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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2214 for Friday April 3 2020
Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2214 with a release date of Friday April 3 2020 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a QST. In the U.S., a Technician license test is taken - TOTALLY - online. Ham mentoring begins in India via social media --and Newsline's April Fool's correspondent is back! All this and more as Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2214 comes your way right now. ** BILLBOARD CART ** 'VIRTUAL TESTING' DAWNS FOR LICENSES AMID PANDEMIC JIM/ANCHOR: We begin this week with another story of triumph for amateur radio ingenuity: If taking your license exam seems like a remote possibility right now, you should know that - well - it is! With the approval of the FCC, the first Technician class license exam during the pandemic lockdown took place in the United States on March 26 --remotely. It was conducted online in a "virtual" test environment. Ralph Squillace KK6ITB gives us the details. RALPH: Joseph Talbot of Nevada is now known as KJ7NNU, all because he took and passed his Technician class license exam on the 26th of March. The test was given with the support of the W5YI Volunteer Examiner Coordinator in Arlington, Texas. It took place in a remote online environment where everyone was online - even the proctor who oversaw the test via videoconferencing software. Joseph, who had held a license before, learned one day later that he had qualified to become a Technician once again. WA6VPS reported on Twitter that the trial run was being considered a success and opened up the possibility of others taking tests during this period of lockdown from the global pandemic. He noted that remote testing has been permitted since 2014. In fact, the Anchorage Amateur Radio Club's Volunteer Examiners in Alaska have been conducting exams like this but until now a proctor still had to be physically present. Marcel Stieber AI6MS, a Volunteer Examiner who lives in California, posted on Twitter on March 28 that the KJ7NNU test-run gives other hams hope. He wrote [quote]: "Stay tuned. We hope to have a scalable solution available for broader use soon." [endquote] For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Ralph Squillace KK6ITB. (TWITTER) ** SOCIAL-MEDIA MENTORIING IN INDIA FOR HAM HOPEFULS JIM/ANCHOR: With lockdown providing a convenient environment for learning about ham radio, one ham in India has announced a mentoring program on social media. John Williams VK4JJW has those details. JOHN: It's not your typical way of calling QRZ but then the ham radio operator putting out the call is in search of prospective amateurs, youngsters who are curious about getting a licence. Recognising that the public-health lockdown in India has left young curious minds idle, Rajesh Vagadia VU2EXP, regional coordinator of the West Zone of AMSAT-India, has been making himself available as a mentor on social media. He has set up an appointment schedule with specific hours and invited questions over his WhatsApp account. He said in a public posting that he intends to provide this free service through to the 14th of April. He writes: [quote] "Stay home. Be Safe. Learn more." [endquote] For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm John Williams VK4JJW. ** ANSWERING THE QRZ OF A 'Z M' CONTACT IN NEW ZEALAND JIM/ANCHOR: Because extraordinary circumstances inspire extraordinary measures, New Zealand hams are now able to use an extraordinarily different call sign, as we hear from Jim Meachen ZL2BHF. JIM M: No, you're not hearing things: If you're operating from New Zealand, Zed L has just become Zed M - and for good reason. Radio Spectrum Management has approved a request by the New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters to treat COVID-19 lockdown as a special event which, of course, would warrant a special prefix. According to Infoline, the association's newsletter, the purpose of the change is to make New Zealand Amateurs a bit more prominent on the air and to make the world more aware of New Zealand in general. Yes, it's also a little extra touch to help everyone relieve the boredom that sometimes comes with having to stay in the same spot twenty-four/seven. The newsletter noted that the alternate prefix was suggested by Paul ZL4TT - or is that ZM4TT? So if you happen to be DXing and hear a New Zealand amateur calling QRZ with a ZM prefix, you're not hearing things. You've just copied one more New Zealand amateur who's brightening things up a bit by changing things up a bit. For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Jim Meachen ZM2BHF. (NZART) ** SEA-PAC CANCELLED IN OREGON JIM: SEA-PAC 2020, which was to have been held in Oregon in June, has been called off. The cancellation of the event, which is also the ARRL Northwestern Division Convention, is the result of concerns stemming from the global pandemic. Organizers said it is being done in the interest of the safety of conference attendees, presenters and vendors. Gary Takis K7GJT said in an email that the executive committee plans to refund convention fees and focus instead on next year's event. More details can be found at seapac dot org (seapac.org). The Pacific Northwest DX Convention has also been cancelled. It was originally scheduled for August 7th through the 9th in Portland, Oregon. (SEA-PAC, ARRL) ** LIGHTHOUSE WEEKEND ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS FOR LATE-SUMMER EVENT JIM/ANCHOR: The number of registrants continues to grow for the late-summer event known as the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend. Graham Kemp VK4BB has more on that story. GRAHAM: If lighthouses function as beacons, then why not think of them as beacons of hope? Organizers of the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend are reminding the amateur radio community that the event in August is going ahead irrespective of the COVID-19 pandemic. Individual participants should take note of local COVID rulings at the time - which will likely be different in the over 40 countries across the world which are taking part. The event is set for the 22nd and 23rd of August and so far 138 entries have been registered. Hams are being encouraged to find a lighthouse to activate and make their plans if they are comfortable doing so and if local government regulations and park closures do not preclude such activity. Visit the website illw dot net (illw.net) to find a registration form. For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Graham Kemp VK4BB. (ILLW) ** YLS CHOSEN FOR LEADERSHIP SPOTS IN BRAZIL JIM/ANCHOR: In one Brazilian state, a recent election has landed a number of YLs in prominent leadership roles. Jeremy Boot G4NJH has that report. JEREMY: The YLs are leading the way in one Brazilian state where the amateur radio society has chosen a board comprising mostly women. LABRE-MA, whose members are hams in the Brazilian state of Maranh�o, stated on its website that the presence of YLs among the board's leadership was unprecedented. The new board members were chosen during the election held on the 6th of March. They will occupy their posts for two years. Top leadership was chosen as follows: chief executive officer, Alcy PU8MAF; vice president, Ana PR8ANA and board chairwoman, Erinet PR8MEF. The state organisation is part of a national group known as (LABRE): the Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de R�dio Emiss�o - League of Brazilian Transmitting Radio Amateurs. For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Jeremy Boot G4NJH. (LABRE-MA WEBSITE) ** IN SEARCH OF YOUNG HAM OF THE YEAR FOR 2020 JIM/ANCHOR: We remind our listeners that Newsline is in search of a talented young amateur radio operator to honor in the spirit of our late cofounder, Bill Pasternak WA6ITF. Bill established the Young Ham of the Year Award in 1986. Nominations are being accepted for talented, community-conscious amateurs 18 or younger living in the US or Canada. Submission deadline is May 31. For details and this year's nomination form visit our website arnewsline.org ** BREAK HE Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world including the W5GAD repeater in Metarie Louisiana on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. localtime. ** END OF ORBIT FOR VENEZUELAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE JIM/ANCHOR: Venezuela's first and only telecommunications satellite has left its orbit. Jim Meachen ZL2BHF brings us up to date on what happened. JIM M: Three years before it was supposed to die, Venezuela�s sole telecommunications satellite has fallen out of orbit and out of service. Launched in 2008 from Beijing, the Simon Bolivar Satellite was the financially strapped nation's first satellite and was not supposed to expire until 2023. It was providing internet services in underserved rural areas and was also carrying state-run television programming. At the time of its launch, the government viewed the satellite as a major component in the nation's progress toward improved scientific and technological independence. Some experts theorized that the satellite's troubles developed as a result of a fuel shortage for the maneuvering jets. For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Jim Meachen ZL2BHF. (CNN) ** MARKING WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY, EVEN WITHOUT HF JIM/ANCHOR: Now more than ever it's important to celebrate amateur radio. Stephen Kinford N8WB shares two ways to do it even if you don't have access to HF. STEPHEN: Get ready for World Amateur Radio Day, which marks the 95th year since the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union. There will be plenty of action for hams who use EchoLink or IRLP as their main modes. This year is the fifth year an international group of hams will be operating in a 12-hour net taking place on the EchoLink/VOIP system starting at 1600 UTC on April 18th on the DoDropIn Conference Server, Node 355800. The special event coordinator John DeRycke (Duh-Rye-Key) W2JLD said there will be a special event QSL card along with a certificate marking the net's fifth year of operation. Nine control operators around the world will be helping makeso this happen. Elsewhere, be listening for the special event call W7W on the World conference server IRLP 9251. Tom Harrington AF7J told Newsline in an email that hams will be calling QRZ starting at 1600 UTC. Check-ins will also be possible on IRLP Node 9109 or Allstar 43609 and through repeaters linked to those nodes. Commemorative certificates can be emailed upon request. Paper QSLs can be requested through AA7WB along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope. For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Stephen Kinford N8WB. ** SILENT KEY: FORMER DXCC ADMINISTRATOR DON SEARCH W3AZD JIM/ANCHOR: A noted DXer and a former administrator of the ARRL's DXCC desk has become a Silent Key. Jack Parker W8ISH tells us about him. JACK: Don Search, W3AZD, the longtime administrator of the DXCC Desk for the ARRL, has become a Silent Key. Don, who lived in Davie, Florida, died on March 26th at a rehabilitation center where he was being cared for following a fall on December 17th of last year. An astronomy enthusiast, Don also belonged to various radio clubs over the years, including the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Association, the South Florida DX Association and the National Capitol DX Association outside Washington, D.C., where he was among the original members. Don was also a member of the Quarter Century Wireless Association. He was perhaps best-known for his work with the ARRL's DXCC desk, where he administered the award for 15 years. He was a retired electronic technician for Burrows Communications in Maryland. Writing an online tribute in a DX News forum, Rich Boyd KE3Q said Don was [quote]: "a friend to so many of us, a DXCC card checker, and longtime ARRL DXCC staffer, signer of our DXCC certificates for so many years. His name and signature grace the walls of, no doubt, thousands of hamshacks." For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Jack Parker W8ISH. (OHIO PENN DX) ** WORLD OF DX In the world of DX, listen for Harm PA0HPG, Michel PA0VCC, Ad PA2PCH, Nico PA3ADU and other operators who will be activating special event station PA75ASN until May 7th. The station commemorates the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the city of Assen. Be listening on 80/60/40/30/20/17 and 15 meters where they are using CW, SSB and FT8/FT4. Send QSLs to PA0VCC, direct or by the Bureau. NO eQSL. In the Czech Republic, members of the Czechoslovak DX Club OK2KDX are active as OL30DXC until the end of the year. They are celebrating the club's 30th anniversary. Be listening on various HF and VHF bands where they are using CW, SSB, FM and the Digital modes. QSL to OK2PXJ. Members of the Tango Alpha Ham Radio Club YM1KE in Turkey are using the special event callsign TC1STAYHOME to increase awareness for safety during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The special event will continue through the 5th of May. In a posting in the Ohio Penn DX Newsletter the operators said they hope the pandemic will have ended by the time the station goes QRT. For QSL information visit QRZ.com. (OHIO PENN DX) ** KICKER: APRIL FOOL'S - IT'S PIERRE PULLINMYLEG JIM/ANCHOR: In case you were wondering where the one Newsline reporter who works one day a year - on April Fool's Day - has been -- well, he's right here. Pierre Pullinmyleg is a little late for work this year but he's got a blockbuster of a story, as he always does, on which to end this week's newscast. Pierre? PIER So you missed me, n'est-ce-pas? You thought Pierre Pullinmyleg had missed his April Fool's Day report? Mais non!! Pierre, he is no fool! I have been busy, so very busy reporting an exclusive for Newsline listeners: It is zee next great amateur radio contest and unlike any other before. It is zee QRP-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P (well you get zee idea) contest. All this nonsense about zee amplifiers and zee big directional beams. HAH! Not needed here. Zis contest is so low power you can only have a QSO with yourself! And only if conditions, zay are perfect. mwah!! I personally will be operating with 1 nanowatt from a rig zee size of a walnut.....errr, I mean, if I can get zis rig back from zee squirrels. In ziss contest you must log and confirm all QSOs -- zay are always with yourself and always a 5 and 9, mes amis! Zere will be a special certificate zee size of a postage stamp - and you must download ONLY using a modem at 14.4 kilobit speed. Can you stand the excitement? Neither can Pierre Pullinmyleg! In fact I am so excited I could just QRP-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P! For Amateur Radio Newsline this is Pierre Pullinmyleg. ** NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Alhambra Source; Amateur News Weekly; the ARRL; CNN; David Behar K7DB; the IARU; International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend; LABRE-MA website; New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitter; Ohio Penn DX; QRZ.COM; Radio Society of Great Britain; SEA-PAC; shortwaveradio.de; Southgate Amateur Radio News; Randall's QSO Radio Show; Twitter; WTWW Shortwave;you our listeners, and of course Pierre Pullinmyleg... that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. Please send emails to our address at . More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's only official website at arnewsline.org. For now, with Caryn Eve Murray, KD2GUT, at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Jim Damron N8TMW in Charleston West Virginia saying 73 and as always we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2020. All rights reserved. |
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