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Old April 3rd 20, 09:02 AM posted to,,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: May 2010
Posts: 197

Weekly news from the WIA:
MP3 edition of news available at: Text edition:



Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!

Email click news in member area & submit your audio

Please... If you are only submitting text and not audio, NEVER send
just links & url's but write your story as you would expect to hear
it being read back.

Click the links below to download the most recent edition of
National News, BUT this is ONLY the backup site! (28 megs) (This is the link
to the original text version and original audio on wia site)









In India Rajesh VU2EXP a regional co-ordinator of AMSAT-INDIA
says any one there having a question on Ham Radio can WhatsApp
to get the answer.

Ask any Questions regarding Ham radio, It's Applications,
Operating Procedure, Getting a Licence, Amateur Satellites,
ARISS Events, Satellite Communication, Emergency Communication
and more.

M: 9898283916 during 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM & 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM (IST)

Radio Amateurs of Canada is introducing two new online Amateur Radio
courses so that individuals can upgrade their qualifications while
continuing to practise social/physical distancing.

RAC Online Basic Amateur Radio Qualification Course:
An introduction into the wonderful world of Amateur Radio and
prepares students for their Basic Qualification Examination.

RAC Maple Leaf Operator Online Advanced Qualification Course:
An excellent opportunity to upgrade qualifications to run higher
power and to operate your own repeater sites. The course is being
offered at no charge to RAC Maple Leaf Operator Members â€" both
current and future â€" who already have their Basic Amateur Radio

USA conducts first all-online ham radio exam
The first remote all-online amateur radio Technician license exam
was carried out in the United States on March 26, 2020

Since 2010 there have been other exams sessions carried out remotely
but they have had an in-person proctor present at the exam session.
This was the first remote online Technician exam session carried out
with everybody online.


Mr John Marshall, the returning officer of the Wireless Institute of
Australia, has declared that in accordance with The WIA Constitution,
Clause 14.1c and the Regulations (as amended November 2017)
nominations were called for three positions which will be vacated in

Vacancies on the Board are created by the resignation of
Director Harry VK6YBZ and the retirement of Directors Aidan VK4APM
and John VK4JJW on 9 May 2020.

The retiring members were eligible to re-nominate.

Continuing Directors who were declared in 2019 at the Annual General
Meeting and will retire in 2021 a-

Greg Kelly VK2GPK
Peter Clee VK8ZZ
Mike Alsop VK8MA

The vacancies were advertised and nominations sought in the
November / December edition of Amateur Radio magazine.

The returning officer has further declared that three (3) nominations
were received to fill the vacancies as advertised. An election is
therefore unnecessary.

Accordingly the returning officer has declared that the following
members have been elected unopposed to the position of Board Member
of the Wireless Institute of Australia.

Phillip John Shields VK2CPR
Lee Moyle VK3GK
Oscar Eduardo Reyes Salazar VK3ZZK

These three members have been elected for a period of two (2) years
from the 9th May 2020 until the Annual General Meeting in 2022.

This has been WIA Secretary Peter VK8ZZ for and on behalf of the WIA
Returning Officer



Its Aidan, vk4apm.

I would like to provide you all with some feedback regarding the
recent poll relating to callsign structure.

This poll was exciting for several reasons. Firstly, it has
allowed the amateur community have their say on a much needed
mechanism for permitting foundation licence holders to use all
digital modes.

Most importantly, however, it has allowed the amateur community to
have their say. It has proven a model for engaging with the
broader amateur community in Australia - something that has not been
done in this way before.

It is my sincere hope that this will light the way for greater
participation in the next poll, details of which will be made
available shortly.

I would like to personally thank all who participated, and to those
who did not, please help make our collective voice heard by
participating in future polls.

One of the interesting activities following the poll was to review
the comments that operators had made in the poll, and the emails
that had been sent to national office. It is to these that I would
like to talk today.

We know that around 60% of respondents chose option 1.
There were many comments provided but there are three general Themes.

Number 1: Victimisation.
Many people highlighted that victimisation had caused
issues - not just with the F call but in previous
incarnations of the callsign model..

Number 2: Reduction of red tape
Many felt that reducing the need to change call signs would
reduce the 'red tape' and the cost of administering the

Number 3: Behaviour
Many respondents felt that it is a personâ€(tm)s behaviour that
defines them, not their call sign.

One operator summed this up by stating....

"As a mature operator and having felt the sting of the discrimination
of calling an "F" call, feel option one is a better alternative for
Amateur Radio. My radio skills and responsible attitude makes me a
safe candidate for a 3 letter call sign but I have been surprised by
some behaviours of higher licenced HAMS which could lose me as a
newcomer to the hobby. "

and another, quite bluntly said "Reduce ham radio red tape or watch
the hobby suffer"

Looking at the other side of the coin, there were three general
themes that existed for not taking this approach.

Number 1: A callsign is a badge of honour.
Many felt that it is their callsign, not the privileges
in terms of power, bands and modes they have studied for
and that Option 1 dilutes this and provides no incentive
to upgrade

Number 2: How do we police the bands without knowing the callsign
Some felt that the lack of a clear identifier meant that
they were unable to police the bands and confirm that
others were complying with the LCD

Number 3: Change the software
Quite a few respondents felt that simply forcing the
software manufacturer to "Change the software" would
solve the problem.

It is important to note that there were many balanced views on all
sides of the fence with one operator stating:
"my choice of [option 2] would indicate that they were still new at
amateur radio and be forgiven for any errors"

and another "Option 4 creates the incentive for F calls to advance
if they wish to use digital modes. Maybe an easier pathway to
advance should be considered."

Clearly an interesting topic!

My view, for what it is worth, it is 2020, the world has changed.
The technology has evolved and those who are foundation operators
today will need to upgrade to advance though a syllabus that will
no doubt include matters around digital signal processing and other
elements that existing advanced holders will not need to study to
retain their licence. (I note that these elements are already in the
Harmonised Amateur Radio Examination Certificate.)

I believe strongly that reducing the cost of administration, a call
sign for life, and reducing red tape is critical to the long term
survival of the service.

Finally, we are not the police. We are peers in this wonderful
exploratory world of Amateur Radio. It is up to each operator to
appreciate the limitations of their licence class and to operate
within those boundaries and for the rest of us to take comfort in
the fact that on balance, they will.

I would like to thank all those who participated in this successful
process - letâ€(tm)s see if we can get participation to 50% for the next

Thatâ€(tm)s all from me, Aidan, VK4 APM


You may have heard about, or seen some information that was published
this week about the ACMA having made a final decision about the
Amateur Radio Foundation Callsigns issue.


To set the record straight and avoid any more confusion, I'm going
to read, word for word, a statement issued last Tuesday from the
Manager, Spectrum Licensing Policy, Australian Communications and
Media Authority, and with his authorisation.

I quote:

"ACMA staff have been considering submissions on call sign policy
from both the WIA and R.A.S.A, chiefly to facilitate access to
digital modes by foundation licensees. This follows the ACMA making
the enabling regulatory changes to the amateur LCD in 2019. The
Australian Maritime College (AMC) administers aspects of amateur
radio on behalf of the ACMA, and the ACMA will seek the views of
the AMC before making a decision on call sign policy. The ACMA will
notify amateur radio stakeholders, and will update its website,
when it makes a final decision on this matter."


I'd just add here that breaking ACMA confidentiality by releasing
prematurely, unconfirmed privileged information is inappropriate,
and the WIA will not breach the ACMAâ€(tm)s trust and as such, wont
release ACMA information until ratified to do so.

I'm John VK4JJW


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,


Ham radio operators in West Bengal are helping police in tracking
down mass gatherings and sending vagabonds to the shelters during
the nationwide lockdown imposed in the wake of the coronavirus
outbreak, officials said on Thursday"

Police in various districts have received inputs from licenced
amateur radio operators in identifying spots and places where
social gatherings have been taking place, a senior officer said.

"This helps us taking swift action against those who are defying
the 21-day lockdown," the police officer said.

The Ham operators have licences to conduct such communications under
specific radio frequencies by the Union Ministry of Communications.

West Bengal Amateur Radio Club secretary Ambarish Nag Biswas VU2JFA
said around 280 Ham operators are working round the clock in tracking
down spots of social gatherings and also helping people, who are in
distress, during the lockdown.

"After discussion with police, we have opened a helpline number and
are using our network to track areas of social gatherings and
rescuing people in distress. There is a chain through which the
network is working," Biswas told PTI.

Elaborating about their activities through the network, Biswas said
there are around 10-12 Ham radio operators in each district, barring

The story originated from the Press Trust of India (PTI) and can be
read in full on Outlook India at



Dear Members, with everyone now in preparation for the 21-day
national lockdown and disrupting our normal lives in a way that some
of us have not seen before in our lifetimes, I would like to convey
a few remarks that impact on SARL services.

The office is closed during the national lockdown.
E-mails will be processed and answered.

No decision to postpone the RAE in May 2020 has been made. We will
keep you informed.

Ensure to pay your amateur licence on time. Do not forget the Club

On a positive note, this time is a good opportunity to keep growing
your skills, to become more active on the air, to start or complete
the project that you have in mind and to keep the interest in
supporting amateur radio's future. Be assured that while we are
unable to control this crisis ourselves, it is the reaction and
response to the situation that determines how every one of our lives
will develop. Make sure to follow the rules and guidelines as issued
by the authorities. Ensure that you focus on the wellbeing of
yourself and loved ones, including domestic priorities.

Keep informed, be safe and let us keep our frequencies active.

73, Nico van Rensburg, ZS6QL


Spain grants special authorization to radio hams

Spain's national amateur radio society URE has talked to their
regulator and obtained permission for unlicensed people to use
amateur stations during the Coronavirus lockdown

A Google translation of part of the URE announcement says:

After the publication of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14,
declaring the state of alarm for the management of the situation of
health crisis caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19), for this purpose,
and with the In order to accompany radio amateurs in the exceptional
situation caused by the spread of COVID-19, the URE, in its
commitment to collaborate and help to cope with the complicated
situation we are currently experiencing in Spain, presented to the
Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital
Infrastructures a request for special authorization.

Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures
has issued a resolution granting temporary authorization for the use,
under certain conditions, of radio amateur stations by people who do
not have the required administrative authorization under the
supervision of authorized radio amateurs. , while the validity of
the state of alarm and its corresponding mandatory measures of

That the use of the aforementioned radio amateur stations will be
carried out under the responsibility and direct and face-to-face
supervision of the radio amateur and under the conditions
established in the Regulations for the use of the radioelectric
public domain by radio amateurs.

Read the full URE announcement at

RSGB responds to Covid-19

Dave Wilson, M0OBW, RSGB President, and Ian Shepherd, G4EVK,
RSGB Board Chair have a message to radio amateurs.

"We hope that you all understand the very serious nature of the
current health crisis. As you are now aware, the situation has
dramatically worsened and we have all been ordered to stay at home
unless travelling for a specific and unavoidable reason.

"As radio amateurs we are in the fortunate position of being able
to talk to other amateurs and chat to those who are finding it
tough going. Ian and I are asking you, as radio amateurs, to
please do one thing for us: search out local amateurs and arrange
a sked, not necessarily on air: there are many alternatives we can
all use such as video calls, or even a simple phone call.

"Pay particular attention to those who you know or learn to be
alone or who are vulnerable for whatever reason. We are all in
this together! Keep safe."

BBC local radio has joined forces with loneliness charity WaveLength
and a number of manufacturers and retailers to offer free DAB radios
to vulnerable people over 70.

The initiative is part of the BBCâ€(tm)s Make a Difference campaign,
launched at the onset of the coronavirus outbreak, and aims to
ensure as many people as possible have access to radio in this
difficult time.

The radios have been donated by a range of companies including
Argos, Currys PC World, John Lewis & Partners, Pure and Roberts Radio,
with Duracell providing batteries.

Thousands of radios have been set aside for the scheme, and anyone
can nominate someone for one by completing an online application

Tony Hall, the director-general of the BBC, said, “Local radio is a
lifeline at this time and has never been more important as a source
of trusted local news and information, and also as a companion for
people who are isolating.

“Make A Difference is already having a huge impact right across the
UK with 28,000 calls in just 5 days. It is offering support and
practical solutions to people who have nowhere else to turn.

Message from the RAC President
Glenn MacDonell, VE3XRA

The Covid-19 pandemic has been a part of our daily lives for several
weeks now and will most likely continue to be for some time. The
pandemic is of particular concern for Radio Amateurs because ours is
a hobby that can be practised by people of all ages from elementary
schoolchildren to senior citizens. In fact, it is frequently one of
the activities that many take up as they near or begin retirement
and finally have the time and resources available to participate.
Consequently, we have a high proportion of seniors among our members
and indeed some of the Amateur Radio clubs affiliated with RAC are
senior citizen organizations.

Canadians are being directed to stay home in order to limit their
contact with other people and to “flatten” or “plank” the
coronavirus curve. As result, Amateur Radio club meetings and public
events have been cancelled and clubs are investigating ways to keep
in touch with their members â€" who are being encouraged to limit
direct personal contacts through social/physical distancing and
self-isolation â€" by using existing or new Amateur Radio nets
(see below) and/or internet-based communication tools such as Zoom,
GoToMeeting, WebEx and many others.

Isolation can have its own potential problems for people who live
alone. Amateur Radio is all about communicating and we have the
necessary hardware and expertise to enable individuals to stay in
touch with their families, friends and colleagues. The Canadian
Red Cross has prepared a “Psychological First Aid Pocket Guide”
(PDF file, 631 kB) which “provides emotional and practical support
to individuals, families and communities who are having difficulty
coping. It is about establishing a connection with people in a
compassionate non-judgmental manner to bring calm and comfort.”

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is assisting the effort
at every level. Some regions have already activated their Emergency
Operations Centres to help coordinate agencies working the frontline
and because of the current state of emergency declared by provinces,
territories and municipalities. This does not mean that Amateur Radio
Emergency Services are active or will be activated for this event.
We provide communications services to mitigate potential failures and
currently, despite the reports of concerns, there have been no
reported issues.

Amateur Radio nets regularly connect individuals on a scheduled
basis, but perhaps they can play additional roles during these
difficult times such as helping isolated seniors keep contact with
one another and allowing their colleagues and club members to help
out when needed. We do not have a complete list of all Amateur Radio
nets in Canada but the links in the text edition of WIA National News
will provide a good start.

The impact and duration of the unprecedented global pandemic we now
face has yet to be determined and it is difficult to plan in an
uncertain future. However, although the RAC Head Office in Ottawa
has been closed indefinitely, the majority of activities and
responsibilities of the RAC administration are now being performed
remotely. In addition, the RAC Board and Executive and all RAC
committees and volunteers continue to work on behalf of all
RAC members and for Amateur Radio in Canada and internationally.

The Amateur Radio Service consists of a diverse population, both in
age and abilities, and Amateurs and Amateur Radio organizations are
adapting to the current crisis and using their skills and knowledge
to help in any way they can. RAC is also rising to the challenge and
is now looking at ways to do things differently and to take
advantage of our technical skills and recent technological advances.
For example, we are now in the final stages of organizing both a
Basic and an Advanced online Amateur Radio course. More information
about this new initiative will be posted on the RAC website in the
coming days.

It is interesting that we are discussing this new need for
Amateur Radio to provide assistance as we approach World Amateur
Radio Day which is held every April 18. It was on that day in 1925
that the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) was formed in
Paris and Radio Amateurs worldwide now take to the airwaves each year
in celebration.

Appropriately, the theme of World Amateur Radio Day is
“Celebrating Amateur Radioâ€(tm)s contribution to Society”
and Amateur Radio will play its part as the current global crisis
unfolds. RAC is planning to celebrate World Amateur Radio Day
this year on the air by inviting Amateurs in Canada and around the
world to contact RAC official stations (VA2RAC, VA3RAC etc.).

The details are still being worked out and we will provide more
information about this event in the near future.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding during this
time of crisis. Please take care of yourself and your loved ones.


With so many hamfests and workshops being put on the back burner
because of the coronavirus, a major gathering scheduled for a
Pennsylvania college campus managed to happen anyway -- just a bit

Paul Braun WD9GCO tells us how planners pulled it off.

PAUL: The problem-solving nature of the amateur radio hobby brought
out the best in organizers of the recent HamSCI workshop, which was
facing cancellation or postponement as a result of COVID-19 concerns.

Instead of that happening, however, the conference went forward as
scheduled on March 20 and 21! Organizers led by Nathaniel Frissel
W2NAF moved the event to the web-based conference platform Zoom.

Presenters spoke from their home or alone on the college or
university campus, with Nathaniel as master of ceremonies,
introducing each to the virtual audience.

Those wishing to "attend" as active participants needed to register
using a webpage that went live a week before the event. HamSCI's
proceedings were also live-streamed on YouTube.

Magic happened, as only it can in radio amateur style:

Attendees were now participating not only from the US but also from
overseas. The presentations also had greater visual clarity for many.
Originally around 100 attendees were expected at the University of
Scranton in Pennsylvania but via the virtualization of the event
290 attended from 24 different countries during the two days.

The event covered a range of projects where Ham Radio and Citizen
Scientists are coming together with "real" scientists to provide
a range of data for analysis about propagation and space weather
that would not be possible relying solely on universities and
government organizations.

Nathaniel told Amateur Radio NewsLine by email that it had gone very
well and was in fact a pleasure to be able to hold the workshop even
in these difficult times. He also said next year's conference would
be a hybrid with both local attendees and remote attendees and even
presenters via Zoom. The experience this year has shown how much
interest there is from around the world.




Harry Angel Sprint Saturday May 2nd 2020. 10:00 - 11:46 UTC.


May 30-31 the CQ World Wide WPX Contest for amateurs worldwide to
contact as many amateurs and prefixes as possible during the contest
using CW.


The VK SHIRES the June long weekend, which is the weekend prior to the
second Monday of June each year.. making it June 6 - 7 in 2020


IARU HF World Championship July 13-14



Next contest - 17 JUL 2020 - and has the aim of encouraging
Low Band activity between VK and ZL on 160 80 and 40M using


RD or Remembrance Day Contest will be August 15 - 16



VOICE from 0800 UTC Saturday October 3 to 0800 UTC Sunday October 4

CW from 0800 UTC Saturday October 10 to 0800 UTC Sunday October 11






December 6 - 8 160 Meter WW


DECEMBER 14 - 15 10 Mtr World Wide



4 award periods, each of 3 months starting in January of each
calendar year and 2 categories in the contest,

Top 5 you try and work the 5 most wanted DXCC entity's
Most Wanted you work the most wanted DXCC entity.

The dx entity's in play are those most wanted DURING those
3 month windows.

Complete details can be found at


All major AUSTRALIAN contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.


Of interest to DX'ers here in VK this report from WIA Secretary Peter

Paul VK2HV has applied to the ARRL for approval as an ARRL DXCC card

Paul holds an existing DXCC 150 award and is a card checker for CQ.

Applications to the ARRL require the endorsement of the national body
for amateur radio in the home country.

The Wireless Institute of Australia are please to support Paul VK2HV
with this nomination.

Now that the endorsement of the WIA has been supplied to the ARRL it
is ready for final approval.

Once approved by the ARRL Australia will have four DXCC Card Checkers
namely new appointee VK2HV, and the existing three card checkers

Additional card checkers are always being sought especially in
VK4, VK6 and VK8.

The WIA Congratulations Paul VK2HV on this nomination.


Australia wins Commonwealth Contest 2020 team section again

For the fourth year in row Australia has won the team section of
the Radio Society of Great Britainâ€(tm)s Commonwealth Contest.

Australia One finished the contest with 35,683 points, with the top
Canadian, World Traveller and New Zealand teams finishing second,
third and fourth respectively. Australia Two finished fifth overall
in the team section, with 24,453 points

The CW-only Commonwealth Contest 2020 ran from 10.00 UTC on 14 March
until 10.00 UTC on 15 March.

The stations in Australia One were Kevin VK6LW, John VK4CT,
Barry VK2BJ, Steve VK6VZ and Alan VK4SN, while Australia Two
were Allan VK2GR, Brian VK3MI, Patrick VK2PN, Steve VK3JA
and Rob VK6HG.

In addition we were ably supported by four Wireless Institute of
Australia headquarters stations, consisting of VK3WIA, VK4WIA,
VK5WIA and VK6WIA. Many thanks to Lee VK3GK, the Sunshine Coast
Amateur Radio Club, Grant VK5GR and Peter VK6RZ, who helped us
by operating these HQ stations for as long as they could.

There were also some outstanding individual performances from
Australia. Brian VK3MI was world second in the Restricted Unassisted
section with 6,092 points, while Kevin VK6LW top scored for Australia
with 8,060 points and finished eighth in the Open Unassisted section.
Honourable mentions go to Barry VK2BJ and John VK4CT who tied for
sixth place in the Open Assisted category, while Steve VK6VZ and
Allan VK2GR respectively finished in tenth and eleventh places in
the Open Unassisted category.

Overall, the conditions during the contest were typical for bottom
of the solar cycle conditions, with 10m just about dead, 15m showing
barely a pulse, 20m only giving brief openings into the UK on both
short path and long path, while 80m provided both local and DX
contacts. Thank goodness for 40m being in such excellent shape and
providing up to half the points score for many competitors.

A big ‘thank youâ€(tm) goes to all the other Australian stations who took
part in Commonwealth Contest 2020.

The Radio Society of Great Britainâ€(tm)s Commonwealth Contest is one of
the oldest radio contests in existence, having been first run back
in 1931 when it was known as British Empire Radio Week and lasted
for six days!

I hope to see you in Commonwealth Contest 2020.

73 from Steve Ireland, VK6VZ, Australian One Coordinator


Use of ZM Call signs during COVID-19 Lockdown

NZART applied to Radio Spectrum Management for, and have been granted
approval, to treat the COVID-19 lockdown period as a “special event.”

This means that, for the duration of the lock down, New Zealand
Amateurs may use the ZM prefix instead of the ZL prefix on their

NZART hope that the use of the ZM prefix will:

help to relieve the boredom for amateurs stuck at home over the
lockdown period; and

increase the profile of New Zealand amateurs (and New Zealand in
general) overseas.


Special Call ZT 1 T

Tom Morgan is using the call ZT 1 T for the period of the 'lockdown'
in South Africa. This period also covered the recent SSB WPX Contest.

All contacts are uploaded to LOTW.

Tom asks that any qsl card requests are held until mail systems in
South Africa and the Rest of the World are back to normal.


Star Trek special event station

Look for special event station GB 5 ST to be on the air to celebrate
54 years of the hit TV show Star Trek, spin off shows, many
Star Trek movies and for the continuing new shows upcoming in the

The GB5ST station will be on the air starting September 1st, and
through the next 6 (YES SIX!) years.

QSL via the RSGB Bureau or direct to the address on


The annual Intrepid-DX Group Intrepid Spirit Award will go to the
Perseverance DX Groupâ€(tm)s VP8PJ South Orkney Island DXpedition team
for its “superb activation” from Signy Island.

“This DXpedition was extremely well planned and executed from this
very remote, cold, and harsh Island,” the Intrepid-DX Group said in
announcing the award.

“This award is to recognize the entire teamâ€(tm)s collective effort to
activate these challenging and much-needed entities on behalf of a
grateful global DX community. We acknowledge the teamâ€(tm)s pursuit of
operating excellence in making these difficult activations.”

The award normally is presented at the April International
DX Convention in California, which has been cancelled.

The award recognizes and honours individuals or teams that
“boldly activate rare entities where their own personal safety
is secondary to their pursuit of providing contacts to the
DX community,” the Intrepid-DX Group said.



WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS ATV (Every pixel tells a story) -

DATV satellite beacon changes

The DATV beacon on the QO-100 satellite has changed frequency and
symbol rate to allow more space on the transponder for other users.

The new transmission is on 10,491.5 MHz with a symbol rate of
1,500 kS, DVB-S2, FEC 4/5.

A new band plan is being developed and will be published on the
Wideband Spectrum Monitor


FISTS Club - East Asia
FISTS Club - Australasia
FISTS Club - UK & Europe
FISTS Club - Americas

Recommended FISTS calling frequencies (MHz):
1.808 3.528 7.028 10.118 14.058 18.085 21.058 24.908


School was back in session on Monday, March 23rd and if the students
were surprised to find their lessons entirely in some mysterious
code - and well, that was exactly the point.

The Long Island CW Club began offering free Morse Code instruction
online to youngsters kept at home by the current pandemic.

The half-hour CW lessons were being given by Robb Zarges K2MZ in
separate sessions for elementary-school students, middle schoolers
and teens in high school -- with all students getting their parents'
permission, of course.


AMSAT-VK Secretary -

One thing astronauts have to be good at:

living in confined spaces for long periods of time.

Find yourself in a similar scenario?

NASA astronaut Anne McClain recently posted a lengthy Twitter thread
with pro-tips for getting through your time at home.

It begins at:



Hallo everyone.

This is Clive VK6CSW reminding you that, coronavirus notwithstanding,
the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club of Australiaâ€(tm)s April bulletin
goes to air tomorrow, Monday April 6th.

This month as well as the latest Club News, we have for you the
story of Larry Tesler â€" a pioneer of personal computing and
associate of Appleâ€(tm)s Steve Jobs;

an item on Lise Meitner who was a nuclear physicist associated with
the discovery of the atomic bomb;

and a report of the undersea expedition to retrieve radio equipment
from the Titanic.

As mentioned last month, there have been some changes to our
broadcast schedule recently including new transmissions via
Digital Mobile Radio on the VK DMR network Talk Group 5, at
1100 hours VK3 time, 00 hours UTC, so I would recommend that you
have a look at the RAOTC website, and click on
Broadcasts for the latest information.

Everyone is most welcome to tune in tomorrow and to join in the call
backs afterwards. If none of the broadcast times suit you, you can
download the audio file from the RAOTC website at any time as from
today. If you do listen via the internet, would you please email
your comments to us.

Once again, check the RAOTC website for your local transmission
schedule, tune in tomorrow or download the file for the April
bulletin, and we look forward to hearing your call sign in the
call backs afterwards.

Stay safe and 73 from Clive VK6CSW.

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

IARU Region 1 3760 7110 14300 18160 21360 kHz

IARU Region 2 3750 3985 7060 7240 7275 14300 18160 21360 kHz

QO-100 International Emergency Frequency
Downlink: 10489.860 MHz
Uplink: 2400.360 MHz
SSB channel: max. 2.7kHz bandwidth

ITU Guidelines For Emergency Communication Plans

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has launched new
guidelines for the development and implementation of National
Emergency Telecommunication Plans.

The ITU is taking the step as to “help countries better manage
disaster response activities at a time when the frequency, intensity
and human and economic impact of disasters is on the rise worldwide”.

“The exceptional COVID-19 crisis we are going through right now
shows how vital information and communication technology networks
and services are, both to respond to the current pandemic and to
address disaster management,” said ITU Secretary-General,
Houlin Zhao.

“Now more than ever, the implementation of comprehensive national
emergency telecommunication plans can ensure there is effective and
timely sharing of information across all levels of government,
within affected communities and among humanitarian agencies to
prioritise response efforts and to save lives.”

A national emergency telecommunication plan sets out a strategy to
enable and ensure communication availability during the phases of:

disaster mitigation
response and

This by promoting coordination and engagement across all levels of
government, humanitarian agencies, service providers and communities
at risk.

“When disaster strikes there is no time to think about what to do
and how to organise response. It is crucial that all stakeholders
are prepared beforehand and ready to take action,” said Doreen
Bogdan-Martin, Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development

“Mock exercises including tabletop, talk-through and walk-through
exercises to full-scale drills help to ensure smooth emergency
response among those involved in disaster management and

ITU has already assisted several countries in developing their
national emergency telecommunication plans with the setting up of
early warning and monitoring systems and the provision of emergency
telecommunications equipment.

From Criticalcomms

Hubnet daily net on the national emergency

Hubnet are running a daily welfare net regarding the national
emergency on the m0hoy-l echolink channel node number 973498

It starts at 0900 bst

Any ham is welcome to join in and talk about how they are coping
with the national emergency

Hubnet has many repeaters and simplex links connected around the

You can download the free echolink program from the echolink website

Echolink works on windows android and iOS

If you need any help with the program please email

(73 Ian g3zhi)


2020 Social Scene


Amateur Radio New South Wales Secretary Eric VK2VE on behalf of the
ARNSW Board has advised that the planned AGM for the 18th April 2020
has been postponed until such time that a meeting can be conducted
within. (vk2ztm)

Due to the COVID-19 situation, please check these events'
direct for up-to-date status information.

VK7 - VK7 biennial HamFest November (vk7tw)

VK - ALARAMEET 2021 Bendigo October 1 - 4 (vk5yl)




VKS-737 Radio Network 2020 Codan Envoy Raffle

The Australian National Four Wheel Drive Radio Network, otherwise
known as the VKS-737 Radio Network is in the middle of yet another
Codan Envoy Raffle, with tickets available until the draw on
Friday 12th June.

First prize is a Codan Envoy X1 HF 100 Watt Radio with your choice
of auto tuner, valued at nearly Five Thousand Dollars. Second and
third prizes are metal detectors from Minelab.

The radio comes pre-programmed with all the VKS-737 Radio Network
frequencies. For Licensed Amateur Radio Operators, the radio also
comes programmed to VFO throughout the Amateur HF Bands. All controls
are on the microphone.

If you want to know more about the Codan Envoy, go to Networkâ€(tm)s
website ( ), hover over the BULLETIN tab and click on
NEWS. Youâ€(tm)ll find our review of the Envoy in there.

Tickets are just Five Dollars each and proceeds will assist the
Networkâ€(tm)s vital function to travellers throughout Australia.
You donâ€(tm)t have to be a subscriber to the VKS-737 Radio Network to
win but the raffle is not open to anyone overseas.

Yes, I know that you are stuck at home until this World Wide
emergency ends but that gives you heaps of time to work out where
youâ€(tm)re going to mount your lovely new Envoy should you be the lucky

Go to our Website ( ) for details.

If you need to use the Australia Post Snail Mail service to order
your tickets, make sure to mail the form well before the end of May
and please, remember to include the postage cost. We donâ€(tm)t want to
have to give over a fifth of what we raise to Australia Post; weâ€(tm)d
rather use that for our peoplesâ€(tm) benefit.

Make sure you get cracking if you want a chance.

Robert VK3ARM for non-radio text version only

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links or posters,
but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio email
and ask for the current
password then read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 1.5 minutes in
length as we only have a half hour.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh'
and always if the news room is to read your item ---
write it in the 3rd person. (First if YOU are reading your own item)

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put
your supporters 'goods' in this text edition "no worries."

We cannot give blatant 'plugs' to raffles.


================================================== ===================
WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing in Australia and
the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are done so in the spirit in
which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

If you have call-backs to contribute to the National News call back
tally then please send through your call-backs to

How do I join this National News List?
(subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
Email to

from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.

How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed)
Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to
unsubscribe from. Send unsubscribe to the list
unsubscribe address

You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions
given in that mail to complete the unsubscription.

Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
receive another message confirming your unsubscription from the list,
and at that point you should stop receiving messages.


Vk1wia-news mailing list

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