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Happy Valentine's Day
View this email in your browser (https://mailchi.mp/d81944157692/sarl-news -sunday-14-february-2021-sarl-nuus-sondag-14-februarie-2021?ee7bd785b) SOUTH AFRICAN RADIO LEAGUE NEWS FOR SUNDAY 14 FEBRUARY 2021 Good morning and welcome to the weekly news bulletin of the South African Radio League read by ................ [your name, call sign and QTH] The South African Radio League broadcasts a news bulletin each Sunday in A frikaans and English at 08:15 and 08:30 Central African Time respectively on HF and various VHF and UHF repeaters around the country. The bulletin is relayed on Echolink by Johan, ZS6JPL. The audio bulletins can be dow nloaded from the League website at while the text bulletin can be downloa ded from https://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba9589bf 8d019e5d3&id8ff36ef1&ee7bd785b. To join the Mailchimp bull etin mailing list, send an e-mail to the SARL Secretary. In the news today: SARL AND AMSATSA VHF/UHF WORKSHOP ON 20 FEBRUARY - LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER A "PERFECT CORONAL MASS EJECTION" COULD BE A NIGHTMARE and THE ZS5ZLB BIRTHDAY ACTIVITY Stay tuned for more information on these and other interesting news items. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURIE On Friday 12 February, Laurie Devereaux, ZS5DL celebrated his 91st bir thday. Laurie, the President and all the members of the SARL wish you a happy birthday! If you have not yet registered for the SARL/AMSATSA VHF/UHF Workshop on Sa turday 20 February, this is your last chance. Registration closes at mid night on Thursday 18 February. Visit for the programme and registration f orm. The workshop will be presented on the Bluejeans platform and attendan ce is free for SARL and AMSAT SA members. For non-members there is a fee o f R50. Listen to this. You would like to take part in the activity on some of the UHF bands but do not have equipment? Anton Janovsky will show you how wit h a dongle and an amplifier. Find out about the next generation beacon pro gramme, how repeater networks are put together and how the AMSATSA Dual band Yagi was designed, and how it operates. HAVE YOU GOT A COPY OF THE 2021 DIARY OF EVENTS AND CONTEST MANUAL? It is clear that many SARL members have not yet downloaded the 2021 Diary of Events and Contest Manual with questions on-air "What contest is this?" and "What is the exchange I must give?" and during the week receiving e-mails about the SARL National Field Day. Please go to www.sarl.org.za/public/contests/ (https://sarl.us5.list-mana ge.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba9589bf8d019e5d3&idc76aad43&ee7bd 785b) and download a copy and you will see that the National Field Day will take place in March. A "PERFECT CORONAL MASS EJECTION" COULD BE A NIGHTMARE A new study in the research journal Space Weather considers what might hap pen if a worst-case coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth - a "perfect solar storm," if you will. In 2014, Bruce Tsurut ani of Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and Gurbax Lakhina of the Indian In stitute of Geomagnetism introduced the "perfect CME." It c ould create a magnetic storm with intensity up to the saturation limit, a value greater than the Carrington Event of 1859, the researchers said .. The interplanetary shock would arrive at Earth within about 12 hours, th e shock impingement onto the magnetosphere would create a sudden impulse o f around 234 nanoteslas (nT) and the magnetic pulse duration in the magnet osphere would be about 22 seconds. Orbiting satellites would be exposed to "extreme levels of flare and interplanetary CME (ICME) shock-acce lerated particle radiation," they said. The event would follow a n initial CME that would "clear the path in front of it, allowin g the storm cloud to hit Earth with maximum force." The CME- (tm)s 12-hour travel time would allow little margin for preparation. The CM E would hit Earth's magnetosphere at 45 times the local speed of s ound and the resulting geomagnetic storm could be as much as twice as stro ng as the Carrington Event. Power grids, GPS, and other services could experience significant outages. More recent research led by physicist Dan Welling of the University of Tex as at Arlington took a fresh look at Tsurutani and Lakhina's "perfect CME," and given improvements in space weather mode lling, he was able to reach new conclusions. Welling's team foun d that geomagnetic disturbances in response to a perfect CME could be 10 t imes stronger than Tsurutani and Lakhina had calculated, especially at l atitudes above 45 to 50°. [ARRL Letter] THE CLUB CHALLENGE How would you like to have free Club affiliation for 2021/22? Three Clubs stand a chance of having their SARL affiliation paid for in the new finan cial year - how? By providing articles for the March, April, M ay and June issues of Radio ZS. Articles and photographs by Club members. Send your Club's contribution to radiozs@ g.za) You are listening to a news bulletin of the South African Radio League. THE ZS5ZLB BIRTHDAY ACTIVITY From 14 to 28 February, the Zululand Amateur Radio Club, ZS5ZLB will r un a birthday station. Listen out on 80, 60 and 40 metres. Today, 14 F ebruary there will be a field station on 40 m from the Entumeni repeater s ite close to Eshowe. A SCIENTIFIC PAPER HAS LINKED JUPITER WITH SOLAR CYCLES The paper, published in Solar Physics, predicts that the Solar Cycle 2 5 maximum will take place in 2026 and reach an amplitude similar to that o f Solar Cycle 24. "This article deals with the prediction of the u pcoming solar activity cycle, Solar Cycle 25. We propose that astronomic al ephemeris, specifically taken from the catalogues of aphelia of the f our Jovian planets, could be drivers of variations in solar activity, represented by the series of sunspot numbers (SSN) from 1749 to 2020, " the abstract reads. "We conclude with a prediction of So lar Cycle 25 that can be compared to a dozen predictions by other authors: The maximum would occur in 2026,2 (± 1 year) and reach an amplitud e of 97,6 (± 7,8), similar to that of Solar Cycle 24." [ARRL Letter] THE FIRST SARL 40 M GRID SQUARE SPRINT The first SARL 40 m Club Grid Square sprint for 2021 takes place from 12:0 0 to 13:00 UTC (14:00 to 15: CAT) on Saturday 27 February, which is also International Milk Tart Day. It is CW and phone activity; the exchange is an RS or RST report, the name of your Club and your grid square. You ea rn two points per QSO, 2 points for each new grid, and 1 point for eac h new Club. Your log must be submitted by midnight on Thursday 4 March 202 1 to zs4bfn@ ) . PROPAGATION REPORT Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP, reports that the solar activity is expected to be at low levels. There are currently no sunspot regions visible and no s olar flaring is expected. If you want to do your own frequency predictions , the expected effective sunspot number for the week will be around one. The 15 to 30 m bands will provide some DX fun. Please visit the website s paceweather.sansa.org.za for further information. Finally, a diary of some upcoming events: Today - Valentine's Day, ZS5ZLB on 40 metres and the CQ WPX RTTY and the PACC contests 14 to 28 February - The ZS5ZLB Bir thday activity 15 February - The Provincial schools open 16 February - The PEARS and Border ARC meetings 18 February - Registration for the VHF/UHF Workshop closes 20 February - The SARL and AMSAT SA VHF/UHF virtual Workshop; the Highway and Magalies ARC meetings 20 and 21 February - The ARRL DX CW Contest 23 February - The Secunda ARC meeting 27 February - International Milk Tart Day, the SARL 40 m Grid Square spr int, the CTARC meeting, and the West Rand Flea Market 6 March - The SARL YL Sprint for International Women's Day 7 March - The SARL HAMNET 40 m Simulated Emergency Contest To conclude our bulletin, a recap of our main news story: If you have not yet registered for the SARL/AMSATSA VHF/UHF Workshop on Sa turday 20 February, this is your last chance. Registration closes at mid night on Thursday, 18 February. Visit for the programme and registratio n form. This concludes our bulletin for this morning. We invite clubs and individuals to submit news items of interest to radio amateurs and shortwave listeners, in both English and Afrikaans, if p ossible, by following the News Inbox link on the South African Radio Lea gue web page. News items to include in the bulletin should reach the news team no later than the Thursday preceding the bulletin date. You are welcome to join us every Sunday morning for the weekly radio progr am, Amateur Radio Today at 10:00 CAT. The program can be heard on VHF an d UHF repeaters countrywide and on 7 082 kHz lower side-band by courtesy o f Louis, ZS5LP. A rebroadcast by Andy, ZS6ADY, can be heard on Monda y evenings at 19:30 CAT on 3 620 kHz. We welcome your signal reports, comments and suggestions; please send th ese by e-mail to artoday@ ) . You have listened to a news bulletin compiled by Dennis Green, ZS4BS, edited by Herman Erasmus, ZS6CTA and read by .............. From the news team, best wishes for the week ahead. The audio bulletins can be downloaded from the League website at www.sarl. org.za (https://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba9589bf8 d019e5d3&id*4430d3b6&ee7bd785b) while the text bulletin can be downloaded from https://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u'b05 a8cba9589bf8d019e5d3&id{2e5b548f&ee7bd785b (https://sarl.us 5.list-manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba9589bf8d019e5d3&idacb6ca15 d&ee7bd785b) . To join the Mailchimp bulletin mailing list, s end an e-mail to the SARL Secretary at (mailto:secre ) . Die oudio bulletins kan afgelaai word vanaf die Liga webwerf by www.sarl.o rg.za (https://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba9589bf8d 019e5d3&id686140bf&ee7bd785b) , terwyl die teks bulletin s by https://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba9589bf8d01 9e5d3&idd8dc4cbf&ee7bd785b (https://sarl.us5.list-manage.c om/track/click?u'b05a8cba9589bf8d019e5d3&id01f25b5b&ee7bd 785b) afgelaai kan word. Om by die Mailchimp bulletin e-poslys aan te s luit, stuur 'n e-pos aan die SARL Sekretaris by (m ) . SUID-AFRIKAANSE RADIOLIGA NUUS VIR SONDAG 14 FEBRUARIE 2021 Goeie môre en welkom by die weeklikse nuus uitsending van die Suid-Af rikaanse Radioliga, gelees deur ________________________ (jou naam, ro epsein en QTH) Die Suid-Afrikaanse Radioliga saai elke Sondag nuus bulletins in Afrikaans sowel as Engels om 08:15 en 08:30 Sentraal Afrika Tyd onderskeidelik uit op HF sowel as op verskeie BHF- en UHF-herhalers. Hierdie uitsendings wor d ook via Echolink herlei deur Johan, ZS6JPL. Die oudio bulletins kan af gelaai word vanaf die Liga webwerf by www.sarl.org.za, terwyl die teks b ulletins by https://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba958 9bf8d019e5d3&idadf5dd12&ee7bd785b afgelaai kan word. Om by die Mailchimp bulletin e-poslys aan te sluit , stuur 'n e-pos aan die S ARL Sekretaris. In die nuus vandag: SARL EN AMSATSA BHF/UHF WERKSWINKEL OP 20 FEBRUARIE - LAASTE KANS VIR REGI STRASIE 'N "PERFEKTE KORONALE MASSA UITWERPING" KAN 'N NAGMERRIE WEES en DIE ZS5ZLB VERJAARDAG AKTIWITEIT Bly op hoogte vir meer inligting oor hierdie en ander interessante nuusite ms. GELUKKIGE VERJAARSDAG LAURIE Op Vrydag 12 Februarie het Laurie Devereaux, ZS5DL sy 91ste verjaardag g evier. Laurie, die President en al die lede van die SARL wens jou 'n gel ukkige verjaardag toe! SARL EN AMSATSA BHF/UHF WERKSWINKEL OP 20 FEBRUARIE - LAASTE KANS VIR REGI STRASIE As jy nog nie vir die SARL/AMSATSA BHF/UHF-werkswinkel op Saterdag 20 Febr uarie geregistreer het nie, is dit jou laaste kans. Registrasie sluit om middernag op Donderdag 18 Februarie. Besoek www.sarl.org.za vir die progr am en registrasievorm. Die werkswinkel word op die Bluejeans-platform aang ebied en bywoning is gratis vir SARL en AMSAT SA-lede. Vir nie-lede is daa r 'n fooi van R50. Luister hierna. Jy wil graag deelneem aan aktiwiteite op sommige BHF-bande , maar beskik nie oor toerusting nie? Anton Janovsky sal jou wys hoe met 'n dongle en 'n versterker [DEL: is ![]() e baken program, hoe herhaler netwerke saamgestel word en hoe die AMSATS A dubbel band Yagi ontwerp is en hoe dit funksioneer. HET JY 'N KOPIE VAN DIE 2021 DAGBOEK VAN GEBEURE EN KOMPETISIE HANDLEIDING ? Dit is duidelik dat baie SARL-lede nog nie die 2021 Dagboek van Gebeure en Kompetisie Handleiding afgelaai het nie met vrae op die lug soos "Watter kompetisie is dit?" en "Wat is die uitruiling wat ek moet gee?" en gedure nde die week e-posse ontvang oor die SARL Nasionale Velddag. Gaan na www.s arl.org.za/public/contests/contestrules.asp en laai 'n eksemplaar af, da n sien jy dat die Nasionale Velddag in Maart plaasvind. 'N "PERFEKTE KORONALE MASSA-UITWERPING" KAN 'N NAGMERRIE WEES 'n Nuwe studie in die navorsing joernaal 'Space Weather' bespreek wat kan gebeur as 'n slegte koronale massa-uitwerping (CME) die aarde sou tref - 'n 'perfekte son storm' as jy wil. In 2014 het Bruce Tsurutani van die Je t Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) en Gurbax Lakhina van die Indiese Institute of Geomagnetisme die 'perfekte CME' bekendgestel. Dit kan 'n magnetiese s torm skep met intensiteit tot die versadigings perk, 'n waarde groter as die Carrington-gebeurtenis van 1859, het die navorsers gesê. Die interplanetêre skok sou binne ongeveer 12 uur op die aarde aankom , die skok aanval op die magnetosfeer sou 'n skielike impuls van ongevee r 234 nanoteslas (nT) skep en die duur van die magnetiese pols in die magn etosfeer sou ongeveer 22 sekondes wees. Satelliete wat wentel, sal bloot gestel word aan 'ekstreme vlakke van fakkel en interplanetêre CME (IC ME) skok-versnelde deeltjie-bestraling', het hulle gesê. Die geleen theid sou volg op 'n aanvanklike CME wat "die pad daarvoor skoonmaak, so dat die stormwolk die Aarde met maksimum krag kon tref." Die CME se reisty d van 12 uur sal min voorbereidings ruimte bied. Die CME sou die aarde se magnetosfeer met 45 keer die plaaslike klank snelheid tref en die gevolgl ike geomagnetiese storm kon soveel as twee keer so sterk wees as die Carri ngton-gebeurtenis. Kragnetwerke, GPS en ander dienste kan aansienlike on derbrekings ondervind. Meer onlangse navorsing onder leiding van fisikus Dan Welling van die Univ ersiteit van Texas in Arlington het Tsurutani en Lakhina se "perfekte CME" opnuut bekyk en gegewe verbeterings in die modellering van ruimte-weer ko n hy tot nuwe gevolgtrekkings kom. Die span van Welling het bevind dat geo magnetiese steurings in reaksie op 'n perfekte CME 10 keer sterker kan wee s as wat Tsurutani en Lakhina bereken het, veral op breedtegrade tussen 45 en 50 °. Bly ingeskakel vir meer inligting oor hierdie en ander interessante nuus i tems. DIE KLUB-UITDAGING Sal jy graag gratis Klub affiliasie vir 2021/22 wou hê? Drie Klubs st aan die kans om hul SARL-affiliasie in die nuwe boekjaar te laat betaal - hoe? Deur artikels vir die Maart, April, Mei en Junie uitgawes van Ra dio ZS te verskaf. Artikels en foto's deur Klublede. Stuur jou Klub se byd rae na ) . Jy luister na ʼn nuus uitsending van die Suid-Afrikaanse Radioliga DIE ZS5ZLB VERJAARDAG AKTIWITEIT Van 14 tot 28 Februarie sal die Zululand Amateurradioklub Club, ZS5ZLB , 'n verjaardag stasie bedryf. Luister op 80, 60 en 40 meter. Vandag , 14 Februarie, is daar 'n veldstasie op 40 m vanaf die Entumeni herha ler perseel naby Eshowe. 'N WETENSKAPLIKE REFERAAT HET JUPITER MET SONSIKLUSSE VERBIND Die referaat, gepubliseer in Solar Physics, voorspel dat die Sonsiklus 25 maksimum in 2026 sal plaasvind en 'n amplitude sal bereik wat soortgel yk is aan die van Sonsiklus 24. "Hierdie artikel handel oor die voorspelli ng van die komende sonaktiwiteit-siklus, Sonsiklus 25. Ons stel voor dat astronomiese efemeris, spesifiek geneem uit die katalogusse van aphelia van die vier Joviese planete, drywers kan wees van variasies in sonakti witeit, wat deur die reeks sonvlekgetalle (SSN) vanaf 1749 tot 2020 voor gestel word," lui die opsomming. "Ons sluit af met 'n voorspelling van S onsiklus 25 wat vergelyk kan word met 'n dosyn voorspellings deur ander ou teurs: Die maksimum sal in 2026,2 (± 1 jaar) plaasvind en 'n amplit ude van 97,6 (± 7,8) bereik, soortgelyk aan di(c) van Sonsik lus 24." DIE EERSTE SARL 40 M RUITVIERKANT NAELLOOP Die eerste SARL 40 m Klub Ruitvierkant naelloop vir 2021 vind van 12:00 to t 13:00 UTC (14:00 tot 15: CAT) op Saterdag 27 Februarie plaas, wat ook Internasionale Melktert Dag is. Dit is GG en foon aktiwiteit, die uitru iling is 'n RS- of RST-verslag, die naam van jou klub en jou ruitvierkan t. Jy verdien twee punte per QSO, 2 punte vir elke nuwe ruitblok en 1 pu nt vir elke nuwe klub. Jou logboek moet teen middernag op Donderdag 4 Maar t 2021 ingedien word by ) . HF VOORTPLANTINGSVOORSPELLING Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP, berig dat die verwagte sonaktiwiteitsvlak laag gaan wees. Tans is daar nie sonvlekke sigbaar nie en word daar nie sonfak kels verwag nie. Diegene wat hulle eie frekwensievoorspellings wil doen, kan 'n verwagte effektiewe sonvlektelling van een vir die week gebruik. R adio amateurs kan bruikbare DX openinge op die 15 tot 30 m bande verwag. Besoek gerus die webtuiste spaceweather.sansa.org.za vir meer inligting. Nou die Dagboek van Gebeure vir die volgende paar weke: Vandag - Valentynsdag, ZS5ZLB op 40 metre en die CQ WPX RTD en d ie PACC- kompetisies 14 tot 28 Februarie - die ZS5ZLB Verjaarsdag aktiwiteit 15 Februarie - die provinsiale skole open 16 Februarie - die PEARS en Grens ARK vergaderings 18 Februarie - registrasie vir die BHF/UHF Werkswinkel sluit 20 Februarie - die SARL en AMSAT SA virtuele BHF/UHF werkswinkel; die High way en Magalies-ARK vergaderings 20 en 21 Februarie - die ARRL DX GG-kompetisie 23 Februarie - die Secunda ARK-vergadering 27 Februarie - Internasionale Melktert Dag, die SARL 40 m Ruitvierkant n aelloop, die Kaapstad ARK vergadering en die Wesrand snuffelmark 6 Maart - die SARL YD Naelloop vir Internasionale Vrouedag 7 Maart - die SARL HAMNET 40 m Gesimuleerde Nood kompetisie Om die bulletin mee af te sluit, -n opsomming van ons hoof berig : As jy nog nie vir die SARL/AMSATSA BHF/UHF-werkswinkel op Saterdag 20 Febr uarie geregistreer het nie, is dit jou laaste kans. Registrasie sluit om middernag op Donderdag 18 Februarie. Besoek www.sarl.org.za vir die progr am en registrasievorm. Dit bring ons aan die einde van hierdie bulletin. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Radioliga se nuus diens nooi klubs en individue uit om nuus brokkies van belang vir radio amateurs en kortgolf luisteraars in te dien. Plaas nuus berigte indien moontlik, in beide Engels en Afrikaans op die Suid-Afrikaanse Radioliga webtuiste onder die 'news inbox' skakel nie later as die Donderdag wat die bulletin datum vooraf gaan nie. Luister elke Sondag oggend om 10:00 Sentraal Afrika Tyd na "Amateur Radio Today." Daar is herleiding op 7 082 kHz laer syband deur Louis, ZS5LP e n verskeie herleidings op BHF en UHF frekwensies regoor Suid-Afrika. 'n He ruitsending aangebied deur Andy ZS6ADY vind op Maandae aande om 19:30 Sent raal Afrika Tyd op 3 620 kHz plaas. Ons ontvang graag jou sein rapporte, kommentaar en voorstelle, stuur ' n e-pos aan ) . Jy het geluister na 'n nuus uitsending van die Suid-Afrikaanse Radioliga , saamgestel deur Dennis Green, ZS4BS, geredigeer deur Deon Erwin, ZS1ZL en gelees deur .................................... Van die nuus span, die beste wense vir die week vorentoe. ** Twitter (https://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba958 9bf8d019e5d3&idfb6ee4a4&ee7bd785b) ** Facebook (https://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba95 89bf8d019e5d3&idg2d10fe96&ee7bd785b) ** Website (https://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba958 9bf8d019e5d3&id54bb5ccf&ee7bd785b) Copyright (c) 2021 SARL, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Our mailing address is: SARL PO Box 1721 Strubbensvallei, GP 1735 South Africa |
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