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17 April - SARL Virtual AGM / 18 April World Amateur Radio Day
View this email in your browser (https://mailchi.mp/154ab677017c/sarl-news -11-april-2021-sarl-nuus-11-april-2021?ee7bd785b) SOUTH AFRICAN RADIO LEAGUE NEWS FOR SUNDAY 11 APRIL 2021 Good morning and welcome to the weekly news bulletin of the South African Radio League read by ................ [your name, call sign and QTH] The South African Radio League broadcasts a news bulletin each Sunday in A frikaans and English at 08:15 and 08:30 Central African Time respectively on HF and various VHF and UHF repeaters around the country. The bulletin is relayed on Echolink by Johan, ZS6JPL. The audio bulletins can be dow nloaded from the League website at www.sarl.org.za while the text bulletin can be downloaded from https://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/tra...8&ee7b d785b. To join the Mailchimp bulletin mailing list, send an e-mail to the SARL Secretary. In the news today: ELECTRONIC VOTING FOR THE SARL ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OPENS TOMORROW THE SARL VIRTUAL AGM THIS SATURDAY and CELEBRATE WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY ON 18 APRIL Stay tuned for more information on these and other interesting news items. ELECTRONIC VOTING FOR THE SARL ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR EN DED 30 JUNE 2020 In terms of Rule 8.9, the SARL Annual Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 were uploaded to the SARL web site on Friday 12 March 2021 and a SARL Communication was sent to Members on the same date. Elect ronic Voting will open at 00:01 CAT on Monday 12 April 2021 and will close at 23:59 CAT on Wednesday 21 April 2021. Go to the public voting page htt ps://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba9589bf8d019e5d3&id 380d3219&ee7bd785b to cast your vote. You need to click on the box "I confirm that I have read and fully understand the Moti ons listed above," and then sign in with your call sign and pass word. The voting options are "Yes" or "No" or "Abstain." Follow the instructions on the voting page and submit your vote. You will receive an e-mail confirming that you have voted. THE SARL VIRTUAL AGM NEXT SATURDAY Have you registered for the 2021 SARL Annual General Meeting which will be held next Saturday, Saturday 17 April, using the BlueJeans platform? The AGM will start at 10:00 CAT. To participate in the AGM, you must re gister by following the link on the front page on the SARL web site. You w ill then receive the link to join the conference. The 2021 SARL AGM Bookle t is available for download, once again follow the link on the front pag e. To date 58 members have registered for the AGM. THE ZS4SRK BALLOON CONTEST The Sasolburg ARC has notified SARL News that the ZS4SRK Balloon Contest s cheduled for 17 April has been moved to May and more information will be g iven later. THE ZS4 SPRINT ON 18 APRIL This is a fun activity to promote contacts between radio amateurs in the F ree State and radio amateurs in Southern African countries. The Sprint is run in two sessions on 40 metres with SSB activity from 14:00 to 15:00 UT C and CW activity from 15:00 to 16:00 UTC. The exchange is RS(T) and provi ncial or country abbreviation. The QSY rules for Sprints apply. Submit you r log in ADIF, Cabrillo or MS Excel format by 23:59 CAT on Friday 23 Apr il 2021 by e-mail to ) . Turn to page 77 of the 2021 Blue Book for the rules. THE 2021 YOTA CONTEST ANNOUNCED Organised by the IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group in co-operation with th e Hungarian Amateur Radio Society MRASZ, the newly born YOTA Contest's a im is to increase youngster's activity on the air, strengthen the reputa tion of the YOTA programme and demonstrate support for youngsters across t he world. This year's YOTA Contest will be held in three session, the fi rst from 08:00 to 19:59 UTC on Saturday 22 May, the second from 10:00 to 21:59 UTC on Saturday 17 July and the third from 12:00 to 23:59 UTC on Sa turday 30 December on the five classic bands using CW and SSB. Everyone ca n work everyone. The complete rules can be found at https://sarl.us5.list- manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba9589bf8d019e5d3&id00db5058&ee7bd 785b. [Thank you IARU Region 1] You are listening to a news bulletin of the South African Radio League. CELEBRATE WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY2021 ON 18 APRIL Sunday 18 April is World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) and this year marks the 96th anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), which was founded at the 1925 International Radiotelegraph Conference in Paris. The IARU has chosen "Amateur Radio: Home but Never Alone" as the theme fo r World Amateur Radio Day 2021. The theme acknowledges that during our phy sical distancing to reduce the spread of COVID-19, amateur radio stands out as a welcome respite for its variety of activities and opportunities. The SARL WARD QSO Party will run from 06:00 to 18:00 UTC on Sunday 18 Apri l with activity on all amateur bands and modes. You score 1 point per QSO , but 1,5 points per CW QSO. A QSO with one of the SARL Councillors an d with a Club call sign is worth 3 points. You score 3 points for a QSO wi th Jan, ZT4T who will operate on 7 100 and 3 700 kHz and he will send ou t a special event QSL card through the SARL QSL Bureau and SA-QSL. If the operator worked is 25 years and younger, the QSO counts 5 points. The f urthest distance worked on 2 metres and 70 cm will receive 10 bonus points .. Working a DX WARD station is worth 2 points. Submit your log in MS Word or Excel to (mailto:secre ) by 23:59 CAT on Tuesday 20 April to obtain the 2021 WARD Certificate. If you achieve 96 points (the IARU is 96 years old) you will receive a special certificate. Your log must show your name and call sign as you want it on the certificate. AMSAT SA CALL FOR PAPERS AMSAT SA has announced the date for the 2021 Space Symposium. In view of t he continuing uncertainty about the Covid - 19 pandemic the conference wil l be a virtual event on the BlueJeans platform. The date is Saturday 10 Ju ly 2021 starting at 08:00 UTC. The theme of the symposium is "Unlocking Am ateur Space Technology." The symposium will focus on amateur satellites, weak signal communication, space weather and allied sciences. This is the first call for paper proposals. Prospective authors are invite d to submit proposals in the form of a brief description of the subject to be covered in their paper by no later than 15 May 2021. Submit proposals in word format to ) . Au thors will be advised on 20 May of the acceptance of their paper. The fina l paper will be required by 30 June 2021. PROPAGATION REPORT Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP, reports that the solar activity is expected to remain at low levels. There are currently no sunspots visible. No major f laring activity is expected. If you want to do your own frequency predicti ons, the expected effective sunspot number for the week will be around o ne. The 10 to 30 m bands may, especially late afternoon, provide some good DX fun. Please visit the website spaceweather.sansa.org.za for furth er information. Finally, a diary of some upcoming events: 17 April - the SARL virtual AGM 18 April - World Amateur Radio Day, the WARD QSO Party and the Z S4 Sprint 23 April - Registration for the May RAE and provincial schools clo se. 27 April - Freedom Day and the SARL 40 m Grid Square Sprint 1 May - Workers Day and the AWA Valve AM QSO Party 2 May - the AWA Valve SSB QSO Party 3 May - Provincial Schools open 8 and 9 May - the SARL VHF/UHF Digital contest 9 May - Mother's Day 12 May - the Early Morning Coffee Sprint To conclude our bulletin, a recap of our main news story: Electronic voting for the Annual Financial Statements will open at 00:01 C AT on Monday 12 April 2021 and will close at 23:59 CAT on Wednesday 21 Apr il 2021. Go to the public voting page to cast your vote. You need to click on the box "I confirm that I have read and fully understand the M otions listed above," and then sign in with your call sign and p assword. The voting options are "Yes" or "No- or "Abstain." This concludes our bulletin for this morning. We invite clubs and individuals to submit news items of interest to radio amateurs and shortwave listeners, in both English and Afrikaans, if p ossible, by following the News Inbox link on the South African Radio Lea gue web page. News items to be included in the bulletin should reach the n ews team no later than the Thursday preceding the bulletin date. You are welcome to join us every Sunday morning for the weekly radio progr amme, Amateur Radio Today at 10:00 CAT. The programme can be heard on VH F and UHF repeaters countrywide and on 7 082 kHz lower side-band by courte sy of Louis, ZS5LP. A rebroadcast by Andy, ZS6ADY, can be heard on M onday evenings at 19:30 CAT on 3 620 kHz. We welcome your signal reports, comments and suggestions; please send th ese by email to ) . You have listened to a news bulletin compiled by Dennis Green, ZS4BS, edited by Dave Reece, ZS1DFR and read by .............. From the news team, best wishes for the week ahead. The audio bulletins can be downloaded from the League website at www.sarl. org.za while the text bulletin can be downloaded from https://sarl.us5.lis t-manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba9589bf8d019e5d3&idefe6611a&e e7bd785b. To join the Mailchimp bulletin mailing list, send a n e-mail to the SARL Secretary at (mailto:secretary@ sarl.org.za) . Die oudio bulletins kan afgelaai word vanaf die Liga webwerf by www.sarl.o rg.za, terwyl die teks bulletins by https://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/tra ck/click?u'b05a8cba9589bf8d019e5d3&idl022dbcf7&ee7bd 785b afgelaai kan word. Om by die Mailchimp bulletin e-poslys aan te sluit, stuur 'n e-pos aan die SARL Sekretaris by (mailto:s ) . SUID-AFRIKAANSE RADIOLIGA NUUS VIR SONDAG 11 APRIL 2021 Goeie môre en welkom by die weeklikse nuus uitsending van die Suid-Af rikaanse Radioliga, gelees deur ________________________ (jou naam, ro epsein en QTH) Die Suid-Afrikaanse Radioliga saai elke Sondag nuus bulletins in Afrikaans sowel as Engels om 08:15 en 08:30 Sentraal Afrika Tyd onderskeidelik uit op HF sowel as op verskeie BHF- en UHF-herhalers. Hierdie uitsendings wor d ook via Echolink herlei deur Johan, ZS6JPL. Die oudio bulletins kan af gelaai word vanaf die Liga webwerf by www.sarl.org.za, terwyl die teks b ulletins by https://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba958 9bf8d019e5d3&id87c58b4f&ee7bd785b afgelaai kan word. Om by die Mailchimp bulletin e-poslys aan te sluit , stuur 'n e-pos aan die S ARL Sekretaris. In die nuus vandag: ELEKTRONIESE STEMMERY VIR DIE SARL JAARLIKSE FINANSIËLE STATE BEGIN M ORE DIE SARL VIRTUELE AJV HIERDIE SATERDAG en VIER WÊRELD AMATEUR RADIO DAG OP 18 APRIL Bly ingeskakel vir meer inligting oor hierdie en ander interessante nuus i tems. ELEKTRONIESE STEMMING VIR DIE SARL FINANSIËLE JAARSTATE VIR DIE JAAR GEËINDIG 30 JUNIE 2020 Ingevolge Reël 8.9 is die SARL se Finansiële Jaarstate vir die j aar geëindig 30 Junie 2020 op Vrydag 12 Maart 2021 op die SARL-webwer f gelaai en is 'n SARL Kommunikasie op dieselfde datum aan lede gestuur. E lektroniese stemmery sal om 00:00 SAT op Maandag 12 April 2021 open en om 23:59 SAT op Woensdag 21 April 2021 sluit. Gaan na die openbare stem blad sy https://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba9589bf8d019e 5d3&idW2fe1bb1f&ee7bd785b om jou stem uit te bring. Jy moet op die kassie klik "I confirm that I have read and fully understand the M otions listed above." En dan inteken met jou roepsein en wagwoord. Die ste m opsies is 'Yes' of 'No' of 'Abstain.' Volg die aanwysings op die stem bl ad en dien jou stem in. Jy sal 'n e-pos ontvang wat bevestig dat jy gestem het. DIE SARL VIRTUELE AJV VOLGENDE SATERDAG Het jy geregistreer vir die 2021 SARL Algemene Jaarvergadering wat volgend e Saterdag, Saterdag 17 April op die BlueJeans-platform gehou word? Die AJV sal om 10:00 SAT begin. Om aan die AJV deel te neem, moet jy regist reer deur die skakel op die voorblad op die SARL-webwerf te volg. Jy sal d an die skakel ontvang om by die konferensie aan te sluit. Die 2021 SARL AJ V-boekie is beskikbaar om af te laai, volg weer die skakel op die voorbl ad. Tot op hede het 58 lede vir die AJV geregistreer. DIE ZS4SRK BALLON KOMPETISIE Die Sasolburg ARK het SARL News in kennis gestel dat die ZS4SRK Ballon kom petisie wat op 17 April beplan is, na Mei geskuif is en meer inligting s al later gegee word. DIE ZS4 NAELLOOP OP 18 APRIL Dit is 'n prettige aktiwiteit om kontak tussen radio amateurs in die Vryst aat en radio amateurs in Suider-Afrikaanse lande te bevorder. Die Naelloop word in twee sessies op 40 meter aangebied, met ESB-aktiwiteit van 14:0 0 tot 15:00 UTC en GG-aktiwiteit van 15:00 tot 16:00 UTC. Die uitruiling i s RS(T) verslag en provinsiale of landsafkorting. Die QSY-reëls vir N aellope is van toepassing. Dien jou logstaat in ADIF-, Cabrillo- of MS E xcel-formaat in om 23:59 SAT op Vrydag 23 April 2021 per e-pos na zs4srk@g mail.com ) . Blaai na bladsy 77 van die 2021 Bloub oek vir die reëls. DIE 2021 YOTA KOMPETISIE AANGEKONDIG Die pasgebore YOTA-kompetisie, georganiseer deur die IARU Region 1 Jeug Werkgroep in samewerking met die Hongaarse Amateur Radio Vereniging MRAS Z, is om die aktiwiteit van jongmense op die lug te verhoog, die reput asie van die YOTA-program te versterk en ondersteuning te demonstreer vir jongmense regoor die wêreld. Vanjaar se YOTA-kompetisie word in drie sessies gehou, die eerste van 08:00 tot 19:59 UTC op Saterdag 22 Mei, die tweede van 10:00 tot 21:59 UTC op Saterdag 17 Julie en die derde van 12:00 tot 23:59 UTC op Saterdag 30 Desember op die vyf klassieke bande me t GG en ESB werking. Almal kan almal werk. Die volledige reëls kan ge vind word op https://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba95 89bf8d019e5d3&id8323f60e&ee7bd785b. [Dankie IARU Streek 1] Jy luister na ʼn nuus uitsending van die Suid-Afrikaanse Radioliga VIER WÊRELD AMATEUR RADIO DAG 2021 OP 18 APRIL Sondag 18 April is die Wêreld Amateur Radio-dag (WARD) en dit is vanj aar die 96-jarige bestaan van die Internasionale Amateur Radio Union (IARU ), wat tydens die Internasionale Radio Telegraaf-konferensie in 1925 in Parys gestig is. Die IARU het 'Amateur Radio: Tuis maar nooit Alleen' gek ies as tema vir die Wêreld Amateur Radio Dag 2021. Die tema erken dat tydens ons fisiese afstand om die verspreiding van COVID-19 te verminder , amateur radio uit staan as 'n welkome blaaskans vir die verskeidenheid aktiwiteite en geleenthede. Die SARL WARD QSO Partytjie word hou van 06:00 tot 18:00 UTC op Sondag 18 April met aktiwiteite op alle amateur bande en -modusse. Jy kry 1 punt pe r QSO, maar 1,5 punte per GG QSO. 'n QSO met een van die SARL Raadsled e en met 'n Klub-roepsein is 3 punte werd. Jy kry 3 punte vir 'n QSO met J an, ZT4T wat op 7 100 en 3 700 kHz werk en hy stuur 'n spesiale QSL-kaar t deur die SARL QSL Buro en SA-QSL. As die operateur gewerk 25 jaar en jon ger is tel die QSO 5 punte. Die verste afstand van 2 meter en 70 cm is 10 bonuspunte werd. 'n QSO met -n DX WARD-stasie is 2 punte werd. Dien jou logstaat in MS Word of Excel in na (mailto: ) teen 23:59 SAT op Dinsdag 20 April om die 2021 WARD sertifikaat te verwerf. As jy 96 punte behaal (die IARU is 96 jaar oud) , ontvang jy 'n spesiale sertifikaat. Jou logstaat moet jou naam en roep sein toon soos jy dit op die sertifikaat wil hê. AMSATSA OPROEP VIR REFERATE AMSAT SA het die datum vir die 2021 Ruimtesimposium aangekondig. In die li g van die voortdurende onsekerheid oor die Covid-19 pandemie, sal die ko nferensie 'n virtuele geleentheid op die BlueJeans-platform wees. Die datu m is Saterdag 10 Julie 2021 om 08:00 UTC. Die tema van die simposium is "O ntsluit Amateur Ruimtetegnologie." Die simposium sal fokus op amateur-sate lliete, swak-sein kommunikasie, ruimte weer en verwante wetenskappe. Dit is die eerste oproep vir referate. Voornemende outeurs word uitgenooi om voorstelle in te dien in die vorm van 'n kort beskrywing van die onder werp wat in hul referaat behandel moet word, nie later nie as 15 Mei 202 1. Dien voorstelle in word formaat in by (mailto:admi ) . Skrywers sal op 20 Mei in kennis gestel van die aanvaa rding van hul referaat. Die finale referaat sal teen 30 Junie 2021 benodig word. HF VOORTPLANTINGSVOORSPELLING Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP, berig dat die verwagte sonaktiwiteitsvlak laag gaan bly. Tans is daar geen sonvlekke sigbaar nie. Daar word nie ernstige sonfakkels voorspel nie. Diegene wat hulle eie frekwensievoorspellings wi l doen, kan 'n verwagte effektiewe sonvlektelling van een vir die week g ebruik. Radio amateurs kan veral laatmiddag goeie DX openinge op die 10 to t 30 m bande verwag. Besoek gerus die webtuiste spaceweather.sansa.org.za vir meer inligting. Nou die Dagboek van Gebeure vir die volgende paar weke: 17 April - die SARL virtuele AJV 18 April - Wêreld Amateur Radio Dag, die SARL WARD QSO Part ytjie en die ZS4 Naelloop 23 April - Registrasie vir Mei RAE sluit en die provinsiale skole sluit 27 April - Vryheidsdag en die SARL 40 m Ruitvierkant Naelloop 1 Mei - Werkers Dag en die ADV Buis AM QSO Geselligheid 2 Mei - die ADV Buis SSB QSO Geselligheid 3 Mei - Provinsiale skole open 8 en 9 Mei - die SARL BHF/UHF digitale kompetisie 9 Mei - Moedersdag 12 Mei - die Vroeë Oggend Koffie Naelloop Om die bulletin mee af te sluit, -n opsomming van ons hoof berig : Elektroniese stemmery sal om 00:00 SAT op Maandag 12 April 2021 open en om 23:59 SAT op Woensdag 21 April 2021 sluit. Gaan na die openbare stem blad sy om jou stem uit te bring. Jy moet op die kassie klik "I confirm that I have read and fully understand the Motions listed above." En dan inteken met jou roepsein en wagwoord. Die stem opsies is 'Yes' of 'No' of 'Abstai n.' Dit bring ons aan die einde van hierdie bulletin. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Radioliga se nuus diens nooi klubs en individue uit om nuus brokkies van belang vir radio amateurs en kortgolf luisteraars in te dien. Plaas nuus berigte indien moontlik, in beide Engels en Afrikaans op die Suid-Afrikaanse Radioliga webtuiste onder die 'news inbox' skakel nie later as die Donderdag wat die bulletin datum vooraf gaan nie. Luister elke Sondag oggend om 10:00 Sentraal Afrika Tyd na "Amateur Radio Today." Daar is herleiding op 7 082 kHz laer syband deur Louis, ZS5LP e n verskeie herleidings op BHF en UHF frekwensies regoor Suid-Afrika. 'n He ruitsending aangebied deur Andy ZS6ADY vind op Maandae aande om 19:30 Sent raal Afrika Tyd op 3 620 kHz plaas. Ons ontvang graag jou sein rapporte, kommentaar en voorstelle, stuur ' n e-pos aan ) . Jy het geluister na 'n nuus uitsending van die Suid-Afrikaanse Radioliga , saam gestel deur Dennis Green, ZS4BS, geredigeer deur Johan de Bru yn, ZS6JHB en gelees deur .................................... Van die nuus span, die beste wense vir die week vorentoe. ** Twitter (https://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba958 9bf8d019e5d3&idc80fdc1c&ee7bd785b) ** Facebook (https://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba95 89bf8d019e5d3&idb0e0d3d7&ee7bd785b) ** Website (https://sarl.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u'b05a8cba958 9bf8d019e5d3&id-6780c0d1&ee7bd785b) Copyright (c) 2021 SARL, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Our mailing address is: SARL PO Box 1721 Strubbensvallei, GP 1735 South Africa |
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