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Old June 4th 06, 09:22 PM posted to,,
Tedd Mirgliotta (KB8NW)
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Default Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #761

Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 761

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 761
BID: $OPDX.761
June 5, 2006
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, K3BZ, NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA
& QRZ DX, K8CX, K8YSE, 4Z4DX, DL1EK & The DX News Letter, F5NQL & UFT,
F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, HB9CRV, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, JA1BK,
& ICPO, VK9NS and YT6A for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 28th/May, through Sunday, 4th/June there were 215 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4S, 4X, 5B, 5H,
5N, 5R, 5T, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7O, 7P, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K,
9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A2, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C2, C3,
C5, C6, C9, CE, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9,
EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, EU, EX, EY, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FR, FY, G,
GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR,
HS, HZ, I, IS, J5, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JX, K, KG4, KH0, KH2,
KH5, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK,
OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, S5, S7, S9, SM, SP,
ST, SU, SV, SV/a, SV5, SV9, T7, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TL, TN, TR,
TT, TU, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE,
VK, VK9N, VP2M, VP8/h, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XW, XX9, YA, YB, YI,
YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZF,
ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
First Worry Later" (WFWL).

7Q, MALAWI. Look for Bill, KC4D, to be active as 7Q7WW this week. He is
expected to be there June 5th and will leave the 23rd. He will be on
missionary trip to Embangweni in the northern part of the country. Bill
is expected to concentrate on the low bands and to operate mostly CW
during his evening and morning hours. QSL via KC4D.

9N, NEPAL (Also XU). Because of the political situation in Nepal, Toshi,
JA8BMK, had to cancelled his 9N DXpedition in late April. However, the
situation has gotten better, and Toshi has decided to try again. Toshi,
JA8BMK, will be staying at Katmandu, Nepal, for a holiday between June
11-18th. He hopes to be active as 9N7WW Activity will be mostly on 40-10
meters SSB. He will bring a 2 element beam for 40m. After his 9N7WW
operation, Toshi will be active from Cambodia as XU7BMK between June
20-21st. QSL via JA8UWT (yl): Kimiko Saitoh, 4-16-2-22 Kamui, Asahikawa,
070-8014 JAPAN.

A7, QATAR. Operators Juma/A71EM, Ali/A71BX and possibly others will be
active as A72OO6 (Alfa Seventy Two Oscar Oscar Six) to commemorate the
15th Asian Games 2006 to be held in Doha, Qatar. The special callsign
will be activated between now and July 31st. Activity will be on all
bands and modes. The special event station was heard this past weekend
on 20/15 meters SSB and 17/10 meters CW. QSL via EA7FTR.

CU8, AZORES (Update/Correction). The Portugese DX Group (GPDX) is proud to
announce another IOTA and Lighthouse Azores DXpedition. Activity will be
from Flores Island (IOTA EU-089) during the IOTA Contest (July 29-30th)
as CU8T and as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via CT1GFK (the Bureau is OK).
Outside of the contest (July 29th-August 8th), the group will be active
as CU8F from Farol do Albarnaz Lighthouse. Also, QSL via CT1GFK (the Bureau
is OK). The team of operators a CT1AGF, CT1EPV, CU2HJA, DJ2VO, DF6QV,
DL3MK, F6HMJ, G3KHZ, HB9CRV/CT3FN, HB9FMU and VA2AM. Activity will be on
160-6 meters, CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. The following are reference numbers:
WLOTA LH-0947, ARLHS (Ilha das Flores) AZO-016, DFP - FAZ 02, DIP AZ-008
(Portuguese Islands Award) and Grid Locator HM49JM. A beacon will be
operated on 50.113 MHz with CU8F as callsign. More information can be
found at:

DAYTON PHOTOS. Once again Tom, K8CX, has announced for DXers/Contesters
to visit his famous Photo Web site and see the "Dayton 2006 Photo Gallery"
This year's gallery has 214 photos.

E5, NORTH/SOUTH COOK ISLANDS. It seems that the new prefix for the Cook
Islands did not happen just yet. According to Bernie, W3UR, Editor of
"The Daily DX": Jim Ditchburn, ZK1JD, confirms that no written notification
was received from Cook authorities. He checked with the governing body and
was "advised that no decision had been made on prefixes and that the
changeover date was likely to be 1 July."

FO, FRENCH POLYNESIA. Alain, FO5RH, will be active again from Tatakoto
in the Tuamotu Island (OC-066) group from June 6th to July 25th.

HH, HAITI (Update). Glauber, PS7EB, is now active as HH/PS7EB until
November 25th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters, SSB, RTTY and CW (QRS),
during the free hours of his work as a member of the Brazilian Army in
the Peace Force of UN - MINUSTAH. He was heard on 20 meters SSB this
past week after 1930z on various frequncies. QSL via the bureau or direct
(w/SASE/SAE + 1 IRC or 1 USD) to: Glauber Fernandes, PO Box 251, 59010-970,
Natal-RN, Brazil. More info and a picture is available at:

INTERESTING WEB PAGE TO VISIT. Willy, ON4AW, informs OPDX that at the
beginning of this year 2006, he has been licenced for 52 years as a Radio
Amateur. He succeeded in passing the exams in 1954. He has collected some
interesting QSLs, photos of 4U1ITU and from ON4UB at the International
Exhibition (1958) in Brussels. Please visit his Web page at:
If clicking on the Morse key (image) at the upper left of the page, you
will go to a different link which will provide a lot of radio-amateur
information (in English), photos of older radio-amateur receivers and
transmitters, and hundreds of quite rare QSL cards.

IOTA NEWS...................
AF-019. Members of the Mediterraneo DX Club (MDXC), Gianni/IZ8CGS and
Maurizio/IZ8GBH will be active as IG9Z from Lampedusa Island
(MIA MI-126 and IIA AG-001), between June 26th and July 2nd.
QSL via IZ8GBH: Maurizio Migliaccio, P.O.BOX 47, 80018 -
MUGNANO DI NAPOLI, ITALY. For more info, visit the Web page

AF-078. Didier, F6ELE, he will be active as 6W2/F6ELE from Carabane
Island between June 9-15th (for 3-4 days). Activity will be
on 40/20/15 meters. QSL via F6ELE: Didier Bas,
11 Rue des Petites Maisons, F-17230 St. Ouen D'Aunis, FRANCE.

AF-099. Said, SU1SK, will once again activate the rare IOTA White Rock
(Norus) Island in the Matruh Region Group, in the Mediterranean
Sea, between June 20th and July 1st. He will be using the special
callsign SU8IOTA. White Rock Island was added as a qualifying
island for the Matruh Region group in the IOTA Directory on
August 30th, 2005. Said will use a Kenwood TS-440s with dipole
antenna (Inverted Vee) and will be active on 20/17/15 meters
SSB; maybe CW for the first time! He also states that camping
on the White Rock Island is not easy and to look for him during
the early mornings (at first light). He must go QRT and leave
before sunset. More information, updated news and photos will
be available at the following Web pages:
Said thanks everybody who contacted or tried to contact SU8IOTA
during the DXpedition in 2005. QSL ONLY DIRECT to: Said Kamel,
P.O. Box 190, New Ramsis Center, Cairo 11794 EGYPT.

AS-147. Satake/JJ8NNR and possibly others will be active as homecall/8
from Rishiri Island (JIIA AS-147-007), JA8 Hokkaido Coastal
Island Group, July 15-16th. QSL to their home callsigns, direct
or by the bureau.

EU-059. Gordon, G3USR, will be active as GM3USR/p from St. Kilda
(IOSA OL02 and SCOTIA DI23), June 24th to July 6th. His
activity will be limited since he is there visiting St. Kilda
as part of a National Trust for Scotland working party. He will
operate only SSB on 40/20 meters. There is a possibility of
some 6 meters. QSL via G3USR (

EU-124. Twelve members of the Grantham ARC will be active as GW0GRC
(or possibly GB0SK) from Skokholm Island, August 26-29th.
Bands/modes of operations were not provided. QSLs will be
sent out automatically, or you may QSL direct to G0RCI.

EU-175. Operators Manuel/CT1BWW, Juan/EA2RC and Joan/EA3GHZ will
activate three islands from this island group during the month
of July. Look for CU7X to be active from Faial Island, July
10-16th. Look for CU6X to be active from Pico Island (LH 1321),
July 17-21st. Look for CU5X to be active from S. Jorge Island,
July 21-25th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters CW, SSB and
RTTY. They plan to have two stations on. QSL via EA3GHZ, direct
or by the bureau.

NA-029. Pete, VE3IKV, will be active using the special callsign VF2X
from Prince Edward Island (PE-001 for the Canadian Islands
Award), July 1-4th. Activity will be on 40 meters CW and 6
meters CW/SSB. QSL via VE3IKV.

NA-038. Pete, VE3IKV, will be active using the special callsign VC2X
from the Iles de la Madeleine, July 4-8th. Activity will be on
40 meters CW and 6 meters CW/SSB. QSL via VE3IKV.

NA-144. Operators Terry/W6WTG, Larry/KF6JOQ and Mark/KG6ZBL will be
active as W6C from Santa Cruz Island, June 9-11th. Activity
will be on 14.260, 50130 and 144.210 MHz. They will be using
an Icom 706 and a Yeasu 847, and will be running off of deep
cycle marine batteries. QSL via N2OWL: Sharon Godley,
2701 Fordham, Bakersfield, CA, 93305 USA. For more information,

IS0, SARDINIA. Look for Gaetano, IZ8GCB, to be active as IS0/IZ8GCB
between now and June 21st. Activity will be on 80/40/20/15 meters CW/SSB.
QSL via his home callsign.

JW, SVALBARD. Juergen, DJ3KR, will be active as JW/DJ3KR between now
June 18th. Activity will be CW only on the HF bands and 6 meters. He was
spotted this past weekend on 30/20/17 meters. Activity was between 1400-
1830z. QSL via his home callsign.

ONE STEP CLOSER (To Become a New One!). It was reported today in the
newspaper that "Montenegro's parliament declared independence for the
tiny Balkan republic Saturday, forming a new European state and dissolving
what was left of the former Yugoslavia." It also mentioned that "The
declaration says Montenegro's strategic national goal is integration
into the European Union and NATO, and the new country will immediately
apply for admission into the United Nations and other international
organizations." This is good news for DXers. Once Montenegro becomes a
UN member or is assigned a prefix block from the ITU, it will be added
to the "ARRL DXCC List". The official start date for DXCC purposes should
be the date that Montenegro joins the UN or ITU. ADDED NOTE: Ranko, YT6A,
announced late Saturday, June 3rd (edited), "As soon as we become new
DXCC country, a large international team will activate a DXpedition as
inaugural operation from Montenegro. More to come later..."

QSL INFO AND NEWS.........................
QSL BV2B/BV50CRA via BV2KI: Bruce Yih, P.O. Box 84-609, Taipei, Taiwan.
The special event stations were active to celebrate the 50th anniversary
of the CRA from IOTA AS-020.

If you been wondering about were are your QSLs cards from Fran, EA7FTR,
(who manages many stations) are, it was reported by Jerry, K3BZ, that QSL
Manager Fran, EA7FTR, has been in the hospital recently, but is OK and
may be home next week. It was also reported that his son David, EB7AEY/
EC7AGG, will be helping with the QSL duties until his father can resume
normal activities.

Nilay, TA3YJ, informs OPDX that following QSL cards were sent out
TA3YJ, TA3YJ/0, TA3YJ/3, TA3YJ/3 LH, TA3YJ/4, TA3YJ/4 LH, SV1/TA3YJ,
LZ2/TA3YJ, TA3J, TA3J/0, TA3J/1, TA3J/3, TA3J/3 LH, TA3J/4, TA3J/4 LH,
YM3ATA, YM3SV, YM75TA, YM21TA, YM3LZ/WPX2000, YM3LZ/WAE2000 and TC2K4J,
to the QSL Bureaus of Armenia , Austria (R), Belarus, Bosnia&Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia (R), Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France (R), Germany (R), Italy, (R - 2 Packet), Greece (R),
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan,
Lithuania, Moldova, Morocco, Norway, Oman, Poland (R), Portugal, Romania,
Russia (R), Serbia&Montenegro (R), Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (R), Tunisia,
Turkey, Ukraine and United Kingdom, direct on June 3rd.
(R: Registered Mail)

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for special event station, TM7HAM, to be active until
June 17th from Longlaville, France. Activity is to celebrate/promote the
HamEuro Meeting to be held Sunday, June 11th. QSL via F6KWP. The HAMEURO
Web page is:

8J5TOSA - Special event station will be active between now and August
31st, to celebrate the Tosa (240,000-koku) Expo. Tosa is an
old name of Kochi Prefecture. A koku is a unit for measuring
rice that is about 180 liters, 150 kilograms or 5 bushels,
which is enough to feed one person for one year. Activity
will be on all bands and modes. QSL via the JARL Bureau.

8J8JTG - Special event station will be active between now and June 18th,
to celebrate 2006 Joho Tsushin Gekkan (or Information Tele-
communication Month). QSL via the JARL Bureau, or operator's

8N4OKI - Special event station will be active between now and July 31st
to commemorate the opening of the new Oki Airport. Look for
activity on all bands, SSB, CW, FM and PSK31. QSL via the JARL

SV5, DODECANESE. Dov, 4Z4DX, will be active as SV5/M0DOV and J45DOV from
Rhodes Islands, July 15-20th. QSL via 4Z4DX.

SV5, DODECANESE. Ermanno, IK2WZD, is active as SV0XAN/5 from Lipsi Island
(EU-001) until July 31st. Activity will be on all modes and bands. He
was spotted on 40 meters (7053 kHz at 1555z) this past weekend. QSL
via his home callsign.

T61, AGHANISTAN. Ross, EX1UN (4W6UN), who has been in Kyrgyzstan for the
previous 2 years, is now in Kabul. He told Kan, JA1BK, that he was issued
the first official licence of the Afghan Amateur Service, T61AA, and they
will no longer be using the YA prefix. Ross is in Kabul for the Union
Nations as a Project Coordinator (Customs Modernization and Trade
Facilitation Project). He currenly has just set up a long wire to start
operations and will hopefully be improving on antennas and a bit more
power. Ross could not bring all of his equipment on deployment. However,
he will bring back a FT-100 and/or IC-706 MkIIG when he goes home for a
short trip in July.

VI9, NORFOLK ISLAND (A Note From VK9NS). Jim, VK9NS, reports: "As you
know Kirsti and myself both applied and were issued two licences for the
callsigns VI9NL and VI9NS to be used for the upcoming celebrations on
Norfolk Island. HIDXA received a letter yesterday from National Licensing
and Allocations Branch - basically saying in part 'it has been brought to
our attention' that the ACMA does not usually allow more than one Special
Event Licence to one organization for the same event. Which I suppose is
a fair comment. We have relinquished the use of VI9NL basically as Kirsti
will not be here for the complete month. HIDXA retains the use of VI9NS
for the month of June 2005." PLEASE NOTE. June 2006 marks the 150th
anniversary of the landing of the people of Pitcairn Island, the decendants
of the Bounty Mutineers, on Norfolk Island (IOTA OC-005). Also, the VI9NI
team continues to be active until June 21st. There has been plently of
activity on the lower bands and the other bands.

VP9, BERMUDA. Jon, N0JK, will be active as VP9/N0JK from June 8-12th. He
plans a serious entry in the 2006 ARRL June VHF QSO Party (June 10-12th).
Look for him on 50, 144 and 432 MHz. Outside of the contest he will focus
on working Europe. QSL via his home callsign (

ZK1, SOUTH COOK ISLANDS. Look for Hector, EA3EKS, to be active this week
as ZK1EKS from June 8-13th. Activity will be on 20/15/10 meters. Suggested
frquencies a 14275, 21275 and 28275 kHz. QSL via EA3EKS: Hector Guasch,
P.O. BOX 855, 43080 Tarragona, SPAIN.

** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new
FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the
following number: 1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! )
SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via " ", please send
mail to me via "
"...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
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Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, please send
via InterNet Mail to: - OR -
Information can now be faxed to the following "NEW" phone line at:
1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)

Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW -
Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence")
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)
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