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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2041, December 9 2016
Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2041 with a release date of Friday, December 9 2016 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a QST. The holiday spirit is in the air with two special radio events. Amateur radio devotes a day to welcoming the disabled -- and our top story, remembering a promising ham shot to death earlier this month in Chicago. All this and more as Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2041 comes your way right now. ** BILLBOARD CART ** REMEMBERING SLAIN AMATEUR TYRONE HARDIN KD9ERC, SK STEPHEN/ANCHOR: In our top story this week we remember a Silent Key, Tyrone Hardin KD9ERC, who was fatally shot in Chicago more than a week ago. Police arrested a suspect a few days later. Friends and Elmers share memories with Amateur Radio Newsline's Paul Braun WD9GCO. PAUL'S REPORT On November 26th, the life of a father, husband, and promising new ham was tragically cut short by bullets from a killer's gun. Sgt. Tyrone Hardin, KD9ERC of Merrillville, Indiana, was shot while on duty at his job as a security guard in Illinois. The news stories give details about that. But what about the man himself? What was he like? I spoke with two members of the club where he tested and belonged, the 220 Megahertz Guys club of Lyons, Illinois and asked them to tell me something about Sgt. Hardin, the ham. Kelvin Jackson, W9BBQ recalled how they were first introduced to Hardin KELVIN: Tyrone was referred to us by a friend of ours, K9JPX - they worked together - JP informed me that he had a young man who was interested in getting his ham radio license. He referred him to us and he had some questions about what would be appropriate study material, and that was it! He gave us a call, came down Saturday and he passed his exam. He was very happy and jovial and hung out with us for breakfast and lunch and we gave him some ideas about radios. PAUL: The club offers VE testing three times a month, combined with breakfast at a local restaurant. Steve Hill, KB9DSQ, recalled just how eager Hardin was to take his test. STEVE: It was very humorous how he came to the breakfast because he was so worried that we were going to leave, that he was going to miss his opportunity to take his test that he called us while he was on his way a couple of times to let us know "I'm still en route! Don't leave yet!" and we had to assure him that we weren't going to leave! That was so funny, you know? We assured him, "We aren't going to leave. Just take your time and be safe!" He finally made it, and it was so funny - he went on, "I thought you weren't going to wait on me" and we were saying, "Of course we're going to wait!" and we welcomed him with open arms and he was just a wonderful person to meet. PAUL: In addition to his new friends at the club, Hardin is survived by his wife, children and stepchildren. If you are moved to help his family, especially in this very difficult holiday season, please keep an eye on our Facebook page and Twitter feed. We will post any information as we become aware of it. From all of us at Amateur Radio Newsline to all of Sgt. Hardin's friends and family, our sincerest condolences. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Paul Braun, WD9GCO ** NEW LEADERSHIP ROLE FOR PARITY ACT SPONSOR STEPHEN/ANCHOR: The lawmaker who helped advocate for the Amateur Radio Parity Act is about to take the reins of a top committee on Capitol Hill. We hear more from Amateur Radio Newsline's Geri Goodrich KF5KRN. GERI's REPORT: Representative Greg Walden W7EQI has been elected as the chairman of the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee. Walden represents Oregon's second congressional district in the House of Representatives. He won the chairmanship on Dec. 1st during a closed-door meeting of the House GOP Steering Committee. He fills the vacancy as Representative Fred Upton, a Michigan Republican, steps down from the leadership position due to term limits. Representative Walden holds a General Class license. The nine-term Oregon congressman was a sponsor of H.R. 1301, the Amateur Radio Parity Act, as chairman of the committee's Subcommittee on Communications and Technology. The measure directs the FCC to amend Part 97 of its rules to enable amateurs in communities with land-use restrictions to put up antennas for ham radio communications. That bill passed in an amended form in the House this fall, and now awaits a vote in the Senate. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Geri Goodrich KF5KRN. *** HOLIDAY SPIRIT IS IN -- AND ON -- THE AIR STEPHEN/ANCHOR: Because the holiday season itself is a special event, it inspires hams to get extra creative with events of their own. Here are two stations you'll want to be listening for. We hear first from Amateur Radio Newsline's Graham Kemp VK4BB. GRAHAM'S REPORT: The annual OF9X Special Event Station - an amateur radio world tour that has featured Santa for more than three decades -has begun making its rounds from the Arctic Circle. Station operations will continue through the 31st of December - this time featuring Santa and his dozen elves, who not only assist Santa but double as multipliers for contacts. All 12 will operate as Old-Father-9-Christmas, OF9X, and will identify themselves further as elves with an additional three-letter designation, such as ART for "Arto" or NIK for "Niko." So if you've contacted an elf, you'll hear OF9X/ART or something similar. There are a number of prizes available for different point scores but no doubt the biggest prize of all for childen of the participating amateurs will be the opportunity they have to win a QSO during Christmas week with the person the website is calling "the true and live Santa." Be listening on the bands - and BELIEVE! For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Graham Kemp VK4BB (OHIO PENN DX BULLETIN, RADIO ARCALA) ** A CHRISTMAS GIFT FROM BETHLEHEM STEPHEN/ANCHOR: Jim Damron, N8TMW, tells us next about some amateurs in Georgia who are bringing the Bethlehem experience a little closer tohome. JIM'S REPORT: How about a Christmas QSO with Bethlehem.........Georgia? The Barrow Amateur Radio Club in Winder, Georgia, is heading back to nearby Bethlehem, where from 2010 to 2014, the club activated the Bethlehem City Park pavilion each Christmas. After a brief hiatus, the special event station is back! Be listening for WR4BC on the afternoon of December 10th and 11th, starting on 20 meters and then moving later in the day to 40 meters.The club will also operate a second station on 10 meters. All operation will be SSB and there'll be a special QSL card for all successful contacts. This time, however, instead of operating in the pavilion, the club will be in Bethlehem itself, going mobile and portable from a hilltop parking lot in town. Sorry, there won't be any overnight operation. QSOs stop at about 5 p.m.. It may not be too cold for Santa but these hams need to be roasting by an open fire. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jim Damron N8TMW. (BILL WILSON KJ4EX, BARROW AMATEUR RADIO CLUB) ** BREAK HE Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world, including the SPARC club repeater for the Sportsman's Paradise Amateur Radio Club, K4WAK, in Wakulla County, Florida in time for the Friday afternoon commute. ** AMATEURS TEAM UP TO ENCOURAGE DISABLED HAMS IN SWITZERLAND STEPHEN/ANCHOR: Hams in some parts of the world set aside December 3 to showcase what radio can do for the disabled. Here's Amateur Radio Newsline's Ed Durrant DD5LP. ED'S REPORT: When members of the Union of Swiss Shortwave Amateurs, the USKA, operated a special event station recently at the Swiss Paraplegic Centre, an emergency and rehabilitation facility in Nottwil, they were grateful for the possibilities. Operators weren't just looking to score some good contacts while working with the patients there; they were eager to show those patients, most of whom have spinal cord injuries, the possibilities radio holds for quadriplegics and paraplegics. On Saturday the 3rd of December, the Swiss radio amateurs were among a handful of radio groups, including those in Egypt and the UK, who were marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Using the special call sign HB9IPHA, the Swiss amateurs worked on 20 meters at 100 watts with a FlexRadio3000 but were also on VHF and UHF with a Yaesu FT-857D. Thomas Huber HB9FXU, the Switzerland coordinator for the IARU's Information Programme for Handicapped Radio Amateurs, said in an email that the feedback from patients, visitors and hospital employees was extremely positive. He told Amateur Radio Newsline that the response was especially encouraging as some participants got on the air for the first time. Thomas said the opportunity for outreach was also gratifying - and next year the hams plan to do more outreach to disabled men and women throughout Switzerland and get them involved and on the air -- and not just on one day every year. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Ed Durrant DD5LP. (THOMAS HUBER HB9FXU) ** MILLING AROUND ON THE AIR STEPHEN/ANCHOR: The annual Mills on the Air event in Europe is welcoming yet another Australian participant. Here's Amateur Radio Newsline's John Williams VK4JJW. JOHN'S REPORT: We reported several weeks ago that a historic Australian mill has got into the game for the upcoming Mills on the Air event in May. Anderson's Mill has the distinction of being the first mill down under to be part of what was once an exclusively European event. The mill in Smeaton, Victoria has company now: Members of the Lower Murray Amateur Radio Club VK5ALM will participate as well from Dunns Mill in South Australia. The mill, the oldest building in Mount Barker, once processed flour. The 19th century mill operated for 50 years under steam power, but on May 13th through 15th it will be active again thanks to ham radio power. The UK's Denby Dale Club is hoping the two Australian mills won't be the last to get on board, whether they once processed sugar, timber, wheat or wool. The UK club members are hoping to process something themselves: more registrations from participants in Australia. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm John Williams, VK4JJW (MILLS ON THE AIR) ** FIRST AUSTRALIAN WINS RSGB IOTA ARCTIC ISLANDS AWARD STEPHEN/ANCHOR: Some things are worth waiting for, even if it takes 30 years. Here's Amateur Radio Newsline's Graham Kemp VK4BB, with the story of a three-decade dream fulfilled. GRAHAM'S REPORT: North to Alaska and just a tad more than a little northeast of home always gave one Aussie ham an icy stare. Now, a special award marks a first for Australia - and it's a proud moment for Frank VK7BC. The Tasmanian radio operator has just received his Radio Society of Great Britain Islands on the Air Arctic Islands award. The achievement means Frank had to work a total of 75 IOTA island groups north of the Arctic circle. No, you can't do it in a weekend - Frank gave this three decades of his best effort. The investment paid off: as of the 11th of November, his call sign was added to the list of others who've achieved the feat. While Frank's is the first station in Australia to claim this honor, this isn't quite a first for Frank himself. He's already on the roster of award-winners for getting his IOTA Antarctica certificate back in1998. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Graham Kemp, VK4BB. (WIRELESS INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA) ** NEW ENTRY INTO CANADIAN AMATEUR RADIO HALL OF FAME STEPHEN/ANCHOR: Make room for one more ham in Canada's Hall of Fame. We get those details from Amateur Radio Newsline's Jeremy Boot G4NJH. JEREMY'S REPORT: The Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame has a new member: Phil Anderson, VE3FAS, of Amaranth in south-central Ontario. Phil, who has been licensed since 1961, has provided service as an amateur that includes 50 years of award-winninig work with the National Traffic System and various roles with the ARRL in the United States' Eastern Area. He has also been manager of the Eastern Canadian Net and Transcontinental Corps. Phil had a career in engineering in defense research and space design before teaching at Humber College, a polytechnical school in Ontario. Although his appointment has been made for 2016, Phil will be formally inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2017 and will be profiled in the Canadian Amateur magazine, published by Radio Amateurs of Canada. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jeremy Boot G4NJH (SOUTHGATE AMATEUR RADIO NEWS) ** WORLD OF DX In the world of DX, there's a Buddipole DXpedition happening on Saint Lucia Island that will continue until the 12th of December. The operators are on 160 through 6 meters using CW, SSB and the digital modes. They are transmitting QRP or 100 watts into Buddipole antennas. Send QSL cards via their home call signs or via Logbook of the World. Operators include Budd/W3FF, Jeff/KO7M and Mike/KI8R, among others. In the U.S. Virgin Islands listen for another team, known as the "Buddies of the Caribbean." The operators on Saint Croix Island include Tom/K4ZGB, Bryan/N8WD and Rick/AA4W, who are active through the 14th of December as WP2/K4ZGB, KP2/N8WD and KP2/AA4W, respectively. Be listening on 160 through 6 meters where they are operating using CW, SSB and the digital modes. They will also attempt to make satellite contacts through SO-50 and AO-85. Send QSL cards via LOTW, eQSL or direct to their home callsigns. Lastly, the Radio Society of Sri Lanka 4S7RS is on DXpedition from the 10th to the 13th of December from Hiyare Forest Reserve, Galle, Sri Lanka. Listen on all HF bands 160M through 10M for CW, Digital and SSB. ** KICKER: TRY DRINKING IN THESE RADIO FREQUENCIES! STEPHEN: Our final story is about something other than radio that is making waves -- big waves. We hear again from Amateur Radio Newsline's John Williams, VK4JJW. JOHN: Weird and Wonderful! A new health food fad here on the shelves in Australia is water infused with the frequency of the moon! What a marketing spiel to attract consumers! Seems that spring water from an aquifer in remote VK4 is put through a two-stage kinetic energy process and infused at 210.42 Hertz, the frequency of The Moon! The result is that individual molecules in the water are enlivened to produce a remarkable soft and ultra-hydrating taste, feel and effect. The product claims to be an outstanding value and offers the most dynamic beverage in the universe. However, health and dietician experts disagree, describing the marketing hype as "fanciful in the extreme," but would attract high marks as a first-year marketing assignment. But wait - there's more!!! Love in a bottle! After sourcing this precious water from the protected aquifer in remote northern Queensland, it is put through a two-stage kinetic energy process and infused at a new frequency: 528 Hertz, the frequency of love! Truly a weird and wonderful story worth bottling. I'm John VK4JJW. (WIRELESS INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA) ** NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Alan Labs; the ARRL; the Barrow Amateur Radio Club; Bill Wilson KJ4EX; CQ Magazine; CNN; Hap Holly and the Rain Report; Irish Radio Transmitter Society; Mills on the Air; Ohio-Penn DX Bulletin; the Radio Society of Sri Lanka; Southgate Amateur Radio News; The 220 MHz Guys Amateur Radio Club; Ted Randall's QSO Radio Show; Wireless Institute of Australia; WTWW Shortwave; and you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. Please send emails to our address at . More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's only official website at www.arnewsline.org. For now, with Caryn Eve Murray, KD2GUT, at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Stephen Kinford N8WB in Wadsworth, Ohio saying 73 and as always we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. |
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