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![]() Irish Radio Transmitters Society Radio News Bulletin Sunday 2nd November 2014 ______________________________________________ Echo Ireland The closing date for submissions for the December edition of Echo Ireland is November 15th. All clubs are requested to submit news and articles preferably with photos attached, if possible. Suitable articles for publication are most welcome and are to be emailed to newsteam /at/ irts.ie ______________________________________________ Amateur Station Licence Examination It's now just ten days to the closing date for the next Amateur Station Licence Examination which will be held on Thursday, 27th November in the ComReg Offices in Dublin. Full details, including entry procedure, examination fee and how to pay the fee on line are available at www.irts.ie/exam . Please note that it is necessary to download the application form from the web page and forward the completed form and the appropriate fee so as to secure a place for the examination. If you pay the fee on line you must still complete and forward the application form. Don't forget there are only ten days left for receipt of completed applications as the closing date is Tuesday week, 11th November. Three Exam Reports which were previously published in Echo Ireland are now available on the Downloads section of the website at www.irts.ie/downloads under Studying for the Harmonised Amateur Radio Examination Certificate. These reports contain very useful information for anyone studying for the Licence Examination. ______________________________________________ IRTS Submissions IRTS has recently made two substantial submissions to Consultation documents published by the Department of Communications Energy and Natural Resources and ComReg. The Department's consultation paper was on Spectrum Policy Priorities and the Society's submission was wide ranging but raised the important issue of finding a mechanism under which all stakeholders should be enabled to take part in the preparation of the Irish national position for important international spectrum events whether at the level of the ITU or at a regional level through CEPT. The submission also set out amateur spectrum priorities for the next three to five years over the bands 1.8 to 3,400 MHz. Although the ComReg publication dealt primarily with the award of spectrum in the 2.6 GHz band it also dealt with the possible release of spectrum in the 700 MHz 1.2, 2.3 and 3.6 GHz bands. The IRTS submission dealt comprehensively with the amateur position regarding the 2.3 and 3.4 GHz bands ______________________________________________ IRTS AGM & Dinner SEARG Rally 2015 South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will host the IRTS AGM & Dinner and the customary rally on Saturday and Sunday April 25th/26th 2015 at the Hotel Kilkenny, College Road. Contact Sean EI2HZB QTHR. www.irts.ie/agm ______________________________________________ Limerick Radio Club CW Classes Brendan EI0CZ has been running CW classes on the Limerick Radio Club 2M repeater over the last month or so on Monday & Thursday nights. Classes begin after the Monday night news and at 20.00 local on Thursday nights. ______________________________________________ Limerick Radio Club- Annual Radio, Hobbies & Electronics Rally 2015 The Limerick Radio Club Rally will take place on Sunday March 8th 2015 at the Radisson Hotel, Ennis Road, Limerick. Dors open at 11:00. Contact Ger, EI4GXB or Simon EI7ALB. www.limerickradioclub.ie ______________________________________________ EI5HDB Sota Activation John EI5HDB will be activating SOTA EI/IE024 from the Devil's Bit Mountain, today Sunday November 2nd on 2M & 40M. He will call into the 40M news and QSY to 7.110 for calls. On 2M he will call through the SEARG network on 145.650 advising his frequency for simplex calls ______________________________________________ DX News A multi-national group of YL operators will be active as V84YL from Brunei from 5 - 10 November. They will be QRV on the HF bands on SSB and CW. QSLs go via DJ6US. The Pacific island of Niue will see Alan VK4WR and Graeme VK4FI active as E6RQ and E6SG respectively from 2 - 9 November. QSLs will be handled by VK4FI. A special callsign, TO10RR, (Tango Oscar Ten Radio Radio) will be on the air from Guadeloupe from 2 - 16 November. This is in connection with the 10th Route de Rhum (a 3000 mile single handed transatlantic yacht race). QSL manager is FG8NY. Belgian stations had been given permission to use the prefix OP instead of the usual ON during November each year until 2018. This is to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Great War. ______________________________________________ Items for inclusion in next week's Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to "newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie" for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday's bulletin. |
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