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This Week's News IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 5th March 2017 __________________________________________________ ________________ Echo Ireland The March edition of Echo Ireland includes the Annual Accounts of the society for the year to 31st December 2016 and the Committee Report for the year. These accounts and report will, of course, be presented to members at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. DMR, digital radio, is a hot topic these days, and there are two articles in the journal on this subject, both written by Steve EI5DD. In one article, Steve explains the technology behind the DMR system, as well as operating procedures and terminology. Separately, Steve provides an update on the development of the Galway City triple-mode digital gateway project. There is plenty of content in the latest Echo Ireland for the more traditional amateur radio modes: for example, on the construction side, Tony EI5EM describes how he built a touch-paddle using surface mount components and how he modified simple can openers costing one euro each for use as the paddles. There are no surface mount components in the transmitter built by Leo EI8BR in the 1960s: Leo's "A Spark from the Dark" article recounts how he recently resurrected a home-brew transmitter which had sat unused in his attic for over 50 years. Regular articles in the journal include "HF Happenings" by Anthony EI2KC and the latest Amateur TV adventures by Pat EI2HX, along with updates from the clubs around the country and a progress report on the Wild Atlantic Way amateur radio project. The March Echo Ireland, the members' journal, will be mailed to members during the week. __________________________________________________ ________________ Contest Logs A brief reminder to those who participated in the recent 80 metres evening counties contest: if you have not yet submitted a log, Tuesday next 7th March is the deadline for logs for this contest. __________________________________________________ ________________ Annual General Meeting 2017, diary date A date for your diary: the 85th Annual General Meeting of the Irish Radio Transmitters Society will be hosted by the Dundalk Amateur Radio Society over the weekend of 8/9 April 2017, in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Green Park, Dundalk. AGM Dinner tickets are now available to order from www.irts.ie/agm . The website has also been updated will full details about the 2017 IRTS AGM. There are a limited number of IRTS AGM Dinner tickets available in the sunny South East from John Ronan, EI7IG. John's contact details can be found on the IRTS Society Officers page www.irts.ie/cgi/officers.cgi or QTH __________________________________________________ ________________ Kerry Amateur Radio Group Kerry Amateur Radio Group held their AGM on Saturday 25th Feb at their Killarney venue. The following officers were elected; Declan EI9FVB - Chairman, Billy EI7CQB - Treasurer and John EI9ESB - Secretary/PRO. Thanks to all members and visitors that attended. The events of 2016 were reviewed and plans firmed up for 2017 events. In April, KARG will be active for International Marconi Day 2017 again as EI6YXQ from the Marconi site at Ballybunion. Multiple stations with be QRV covering SSB, CW and Data Modes. Visitors are welcome as usual. KARG will also be QRV from the Maurice Collins Vintage Day on Easter Sunday as EI1K. Visitors are welcome to drop by the live KARG station. The next KARG monthly meeting will be held on Sat 25th March at the Castleisland Venue at 11am, per usual. For more information see www.kerryamateurradiogroup .com or our Facebook page. __________________________________________________ ________________ South Eastern Amateur Radio Group The 2017 AGM of SEARG took place on Monday 27th February 2017 in the Roanmore Centre, Cleaboy Rd, Waterford. Club Chairman Eoghan EI5HBB welcomed all present and thanked the large crowd for attending. Other SEARG officers gave their respective reports, noting that 2016 was a highly successful year and that membership is at an all time high. The clubs successes for 2016 were also highlighted. Seven club SWls were successful in passing the radio theory examination and now have their licence and callsign. The following committee was elected for 2017. Chairperson: Eoghan Kinane EI5HBB Vice Chairperson: John Tubbritt EI3HQB Secretary: David Gainda EI6GVB Treasurer: Mark Wall EI7IS Public Relations Officer: Sean Byrne EI2HZB Club Officer 1: John Ronan EI7IG Club Officer 2: Wayne Lewis EI7HKB Club Officer 3: Kieran Howley EI9DHB. Anyone wishing to find out more about SEARG can come along to any of our meetings. Please check our website www.searg.ie and you can also follow join us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. __________________________________________________ ________________ South Dublin Radio Club As part of Engineers week, there will be a talk on an Introduction to Amateur Radio for total beginners and also a quick guide to using the moon to bounce radio signals as part of an EME or Earth Moon Earth radio contact. This event is free and all are welcome. simply drop down on Tuesday 7th March at 8:30pm More than 500 similar events can be found on the Engineers week website: www.engineersweek.ie/ The equipment installed by club members at the National Space Centre was used to assist in two school contacts between a French Astronaut and a French school recently. The equipment installed 3 years ago receives live video via the Amateur Television equipment on board the International Space Station. It was previously used during school contacts with the UK Astronaut Tim Peake. Classes at the club are ongoing and visitors are welcome to drop by any Tuesday evening for a chat. www.southdublinradioclub.ie __________________________________________________ ________________ WRTC2018 WRTC2018 - often called the Olympic Games of contesters - will be hosted in Germany for the first time. This great event, run by the two leading German contest clubs; the Bavarian Contest Club (BCC) and the Rheine-Ruhr-DX-Association (RRDXA). More details available on www.wrtc2018.de __________________________________________________ ________________ Limerick Radio Club Rally The Limerick Radio Club Rally will take place on next Sunday 12th March 2017 in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Ennis Road, Limerick. Doors open at 11am. Tables are free, please contact Michael EI2IX on michaelkingston /at/ eircom.net. A list of equipment for sale may also be submitted to Michael EI2IX. The very comprehensive lists can be found on the LRC web site www.limerickradioclub.ie on the Home Page under Club Rally or directly on www.limerick radioclub.ie/site/club.rally.htm To date, there are 6 lists of items for sale on the site, which includes more than 20 items of test equipment, along with ICOM and Yaesu Rigs, antennas, PSUs and various other items. The regular Limerick Radio Club meeting takes place on Thursday 9th March. __________________________________________________ ________________ Shannon Basin Radio Club The club intends holding theory classes in the near future. Anyone wishing to take part in these classes can contact Pat EI9HX 087 676 7707 or Brian EI8IU 086 105 7325 or see www.shannonbasinra __________________________________________________ ________________ DX News Several U.K. operators will be QRV from the Bahamas using the callsign C6APY until 11th March. Look for them on 40m to 15m CW and SSB. QSL manager is M0OXO. Colin G4CWH will be on Grand Cayman Island from 9th - 13th March. He will sign ZF2CA on all bands 160m to 10m CW and SSB. QSL to his home call. The F6KOP expedition team will be in the Ivory Coast signing TU7C from 9th to 19th March. They will be active on all HF bands CW, SSB and Digital. QSL via F1ULQ or the Web page OQRS. A multi-national team will travel to Niger and activate 5U5R from 9th to 20th March. They will be on all bands 160 to 10m on SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL to EA5RM. And finally a reminder that the EI DX Group will be signing 9N7EI from Nepal from 8th to 20th March. They are hoping to get lots of Irish callsigns in their log so make sure to give them a call!!!! __________________________________________________ ________________ Items for inclusion in next week's Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to "newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie" for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday's bulletin. [C] News Archives |
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