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Posted-By: auto-faq 3.3.2 beta (PGPMoose V2.0, Perl 5.005)
Archive-name: radio/broadcasting/guidelines Revision: 1.1 2011/05/16 14:15:21 Posting-Frequency: posted monthly URL: http://www.panix.com/~babm/usenet/rrb/index.html Changes followed by "|". rec.radio.broadcasting Posting Guidelines Last updated 5/16/2011 Welcome to rec.radio.broadcasting! This is a moderated Usenet newsgroup open to anyone who has an interest in broadcast radio anywhere in the world. The posting guidelines for rec.radio.broadcasting are divided into the following sections: 1. Introduction 1.1 Invitation to participate 1.2 Charter 1.3 How to submit articles 2. Acceptable and Unacceptable Topics 2.1 Newsgroup focus 2.2 Examples of acceptable topics 2.3 Examples of unacceptable topics 2.4 Programming discussions 2.5 Commercial postings 2.6 Pirate radio 2.7 Moderation policies 3. Netiquette 3.1 Introduction to Usenet netiquette 3.2 Civility 3.3 Posting form 3.4 Excessive quoting 3.5 Pseudonyms 3.6 Signature files 3.7 Use of copyrighted material 3.8 Pointers to outside sources 4. Technical and Administrative Issues 4.1 Crossposting 4.2 Valid "From" address 4.3 Lost or rejected postings This is a living document and will be updated as needed to meet the needs of this group. -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Invitation to participate The moderators of rec.radio.broadcasting (RRB) invite the participation of broadcast professionals and non-professionals alike. Both the people who operate radio stations and the people who listen to them have valuable insights into the art, business, and/or science of broadcasting. 1.2 Charter Rec.radio broadcasting is intended as a worldwide forum dedicated to the discussion of subjects pertaining to domestic radio broadcasting. By the term "domestic," we mean radio which is intended basically for reception within the country in which it originates. Other Usenet groups are available for discussing international broadcast services. 1.3 How to submit articles You can use your newsreading software to submit an article to rec.radio.broadcasting as you would to any other newsgroup. The only difference is that your news server will automatically forward your article to the moderation team instead of posting it directly to the group. Alternatively, you can email submissions to . We generally turn around articles at least the same day, usually much faster. -------------------------------------------------------------- 2. ACCEPTABLE AND UNACCEPTABLE TOPICS If you are ever unsure about whether a proposed topic is appropriate for RRB, please feel free to ask the moderation team at: 2.1 Newsgroup focus RRB is designed to provide a public forum for professional and informed discussion and dissemination of information pertaining to the art, business, and science of radio broadcasting. By "professional and informed," we mean discussions by broadcast professionals as well as those with a serious interest in radio broadcasting. As mentioned in the Introduction, we welcome the participation of radio listeners as well as those inside the industry. RRB is an international newsgroup, so the term "domestic" should not be taken to imply just the United States or North America. Readers in other nations are encouraged to post questions and comments about their own country's radio stations. 2.2 Examples of acceptable topics Generally, if a subject would be of interest to broadcast professionals or listeners, it is acceptable. Here are just a few ideas for discussion topics: * New stations and changes to existing stations (but see section 2.6 for limitations on discussions of unlicensed stations) * Formats and programming * Equipment and techniques involved in the transmission and reception of broadcast radio signals * Other engineering and technical matters * Domestic broadcast-band DXing * Community broadcasting * Legislation affecting radio stations * Radio's current and future trends * Job openings and help to those seeking work in the industry If you post about a local radio station or personality, please realize that most RRB readers will know little or nothing about that station or person, so please include a little background to set the context for your remarks. 2.3 Examples of unacceptable topics This is not a comprehensive list. Please contact the moderation team if you aren't sure whether your proposed topic is appropriate or not. * Non-domestic stations and activities (BBC World, Voice of America, SWLing, etc.) * Non-broadcast radio services (amateur, Internet, satellite, etc.) * Television broadcasting (except on rare occasions when the subject of the posting would also be of broad interest to radio people). 2.4 Programming discussions Because the intent of RRB is to foster discussion, postings of a primarily promotional nature should be kept to a minimum. Program hosts and other interested parties are welcome to submit brief notices about special guests, fill-in hosts, etc. However, playlists, weekly program schedules, and similar listings should instead be posted in a more appropriate venue, such as the station's or host's website. Reviews of the performance of on-air personalities are fine, but please note that rec.radio.broadcasting is not the place to discuss the topics of radio talk shows. (Unless the topic itself is the art, science, or business of radio broadcasting.) Postings about broadcasters' off-air activities should usually be confined to events that are that are related to their broadcast career, such as personal appearances on behalf of their station. Exceptions will be made for extraordinary events such as a broadcaster's death. 2.5 Commercial postings Businesses and individuals today have a wealth of online selling venues--both general sites such as eBay and Craigslist, and region-specific Usenet groups such as ba.broadcast and uk.tech.broadcast. Therefore, RRB may not be the most effective place to post your for-sale ad. It's best when you want to offer an item that's likely to be of interest to broadcasters or radio fans over a broad geographical area. Please consider the alternatives before submitting your posting to RRB. Examples of suitable for-sale postings might include, "My station just got a new mixer and is selling its old Acme Model 100; please contact me directly for details," or "I just found a box of KHJ aircheck tapes in my basement; drop me a note if you're interested in buying them." For-sale message must solicit responses directly to the poster; do not direct readers to another site such as Craigslist or eBay. Notices about especially important or interesting new products are fine. Please disclose whether or not you have a financial interest in the manufacturer or reseller you're mentioning. Each poster to RRB is allowed one commercial posting per month. Postings about job openings are welcomed. Be sure to include your real name, company name, and valid contact information (email address, phone number, or mailing address). 2.6 Pirate radio Postings about unlicensed domestic radio operations should be limited to discussions of their history, notices of enforcement actions, discussions of technical conflicts between licensed and unlicensed stations, or strictly informational messages (such as, "A pirate station has been heard in Chicago on 104.7"). Postings that seek to support pirate stations (such as by drawing money, personnel, equipment, or listeners) will not be approved. 2.7 Moderation policies Questions or complaints about moderation decisions or policies will not be permitted in the newsgroup itself. Please direct any such feedback to the moderators by sending us a message at rec- . If you see an obviously inappropriate article in our newsgroup, please assume that it was a mistake or a direct forgery, and do not send follow-up postings. You may submit feedback to the administrative address regarding such articles, although it is likely that our monitoring software and procedures have already detected the problem and we are actively handling it. -------------------------------------------------------------- 3. NETIQUETTE 3.1 Introduction to Usenet netiquette Participants who are new to Usenet should familiarize themselves with the "netiquette" of Usenet as well as the particular posting guidelines for this group. Several useful posts for "newbies" can be found on the newsgroup news.announce.newusers or on the World Wide Web at: http://www.faqs.org/faqs/by-newsgroup/news/ news.announce.newusers.html Particularly helpful articles a Welcome to Usenet! Rules for posting to Usenet Hints on writing style for Usenet A Primer on How to Work With the Usenet Community Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions on Netiquette Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Usenet 3.2 Civility Participants in rec.radio.broadcasting are encouraged to state their own views and share their experiences enthusiastically. However, in doing so, you should maintain a civil tone in all postings and treat other people respectfully. You are welcome to criticize someone else's actions, but such criticism must not degrade into a personal attack or name-calling. To be safe, refrain from making assumptions about the motivations of other people. For example, "That's a lie" implies an intentional prevarication, and "So-and-so is a liar" is name- calling. Instead, say "That's not true, because...," or "I think that So-and-so is wrong because..." Making fun of someone's name or refusing to refer to them by their proper name is also a violation of this guideline. In cases where someone uses a different on-air name, please use that name unless they have specifically said that it's all right to refer to them publicly by their real name. Note that this guideline covers everyone you talk about in your postings, whether they are participants in this group or not. 3.3 Posting form Any article that falls into any of the following categories will be automatically rejected: A) Articles that contain original text of more than 75 characters per line (except for URLs; see sections 3.7 and 3.8) B) Articles that are crossposted other than as described in section 4.1) C) Articles that contain more than 400 lines D) Postings that contain attachments (except short .sig files; see section 3.6) E) Postings that include encoded binary files (except PGP and other short digital signatures) F) Articles containing obscene language G) Articles from individuals who have been suspended or banned from the newsgroup H) Articles that consist mostly of direct quotation from copyrighted sources (also see section 3.7) 3.4 Excessive quoting Posters must show a reasonable effort to trim the post they are replying to. Replies should include just enough of the original material to establish a context for your own comments. Posts more than 20 lines long that have more than 50% quoted text will be carefully reviewed by a moderator to determine whether that degree of quoting is warranted. Posts with excessive quoted text may be rejected. IMPORTANT: If you use a newsreader (such as Google Groups) that allows you to hide the posting to which you are replying, you must unhide the quoted text and trim it appropriately. Also be certain that your newsreader is not configured to automatically append the previous article to the bottom of your postings. All participants in rec.radio.broadcasting are responsible for using their news- readers properly to comply with the group's posting guidelines. "Me too!" posts are discouraged. If you do post such a message, you must edit the quoted material significantly. 3.5 Pseudonyms Contributors to rec.radio.broadcasting are encouraged to use their real (given or on-air) names. This not only creates a greater sense of community in the newsgroup, it also lends credibility to posters' opinions. However, as a pragmatic concession to the realities of the present-day Internet, and consistent with the practices of other moderated newsgroups, pseudonyms and unroutable email address are permitted with some restrictions. We ask that the From: lines of submitted articles not misrepresent your identity, not be changed often, and not match a user or domain name other than your own (spoofing). Postings that have a pseudonym that violates any of our other rules (such as civility) will be rejected. Please realize that if you use an unroutable email address, you will not be able to receive acknowledgment or rejection messages for your submitted articles. If one of your articles was rejected and you are unable to receive the notice that explains the rejection, you will need to send a note to the moderation team for clarification. 3.6 Signature files Many people close each article they write with a few lines of common text. This may be a clever quote, contact information, or disclaimer required by their employer. Signature (.sig) files attached to rec.radio.broadcasting postings must be no longer than four lines plus a standard delimiter (such as two dashes). The content of a poster's signature need not be relevant to broadcasting, but it must not violate any of the other posting guidelines. (For example, name-calling that would not be acceptable in the body of a message is also unacceptable in a signature.) Posters may include Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) and business addresses in signature files, provided they comply with all the other guidelines regarding signatures. 3.7 Use of copyrighted material Unless you own the copyright yourself or have the written permission of the copyright owner (either of which must be so stated), do not post copyrighted material such as newspaper articles to rec.radio.broadcasting. Instead, post a synopsis of the material with a link to the full article. If you are posting a link to a blog or other site where information changes frequently, please use a "permalink" to the exact article you're citing. Quoting of public domain information, such as radio station information from the FCC database, is fine. 3.8 Pointers to outside sources Unsolicited announcements and pointers to web sites that are exclusively advertisements or other public relations campaigns are not permitted. However, a pointer to a website or other external source of information is permitted and encouraged in cases where it is relevant to an existing thread, with appropriate context being given in the post. A URL with no information about what a user should expect to find there will be rejected. If you are posting a link to a blog or other site where information changes frequently, please use a "permalink" to the exact article you're citing. Also, we prefer full URLs instead of (or in addition to) ones that have been modified by a link shortener so that readers of the posting will know which website they are actually going to. If you do use a link shortener, please also indicate the full name of the website to which you are linking. A pointer to information that is off-charter for rec.radio.broadcasting will be rejected, as will a pointer which itself does not meet the rec.radio.broadcasting guidelines (such as a URL containing name-calling). Moderators are not responsible for verifying the contents of any external information source. Moderators only review submissions for adherence to the RRB guidelines, such as appropriateness of topic and Usenet etiquette. -------------------------------------------------------------- 4. TECHNICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES 4.1 Crossposting A limited amount of appropriate simultaneous crossposting will be permitted at the discretion of the moderation team. Appropriate crossposted newsgroups could include rec.radio.noncomm, ba.broadcast, ba.broadcast.moderated, or alt.radio.broadcasting. Currently, a limit of 3 newsgroups total is enforced by our moderation software. Please note that, because of the way moderated Usenet groups work, any posting submitted to a moderated group will not be forwarded to any other groups until it is accepted by the initial group. For example, if you submit a posting to both RRB and BAB, and we reject it, it will never appear on BAB. 4.2 Valid "From" address Participants in rec.radio.broadcasting may, if they wish, use an invalid or "munged" email address in their "From" header line. However, please be aware that if you do so, you will be unable to receive messages from the moderators, such as requests to revise submitted postings or explanations of why postings were rejected. Also, we want rec.radio.broadcasting to promote interaction among participants, and in some cases, information is more appropriately relayed off-list. If you do not provide a valid email address, other posters will not be able to send you information, ask questions, etc. Therefore, if you are considering using an invalid "From" address in order to avoid spam email, we recommend that you instead (1) find an ISP with robust spam-filtering for incoming email, and/or (2) obtain an email address just for your Usenet postings (e.g. from Yahoo or Gmail). 4.3 Lost or rejected postings We never reject anything in silence, and we make a point to answer all our mail. However, newsgroup postings can and do get lost every now and again. If you send us a posting and you neither see it in RRB nor hear from us directly within two or three days, you can be pretty sure that either your mail never reached us, or that our answer never reached you. (See section 4.2 for why the latter might happen.) In that case, please submit your article again. (We will filter out duplicates.) You're also welcome to send a note to rec-radio- if you have any concerns about your submissions not being received. -------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions or comments about these guidelines, please send a message to . (Adapted from the rec.radio.amateur.moderated posting guidelines and from Bill Pfeiffer's original RRB guidelines and FAQ.) |
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