW, XU7KOH QSLs arrived LoTW: PJ7PT Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to: Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX Bulletin, DF6EX (WIN-QSL), DG7SF, DH5NBK, DJ5AV, DJ9ZB, DL1SBF, DL7MAE, DL9GFB, F5MSR/7X0MT, F5NQL, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, HB9CRX, NG3K, SP5VYI, VA3RJ and others. __________________________________________________ __________________________ The German PDF version can be found on the DARC homepage at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls...rchiv/2012/pdf __________________________________________________ __________________________ Subscribe or unsubscribe to the DXNL mailing list yourself at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls/dxnl |
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[DXNL] DXNL 1777 (Apr 25, 2012) | Info | |||
[DXNL] DXNL 1766 (Feb 8, 2012) | Info |