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![]() SB DX @ WW KB8NW $OPDX.756 Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 756 The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 756 BID: $OPDX.756 April 17, 2006 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio) Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network, K1ER, K1XN & GoList, NC1L, NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX, K4VUD, N4AA & QRZ DX, N4NW, K8YSE, 9A2WJ, DL1EK & The DX News Letter, EA4ATI, F5NQL & UFT, F5UJK, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, JI6KVR & JA IOTA News, MM0DFV, VA3RJ & ICPO, VK2IA and YB1BOD/6 for the following DX information. EDITOR'S SPECIAL NOTE: Next week should truly be an interesting week for DXers. With all the "VU4AN" stations expected to hit the airwaves, please remember to listen carefully for the correct callsign. Also, make sure you know who you are working. It may get confusing with two big DXpeditions on at the same time (VU4AN stations or the YX0A station). So, good luck in the pile-ups. Lastly, I am releasing the bulletin a few days earlier so I can enjoy the Easter holiday with my family.... 73 and GUD DX de Tedd KB8NW DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the week of Saturday, 8th/April, through Friday, 14th/April there were 212 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3DA, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4S, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J5, J6, J7, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, S0, S5, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T30, T5, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TR, TT, TU, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2E, VP2V, VP8, VP8/h, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XW, YA, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZK1/s, ZK2, ZL, ZP, ZS * PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL). 8Q, MALDIVES. Francis, F6DPD, will be active as 8Q7FB between April 18-24th, from Kuramathi Island (AS-013). He will only be using 100 watts into a vertical antenna. Activity will be mainly on 40/20/17 meters on SSB and PSK. This will be a holiday style DXpedition. QSL via the bureau to the home callsign. CU8, AZORES ISLANDS. Operators Luis/CT1AGF, Antonio/CT1EPV, Antonio/CU2HJA, Juergen/DJ2VO, Franz/DF6QV, DL3MK, Jacques/F6HMJ, Derek/G3KHZ, Hermann/ HB9CRV/CT3FN, Phil/HB9FMU and Rejean/VA2AM will be active as CU8T from Flores Island (EU-089, AZ-008 for the Portuguese Islands Award) for the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 29-30th) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via CT1GFK, by the bureau is OK. They also plan to activate Ponta do Albarnaz (Ilha Das Flores) (ARLHS AZO-016, WLH CU-008, WLOTA LH-0947) using the callsign CU8/CT3FN. QSL via HB9CRV, by the bureau is OK. DXCC NEWS......................... Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL DXCC Branch Manager, informs that further supporting documentation has been received for TT8PK (Chad). Operations are accredited for DXCC for the periods noted below: From March 15, 2004 to May 27, 2004 From December 27, 2005 ending on October 3, 2006 DAYTON CARD CHECKING. Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL DXCC Branch Manager, informs us that the DXCC staff and approved card checkers will be checking cards at the Dayton Hamvention from May 19-21st. Checking will be done during all operating hours of the convention. Here are some guidelines that will help make processing go quick and easy. * There is a 120 card limit per applicant. Larger applications may be checked as time is available after all other applications are finished. * Cards MUST be sorted first by band, then by mode. Cards with more than one QSO should be placed together at the end of the application. Do not sort cards alphanumerically. * Prepare all paperwork ahead of time. * The record sheet is required when submitting cards at Dayton. Use the latest application form available at: http://www.arrl.org/awards/dxcc Fill in ALL fields on the record sheet. * Write clearly and concisely. * There are no restrictions on what can be checked. (Cards for 160 meters, deleted entities and cards more than ten calendar years old can be checked.) * They will not bring applications with cards back to ARRL HQ. All cards must be checked and claimed in Dayton. * For those submitting a hybrid application (LoTW and paper credits combined), the LoTW application must be in the LoTW system by 7:30 AM EDT Monday morning, May 22nd. * If you do a hybrid application, you must note on the LoTW application that a paper application is being made. You must also note on your paper application that you will be submitting a LoTW application by checking the appropriate box. * They will also check cards for other ARRL awards, WAS, VUCC, WAC. GM, SCOTLAND. Well-known GM-island activator Joachim, DH5JBR, will once again be on his annual Scottish "tour" starting on Sunday, April 30th (afternoon - WX permitting). Here is a good opportunity to work some of those missing islands, perhaps not "rare", but some not activated very often for the "SCOTtish Island Award" (SCOTIA). Joachim will begin on Gt. Cumbrae (CS17). From there he will move on (possibly modifying the exact order) as weather dictates to the following: Bute (EU-123, SCOTIA CS19, IOSA CL02), Arran (EU-123, SCOTIA CS14, IOSA CL01), Islay (EU-008, SCOTIA CS25, IOSA NH22, WLOTA LH-1826), Colonsay (EU-008, SCOTIA DI05, IOSA NH19), Jura (EU-008, SCOTIA CS28, IOSA NH21), Gigha (EU-008, SCOTIA CS23, IOSA NH24), Davaar (EU-005, SCOTIA CS11, IOSA CL09, WLOTA LH-0724) (tide permitting), Seil (EU-005, SCOTIA CS40, IOSA FL03), Lismore (EU-008, SCOTIA CN07, IOSA FL01), Luing (EU-005, SCOTIA CS36, IOSA FL04), Easdale (EU-005, SCOTIA CS39, IOSA FL14) (battery power permitting), Kerrera (EU-008, SCOTIA CN02, IOSA FL02), Mull (EU-008, SCOTIA CN10, IOSA NH15), Ulva (EU-008, SCOTIA CN05, IOSA NH18), Iona (EU-008, SCOTIA CN01, IOSA NH16), Eigg (EU-008, SCOTIA DI19, IOSA NH03), Skye (EU-008, SCOTIA CN14, IOSA NH07), North Uist (EU-010, SCOTIA HI13, IOSA OH02), Baleshare (EU-010, SCOTIA HI11, IOSA OH26), Benbecula (EU-010, SCOTIA HI08, IOSA OH04), South Uist (EU-010, SCOTIA HI06, IOSA OH03, WLOTA LH-2972), Eriskay (EU-010, SCOTIA HI05, IOSA OH09), Barra (EU-010, SCOTIA HI02, IOSA OH11), Berneray (EU-010, SCOTIA HI15, IOSA OH05, WLOTA LH-0756), Harris/Lewis (EU-010, SCOTIA HI21, IOSA OH01, WLOTA LH-2075), Raasay (EU-008, SCOTIA CN24, IOSA NH10), Isle of Ewe (EU-005, SCOTIA CN29, IOSA SC11), Handa (EU-123, no SCOTIA Ref. No., IOSA SC07) and Lindisfarne/Holy Island (not in GM-land but EU-120 for IOTA, WLOTA LH-1415). Joachim intends to operate primarily on 20 meters (14260 kHz +/-). He will also activate any lighthouses "in his path" such as Ardnamurchan, Stoer Head, Tarbat Ness, Flamborough Head and Spurn Head. To obtain more details about SCOTIA Islands, please refer to the following Web site at: http://www.gm3vlb.com You will also find an excellent cross-reference aid (Island name - to SCOTIA - to IOSA) prepared by another well-known island hunter John, OZ4RT. H4, SOLOMON ISLANDS. Bernhard, DL2GAC (P29VNS and VU2BMS) will be active from Honiara, the capital of Solomons, as H44MS until April 27th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters SSB only. He was quite active this past week on 17/15 meters. Operations will be barefoot because he smoked his amplifier this past week. QSL is via the club or direct to his home callsign DL2GAC. IOTA NEWS....................... AF-045. Dani, 6W/EA4ATI, informs OPDX that he will be active as 6W1EA from Goore Island, April 22-23nd. QSL via direct to EA4ATI. AS-076. Look for JN4MBO/5 and JA5BEX/5 to be active from Toyo Island (JIIA AS-076-NEW), JA5 Shikoku Island group, April 16th. QSL via their home callsigns. You can go direct or via the bureau. EU-065. Antoine, F5RAB, will be active from Ouessant Island between April 22-26th. Activity will be on the HF bands CW/SSB, barefoot with 100 watts and wires. EU-074. Antoine, F5RAB, will be active from Brehat Island between April 26-28th. Activity will be on the HF bands CW/SSB, barefoot with 100 watts and wires. EU-123. The Scottish-Russian ARS is organizing its first 2006 DXpedition to Holy Island (IOSA: CL06 and SCOTIA: CS13), and is expected to be active as MS0DGR from April 18-20th. The team consists of MM0DFV, GM0WRR, GM4TOQ and MM0GDL. They have received official permission from the Samye Ling Tibetan Centre to operate from the island. Unfortunately, they are not allowed to use a petrol generator, therefore their DXpedition is going to be a QRP one. They will use an Icom IC-706 transceiver and 7.5A batteries. They plan to walk across the island with a light 9m fibreglass pole and 20/40m dipole antenna to activate some rare sites for different award programs - Mullach Mor (SOTA: SI-143), Pillar Rock Point Lighthouse (ARLHS: SCO-100, WLOTA: LH-1415 and WAB NATS: A4330), Inner South West End Lighthouse (ARLHS: SCO-101 and WAB NATS: A4332). The island belongs to North Ayrshire Unitary Authority (WAB: AYN), accordingly two WAB Areas will be activated - NS02AYN and NS03AYN. QSL cards should be sent to SRARS: P.O. Box 7469, Glasgow, G42 0YD, Scotland, U.K. EU-170. Just a reminder that a team of six operators (from DL and 9A) will be active as 9A0CI from Dugi Otok Island (IOCA CI-018, LH-2375, ARLHS-CRO-183 and MC-074) between April 15-22nd. See OPDX.755 for a list of operators and other details. Activity will be be on CW, SSB, PSK and RTTY on all bands. QSL 9A0CI via DE0MST (100% via bureau), and the others via their home callsigns. EU-171. Operators Ela/DL1TM and Tor/DJ4MG will be active from Vendsyssel Island again during the Easter holidays between April 16th and May 4th. Activity will be on SSB on 160/80/40/20/15 meters and on PSK31 on 20 meters. QSL via their home callsign. Also check their Web site at: http://dj4mg.dyndns.org NA-140. Steve, W3RFA, plans to be active in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 29-30th) from South Marsh Island (USI MD-009 new one!), Somerset County, Maryland. Activity will be SSB only with 20 watts max. Steve will be accessing this island by canoe across 5 miles of open water. He will only have what he can pack in the canoe on a single trip. Low angle propagation should be good since the location is in the middle of a salt marsh. QSL via his home callsign (QRZ.com). NA-198. Operators Dan/VO1MX, Wayne/VO1TA, Ken/VO1KVT and Jason/VO1JNS will be active from Exploits Island (NF-052 for the Canadian Islands Award) from July 27-30th. Activity will include the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 29-30th). They plan to be active on all bands and modes. QSL via VO1MX (QRZ.com). OC-042. Rannie, DU1EOV, plans to be active from Mt. Pulag, Luzon Island (WLOTA LH-0081), Philippines, from April 15-19th. The focus of the activity will be propagation testing homebrew emergency communications. Mt. Pulag covers Benguet, Ifugao and Nueva Viscaya Provinces in northern Luzon and reaches an altitude of 2922m ASL. It is the highest peak in Luzon and second to Mt. Apo as the highest peak in the Philippines. It is known inter- nationally to be the seat of the culture of indigenous peoples of Benguet. QSL via DU1EOV (QRZ.com). OC-161. The Toba DX Group will be active as YE6N on their next operation from Nias Island, April 20-27th. The operators will be YC6JKV (team leader), YC6LAY, YB6LYS, YB6PLG and YB1BOD/6. The group plans to have two stations active on 160-10 meters, WARC bands included, on CW/SSB. QSL Manager will be Kadek, YB9BU, and he requests that no Green Stamps be sent except for new IRCs (from the original country). Visit the group's Web site for more details at: http://www.toba-dx-group.net J5, GUINEA-BISSAU. Operators Hisato/JA1DOT and Hiroyuki/JP1TRJ will be active as J5DOT and J5TRJ, respectively, from April 25th and May 4th. Activity will be on all bands CW/SSB/RTTY. The duo will be using a TS-480HX and IC-706, and wire GP/DP with 5 meter long mast plus 10 meter long fishing rod. Their Pilot Station will be Ono, JK1OPL. QSL both callsigns via JA1DOT: Hisato Kobayashi, 2-7-19 Mejirodai, Hachioji-city, Tokyo 193-0833, Japan. An online log search will be available after the operation. For more details, visit the Web site at: http://www.ndxa.jp/pedi/j5-2006/ JT, MONGOLIA. Operators Nicola/I0SNY, Ernesto/I2FUG, Oscar/IK2AQZ and Giovanni/IK2JYT will be active as JT1Y from Ulaanbaatar and JT0Y from Oigij between April 18th and May 8th. Activity will be mainly on 17/12/6 meters on CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK. QSL via I0SNY. KP2, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS (3 Steves Op Update!). Operators Steve/N2IFA, Steve/KB2ENF and Steve/KF2TI will be heading to St. Croix, and will be active between May 19-22nd (0400-0400Z). The 3 Steves will be signing KP2/homecall. The 3 Steves special event stations will be on the General portions of 160-10 meters. Also, if you work all 3 Steves you can receive a coveted WAS (Worked All Steves) Certificate. Details are available on their new Web page at: http://3stevesandkurt.dynu.com/ QSL via the bureau or direct to: Steve Adell, KF2TI, 606 E Vail Rd, Landing, NJ 07850-1218. ADDED NOTE: This just in.... It's official!!! The Three Steves and a Kurt have their own callsign!!! The 3 Steves Amateur Radio Club callsign is WK3SS (Which stands for either Worked Kurt and 3 Steves or WorKed 3 Steves. LX, LUXEMBOURG. Operators Theo/PA1TO, Paul/PA2CW, Martin/PA2W and Con/PE1OOM will be active from Wiltz as LX/homecall from April 23-29th. Activity will be on all HF bands with special attention to 160m and the WARC bands. QSL via their home callsigns. More QSL info is available on QRZ.com. Visit their Web site at: http://www.xs4all.nl/~pa1to/lx2006.html QSL INFO AND NEWS........................ IT'S OFFICIAL! Charles, K4VUD, reported that effective April 13th, all QSLs for the following callsigns should go to this new permanent address: Charles Harpole (Phosit) 95/1 Moo 1 Thambon, Ban Kok Amper Meung Samut Sakhon 74000 THAILAND This is for callsigns: VU3CHE/VU4AN, VU3CHE, HS0ZCW, K4VUD, AC4TT, 9N7UD, 9N1UD, V26V, XW1UD and A52UD. PLEASE NOTE: "NO" stamps of any kind nor "NO" IRCs should be sent. ONLY U.S. currency is OK. ALWAYS INCLUDE RETURN SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPE FOR DIRECT REPLIES. Tom, N4NW, has recently uploaded the logs for his TN4NW and 9Q5NW operations that took place during the late 80's to the Logbook of the World. However, anyone requiring a genuine QSL for those operations can still send their request with SASE or SAE +IRCs to K4TSJ. Boris, T93Y, has announced that the QSL cards for the recent Liechtenstein DXpedition were received from the printer. All direct QSL requests for HB0/T93M, HB0/T93Y, HB0/T94DX, HB0/T94JJ and HB0/T96Q, were answered by DJ2MX and T93Y. You can see the QSL design in QSL Info section on the Liechtenstein 2006 Web Page at: http://www.t93y.com/hb0 SPECIAL EVENT. Look for GB6SWL to be active to celebrate the 60th Diamond Anniversary of the International Shortwave League (ISWL) between April 14-17th. Operator will be Ron, G6BMY, located in Bagulay, Manchester. QSL via ISWL QSL Bureau. SPECIAL EVENT. Jean-Yves, F8LDX, will be active as TM1IMD on April 22nd, to celebrate International Marconi Day. QSL via F8LDX (by the bureau is preferred). SPECIAL EVENT. During the month of June look for many French stations to be active to commemorate the 62nd anniversary of the D-DAY landing in Normandy, on June 6th, 1944. Michel, F6IPS, is expected to be active as TM6SME between June 3-13th, from his own station in Emondeville, a small village located in the neighborhood of Sainte Mere-Eglise. Look for him on CW, SSB and the digital modes, on the HF bands. QSL via the bureau or direct to: Michel Le Balc'h, 16 Hameau Mace, F-50310 Emondeville, France. VK8C, COCOS-KEELING ISLANDS (Update). Last week we mentioned that Bernd, VK2IA, will be active as VK9AA during the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 25-26th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. Bernd informed OPDX that he will be there between November 20-27th and will watch out for W/VE before the CQWW Contest as QSOs with most of North America are more difficult during the contest (polar path). He also added that he will be there between October 27-30th for the CQWW SSB Contest (October 28-29th) as a Multi- Single entry with VK2CZ and possibly others. However, activity will be focused on the contest due to limited time on the island. QSL both operations via DL8YR. ONE MORE NOTE: Bernd also told OPDX that "Charlie, W0YG, also has plans to go there later in the year. In fact, we will be handing over each other room keys and station." We will try to get hold of Charlie to find out more details. Stay tuned! VU4, ANDAMAN ISLANDS (News!)...................... Bernie, W3UR, Editor of "The Daily DX" will be joining Martti/OH2BH and Jorma/OH2KI in operating from VU4-land as well as making some presentations at the convention. The trio's VU callsigns are as follows: OH2BH - VU3OHB, OH2KI - VU3KIE, and W3UR - VU3OHA. ADDED NOTE: Bernie seemed to indicate that he will be active from VU4 on RTTY. UPDATE. Frank, DL4KQ, has announced that his team is now 10 operators. Operators mentioned (w/VU callsigns) a VU3FRK (DL4KQ), VU3RWO (K3LP), VU3JLW (AA4NN), VU3SIC (F5CWU), VU3SIB (F4EGD), VU3RYN (N6TQS), VU3RYM (DL5OAB), VU3TLY (IK1PMR), VU3PLM (K2LEO) and VU3RSB. They plan to have 5-6 stations on the air. QSL Manager will be F5CWU (bureau or direct). As announced earlier, the VU4AN prefix indicator is the callsign of stations operating from VU4 HAMFEST, organized by National Institute of Amateur Radio (NIAR), Hyderabad, India. Activity will be from Port Blair, Andaman Islands (IOTA: AS-001, CQ Zone: 26, ITU Zone: 49, and WLOTA:LH-0562) between 1830z April 17th and 1830z April 25th. NIAR suggests to contact as many VU4AN operators as possible and win Awards! More details about VU4AN Awards can be found on: http://www.niar.org/hamfest/awards.html As this was being written (April 14th), some 72 operators are listed as active operators (32 foreign/40 Indian). Here is a list of foreign operators (with Indian callsigns) announced so far: VU3CHE (K4VUD), OM Charlie, USA VU3RYE (DL9GFB, OM Franz, Germany VU3FRK (DL4KQ), OM Frank, Germany VU3RYF (DL9MS), OM Joachim, Germany VU3GMM (XU7ACC), YL Snjezana, Germany VU3RYG (SP3CYY), OM Janusz, Poland VU3KIE (OH2KI), OM Jorma, Finland VU3RYH (WA6UVF), YL Ellen, USA VU3NZB (DJ8NK), OM Jan, Germany VU3RYI (JR3MVF), YL Miyo, Japan VU3NZC (SP3DOI) OM Leszek, Poland VU3RYJ (W0GJ), OM Dr.Glenn, USA VU3OHA (W3UR), OM Bernie, USA VU3RYM (DL5OAB), OM Bernd, Germany VU3OHB (OH2BH) OM Martti, Finland VU3RYN (N6TQS), OM Doug, USA VU3JLW (AA4NN), OM Joe, USA VU3RYP (VK8FR), OM Dr.Rehman, VU3PLM (K2LEO), YL Claudia, Italy Australia VU3RIC (DJ5IW), OM Joe, Germany VU3SIB (F4EGD), OM Sylvain, France VU3RVC(DK5WL), OM Dr.Pick, Germany VU3SIC (F5CWU), OM Flo, France VU3RWN (SP3GEM), OM Jerzy, Poland VU3SID (DJ7ZG), OM Lot, Germany VU3RWO (K3LP), OM David, USA VU3SIE (DK1BT), OM Manfred, Germany VU3RWP (JH4RHF/OE1ZKC), OM Junichi, VU3SIF (DL3GA), OM Andy, Germany Japan/Austria VU3SIG (DL7AFS), YL Babs, Germany VU3RYB (DL7DF), OM Sigi, Germany VU3TLY (IK1PMR), OM Andrea, Italy To keep up-to-date on the operators, see or visit the following Web page which seems to be updated daily: http://www.qrz.com/callsign/VU4AN WEB PAGE REBUILTED/RESTORED. John, K1ER, informs OPDX that the VP6DI and KH8SI Web pages had to rebuild from scratch. Multi-viruses attacked and destroyed all the files on Bruce's, WD4NGB, (Web Master) Web pages completely. The Web pages have been reconstructed and are now available at: http://www.iijnet.or.jp/JA1BK/ Visit this page and you will find two windows available (VP6DI and KH8SI), and a short video. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the following number: 1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced mail by sending mail to me via " ", please send mail to me via " "...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OPDX INTERNET HELP/SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE REQUESTS: Help: mailto ![]() ![]() ![]() http://www.papays.com/opdx.html ALSO VISIT THE NORTHERN OHIO DX ASSOCIATION'S WEB HOME PAGE: http://www.papays.com/nodxa.html -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, please send via InterNet Mail to: - OR - Information can now be faxed to the following "NEW" phone line at: 1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!) /EXIT -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -- Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - --or-- Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence") President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA) DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG) |
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