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![]() 1 GB2RS NEWS Sunday 15 April The news headlines * Train the Trainers in the East Midlands * Guidance issued for CW on 5MHz * Maritime officers honoured The RSGB's Train the Trainers scheme continues to help tutors enhance the standard of their Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced licence courses. Alan Betts, G0HIQ and Brian Reay, G8OSN will be presenting the course, which is free of charge to Instructors. The all day event takes place on Saturday 2 June from 10am at Finningley ARS, located at Sandtoft, near Doncaster. For more information contact RSGB Region 13 Manager Jim Stevenson, G0EJQ, by email to or Region 4 Manager Geoff Dalby, G7GJU, by email to . Demand is expected to be high, so it is important to register as soon as possible. A question has arisen with respect to CW on the 5MHz channels and it has been suggested by the 5MHz Working Group that the edges of Channel FC could be used. The Group suggests that 5.289 or 5.291MHz are used, as CW transmissions on these frequencies should not affect the beacon monitoring and they would be easily monitored by any casual listeners in SSB mode. On either of these frequencies the transmissions would be 500Hz from the FC channel-edge. CW should not go closer to 5.290MHz, as this could upset the beacon monitoring. The important role played by merchant marine radio officers will be commemorated by a special radio event in April this year. During Radio Maritime Communication Day, merchant navy radio officers will be active on the HF bands between 1200UTC on 14 April and 1200UTC on 15 April. Awards and certificates will be available to amateur who make contact with the merchant navy stations. You can find out more on the web at www.radiomaritimeday.org. Silcoates School in Wakefield, in association with the RSGB, will host a seminar on amateur radio direction finding on 21 April. The aim of the event is to raise the profile of amateur radio direction finding in the north of England. The seminar will be lead by Bob Titterington, G3ORY, and a team from the RSGB ARDF committee. Amateur radio direction finding is a sport where the object is to seek out up to five hidden transmitters, orienteering style. Nigel Wears, M0NJW, who set up the amateur radio club at Silcoates school, said: "ARDF activity has really taken off in Europe, and here is a good chance for people in the north to learn from the best. The day will include class based sessions and videos, as well as a couple of taster sessions in the school grounds. There will also be an opportunity to purchase DF equipment." The seminar is free but it is vital that people pre-book as there are only a limited number of places available. Application forms are available by emailing . The organisers suggest that no more than three delegates should come from any one club, in the hope that the information given at the seminar can filter to as many people as possible. 2 International Marconi Day will take place on Saturday 28 April this year. Although the event is not a contest, participants can qualify for award certificates by contacting special stations. These stations must operate on or close to a site where Guglielmo Marconi carried out experiments or where Marconi equipment was used prior to his death in 1937. If you would like to operate one of these special award stations, it is essential that you register the station by emailing prior to the event with full details of the station. Further information can be found on the web at www.gb4imd.org.uk. The seventh International Museums Weekend special event will take place on 16 and 17 June 2007. Radio amateurs are encouraged to participate in this event by setting up stations in their local museums. Harry, M1BYT, who is organising the event, asks that all those intending to join in should please register their museum via the International Museums Weekend website. He also requests that they send their details to him by e-mail to . The International Amateur Radio Union has announced that the third Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Conference - or GAREC, as it is more commonly called - will take place on 16 and 17 August 2007 at the Huntsville Hamfest in the US. This will be the first time that the event has been held in the US. Now the rallies and events for the coming week. On Sunday 15 April the West London Radio & Electronics Show takes place at Kempton Park racecourse, Sunbury-on-Thames from 10.00. Apart from the usual trade stands, special interest groups, lectures and so forth, the rally will be hosting the new RSGB Top Ham quiz competition. More details on the web at www.radiofairs.co.uk. On Sunday 15 April the Yeovil QRP Convention takes place at Digby Hall, Hound Street, Sherborne, Dorset. Details from George Davis on 01935 425669 or on the web at www.yeovil-arc.com. On Sunday 22 April the Lough Erne Amateur Radio Show takes place from 12.00 at the Share Centre, Lisnaskea. Details from Alan, GI6PYP, on 0286 635 1108. On Sunday 22 April the Nantwich Bunker Trust surplus sale of military and commercial radio equipment takes place from 10am at The Secret Nuclear Bunker, French Lane, Nantwich, Cheshire. Details are on the web at www.hackgreen.co.uk. On Sunday 22 April the Andover Radio Amateur Club Spring Boot Sale takes place from 10am at Wildhern Village Hall. Details from Brian, G0KIC, on 01264 357628. More details of these and future events can be found on pages 96 and 97 of the April edition of RadCom. Now for news of special events. The Scarborough Special Events Group will kick off their 2007 season of special events stations with GB2EXP over the weekend of 28-29 April. Special event station ON50EU is active until 31 December to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. 3 Look for special event station OX60AD to be on air throughout April to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the US Air Force and the 56th anniversary of the Defence Treaty between the US and Denmark for the Protection of Greenland. Activity will be on 40, 20, 17, 15 and 10m using CW, SSB and RTTY. The Flight Refuelling ARS is operating special event station GB2FRA from 7 April to 4 May to commemorate its 25th anniversary. Activity will be on HF, VHF and UHF using CW, SSB and FM. Special event station OX60AD (OX Sixty AD) will be active on 1-30 April to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the US Air Force base at Thule. Expect activity on 6, 10, 15, 17, 20, 40 and 80m using CW, SSB and digital modes. Special station EV5IPY is on the air to celebrate the participation of Belarus in the 4th International Polar Year. Operations are conducted under the aegis of the newly born Department of Polar Researches at the Belorussian Geographic Society. Special callsign, HF40PAZ, will be aired until 30 April and again on 1-30 September, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of club station SP6PAZ. Special event station GB75PW will be active from various sites and locations until 31 December to mark the anniversary of Practical Wireless magazine. Francois, F8DVD, has been issued the special callsign TM4IPY to celebrate the beginning of the 4th International Polar Year, and will be active between 1 and 14 April. Activity will be on all bands, SSB and CW. A special QSL card will be available. And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News, the Ohio-Penn DX Bulletin and other sources. DL9MWG will be active from Malta as 9H3RT from 18 April to 11 May. Activity will be on HF, mainly CW. PA5CW, will be active portable YB9 from Bali from 25 April to 10 May. Mart, DL6UAA, will be active as 3B8MM from Mauritius starting on 5 April for a few weeks. He will operate mostly CW, but will also give SSTV a try. Bernard, DL2GAC, expects to be active from the Solomon Islands until 25 April. Tony, 3D2AG, is active mostly on 40 and 20m CW as FK/FO5RK from Noumea, New Caledonia until the end of April. Kang, DS4DRE, is currently active as DS4DRE/4 from Hong Island until 30 June. Activity will be on 80-10m, CW and SSB Now the contest news. The RSGB 80m Club Championship data section takes place between 2000-2130UTC on 19 April on the 3.5MHz band. The exchange takes the form of RST and serial number. Look out for the EU Sprint Contest between 1600 and 1959UTC on 21 April on the 3.5 to 14MHz bands, SSB mode only. The exchange comprises both callsigns, serial number and name. 4 RSGB 1.3 and 2.3GHz Activity takes place on all modes between 1900-22130UTC on 17 April. The exchange is made up of RST, serial number and locator. The RSGB 1st 50MHz Contest is on the air between 0900-1200UTC on 22 April on all modes. RST, serial number, locator and postcode make up the exchange. You can find out more about contesting, including a calendar of events and rules, on the HF Contest Committee and VHF Contest Committee websites. Links to these can be found on the RSGB website. Suitable freeware logging programs for RSGB HF and VHF contests are available from a variety of sources - see the links section of the contest committee website. Now the solar factual data for 2 to 8 April, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS. Two small sunspot groups disappeared on the 3rd. The solar disc then remained spotless for the remainder of the period. Solar activity was very low with no solar flares taking place at all. Solar flux levels were static everyday at 71 units. The 90 day solar flux average on the 8th was 76 units, that's one unit down on last week. X-ray flux levels remained well below the minimum A1 level throughout. Geomagnetic activity started at `active' levels with an Ap index of 24 units on the 2nd. This was the due to a coronal hole. The geomagnetic field then became quiet for the remainder of the period. However, late on the 8th the arrival of yet another coronal hole disturbance took place. The Ap index on the 7th and the 8th was only 3 units. The average was Ap 8 units. The ACE spacecraft saw solar wind speeds decline from 670 kilometres per second on the 2nd to 290 by the 7th. With the arrival of the coronal hole disturbance speeds then increased to 400 kilometres per second late on the 8th. Particle densities were low throughout except for an increase to 48 particles per cubic centimetre during the evening of the 8th. Bz varied between minus 2 and plus 2 nanoTeslas on the quiet days and between minus 5 and plus 13 nanoTeslas late on the 8th. HF propagation improved by midweek, with all continents workable on 14MHz. The higher bands showed signs of life and there were even some brief afternoon openings to Africa on 28MHz. There were scattered reports of VHF aurora on the 2nd but, as is so often the case, they were confined to high latitudes. And now the solar forecast. This week seems set to continue with solar activity at very low levels. The solar disc could be spotless on some days. How long will this present minimum phase last? Who knows, but when it does come to an end it will be rather sudden with only a few days notice at best. Solar flux levels are expected to be around the 70 mark for most of the week. For the first half of the week geomagnetic activity is expected to be quiet, however, from around Thursday activity should increase due to a recurring coronal hole. MUFs during daylight hours at equal latitudes should be around 18MHz for the south and 15MHz for the north. The darkness hour lows are expected to be about 9MHz. Paths this week to Australia should have a maximum usable frequency with a 50 per cent success rate of about 19MHz. The optimum working frequency with a 90 per cent success rate will be around 15MHz. The best time to try this path will be between 0900 and 1300 hours UTC. And that's all from the GB2RS propagation team. 5 Next, the Local News: Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses and website links where known. [Note to newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to the service area of your transmission.] NEWS FOR THE SOUTH-EAST and EAST ANGLIA On Wednesday 18 April Chesham and District Amateur Radio Society is having a talk by Jeremy, G3XZG on 'my amateur radio station'. Contact Terry, G0VFW, on 01442 506 344, or by email to . On Wednesday 18 April Dover Radio Club is having its AGM. Contact Brian, G4SAU, by email to . On Wednesday 18 April Fareham and District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on DFing by Graham, G0UUS and Steve, G7HEP. Contact Jim, M1JJN for more information. On Wednesday 18 April Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is having its AGM. Contact Mark Taylor, G0LGJ, on 01362 691099, or by email to . On Wednesday 18 April Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on flat panel loudspeakers. Contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903 753 893. On Thursday 19 April Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is running an Intermediate Licence training course from 7pm at Danbury Village Hall. Contact Clive, G1EUC, on 01245 224 577, or on the web at www.g0mwt.org.uk/training. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on 01245 469 008. On Thursday 19 April Cray Valley Radio Society is having its AGM. Contact Bob, BRS32525, on 020 8265 7735 after 8pm. On Thursday 19 April Horndean and District Amateur Radio Club is having a skittles evening at Wickham. Contact Stuart, G0FYX, on 023 9247 2846, or on the web at www.hdarc.co.uk. On Thursday 19 April Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society is having its spring junk sale. Contact David, G8UOD, on 01234 742 757. On Thursday 19 April Sutton and Cheam Radio Society is having a talk on the work of the RSGB EMC Committee by Colin Richards, G3YCR. Contact John, G0BWV, on 020 8644 9945, or by email to . On Friday 20 April Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society is having a radio night and table top sale. Contact Sue, G6YPY, on 01273 845 103, or by email to . On Friday 20 April Radio Amateur Old Timers' Association is having a Get-Together in London Colney from 11am to 4pm. Details from Mavis, G0XBY or Adrian, M0ABY on 01582 833451. On Friday 20 April Torbay Amateur Radio Society is having an operating night. Contact Dave, G6FSP, by email to . 6 On Friday 20 April Wey Valley Amateur Radio Group is having a review of GB95MGY activities. Details on the web at www.weyvalleyarg.org.uk. On Saturday 21 April Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is attending Sandford Mill Open Day. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on 01245 469 008. On Saturday 21 April Dorking and District Radio Society is having its 60th Anniversary Reunion. Contact Mr Blanchard, G3JKV, or look on the web at www.ddrs.org.uk. On Sunday 22 April Basingstoke Amateur Radio Club is having a foxhunt to find Alan, G8FMH. Contact Frank, M0AEU, by email to . On Sunday 22 April Radio Society of Harrow is having an operating day for GB2DHH at the DeHavilland Heritage Museum, London Colney from10am - 2.30pm. NEWS FOR THE SOUTH-WEST On Wednesday 18 April Exmouth Amateur Radio Club is looking at its capacitance and inductance meter project. Contact . On Wednesday 18 April South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having a horticultural evening with Mrs Susan Grace. Contact Len, G4RZY, on 01275 834 282. On Wednesday 18 April Taunton and District Amateur Radio Club is watching a Dxpedition video. Contact William, G3WNI, on 01823 666 234, or by email to . On Wednesday 18 April Thornbury and South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio Club is having a video night. Contact Tony, G0WMB, by email to . On Thursday 19 April Swindon and District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on club projects from the past by Deryck, G3YKC. Contact Mike, M5CBS, on 01793 826 465. On Thursday 19 April Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is having its AGM. Contact Derek, 01935 414 452, or by email to . On Friday 20 April Bournemouth Radio Society is having an illustrated talk on 'a vertical aerial for the 17 metre band by David Wright, G4BKE. Contact John, G0HAT, on 07719 700 771. On Saturday 21 April Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society is running its Foundation training course. Contact Chuck on 01202 881421 for more information. NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS On Wednesday 18 April Hinckley Amateur Radio and Electronics Society is having an open evening. Contact Sam, M1FJB, on 01158 718 449. On Wednesday 18 April Telford and District Amateur Radio Society is discussing operating abroad. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on 01952 299 677, or by email to . On Thursday 19 April Salop Amateur Radio Society is having its first fox hunt. Contact Glenda, G1YJB, on 01939 235 412. 7 On Friday 20 April Coventry Amateur Radio Society is running a 2m direction finding event from 8.00, starting at St Bartholomew's church hall, Brinklow Road, Coventry. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 02476 273 190, or by email to . On Friday 20 April Hucknall Rolls-Royce Amateur Radio Club I having a talk by Jeff Lashley on amateur radio astronomy. Contact Carl, M0XBE, on 07979 092 447, or on the web at www.hrrarc.com. On Friday 20 April Melton Mowbray Amateur Radio Society is having an emergency planning meeting with Melton Borough Council. Contact Phil, G4LWB, on . On Sunday 22 April Worcester Radio Amateurs Association is having a talk on portable operation and kite aerials. Request details by email to . NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND On Wednesday 18 April Great Lumley Amateur Radio and Electronics Society is having a talk by David Barclay on leaky feeders. Contact Nancy, on 0191 477 0036, 07990 760 920, or by email to . On Wednesday 18 April Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society is preparing the equipment and club stand for Radio Active. Contact Richard, G0JIT, by email to . On Wednesday 18 April Wirral and District Amateur Radio Club is meeting at The Ring O'Bells, West Kirby. Contact Tom, G4BKF, on 07050 291 850. On Friday 20 April South Manchester Radio and Computer Club is having a talk on Heathrow's Terminal 5 construction. Contact Ron, on 0161 969 3999. On Friday 20 April Tynemouth Radio Club is preparing for International Marconi Day. Contact Tony, G8YFA, by email to . On Saturday 21 April Silcoates School Amateur Radio Club is running its Direction Finding Seminar. Contact Nigel, M0NJW, by email to . On Sunday 22 April Great Lumley Amateur Radio and Electronics Society is running its Foundation course. Contact Nancy on 0191 477 0036, 07990 760 920, or by email to . NEWS FOR SCOTLAND On Wednesday 18 April Paisley (YMCA) Amateur Radio Club is having part 3 of its home brew QRP transmitter project. Contact Jim, GM3UWX. On Thursday 19 April Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is having a construction and on the air evening. Contact Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663, or on the web at www.aars.freeserve.co.uk. On Saturday 21 April Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is having a 10 pin bowling night from 8pm at Megabowl, Kinnaird Park. Contact Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723. On Sunday 22 April Central Scotland FM Group is having its AGM in Bathgate Guide Hall, Mid Street, Bathgate, West Lothian. Details on the web at www.csfmg.com. 8 NEWS FOR WALES On Friday 20 April Blackwood and District Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on Marconi and early radio by Glyn, GW0ANA. Contact Robert, MW0CVT. NEWS FOR NORTHERN IRELAND No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week. And that's the end of this week's GB2RS news broadcast, prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain. |
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