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Old June 20th 04, 09:40 PM
Tedd Mirgliotta
Posts: n/a
Default Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #665

Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 665

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 665
BID: $OPDX.665
June 21, 2004
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, AD1C, K1XN & GoList, NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX,
DL1EK & The DX News Letter, DL5MO, EA8CAC, F5CWU & La Gazette du DX,
YT1HA and Z36W for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 13th/June, through Sunday, 20th/June there were 200
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J,
4L, 4S, 4U1I, 4W, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5Z, 6W, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R,
9A, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C2, C3,
C6, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8,
EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM,
FO, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HI, HK,
HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J3, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4,
KH0, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK,
OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PY, PZ, S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, ST,
SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T7, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TN, TR, TT, TU, UA, UA2,
UA9, UK, UN, UR, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VP2E, VP8, VP8/h, VP9, VR,
VU, XE, XU, XW, XX9, YA, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3,
ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZF, ZK1/s, ZK2, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
First Worry Later" (WFWL).

EDITOR'S COMMENTS: Looks like DXing is on a summer decline. There were
200 DXCC entities reported this past week, and 212 and 215 the weeks
before. Interesting, will it hit below 200 next week?

3Y0, PETER I ISLAND. It seems everything is a go for Peter I. Activity
will take place in January 2005 according to their Web page at:
"The Daily DX" reports that the team has found new transportation to
the island - a newly refurbished icebreaker formally in service of the
Chilean Navy (no name provided). Just a reminder that this operation
is a very expensive undertaking, and the team is looking for additional
financial support and sponsors. More details on the upcoming DXpedition
can be found on the Web page listed above.

4W, TIMOR LESTE. Peter, 4W3CW, was heard this past weekend on on 20/15/10
meters CW. Activity was between 0100-1500z. QSL via 4W3CW (

ARRL FIELD DAY PROPAGATION. Propagation Guru Lee, KH6BZF, reports the
following: "Since we have had some doldrums in propagation, there is
some light at the end of the tunnel! Forecast data indicates that the
27.5-day solar cycle may peak close to ARRL (FD) Field Day! Flux levels
upward toward 100+ level may be expected just prior to the FD. Event on
June 25-27, 2004. However, some short skip on 6mtrs and 10mtrs may occur.
Let 10mtrs dictate what may be expected on 6mtrs. For HF--both 20 and 17
meters seem to be where the dawn to dusk action will be, pending any solar
perturbations which may always occur. Meanwhile, both 80/75 and 40 meters
will be the bands to observe from grayline to night to grayline. The 30
mtr band is expected to be open to somewhere during the 24-HR period.
Happy hunting." Lee, KH6BZF REPORTS.

CE0, EASTER ISLAND. Scott, AC3A, is expected to be active until June 24th
as CE0/AC3A. He does plan to concentrate on 6 meters if the band cooperates.
However, Scott will also be on HF during his evenings. QSL via his home
callsign (

GET WELL QUICK! OPDX and its readers would like to wish well-known
"QRX DX" Editor Carl Smith, N4AA, a speed recovery. Carl informed his
readers that after "failing" a stress test on Monday last week, he was
sent directly to the hospital where he was given a heart catheter. This
test revealed the main artery in the front part of his heart was 99%
blocked. The doctor immediately performed the "baloon/stint" procedure
to open up that artery. He is pleased to say that it apparently was a
complete success, and he was allowed to come home on Wednesday evening.
Once again, OPDX and its readers are glad to hear Carl is doing well and
hope to see him back in print after a good rest and recovery.

IOTA NEWS...................
EU-020. Martin, SM0DTK, will be active as SM0DTK/1 from Gotland Island
between June 24th and August 22nd. Skeds can be arranged via
E-mail at:
More info on:

EU-045. Thomas, DL5MO, will be on a holiday style operation from
Orust Island and will be active as SM6/DL5MO from July 12-23rd.
His activity will be focused on 40/30/20 meters. QSL via his
home callsign. Visit his Web page for pictures, his QSL card
and an online log search (after operation) at:

EU-054. Vanni, IK4RUX, will be active as IF9/IK4RUX from Favignana
Island (Egadi archipelago, IIA TP-011) now through June 26th.
Activity will be on HF SSB. During this operation other
reference numbers could be activated and valid for the IIA
Award, D.C.I. or WAIL- ARLHS. QSL via IK4RUX, direct or through
the ARI Bureau.

NA-213. Members of the Tennessee Valley DX Association (TVDXA) will
activate Dauphin Island using the callsign W4D. This island
is part of the Alabama State group. W4D plans on being active
about 1900z on Friday, September 24th, and will go QRT sometime
on Monday, September 27th. The group will use 100w transceivers
with various antennas and plans to be active on 80-10 meters
SSB. Operators mentioned a Barbarra/WA4RMC, Kathy/W4KRY,
Lynn/KOMAI, Tom/K4VCM, Greg/WA4NFO, Kenny/AB4GG, Tommie/K4KWK
and Paul/WA4AA. QSL via WA4AA (SASE) or bureau. A W4D website
will be available to view contact logs.

KH0, NORTHERN MARIANAS (Update). Jim, KG8RP/KH0, Nao, NA8O/KH0, Yutaka,
KH0/JQ2GYU, Koko, KH0/JM1MAC and Tomi, WH6CZC/KH0, will be active from
Saipan, from July 9-12th. The operation will be on 40-6 meters including
the WARC bands, but no 6m EME. Yutaka states, "We are planing to bring a
4-element Yagi for 6m band, 2-element HB9CV for 20/15/10m bands, a Zepp
for 30m band, and an ATU + Long Wire for 160/80/75/40/17/12m bands with
several barefoot radios, such as FT-897D, TS-480SAT, and so on." QSL info
is as follows: KG8RP/KH0 via 7K4QOK, NA8O/KH0 via JK1FNL, KH0/JQ2GYU via
JQ2GYU, KH0/JM1MAC via JM1MAC, and WH6CZC/KH0 via JF1UMK. QSL all direct
or via the JARL bureau. Please do not send the QSLs to the U.S. QSL bureaus.

KP2, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS. The Pina Colada Contest Club will be active
as KP2AA from St. Croix during the ARRL Field Day, June 26-27th. Activity
will be on 80-2 meters, including Satellite. QSL via K7JA. PLEASE NOTE:
Stations not involved in the Field Day competition are reminded of the
exchange needed by Field Day stations. If you are at home on commercial
power, your report is "1D DX" and if mobile you send "1C DX" to FD stations.
More details may be found on the ARRL Web site at:

LIGHTHOUSE ACTIVITY. A team consisting of Dima/RA0LQ, Oleg/RW0LL and
Mike/UA0MF are preparing to visit Askold Island's Lighthouse (AS-066,
LH-2159, RDA:PK-39) and operate as UE0LLH from July 2-5th. They will
participate in the WLH Contest operating barefoot and a R7 antenna. They
will be looking for ARLS and RRC/RLH numbers. More exact details and QSL
info will be announced at the end of June.

MIA CONTEST. The Mediterraneo DX Club (MDXC), organizer Mediterranean
Islands Contest, would like to invite Contester/DXers to join in on the
contest which takes place from 1200z, September 18th to 1200z, September
19th. The complete set of rules can be found on the MDXC's Web page

be active as OH0I during the CQ/RJ DX RTTY Contest (September 25-26th)
as a Multi/2 entry. QSL via OH3BHL. They plan on using multiple beams
and vertical arrays on the low bands.

P3, CYPRUS. Skobelkin, RA3AMG, will be active as P3B in the CQ/RJ DX
RTTY Contest (September 25-26th). QSL via his home callsign.

QSL INFO AND NEWS...................
Zik, YT1HA, informs all readers of Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin that the
special QSL cards for 4N200A, 4N600A and 4N25K will be sent to the
printer this week. The cards will be full color and nicely designed
by YZ1ZV-Zoki. Also, Zik informs us that the QSL cards for the following
special callsigns go to:
4N200A and 4N600A via 4N1A - Operating untill December 31, 2004.
4N25K via YU1SB - Operated between July 11, 2003 and December 31, 2003
4N1A (in contests) via YU1FJK
YT0T (in contests) via YU1FJK
YZ1V (in contests) via YU1AAV
For those who sent their cards, please be patient. You will receive
your QSL cards!

CP4BT CORRECT ADDRESS. Claus, CP4BT, is stating that many HAMs are
sending their QSL cards to his old address: Casilla 26, Uyuni, Bolivia.
The address has changed to: Claus Braun, CP4BT, Casilla 26, Tupiza,
Bolivia. Claus says, "Please can you change the city to Tupiza in the
most looked for QSL info services." Please pass the word along to all
QSL databases.

QSL DS3HWS/5, DS2GOO/5, DS5BSX/5 and 6K2CLF/5 via their home callsigns
and bureau. Activity was from Gadukdo Island.

QSL ED8GCR via EA8AKN through the Bureau. Activity was during the
DIE Contest. The Gran Canaria DX Group activated for first time the
D.I.E. reference: S-349 (Roque del Burrero) from the Gran Canaria
east coast.

Gerard, ON4AXU, announced this past week that the logs for his FO,
FO/A and FO/M operations are available at:

"LZ04KM QSL cards are expected by the end of this month", states
Ivan, LZ1PJ. He has uploaded on his web site the online log, QSL card
preview, and some pictures from the SSTV activity. The URL address is:
Ivan also states that he has cleared all the backlog for the other
callsigns he manages: LZ75A, LZ02JP, LZ02KM, LZ03KM and LZ100JVA.
All future requests will be answered much faster than in the past.
LZ1PJ's QSL Policy: "I answer all direct, bureau and e-mail requests.
For direct requests, please include SAE + postage / 1 IRC or 1USD
is OK/. All cards are 9x14 cm. Please do not send too oversized
envelopes. If you don't have a suitable return envelope, an address
label is OK. Please avoid sending Bulgarian stamps. Very often the
post clerks do not know which stamps are valid."

Special event station CS2004REP now has its logs and an online request
form for QSLs available online at:
QSL via CT1REP, by the bureau or direct to: REP AWARD/CONTEST MANAGER,
P.O.Box 483, 1112 Lisboa Codex, Portugal.

The logs for the recent TM7BDX operation from EU-159 are now online

QSL via UT7UZZ/p via UT3UZ. Members of the EM0U team (UT3UZ, UT3UV,
UT4UO, UT7UW, UT5UAE, UT4UAA and UT4UBS) were active over the past
weekend from Ivankiv (for the Ukrainian Districts Award [URDA] Award -
KO-16) and Poles'ke (URDA Award - KO-25) districts of Kiev region.
UT3UZ address: Alex Arbuzov, P.O.Box 240, Kiev-232, 02232, UKRAINE.

Venco, Z36W, reports that members of the radio club Z37M (Z30M) will
once again be at this year's Friedrichshafen in Germany. They will
have logs for all club activites (Z37M, Z30M, Z3100IL, Z39A, Z37GBC,
etc..) and also the logs for the personal callsigns Z31GX, Z31MM,
Z33F (Z3100F), Z36W (Z31JA), Z32XX and Z32XA. Cards will be availble
at their stand in Hall 1. Everybody is welcome to visit them.

UPDATE. Jim Reisert, AD1C, updates OPDX readers that the correct
QSL Manager for ZK1VVV is W7VV.

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for the special event station ED8ERC to be aired
between July 3-10th to celebrate the 2nd Canarias HamRadio Meeting
(II Encuentro de Radioaficionados de Canarias). Activity will be on all
HF bands SSB/CW, possibly PSK/RTTY and one APRS station on air. QSL via
the info on The special station will be operated by EA8ZS, the
Gran Canaria DX Group members and others EA8 operators.

SPECIAL EVENT. To celebrate the Formule 1 French Grand Prix in Magny-Cours,
a group will be signing TM0GP from June 20th to July 4th. Activity will
be on 80-10 meters as well as 2 meters on the modes of CW/RTTY/PSK31/SSB.
QSL to F5KCH via the bureau.

ST, SUDAN. OPDX was informed by Dennis, PA7M, that Michael, ST2DX, will
be leaving the country on Saturday the 10th of July. So his last day of
activity prbably will be on the 9th. The 10 element log-periodic antenna
does a real good job from 30m through 6m. There is also a long wire for
40-160m, but daytime operation on those bands is of no use off course.
Problems with his keyer forces him to do more SSB then CW. But he'll try
again when it's possible. It's difficult to work stateside during daytime,
while during nighttime there's no time to operate because the normal work
days are from 6.30 a.m till 6.30 p.m. (but most of the times this is even
longer). However, Michael will keep on trying - also on the longpath.
The online log and also real audio of the recent 6m openings can be found
on the following We page at:
Anyway, Michael has been heard over the past week on 30/17/10 meters.
Watch around 10106, 28465 (+/- 30 kHz) and 18153 kHz between 1300-1900z.
QSL to PA7FN (direct cards from outside EU with 2 USD or 1 IRC).

sure yet) will be here between June 24th and July 5th. The group of
Czech hams will be active from the northest part of Corsica called Cap
Corse (GRID LOC JN42QX, about 600m ASL). Details on the operation and their
QTH position can be found on the Web site at:
Their main activity will be to focus on the July VHF/UHF Contest using
the callsign TK/OK5DX/p. They will also be active (not during the contest)
on HF with a FT100D and vertical antenna. There will NOT be any 6 meters
operations. 50 MHz is prohibited in TK. The group will use the following
during the contest:
144 MHz: PA 750W out, ANT 2x11 element Yagi ZACH ZZ 211
432 MHz: PA 130W out, ANT 20 element Yagi
Skeds can be made until the evening of June 22nd via E-mail at:

via PR, during their holidays in Corsica SMS:
+420 603 703 722 (OK1MCS) or +420 603 269 296 (OK1FKL)

USI NEWS (UNITED STATES ISLAND AWARD). Members of the Roanoke Valley
Amateur Radio Club (RVARC), W4CA, will activate Christmas Tree Island
(USI VA-New). This is a new island for the USI, and it is located on Smith
Mountain Lake in Virginia. Activity will be on 80, 40 and 20 meters
starting 1100z, August 28th and ending 2300z, August 29th. Look for the
station on or about 14270, 7270 and 3860 kHz. QSL via CBA for a nice
color QSL card from the RVARC.

V44, ST. KITTS AND NEVIS (Special Activity/Event). Andrei, EW1AR, will
be active as NC2N/V44, July 5-12th, from the island of Nevis (IOTA NA-104.
Activity will be on all bands - RTTY, CW and SSB including participation
in the HF IARU Contest. QSL via W3HNK. SPECIAL NOTES: Do NOT send QSL via
EW1AR please, this will delay QSL confirmation. Andrei states, "I devote
this DXpedition to the 60th anniversary of the Liberation of my home
country BELARUS from the faschists occupants on 3rd of July, 1944. I will
transmit as NC2N/VICTORY-44 (on SSB). Special Awards will be issued to
those hams who make SIX or more QSOs/SWLs on different Bands/Modes.
(Applications and shipping fees of 2 USD should be sent direct to NC2N).
For those who made Eight or more contacts, no fee required. The Three
Special Prizes will be sent for free for those five hams who make most
of the QSOs on different Bands/Modes......73s Andrei NC2N/EW1AR (ex NP3D)"

VK9C, COCOS-KEELING ISLAND. Bernd, VK2AI, has announced that he will
be active as VK9AA in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest (October 30-31st) as a
Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via DL8YR. He will also be active in the
CQWW DX CW Contest (November 27-28th) (See OPDX.648 for details.).

VP5, TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS. Dave, AH6HY, will be going back to VP5
in the fall on another scuba diving trip. So, look for him to sign
VP5/AH6HY from Salt Cay, Turks Islands (NA-003), September 23rd to
October 2nd. Activity will be on 20-10 meters SSB only. QSL to AH6HY
direct or via the bureau. His Web page can be found at:

VP9, BERMUDA. Kyle, WA4PGM, will be active from Bermuda (NA-005, FM72)
as VP9/WA4PGM from July 9-19th for the upcoming IARU and NAQP RTTY Contest.
Activity is planned for CW, SSB, RTTY, 160-6 meters and maybe 2 meters.
QSL direct to: P.O. Box only, please do NOT use street address.

WANTED: Retired Military for DXPeditions. Bill, W4WX, is looking for
some individuals that are retired from the Military living near the
Jacksonville, FL, area that might want to go on some "Space A DXPeditions".
If you are retired and willing to make some trips, Bill wants to talk you
about it. E-mail him at:
He is only interested in locals within a couple of hundred miles so they
would be able to meet and chat.

ZK1, SOUTH COOK ISLANDS. Victor, ZK1CG, has been active on 160 meters the
last couple of weeks. He states that since his roomate Dr. Elisabeth is
on an around the world trip until the first part of July, he will try
and listen and call every night on the sked times (using the following
schedule below). Here are the times Victor will try to be on 160 meters
and 40 meters:
0415-0425z 1845.00 +/- QRM SSB
0425-0430z 1825.50 +/- QRM CW Send CW slow and Clear
0430-0440z 7160 to 7170 +/- QRM SSB Seems to be a radio station
on 7160 at this time
0915-0925z 1845.00 +/- QRM SSB
0925-0930z 1825.50 +/- QRM CW Send CW slow and Clear
0930-0940z 7160.00 +/- QRM SSB
Please note that Victor may be delayed going to 40 meters if he is working
stations on 160 meters.

** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new
FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the
following number: 1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! )
SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via "
", please send
mail to me via "
"...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
Help: mailto Subscribe: mailto Unsubscribe: mailto OPDX WORLD-WIDE WEB HOME PAGE (provided by John, K8YSE):
Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, please send
via InterNet Mail to: - OR -
Information can now be faxed to the following "NEW" phone line at:
1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)

Additional Bulletin for OPDX InterNet Subscribers.

From: Mike Dalrymple
Subject: International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend 2004
MIME-Version: 1.0


This highly popular annual August event attracts hundreds of amateur radio
stations at lighthouses and lightships (369 in 48 countries for the 2003
weekend .) world-wide. It is organised by Mike, GM4SUC, and Kevin, VK2CE is
the web-master. This year the period of the event is from 0001 UTC on
Saturday 21 August until 2359 UTC on Sunday 22 August 2004.

The event is NOT a contest. It is a special event weekend when amateur
radio stations are established at lighthouses or lightships, they do not
have to be adjacent to salt water, and each group decides how it will
operate the station with regard to modes and bands. Participants are not
committed to being on the air during the entire period - operate as much as
you can. There are no restrictions on aerials or power. We wish operators
to enjoy themselves and have fun while making contact with as many stations
as possible whilst giving priority to other lighthouse/lightship stations.
Please take some time to work the slow operator, the newly licensed and QRP

As available space in many lighthouses is filled to capacity, participation
in this activity does not have to take place inside the tower itself.
Field day type set-up at the light or other buildings next to the light or
adjacent field is OK. Permission MUST be obtained from any interested

The International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend is used to obtain maximum
exposure for our hobby. We invite the press and, QTH permitting, also the
public and try to underline the parallel between the international aspects
in lighthouses, lightships, and amateur radio. Full details of the
event can be found at

As from last year, the World Lighthouse Day is held on the Sunday of the
event and lighthouse keepers/managers/caretakers all around the world open
their lighthouses to the public.

A list of the lighthouses/lightships of the world, currently 10,802 in 209
DXCC countries, plus their Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society (ARLHS) Number
can be found at The
list is constantly being updating and added to as more data become
available. You can help: If you see a correction or an addition needs to be
made, please send an e-mail with the information to

If you decide to join us, please register on-line at with details of your name, callsign to be
used, lighthouse/lightship, Country, qsl route etc. Although registration
is not compulsory, doing so enables us to maintain a detailed list of
participants at showing QSL address, web
site and any special event calls they may be using. E-mail addresses will
be modified with unicode to minimise harvesting by spammers.

So come and join us in the fun of the weekend, already over 100 stations
have confirmed their participation and numbers are expected to exceed 300,
establish a station at a lighthouse, lightship or maritime beacon.


The more the merrier.

73 Mike GM4SUC

Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW -
Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence")
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF-80 BBS)
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